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Anarchist Hecktopia: The Michael Malice Interview

2020-01-31 | 🔗

Editor-in-chief Kyle Mann and creative director Ethan Nicolle welcome back popular podcaster and resident expert on anarchism, the “new” right, and North Korea: Michael Malice. He is the author of Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jon Il and The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics. He is also the podcast host of  "YOUR WELCOME" and Night Shade. Kyle and Ethan continue their efforts to convert him into Michael Mercy and discuss strange sea creatures, visiting North Korea, and why anarchists hate Presidents so much.

Pre-order the new Babylon Bee Best-Of Coffee Table Book coming in 2020!

Topics Discussed

Anarchy Hecktopia Owned

  • Your house is burning down, do you put the fire out with liberal tears?

  • What would the children pledge allegiance to?

  • Who would indoctrinate the children?

  • Who would deliver Amazon prime?

  • What war criminals would we print on money?

  • What would we do with the Hall of President?

  • What would we call Lincoln Logs?

  • What would they rename Washington State?

  • Who would take my money and tell me what goods and services I need?

  • Who would kill Jeffrey Epstein?

  • Who would shoot the dogs?

  • Who would you rather have run national parks? Costco or Sam’s Club?

  • Who would be the best anarchist president?

North Korea

  • You’ve been to North Korea. Tell us about that. What was it like getting off the plane? Isn’t there a travel ban to going there?

  • Western journalists endangering North Korean citizens’ lives

  • Thought crimes when you’re always being watched

  • Kim Jong Un worship. Was it real? 

  • What dystopian novel gets closest to the reality? 

  • Black markets

  • North Korea’s cult of the gun and military

  • How is Trump’s handling of Iran and North Korea?

Anarchy and Political Theory

  • Michael Malice tries to think of top 5 Presidents and ends up rating his 5 worst Presidents, and mentions something weird about Grover Cleveland

  • Michael Malice delves into the heart anarchy


  • The power of social media and the strange alliances against progressivism, strange sea creatures, and how sometimes it is a sin not to eat the ham.

The entire interview is available for Babylon Bee subscribers only…

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Real people, real interviews. I just have to say that I have just strenuously tedious glaring, hard hitting questions. What do you think about feminism like taking you to the cutting edge of terms? Will last year is one of the worst movies ever made, and it was very clear that Ryan Johnson doesn't like Storm Kyle Poles, no punches ask how how you're evil to sleep tonight he's brings own shattering common sense from the top robe defining double dear you. This is the Babylon Bee interview. Show s own shattering common sense rate from the top rope in my crosshairs is missed. Michael Malice and works.
Because he's here in person had among long ago over Skype is our first have you ever? He was courageous enough to join us, even though our podcast was nothing such a fan of you guys like an enormous fan may the Babylon Bee name was was being but the podcast when even now that you ve been so even into my show. Now, as I mean that's true sobered, I don't know his show in New York in his now in our show. On the other side. Those hectic for me, of course, and here is your watch had not driven in your ever before. It was a huge mistake inside the show of the stories on your show soluble for your show. It. I was so sweaty. Unlike frazzled, and I got into your show, like three minutes late, I think you're already touring, recording Indonesia
You can watch on you think it was on you too, and will now sunglass digital network tat our lives, but yet UK and one of your Ethan talk about his jars appeal at somehow. You die while european issue TAT. Somehow, just by looking at him, I knew that there was a joy to peace story. This background idea her act again. We have to stop. It means always timer bodily food that groundwater is gout on on the veto in another guy thousand different story- and I told him I told Us- I haven't heard again story incredible about Michael mountains. Here this isn't about the gout. I had this friend who had got lots says, maybe even see what you do it. So, if anyone is unfamiliar with Michael Malice, we had him on our new show earlier this week and He is the author of some interesting books, including dear reader, the unauthorized autobiography of Kim Jong IL
It looks like the second based on this in this one, and the new right, the neurons. A journey to the range of american politics, and you have a podcast called your come, which is spelled. Sweden. I owe you are correct, work and all the capitals in quotation marks an end, yeah. That's my nightly new chauffeur, come on media that council all to say, Michael Mouses, dangerous anarchist. I am. I am So we have some hard hitting journalism here. For you on have a list of things. Ok, then, legally gonna own. You was wearing blow your mind. While anarchy is old enough. I do will not upon. This is gonna, be Babylon, be under sucker, Yang Unknown So your house's burning down deep at the fire out with liberal tears, It is not necessarily Anti Liberal per se. I think that actually get that question, because you can call the fire department position.
Markets. When I don't want my lawyer put it out with. If you stay with you ve put out your technical nuke enter hair Joe. That would take the problem for the fire extinguisher eighty privately purchased in four days. That's like the meme, don't have to worry about house fires. If you knew you have says anarchists really like Herod, I and Lakes brown hair and I in the carriage episodes things me very flammable in energy. And you're, not gonna, have via buying and don't think you're thinking of Andrew. Equally, I, like your theory, there's nothing. You have again every eighties movie, there's always a gang of bad guys and there's always one guy has a crazy here. Is a guy, like you, think these crazy guy in the attic and cut you that's my vision about that's not on us through the kids who showed a hot topic ox now now they are not Secondly, Charles Bronson, his main movie, why isn't there? christian hot topic. There is, I think, that There is the other kill me. I would like to know about the sunlight anymore
well. They call it. Is it just like the same these hot topic for ten years? I think they finally to yours, cartographer did exist, not making this up, as I think it does, because I know there's if there's a over wait peoples that participate. If our call I don't know but sent up but if there is a christian one, I'm really hoping to constantly monitor that Christian, adopting, So in your anarchist utopia. This is what I learned. I gotta thought because people criticise anarchism, it's a utopia and madman simultaneously you're utopias. However, our thoughts Nokia attack on the US, our no doubt what its anarchism, it's all cursing by law, your anarchists he'll tell me:
heck on earth. Gunmen secular, doesn't sound, so it doesn't go it's kind of funny. Little warm you gotta wear line a little too much. Who would the children pledge allegiance to that's great. Ok, that's our whom that's what she did: Crested Atticus activity. The children are pledging a lunatic Tokyo here. Besides, I don't. I dont? Why would there be? I dont think I mean if they really moan about. Let's make this town I dropped because I have to use, have to convert the burbage to anarchism. So if you have free, the adults. Who are they swearing fealty to, I would say the whoever they choose to incur
the latest at the point that you say I pledge allegiance to the news here, like a bunch of rabble, cause a reasonable Moliere next one, but they went in schools together. Any public schools are the first thing to go on strictly be and what that it goes into. Our next question does. Oh yeah, I missed, I missed one who indoctrinate the children earlier. I mean I mean this is something else that I am really pleased that Christians took the lead on is recognising that public schools, Are there to break your children and teach them values that are complete enough about the values of the family, so who had a doctorate, the children, the networks. There's something in me. I guess everything that were young crises of tv, but then
much much worse. Jonah abs, that's Fischer, who would make Sesame Street whoever's making? Now it's obvious, so they are used to be the Aviano, they never would have existed. So you could have. That Successful sharing the free market is made literally. Eight trillion dollar never goes through. My who would deliver on Amazon packages, droughts. With. The Jones have held Meyer missiles on the fires are ex ethic fire tooth There would be weaponry because you're gonna have competing companies with their own counter drugs. They issued each other down. Amazon drones versus PS drones or something you lasting. I think that to happen and what about money? war criminals. We print money,
you guys are you guys, are Emperor Norton ever know during the first naughty bucks. You go back to your last depressing. That's, ok, yard! I dont think that it would be well you'd have as much money as you like in as many currencies is like He does print when every one when I think paper, money or other money start tackling paper is kind of an anachronism that I think some countries are done away with. It entirely understand. So you didn't have a little credit gypsy average. Implant in her arm, not unaware of the army in the marshal, the thickest more. Are you a cryptogams? I am equipment. This was on my list. I am actually very much at one thinks they talk when the new right is. This is a great example of lead. Look at em ever I'm not advocate a democracy Lenny, so you have your point of view about my life, and I have my What have you about my life cool so
we're not having this conversation and the UN thing that is keeping you from implementing your point of view. He is a disparity in power, Technology is the one thing that limits and equal rights people like gods. The great examine the matter. How big the guy is. Yours My lady, you have a goblin. Why did you point in him when you said how big figure out jars of clubs like to think? Do it? I d like to do so. I was like eighty pounds: heavier link lies. Admittedly, really none and also ensure that has had now wait. A few derailed might have laid the railway satisfying, and then I mentioned the derailing a minute that rebooted, so nothing inclusion. Libya's landing grid contrasts
whose unattainable technology programmes that technology is the thing that well liberate everything and your crypt goes a great example of the sick. All you know, you're gonna forced me to have the stupid, muddy, cool, I'm gonna do what I want in a minute electronically, privately send somebody and they're gonna, send me stuff and that's too bad. I don't understand the cryptic currency arrow Yonnondio Circuit. I don't get it I just don't understand like what it is. That has nothing to get its act, new play monopoly right, there's money there you take that money, give a somebody else. They give you money can make change or goods services like peanuts. You know or sticks, so, if the seller, trampled least I'll. Never forget you understand credit cards right that there's nothing tangible, he's a credit card. The internet right, I thought there was actually guided, walked over to your vault and picked up a similar. What's the difference in your minds, we nine monocles here, but I guess it is weak. Isn't it I, like mind crowd source to all these different.
Without employed. You know it's mine, so basically how you get a bitcoin is you have an algorithm and the algorithm erode the math? It takes a long time computer generated generates a bitcoin. The more because there are fewer bitcoins there. Are available mathematically to produce it s a topic, because the more that have been mind, the less the more expensive, they're gonna get get there can be no in circulation, so these are too kind of mechanisms to keep the supply of the money stable and finite, and the market is keeping a stable finite through mathematics If I understand correctly disagree video, it was your rivals. The onion I think, watch man mumble incoherently, but because I agree that it is a kind of Hamas the war criminal? Would we print on the bitcoins Pinochet? That's is the helicopter reference again.
What will we do at the Hall of Presidents Disneyland? In your analogous, Miss Mapp are summarised. What would happen with this is a good one. This Trump in the hollow presence, I never seeing it looks like they had been. The Hilary one and they tried to alter the trunk, and let us remember that we have seen it cost us no, my Sophia like it would be. No, if you go to those museums there, like serum serial killer houses, Like you just look at like all that, and so they be all lined up in all their atrocities and their lies would be my gosh, ensuring that literally Hilary and behold, I owe you it looks like they made her. The me yeah I get back to make trump them physically doesn't know how, or if I pulled the skin out a little took out. The lizard eyes put in some realise mission up a bit more. I went to the Museum of Communism in Prague and the checks are not fancy the copies to say the least.
And what was amazing is like, unlike an american museum or even if you got like the Holocaust museum, is very serious and austere. You know this is about the hearts of communism, but like the way Caption was complete contempt, was an irreverence. It was above Mcdonald's, do what they like. According to my system. You know companies, Moselle plenty and no one will be hungry. In reality, this demented ideology, metal everywhere all starving enforced, where the line for hours those very much like not both. Like this is evil. Are ridiculous, very wonderful, to see Hocker highly recommended. What will we call Lincoln lungs. You never had President Lincoln logs Sullivan, where did? But No eggs I think if we have to get rid of palliative future timing of if we were always and isolate the work towards hey you're, allowed to say territory, I think a Lincoln log of a euphemism for a turned her long here, I'm guessing
Where would they call Washington state where do you remember the president in office? I think you guys have a little bit video socratic understanding of what anarchism is it's not like in an ethnic as culture like President's, have never exist like their heritage like have to be down. The memory is ever been a presidency that this law is that they teach you those public schools of your side, so that your bending things round can never knew would be called Washington society states than it should have the from their that Washington, Who would take my money and tell me what goods and services I need you're accountants or your. Why? your wife same person who doesn't die off. Second, Who would kill Jeffrey abstain.
You don't make me be the one we have to be able to have any would still have to be. Hilary did yeah, that's a good one We ve got U S items, they feel they with this one shoot the dogs, I view allowed. How are you more savage that we are able to carry on as we heard about three minutes to railways? It is using a great job. The neighbors the for trespass. Who would you rather have run the national parks, Carrasco or Sims club. There's a cosgrove by my house, I'm not a fan, SAM's club, What's that if they just basically to say it's, the Walmart Knocker Kafka. Ah, medical CASA them. And finally,
who would be the best anarchists president, would be the best anarchist precedent. It would probably be saved The annexes would it be very failed. Podcasting Tom Woods, What about that? I'm sure we'll get the actual audio neurons inaccurate and I won't yes. A veritable cannot cast a time. Woodsia will unknowable tagline texting you. He does Failing Tom Woods, very failed fight. Gas feel anything you like. New streamlining. You concentrate very enemies ending up just the young right. These very, very angry at an extra very make sure you know The more adverbs needs more had. We are actually got into his. You went to North Korea like physically. You never been the New MILAN boys, want some Mother, like you, wanted
Can you get there? It was illegal advertising is buy a ticket known, and so You have to do is there are a couple of organizations and a partner with the north korean government, so the north korean government, at a certain point after cold war and the Soviet Union and China South subsidizing them well. What do they have to produce to earn currency very little? So eventually there like a right. We can have tourism, and Kim Jong IL was actually caught on tape. Saying we don't want hordes of tourist coming here, destroying the she'd, spreading AIDS rootless, his line. So it's very expensive. You have to go through China you have to get approved, but I I mean it's, isn't it It is impossible. I wrote an article four reason magazine light my weaken North Korea: it's impossible well to accurately portray what it's like to other people, because every
the aspect of the environment is far an artificial and different Saddam, the air, the architecture, the the people, the sidewalks, where every luck, something off who say when something is so pervasive in it. Orientation. You can't really replicate that experience verbally. Rent I saw the famous vice video, where the guys go over and yes can the bizarre nests of like he goes into a t shop and it's all set up. Lots of people are clearly linked to swing for him to come in. That's kind of walk out. Advice document had seven acres like that thing that you recite vice that's shocking. Yet what unlighted I've made its useful because it exposed people to what North Korea life is like that, like he basically implies that he smuggled got smuggle than he did not, and here is another example of that documentary, so in North Korea, you can't criticized the government is
Absolute heresy, a taboo to religious point. And there was this one scene where he the ball room at the hotel and they feed him and they have a food for the people and shit Ngos are always everybody else, and the woman said: God they just left and he's like a ha ha ha stupid. They are it's like you're, putting her on the spot on the camera, asking her to explain an apparent anomaly you can't say: we'd have customers here, so she's doing pretty improv in her own way, so I mean there's no first amendment yeah freedom of speech and they punish her family. Yes, you are be very, very, very, very parent. I got what you say and that's why If I may say things that seem absurd, because Someone is watching him better you'd have to someone. I suppose you know one of us, was a hostage right. How to make a videotape the centre a family and work. Madam President, a black eye and broken knows and you're like I'm. Fine
I'm great. You know what they're like what happened to your nose united. We like they broke it. Yet we like oh, I was play frisbee and I sell that's what it is. That is the reality of the situation there and that's a people. To keep in mind there was the sum: Laura legally ceiling, Austria, her name. She was there the family, Pyongyang into being Pyongyang. The cap review very, very trust by the government, and she says can Kim Jong IL do anything wrong? Let you camera asking them to criticise their leader, they pretended they didn't, understand her her hands. You're, really an evil human being. Who do this to these people? Yonder dip, gotta be have nor lives threatened yonder, but that we can they say if they say no, then it's like you're you're, making him out to be a superhuman, and if you say yes, you criticise in touch us off side documents on Netflix? You probably seen it where these medical, oh yeah, people come over and they have left the cat harassment. Rarely, basically, really people are site back
in this the craziest thing about this whole thing is like, as each person gets their sight back. See a picture of genuine joy on the wall and they start Boeing crying to in thanking as if it does, if he gave their sight back. Not these people came over to what you have to appreciate. Is these people on camera right in says as wondering I gets more that numerous. If you're on camera, you know they had these Here's another example: there are playing soccer and South Africa are so you know whatever of soccer game and the ouch said. Oh, are you know Kim Jong IL was basically the one who told us how to win and they go ahead. How did he communicates ago? We have the cell phone like it's magic self out there, like you know how what an idiot, how crazy like you're putting spot you're? The guy has to make up some coffee. The thing about how it's actually Kim Jong IL, whose coaching this team in their home, Do you think, is there like genuine people
Couldn't have clearly, you think, he's gotten Larry, much look very much it's my curiosity and that's any my there in worship brings picture like America can have urban versus rural right and you can have earned a sneer verses. Are you kidding me like? I know a refugee and there's a very famous north korean store that they tell the kids were Kim junk and kindergarten. This is on my book, everything imaging and teacher, says him. One plus one is to add like not always and she knows what you mean. He goes well, if I add one drop of water to another What I do have two drops: I've won bigger drop and they therefore communism right the end, this refugee, I know she's in kindergarten first grade. She thinks yourself. This disturbing rehearse what its argument, but she noticed, smile, a nod and be like all the others. What a genius is amazing, so, is you know what are teaching now Kim Jong on knew how to drive a car at age to or for which is physically impossible has he reaching the pedals?
getting harder to us strike it's getting hot, that he'd bet it's getting harder and harder for the talk of fake news in the cathedral. Here to me, paying their hegemony, because if I tell you lies all the time assumes Kathryn one. The whole thing falls apart. Especially if you have more more people from outside who like escape or you community. Without siders, you realize okay. This is ridiculous. Nonsense and we want to listen to crappy music from costs after her. As as soon as I am sure sounds like it. You know if you kept somebody and allied gets the media law that so you start to realise that various they lie a lot more than you think resident like when I when I actually know something about a topic: oh yeah, you know and then so I read an article on it. I'm, like you, gotta, know what you're talking about right and I think we all the stuff that I don't know about that. I read nine just assume they know you know it.
And I feel like that. There's probably a term for this phenomenon. There I mean I'm very big on animals in and you know? I told this burg doubt there was an article that basic every. The covered. It doubt that this discussion was Galapagos turtle, this one male kept. The species from extinction because they bread him with all these are the females above LA and only preserve a sub species, of which there, I think, like twelve, This is such a profound difference between species at a sub species were so Species can subsequently be like it's just and the geographical location here, like the lip is a little bigger or this one's blue and yellow. This will just blew right. I mean it's the same. They can enter it says, be spelt out, but all the headlines, like all turtle, saves a species and then immediately start with sub species like what are you doing? You not have once someone with. High school
formation of like as a logical taxonomy there when we see it like when the report on the church, where many religion and we read it and we're like this person- has never been recurs in Ireland. I was reading this article on my show a night shade about they passed a pro life: lots of southern state names, Alabama or South Carolina gossip. I remember and the quoted someone from like some projects, organization that why this bills about idea, but they never called the pro life person explaining why it's a good idea- and I read it- I'm like well, I want to hear what the pro life fence of this is because, as your framing it, it sounds pretty egregious, but no yeah. So is the media better here or nursery it? Is it should go on record saying our media is better than our media is far better than her? Yes, yes,. Do you have any interactions in Europe where the word like real women's. If anybody know they're not robots,
if they were robots, it would work So when you see how normal they are adapted, it's terrifying, because you know we like to think that people in these countries and I'm gonna sound like it whatever. But it's true are totally alien to us, and you see grandma's with a grand kids. You know doting over them and you see the teenage boys in their duties with attitudes and you're like while, like these they're all in prison and they ve been impressed for decades and most another prison, and that is what makes it really really disturbing and fact that everyone I've met when I was there is still there you're like I'll, see you But I've seen like on Instagram and it's just like their rich there in Pyongyang, there like the richest ones and they still trapped you can never had if they leave the country, their family will be killed publicly and made examples he's crazy. So, do you see any end,
the north korean government yeah. I think things are spiralling much quicker than people realise. I think one The regime is go down. They go down hard and fast, like Libya is a good example like that was very, very quick. Despite you, this desert display, despite a video on Youtube which caused riding so what any state needs especially state. That's that kind of religious in its nature is earnest nests and belief and any sort at a certain point. It's like. If your Hungary, I don't care, I just want food, so the increasing understanding that there is an illegitimate, this government and that's not providing what it promised. That's the healthiest thing and the That's so much what's happening to black markets, which is illegal, rate mechanism than my anarchist brain talking, but its truth. It's, mechanism for undermining any kind of totalitarianism if you're getting your food through alternative mechanisms? Your loyalty
and if you turn your stomach, yeah yeah yeah. You always think that I mean, I know, there's a lot in for him Kim Jong Bee keeping young going to be an opposition, but the kid away ago, a cold or you know super far in one direction: religion, each generation kind of starts to see the hell yeah you yes, exam We have spoken and also because it now I have internet nerd. So connected to the rest of the world, they don't have the internet by law right. There is a legal base and Kim Jong IL juggling yeah yeah yeah. He knows how to get which Kim Jong about Goon Neuro. Now you know what he's number doves never trace It is always the eyes through internal sideways, first, the great leader I love her.
Guys think anarchism means hating President's William about it. What does that mean? He eats president's Momo Irving, we're playing. We want you to bring directions. One was like it. What if you never had the government and then we're like? What's others were those great stuff Gaia like the whole of presidents? As I gotta go? they are one, we're all gonna lighting in future users, really mixed up topic, presidents around him really sets off I will try to hide my Abraham Lincoln Tattoo before some another passenger sola which which the Stoopin novel way where you live my Abraham, Lincoln, where it is still being taxpayer Peck Scape escape. You know it's just opium novel gotta closest to what North Korea is like. Nineteen, eighty four, our closest to North Korea to North I mean how many disturbing always either there at that. Many there's a bunch, but I guess
thinking, others like whenever it when I was nineteen, eighty four and then I got one of those north korean documentaries. To me, that's like a but nineteen. Eighty four was like heights hack. Yeah right. This is what I ran gets right. The vampire novelist is that when you have these totalitarian regimes technology doesn't keep pace, I again it there's a juggler what the socialist use before they used candles light bulbs, so You don't have electricity in the capital yo this. He needed for almost Eric Alike, country is not a thing don't know, I don't think there, because all of these disturbing novelist take place in the future, and, like I mentioned my article reason when you go to Korea you're going to another planet back in time, but is also different times. So, like the, first thing. I saw the parking lot at the airport was a woman dressed in like like she was. A rich woman, but that men like AIDS,
the eighties close and talking to military guy, who is stopping her, which was at fifties russian. You know, Sir you're not having any sort of future, is at all how everything is old, yeah and and and wearing down subtle, theres many disturbing novels, which is counter to do that. Focus on the decadence and decay. Although sensibly, they all came from a better place near you, drew up an album. Strophius are like We have advanced far enough were now the government controls at with that places like, the army control everything, but they don't have the text lighten up water running water so hungry? Therefore, although I know that the step in novel that most resembles North Korea's dear reader, I such by the idea to promote Morgan. I was therefore a week
who'll stories. Were the first interview, Andrea Doria, Mammy, asking a man like us, as some of you have a cool story you gonna get to that, you could get to add another questions. Get to you, unequal spurs, malaria. He really mock decide for their quota. Great interview go good interview asked me. Dollar in its shores. Snob spreading out I'll give you a good story about North Korea. This I'm gonna, get all earnest on this era. Satire show Ernest working. I was doing out there Fox and friends Fox difference. First, where there are those recently those hostages were released or North Korea. They are too late and their kissing the ground than american trumpet Freedom, the interviewer asked me what is your being concerned with the upcoming summit? and I said, the ongoing enslavement of north korean people, and they were like Oda. So My story, is you can hate trump? or Obama. I don't care. Ever you hear a story about.
Korea realize you ve got twenty five million people in constant fear for their lives and their families. And the only thing that matters is their peaceful liberation. And I'm not even saying they gotta be some western democracy. I've said: get him to the point where they have a passport acts. Information and they can get drunk anything. Whom she had nothing races, their obsessed with their model recline like everything else and watched three channels like that's it. That's you then that, like that's my list, so that to me And I'd I haven't found any who disagrees whenever you, your story, think what does this mean for these people and why is this being present in this way in terms of the government maintaining self control, because It didn't happen overnight. It's not an accident, they that last everybody you know since the forty still twenty twenty now. Early on that, like Facebook, appealing that's Marbury fifty one mission, they should do a Facebook group, that's MOB North Korea, that's gonna welfare!
what should I do If it ideas when you think about how rainstorm, how North Korea, so pro gun that Kid young eels, mom anti, japanese heroin Kim Jong Sook. That's always how she's, for now, with an EP epithet, she's pictured in this Hamburg, which is the korean traditional dress, which people familiar with I'm sure and they'll, be we standing in front of a lake with a terrible. Some sort but she's holding a gun, yeah, let's say she's always for holding a gun to use, must be no economic, children, songs, yeah so and impose bombs there all right arm. So there's a lot of like, but it's spare breakers where traditional asian old School, which is holding a hassle, so there's a lot of that conflation, that's unit. North Korea, really bizarre by our sense by the citizens. They never lot any joint and did the fourth largest military in the world. You know said in joint military is a huge honor,
second Kim Jong IL's ideology was called sunburn, which means military first, which means military Eads, for so they have a call to the gun, I thank him. There's a story that the great leader, cable son, sat down little Kim Jong IL and was like you know. A gun is every revolutionaries best friend the gun will never betray you and he gave him his gun ass. A token of whatever some of its very much venerated there. It's a written was raised yeah if it was the baby backrooms. Making projects expense in the jars of urine, because the pencil in the own state pencil I've got the gout how will it would you would you thoughts on how dawn down in the White House is handling. Nor through disappointed that it set a stalemate I am
static that he's made this topic of conversation. I was could not believe it. And culture got very but heard of stay. The union, when you had the north grew refugee, who I think they ran over his leg or something is holding up the clutch in this way? The union our this is in our problem, North Korea's. Like sure I get that, Commit it still good when people escape Yes, you know we can only like it's a great as you survive. That is helping applaud that. So I am very He said there was a lot of momentum happening I am very worried that it's going to be on the back burner and that, just as more time for these people to be suffering one or a lot of us, get real concern, but you know you see Trump tweeting back in forth with North Korea. Like you know,
nuclear war and all the stuff, and for those of us who are really concerned when tromp was elected, that he was gonna, be this crazy guy was like all the singing work is, can ensure- and I didn't have you know it did actually worked. It seemed like as a deterrent and will rethinking when, when Trump started doing this kind of stuff, I was thinking he speaking the exact language because they are very big and, in their own words, go to America slap across the face and let bake in her. Do it. We want right, they think they talk about this. They compare themselves. This is also my book to an at him and were now and they say explicitly. The ants can't kill the elephant, but we can guided to the way we wanted to go so, if we forget Korea has this secret weapon that gives everyone, amnesia, Korea sends president Trump to death in absentia and they were gonna New, Guam or Alaska, and then Six months later there holding hands This is your speaking time. Any kind of conversation negotiation. You want to me
a person on their level. If someone says oh, you know I want to buy a fancy car. No, you don't you want to get a cheap one, that's not salesmanship right or you could manoeuvre that may like. Well, this fancy cars really blah blah, but you have to be in their context, so he did that very effectively. Obama do seem to care when we're another, just very sad, but Our privacy Who cares that he cares about on a humanitarian level, so I'm just sorry, it's not more of an issue recently in a good way, You ever been a car sales me. I have not now Now, don't you know how to drive, some anyone dishwasher. What are some job you hadn't your day, I had The first job I had was riding for an aquarium magazine our backyard angrier. It's fun company, California, people version where you first, those writing an amazing yeah these and I went to college
I never had like work She had real word only such an elitist yeah, of course say about that piece of Alexander Hamilton, hair hanging. My office are you really did you buy? throw money with its now. I've got this like twenty years ago before he was such a thing coming for the play your having, were you top five prisoners with ethical top five. I would say Harding. I don't know I don't. I don't Harrison. Why loom hinder here? I hate that joke. I hate it grew more to abolish the presidency, not the presidents who does
makes a census nuts tell me you hate my joke. On my show its yes, it's not yours! You know why cause it's not your joke. This is really cliche that you see the internet that these libertarians throughout my river brothers were unknown. I lock really my job and I was doing an accurate impression, employs surprise what they sound like when they hear this really say: that's a curve, the wrong not to see it devastated by Miguel Alexander, and our lesson is, I know, is that it is a south african. Gaining is also that this must be a joke because, like we said so politely that yeah yeah thanks Now, Michael Mouse, I dont have five. Finally, I think I can go to the bottom five Wilson by far, two would be after three maybe I'll be J. Who else is horrible? Teddy Roosevelt that might be? That's for them is for
Jackson might be up there you next year, you know, no bullshit populist. Now there, no one near Addison, these anyone's poke item has just now he got Mexico than he How could I think, I'd like a lot of land I checked, let us know, do you know who do you know who is really a disturbed precedent and no one knows that talks about this Grover Clean when do you know what this is really Fallon? I know that's why our task to hurry. I played by additive our own upcoming bio pick. Joint Grover Cleveland adopted a girl the baby and marry her like the months, she turned twenty one. That's, really creepy was then was the law twenty one back them? I'm a sweaty waited twenty one
Will he doesn't want to give up the wrong impression that this kind of propriety here about our and your daughter who you ve raised issues a baby or if you raised her so much ass. He was the head of her estate, but yeah. He knew her since she was a baby. Like Woody Allen, Deanna Woody Allen think love knows no age. I guess the universe on a for this episode of Nugget area into this ascribe reversing Nixon. Be their top five he's. Honourable, yeah Nixon. Yet there ok! So now we get your phone sex ethnic sexy, but Mister Lennox. Jackson, Jackson Teresa We want to promote employment, promoting need the new reiner. I guess if people want to read the book, the new right is about the non conservative or unorthodox right wing in the history of it, so that this cannot may which it did very well
and my other book. If you want to know everything you need to know about north korean one sitting its dear reader, the authorized autobiography Kim Jong IL and figured out a way which you guys and appreciate with what you would do with work. You do is to take the story of North korean find humor and it even though its very dark humour, but that makes the palatable And then you can be found and make a mouse over there on India shone out, and I apologise in advance to other Godfrey earlier listeners.
Coming up next, for Babylon, be subscribers government can can be immorality rate can within the various colleagues here force. Anybody in the USA is listening, rhino, absolutely clear the mean either love government. It's only thanks to social media that people are pointing out their malfeasance depravity where we, as European Sea people, just sit there for three hours in time and its agenda for telling you. This is what he believes. Framing a headline enjoying this hard hitting interview become of Babylon me subscriber to hear the rest of this conversation. Go to Babylon, be dog com, slash plans for full length, freefall, gas, Kyle and Ethan. I would like to thank Seth Dylan for paying bills come forward for creating their job, the other writers, sport tirelessly pitching headlines subscribers until next time. This is Davy S voice in the battle.
I would like, in every Haiti's movie, there's always a gang of bad guys and is always one guy that has a crazy here. Is a joke with the Jones, have drones, have missiles on missiles. Fires are Ex Ante ethnic fire tooth. The greater efforts. What's that, The creator of God, the creator I face a crater lucky
Transcript generated on 2020-02-18.