« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: More DFG Clips (Carolla Classics)

2022-01-08 | 🔗
1. DFG with Alison and Bryan (2014) 2. JV or All Balls + Jo Koy (2014) Hosted by Chris Laxamana and Giovanni Giorgio Support the show: TommyJohn.com/Classics Geico.com Lifelock.com, promo code ADAM Request clips: [email protected] TWITTER: https://twitter.com/chrislaxamana INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chrislaxamana1 https://instagram.com/giovannigiorgio Website: https://www.podcastone.com/carolla-classics
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage sale on podcast one after ten years. One heroes name is on everyone, the Gruber booty. Streaming only on Peacock, a November Mc J thing, Do you want to lose weight and improve our quality of life? Discover Barry Apteryx surgery at pen, medicine, a safe, effective weight loss tool which benefits that go beyond the scale weight loss surgery may reversed diabetes, eliminates leave out the control, blood pressure and more pen medicines. Very Patrick surgery team can help you achieve your goals by giving you tools to maintain a healthy wait for life. Telemedicine visits are available tat now to register for a free online information session at ten medicine, dot. Org, slash bury our tracks,
Welcome back to grow classics, part two of today's death rack guy dedicated special purpose This is propaganda, extravaganza, we call on everyone. He can't hear us anyway, so that let's go to twenty. Teen and hear another clip of our body deity also, twelve, thirty nine June twenty fourteen gee else and rose, and Brian Bishop check it back with a great one, the Deaf Brac Guy area, there, the food, the ever less the death rate guy, the energy without Bro. extra coming out? I know we have a spirited round of Jamie or all balls. It's all good Also we're gonna? Do they will do so
blah blah guy vigour every by the time we get the J D or all balls will probably rolled into some news, but let's do that cause I had. This is quickly becoming my favorite segment of the show. Gavi are all balls. His reasoning is dizzying to do think. Gavi are all bald J B, all ball, Well. All I should just yet I mean it's all balls I mean failure. yeah. I can easily see how we Mandela she cress hosting this insane acacia, definitely giving families together right. You know the family huddled together, family feuds style, yeah meaning, while in a way tat table down or barbaric paying while you're in the shower J Vieira Balls Erin getting ahead, are highly around it all safe water. Definitely C4. We were very environmentally oriented, jump conscious, yeah aren't you uncle said that do than hosted family feud reach a daughter
gave his grandmother, clap? Who really care? I guess pushy goes been around for a while thou row. I mean he's We worked in radio for awhile Yahoo within Anthea, but brine. I heard your movie review. Put these uncle want me to tell you: did he hated the Wolf of Walter because he said, is the shape of debt we salute- was wrong. Oh, why was an accurate horror? Historical inaccurately want when Europe review that film and why me to add our ongoing work, DJ oriented, She was around or those bells yeah some knowledge of that information, big and they said, like seven, fifty seven or stopped near the arts do have some j are all balls year, less Don off Hoddan, don't look losing. Would any forthem would in a force of to do this to check losing one?
But there is another dude and therewith who'd found your would yet like you in your best friend, right with two checks. Air was going to gather and would I've. I feel like that. That's J, I mean you started force and we can all vanish it. What could be more more affirming we're masculinity than losing your word notion of guy in the room naked gas miles and what do you think, I agree if you're up for sex you up for sex regardless. That's why you're a regardless right, irregardless, Azra, ok, no job New Jersey, Governor Crystal quit, quit De Chris. Stay enhance joining down the whole bridge? The more you know it's funny, because when this for this sort of washed over me with a lot like right, and then you start here and about you think about the guy's going to a new job and be
four hours later, the old lady or whatever, it is stuck in tramp idea that your use people's party it to me by the way, scariest sort of governmental thing you can do The tax is, and they or I'm gonna make a deal with my brother law who owns it. Pays it having contract and I'm gonna give him the account to pave the new stretch. I waited that's when four million years. I almost understand this just fine. This is you fucking, holding a magnifying glass over your consent. It would seem burning them like ants, because you can wear your J J B. I did all ball broke when with the latter you ve down a bridge wow. I I feel, like all you have to use, threatened jump of one and you could get it shut down with. That is true, but I mean these good people are always jealous of a powerful me. I a man of a normal appetite. He probably probability
in a lay like that, double that targeted for combat cave broke. The three Rigour Chris Grizzly, where I think what he did with power plant. I was better than what the Baptist embattled and sometimes polarizing figure. I'm Toronto may arrive phone. You know a he. He provides a lot of fodder for animal morning shows and late night shows the talk about twenty. We decide. comedy, should be exclusively at their success and then at eleven p M was not after between not much at noon. We just want to see people impersonating doctors in faking, their own death, I'm not afraid to get wasted with its own constituents. I lie when a guy gets accused of using one drug and makes its use. It is wasted on another drug as excuses
I hate, participated in the use of of one of the other two, There's a part of me that likes this guy. I don't know why he should have is what he lets by there is yard is not alone these living it right, YOLO, right, yeah. What away think where I've, just like the alike it look mommy. I see that more gonna billboard a hollow highly obtained at movie correctly wire. Right. So you you're, saying it's all balls it how you, but what about Michael bathed awkward addressed at the sand on trade event, I feel like that was James. Because I feel like those of the recent a little at fit of, which is by the way makes Wayne F you and then ask me money me. Money is better than a you money. This is, I don't fucking care from out
five hundred grand they paid me to do this by walking like any comedian. Any guy went to court, let's just take your average comedian or as a corporate gig, where they paid him. Seven grand go out there and be the aims. Even I would never just walk, or even here the walk on it. I don't I don't chalk it up to nerves or whatever unprofessional, seen him interviewed many Yeah, I'm saying that that's Davy, but do he's one of our finest directed and he was publicly de bald so you're saying it's all balls you get, but the Davy gave fix your no then the whole thing did happen. Tom was J B. He needs so gaze pr guy to set up a meeting with, but we Mr Bay and Dwayne Johnson, the rock year and on your Jason Stadium in some of our other finer,
actors: rights are vacant. Coming over like a super project, a man. Can these Michael Bay right now to get back on his game. Now I am, I agree. I mean it makes a lot of these films that are of uplifting year. What are ok, what a bet Flynn ok, I won't junior outbreak in bed gettings, not that the golden Clouds, Jamie your balls, man. I fancy locked up or yeah emotional because he says handicapped there, but they kept care, though these you ve got mild ah state, B, C b, so tat I may see pay brows die. You got me off now. More grew up rope. He he's got
a mild k, cerebral palsy, yea, cerebral palsy, cp one I mean this dude gives more box than did. Demand is hub of FED Ex right! So you that's! A law has a lot of box year. He get a lot of barked yeah. Do you think But why so? Why did they snob him? I will first I feel like the ultimate reward. Is that much box? like we gave me a choice. Would you like a nine age, brass statue or more box than the bad acts? Memphis hub unity is laughing all one of the bar. We're on the Ladys I hear from me. Don't ever nine needs brass that causes me and bag is failure. You count the bag, that's like
internet half at the bottom right yeah. I don't I don't like it means not by their own again. You know being young looking in there that Canada notoriety feel exactly and on his feet, but I know is so. with a disability, that's out of those lack of of thought in state me. I didn't mean that job, but as someone who suffers from it disability, I think you'd, probably your way, some your own feelings into that obtain days, there's gonna be some hot jig landing on his meat. Pulpits all eyes observes that J G David, what the back to how golden globes in January I mean. Look, you love best run. I love brand. I don't like the idea of deformed pass call come into our country down. An attitude has the best breast I this is different.
Your miss your, I think you did. Did you hear what next they call some friends journalists is called come over for the golden. Clodagh not now ass. We think I represent now you're gonna watch it it's for act and local jobs, Patrick I mean something else in Europe lives, neither is it then. It's like, like member booty Sancho saw the Wolf Wall Street Gay hated it D Quaid good thing to do is not accurate right. So that's why I there's a movie and then they would give a globe and a war do. You like, Leonardo Dicaprio, in oak ass. He was in that movie. This is
best whack. Now, oh, no, no, no thought totally gb! Then God knows, rethink their maskers, or rather I just what about John? Would the bed John High it John? I loved you the great did he. He tagged, shaved, Avonlea and actually with the board in a tree. Thumb John higher, give pronounced Edina John hi mom move now, I'm not a singer! Songwriter is causing a this, do travelled in high it out little off more. Neither John High, the singer writer, is like sixty years old,
giant Johnny higher tagged, both Ashley that once the first due to do it really Ashley, where there one. I know one as a shave. Bush is to try and move and the other one is the one who is one of the first to have a full shape. Bush senior posts. about a year, Johnny High off people to call him John now cause he's. Twenty he worried about like getting a job lost on the run nah. It's issue when you asked me about cowhide trimester, give her personally hell yeah, I so that's all that be all balls yea. What about these war on bread is warm breath with the greek gluten awry road, is a simple yes or no yeah people or hollowing out their bay goals. thinking about our the others,
moving out o the breaking of mineral mode. There now do you know what you know what I realized think about this? I don't but bet it's probably one of these la things by when I had out with my writing partner Kevin hands to pound out a little work on road. Are we going to breakfast? we order everything, but we don't order toast anymore. You memory eat come at huge stack about hosting eating a scoop. Cottage cheese yeah they eat, get that massive thing of toast in some It's like you get the omelet you get the college's. Maybe even you get there on Friday, the hash browns but die, we sound, that is to say the toes and he always tells them to save the telescope. The days are gone of you eating four pieces of co right and then I realized, if only they deduct thirty nine cents. simply don't bring the toast out. They don't have to toasted. They don't have to butter it. They don't have to bring it out. They don't deduct,
see this more more. I'm wondering I'd love a toast statistic. I would love to know the amount of toast consumed with breakfast verses. You know in twenty years ago. I am feeling I would like to know the president does want to toast. Are they getting a piece from ninety? Ninety two? I think there are now I'm just wondering if the place that formerly used by fifty loaves of bread, the breakfast It is now down to twelve loaves of bread because of that dramatic decrease, used to do that you're way, because you go to arm. Why did you go get breakfast in the bread was told with pre boddered? They would do that it international how to pancake there without at other national. how's the pay eggs of their other ones yet lived word regional ones. Yet not, but if you went to the
that's house of pancakes legs. You know like arm China or Right arm Kenya right it online. I better call what International House pancakes out of their international there's one in Denmark says internationally. I now. I think they just do that, like you know sometimes also like world famous and that its thereby tricky Bob's pizza is probably not if you travel the globe. I don't think he'd find people knew that pizza place. so I guess it J B, a here. Yes, I guess it would be right away or anything better than this, the toast that gets heavily buttered, even both sides buttered that part that gets soaked in saturated in the butter. That's further, away from the crust in the center words starts, getting really fan, Welty and wealthy account
port zone wait a little butter hand out sitting in their industry. You just take a bite out of that. One part like you go can we get the cross? Its all dry didn't get a pot or by the way this is port, Alison people, you, people who apply butter need, focus on the perimeter, that's where they need the butter. This is basically like you gilding the Loi Authority already tender in the middle right. Yes, if you are that's the dry part around. That's depart! Yes! If you're gonna put off on a bicycle. Don't put it on the fuckin, see around the chain assholes, but the part that need The most butter doesn't get any love or butter, that's right, but that one bite you know what I'd like to do. one day when I have f me: money, I'm just gonna shoot
We walk around restaurants and take them one bite off of everyone's play right in the Middle EAST, that big fuckin half circle, just out of the sweet spot mill said it back. then Walker accelerated at that. That will be my lunch to sell out I'm angry. I now hear that can and may also could give to close to home this dude. Oh should know? There said the energy told here by gay, I have opened in Dubai and Kuwait. It's an international push that started. Two thousand twelve, how you our idea, have one more force: yeah! Ok, I have one more. What do you think about those NFL owners who, where the yellow striped shirt with the white collars like Robert Craft, dare the outward
cuff in the collar don't match. It is a definite rich guy move where the collar and the calf or a different color than the body of the shirt GB. Well, I don't I've. Had I've had shirts, aid. For me, actually one of the nicest things these do. You guys tell me what you think about Jim Room Shell when you go Do people shows you get a computer mug by the way there that to be a cap on computer mugged. I feel like I've how's he with commuter mug, it is also a kind of thing. We're knows, will free at this point, as I like cupboard that has twenty eight can you're mugs in it? And I can never use more than one at once if there's never situation, where there's eleven people waiting to get my car in the morning and grow worse, my mom outside it just the computer, but they the way the computer mug they give
mugs, they give away sometimes bathrobes, which are ok but really she'll be back. Are you never really use and all that the reality Jim Rome would do if he had a tailor in the tailor would go above Jim Rooms daylight. He found or whenever it is, and that he'd measuring up behind me. I got one arms a longer than the other have long. Arms are too short. Shirt come up short on my recent measures. Do the whole thing get you're it you're your you're full initials and have a swatch big fabric Swatch each pick through your thing in the world who I like this fabricating, ok and then you'd forget about it like five weeks later you'd get, Shirt has item I with your fuckin initials in the cough and the amazing. Now no watch you to give you a watch and they start not now. Just at this time,
but I read that knowledge is a swat really was our search swatch. I felt like round craft are really did my only custom made sure what is a watch too, what to see Swatch? Now I thought you said they give you a watch. I don't I said Swat, which is a watch. Not this one is like. Do you want a football game? where a Jersey look like you, ve been there before this is where a Jersey degree in Ireland is not a Cadillac dealership, Fucker you're right, you're up these guys up in a climate of environment eating shrimp, slipping wines. Shrimp and wine, I should be shrimps and by the way, Bob Cramp Vladimir Putin called you will not get it that back refer your fellow dried Missis Poole, stop a little hot super boring issued, eating shrimps on your right,
drinking water. I realise that the energy yoga, sometimes I get a little bundle dead, there's like on the white man, we're and doo doo doo original red man we're rear mix them together. You know: oh wait a minute. There's a new product coming soon com rose day, and it is the merits of red and white man. We're here, you get what you do or more conversation that really turning to attain the coming soon lost
We consider the Brackman name and Catherine had pulled she's uncle white me some copy. Now lots of deuce don't have to do what did the cook the balls, it says: cajole, knees the buyers to pull off pink but brows day the marriage of red and white thing Where is a way to show, you are all balls and it had a really good Tate and you can. You know you're like to look at the stand on that dude sipping under the broad day. He's gonna good. Take the eye- and I like it too often- but this is an honest stores- are coming I agree that move and legal ban with no journey the railway is failing stages down in understanding, Paul Palmetto us how
line. I did not know that I'll. Even if you're up pay go into Rochester New York, stop I mark a view liquors and get some angrier or, if you like, in rates land or can Awake Washington her just like go to make Colombia liquors thought in reaching the cooler grab some men we're banks, the F g. I appreciate the plug body. I would like you, I tell people they can go to wet deaf rat guy, got com, but want to find out what's going on with the FDA unfold out of tee to its on mortally just stick with many funnels end, lucky potato key chain or an eye. cause, I dare frat die by the way where to renew Lula NEWS our arose in only a few. You hang out really lapse in China in the.
that clip from January fifteenth of twenty forty we're gonna go just a couple weeks ahead, since January, twenty fourteen, but the F g comes back to play some g v or all falls on crucial, while forty eight jokingly, deaf reptiles, rose and Brian Bishop once again Jim If twenty fourteen check it out today, our arose Adam Corolla, Baldwin Ball run. I agree wholeheartedly at tv. I wanted on Twitter ass tat top drop us do in our thing in Buffalo University, a buffalo coming up this Saturday and are also me doing our thing: motor City casino, this Thursday in Detroit and, of course, De F g down. We lack and studio you'll be careful about the Indian Buffalo wing.
The higher the surprise you they futile nuclear when we feel and therefore couple months, Balmly the gardener square on those where, where would be the Atomic Atomic So why are they know? How goes the heart is? Atomic our nuclear is like a poem Then nuclear than to get the new one, Fukushima really yeah. So that's super hot yeah and they paid they put a little like you. Don't that ginger and moved at the greens thoughts and then a little green room then pay, but to make it look like sushi is fun right heard I get I like my food to be. It is pleasing to the eyes it is to the palace. With your eyes. They have always said. I have always said that what they say that if you eat like more than half a dozen of the Fukushima you'll immediately
You have also from your tongue to your by whole relay yeah. Take it easy on that, then that is coming up were gonna, being Buffalo easy worth it now, it's not worth its definitely not worth, and everything good going down, but once the officers kicking on the bottle, absolutely not how you so different guy website by the way, deferent guy dot, com, We got some or all balls urge av to play with here. This is quickly becoming. Might I this man actually ran tomatoes game as I might quickly becoming a fan and personal favorite. It's a rates and neck and neck the outset. It not just you ain't. It seemed like a lot of their followers.
Twitter have enjoyed too well it's it's it's interesting because, just when you think you have all balls are Davy Wired throws a curve balls at you. I broke. I could do it easy moments. I would be easy we're all we got an intra hold on a second. I know you can't hear, but we created an intra
the best way to J Baby, what tab and not so lucky you got the man eater Paul we drink jumped on this acts in the junior shitty, music, Gee, carry Oki is
every bit as good as the one in the song passively barrier, possibly better, pretty solid base line from what I could feel Actually, man eater, is one of those songs that does you'll lose much in the carry Oki version of it that there is a real one? Is such a synthesize piece of hollowed out shed that it doesn't drop off when there's ones that have rich horns and big strings and in sending the clowns in that kind of stuff it sounds pretty bad men like send in the class makes one so the guys that, like I'll, do it I'll getting on earth from other facts, I'll do Roberta flat out, do all all the big names and all the big its status as a horns that allowed us a lot of wood and a lot of strings, but this is, look out since those Casio to start when it starts out his music. That's right, I d have to wear baking amused egg. What what do you think the grand
It's all bald or Davy wow! I watch some of it. I saw during her high wire act and those pretty impressive. I mean some of those some of those stunts. I don't I don't the alike. I can't figure out my relationship with Ringo STAR. I just feel like envy and then there's another part. This is like don't saying gringo like I don't wanna Christie. Why you're a lucky man on earth? here, but then you tomorrow, The wrangle may not be like you know our our candle like Brad Pitt, but they're good. That, though, gets more smashed in three handed Gipsy laws You re right. They thought of it in terms of snatch. It owes its more approach, it sort of musically, but Everyone says he's a really good drummer
I swear to God. First started off with he's a bad drummer whose lucky to be with the Beatles, then there'd be that it set by its the issue. tar backlash back around Domingo now, like Ishtar servers, worst movie ever made, and then after don't beating up for a decade or to than people like you know, it's really that's pretty rough. They got like eight ash is actually pretty funny. Having about an hour of one kind of likes, Ishtar privatize, a Drummer Ringo STAR, doleful yourself, he got his but kick for alike. twenty five years in our ones go! No, no he's a good driver. I think a lot of people like to correct other people just for the fuckin sake of it does Asia Europe, on your point, no, whose a good drummer news, not a good drummer done by these tat, pushes uncle with town made it the Beatles. They said TAT, John Lennon they go. Who is it who think ring always depends drama Iraq. He goes fact tat. He had not even the best drama in the beetle
then there's better drummers in the Beatles yeah, that's what said John Lennon about what's gringo wow gringo, they are Ringle heap ring a prob anyway stay behind the kid. That's all I'm saying don't get up there with the microphone in your hand, but pink, look, pretty crazy, beyond that trap, ease up they're, doing our whole circus allay thing, so our support to do something that no one has the authority to say. Although socked, like none of us, know the intricacies of of rope dancing whenever she dared like ass, no one, shocked. Now, there's no element of shit. This again, I can pay much in for any death defying act here and you know you you're, never you never up their disguise. Ah I just Audio Warwick, do that she had so fucked out.
I'll go I'll, go above, I'm going eyeballs as well baby solve your balls Wrong J B. Why? Because we know, did ask or is it dude we noted Emmy is a lady whose Grammy sounds like a bad nickname for COPE Tina. I know who he is, I might be achieved. Maybe that old woman you're right you are grandma phone. I agree phone yeah yeah I'll care whose falcon grandma, but not save the gramophone, how we're? Ok, what what about? What about beating off on your birthday
Then how can we possibly J d yeah? That's all balls. is tat. We all laws are what make two gb music. If you do it on your birthday, but you're thinking about an ex girlfriend who suffer, note that two that I like it already living in the past and beating off in the present year on your birthday, he asked You should be thinking about who, like somebody from the future Nobody, in fact yet not just like want something so you'll have to stay all right? All right right watch jump at dawn. one of those internet things right, but let me ask you a personal question. Fifty with them. when you read off in your watch and somethin. Are you prepared unlike its you, that's their you just watch it, you don't owe me like. Is it just you sitting at the this office. Looking at the aquarium, are you swimming with the fish? It depends
in the old days I lost my guys, like you know, rock all Peter North they were like bought. You know like I've, gotta collected, baseball cards era, heroes with damn. I would like to see how it getting tips on how to make love to a woman. While now we ve ever seen like Jamie, kill us and guys like that there were rough, Jamie galloped up. You know, I think, we're both fans of his. He was known for their human toilet boss. daddy did I am saying one time I spoke ginger land. You gotta find me picture Jamie Gillis enough near with his work. I, like it because his cart average sized any closes his eyes when they talk. You have the ape man we haven't. We were definitely some party co pardon upon the party serious, but we we see,
I am not I on and on a couple either. I remembered talking to I think it was Jamie Gillis. We. Finally, a picture Jamie Gillis Porn stars should build a fight it pretty quick there, garrets wanna make sure talk about same dear. He did a lot of work back in the day. The other is this, the ace It is a lot of work back in the day back when a lot of these guys were deserted. Like New York, film students started in it for the art they didn't get pay that much. but he was a little rough with the ladys heap. You'd see him current, but rate would like being was a tough one. I know he cares well yeah, I like to think so I mean it. Maybe you didn't move quickly like being raped by three toad slav Universe, a lot like slow, pushing movements that seem syrup. It was almost a passive, aggressive sexual partner.
they were one where this chick pretended to like take a little nibble out is meat carpet right out of the top Ngos. Try there the gale punch you for real it, it was. It was rough terrain but the use of Colombia educated. I error, but he was a teak. It was tough OECD, shires tried out, no, they don't have tried the Cologne architecture, I'm talking to you why legendary porn actress said Ginger Lynn, when she did love line once and I said what about it? What about Jamie Gillis seem like an asshole. The may seem a little rough to me and now seem like a massage Innis to me, and she said now Jamie.
a good guy. I mean one time he did. They dry anal rape with me, but other than hers. Gentlemen. She said it like one time he used the salad fork for the answer, but it was replaced that were dry anal rape transgression easily overlook in their real. No reply can't hold this on dry rape again. Seek that does not a man make a great is. How are you gonna stand back and look at the may have complete body of work of the one dry anal raping you can see and on and on the video is Jamie Gillis engender lend you can see. It happens. Issue remains remarkably stoic election campaign considering sledges abroad, trying to run out of my sight.
What were beating off here on earth. Are you? What do you think about? Not just like you know, if I'm thinking about myself with the lady, then I'll go for the appeal, V1 Riverwood, with the old guys like Jamie Gillis, you're like Hell, yeah bro, you you're the bomb yeah. You almost never find yourself looking even at the lady. Why now me you Oh you want, like you know what he's going to do next I don't know. I find myself you looking at the low maybe maybe even more look at that. Those I like meat bag, like you kind of said, you're, just focusing on the dude. Well, no, not really Ok, so you are looking at the lady not like I'm not like moves brow, not like you know, then most doin at this damn Francisco Jack
most got would at the half diamond Superbowl when Mick Jagger without their sing and wants rye gap. But this time it was also Tyler, really, okay, it's your look at it, the lady! Yet yet now the outlook lady. But when you see an old bet, it's nice to watch the guy work is what I like they every girl ass. Yet we are not looking at those crank right. But I'm lucky I believe me, but I want to see how it is impressive right how a twitter like a lady should be treated like this thing now, where's night, you some of that stuff is nasty, especially the stuff. Tat comes from thy, come Chechnya and unlike, Eastern Europe, the latter spitting, slapping and stuff no home area, hungarian yeah yeah
these hunger. I don't need that the irony that either, let's turn on- and I like honestly- I like to see a nice boy- came the pan line with if Bush reading off on your birthdays, all balls to the Ex girlfriend Jamie they'll Jamie. That's all I got again. I listen. That's got let you know these points thought I mean they're, just like you and me, except the bigger more fricking ass than your in Compton on Saturday night. But their normal food railway line got the tunnel yeah, it's a lot of gas. The idea I do know what you're saying I may get big bang for two hours straight, but they just like that's right ended. I did guys in the in the world
Why dont know all of my eye again Jamie? I dont want to defend them. But the drying o rape and everything where he's dead. Now, always you God, he left his world about two years. I said I'm sorry, I'm bringing up some failings if maybe his work lived on I understand, but I just didn't know no eight. This was a sensitive debate. Jamie past. I don't know, I think it ear. You watch your fuckin, on CNN think nearer. How's your college often newsgirl. I I don't know how I missed this one, I'm sorry, it's called headline news. Teresa wasn't headlines, it wasn't like a huge funeral. I anything now I understand friends and family. I would have liked to pay my respects like I'll, find out when Jamie Gillis pass now eyes he will be miss. I think I felt something in the air that day
why? What else you got where you ve been doing this thing? I've never had it all ball. Gavi! Think that is made this much controversy February, two thousand and ten by the way, what got him. I dont know we're gonna. If there were going to figure that out, because you know with sixty six and. I can tell you the mayor was in good shape, because I've I've only seen him nude I've. rapture sharing with close, I say yeah skin they go there? That's what I always knew no time. Maybe you didn't I outdoor scenes there get it. You gotta Tarzan, less bf, everyone's Roma, but recently. I showed a picture which he must have
look it up because at some point these guys get into real estate, fine Jesus Christ or begin painting or all the above, where you know he was ass. Many people had to tell you of Working Acta. We need some Astok, then he started doing a few loops, the little monsieur. They call them back in the day to make ends meet Adam, but anyway, We met, aren't Lara idea, arbed I'd want to bring their surprisingly never had kid Euralia. I guess when you come in people's hair, exclusively cuts down on your family growth, but anyway because deepen o five. By the way he hang up his conquering until
five. Now he was he to some pretty weird shit: the act that the human toilet ball series just stay away, save your money, while also, I don't think it's the way. You'd want to remember the man now Do I dare ask, well imagine the human toilet there are no car, but not on the chest, Let me say that may say this John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, that a couple transgressions region in their career, but you don't stand is back and focused simply on being with a couple ladys outside of wedlock, its let stand back and look at the full took already of their work and what they prior impact their impact on this in it and in our again I'm not saying the above we give us or Jamie goes, is above them.
Simply sayings ban and take a look, the full measure, the man we're here right now, history, this that's right! Did you know that he was the inspiration for birth? Randall, in Boogie night. For that work alone, we dilemma. He was the first to hire them all with we dare dull film activists and have just born. Whenever Tom did Harry very young vehicle Vega Pioneer it'll be miss, I don't mean to bring it down nice I'll, go hey what about Obama, calling out J B, the whip alot of people treated me that they they think. Maybe rip that off I mean dinner I'll know what what do you think Al Qaeda sand there I'll ball he thought I'll I'll balls out of all else. Now. Balls like Al Jazeera, Butler our ball, your J B row.
The other they re say brow, but their prior, like your countries in the shed on nobody even light, do any more that much Jerry, because I'm in the deuce I mean I like to do like that. He says J b I like that he's always socking down I, as bomb heads were drama Jamie Gillis still. Are we move God? Now President Obama yeah, of the weed called archive Davy? I mean I feel like he could rush your frat. Yet it closed in Hawaii, Boogie, born and with a huge belief in his mouth, the guys who is blown off a little steam. What did Mitt Romney, clumsy unassisted Vladimir Putin is better President Obama really tat, all balls objects, just
You're inflection, I gotta, say J, vague desire. I did notice any. I meet wrong burdens, as applies not only to this on our president yeah. This, like Ex KGB, seems like a pretty bad there. I'm a potent do that dude Caleb. One in four concludes call brought us with their lives kick it? I didn't know that I think it was will add a mere ladder mayor. What they do is like W, I had a mere I'll I'll know dude. can't hear right after read it. It seems weird nay, I don't know how to make it there's a Vitale Lattimer, but when it starts with a double yeah, I think he like gum, liver, kick them. we're like Vitale was still like. You know like this from getting his ears box by Putin really gear and then he's like over and and while the MIA.
while there is a broad help me help me do and is like here, you brow our cause. You got back year important like hey. How about a level kick? Why Putin. Why aren't them out Putin? I have seen at me like they get in the key in raw muscle, bear he's in her eyes in a jujitsu and stuff like that and in I know, stole Robert Craft Superbowl rang the Pope remember things good. Stole Robert Cramps Pope ring, I think, is what happened in craft wandered back he's gimme that ring Bank Putin like I'll, give you like some dog shit back a kick in the leisure. I don't do that the over here you give someone something is for keep right on again borrowed thing and then give it back to me understand
Brown J, vague, but Putin Ray? I almost have got balls brow, I mean they took for granted naked eye on a white horse who pooling who had the president of Russia Putin Hollow poured in Poland poured in putting I he was wearing Sarah Palin stand with real has only had overlap, asked base a prudent how you ok, It was photograph, make it on a horse. Yet, though out then does no surprisingly well endowed well You know my little guy my cock based cs. I don't pull it out front horses cause you just don't
very you don't? I want that in no way can come of it. Nothing. He shreck. it broke. They always gotta shirt off on a horse. I saw somebody's that naked. Now, though, we make now, I just got a shirt off about it very fucked up culture when a lot of it ass. The do with like machismo backward like is, if your president is going to resolve. The president of a neighbouring countries are my window over the other countries. It's a weird thing. I feel like we don't and we'll take it guy in a wheelchair, or guy goes a buck, forty wet like Obama, but where we were like you have a military will then have a fuckin arm Russell over who's. Gonna win the war. I feel it is still some countries there are kind of living in an era not bright, no prob broke broke there. It is just a picture of tat door.
There's a dog wearing straw hat! This has been the most controversial, all balls worth Davy ever you want to describe it as it looks like attacks and air and he's wearing like a little hat straw hat there. He got this shirt when a collar and then like a strap to hold a hat down yet a palm tree in the background not dissimilar out. If you looked right, my dear this dog, where onawandah, I don't want to blow my answer. You know what I mean right, and that is a fact that I'm wearing the same hand, is the dog nonsense. Rick spring fields, nineteen eighty two offering working class dog have I seen I've done up this way, I'm not possibly be Jamie,
this we're gonna, be like first off blot appeal leg brought us Davy like that dog feels like a and stuff. You got an crawl. Their country want to look at the dog but she's doctrine, but what finally sway people was very story, comment What come on a story and worry yeah whatever you know like shop or whatever you're smart, you can click familiar with. It has to do said, check out these dogs. One thousand yards. There is along stairs all balls brow. Look there. Ok sure the collar is not part right. right. I know you'd like this money, I drive a dogged. It's like six inches high broken and is looking though, like I've missed, you want brought forgotten,
me bomb your head, broad view even got close to me. Do I give a shit about their had yes, good taste. threads cause she's going down two yards. Balls I mean, I don't think you're gonna get an argument from from us. Fillies thank you, remember is broken now. You know, like Europe, game blown up by name I'm a shit in normal ISIS, its end, if spats Norse ask, is almost Chuck Norris like in an age movie? Why does he taking I think the Mona LISA that way the aid we don't know- and I think that's what you know- that's why this is this Why bother telegraphy should be art considered. Are Well, you know domain because we're looking at a picture of a dog with a strong cap on, and we don't know what its thinking, but we get all. I now not re in southern also. The discussion right so be doing
like some thoughts were like it would be all balls if he had the hat without the chintz trap. Other new ones were like the Chintz draft. What makes ball. I agree with those the eye of a group that tribe of deeds as well admit yeah in a perfect world, YO yea. Beware like a fluorescent tank or something right. Is it spreads, candy asked. Is it true? I don't wanna talk about. I know a lot of guys in your friend. I know pooch II, no they're reserve douche bag. Shall I not my gaff MIKE Z, moose. My anyhow MIKE Al Mike, are make the might make the girls are geyser MIKE and anyone else at a nickname. I can never fear a part out there. The Fianna buncher guys they MIKE. You know. Why would you a guy named douche bag. All an another guy named Pooty. Why not that, and then MIKE Al and MIKE are seems confusing. My cue
I'm saying we're gonna like nine guys they might, but they never nicknames are now. I guess it's easier that way because, like at one point, we had like tooth media, there. I know about saying we want to give a guy may make a nickname you now. So you don't have all these guys me MIKE. Do have a guy named guy dude. Brow right did, I don't know their stories like I'm too big for me to even here no a corporate, because I heard there's a guy that rushed your frat named guy dude Bro Oh god do. The brow of break on an automatic bid It gives the right outta me turned in equity, turned into a g the eye, that goddamn independent right right, but we had to give him a bit because his name was guided. Do brow He really was like dude abroad, but we're like those names. God do so. You came aids in bed. You know, and it was a
he'll do, but he was a little bit of a left winger, my man. This, though guy got more policy than in north korean butcher brow. They are so maybe it's good. They ve got the automatic bed understand her pussy there, the I know he probably pronounce it due to broke ass. He was tired of I don't know man with his parents. Some people said that they call and his parents and nay said they pronounced it. Do bro right. That's good brow, ears, like on rules that country we are talking about a forward clear Coca, Sonia one of them. place it right. I do have one more year. So the dog is all balls, heavier urca hell Ok, I want that dog and someone Megan killing Windows, hats man miniature has yet toxins were meant to hunt badges, really the brown say
I get the burrowing part, but I bird hide from bad We all know to the ground and shit. I know my feeling. Actors are lower to the ground. I have huge teeth, were speaking of being high to the ground and with vague teeth. What do you think about these whirlwind romance wid? We'd Golfer Tiger was lazy born, It's an athletic couple that brought us like. That's like I, our mongoose tagging. Has maybe and devils some. Yet it's a lot ass, a lot athleticism in the bedroom. Here these tools, you put a hole in the wall at the hotel. Why give my my mom, Ro told me that they were bang it's a lot. Sometimes I forget. Maybe I already told the story, but the picture
her head put a hole in the wall will now God now? Why? That's how hard he was taking it away. you're right out everything we out. Your friend know that your friend dad he studied nor guy at the hotel and they had to seal off all the room, because all the day was bang I mean eggs. we could put on hold to be you gotta be pretty good and bad men, I'm a tiger that, though, God more trend enough. You know then the super causing glassdale before armenian pride. They bro way to go wrong over them and what Europe really in Pryderi one definitely get well cloth were that nice haircut, yeah, Maybe your ram lie to trim, go online. Trimming on design lies for people to get trim right, I gotcha,
maybe did Amelia went to you know. Halfway to that calibre get together and get the same hotel same bed boast both passionate people she's a bigger the legs? strong woman, very beautiful and he's we all know about. him yeah. No, I ve heard about him, but is it all balls or J let me say this very quickly when somebody sleeps with you in your famous and then they come out and have a press conference about how they fuck you If your girl number two or three who However, it is who's going first, where Are they mention about the size year? Hunker everyone's get on the same hunker page otherwise, we're gonna shoot holes in your hunger story. So if you go, I saw
but Tiger Woods and he's pretty well, you know you go on Howard Stern. Explain how well undoubtedly is you can't be girl we're to and go not so much because now, story seems will spur dislike. Anger, vagina seen huge seems mammoth. So you just the first, whereas that gets out of the gate. Says: you have a big harker, because then everyone has to follow along area. You don't have cock real size, cock related arguments with the horse. Afterward polite. Do you wanna even be woodland seaborne? After this I didn't know about her before that in I, as she downhill scare harsh he's down, he or she grabbed got to pull We put our way, brought the pole, Can we, U N most area there? The I never really thought about her, but not now be intimidated following tiger and all they could
so be yeah. You know that dude charming from the sea hearken Crabtree, who. Where were they really? What were you when dead dead? What he was saying after the game? To the reporter Erin Andrews was our line. Brow not was Jamie. I don't know there all balls are Gavi. What do you think? Because he was I after the game, it was nice about random with poverty and should like what you say, the win anything about to tell you how I told you what I said right, she went to go say, good game. But on the other hand, when a guy runs up to you, sort of aggressively slap gently, ass, real good game, you could, I could see, pushing him away as well. I lesson
These guys are run another adrenaline Yang Break. Why do they have to talk to them right after the game I illicit first off these guys are at school. Teachers are fuckin senators, their freedom. If these and corner backs and went ass, football league I know, but who gives a fuck We pay these guys, so we can watch them. Do their thing, whether what whether its now finger, guy out or stripping a ball whatever it is. These guys are athletes who gives a fuck attitudes like, and by the way they are supposed to have those kinds of attitudes. That's part of the gig. Alright, let's modern day, gladiators their model, They gladiators that's right right! Joe Coy is here we have How true for the right guy it's come, not write. The second differ.
oh hell, yeah, oh, oh, I forgot, as it did voice of migration I have some very oil. We hear the voice of angrier nor the public face or whatever. I don't know we're Talkin Argus about their MIKE August clearly says he says, with a voice some angrier, no, no, no, no public base to postpone it. the world's most interesting man really ogier. They want what they want to class political here. Well, he has some good news, If you happen to believe in war, Barrow Connecticut, the good life wine and spirits is now carrying may agree a red why the new growth brought rose, a browser. with the West, with the wise old dog in West, Harmful Connecticut.
In the mood for nice glass of both day after horizon broth prosaic right I know what you re the voice of angry, I'm not that I don't know if they save face of voice. Ok right, even the face, what I'm looking for a life in our hearts they want me to announce like they're carrying Magri all products is something TAT, Connecticut Wine and spirits. Ok, Even the market place near Wrigley Veil in Chicago I'm trying to get my browser Capone's rest varnish in lombardy annoy hooked up, but we don't know if that happened yet well. We pretty age. You even go. Do I deaf racked? I doubt car, that's why we're the shirt every year, where the main reassure ok talked eyes about that, but there is taken the spokes model. Think seriously. That's right! That's why command like when my game face on entering into small talk kind of its rattles.
Little bit right, I d have to hurry. We need to take a quick break, your coy his way out he's in the house how yeah Reagan hi, this is you're a miniature file. Thank you have never! I'd home, it's time to check atoms, voicemail hard cash They need an atom, was sticking around ideas for how to handle gathering from what you need to do is set up like a pay pal account and have a company managed
One man in a wild people pay pal you to set up monthly donation, though yes, first of many people who cannot afford to do twenty five dollars right up front, but there are gonna, be people they can afford. You two dollars the wheat rice. If you shut up all these ten hours a week has part cap or I live on, love myself. You can leave us a message at eighty, eight, six, three, four one. Seven four for air travel wrapper heads around this one point: two, five to one point: five billion dollar attorney tab, maybe it'd be less, maybe it'd be nice, Seventy five or maybe it'll, be one point, seven, five that you have to pay to the attorneys. If you want to fight your pan trawl And the thing that's insane about,
Joker. Why is it ever ones. I made a movie called the hammer. Everyone sees him goes, wives, rated are I don't get it what's up should have been raided? Aren't yes, I know thank you, but air. Every time you say, it hurts a little more and then people say may all day every day? What are you showing you for? What would I mean? I, don't I don't get it? What what? What piece of technology? do you employ that by the way we're going this podcast before they bought the pan. So it's not like we stole it away from them, but there's enough two hundred fifty thousand podcast IRAN, I tunes alone and probably million worldwide and by the way, if you can stop somebody recording their voice and then putting up on the internet, my god, I think you too, go enact. I dont know where this ends are very well, as you loved says, a slippery slope. It is furniture.
either way we we live in a world where you either pay somebody there, three million dollars that they're asking, which is out of the fuckin question an impossible, or you have two then fight them with lawyers that cost over a million dollars. So you can either be view walked with a handful of hot glass or just fischbach. That's basically what it is. How do you want it? I take justly basic fifth fucking. What are you? I did my fist and glue and broken. I want you to dip in Jergens, infused with cocaine that I could go for, and we can do that for you.
and all anyone ever does this go home. Man, it's gonna, fuckin, smart and I got is, but we have no choice but to fight. So we shall fight these folks. It's already cost. Fifty thousand dollars to just try to get it moved out, but in fact, Texas, the venue move things, how we don't work out of taxes and they don't work out of Texas. Either there all New York, they just have a store front in Texas, because it's better for them to do their fighting and taxes that's number one, so I mean are proud to be a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Just arguing over where the fuck and value ass. You start real. using these mother fucking lawyers, whether it's this kind of shit or any kind of legal shed or divorce or whatever it's all there I'll just end up at the same Fuckin golf club laughing there. Ass. His off. You know I hate it when you pay that money and you never really see the guy until, like actual court
It is like evaluate this much wanted. I want to see you every fuck it, Don't tell me you're done him, don't say here the innocent yeah, I don't know what you're custody thing right, yeah and it was like. I never saw. The Lord is like right before or we wedded to the court releasing our eye. So where are we only mother fucker her? Where are we were you both you know that is shared with its Yours for all the body didn't I owed is Farsi. Billable hours. It's a great thing. As its like? It's not like. We have a venue change it. we own fifty thousand dollars. So it's like it. I go in Yerevan get a lot about putting a roof on your place, now be ten grand and then, I worked pretty hard again. I talk to some other roofers about your place and the room
I may or may not put on their one day, but anyway, that'll be twelve thousand five hundred and at a certain point if the grand into the roof job any go, No ladders, there's no flatbed trucks, moving materially nothing's nothing's happened and the guy goes. You haven't fifty grand close to possibly getting your roof on like yeah, but there's nothing? We don't have anything about away. If you stop today You never get a rope and the other part is about a hundred and fifty grand in you may have enough. You may or may not get a roof. Let's never. But I've never gonna promise you a new roof. You may not get around Its greatest profession in the Fuckin Warner Dry agrees about vets yeah like yeah, yeah, yeah, you're border Kali may not make it, but anyway, don't we fifty five hundred by.
Really so just for doesn't make it its rich revive and if it does Raggedest fifty five and set a coma. Fifty five, like this, a grace gift, you could ever give yourself in terms of employment, which is you fifty grand and you got no roof, but we ve been talking about it, but keep purveyors grow. maybe get a new roof, so we're going to you're out a way to do a little crowd, funding and see. If we can fight these guys, often, hopefully will get a lot of other podcast or to join us before ten bucks for yeah. I can't imagine them not going after every body they'd first off there, doing it because they had a legitimate technological invention and were ripped off. They buy these patents and then they go cash them in any way. They can learn the business of taking money from businesses here, so it's not like they would be
and then go. I call your jets. Everybody. We got Corrales money now, let's just hang legit that, let's just let's just keep it quiet, this is let's just hang tight for a couple years now beat us they're going after every one who does upon immediately and I no what chance they're gonna have. If we fall exactly so rally, the troops will keep your posted. Joe by the way comedy works in Denver. Love that place weight is com. works down in the basement or set the one. That's in the massive mall were MIKE August, stole the toilet paper from the luxury condo they put us up and if that one, that's a nice place heeded deal a paper: did they made the mistake of putting us up in they condo they have like?
Scandal, yeah you're gonna, do the show Thursday in the two shows ride in the two should put up in a nice and kind, and I gotta GM down there and higher ceilings there. He stole all toilet paper from heels Rome You know when I went to the Christmas party MIKE filled his pockets up would like treats like a fucking routing the right cookie public really do you want to know what I was getting? It was the beginning of the parting. It wasn't like towards the end where ones lean on to grab it. Before I can get, you saw abuse onto us. I was getting wet weather hazarded. He was standing by the deserts. You know how you just kind of I MIKE and I'm looking at MIKE, had one dessert and then just the other in the pocket here, when we were for later treat we were in. We were. We just got back from Seattle, Donna Man, gray, assigning and doing like as corporate thing.
And on the way to the main reassigning were about forty five minutes early and the guy said we strive and I said that place dicks burgers down there. That's as famous great burgers there, the kind of like in and out get a double double equivalent to whom is it all right? So we went over there. We gotta Dicks Burger, which pretty much Bob's big boy ask and we ate the dicks. her and then about forty minutes later were in line and a guy handed MIKE a card that he made with a sharper the talked about a place. It had great pulled pork, sandwiches and MIKE. The car was like oh ok and start calling the place and ordering huge pulled. Pork sandwiches, like was some sort of mandate that you haven't. We just ate like use. Even huh an impossible? They arrive. We just high play, we just eaten and he was calling an so ninety minutes later we were parked out front of this. Pulled port place now I was I got up at five. Forty five
I've. We flew to Seattle. I did my main reassigning already double double Berger and I'm going to the gig at the airport wrong doing the corporate event and MIKE shown around the pulled pork and since I've got to get to feed opposition and sleep in the back. This guy's, as you ve, had already been up for eleven hours, but literally someone just said: hearsay place that has any porter aren't he's ordering the pulled pork while is eating the Vicksburg he's for he's, probably just wiping his mouth from some thousand Ireland from the experiment. Was he not gain allows you to say I don't know I really doesn't sleep and then, when he does sleepy sleeps hanging upside down, if they live more, bear my god what you gonna do in Vegas plight affairs lug. Let me tell you something: Ninety pounds of toilet paper ways just as much as ninety pounds of granite, meaning when you feel your duffel bag with that much toilet paper, it's
take some upland vying or body to drag that shit through and that those checks makes in your pockets. So he's after having free wins here we have bid to his house just zero stash Ronald. Ever ever just now, it's a statue, a shitty stole bath, for the hilted share, yeah peanuts from South West or you know in iter, coax from doing the comedy works danver. They put you up in that. calm down, and I guess in condos they trust the people that stay there. Not when you got hotel. They bring you the toilet paper in by the peace practically, but this they stashed it in a closet MIKE stiffed it out clean the Palais South. RO, glasses rods. You buy Geico do own. Do you rent course you were the other. Well, let's make it easy for it by bundling those policies with Geiger. That's right, Geico make
easy to bundle your homeowners or renters insurance, along with your Otto policy and its good? Thank you got so much corner ready. So this is what you do you gotTa Geico dot com, you get a quote and see, how much you could save. How easy does that sound? Well, frankly, Christoph it's gotta, easy it sure is visit echo that candidate that's Geico, dot com. now will do it. For today I got a little Tybalt d of tree. I wrap I'd love to hear one of the rarest interviews. Josh garners ever given out of character and the Morales rose was trying to get when a retry to get one is really do. I had one on my old GEO podcast I've since taken Why do they make and we share it? So it's extra rare, but when John came on explained with Africa Character and like I was wondering how deals with accusations of him being insensitive, were making fun of some disability, and he was ETA show these do the character and afterwards apparent
Wanna talk to deaf son as I go What's it's gotta be, as could be the delicate till we start with that. Lady confronting him about this. The accords. Wherever that vendors movie sites can be accepted. we'll things can happen to and they took place they can emulate crying tell him if they have a deaf son and he has the right to go be afraid. I piece of shit like everyone here, to be a human being, is now to be some noble angel because of his death Oh yeah well might find him. He could still be a death prick Franco, and like they were like they were so happy that, like the sun had the right to be as complete, scumbag, frat dish, I love that story, and it's such a great thing for people who don't have a differently old saunter, let go oh, you know how they feel like that, those people who have a different able sun and that's how they feel he asked if there frank. I really was that offensive to deaf people. I mean you're gonna, cancel years ago,
We love em, it's just its chair, heal the curricula here the calls for cancelling that's all year. Yes, a feel for the base, our Well, that will do it for the idea of tree episode today and one of my favorite characters comes on it. You too can be a piece of shit there and that really great message like that really makes Adam laugh. All right forget out here a couple of announcements. First, staff Adam he's going to be in Breyer February six that Sunday here you didn't taping for two different shows why is with William Shatner in the other. One is with Dennis Weight, so make sure to get your tickets at Adam, Godaddy com. It will sell out so pictured to check out the last of atoms fairly wide. Two of the enemies of health at all ages yeah yeah- it's either there. There are never
great jasmine every atoms in a homerun every single time. So far, so don't miss it. That's Brea, Improv February, Sixth, Sunday so my band locks he is going to be playing at on the rocks guarding row, where fifty Saturday night come out, we're play for three hours and tell your favorite classic lives there and that will do it. For today's episode make sure to tune in tomorrow for our Dag episode, we're gonna feature and absorb with all David Alan Greer clips and get that you subscribe to the corral classics, feed and that he get our Sunday absence. We'll see their manage Christlike Simona, that's super fan Giovanni, blue dagger only
welcome back base dreaming. Only aren t wait to thank you know you saved by the feathers back,
Transcript generated on 2022-01-09.