« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Pete Lee on Tony Hawk, Hulk Hogan, and Lobsters; plus the News (ACS Nov 24)

2021-11-24 | 🔗
Comedian Pete Lee returns to the podcast at the top of Part 2. Adam begins by asking Pete about his recent comedy tour, and they also talk about his love of wrestling as a kid, trying to get lobster when you’re poor, and his relationship with Tony Hawk. Gina then talks about Andrew Cuomo’s sexual harassment allegations, Kevin Spacey’s $31 million payment to the ‘House of Cards’ production company, Michael Strahan going to space, live performances of Diff’rent Strokes and The Facts of Life, a ban on lobsters being boiled alive, and some Thanksgiving turkey facts. Please support today’s sponsors: TommyJohn.com/ADAM BlueNile.com Lifelock.com enter ADAM Geico.com
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage sale, show on podcast one state he'll be isn't easy, especially during the holidays. What are you guys skating to strike a good night's rest helps boost your overall health and welfare and it couldn't be easier. The street number three smart, that senses your movements and effortlessly adjusted both of you resolve you, wake up ready for any bring proven quality sleep home for the holidays, gets our black Friday sale, say fifty percent on the new sleep number three Sixty Limited edition, smart, but plus special finance and Monday special financing subjects, credit approval, minimum of the payments quietly store for details, zero home loans makes refinancing your home fast and easy well when you say with competitive rates, consumer an average of four hundred and twenty three dollars a month or a thousand seventy six dollars per year since I met you, David, zero home loans that come savings
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our presence. Definitely on the line to marry California, but thirty: four you old man was charged with after nodded found that he had stolen and adapt it don't worry package. Forty two thousand, this Japanese between, has joined us tall dark unpleasant. The name of his show time, special and film that the temporary improv yeah yeah, I felt
their cause Arizona, has been opened the whole time yet Funny Arizona is not they don't get into the mix. Slash argument of California versus Florida, Texas. New York ourselves is Kind Arizona, been Arizona, really didn't get either AIDS ire PETE. I've got it one is gonna: Milwaukee gonna, be the improv this weekend of ember twenty six through the twenty Eightth and then Cleveland polarities somber. Second, to the fourth lots of dates: travelling PETE. the life of a stand up. It's gonna be crazy. I'm Goin home this weekend, it's gonna because I'm from Wisconsin, so I and re now dear little Humour- and I have I have my dumb relatives. Call me upborne warriors: are you gonna do a bit about what's been goin on and only you know like that's what we do in our family group chat. That's what I do. We save those jokes for the group chat. Yeah
So your head in the belly, the beast where you guys where's your family from and whisky therefrom genes, Vel, Wisconsin and either all big fancy yours there, big Otto guises are hometown. We had a GM grown up? And so, like everybody, my family worked there and it was funny cause a GM free. Like twenty years there there are like the plants closing and our everybody in my town was ignored. They're not gonna, do that nor they're not going to close it down and then they closed it, nor, like it's gonna, open backup and positive people and then now, there's just math and So that's my hometown by yeah that I saw a lot of genes or people be travelling over to Milwaukee or, as we say in Wisconsin, more walkie Do you all along the lines you guys relatives is thinking about this? Philosophically I have, potentially in unemployable tony type son I got to deal with and
in warehouses, podcast one of our aims, land yeah. Why would you rather have, if you have the flunkey son, has not achieving in high school would you like that plant in your town broke his darkly? They went to work at the planet and the next thing you know they got the Automotive Workers Union and Annex iii and thirty seven bucks an hour and benefits and whatever, but they died at the plant, yeah. You know that guy is no couldn't leave that our lasher, because once you get do forty one bucks an hour and overtime and benefit everyone. You're not you're, not gonna get news not going out in a lot of these guys when they closed that they go home, eating unfit, deduce worker. Donald, you're, forty seven? Maybe she thought about that, but would you there have the plan, which does mean full employment. What kind of a dead in sad,
John Melon Camp Song, or would you rather just socket up, get some job at the job but years can be miserable for two years or whatever, but be motivated to our times. Emotive Asia. We don't know where they're going. They could just begun to bigger Yamba cheers or something I like the two years of the job, just the grocery store, whenever, like light, a fire manic, as now, you like to be poor in scrimping, unlike codified, not money, to afford a cell phone or whenever you you want to reach for the audio offer love versus. The consistency I use has again they could get a job with the planned married. The by hall me another have a care. there now there ever gonna keep the lights on. I'm shocked at my answer to this. I think it's just life circumstances and being my agent thinking of having that kid and having no. What do you want from me? It worked into jobs. You know the habits of moon back in you you go to.
Glad you find a nice girl and I'll be over for thanksgiving there. My first answer: this question is very sector me: hey myself, in answer to it is, I guess I would want the Java juice option, the no plant cause. I mean I grew up with friends like, like my my spread. His dad drove forklift in his job was to drive like a pallet stuff over here twice a day, and then he read magazines the rest of the day. You need a hundred dollars an hour as union. God bless seriously in my breast. My best friend was Cairo asshole. He was like we're rich and your poor, because my mom was a waitress at the red lobster in town manner, and I was like I was hated him and now that I have grown up of realise a gear. You are rich, you dumb, dad was your mom was a waitress when you are grown up. Yes, she was a waitress. What I remember one time a whole
again: hull Coggan and module man rainy, savage back in that the beef at the height of their feud. They came in and they had dinner together. No and my mom was she told me that, and I was like water. There get no law school, like I was like you, I don't you know. They're gonna get along in the ring. Pretty soon in their there can be tag team champions together got inside our stay. I got it. I didn't know they're all pro wrestlers we're friends with each other outside of the inner, the fake stuff. What if it makes you feel you better? We couldn't afford red lobster says pretty flying dining restaurant Kansas. I mean we are making a rain which other Bobo skirts. Who is crazy, hypothetical educated in the put the thing the plant closing down there's always that risk. If you, if you listen, you have we the factory job with the planned job, God loves because on forever, but you're, the vagary
that company other companies, so not the vague career, the mercy of that company in a company is publicly traded if they're not make a note of. If the bottom line is now, what is supposed to be they're going to Mexico, they're going to another state are going to overseas than farming. It out, like you're all is at the mercy of that company and they'll. Do it right for the bottom line by you get fired from that John, but use there's another one on the next corner, ideally be working to weigh up the principle, so I don't think we we never ate at a red. We read last week
needed any place it at the word lobster and yeah dynamic Ladson, my dick. We got a guy that nowhere and I've go red. Then he paused and then, if you say, outhouse worry, of corn, dog or or did not start with dirt rocky ride or your wieners inside of you say laughs. There were fuck it out. You're out, I remember being kind of embarrassing. My mom was a rather sir waitress in dead, bring your parent school day. It was bring your dad to school day back when I was a kid and I and then there are like our four p. He can bring his mom to school or order, and I remember the dude neat cannons. Dad was a banker. He was ahead of them You can also go man, and I remember here he brought money and he'll brundtland, Rick some money and all because we're like work, oh god, he's got money than I was like mom. I was using my mom's a bomb like she's, just gonna suck after this enemy
surprise monsieur these rubber me to IRAN. In lobster she brought in lobsters innate cannons, dad dad fellow idiot, wisely, orators lifelong learning. About again today, I should like as well that she picked him up out of the thing and they had the rubber band pinchers. Everybody got to come up and pet. The lobsters- and my mom was like that you just here Europe obstacles Marine biologist. We she cooks the animals for the good. You know, I always think of my body re, whose mom was a cocktail waitress at the Far EAST terrorist Richardson Asian Joint, like into LUCA leg. In my parents were losers, his parents were losers, but his mouth came home with cash every night because she was there were no eighty AMS, nobody had any cash laying around anywhere, but she had it and she would distributed because preserve. If you're,
come some back then, with thirty seven dollars worth of hips and the next day Can I three backs were launched. I can't go now. I don't have my parents or, as I always have there's no money love, but she, Irene. Had it and you bring it up, start a pile up and she wouldn t much more easily handed out. It was, as there was like some byproduct of of her work and did you come home with cash. In wasn't that a windfall, even though she had a loser adult job yeah, she is. She really came home with casually we demanding to like we will mom like almost like, where little mobsters like where's my cut. You know right like don't, you know we get that we get a five off every thirty that you get an issue would give us money for a little while a childhood and unlike a clean cut in a nice guy, but I might have so my grandma owned a bomb shop when I was growing up weeds, always been a part of my family and my my mom.
Like she went there, a little rough speller lobster, so my brother and I we actually sold weed I and my so my brother, how to connect, and he would get it and deliver it, because I was like the school kid on a big Macs bike and for a while sold it to my dentist and remember my mom, she was wearing he's getting this money from cars like our water was shut off. You know, like Look our water and drier broke for a wound more like doing the laundry in the tub and stuff and brother now really cares honour dollars that she is a worry getting this room. We really don't ask she knew it, but it was. funny. I went to the dentist because I had to get a retainer cost so much money, but I've been delivering dry. I wanna like say his name, but I can't delivering? We do the sky forever and then he gave us into a strike half price and my mom was like. Please don't tell me how that happens. What was your dad not around my dad so dad was he left our family when we are three and I'm right
The closer. My dad down is a really great guy here. The pre six are areas of pre, successful interior designer and stuff, and then he moved out to California and he wasn't in our life for appear two years and then I was like like my late ten years, I like we re acted more likely. He was always in my life would just like. Spotty and then we reach did in like now is one of my best friends and lick he's really like we ve had long talks about Nino that period in Like you know, everybody goes at their beaches. Open it'll, get an apology from their dad like I got that apology is fantastic, and now I'm really great friends with my dad- and there is none of our business bet wooden. What was his reasoning for high leaving you, those high and dry special during that time,. You were a matter really hot lady. I moved out our ally. He moved out actually to like the San Francisco, like the San Jose area in here wanted to open a collectible story is twin brothers, and so we opened up this political collect
we'll showcase and it was Gabriel successful business. He quit he quit interior decorating for a while just to do that Kyler things. Were he he caught a hat do that for what he felt like it. Did you financially and also now that I live here, Calvin This kind of awesome leg. I don't blame him for leaving Wisconsin for a little. While did he Shin money back? Did you send a Christmas card? Every year, yeah a million dollar man pulled the wool yeah figure, he paid his alimony and he he would send me really cool gifts. I remember I one year I got it, I ll fix. I was escape order drawn up. I wanna be a sponsor by Elvis Skateboards and Vision street, wherein why am I am? I was pretty accomplished and competing Hennessy nationals and stuff, but I I remember my dad semi like he sent us Alva Skateboard, so my first skateboard was an Alva was Tony Alva, Tony Alba yeah Zelda good Red, it's a great,
yeah now, like everyone's while I'll be you succeed, Tony I'll bet a coffee shop or something like that. A crazy we agree totally hawk needs to retire he's having too much fuckin fun here. Man, fifty years old had only ready amount of fuckin, half dome or half full or half cup, or have five I knew I may eventually I gotta live. One of my friend says: near the sign in Sun was just like. Can you show me how to do a kick? Flap- and so I just were forty four and like I did a kick flippant- I landed it, but just the like that of the posts talk of it like rocking of my ankles, like my tenant, have been sought her high weeks and Tony arc is still doing MC twists and his half pipe and I'd like, I feel badly. Least were like we're funny like we can do this internal work. I don't know how old Bullock Tony ARC gonna have to be doing the twist of seventy, otherwise,
is done. I wish you'd make market off. It makes me feel all I don't know he's a really nice guy by the way for anyone's spend any time with tony hawk. When I hear entered himself in the Ex games, I think this year I was watching so watching something maybe Chris confined the axe games. There are second twelve year old from parts unknown like catacombs brazilian or yugoslavian earth, we ve somewhere and some weird you now we if we knew where you were we'd balmy a cause, you're lucky with care, finding resumed on the Globe Brasilia and any he's twelve rise, yeah, and he didn't do a nine eighty was Tony's. Big unknown is, was a nine hundred, a nine hundred, a nine hundred. He did a nine hundred, we'll know than the kid did. Ten eighty hit did attend Tony one, nine hundred. What's huge, we'll talk,
art is like six foot for and the oh yeah? That's that's at Tony's ramp! That's insult! He went to his house is like I'm going to show you how old doktor that Asia is ordering. Why did the ads like if Jordan had a half coordinates backyard here, just jamming arguing the whole time? That's essentially good appetite, but he didn't next games yet I think for full turns accepting in vain. I think it's three Did he do airy? So you had nine hundred two and a half in and this kid. When did three yet won T kid is twelve. of an Tony was just like. I'm gonna answer here: that is insane. Yes, it's insane way. You go well he's only twelve, but it's like you, may We be able to do that. If you do yeah, imagine a child being really good at a child's game. Guy ass, it connect far ants gave warning
slip and sly, better gas Tony just did it to be. all this sharia and buy it thereof I did the Jimmy and I did one of the first acts games as we were like scale borders, the three style wake bore. No, we were that ends see, I think our maybe in San Francisco enlightened, thousand or something very early back when they had street lose smiling down Lombard. The eyes of ages lay down on escape hills or yeah. Did they did you guys give it a try, now I'm ere, I member we weave. hung out like the main on the main stage they weren't. That's
or did you know, I'm kind of the early. I dont know how long the games had been around with it could have been more in a year or two before we got a ghost regards their flight that Argentina apply right, their God, Hicks you're me Jimmy Andy, Dick ONS Days Ex games to, or was it was SAM Cisco. Look at Jimmy. He definitely knew that using Obiang camera from the way stop, whereas, where parents and a nice fat enough sure he's basically like that, he pioneered the zoom call got Andy Dick. Was there too? I think after the show punch you mean tried to fuck me. Member, that not every Andy right. He does. I got a punch one and try to find you to kill a guy which one of us yet pontoon which, when they try to fuck. That seems to be the theme for Andy these days. But yes, there there we were. What would you
year. Does it say what year there was every year to be two thousand in two thousand one. I was very romantic. We we and there we we hosting and then we seem to have the will, can in San Francisco. There would have been the man shows run so two thousand or two thousand one cause Jimmy did yeah. How unable Jamaica YAP makes sense, and then we had eight a magical day like like, let me show you my golden. Bridge. We rented a convertible Mustang aware of our age, and it was. It was a very romantic. I don't think he had been to San Francisco driving North wind country. The whole time Jimmy was like, when is it going to revoke ones, are going to have it yeah? I forgot the Anti Dick, an event and there's a guy named Luzhin Stein, who was the St Louis, You may have made for Thou art, thou
the best of them, because when they bear, if they like on these corners, they had all these hale hate I'll find out. It was like They knew that for tv sake, if they just admiral lucid, be better arising, Homsey ass, a huge explosion. Just there you know I don't know nowadays they couldn't do that for some kid would be allergic day. Any have taken their attack evaluating whether certain pan they did the and they also like any competition that a stun gravity and whoever tries to slow down loses always makes for fought like that's why the lumberjack competitions grade, because if they were not cruel, have the pole climb and you just ring the bell, the top and then slowly back. You re out it's up and down the guy who's. This
the half behind he is free, falls at four eighty feet. I gotta make up some time in the air literally just jumped off the top of the fuckin Paul. They really should just make it to the top, and everyone have safe travels from back down to the bottom yachts. Like put the ball Thirty five yard line for Anna fell, so they don't returned kick off sick. We need to make that sport safer yeah. I agree, I want more I want more contact of the hollow. Aim the man show and acting halls, I'm looking at my screen, but it looks a little confusing to me. I'm trying to think of who was it frank, show whose Frank show to weep For a start, I was, I think I was seeing man shall, I think, that's what Frank gear forgot their brought in at all. For my sets, wives saying confusing
what did he give wrought in their cause of all of his extracurricular act? I stole is actually rather, it was a growth of offline Scott Bail, gotten ducked into the man, Show Hall of Fame Andre the giant got inducted in the man, show Holofernes reasons and Frank Gifford got inductive. man show how serenity gave you can find Frank Gifford, I'm curious why we I'm sure wasn't for his football prowess. If, if I know tat, I was, I would say, I didn't jimmy- did all those inductions, because if too many Q cards for Meda all those inductions to nobody, because they didn't now you know any reacted job now, whenever, whenever indefinite here, So you Don T tat is true. If you really like that guy's resume from my absence father DE washing close in a tub yeah. The heights of comedy the high
the cowardly. Yes, I am Interesting, like I get to take my girlfriend, Nicole, back home, and she just delete. She had no idea about Wisconsin, just like we basically drenching where she from she grew up in Anchorage Alaska also. And she moved to Portland and then she yeah, then she lives in Arizona and so she's Carl live like the West Coast life. So she of we went to the restaurant and the she. She didn't know that we basically drink till we black out and we eat all. We hiccup Nazism every night and every meal and lakes We got to this like restaurant so they went to the second restaurant goes like, of course we go meet people on, we eat a meal, and then we go eat another meal and Ok, I'm noticing a trench because every single restaurant right, when you walk in on the wall, there's a definitive
well, yeah, she's a cheese, that's not normal other places, don't have defibrillators on the wall, and I was like I guess. I had never even noticed that before she secures a really unhealthy, they get its crew. Gaelic she she's not used to seeing really big people, like we're just in this gas station and there's this lady literally, has the ass, a rhinoceros like it's a rhinoceros and sweat pants and in due course compete on animals yeah, it's just that's just normal. you when you travel through the MID West EDA. You know, there's fat people, but I sheep big dunes when I'm a minute, I'm six to sell goods at that. Everyone I meet is taller than me. We do such as meat and great big base MID hands like just let us someone got a couple hundred pounds out under their mostly just move you tell em they're fat round, not gonna, do variation. Just big do what's in that part of negative.
I saw merge after the chosen there's always that moment where the big dude comes up and he's like what site, what size dear, what size you think I am and on like I'm not answering all right. I don't know what your emotions are or how hunger you are like. I don't know if you're going to eat me, I just got me up like a snake and are now you got Frank Gifford get inducted into the mansion. All of my Riyadh logs in going on these walls and some of the worst sculptures of some of the greatest men and three men like Andre, the giant and Scott Bail, this Is the man John Hall of Fame? Tonight we honour one of the great football players of all time is gridiron. Greer began forty eight as a stand out, half back for his hometown trojans of you,
I see in eighteen, fifty two. We want Bro a first round drafted for the New York Giants and it became one of America's most beloved athletes and broadcasters. His name is frank gift. They called him give because last name was giver, give was shorter, but tonight we honoured if not for his accomplishments on the field, but for his selflessness, often in nineteen. Eighty six Frank Gifford married this woman so that none of us would ever have plants. Nineteen year old, tacitly Epstein was perfect. A personal young beauty queen from Maryland. She met David, Bobby Lamb job after the lovable puppet made famous by Sherry, Louis but Cutesy, nicknames
hide the ominous truth in time. Cathy lay Gifford would prove to be more evil then say: Saddam Hussein, Sherry Louis, come life. Cathy leave with more harrowing than any prisoner of war, could ever imagined a Christmas specials. The infomercials, the constant pimping of his kids, would quite possibly kill a mortal man, but give kept his spirits up and is peace? up to ninety ninety seven tabloid newspapers caught him bang in the big Jesus out of Susan jobs. Women of Amerika were outraged. How could he betrayed his beautiful wife? They couldn't believe it
the men of America couldn't believe the actor for anal sex. The first time out for fourteen the difference. Kathie Lee lashed out like a Wolverine caught in a bear trap during its eventually see quieted and she stopped blogging about how perfect their marriage was and she stopped making those sickening family Christmas budgets even left repulsive talk show. So what have we learned from this football hero? This broadcasting great this April sex aficionado known as do I know what I ve learned learn when the little lady gets a lot out of control. You nail a stewardess in the bud carefully. We are proud going got you into the man, Show Hall of fame.
Did these bought up that we had. We had Shop ok right except on Frank, that self funding. While this is something you know like when I played America's favorite tv father on meat is enough. I never thought that someday I would be lucky enough to appear on a crappy cable show, accepting an award for someone. I've never met quite another on behalf, for the entire give advice
Harry. I forgot the idea that the regions a different path he was learning out. He was local Its card was really fall at that point, it is very rare, and he was declared. Tat was a little bit of a punch line. back then ever I forgot Dick accepted I guess we would have gotten ever want. We now get a scrub through pale, but do we always get people to accept the Dick Van Patten, except for verse got Bab I've done yeah. That was that, plan it S. So good of you, the man show had a you know, an art department cause we'd have to come. with man of Asian right now and the like go in there cause I've kind of the carpenter, the group and I've go that doesn't even look.
I got bellies zamboni every understand it has to work. It's gotta clean my belly off, like You just get me. It's gonna, look like Zamboni bus, gotta work, because there, my palm gacek, my shirt off and then it's gotta, it's gonna mob me up like every finishing my birth is called. The police pony, wasn't so soon Joel because we ve come up with all these stupid, gags and they'd, be in there like physically making the stuff. All all the time and then there were good, but sometimes a step. Didn't we like we wonder at work or the man novatians, as always like this stuff, would have to explode or have to do this. I have to do that and I d always walk across the lot may be all that the kind of nerve carbon regards mean they're, like buzzing, waved their rivals and casting Frank Giffords head stuff like that That's a very that, like a groan, adult person was
way we're doing what I want to make a Emory clacking clock. The air was it was an interesting time, but the ev. I can't even remember all the motivations anyway, one day, One day will dig up those modifications. It did did Dick Van Patten that he accept Scott Bail is now you accepted for now ass and then early in the cells and then I ever Andrea Giant Andrade, the middle. Little person can regulate top part of his head when applying the bodies they didn't get a dog stairs. Yes, I didn't, I accept refer us god I had some recollection of I know Jimmy did all the heavy lifting on the man Show Hall of Fame, but I was like I think I talked on one as well. Maybe that was I, let me tell you
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six page report was released Monday focused on accusations by EL women investigators Two more than two hundred witnesses reviewed, six hundred thousand pages of documents. The report also this Cuomo of using government staff to compose a memoir using campaign, to cover up the number of nursing home covered nineteen deaths in the early pandemic. Qualmless lawyer d, the allegation and calls the report a rehash of a one sided biased Starvation learn whether you just break it up shit. I did nine months ago right move, it is gonna want we, their eyes met the game that is worth take statements. We don't do them. We don't have investigation before you. Do you, do something then few months, valor and then the investigation, that's how this work. That's right! It's our rushing in a way that the vigorous row over the past that's up to you.
O J trials about some shit. They went down seventeen months ago rang it's not political attitude, its general learning in the past. I've got shot dated thirty generality. Should James Democrat and the assembly's control by Democrats. Do you can't it Lee that's kind of refreshing? I do overall pursed up. They had the play. I always bring this up, and so we shall bins very true like when they show the picture of the woman he was accused of like his assistant when she's hot I see him do in making that move on. Her also she's amongst us, like I'm, not a Cuomo fat. I think it's funny that their owners, homosexual. All I know is that it's a toast the town like our- what are we elevate under this status, for why there's our partners,
he got people and his staff to do act. Swine Z, who, amongst us, who we didn't have fifteen many people were grandma. Go address, go pick up my dry cleaning, it not official right. I've worked on books, out a few tasks like paying them, but they like, I get it, but I view I beg of you looked in, do if you took any politician, anyone you, use your staff to Bob. I pick your dog, the grammar and that's that official. Really there on the clock that were being like every politician would have reams of stay right, but also isn't the difference between you and then is that the public is paying for this. That's true here now I I pay Michael inch. The area is the pedal, but I'm trying to think
Cuomo in Michael Avenue. Body were the two biggest stars eighteen months ago to like the two most of the town, to view couldn't figure out like it was like which one blow first and which would reflect verse avenant. Almost like a big debate now we should be going to them for advice. I feel like one throw in the thing about the staff doing work like that's kind of like if we achieve it on your wife, with her sister, you know and like you kicked dogs or something like that, and then your wife is like bitching about that. She's again, you don't pick up your socks, it's a killer! You need a throw them in their ones, are major enough right, like he also leave pretty well, that he wrote a book about how he was the hero, handling of covert in the middle of in the middle of a man and his state was right to number forty
First out of fifty or one hundred like it's a weird pork to ride with me, you didn't do that. Well got a bunch of nursing home people who died a lot of people. They give botch dad we're still in the middle of it. It looks like a fool whose time you're a genius and free rein, most amount of money could think it made five million bucks. Yeah yours like let's make money before I get taken down. He's did everything to be taken down, but it was like a coach writing a book on how I won the Superbowl at half time yak. We don't know how this works. Gonna, we're gonna in the game right first, but anyway, don't I just wish the realities in trouble. You'd still go on his brother show, and then they could do that banter back and forth, and also the economic crisis. You know you'll pretend for thy vacation yeah. You know how your bank and everyone that's. What I want to hear and stepped in did needs at all. It would be a conflict of interests. Right now would grow
Stacy haven't talked about human awhile. Let's do that. So a cabin species has been ordered to pay. Thirty. one million dollars to the production company behind house of Cards- that's the Netflix serious you started for five seasons was for twenty seventeen so according to wrap the traders ruling was made in last October, but was revealed on Monday after an appeal by spacey was denied, so this is happening. Why is this so in its filing media rights. Capital said that over an arbitrator founded the actor had repeatedly breaches contractual contractual obligations. starring in the show and that its behaviour rendered him and his affiliated entities liable for millions of dollars lost whether production company. So basically because you yourself and others, hot water. We lost a shit tunnel money. thirty? One million box the requested and producer on the show he was awarded to
m our sea, the meteorites capital was awarded twenty nine point, five million and damages, and one point four million in attorneys fees. How we were doing a little. You know it's called acting now like how much of their private get it if their q, of killing. Somebody and I know he's been accused of a bunch of stuff, but, as is anything really stuck, I write their argument is, doesn't are you ruined our? Shall we had to take you off of it and less money be spent on principle deplore get because if you're, not even like legal problems like whether it happen or not, you are such a distraction. Netting must s money so now go back to acting justice and acting have you actually this character whenever you ve done in your private life, whatever we find me back, I think I used to If we found out you're gay, we don't want playing the leading man, but again it's acting now. If we find out
you're not get your travel. Why? What is net worth? b b outer obvious thirty one million dollars, but he does know a way to make money design? The other side? I could make some money up doing what he loves. I'm seeing from very sight is worth s maid two hundred million to help a land on his very fine. What else is going to face endeavour anytime, from data data, tv in any gases will be no light there are around here I mean for rule- threatens aim realm. The sort of the hosting realm I'll, give you yes, it's a man, s bald the weatherman rocker,
now, look of I've found out what we was gone, outer space around a user, ongoing iron, dome failing to actual online or much put at Cape Canaveral. Not for was this one straight. You want to know what I want it for you know: I'd better tell you it's probably better for years ACT, you sorry what They re sunless worsens one stray him. You are correct, wow I ever my man. He is going to space on blue origins next rocket. That's like two and a half weeks. Good morning, America, CO host has accepted bases his invitation to blast off into space on the new Shepherd Rockets. Third, human flight, that we, number ninth street handled of six amateur astronauts in the capsule he'll be with Laura shut. church Lee she's the daughter of Alan Shepherd, the first man in space, I believe, the first American and then a father son. I'm sure!
billion error. There they're going to Corolla word. Undress gonna handle the Super softball interviews. While he's an outer spreads, there is going to be avoided. Visa Suuk itself, Bala that guy was fighting. Look. They watched his like getting ready in getting prepared. He said five I mean he's not gonna, be comfortable I ll see it might all. They are milk in this one on GM, may God yeah yeah yeah, I did talk to Shatner. Quite a bit about it was talking about. John was forty which kept break it up, but he is doing is a joke, but it Prs. I talk any eyes. He was talking about the Hindenburg I'm not going anywhere, not saga Shatner, then he he's Easy only guy that shuttle ninety everyone else, average age. Thirty four here now and he said I said, What we think about when you're sitting ironies like I kept picturing the Hindenburg
and the Hindenburg blew up caught on oh, that humanity, everything was filled with nitrogen and he kept. The rocket was filled with nitrogen in Iraq was work. Propulsion system is nitrogen, so he was just sitting there. Thinking about the Hindenburg nitrogen and then think about being propelled with nitrogen and Nobody else on that craft for salmon that thought there were putting the hindenburg. There's me now thing together. Doesn't it make you think twice about all the signs they put a roller coaster like don't ride if you're there is that, unlike ok, if we can, he shot into space like I can have a little blood pressure problem and go to six lags was, and I don't want to put the calabash on anything or the did the gipsy I or anything we want this is pretty experimental. Do I happy and were like? in the back
We wish. You know, member like seeing a lot of e on Maastricht, stuff going up then kind of coming down. These is blowing up and staff and a boarding and jumped the struck than the reduced step. move that far in the last four and a half year, Zay Evans, I acrimonious jump in yerevan- you I must goes on Rogan and he's like hasn't. Having had a lot of rockets. Bluff is that's a rocket stu. I say nitrogen. I mean hydrogen. Thank for now. I only one I ever too polite to corrupt regime. Most people behind Berkshire of Nigeria if it was nitrogen when they all sound like the lollipop guild. The four areas highlighted sir I am so thankful to Jimmy Camel because he is doing something fantastic again this year, and this is the one I'm excited about next month.
back. There was something amazing where I see, but I guess today was inductive shot and Shell Hall of Fame. I think here even get a dating old sit down from the eighty here even get to be entertained. My there's so we here we got the past few years. Those sort of live, Zipcar, updated, sitcoms, star power, oh yeah, oh and theirs. Famous ones coming up. There is going to be a bundle, two fur. According to the hybrid rapporteur, it is going to be different, strokes and the facts of life. And I was so excited out. I use dying in different strokes, Amy Kevin Heart article. I had this all conversation with Jimmy, but I was drunk and locked it Damon Way and as well as the tide, bridges, camera jog about you, that's exactly right:
Good casting to John Lift, go playing, Mr Drummond as a german ways like sixty the character we ain't we haven't heart is that these are not children and you are you familiar with her of anyone? Obviously watches handmaids telling you know I'm talking about playing the made Missus Garret endowed worms Buddha, That is right. Look I owe you anyone who she's she's the air at Lydia on Handmaids Tale, we found. They haven't, announced the facts of life. Casting is still there workin on that that ocean Brigman they give huge celebrities immediately I was times at a party we're talking about it, but I can't, I can't recall I watching facts of life, though over the weekend really region was. Why? The monitoring one yellow, wavering, she's ice at nice email is getting everywhere, Tuesday's relish. everywhere, doesnt Molly,
I do share in this one Tutti had the way, the lyrics very different and that yes, in that vote, Maybe you hear it from your brother, better clear it with your mother, the different different guys. a jazzy around that's right season. Two so very excited That would be December seventh and I wouldn't be opposed to sitting in the audience for that casino. Ok, I'm so glad you brought up lobsters are This is very important because their work- and on this I guess the UK on problems that they're having some UK summer covert issues and breaks it. That's all. back burner, Nope unintended, because A ban on boiling lobsters alive came closer yesterday after the government recognize crabs, octopus and lobsters as sentient beings, so is going to be illegal, soon, probably art by our various more. I will never eat it again. I'll, never eat it again. After my octopus run ever and I loved it sounds like you're talkin about
a vibrate. Our travel without you guys, you haven't Verona. Caribbean was jack. Is my. I know you don't charge. It takes isa. Multiple tentacles! You gotta get busy reach between the box ring in the matters. Nepal that my friend that's your answer is, I think we talk about this. were that investigation trying to find out if the calamari you get sir, in restaurants, is actually his anus, so I dont know if we ever got clear answer on that. What, but you might already not been eating octopus or swim. I just calamari, did you and Saturday night and it was good, but I got change There's a ratio in the column, Murray, and maybe it's like the hooped car once it gets.
ass, the bout half engine, it starts getting Rob and then the sort of meat to branding ratio gets thrown off. Now you don't want to fan but there's a radio without a quarter and yeah. Maybe five. Sixteen for those who are listening in Canada made seven millimeter hacks, but I mean there's a certain point? We Do it a little thick and it's a little robbery and doesn't stand up to the bread by I will say this: latter restaurants, you and Who dipping sauces? Now it's calamari already raised one and they AOL Leon very nice. I always feel bad. about polluting one with the other, but at some point to go fuck it I'm paying for this. I won't both gap, a dip in both when lived in Greece for a couple months. They would like when you got rural areas. There is always octopus hanging
in the doorway to dry and that's how they were dry months? They could serve them at the restaurants, and I was pretty squeamish at the time. I had never had sushi group in Kansas and gotta tell you once I got com well enough- and I regret it now and I won't do it again, but pulling off the suckers enamored like when they were grilled, they were delicious. Do they The octopus out on the hand, trick ya, throw right now they knew Detroit attitude with they do it more than one play saw. It almost always our places, I think it started in Canada and then now it's like a wolf because, like I think that the consolation was throwing the hats out for the had dramatic, as it was weird forever, and then people like bothers kids or when I just did it recently as widely little exciting. What do you mean tooth? If we want to win that, nor do I argued history gall yeah, I know it is naturally take active
toss it onto the governor and adjusted it's a tradition. It is what it is. I didn't know that the add on our door. Do you have a column, our story, one time we were at a big family dinner with my warm coke drinking big nada, the Calamari was overcoat big! I was not happy about this, so am I certain right next to big Non, she said, Michael, get me the chef It's ok and I went to the kitchen. I said I the sheriff my my big nano you're, the radio, restaurant relax, Scott Seafood and wandered Craig still exists, chef, came out to talk to my big non as she does got up. Grab him by the arm and said. Take me to the kitchen she cooked our tables, Kalama, O Neill. Can she made it all? motion rules again. She said that traumatize, your impression I was so impressed big, not big, not a rules by it,
Brian Good through the way kids work as are, cannot read, MAC. Guy was about fourteen, so I was kind of an asshole in that asshole range myself. She was a rather like ice, big, not as past about this homage to help her our eyes I was. I was brown mocha my main grandma. The rare occasion, got restaurants. If they serve and bring over the resale of water or our fears. Brunch she'd go get herself and like a horse, a man we gotta, because for ever she would know patients there, no nations, that's them! That's the theme for gay people. Then I have time for this over never doing anything important line as the idea that Europe Novaya Saturday, the third idea attack on anyway you want to know what is considered more humane ways to kill lobster either side, seeing them with an electric gun, more choice
in them and cold air or ice before boiling that by the way, how long before the humanist because he s the high capacity electric gonna get a huge part of water. There, oh sheriff in drinking wine within Thou brandished, holding the thing floors, Wyatt euros in with the cow brander here recently water clean. right. Yes, absolutely it's already legal in Switzerland, Norway and New Zealand put a lobster at Newport Church. Don't you think? Don't it here too that what do you want to do that? stun yet or chill it to death, but like freeze, yeah, we're not for what No, like reserve written stations. I didn't the drop in the liquid hydrogen nitrogen? Her you just cold, air or ice? It says I mean we can die hypothermia like that? I'd think. There's I think this is. I think
you know my theory. It's my it's. My Gavin Newsome theory where Gavin Newsome makes these proclamations where he like in our by two thousand and twenty seven all vehicles need to be carbon new drones, all down, there's a homeless guy hitting on the podium right now, the oh. He just a stab your chief of staff. This range in the neck, like They say that shit because they go look I'll fuckin out problems. We are that's right. We're show done with problems that were focusing on how to properly put down a lobsters, but I
our view that once their plucked from the sea, it's all kind of down hills. Anybody, like other, probably hoping for a death that point yeah meaningful death, so we can eat it employer going to follow that later. That is again or else is illegal, texting while driving. I did that on my way here, my Tesla Kazanovitch Tesla. Just why you guys over test- and I dont know really anything about crustaceans. I never even had them until I was well into my adult years, because again we can afford robots average, but they, like all, you can hear three him. Oh no! That's just the shell releasing from the body like new. Is that supposedly legacy from now? Where were we have the ability to fire
a three hundred pound black man in outer space, and we can find a way to humanely kill it. We need to replace our wise man out or strengthen cake if cell phone Russia, but what a giant black man in orbit, I can't get fuckin to bars in this place. People of Elect you can't lobster unless it died happily having by sex like an old lobster some there. I like crab way more the lobster and think lobsters that great country, but there are some parts of a lobster that are so fucking d sitting thrill like the terrestrial year, whatever assessing them all. Oh, my god, you guys know just in may use the main area of your days at luck. If you have been lost everywhere, ass, sharp, ass idler road is not our fears.
Telling this. This is. This is like your trucker food and professor is not like the best way to get it is for an restaurant is getting your prepare exhaust scoop it all out, they'll dual the kind of dirty work for after tail romantic is that sounds, is pretty prolonged We are now out of date, the clause better right. I don't mean the tale better by they ask you. This sensitive question paint yeah you're out here we have a nickname fur red lobsters, become rich, for instance, the name for the one in Wisconsin yeah a little bit track. Certainly landfill! yeah they're there. There was that an interpreter and his greatest previously discussed I sold.
Adam. How do you know what I'm no eight argued and buy out? Oh yeah, Oh god, I don't nodded Taiwan. That, with our game, cancer will be a year is a thing. Do you mean I went to the one on cod on we'll sure there was one on will share alike. Highlander libretto, ride off of Lawsy Anna Guy Laddie I'd on Wilshire like were Rossi. Anybody like restaurant dice, restaurant row ride on will share my father, I gotta look it up. Current review will go down. Laws against arena was years ago, was right in there and had a lot of is very ethnic yeah in their diverse, but not I zone where should walk out of here. I think we're talking about
we're just talking about way, people that you know white trash people go in there that out to our work, and I think that a democratic will cause a little known. I'm I'm! Ok. We guy MIKE friends and the picture ass picture. Galicia, I mean academia, I I don't know passes over the eye. When is she has her thick bill? that's insane like a letter like dont, know little bozo yeah yeah. We have sex, I just a brighter Oda. Thank you afterwards, over stack of next to the bed. Only why that she's hid why I can only give the tea garden yeah her my phone, her mom and dad or big fan of the pod gas. So she himself
mom and dad in our. I could turn that and you can see what you may also I know, even though its covered I can tell she has high nipple placement, our great yeah yeah, I use it out. That's what you want. I want the pointer strand in specific. What's your name again, Nicole, thank you Nikolay and, incidentally, my response back is going to be. I can't wait to check that MIKE. That's gonna, be and my weighty response, but I am, she should also do the MIKE drop and then send another gather in that. I actually punctuated are out of the way better response. Do we find where the Red Troitsa was unwilling is unwell? Sure off of Lausanne yeah There anymore, though, is it: I've not There are many times. I've never seen a rebuff. Sir. I went there a with Jimmy was right
San Francisco trip like great keep this honeymoon guys we're researching a movie. The one where do with Ivan ripen cannot our characters like ended up at him. Red Lavater and away was they had a drink called a lobster Rita, which It shall, at the least appetising like a cocktail. Every picture like pulverized lie beetle cylinder and meet him. They had heard so rude reader, the luxury of which is I look. I get your rely for you to have the name everything we have named. The toilet paper laughter NATO, like just it's just dumb and it's really expensive. Yeah I get is as expensive as any nice non chain. C4 shining play. She would go, that's why we can afford it really not out of our price range right.
I for one more one more thanks giving all do these as a tool for two things, giving things Lenny said this in the past, but we're going to reiterate it. I now, stood Diana New with the trip to fan and the Turkey makes you tired. It's not the turkey after you shovel in the staffing and potatoes and the yams with marshmallows and Sirop. That is what is Can you tired Andy Alcohol is not the Turkey Lee? the turkey alone also Have you guys gas and hide my little screen here? This is basically, version right. So you be shovel, you do a knotty car blowed, you wash it down with a high and then at some point I gotta Turkey, as a white man, maybe shows lily. I bring it in bags of eyes, Yazzi Anti so lightly. When I love lies, you get the car.
Like somebody put some in my drank, as I don't even remember what you well, we were doing Yeager violence as we are doing bad issue that we started doing we bought funnel than ever and by two I am I never a member, and I know so and swift some guys. What am I twenty nine drank somebody brave put something like you, fuckin drinking all night yeah so same thing: don't blame the turkey as we have an average
the Calorie Control Council, the average. What the average American will consume calorie counterfeiting of worrying that place Jean. I would hate at our conscious and looking down their nose like everyone about it. The eye with our you'd come home. You Polly you gotta work. What was interesting choice suit ass, a doktor ball, but of all my God, I'm on my MAC. Well, so I am going to have you guess what the average collar Consumption is a Thanksgiving day me totally, not more than the average is the total for the yeah we're thanksgiving, especially thank you. No calories like other people, and I think I could be wrong, but they want, but you wouldn't be around like that, and I say well see fifteen hundred dollars a day. Not for a dieting woman, a man will all twenty five or twenty five years. I saw two thousand above or shut my eyes of six
Six hundred businesses Christ I was very, very high Iraq right that I will say fifty one Kay, prices writer an hour ago, allow at thirty eight hundred carries well you and Frank, can split the difference the average will consume on Thanksgiving. Is forty five hundred calories too twenty nine grams of fat, and if you burned off? According to best Life magazine, you can cycle, fifteen hours for you can go on it. An hour hike or a twenty. Eight mile run, oh brother way acted to the cow a thing. That's on the treadmill, like you, can sweat your ass off you been there forever grandma binge watch. Seven car shows it is. I give burn a hundred and ten calories like, and then you look at a fuckin, a raises. Two hundred and thirty seven out, there's no way coke. How could this work? That's right, but how high is well? That's very
calorie guys, don't cup calories, show you they're, not angry, riding a bicycle in analysing anyone that by cry the job the early morning ass. If Turkey, on Thanksgiving havoc in point here, ass, the out of town in don't ever loop back just eat or gallantry ottomans, you out acts or sizing when I'm fuckin load now I'm calorie yeah, congratulations, Uncle Brian you're gonna die five days after my arrival or just like run in place in the curtains Cologne behaviour in leaving her. I don't, I don't need it out on display a great, let's bring it home I have another now, that's I wonder and allow Turkey news, I'm gonna grab and that's the news was the news with Gina grad arrive. Live, shows ongoing some specials Improvin Breyer, gonNA, Patrick Warburton, and teaching Miller. Gonna do join us, forget it
over there Inga programme com for all the life stuff and curl a Christmas combo, Corolla drinks, dot com as well. Get a sign card and some angry and all sorts of good, subsequent check that out as well. Pete Lee PETE tall, dark and in pleasant available now on Showtime shows coming up Milwaukee Improv this weekend and then Cleveland Polarities and website you gotta pee Lee dot net. You can find all the available dates for Mr Lee and where he's bring is brand of mirth and until seiners and twelve feet. Leans you the grand ball. By saying how
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Transcript generated on 2021-11-24.