The Claremont Institute's James Poulos talks about how Animal Crossing is destroying your soul and how your smartphone is crossing into the demonic. James Poulos is the Executive Editor of the American Mind, the Claremont Institute’s online publication. He is a frequent commentator on technology, the American character, and social scores for Kyle and Ethan.
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Kyle and Ethan start out the interview by playing a few icebreakers with James to get to know him better. Since James speaks about our dystopian future, Kyle and Ethan find out which dystopian movie world he would want to live in. James talks about the spiritual warfare taking place within technology. He gives his thoughts on the new social scores the government will want to use for the population in the near future. Kyle and Ethan find out how difficult it is to keep a high score in our dystopian future. Kyle and Ethan have James explain the Great Reset using Mario characters.
In the Subscriber Portion, Kyle and Ethan find out James’ thoughts on the best videogames of all time. Ethan finds out about what it’s like to be on the Bill Maher show. James gives his thoughts on Edward Snowden and how it affected America. Kyle and Ethan ask the ever great 10 questions and get a great Keanu Reeves story out of James.
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