« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Dr. Drew on Coronavirus Lockdowns, Political Division, and a Possible Vaccine (ACS Nov 4)

2020-11-04 | 🔗
Dr. Drew is on the line to talk with Adam about continued Coronavirus lockdowns around the world. They also talk about shifting the way we think about battling the virus, possible release dates for a vaccine, and how politicians continue to divide us into groups. As the conversation wraps up, Adam and Dr. Drew discuss whether or not there’s a path to becoming a more unified nation in the future. Please support today’s sponsors: Download the Stereo App
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
All right. Well, we're coming! Do you live on? Stereo doktor drew my old pal as our guest ray. You hear me, are you hear me, yeah do or just getting some adjustments in here we will be taking as some questions and some comments, and you guys can now get in on the up and now and will answer those I gotta go. I gotta tell you it's positively bizarre saying this impose talk to me it is raw yeah, yeah offshore funds, my Margie away, that's tourism, energy, like the white talkative, I think I think they change your frames a little bit. I do What do you think it about life? What I'm looking at these messages that are coming it says TAT to play them should play the mistake.
Now, there's a bunch of lightweight American, our gas and says Dawson says now, while playing land from ire by soldiers, all my life, I've looked at it. I am right now, looking at the data, the cat, The data right you and I told him not despair- are adamant, drew part gas, and I just wanted to put this report. Is all you hear doomsday scenarios and on that I think we're doing pretty good. I mean it's not great. We obviously have a significant surge going out ruptured nearly outer thousand cases per day, but the death rate has barely bogged. If, if not guy maybe down a little bit in the hospitals. H raids, go it up, but nowhere near the levels. We were what we had half as many cases in a search. So it's so far do in pretty good will see if it stays Work in the hospital visitation rights are going up your.
Saying also earlier, because their meeting more people into the hospital where they were scared to bring a man in the past right, yeah, So a lot of my peers are saying that it has been a change in physician behaviour because early the epidemic, but we had literally a third is Betty cases nationwide. We were discouraging people from coming at the heart of Europe. Made of exposing other people. We had nothing really to do for them, and yet, at that time we were tip top it out at around sixty thousand cases per day and right. That was, with a total of thirty thousand cases per day nationwide downward posed a hundred thousand cases nationwide, and only it about forty six thousand hospitalized. So he did we're just words just men and that with the change in behaviour of doctors, encouraging people in because stuff for us to do now, we're like vague and sick, come on it. We got up DA fields. Let's get some were rejected.
or some rogue irregardless plasma. That sort of thing is the: is the virus less virulent now or are we just got better treating it? I think it's a combination. They probably is change in ways that we have really been able to measure yet its inspecting more young people now or less. Let's wait at least less vulnerable people and we're any better. Addressing all the above. You hear about all these big spikes around Europe and an what's going on, I do like yours explanation of what a european lockdown feels. But I don't hear anything about death rates in in these European kind obviously they figured out a better way to treat it as well. Maybe look at analysis. Look up. Brussels runs through see if I can find it breeds gonna pick surge right now. They say so
drew. I would say that the european version of the lock, the hound men tat- you could still go to school. There are locked in conversion is schools are open and restaurants are open right, not to know that their version is schools or open. You gotta working, rightful their transportation. You just can't go to bars and restaurants. When you get out of work, it sort of war of a curfew than a locked out. Ronnie call that we call that opening up in California write them. we called opening up. So I don't hear anything about death and hospital rights. I just hear spikes in Europe are all I hear and I mad and it's not bad news. Consumers, bad news CNN would be telling us it's bad news. That's true! I'm looking for the I'm looking for some resources, You get some international doubts or give me a metaphor talk here, because everything I use a sort of: U S based
you're right either arson there are some good covert. Data is amiss, well. I don't want it by what is my mode you do when I go into a highway, I don't know well I'll, look at it savagely turning and we're alive coast coast on the stereo app. If you guys got a question, what will get to those at some point so drew is, it is after the election I mean the Super aye sir here infectious disease, whatever she has Barbara for our hair said we can open the school rules after the election. No, once we get through what we get done, six idea when you're done.
They are doing what I election Jews. It's ok, wait. I found Belgium now Belgium, death rates are quite flat, but they are projected to go up, but that doesn't mean anything that there are flat daily debts are flat. Let me see yeah pretty good and will see, though you know sir, It is always have a delay and all the more serious after about two region arrived. But I see, I think, there's two things at play. I think we figure it out and Europe has figured out here that in the army yeah. I don't you know. I think that we in Europe have figured out that you have to protect old people there. Yes, that's where the deaths are gonna come from I'm yes, I've aye aye every time I turn on he S. Piana I hear about some college football player who's got it. He quarantines he wants to start the next week I mean it. I mean everybody every
nobody in the NFL all guys in a professional sports, whatever M l B baseball players, God at this guy from the moral and he got it? You gotta got up and then what and then what then he's play? right, like Not only is the quarterback from God: it's not Syracuse, it's Clemson right. So what about that guy get that guy gets attack. I want, the play the following weekend, I mean not only do they get it they're playing, high level college football, that's that they are physically taxing deployed quarterback for four quarters. In it claims so I see it what I'm saying is is protect the old people, protests the vulnerable people let the area you let the young people pass it around, and thus you don't get the
specializations at the same rate, but you certainly don't get the DAS right. That's him suitor over. The idea of a conundrum, though, is this in fact everything and how to keep her from spiralling out of control and getting into the old people's zone, but our what I'm looking at California by the recovery we were guaranteed a ninety percent increase our animalization by last Sunday. Instead, we about a ten percent decline and the different outrageous steadily going down relieve the art are never camp. We look at the trysting state, to look at US law at which opened up completely. Let's look at Florida right ass. He went there do not think they are having a little surge. Yes, a little bit, but nothing nowhere near where they were all in the July. Deathray contained continues on a steady dour there, their death rate and their ass. They looked like Hell, Yvonne. You really look over there. There there's stuff, almost exactly go for it because they were closed and their open, as happened at the more I
started a hear stories about lock. hounds not really working. I was list When do I Alex parents and talk about it, took Karlsson, the other night at this notion that you got a lock down, I I I don't know if it feels by the way that That feels to me that lock it down. If it feels very archaic if it feels like a knee jerk, it feels like a reality. Let's ride, if he feels it primitive. This primitive man would deal with its right and it's in fact how they did deal with during one of the black plague, up directed Venice and guess what it made things a lot worse and other than that one up a sword. It had never been contemplated ever again in medical history,
and so this idea, quarantining healthy group was a brand new idea and it was invented. The I told you, the story of Wild was invented by a fourteen year old, fifty, your high school student into Mexico, who do who build a model about influenza, which is transmitted very differently and is also transmitted by children and kills children. But her model showed that influenza could be reduced by shutting down schools, what focal shut down her dead and build a big computer model, because he was a computer guy, LOS Alamos and the Bush administration. Take that up as a pandemic. policy. No one had ever contemplated doing that before right, so the fucking knee jerk, lock it down and then are all the all the world, And which is trying to do the well worn better in California, cause we locked down, but
Then there have been a spike in Europe. Why? Because they locked it down to write what? What's here? That's not why voice heard it interesting that there are all kinds of crazy logic. Now we're friends of mine that are sort of anti masker aunt I locked out or are sort of saying that look. What is our goal? We need to define go to sit on my tenure, but this is people are tortured and if your goal is flouting the curves and preventing the hostile system for big overwhelm we're doing that quite effectively, but we're not going to stop this virus. That should not be our goal, because it's not possible. We need to mitigate the risk, mitigate the consequences and picture the healthcare systems both get overwhelmed, though we seem to have shifted in his boat. Worse, we're trying to stop it altogether. One death is too many.
We stopped altogether, which is kind of a fool's Erin. I do think it. Oh there's good evidence at mass works, good evidence and social distancing works. We can't do these things simply, but the lock down part of the World Health Organization's about very strongly against it saying the only thing it accomplishes is. It makes core people poor right, of course, see See came out today or yesterday said, DAB, it's ok to vote. If you are in fact it. But I know you love that. If you do, because I don't have to listen to the cdc anymore. It's like went fouche when, when Fouche you. I don't want to examine asshole when She said, not everyone when found she said gatherings or bad, no churches, no ball games, no theatres and then the than he was. ass, or what about black lives matter protein
since I grow up, I got no problem with that. Are that's different as like? Ok, you don't have to listen now. I dont have a lesson here. That's that's what I now it's all. Let me let me be a little bit of a voice of reason when people congregate in large numbers, no matter what their voters are wider gathering. this thick spread it out. I, when I get it found she shivered Sylvia any gather, that's how it works it, but he should it at that. But we like you, did you feel itself board to put yourself breath that you do Should you write lemme. Let me just tell you something from a fear factor I'm watching CNN and CNN, is explaining the maids dooms its doom and gloom doom and gloom If you want to go about our you want to black eyes met, rally. I guess you gotta, do what you gotta do guess what doesn't?
scream doom and gloom to me doing what you gonna do like what about what? What? you're, fuckin, doctor or your fuckin doctor you're down? What have you done? Whatever your doktor was like? What have you doctor said like Yeah Dawson you smoke archive and then one the doktor one around. I mean. If it's really important, I guess you can smoke like you what message that bring it. be smoking's dangerous. What they know, what every owed their literature. Well, how dangerous is this thing? If the CDC says, if you are in fact, did just go vote,
They say, but that that to me there was a pretty incredible statement today. Pretty incredible by this seems to be, it should have done it you're, sick email. You shouldn t have lots of mail. It observation that it set are sorry, don't don't don't go expose other people right. I play alight whether directions are make sure you check in with one of the voting officials. There tell them your sick. Also. You exposed that person expose the one person and then go away. I see what you can do for you up river, so also how much I was yelling at Doktor Bruce about this the other day, which is how much of this is about. Wiping things down and I been down surfaces you now that sword. That sort of over
Go to strangle. You doktor Bruce, because I like I wasn't. I can examine all like what happened: everyone wearing gloves, what happened? Everyone, wiping everything down, what about everything needed to be wiped out? What about the bags of fast food data be sprayed with alcohol? What happened all that and bruised like that? Still on its billboard, that's a big deal like one. It's not a big deal, doktor price, because no one's doing it anymore. I haven't heard anything about is being spread through countertops or our fast food. Acts of you now it doesn't get, doesn't go that way. It is. It is airborne respiratory. There is, instead of instead of the preoccupation with cleaning services or who started a born into his concerns about aerosol. So we have the droplets that go sixty four. Now, if there is a lot of aerosols get out it aside, the mask the Indian slowed twenty feet through the air, which is
people do need to be concerned about that. I wanted I'm not done with this surface thing. I want to tell let people know I'll put it out there, which gas I'd like to hear on the next stereo show, and you can send me an audio message. scenario here on stereo. Why Gimme a staggering me every time you're here you break glass in case of emergency. great Holly Shore dropped a true how how much of this all right, let's put washing your hands aside or, let's add washing your hands how much of the surface, how my daughter it may take my shoes off before I came back into the house. Still, that's the people still have those groups right, how much science? How much of that is any
everyone had this thing spread through carpeting, though so with every body who took their shoes off a fucking idiot well, but that was a sort of at the same time when we were all sheltering in what can you hear me about your own backyards, but it wasn't a lot of clever nobody nobody's got this. No one's got this from a flip flop. Right, yes, lucky But what about? What about? What? sprang everything with alcohol all the bad eggs, all the boxes- corn, teeming the boxes that came to her house? What about that? Not such a thing, however, again, however, I am jigging spread out of a clause on the aircraft, because that should have been a practice already On this point, by wiping wiping everything down that comes into the house and sprang it without a hall and
in your shoes off colossal waste Working time turned out that so far I'm glad I didn't spend eight seconds doing any that shared by what about wiping down the counters, wiping down the counters it in the kitchen in the bathroom. What about what about wiping out? I think all good ideas, but not for covered of end, but it runs right. You your sewer, Redman town exposure mentality, which I think is worthy of sort of red, revisiting air, which is that humans develop resiliency and strength through exposure, both their their neurological system. There, muscular skeletal system and the immunological says
we have to expose ourselves on a regular basis to challenging ideas too difficult emotion to lifting weights and to certain pathogens on a certain get out to a certain degree to be able to build a european system up and the rest of our system as well. We ve got into a timer we're just strictly avoidance. We want to hide the safe place, shelter in place. That's not a good strategy- is not a good strategy. What about all the people I saw wearing rubber gloves in this? Burma targets. I dont think that, with those that didn't, at the time. Ok, so let me make this proclamation when I'm announcing that most this shit bull shit, I'm not gonna, do it and everyone thinks I'm insane fuck off I wouldn't keep doing if I wasn't fuckin right taken
we're working shoes off before you come home because you ve got covert on your shoes. I knew that was fun. out the window, I knew the five new sprang down all this stupid. You know what gallons peep of millions, gallons of robbing alcohol worse sprayed on in and out burger bags, so the come into the house what about what about all The people are quarantine. Their boxes set the box it on the porch. For week, what about the people, It's all weakness is everyone's fucking week then realize it's their fucking, brain and and they go yeah, but but but but CNN said, of course that's what CNN said: they're trying to scare, you and your week. So biting on it. Like its living in another sane asylum right. So what? that will not. Everybody has a crystal brain. What was so really the lock down
not so much the surfaces or kind out the window? I don't know anyone got from us. I never heard anything about here for spite masks mass work of increasing good good evidence of it. awry, suffer no one where's them properly or has, or has the right mask you just need in the middle, my hot mask doctor, or I wouldn't know about what my master. What I like about you do There's some snout on the farce of night like yeah. Yes, yes, masks work, but people have to wear them with their nose at all times is that those is the primary propeller and from which it propels and to wish it gets answer please over your mouth stuff is not doing it. Gonna word over the net. Right and I don't know we figure the gate. stone, work right,
as our gaiters are a good together. There is, there is a subsided came out. Just recent showed the reduce respiratory virus transmission by eighty percent by word of ask shocking shocking shocking and then, if you add old, distancing today than some good ventilation and maybe some sort of room, you know cleansing What's the word, I'm looking for, we have an air purifier near here, fire robbing scrubbing, arriving rub the air, so do we need a vaccine? Yes, well, you're, asking that I think you are in that of the top crush witches. Everybody take the backseat right and then the question: how can rights sort of so? I think personally by Britain is yes, I can't get it fast enough and I think everyone should dig up. However, I am completely
sympathetic to people who say you know what I'm thirty, I'm an athlete his things that gonna bother me. What about wait to see how the vaccine does have a large scale before I here before I go to expose myself to this think as the to the risks of the virus are so low, and I dont fully no the risk of the vaccine and yet are free to make a decision. I am sympathetic to that. I would prefer one get it, but I am sympathetic to people waiting. What's the timeline look like for the vaccine, there, there lookin certain any wheat now, definitely by twenty twenty one carefully. The three fires or the asters ETA and the Madonna for sure by the end of the year seems to be denied, I gotta lotta good inside reconnaissance. I'd keep track of, and some of them are looking really good, really good, and and where they do, they go for the old people. Vulnerable, get the vulnerable first school tv
What you gonna do we get the healthcare workers on the vulnerable right? I would bet nursing home at the healthcare workers. Will be my first, let me the first round, What percentage, and by the way were company alive on stereo. What what percentage? How effectively think it'll be, are what is an effective? What's in effective accessing when you're, really good guy. I don't. I am not an expert on this. I can't give you the full theory. Either, but I know many years, fifty percent as what they get out the flu vaccine. Seventy percent is kind of what you're looking for so, if you're getting over. Seventy percent of that, you didn't pretty damn good Whizzer is theirs and tat they had. I you know we can't I'm I've got a company and worked with we're gonna, be able to eventually measure the immune response for real above
The idea of bodies the t, sell? The memory be said earlier about a response to the new year will have that technology to form a group called additives. Is? Is there something different about this vaccine than the flu vaccine. Besides how its comprised yeah, oh yeah, it's an already vaccine that the flu vaccine, essentially just protein particles. This is actually gotta, go in jeer, genetics and have you been mimic exactly with the virus. Does the virus goes into your system and a replica itself, and so this again do the same thing but replicate in ways that there are not infectious. So what? What would this? vaccine be akin to and other vaccines can be, air is branded either. if anything like now, I M going to work like polio or small pox, sir you now in terms of eradicating in terms of how effective it
well, you just told me: there's a difference between this vaccine and the flu shot at every other. and every other. Yet we ve never deployed this technology Instead, our railway yeah there's a new there. There are some old fashioned vaccines being developed and some people believe some expertly. That's the ones we should lean on. But in the meantime, these RNA vaccines are being developed more quickly. There have been international deployments where things like Ebola of similar vaccines, but never in United States, so its new text. ology correct and that money is always company. Modernity you hear about that's their visitor thing. Is this technology When one do, we start Talking about China, verses Trump, terms of over. What do you mean, like China, China, responsible I mean. There's I've heard a few pretty
credible sources say this thing got out of a lab, not not out of bat and a wet marking. I've heard similar arguments that are fairly compelling, but that is how they dropped a viral bomb on earlier Phoenix that they didn't it got away from. If that's what happened and infected as badly as everybody else right, but if there were weapon it up in a lab and their standards in the lab were so sub par. That ain't got out of the lab enough mark. There goes, was representing the world versus whew hand. He'd have a pretty good case on his hands. When you say yes, yes, he would. Yes, you may I have a question. I feel a lot of people standing s voice messages zone We can listen to those are the stereo every eye. I think we can be very interesting about whether the whole big thirty messages according to buy.
An impressive saying so that everyone is saying this is waiting ass, stereo yeah I've, but if the keep pointing out I'm looking at it Do I am myself a shilling offers you pronounce crisis as a piece of paper, and I keep I out at Numb signal looking at it, but Then he points out that nobody wants to do with it, but I get it, but I'm trying to hear what sitcom connecting to the voice mail thing. That's what I'm doing it's Christmas hang around with their voice, mail and just turning and we're alive coast the coast on stereo. Now, can we play one of these things, both delta? Never forget! Also testing, because you were silent for the first couple minutes there, we could do it. We got proved Hilda
ace, is today the day you join dock dues, rational revolution. that's it. Yes, all Christine appeared. I have a coin: the rational Revolution, because she's a philosopher and eastern European and comes from horrible histories and politics. It is really tired of the current level of discourse in his country and she and I want to form a rational revolution. Much like the Pragmatism party, you and I talked about today. On behalf of my group- I guess it's it's nice, like that. It's a put, it's gonna be called the rational revolution in all the iconography is gonna, be just like you know, said of Linen Stalin era, stuff you know I'll, send you some of it. What's iconography images, you know that the posters and stuff- I see again it like that that style yeah that title yeah I'll. Do it I'll ask profile? Looking off from a distance where I got the captain,
I've seen founded that is there any room for rational people anymore. I mean I was here your joining. You join the rascal recovery understand why I told people didn't have to wipe the shoes dam of Clorox and I got yell that that's the point you, the problem is your dear. You got well beyond the rational cover. You have a crystal break and that's a bird, my friend, that's a bird. This curse occur Yeah today's world, yes Mary, you need no degree to have a crystal a crystal brain, but damn right so you're sought aspect at all times. Cod itself nice to be around rational people, man. It is also. What can I do? What True, what goes on with even smart people's mechanic in thanking the Uno domain, or are they just thrown it out? The window like I shall Joe Biden yesterday's like trumped saying we.
then Jack Clorox and our reigns as like? Ok, I guess he's just lying, but why it so easy to lie to do that economy like India. What Trump said over? What? What are you? Don't you where's my ears from saying why you embarrassed, why aren't you were? I think I think I think he's back to this, then again you know tab earlier today is about how we pick up soft and were sort of expecting everything to be given to us and so were sort of passive. Then we receive everything just matter, factly we don't critically think about. Why isn't it embarrassing? When I turn on CNN and there are some stir there and she's like as a woman of power as a woman, of color. As a woman, a comic won't you embarrassed to keep saying that the same weird too, to take here, dignity and just wrap it up in your your skin. You're overreacting,
in the color, your skin, like what why weird for people like I'm italian, I may bring up my italian heritage once every three years? Have I just in every conversation I would be embarrassed. I go. Oh you talk gondolas, oh yeah, sure I can't talk. Gondolas, hey you know the big rag. from Laverne Vernon, pies, audible page. How did you did You know that Dagestan mutual. You know mutual in italian aim. Did you know that, while what what's let's talk, the pizza, Oh yeah, that's worry. We we put there the leaves on there Baileys or whenever I anyway. I wonder how noxious would that be MAX patterns? over here he's Filipino. He doesn't work at it. every conversation, because he'd be an ass. He be an asshole if he did that's true
Let's our or your sexuality domain mean heterosexual with the italian descent wisest commonplace, and why do people put up with it? who gives a shit? What color? You are our future woman Org gay or whatever the fuck you are. Who gives a shit? Why do you think people give a shit It is a society drew while we become our tried bribery, bread and butter become very much. We die. I wondered from all the brandy? And here this is all were this? Is politics I mean I'm sorry this. We look at this as progressive like we look at this as oh. good. Where we're entering a new, I knew phase in our society, where everyone can label themselves by their race and their gender that well, but but what we We were. There fell team. We, where our college we just got so used to
You boys are so high and I don't like those people. I don't like that yes, you're, like a guy, you are poligized like you're gonna, like everybody fair. I don't like any body look go fucking, do something don't me about your heritage or or go. The pact? Ten and rushing don't tell me, you spend eighty nine box on a bomber jacket for USC at means nothing to me. What is that I set satisfying wise. It say she must go back to the steamboat by right, because back who will decide shy? Little sunshine, nor has it. It's an in the politicians, labeling everyone and then breaking apart into good.
This is one of the most dangerous things. Any politician curtail yes, the slicing dicing, as is its awful. We need I'm hoping that, like every trend, reboot back towards unity from It would be nice well how, today, how can you move back towards you? unity when you have tribes now you have all? Well, we got there. We got to unity from tribes, the first place that we could do that again. You know it all kind of started with the hype and aided shit there, hispanic african American with think about it? Think about those, though, will think about it were a begging, well, hyphenated, Africa american like that that help anything my as make ignores
did african american help anything? No, I don't think that help that did did hispanic american help anything or hurrying in American like what what what was the cause of that work. I think the idea that could cause, but the idea was people could have very varied ethic. The sand and genetic descends envy America yeah, but how does it work an out and out and what the and gay American Earl a lesbian American like as this sad weird what happen everybody wants. A fuckin titles genuine, gives a threat. rational recovery, my friend rational governance, we need my recovery rationality It being guys, I wonder if people's I hear people
feeling out so much nonsense that I don't even know if there are salvageable anymore, I hear you dear me. or company alive on steroids, one more question over their MAX banner: I'm sorry, I'm just not worried about it. When I look at the actual totals of death that are happening? I don't understand why? Who cares if everybody in the world gets it we should be looking at the amount of deaths and then in the amount of desert are not justifying. What's going on now sorted soda turtle were so that together we look on some of the data and sort of sort of agreeing with the least so far again they wanted a strange, the fair
things about this viruses. If it goes where it goes, you know we never really downwards. Gallatin does what it does right. So I am afraid I have to wrap this thing up here. It's been a pleasure to be out stereo, it's pretty cool watching you read about ye. Talk back to me. It's pretty weird the up right now to tell you that did trays expressionless, but it's strange Leah satisfy accurate, no accurate, guessing yeah, I mean it looks like you talking and died. They never realized. You sort of our expression us, but you when you talk about life now have been driven out now. It's all the same, the botox I'd I, let me give me a plug, see a drew doktor drew dot. Com is where you go and NGO. Therefore, all the life stream podcast and all that Madame adapted Russia that drew pat gas after dark strain on stream at five o clock today. Those allow links it doc. You do that
Maybe animal thank stereo for making this possible and I'm gonna be doing my plug let's say I got shows coming up West Palm Beach, improv the twentieth and the twenty first as Friday Saturday two shows Friday to show sat down alive, reasonable doubt there. and you ve got em products that come to get all the info you want on extends our call for a doktor Bruce and how follow the item proposal on Twitter it out and girlish show followers on Twitter. It item cruelly movies, voicemail, eight, eight, eight, six, three four one, seven, four, four! big of atoms Cyborg I'm your emotional support, animal. Available everywhere, did all the links of Adam Corolla DOT com,
Transcript generated on 2021-09-06.