« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: More Dave Dameshek, Banned From Football Sundays, and The News (ACS Aug 4)

2021-08-04 | 🔗
Dave Dameshek is still in studio for Part 2 of today’s podcast. The guys begin by talking about the time Dawson got banned from hanging out at Football Sundays, and go on to discuss the elaborate ways that other guys in the Sunday group have tried to kick each other out. Gina then reads news stories about Andrew Cuomo being asked to resign over his sexual harassment report, another unruly airline passenger duct taped to a seat, New York mandating vaccine cards for indoor businesses, Da Baby’s apology for statements made at a music festival, and more on the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard divorce settlement. As the show wraps up, Dave teases the Fruit of the Year. Please support today’s sponsors: Lifelock.com, promo code ADAM TommyJohn.com/ADAM JBWeld.com Geico.com Pluto TV
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the atom Corolla show on Black one. Well in this half we got Dave, Gamma Shack. We got lots of great stories and we also have the news coming your way. First, there's lifelong, not all cookies, are bad, but if your computer is running slow or you accepted third party cookies from unencrypted sites cleaning, could be beneficial. It's important understand how cybercrime and identity theft or affecting our lives every day we put our info risk on the internet in an instant cyber criminals. Steel, what's yours in your good reputation and harm your finances in your credit is well good thing. There's a lifelong livestock helps the texts. wide range of identity threats like yourself, so security number for sale on the dark web if they detect. Your information is
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Your dick arrive July's ass for you to easy, ass cooties to keep that can of cells are melting, summer, he'd, brother, artisans, cd or ill to keep a chill noting summer. You hang oversee over here to make sure that, after a night of heavy drinking, you don't die the next day in the ball melting summer, heat force a bottle of your choosing editor Ordering Stockholm, the sign of a one or to keep the shipments coming. Perhaps here males palms, Adams, monthly, not
He had time to check Adams Voicemail and I ve never seen enough a third of the love, both probably just a little too young, had. The two have had it in my wheel: how, but Indeed, show without me with a lot, from a very popular movie that isn't my wheel, how never understood it was from a printer, a pet detective. He comes up to them their health and the captain. In our gopher and doc. never knew it man idea of what the heck Gopher Adopt was by listening to your segments. How do you figure it out? They got their love the Joseph
You can leave us a message at eight hundred and eighty eight, six hundred and thirty, four one thousand seven hundred and forty four love me some love boat and we forgot check, but we have brought it up in awhile, but we're free tat, reminiscing about came all in football Sunday. We all remember where we were when our own, MIKE Dawson was banned. yeah I was going to ask about when truce was there? Was it wasn't it charges by weaker? Came on I know it was a bit, so you could have shared yokels own recipe, none of them better. I know we ve told that a million plus a law, a broad and unapproved cows zone and Jimmy Bandit bottles, I'm so Jim is now no doubt it was it was. I think it was one magnificent Sunday. I think both of these happen in the same way he will, Maxine looks at the big screen
now it's Kimmel has. What did he have five games on at any given time? Yet you are with Us Greens, Asia, where story today. The story that is so much better overtime, your charge, your charge Sir, on their by thus number one. but that was noted by the partisan for tobacco and strike on the couch zone can lose already that's emigrants affair than judgment. When we're gathering the watch, football and then I came all the ultimate hosting a work in his own brick, oven pizza, making churning out pies for us to enjoy all through the day and that I find myself and then there talking the camel, as might Dawson approaches to recommend some awesome ingredients for how he likes to make a cow. So Jimmy Camel did not like that with remembered shit up. Simply told Kimmel I dont like ricotta, but why did you
Instead, the two were standard pizza, cheese amidst MAX Bid and Jack Peter case. The camel a mixture? of my friends, but you keep that close. That apparently yes, I agree. I don't I get leave at all and I think that we need seems arch for me out. Luckily, there with demands a pizza all after all, but up deletions by, like you should know: thou Jamie they put up up up up up slightly
for Jack, really make us forget that we are now at a spicy problem and now she's, U S cottage perpetuating alive, but the reason why we have initiate there that the consistency, because do you know that when they were in the Netherlands does that they were. Your pop and does not repeating Collado. So this is like an accident at this autumn's, adorable eccentricities bugs tuna. Your way, came to our aid. I dont know what I mean. A tradition is in the Netherlands, but I order just like a whiskey need, but the person the way out the go back there another, whereas other glamour they're on their heads.
They learn about saying, hi and took him twenty five minutes that figure out- and I was like not for using large, for I heard about you in your spicy jack. I still look forward everytime days on this letter pleasure to see you to be fair, thus, I think it was the mix that Gacek undermine the mozzarella I feel like Jimmy, could have kept walking you know, but when he is, when you meet the jack in well. For somebody who knows that he has, I was somehow you think that they'd know I don't know why is my air it or, if I want to make sure I keep clear by fifty feet in any direction of my thoughts and that he continues all these years later to channel. Come on. It's pizza. Make. Can you imagine Gina some version of this with women the banning part being banned because you didn't know what day real housewives of Beverly Hills or
Now I have you, had a council, you actually get play for tease every time you showed up in ever want to give you a hog, after not its blackball, no I'll marry Roberta once came with us to three rivers. Stadium first deal is regular season game. Obviously she wasn't making the play off she came out for a probably early September ball Game and that the steel is lost. Ban Aunt Roberta now had Lardner had never allow never allowed to use the tickets again. I want to revisit you banning a bill Simmons from the road at Football League matches the map. How do you wanna being done they again anyway? While we all know we ve talked around before in their league when you, when you get to ban somebody for a year already? Is male territory rife mademoiselle females? Anyone? I was again the
cousin sounds concoction about a decade ago. Like everybody else, we do. Our draft is close to the seas. It put it on the actual eve of kick off because now there's no wiggle room. You can't find another league, it's too late. You show up and also you cannot tell your hand. That's part of the thing you can't like say like I couldn't pulse Oh aside, at the at his birthday we going to be like a sound. You know, make other plants, you ain't gonna, make the curtains weren't here, you're you're, going down this time. You have hold it until the eve of the draft until the eve of the gay via this regular season, and that an end of all your friends. You you get your head lopped off and it's a humanly You think my how, when it really be that bad like it is it is, it really is among the more profound shavings that I've seen I want Once Elliot Blue Black,
he came in these a bald headed Jimmy's elephant, yeah he's a six foot. Three hundred and forty pounds attorney, like I say, like a ball Brian there, you know no hair on TOP s head, and so this figure with its four eyes, and otherwise John runs. Ovary was directing an episode of madmen. So he was a little late, but we couldn't start the draft until it was tat until John HAM was there and am arrived and we said: ok Elliot your turned its it's time. You won the league last year who's out this year and he announced it was John Hammond, John HAM. I don't care. What he says now did like night and did not think it was funny or cute or otherwise he had a fresh beard, his hand. He drank it in Seven second slammed down and was gone see. That's the question. Do can Gabby not that this guy
probably gave a shit, but can vote dude can friendships be sustained after that? Are they? Are they irrevocable but will be playing a sermon like citizens is? four way too long in in this analysts book was was like lay mine game, whoever one I hope you kicked me out. I would, though, the whole off season gave me at the viability verbal anyway ruined the game. For me, I don't like having to do it is, and people would somehow take their bait. damage damage guy. Well, because a covered, we couldn't be in a room together, so we on cameo, to serve the tables. Are you had? We kicked out the previous year or the August. You knock as you want, but to Europe. Well, now, with a puzzled, within this sow hand, hand
stretch, ham, tall, Jean Tony Barbie, airy producer, Trevor. You know, although crag and Brian the producers fuss about ten twelve people, yeah probably already slots for MIKE August is- is annually the auctioneer. Can you do an auction draft? Any echoes horribly. Ever every time, first of all, eat ever like here he is rooms, he assumes I like you, you got, Pay and for me, I'm doing work here like nobody asked you to do any of that. Nobody asked you to even show up. Why do you hear any he's? Auctioneer buddy, it's nine tenths of via the pizza and and drinks nine tenths of a beer as payment? For goodness knows what buddy he stands out there and he does the ease of the worst auctioneer in the history of people. He does go and wants.
twice going three times all like. Why didn't remember, hears like people like twenty six, there's really twenty savareen, like so Doug, I guess Georgia's he's the work that it but anyway, so because we and gather in person this year and by an danger. Question bald bride, like implies origin. While I would urge you not to go course. We have a video like the late seventies Pittsburgh Steelers are the Yankees of certain areas. Dave damage check now counts officially as one of sports great dynasties and indulged in India, Sanders draped themselves in in triumphant success, but all They damage shack is ahead. famer no time legend into sports connect for an fantasy. While you re out of the last four that council, the nice girl from this is famously when south voted here.
have you got out. Maybe two ass answer. Your question about friendships Gina kicks out, because I thought he I'm a man of justice at the end of the day and sounds the one who cooked up this nonsense. That is so many feelings have kicked him now I kicked up that. I hear you're right. I did. I would do it again and I might do it again in a couple weeks so just to set the table that came up with the draft is maybe with mad about these matters, but he was not sound was not like valve all cause. You got me. Velvet goes up my jewish name for William, but anyway he was MAC anymore, the whole off season about it. Now? cousin Sal and Jeff ROS, the biggest stars on the land in the rose vestrymen finnish skin when it was on. Why do turnin
turn and by means of an unattractive, our goal of so it's on the eve of the beginning of the football season. So when you get booted from this draft, you're, probably not going to catch on and another league and find out until just before the draft and the person that wins gets the choose whose getting booted, but no one has ever told turn into a little bit of a ceremony oil. Why everybody has a little bit around it and I'll. Tell you mind by data, show up and guide, for we are asked our you're out can't king out around Draper at the height of Andrei Bernice, was pretty funny by itself. I didn't need a lot of other extraneous dovers. I get handsome man on the planet, be kicked out by healthy blood up and walk out of the room was, and you have to get up and leave no gild the lily. I just got just this deal. That was good, but this one. I thought- as we go into this sow, calls out a bunch of
aims and announces me as off the hook. So how my god so thousands have Jeff was done, the hearings So now it's all while so this has come down to its not you my versus tall just so you throw him out the year before I, yes, yes, ok, the zoo one of the sea ass I'll be there
transit countries, I'm wondering where sponsored now you guy last year, were so cause. It's everyone in the room they exist between these new beginnings, you'd feel I'm delighted, cackling exe, like these do Dubbs there, the Dutchman? and tall John urges guys from the office. came all from writer, get right on gas or if you walk out now, who is the shot me
No one is allowed survivor type puzzle that there is no doubt in the fight by loser. She got her. What was good was that as we as you know, I was feeling it as I say, and down so what is cut out there. Thank fully is then I started to broadcast do play by play of it all. takes the lead them? Oh god, I'm doing this sound must have really have the whole time while do with before hell. I'm calling the action without always miss this is the dynamite stuff you came up with. Does it sound and then
says on an idle nobody in the room, though the puzzles or side by side. time at any point in negative, seen it's a shack may see annex all velvet puzzles nobody rather than the room until they both were completed, and then everybody registered everybody. Oh this is all a stinking joke by sound checks out night, the pick up my stuff leave. pretty dialogue, but I'll tell you this very quickly. Dickie from the bastone says there too, I am because we couldn't gather physically? Last year I went cameo and Ass Simmons, his favorite ballplayer grown up with Freddy Land Centre, feeler Further Boston ransacked and we had deaf ready Oh, I forgot directly. I hear less Lanier from the Boston Red Sox. This is from your friend Dave. check out. Twenty Twenty has been a rough here for almost everyone. That's about the change right now.
Saw. Nineteen wants to tell you sorry bill your heart Are you sure you didn't get to start you're out day one, the fantasy football. We get picked you to be out now. sure why he do that. Maybe you the best guy into his idea was to eliminate the best, so you can figure that way, but an the bruise got kicked out of their sport. Do so any time the browser kicked out of anything it's a good deal for me must be good for you as well. So sorry, bill from your friend gave out ready when the ground. I don't care. I wanted out anyway, he groped idolizing fraeulein. Do you agree How many men? How much was the cameo too good question I don't remember the institute to three hundred bucks is money well spent. He seamen you know what he then went a little of this. What this guy did, he turns around
and without my knowledge of it he for a rogue league arise, Fantasy League and he Let's say to join it. Saw joins, or am I what the hell are you doing sizing I ve is well I'm sorry. I gotta do could Simmons and I go on his shirt and we have to have the thing to talk about. I have to do it. I couldn't leave and I will of betrayal. Then I found out Kevin henchmen. Well, if what you want you, what you're stake in this game has started? This is more than housewives. This is more dramatic. I don't I don't know what so now we're gonna have to make this meant that did you who won this year? They damage the two case, Cats. Do you know, its margare ago. Some of you know this margare ghosts was was kind enough. Powerhouse outward broker attorney once once took several minutes out of his busy life to draft a document
If I don't kick you as a legal document that, if, if I gave damage active, three years ago. Now doesn't kick you out this year? If you sign this, you can't kick him out for five. More years, savvy, right, Graphic Bunni, who needs about when you're dynasty. You don't need that, but it still has a nice security blanket for me. So obviously can give us a peak behind the curtain, but your torrent, you have ideas, I mean it's not my way and I am a man of Peace Madame It goes against everything I am, but I have to do it. You have to do it I'll be in person this year right attempts, God willing fleas, have might film this. This is gonna, be awesome. You know I did sort of exerting turned in detail hawk. You know tail hook used to just be nay. Pilots getting together like answer not a few beers tail hawk is called the guy's. A land
carriers, retail hook. I was, I write a hook detail on the cable when you land on the course of the tail hooker few pilots happened, a few and rose arena turned and no Bach Irish Debaucheries Vegas Stripper circus. I feel like that's what this fantasy clouded working year running into people became very interested in this large when the aforementioned Brad, Flash Randy took his kick out from the hands of the dutch move they have. Going rivalry. They neither wins the other one is sure to get kicked out. We under there's no intrigue around that, but He Randy was so upset that he walked out the door, forgetting that he wasn't going out the door, but was in full. Walking out to a second floor window with one of those little fire escapes and he was too ashamed to come back, and so here you just jumped off I see no, no! Wait wait. No tv, I came.
Did he just now? I can't remember it did he walked back learning? I know that I know the room door and looked. You could think your head now right, George Bush by you just head out into a fire state where people stand out there in smoke right, but you cannot get to the parking lot. Is that was like that with that's what they mean by walk a shame, I think that's where they came from, because I think he walked back through the room after he accepted it dramatically him a long all of us again. I also want spike day he went to his such every mountain dues or whenever concocted he likes to during what is it what's the date for the draft whenever the day before the nfl regular season whenever that is what is that, since the recent origins, we start with the Yet there are with that early January, and I came- I forget what it is this year has always you defending chip Hotel yeah, so who would that be tampered outlining the cowboys? It's the cowboys at the Tampa in ITALY, you have no desire to get in on this now first off its
strained so many relationships. Now, when I try and only like you fuckin believe what you boy what these guy you these pissed at seven, a m just like these last minute, thither got the fuckin email on Saturday at twelve, o seven is more Jesus Christ. You can't do that like this, because they very serious, bigger, very early these interesting enough to go into. It is super tedious and their volumes that have been written on text message about it back and forth and they're not pleasant, and these are people who are very funny deeply funny human beings who, between Tall John and hands and south, and then I really do not have the same ROS emails. I really calling in to question sincerely there's no no bit to add full on acrimony cut real questioning of work
character. You have his eyes a human being inside something like that and right that the picture is the best and the worst thing ever and then you get then you get caught in between, like those guys are there in the past, but who would rather have earnest Viner our target liar. My answer: let him answer it's out of fair trade. That is exactly what it was all about. The biggest blow up ever was about tat girl, Somehow hedge said something that really take off or is it just about? It sounds like it Yes, sir, I judge cruising yeah, I ask: aren't I forget. The name gave evidence. That is enough for me. I want I want to do a spot them all on us right then we'll get and do we get into the news as this take a quick rank, What do the news? The Shap right after that.
we're just parties stuff. They saw by Gigi Dhunacrag, Shack work or their creative team, like I've been given Fred Land. off bills, famine and it's a masterpiece, it's a stroke, but it also seems, like you, have a team behind, while I remember talking about it with sow and that what we should do and everything and sow to the moment that we just replayed there when I, picked him outside. Wasn't a hundred percent sure? That's why his dollar biological plan, can always come back and end the bite him like a snake because he said until the instant Friedlin showed up and mention,
they'll seminar. He thought there was an outside chance. It might be Dwight good here from the metropolitans maybe maybe we'll see good. Then a couple weeks eyes were you. for sale and about his favorite metropolitan, I'm sorry June, we, a bit of breaking news: New York attorney General Latisha James just announced the governor Andrew Cuomo did in fact sexually harass multiple women and in doing so violated federal and state law, and this just in since show started Biden has I called on Cuomo to resign the investigation, specifically founded Cuomo, quote sexually harass current and former New York state employees by engaging and unwelcome and non, can central touching and in numerous offensive comments of a suggestive sexual nature that created a hostile work, invite If women investing also found evidence that Cuomo in his senior staff took actions to retaliate against at least one accuser. I pulled this honey of a clip.
from. This is back in March when he gives us big. Speech and said I wish come was here oh, I write command all women for going forward and lawyers told me vetoed not to go in front of this, that I am a lawyer to, but I meant to do it anyway and hears what he had to say about the accusations, what I want you to know. And I want you to know this from me directly. I never touched anyone inappropriate I never touched anyone inappropriately. I never knew the time that I was making any feel uncomfortable I never knew. time I was making any one feel uncomfortable and I certainly never meant
to offend anyone or hurt anyone cause anyone any pay back, is the last thing I would ever want to do so that the president is calling for him to resign while this, the tough part, because it If this shit happens, the tramp pages goes, the bitch had a common I paid or offer whenever, when your platform as all women need to be heard and all voices need to rise up- and it is not ok and even touch on the shoulder Fritz Emma that is your entire world. Then, when someone accuse you of it during this fuck that play we have to go All women need to be let what most women almost almost all women suffer these nine may be listened to and it is never okay, etc.
rare occasion in the governors office since this bizarre world, where you're sort of its like the tobacco industry, it's like we need you to spend fifteen million dollars a year, showing disease the lungs on the side of your product, whose pay for this. Oh, you are now put our business is selling cigarette Conway. I know, but we need a warning saying this will kill you tonight you got We are paying for the package, you guys He has the simultaneously make a speech that all women need to be believed, and I mean is it now a weird position rap. So, what's the word has dealt with, the smell of babies are right there Is that a lamp? And will you guys I've been doing to show since this came out? He actually, this is legitimate to Europe is going to be a big deal. You walk out of here, you'll find out He and his team put together a video or no say So beyond TAT Joe you side, I think
I saw your name. Is that what is it? It's him saying I it's not that I do that too. We do that to everybody and its montage of ham creep. kissing and groping all manner of human beings Since I got this defence lie, I didn't just do I wasn't a creep with we young women. I was a creep with everybody. Is it's not it's yours either attitude it everybody. What it's also so like weirdly indicative of the time, were living in because I'm no Cuomo fan by that This doesn't seem to be a lot of meat on the bone here. There's a lot of I didn't. I I he made me feel this way. Put his hand on my shoulder a kiss me on the forehead. I mean you know this is stuff that would work right now, but of in any time in history we went back and let's, let's see if we can get the bill Clinton out there.
Kiss someone on her forehead or he went to a wedding and call them Bela. Chow chow are something like we had people be ok, you can feel like going because I think that that's not a real thing, it's an interesting I'm we're living in, which is the whole. nursing homes, scandal thing that has some meat on the bone. There's some stuff there and people may have died because he sent them primarily may have cook the box and the numbers and stuff. That's that now again we have a budget dead people this. a bunch of people being stroke down the hair and he's out, the nursing home things. We could look the other way on that one, but not this. Why is this kind of an l, Capone on tax evasion, thing age such a hot button thing that we we as a society literally, if you're accused of killing six thousand elderly people by telling them to go back to nursing homes. We can live with that. You see can the chicks hair at the wedding out.
Like you, do like a litmus test for America right? Which of these is worse. You chose the wrong why you have won all die, but if you have a family member and we're gonna have an interaction with Cuomo, which would you rather sent back to a home and invested nursing home to die in their bread or or hair stroke did a wedding, neither one appropriate one word like gambling online company bed. I think we have the montage, The montage is good Indeed, there are hundreds, if not thousands of photos of me using the exact same gesture I know, again why he's the man babies It's like sounding alive, someone's gonna. Be me man, like you in a manner the air so powerful people classic, nor has appointed a year on yours,
people who I meet on the street. He does make a solid point earlier: hands gas is a little like lamenting the godfather, who you know his hands with everybody liked by gay. You don't get like AIDS in time, though you must. I guess you have just at the time right what I'd there's like one allegation of somebody going up to the governors man chain and for some tacky issues, or something and him closing that the word something there's like there's look one or two: that's like a little bit sounding weird, but I e, as also is I always kind of say that The accumulation thing is not good for the Court of LAW or even public opinion. Now what number does that ad hoc sang? Were you have? You were involved with the Hitler manslaughter? We haven't you rolled through a hundred four way. Stop signs on a Sunday yeah.
doesn't add up to anything gap, but you did a bunch of talks like yeah. Ok, I did a almost nothing about. Yeah, but you broke the law over and over and its I'd like here, but wasn't that that much indigo and they re like will now there's an eleventh accuser accusing heroic there. Another four ways that we talk about leading the police honour on a chair. in firing a pistol out the window. This is just a one of these and less and less six or seven bigger than I am unaware of its where they had to put together it's the Ahmadinejad related to like when you go to the carnival and you throw the ball at those at those pygmy things and tried. Knock em over it's like you. By alike I hate him three in IRAN, I won the big stuffed animals like that's, not fair. I plates Seventy times I waste untold amounts of money. I knocked down pig me in every room.
like you now giving you didn't knocked down, and now, if you don't get the propaganda, your mall want rightly said was the right amount of victims Dave what's right about a pig me, maybe your mama, you take me out. None of these three. You could get all three of them out, but I don't want out anyway put me in jail. I hope you put me maybe that'll Cuomo should rise. The Simmons opera well, say the opposite, and you trick everybody yeah. Now I'm getting awful with myself, I really are, and now I am talking about because Biden was gettin a whole raft of he was ahead sniffer and now he wants global out its did that those cousin of the forehead at first sight, had a hangover yeah like with what is this now are. What is the biggest allegation- is it like. Somebody went to the governors. Often I think a kind of leverage there was implied leveraging of professional opera,
unity right. I mean that's my boss, baby. It was- and I think the general thing as he was kind of a dick and the climate over their sought to work. Right and again, the investigators found evidence of him and his staff member sort of lean and on one accuser, all right that heritage and charges but there was not a meat on that bone. Maybe you think there's a lot of me on this bone, a nun a photograph has emerged of eighth airline passenger duct tape to saw saddler gettin crazy. This is on a Inter Frontier Airlines flight after allegedly punched a male flight attendant inappropriately tough, two female flight attendants areas, duct tape? kind of like video this well here we go. What's more nerve ring You see the flight attendant with the all of dotard, ape walking with purpose down the aisle.
In his brown oars, be someone's completely out of control, and we need to table this day like what what Iraq like either than I have. I forgot my my duct tape story. guy. Yes, airline pioneers donor aid, while airline duct tape story, how do tell very early very early pre view of these come latelies with their in flight duct tape stories. I pioneered this thing. You can stop at their first second MAX Van flying from Tampa nineteen. Ninety eight ninety nine with Doktor drew Billy go where some shows, or maybe MTV flows out there for some sort of spring break out. Murmuring, Tampa we're fine home and we're told this one awhile, so it's a store of tall, but it's been a while
the main drew infer? I think I was alone, for some reason, drew went on to New York or something, but I was sitting in first class and storage been me that shot it and then they their hand and it would creep open again with the pneumatic open. Aren't you shut it, though more purpose, the second time and then and by the way, when you're, shutting things that keep opening you in your hand, therefore, three Mississippi the fourth time you do. It doesn't fix the latch like now we're gonna get it you'll move a hand such starts openings, our course it's like I go talk to the pilot. You know we got it, we gotta get them Hence, whenever any you now, when the maintenance guy comes out clear, that alarmed and stuffs settlement, so of course, its above me, so I go ah, oh, why don't we get whatever's in it. Well, we can't take off it where thou have to be clubs, so we can take off. I said? Are I welcome the planes not that credible, just take
whatever's in that one and more thorough and another one and will take off. Oh it's empty. This This is our. I will tell my son the story soon. So he'll know what to expect it for him miserable life. It's empty. A golf ball if it's empty. Who cares of its up? Why can't we have to close it? Why? Because it needs to, because how come while such things don't fall out and fight? There's nothing in think airs. Gonna fall out, there's nothing, it's empty! Why don't? We just take up sir said I, You got to get a raise your voice, but you're going to get the maintenance guys gonna take. This could be two and a half hours were sitting on the tarmac, Sir, in how we have to take off. We can't take off unless it's close latch but but it's empty than than we could take up. So there go get some dark. I just go, get some ducking, sir others get the main its maintenance guy comes,
got the screwdrivers get now and ranches he's doing. Staying he's trying its creeping open and cry he, again. I'm just looking at the truth. It's empty! It's empty! Look, just push back, there's nothing in there, sir. Please point after an hour this guy fiddling with it he showed but the role adapted, at a strap shuts. It doc takes it and I'm looking at the stewardess and she Gus, don't you say fuck. It say a word to me say what I told her two hours ago go: get some doctors ape and put on thickened with that. Guy got the doktor bout. I was this look at outer edge, shut up, say you get me like a pre emptive war.
I was a tough light for my country. We have anything not now you're out of sheer paying where women are absolutely do not belong to that you like deliver the liver, Sir Chicken or beef. Not let me put my special sauce the eye just flew a few weeks ago and there was a leak on a not rainy day from the room of the airplane in the car. Then it was just dripping down. and they came out very quickly and they duct tape that right up let's go. I, unlike you wasn't like that its solution, while I well, we gather should be taken off. We should definitely launch hilarity, doesn't even the sky when they only eighty play you just wouldn't we are worried that this illusion into
we do want anyone schuyler, it's gotta, be condensation. Europeans believe that I would like you to explain them. Either things like you got it, playing golf That is why I want you to be up in the sky, ok. Let's hear how much the guy get get Pommeled or him well I'll give you back story on this
hi, guys down your throat trying to leave mailed I to tell everyone strained restrain, am now is rather like Hannibal Lecter packing and take this opportunity to ask you sure you breathe now, so that was amazing. So here's the deal is twenty. Two years all if cousin cell was on their flight, he would have far chamber. I didn't say that that's
My favorite Josh Gardner character than on it has inspired, is not his passport yeas twenty to Europe from all high. Oh, he was at first he was kind of brushing his hand in the empty cup up against a flight attendants. backside and then he came out of the bathroom with no shirt on because he had spilled as drink all over himself and a staff try to help him get another short ivories luggage, and then he grabbed her childhood, but or punching that dude in the face who cut was called over to monitor I'm, so he was a mess and really routine Google's to say what I was running, learn to get grandma grandma. So Jack was patching the other day. We got the reinforced cockpit door need the reinforced bathroom door now need a hand. The lock these people in Conor where to go. You have every right to do what the Wolf man,
does or larger, while our how much I screened act or do they nonetheless locked? We must ever reinforce bathroom door and we'll just have the lock him in sign off no notes. Ghana, smart, some more big news, coming out of New York, New York City start requiring prove of vaccination to enter indoor places indoor places like restaurant fitness centres, entertainment venues, theatres, arenas, mayor applause you announced this and said if you want to participate fully in society, you have to get vaccinated and this will go into it. ACT on September, thirteenth, the mandate comes up, after Broadway says it will require vaccinations for staff and audience to see shows by the way contagious, same thing, we're going to see Hamilton, and we have to have our backs. cards I'm trying to think of the sort of self selecting Broadway grew, probably guy, and I would argue with
No mandates, you'd be in the MID ninety and terms of vaccination ass in that crowd, yea rising yeah. I think you're right blogs. You also said there'll be no option to enter indoor businesses with just your negative test here I also said that, although he would encourage everyone to mask up no mask mandate, vaccination card mandate well placed its consistent. I know, but these cards are literally a piece of work, paper like burn him for Joe now, they're they're, a piece of paper yeah, you go down there any park around. Here I mean you can go down, get a fake, idee re. Where now any kid with a computer could probably knock. One of these things are people can spend more money, getting a fake vaccination card getting a free vaccination to good point, and also I thought like back in the day like with three gardens and like I thought, like taking polio, shot or whatever I thought that was patriotic
patriotic. There are some interesting numbers out. A New York, like I think, like forty percent teachers in New York or non vaccinated. Maybe forty or higher per cent of hell care worker and water weird ruin a piano they're not vaccinated in in Manhattan or New York City. It's it's it's of AIDS. What it's a weird but I don't get. You can blame RON Johnson, IBM Ron, Johnson Valerie Dialogue about Algeria for getting along message, shouted Tucker, whoever the message right, so we some hot to baby news yesterday updates the baby update. He has apologized for, comments he made about gay men and HIV or a shock of performance at the role it allowed a hard says: yeah Music Festival Miami. By the way he was also kicked off Austin City limits and the eye harp music festive also, maybe per
San robbed. The apology, not sharing volume CNN reports that the move comes days after his comments were condemned by big stars. Elton John Madonna Quest love duly by the rapporteur. An Instagram post anyway to this ok, what first off the as Elton John heard of debating nightgown thought so. Why does he need to condemn Mr De Baby, The other main like why I hate that I hate this ignores the chime in more than I hate the person that says whatever France of men, like you, gotta calamity, easy, but also with its two thousand and twenty one the guys up, they're going on homophobic ran, do
I really need to go. This is not right now what we have just thrown off of every every concert, tour venue he's going on. I we get we're going to stay in the nose. Yes, to carry your name and like the policies on another job needs, but Dave damage it might get business circumventing is down again condemn condemnation from Dave, John redid, the Kindle the wind for upwards has reduced level and for sale bit by bit. shell worker, so he wrote that he wanted to apologize for the hurtful comments he made me want to apologize to the algae, BT, Q plus community. He knows the HIV and AIDS education is important. There's a law, I mean two paragraphs long. I think we get the point that somebody compose there as well
there's the whole thing now. This is just publicists on publicists, trying to square and offer the octagon, because Elton John didn't condemn hams. Neither that's Elton John publicist handles the twitter feed that person gets out front and can I'm said, and then whoever does this for two baby is now so you We just it's the debate, person is now in a battle without and Johns person. But it's not maybe or out, and that's where rat and thereby thing told the lay low and let us handle this right. Yeah you're right, so apologies all around and aid on a member. We talked about the Angelina Brad Pitt lawsuit that was like still happening after so long. There's. Another update on another down buys house in the neighborhood yesterday, what is allegedly moving in up the street from me and it's that scuttlebutt for from the real realtors move on crews and
Good Britain's Vincent and doing some work on the house. You know that's right and I walk by and I just stopped looking at the house- and I thought, what if at some point after he moves in. I just you know, swing by with a final percent would go ox, diagonally nice. What do you know who I was when he answered the door where they re idolized and random neighbour, and we know how unhappy received we can find out near you, We should do that. They would be. I mean a real feather in year, lifelong cap. If you could say that the guy who ran fight club, you knock them out and four seconds. If, if things got side and appreciates Randal would, but the heavy said something rude. You like, I don't know who you are and in that way and things went south from now you could probably take rapid ire,
Many of us are you now that I know you're fat of the Acta redundancy, as we do that once in a while, you know whether the actor does our remarkably similar thing. In terms of your great example, a cabin spacey, together with the police, ouch into movies. Brad Pitt, One right here, I ve, been working on this practice into movies, both ridden by quoting Tarantino Brad Pitt. streamline high, almost of appoint a kid function when Ruth gun, toting murderers Chopin Dorothy Morocco survives fulfils ones want unalloyed trivial for a romance absolutely right. My favorite one that my new favorite number one is Billy, frown, predator, You know the indian right. He stay in that in forty eight hours he gets killed, hold
a giant Rambo knife and predator course stands out. He takes his last zillion logs Ross, the ravine and wait for the predator beast to come and get a move guide. Kills bees have spoiler MEG and thus saving of forty eight hours, he gets up from a bed where he's where he just where his post coitus with his whore when Eddie when Eddie Murphy shows up and that Eddie Murphy shoots him dead, but before he does Billy stands the giant Rambo knife and, ah ha ha ha just like in Peru. ha, ha ha laughed loudly. Those holding a giant re about knife. That's right is all about There's no one more gr ran well well hold off on the Dep her drama. Let's see way, steady. I wanna hear about my other: will do it. So more than four years after their divorce Johnny been Amber heard. Still, fighting in court will go, but Dep has one.
Recent legal battle on New York I recently ruled that a charity must unseal documents that pertain to donations by his Ex wife and all refresh you on that story. In the divorce I meant she pledge to donate seven million dollars awarded to her from death. To the ACL you and children's hospital ally. That was the whole thing like I'm, not even keeping the money and There is no way to prove that there have been donated. We'll depth lawyer has called her promise. A calculated a manipulative lie they built. Amber's alleged lies, contributed to dab dab, losing his life case that when the time They called him a wife beater and they said let it stand his. Bill team feels confident that unfeeling document will prove Amber, never donated the seven million dollars wombs. We're gonna find out pale Kashmir, question Brad, Pitt Tom Cruise to pugilists, obviously in movies past who I'd love to see the guys who actually hook, training like Jason, Bourne, Matt Damon. Who would win those fights like that? They are not.
Strangers to fisticuffs in hand to hand combat they had. You know they always. The brag I took it took six weeks of of training of of partial arch arts, training needle cruises very about serious minded when he talked about learned under the since- He gets very weird about that. Was it seeing whether toilets, whether it snatch or with the other one, why fight club pit is like portraying a not trained fighter. So wonderful as part of the gig, as you like, you, didn't, bother chewing training you just a payment grows would be good because our desires, like I say, he's a while, but what about Matt Damon Matt Damon does that Jason Bourne stoutly got his books. I have an answer connubial disappointing, but that's all it's how life works. Mario Lopez,
Barbara, that guy, who can bang that's life? You don't owe me you wanted to be doing this guy, that a lesser that dancers, Mario Lopez rhythm and that's, that that's life- that's a lifeline messages, but it's a bad this appointment of their vague disappoint. The major disappointment. I, let's bring it home geographic, you got it, I'm gonna grab and that's the new parties do doves life with geographic. We got Billy with a knife. What, what and how, as has caused here from your wonderful listeners all the time, and I always appreciate the nice now its eyes when the let you know right now, no decision made on fruit at a year obviously have several months left to go, but I did why we we had another, not exactly pleasant conversation, Adam myself at the interim Gm Maize Jimmy to gets been with this plum nonsense. But anyway,
I am sorry, but when he starts off at the plant life, the sort of its little null and void and say, I feel I when I do not entirely ham, but I say that you know you're out here that Jimmy you know you. I think we're starting with your plum. That's when I mean those I sort. I did a half turned towards you and started. I stated that Jimmy you were gracious eyes, but you don't start with the plum tie waiting after Karla. I said like: why did you take the social media disparage? What is right now a delicious yellow peach? and I have a second said david- we're here too a bright sow. This weekend. These are all, but the upper reaches extraordinary watermelon. It's all they do. I was real, ask you: has the watermelon ever one, because the water about very underrated, the best texture of any fruit on the planet? very high grading, very broad, very broad audience to the point. Where did you know that there was a
Marilla that they trained in sign language and the word. She came up with four watermelon was sweet candy water is there are better scripture of a watermelon? I ask you cannot imagine We also know and onion was hurt cry food Isn't that what looks like Mick Jagger, the singer, those he sing a song by watermelon now they're Harry Styles, Harry's dials. I think that's metaphor for something that is. Why is the envy apple is just doing something historic Napos take a couple months off: that's what fruits do they? They have to take a turn rejuvenated and get back in the lab. Figure, things out be better for the next season, not the end, the apple, the envy, Apple is on a run, its it's gotta, be fourteen months, deep, like it, the every I've ever heard of an apple that I as an ally and lump in with him on the plum by in
the rapid sewed when she comes back I don't want to know what the best fruit is. I want to know what the best pit is to soccer. oh for because, through the stone I'd, I'm not a huge we're plums, don't crack my top eight but number one suck on the stone fruit they just walking but the thing in your mouth actor E Minnesota, our Minneapolis I'd, say: Acme Comedy CO, that's kind of August twenty, seven, twenty eight Royal Michigan coming up. That's at the Royal Music Theatre September, TAN Goddamn programme com. This life shows everywhere you can check out my unprepared volume one ten tracks on that general. I can do that on Amazon or Apple music, Dave, dammit
minus three acts. Your points with cousin, foul as well and Apple Spotify or wherever you find better and cheaper ass rose, master general dot com. So until next time Sancroft Dave Damage, shack and generosity. The grandmother, I say my house, I was in a creep with with young women. I was a creep with everybody. Follow the Edinburgh issue on Twitter about Ungirlish your followers on twitter that employed on Facebook and engender June aground on the part of these it. Isn't it Bob Brian on about gas, ten, a bunch of us. On the one hand it enables voicemail, on the show at eighty eight sixty four one, seven for foreign desert. It gets to see a man to shows we'll sell out. Many apple is suited yours now, Adam to roll it out a guide. Go. Do you own the rent,
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-04.