« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 1: TV Talk and Liked Tweets (ACS Oct 20)

2021-10-20 | 🔗
Adam opens the show with some complaints about his cell phone never working at the house, and other things you should look for before moving into a new place. He then complains about having to resist amazing food while he prepares to film a new video special, the declining quality of the SportsCenter Top 10, and parents getting lost in mask mandates. Adam then shows off a clip from The Love Boat featuring Ethel Merman, and goes through some of his Liked Tweets. Before the break, Adam talks about a surprising conversation with Clay Aiken, and the guys breakdown the new Sex and the City reboot. Please support today’s sponsors: XchairADAM.com BlueNile.com enter ADAM Check Out The Jordan Harbinger Show Podcast TRICOCatsAndDogs.com Apartments.com Geico.com

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