« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 1: Bald Bryan’s Birthday, plus Trending Topics (ACS Sept 14)

2021-09-14 | 🔗
Adam opens today’s show reminiscing about the good ol’ days of first class flying. Bald Bryan then shares his latest health update… some good news just in time for Bryan’s birthday. From there, Adam talks about his upcoming weekend travel for the wedding of Jimmy Kimmel’s daughter, and they go on to discuss a vintage Coors commercial, how Subaru has changed their messaging over the years, and Bill Maher’s thoughts on the death of language. Later, Producer Chris joins the studio with some Trending Topics including the importance of ‘grip’ in our society, a cat saved from falling at a Miami Hurricanes game, ‘cricket dog’, Patton Oswalt canceling tour dates because they wouldn’t comply with COVID safety compliances, Howard Stern’s thoughts on the pandemic, and Conor McGregor fighting with Machine Gun Kelly at the VMAs. Before the break, the guys discuss some other highlights from the VMAs. Please support today’s sponsors: MDHearingAid.com enter ADAM SimpliSafe.com/ADAM Lifelock.com enter ADAM Geico.com PlutoTV
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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from Colonel one studios, Glenville, California! This is the atom Corolla Show Adams, gas. Today, frank girl with Geographical NEWS and Bob Brian on sound of acts and now hoping Newsome will be recalled, but not recall, fondly Adam Corolla yeah I get it. I got to get it on a choice that mandate you get it on an end. Thanks account friend would love that about you write to the grand right and birthday boy Bobo! That's us away! my time modern well- we will get into Willow health, with brine in his birthday as well, first step a note from yesterday's jotted down on my box, let that kind of forgot about it. But I was,
sitting in a first class with the seat in front of me on my lap and eating something that was from a bar and I was reminiscing about the old sky magazines, the kind I have long ask less. Well maybe the sky mall, but they also had their American rarely have their own periodical right. Some boy they do and experts say on Scheffler Tsar and they show pictures of him and his American Airlines chef, smart, dutifully working like crazy, culinary delights for you who are who shall enter this airplane and they get there. They get a little of his mission state. May I am wary: is training is born in Spain want or Michelin raided, the rest arrived and raise what to wear form for free? I write farmed sky farmed sky that had a big lobsters, Landau trades, uniform cuts of beef, and I miss that
fuckin guy so much. How is your god? He s gone back on man is that guy guy and I want to highlight the differences they would do like these beautiful food poor. Exposes on those guys and you would read about it in resources. Ingredients were, I mean, you're cool. I wonder what offering says the shafts bounty as he offered up for this. Why talk you now get in your shirt is now a box filled with smaller boxes, Silvio Zaire, the airlines no longer have executive chef. There's no doubt about that. Do you think the person like in charge of the food is just like a suit just like e p of food,
persons gotta be pursed up, there's no full time job. For that part of that could yeah she's. Like luck rap here at noon, I gotta get to the date county prison where I lay out the mania for those files are thus dispassionately and if they have some stuff left over, I can bring it back and we get it up into the sky. But that no way can there be that executive chef gig any more for an airline, our so brine you're. Turning what age? Today, oh Jesus Board in seventeen? Eighty four, forty three, forty, three years of age, he should hope, I can't wait man yet give it really. in your eyes and eleven you buy it, and I already three tell me all about it. So when are you diagnose, re nine, weird? Turning over just talk about that today, I was idea. I was already thirty. I gave up my thirtieth birthday September of O
DA diagnosis April. Although nine sigh, I was there just just thirty and so why the prognosis, now any any health update unfaithful to say that the health updates are all boring how to MRI a couple of weeks ago it it came back, stable everything looks very normal or normalized fer. You know no growth and the doktor was especially happy with the clinical. Two guys you, you know what that is like when it goes in. He looks and looks how mocking how my fear, my facial cemeteries, a big one, because that was the first indicator that the tumor Indeed, our growing again, because my smile was creators having trouble Blinkem I ride- I wasn't wasn't perfect tend not to my face ever has been prepared by TAT. When I went in last time is like face, looks great. Your smile is is even against metrical. We. This is all evidence things are working things, and so you have to go back on that God forsaken
now that enhanced of Argo was medicine. I was at last year and it is significant. Secondly, was significantly worse and the medicine I'm on now, which lowers my wedding so can imagine this before, and it makes me just so fucking tired all the time, I'm tired, all the time I have like look, in fact, in language was one year your white blood sucking draft to a dangerous level, I'm so tired, but take it any day. Over last year, when I was just I was iraqi, was it was bad bad news wealth making a vast celebrations. I'm getting ready to head off to Katy Camels wedding, no shit, I remember when there they first launched tunic alive. He had his office rigged with a bunk bed so as to kids could like sleep over like Napster whenever the air bunk in his office size also,
he banged interns there. Well, I don't know, I think I said I think I'll get used for sleep one hour a day, so yeah one eye, so she is thirty years. I was to do the math, so I think I met her. am I a mess, a matter. Ninety four, because I went to was. I met her when she was three. I guess there The early days when Jimmy rented a house in the West Valley, Damn proudly, very shortly after I met Jimmy. I went to his home and One of the reasons I want at home, which is to have a cook for me, start a tradition that hasn't to this day by I also went over there because you know in a world where who knows what becomes of what our time
but ninety four I'm a boxing coach. Essentially at this point, my life and an a carpenter, and so Jimmy says what do you have to have anything? You can show me like a stand up a real something. I got here, sizzle your demo acting on out of sorts doing this text. So I'd like all I have is this thing I did in the Eagle Rock public access and ended a eagle Rock public access show that was it, crude as it can be with a home improvement, show or people call then, and I oh kingly, answer their questions. I sort of turning into what Bertram became, but I had this Cosette from several years earlier and I like, while this is all all I got, and I showed it to Jimmy and it didn't have. Obviously there is no production involves There is really nothing involved with it, but he
would see who I was and what I did and what I could do in my improv abilities and things like that and so on. I went over to his home, proud. wait a few days before his fights idea prevailing known him for a week, maybe a week and a half, and I made the pilgrimage out to his house and if the Cosette with him- and he was duly impressed now again, the about Jimmy. Is he didn't think this is a tv show. He thought persons got something that might translate into other than we can use that. I never really get that, like I said, like always had a good sense of humour, and when I see studies friends, I see the one with the sunset and we're gonna kid Sharp I dont know what is going to translate, write to you, I just know the kids like lucid and has some ability and is awake. So I went over there very small to bedroom
it was a small to bed, Roman, like Woodland, hills or something like that was off the back. The back was an hourly which always shocks, because you know what that Alec as people's hop over the fence. When helicopter comes out, my land on your barbecue inside us like the nightmare that act up against now and we heard all manner of drunken vomiting and I am hours of raccoons fighting. I had now a rental house and an alley apartment and the alley is basically, we that is L chop tunnel for people that don't really wanted just walked up and down the boulevards. I had the alley behind Laurel Canyon. Well, well trafficked. So if you are somebody with a pass more thing. Hide your The outgoing ran parallel behind my apartment and not the main boulevard, where the Ex wife could have you oughta, be granted hope PO catcher, whoever whoever's
federal marshal. If any number of business you stiffed right and then I moved to another house across all Canna had another alley and yes, people would hop over the fence and inland and your backyard. So I went over their Katy, was three. So She was a sort of running around Kevin son must have been won, something he was like diaper and I call of. This could have been from another visit, but I do recall his teenage they're trying to think what John his is younger. Hiroshima, being his teens came over this mom and packed playboy and his mom had gone through case and found it and was with the stern disappointed and outright member walking walking into that, but I murmured this very, very modest little rental house with the Jimmy
having I'm old Aurex seven with a bond showed up fender and things were. Things are very different back then and now. I had now this weekend to celebrate Katy. So what so? We got that marches on man, whether its Brian and that the tumor creating the marriage, I think you ve, you been a big influence on my life in a lot of ways, but especially in some things, you say in the way you look the world an interpreter. You mean synthesize events in one of the things that I think about a lot is achieved the day verses. You know her. They are the birthday blah blah blah achievement over everyone who listens to this familiar and it occurred to me- and I was thinking about it. I have now idea what day my book shrinkage the New York Times best seller. I have no idea to day. I beat cancer either time. I have no
Do you one day I was the chairman of the l, a brain tumor. Why get in here are not done yet. I remember the day I one who wants to be a millionaire. Are you get the idea we're way. My birthday is kind of my achievement. I mean I'd, be our another year celebrating another year around the sun, as they say, or the exceptional, as feels another much more. I survived around here, hey Chris I know you don't have a lot in the way of achievement days. Maybe we make Brien's birthday your chief mate, really we rise cell there now, just as something this is a good thing, good achievement, the very edge of the producer of the gang you got a marriage coming up, so maybe we could swap it out than ass a boy. I'm gonna get celebrated on the other cooling off period before we swap at our saying for now in Lou.
Of not having any achievements will soon make Brian's Chris. You knock Celtic happy birthday You are right, so right meant to somebody tweeted me a course: beer Football, commercial and. It was wrong o too, but I thought in a land where The eye fell was running a commercial few months, backing the NFL Gay animals by curious in everything else like I've right just like that, and There is that there is a whole there's a whole thing. They ever see that I will be no oh, it was like that would across me radar who gave friendly there was sea have about gotta things about six months ago, but it was like the NFL is and then they wrote gay and then they wrote. You know BT are lesbian or something, and then they rode a hope.
Holbein, better. They started off with the NFL being gay. I just stopped at that. Jeff Kersey was was the spokesman. Yes, that's right, allegedly so but anyway, you know all the good vibes in the mix, couples and everything just about good vibes, Andorra, Chicks, taken a damp and all the stuff we couldn't have talked about. But oh two not that long ago, firms of history and Zeit guys than the way things role so tweeted me this course commercial, which I'll play for you guys it'll work over the pod casilda see a bunch of it's a bunch of guys chugging chick shaken there. Ass is basically but listen to music and listen to the additive and TWAIN's you hand right, wait watching Maxine, win with
We back the limp, biscuit error for anyone who wasn't arise. I've never seen dos and more elated for any reason that commercial lose out those as our legal Thou Iraq, but sounds like you're wrong Vila. Why our sound alike, they always steals afforded from the canadian football. We all realize if you ever know it at some stage, regatta recognise those uniforms oak. Is there not officials, the euro? I wasn't the rams blame the Denver Bronco valve. Go to see a foul and they get footage from that? Who are the twins either with a thing so that there was a earlier version of this may be the year before we're like the guy was like most stump.
Four words like. I love this out of there and two or three other two girls shaken there I'll, I became a thing that that add as you mentioned about things before it may have seemed Crasser edgy that was so quaint and adorable. I can watch and all day well over eating and lovingly these twin girls are what a time to be alive also it just popped in my head that when frisk and look for the NFL being gay first by day, There was another machine have been Pepsi. red owes cores, add where the two chicks fought in the fountain Remo. One famous like fall into the mass arriving late arrival- was on oil. Don't normally do this, but I will say the man show had something to do with that. I went by had twins. Are we a jug dance winds and the Jug Dan Squad and the general temper men of the man shows or may have
build out into Zeit guys the little bit, because those are the kinds of commercials were getting now here's where a joke with which to a large words then, but they didn't. Nuanced Madison Avenue. Of course I also max. That is how I found my I found another favoured Subaru commercial to go against this one. I don't know if you have the dogs drive in the car on, but there are by the dogs driving a super dogs retrievers there driving a car down the street and really don't bother me up in the back that come across the bull dog whose drive and eighteen wheeler
are there any sites gets the horn, how they do have created where the joy and, where are the twins, damn dog eat dog, is approved your naturally a guy. I remember back when I would consult my God is the vehicle. I shouldn't Lisi, takers, yoalliehecatl links that I like that, like the tires, the top MAX Van, which remit, which is an insane warning, do now don't do that with your dog on private car, the professional
However, if the dogs always think carrier pets well, and also this a very mixed message, I would say, because you got the dogs behind the wheel, but our right, the revival of the puppy in the car is due to the greatest thing it s a so I said Chris find me a Subaru commercial from your providing one nineteen eighty one any Eddie found one in this is this: is the other eroding our ass. oh the car, start up here with some help from a helicopter, but these babies from Superman dont need help. They can switch from front to four wheel, drive
I shall get up a hill, throwing you re, asking gravel daisy lying, but all four wheel drive cars, even look good, getting up, Subaru inexpensive and feel disdain door of all. Now we all know that the Syrian with your dog and the twins they're gone? If I'm not mistaken, there may even be one and even often get through the sentence. Isn't there we're commercial with a guy is taking his dog on a trip. Further dogs last- oh yeah, there's got a lot less. I feel like I've seen it. I haven't seen it being made as we can. We are minds on our If you find the NFL gay you can now. She only MAX Japan were opponent up now right, so Chris I think, was listening to Bill Marr,
and I had a guest on who was sort of talk about the death of language, which is something I've been driven down on. Sweden has been around for a while. I notice that years ago, when I do love line it was you know, rape victim, ripe, survivor, got changes. Survivor was deaf became Bring there was a lot of stuff that was getting switch. I remember the time kind of thinking. feels unnecessary, it was around long enough to go from Maxie can too Chicano to Hispanic there now with axiom. Now I know I know the cultural stuff shifts in changes all the time, but I'll play this, clip that Chris grant my bill MAR they're. Talking about that Professor Portland, you quit, because he thought colleges we're getting to work in a couple of professors in these areas, and so yours bill asking what this guy George F will thinks about. It. George is,
Pulitzer Prize columnist, Washington urge Whale postponed. Yet what do you think is gonna? Be the repercussions for the night election from this issue, or willing, and those in overused adjective, but here it applies in nineteen. Eighty four or well said watch the language because it becomes turned inside out in nineteen. Eighty four love meant hate, warm and peace and on campus today, diversity means in for conformity because we have through the magic of modern parenting and knows, and uninteresting apparent became a verb right before began to happen model. Her aunt, Kate, build ever said parent. Is that not it was very recent gear member that is We know we are. Fearful apparent in this- produces a kind of perfectionist parent. If you really skilful, no one is at children, believes this
people dont apparent Daniel produce the perfect child to which you are entitled ride so again. The language I wasn't dead, Then the parenting part, but I was interested in the language part, and I started thinking about so somebody told Chris Paul from a week ago, which is the whole we spa thing, which is when you are. Now saying what went on at the we spar, you have to say a male sorry you have a female walked in to the female locker room which again like what was going on a store. What's going on and then he had for she had what appeared to be El Genitalia, that's like what the fuck in now your head is starting to swim, but there's
two versions of it. One was Andy know. Who is careful? who, when he was talking about kept, saying she? Although the car, oversee was the dick in the beard or the dick in whatever was swinging around over there, but and then there was an article in which publication was it then I saw we gotta go. NEA Guardian and the allay times here as well. Ok, well, once you do the guardian first The guardian said person charged with indecent exposure at Ella Spa after Viral Instagram video is filed two months after woman's claim about. We spar sparked aunt. I trans protests are so that was the black and who came and compliant ran yes, she's, a woman LOS Angeles authorities of charge to fifty two year old within these exposure at a popular korean spa. There was the sub a viral instagram post earlier this summer, the LAPD
department announced laid on Thursday that it had put out an arrest warrant for daring marriage or who is now facing five felony counts of indecent exposure at we spawn the Koreatown neighbourhood, the charge filed on Monday two months after a viral Instagram video from a woman who filmed herself confronting we spa staff about seeing a quote man naked in front of women and girls in the women, the secular man, s departure. Now that makes it like she's knots, because the quote man, It was a man. The person did not transition, it does not matter what you think of yourself. You have to go, get certify. That's my that's new world where living I agree and Andy's article. He said the woman. He said he was. She was legally woman right. Well now. He I don't know. He said she was legally woman. He said she she
he said even harder sheen. But how did he say legal woman repose? I read it a few times he's he'd know sundry, other foreigners, writer, Andy, no said that that the suspect, was legally woman in California right, but that because he declared himself, a woman I mean I think, Andy is being kept full and or respectful, but his article. He had he referred Andy. we would have saved already referred to disperse, This person is a shame because this person declared them while she or looked at themselves. Is she, but now again it's all. You can find that our our fine, his tweet or whenever, wherever it was, but again we're now she went into the locker room, so it's kind of like will where's the crime
what here and then it's there he went in the locker room quote he now. What are we talking about its language and language moves things around gets everything super fast blurring confusing, and now, if you read these articles, you'd be totally confused as to what actually went on. Do you have the anti no thing? Sorry, I have the excerpt from then your course Newark Post articles, as quote everything about the waste problem bunch of garbage enliven quote major said in an interview. She says she is legally female in California and was an jacuzzi women? Section? Oh, she says yeah, which is different than handy says. I endorse it. Using our of not being that. But the point is, as she says, but again then: what's the Corfu full about if she goes into the locker room, Allah, women's lycra, I'm just saying it's get really fast
it's getting fuzzy fast. I also have a couple of collapse because I have Corey Bush referring to win, there's birthing people now because we need now is to draw a distinction between the guy went into we spa anyone who, in an hour mom, has the pipe right. I was thinking of the nest. Car driver, that's Kyle Bush, yes, dear little bit different approach. A spouse, sir. Here it is made to doing the absolute most to protect black mothers to protect black babies to put cults head black birthing people I'd, say that's birthing people and then that gave way. Air sees version of this, which is now getting now were way into the weeds here here she is on Anderson Cooper s it about making sure that someone like me as a woman or any menstruating parcel in this country cannot make decisions.
over their own body. Ok now refer us now have to think not first, it's like our. Are you on your period when you're getting this does nation. title or you're, just capable of. But now we have birthing, people menstruating people. Is well and and how long the force of a group of women get together. They excuse me, we can't have. Children at a historic was how dare you does not eliminate older, like that? Nepal, young women? Have we not women anymore? It's very confusing, so I would argue that we just go back to men and women for the time being weakened sorted out and if you're, if you I've transition or even transitioning, not your head prison. we transitioning one way or the other than you can get the new the new title, and I don't think it's a lot Ask ultimately that, if you're going to a public spot that, if your
the women's part of this by you, you don't have an erection. I think we just all again, I don't know that I can draw all the dry. Also, it's not that much to ask that you join your own for the brief period of time that you're in then the anonymous like, let let's just say hypothetically somebody said to me magically kazoo from the Flintstones Added- the zoo, later rationally alleys and whenever, like he came down, and he just said: hey Dumdum, that's away spoke Let's say I was at the towers, volleyball game and I'm going to the bathroom, and I thought what we head into the air, into the man's bathroom where normally go, and then Kazoo tat me on the shoulder and said I cast a spell on everyone: they will see was a woman. This is how They will see you so if, in fact, you want to use the bathroom I would suggest you go used
RO, in which case I'd go but kazoo, I'm a man here, yes, Dumdum, but this is how we all this is how heroin in the bathrooms go. I think I could pull going into the Ladys Rome and shutting the door in the stall and my nerves in my own business, and I would say the same to this fella slash gal when it comes to the spot, you tend to the men's room, hold your nose. Quick shower rub impartial, we talk, Maybe moreover, there why the far end of the moon and the hour, maybe a Robin Park We have an affair of. I have the fountain stop saying it. We have the out in as well then Twenty one hour ago, Vienna, Gay. Gee. I get
my way clear light, exciting transgender culture by actual hydrogen energy, but whether it was a bell was dried up several. Where did that air? Just something I will not work yeah, I guess it was on the NFL networks that six months ago, that, after what do they call you see, went out out online? So they they did this for, like the Trevor project, to get everything right now, let's cleanse are
with that checks in two thousand and one fighting, and I found I was remember this one cause we like to hot chair, but I think one of the checks obligation we find the ripple each other's allowances are. There is why it would make a great commercial wouldn't want to watch his best told over a great tasting miller, light at a place called Miller time. Mug wrestling. Imagine pitching that after Madison Avenue now this were Chrissy would now idiotic, I'm gonna pitcher too hot chick stripping each other. Like demoralize, the two dues relax fantasizing there. I've had a look at my view, areas, but yeah. That's us today. Are we got trending too
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right so godson topics. Today, first staff must I was thinking about the topic of grip, atom ramp. You love It's the number one quality inaction star. Everyone always talks about. You know strength, perseverance, serve flexibility or throwing kegs of throwing punches are handled in a peace that is true but it's all stuff mortal men can do their plan, guys in the? U S see their plenty. A guys and special forces are plenty guys who can handle a weapon and handle themselves and handle a knife. There is nobody can, fall off a twenty five story building and then for stories from the base grab a flying hall and snatch it or or on stem cells from the rooftops, pool and grab a cable that swinging from the bottom up. It's the great rip is the fake as part of all
Actually, that's all grip. Now, here's the thing about grip, its! per spindly due to climb El Capitan, the guys the free, climbing right up, there's none of those guys over buck. Fifty sapping when there's no guys built like shorts Nager, because you can I have two hundred and thirty pounds of that mass yeah hang out there tat, yes, just fingertip and by the way, when you any Jean Raw it could be. You know and John or or an action or or captain mariner. Whenever on trailer could always they always do this weird highlight of the grip equip the grip kind. The groups are to suggest they want it more than we do now is acting like a hang on and who, amongst us, could grab onto a ledge, would like one hand and then hold a beautiful star. They ve got a swing you up to safety like now, there's a lot of windows
stayed under fifty flooring, guys being dragged out by the vacuum or something and grabbing on, and it just grab that little ledger at the end. When last goes into the: U Channel hanging on the S, grant grip grip, instead, the fake part of any action, move, lots, grip enough, rang guerrillas previous now passed level, also just sell shown tree. The new Marvel movie lots Agrippa that there's a fifty fifty a floor fight this bill, The building of that gathers scaffolding there right governing comes very you know. A lot of our era with general human being has the best grip. If we're even I mean, obviously it's not movie level, but who has the best group little boys,
this figure out this kid at home can literally climb up the wall, climbed up the door ways and the door you used to do little spider monkeys, I still say the best grip you'll find is amongst the elderly, who want to talk not now that european that law, that death Chronicle Frank, you shall lock lock on people's up her arm to be like Germany needs to run a volley words. Let go right over the barber like you're, not going anywhere that I buy, they lose everything and whether that grip goes lasted, well the world. They we're we're enamored by the grip not of inaction star over the weekend, but by But why cat? That's? That's why we love American injure warrior. That's three quarter grammar they launch in themselves. They grab dire, swaying, and yet it will it. We're
in this video over the weekend, it was in Miami Hard Rock Stadium. I didn't see her. Miami verses appellation state mountaineers, ten minutes in the first quarter. This happen. there's a little third cat dangle. If the rafters Michael now, like maybe a wire and never let it just now want one law, obviously terrified VOX is all lorry american flag. Yes place goes while there's another angle we could play, we could play in the background to kill alive. I mean I'm sure dramatize horse cat. Is this wandering caches, warrior there's a lot of nfl? You know, there's a skunk on the field and the major league ball far spreads itself out perfectly it's interesting, so the thing felt good thirty feet in yes, thirty feet the wagon.
I voted in favour of the heatwave always got knocked latin american flag, which is basically the hammock they set up. The catch, poetic boundary link. Think about think about the instincts of the cat. The cat one flying flags now yet lay off. This whole thing is like I have to make myself When really we asked amount of aerodynamic past now and then, when I land, I'm gonna, see if I can distribute the force between all food pause and some of my ribcage like spread it out. I had forgotten ways: you go dear alone. First, you break pause, young while that was awesome. So some background so is cause. I am in favour of the heroes who caught the cat universe, if my Amy facilities, major Craig Cromer and his wife Kimberly's neighbouring that flag,
every gave, hang it over the railing further their seats land. There is another couple who had a flag under their flag, just just for an extra cushion or just in case they missed. Nobody was watching this. and so worried about it, thank God the caught it and and then Craig Kimberly, Wanna DMZ yesterday said actually also it wasn't glamorous as a looked for the people caught it because the cat was paying. I realise it steady stream. Of course he was part of that lighten the load, exactly the all instinct I'm worried on becoming a cat guy. Now, what do you do? I love tat of always level gas, but what do you do with old glory I am glad I ain't a cat and the other hands got cat peers were supposed to burn out of work when I wanted to cry for touches the ground. You're supposed to desert use most burning issue about that.
Love affairs, the rule, the other? Those are all sorts of light on a night like there's a whole like the sun's down the flies not down there to be a light on it that all the other rules I dont know you could look at a pale and if they are supposed to burn it, if it touches the ground or maybe when I was in Walter junior high and for what week out on flag detail where they look? Here's how your folded fall that basically like the football you flick with your writers and finally closed when you're bored in Abu everything and junior high a triangle shape by tat. Don't let it touched the ground, gerardi and apparent in, but that could have just been MR handsomely, not wanting us to fuck around true. You know a man, so I'm burning up. If I get caught burning a flag, I should like to touch them around me tree. It right I got a nominee for your last free market. Less like things to accomplish, maybe pour your death have a flag presented to allow
one try azure the ass, my grandma had that are we do as he was a firebrand now be stolen. Valor of malaria is even I do not think you don't have to burn it if it touches the ground. According to the internet settings cat peas on Mr Walter's, the US or good, they save cat. That's awesome. By the way you can pull that off with a gay flag. Gina Let's be honest. I point out that in Ireland Rock, how is it tat? You think the cap would have agreed that I understand about. I dont know how to flaming thing going on chiffon isn't a strong the area into a pointing out. The obvious. Obviously, did he go They want Antium Xaviera went on tv. Let me know what's to become of the cat
Yet, when we're ok, wonder this out because less added a mile beyond, I got off my tm Z, because I was travelling in all mankind as listed in the airlines it she gets impressive that I found it to see if they live ones. That is, relocating survey, save the cat. They enabling the flag everyday months like doing, and I was thinking about people who bring things too to pro sport. Invariably sports gives, like the a glove when you go to a giants. Cambridge since I was like your twelve yes Your kid you, like all this might be the day the lawyer dolls running under the society of adult still go. Gotta gave the gloves you. Would you bring one item? I Here's how I am. I have a weird thing with preparation witches I have many versions of that pad the chair in the stands, or even the free standing campaigners, Sierra Leone, one of the things that involve benches diabetes, seventy versions of than never.
Bringing them out go the ties volleyball game sit the hard extroverted aluminum bleacher, further seven hours with my ass aching- and I have every time I get there go. What a fuckin I bring us into in the garage or in the cabinet to feed my car- I just never do so- I never been, certainly have so many car. I should strong in the car housekeeper masochistic but anyway, the that cat was the most watched animal of. If we can accordingly visit that official society ass yesterday, others think that comes out. It is make the european highlight real for sport cells numbering eyes, but their number two with cricket dog, his dog that has plagued Dario Saturday Match Sylvester North of Ireland, where today too ready cricket, love and snow. Dozens of I don't know what's happening in the greek- has got loose. There's a lot of
the only body that nice very go off. They have failed Where was, I would ve done? Something really are there, but a shot they hold that that horrible stat I had to read about Austria is diving over no, the puppies part of that that terrible sides due to low public Linzer if some nice positive ways, if you're every gonna, let your dog. Something attached. A leash. First every five years. The US not knows neighbour kid. I any once you're diagram, all the kid but the leash on and then send the right. Speaking of that, Chris, did you see the clip of everyone booing that RAF, because there's like a bat, dog and sort of like a bad boy, I'd like a ball dog and tat was so excited to get the bat and the Rev picks up the on picks up and throws everybody's brewing, arrive or US
yes, ok, Allen! Iverson, I don't know the subjects we're gonna get into what when SAM Chris, come in here and doing the popular subjects, but they belong to go of about animals. I did film, I tweeted it out, but I filmed Phil. In the pool shaking in the pool for this morning. Yeah he shakes himself dry, while standing in the pool and added smiling now at all either the picture that, but he doesn't care ones, then that animals coming into use games of live cattle. rich history and myself. Here he is my guy she's, not just he's submerge dwellings during that sees up to MID Reno ran up to the top of his shoulder any shaking himself off, while standing in a body of water that two thirds in that's. What that's fills me:
history, my god he's cute because he is so down whose job, but it also has no timetable. You know so he can shake himself out the poor than it can get out, Jake himself out again and then go back and when I get to be a word, the be anywhere I was just thinking. It's been twenty years, since the Randy Johnson Incident of the worrying that many rehash unveil is real, worry hits the average trading throw the pitch disintegrates up, that the That our insane like there, in fact this no pitch, calls so well known that there are more Google search results for rain. Johnson Bird, then there? four Randy Johnson baseball, I think the bird risks commit. Suicide eyesight microbial tribunal takes the mound you get up on you,
bonded alighting Reagan top of the state, and you know it orient anywhere near Randy, Johnson yeah, there's not need. A member alive who could convict Randy Johnson thou the force majeure, will re jobs and use the hate anybody. The hate whenever a product is truly felt bad luck. You are like organizations about as self lackeys t you never want to talk about it, and then he beat you that is a photographer effectually race, a tiger. I've seen him at all homage Grand Prix bunch yeah right, that's right! So I really am yeah, you walk so like like he. These huge lenses, buddy where's, like, is very casual. Looking just where's like the media outlets, you can't even tell unless you know that don't you has definite pro athletes and and his is logo for its photography. is a dead birds. I think that is really embrace their that's kind of how they are with their stuff. I mean they always try to its, like Bob Denver,
Gillikins island goes off there. He doesn't want anyone to calm, halo body may in autumn is going away for a fifteen years goes buys at the boat show here. Where are they all that right? So that's? How can I will work by cycle? My uncle Uncle Walker Delta collecting he had an honorary picture by the two players in picture Nolan, Ryan and Robin Ventura. Now we all know the north Rhine robbed, Ventre incident known Ryan, beat the shit enter on the pigeon Ventura happily signed it, you're like it here gotta get ahead, lock and start throwing up. our electorates. Let's move away from swerved followed and had a great time with you nor royal Local, Kansas City Adam, I dont He knew this, but both theatres required vaccination, prove vaccination or like covert task, and we actually did get like some complaints from wouldn't go because of that and Canada, in a kind of what's going on in its in the commonwealth. In some sense pattern, Oswald was trending last week he
he can't old fewest towards AIDS, mainly in Florida, for them in Florida, one in Utah because they wouldn't comply with the tourist covert saved your life and which is needed. over nineteen test within seventy two hours or look a vaccine proof of vaccination. Fuck me money Will it he he treated? Like I'm sorry, you know I tried to work with the theatres. I tried to work with him, so he really, you know every puts our put upon the theatres instead, well in being consistent. He can do whatever he wants and Joe Rogan can do whatever he wants in the opposite direction. That's the way this country works you now. He I mean. I'm sure patent Obviously vaccinated Surrey doesn't really have to worry about him. You know my general. It is. The people are accelerated are fine and I would argue that, God what percentage? If you took that power, violation of we're gonna go see, partners, Walden
a believer in the mid nineties, Yanza vaccine so easily. Now you can go now, but you go kid rock or ten new Jenner, maybe Joe Rogan. Now you're you're you're go in another direction there, but I would argue that they are accelerated. He's vaccinated, he's, probably go. Do it anyway by up to him just like it's up to you. Joe Rogan do whatever they would. Everyone I said Joe Rogan actually went public saying I don't want that at my shows and then famously cock over a couple weeks ago, You're too many. My my feeling is: more living in an era where everyone is taking a stand, as a few too many stands being taken, my feeling is, is denied point two venues where, The theatre mandated the vaccine. I dont care before add were playing. Minneapolis was packed club. I mean quite a bit smaller than those theatres and talk about head space. Man rain,
three hundred zero, these people, this thing, as far as I can they had no protocol, don't care so I just show up that is may I got a little on. I got really have so much energy to expand forever. I agree that taken a stance that little with the people who are going to such crazy length to like falsified doc, it's like you is a lot easier to get the fucking shot, you not create or acquire make card and then fill out and then go to jail and pay the fine like we use a lot easier. I think it's all about. Well not wanting could be bullied into something. That's what's going on. Citizens about, I dont think, is about ease of anything any more, obviously, the out its. Besides, I want to be told what to do, and this is the kind of my being a little. like I don't know if it's being defiant, but it's just. I feel that way about front license plate for it. Like I don't wanna do it if I get busted I'll velcro it onto the sports car and pull it off after gets signed
fine. I understand that, but down its magnets, but there so there is also the down, while not the downside, but You take somebody like Doktor drew Fouche, you got cornered the other day by Sanjay Google Glass, a real question eighteen months in and basically ask him about immunity from being infected over the natural immunity. In fact, if I weren't we gotta get back beyond that, no wise, not into that, but ok, fine, proud. She has no thought about that. It's bullshit hears it. They drew. added. He added badly. He has the tea cells in the immunity. Has all that body wants to travel anywhere go abroad, so we have to get something that he probably shouldn't get because he has natural immunity which is much more effective. LISA coming out from Israel that it's quite a bit more effective than the vaccine, which you have to color reboot all the time, but there's gotta
fair amount of people just goin I had it. I have natural munifi, but I want to go to New York. Are my sister for weddings coming up and they require the venue requires a fuck. It remain there's gonna be a lot of that come up as well. The agreed will as far as Joe Rogan, so a lot of celebrity are also commenting on and what he he's been handling it with I've met in Russell Brain. says that the media seemed to initially take delight that he corona virus. At him to suffer as a result of it and then stern. Of course this week say that he is he's in here. Just gotten, vaccinated instead of thick taken the government it seems to be of them, a huge german fab and like really taking hard stance on this, I didn't realize, is he gonna how even dullish he's only as it this house, he wouldn't go to the neighbors to sit outside with the neighbors he's hard Mandela's, coronet civil rights later Journal Club.
It brought low for all those years for crimes committed Howard Medallic. He has the old jewish, neurotic kind of thing going on? I remember some money ago when he was quarantining his equipment in before they made him a home studio and little stories like that. That suggested here get a lot more seriously than let's say Joe Rogan Multi, studying the shell from home, yeah love. There's a couple verse off first off. Who really knows how much is covered adverse events? s verses like doing the show. My out like I get to go down, I mean we all know yes vote. I use the new. I ok, oh boy, Shall we go about it
for the rest. I not only that, but I was just thinking about this today: I used to do stern, show in our role as exciting early days, I would do it from Westwood one and cover city brine. Those exact Gina knows where that is. I live then they how we would hills like under the Hollywood sign a freeway you can t was a track, get they get there. He is my heated up at six, a M New York time. Three. I am our time I punched out at twelve. Five from line in the same studio, Westwood one,
I draw back to allay after the surrogate Hobart. Twelve thirty got about one thirty. Wake up about two. Thirty get family cleaning grew by the way. This is why you guys all need to spare me you're fuckin stories orca, how bad habits of a city it's a two hour time, never two hours, I didn't know our two days work like fuck that you policies I would home at twelve thirty and I need to be back and Culver City at three when that three m, when the MIKE heated upside sleep for an hour, get right back up, huh back down over there and then of course, should the killer, although the bunk bed in the air I now at home, then I would finish this show he would vanishes show our time about seventh eight o clock, then on walk out to be
yeah, like like God that then I remember a fight traffic. Now, because it was morning traffic giving some whole verse city back dead. Then it was like that. like I know, it's nine I'm drinking wine produced wine and then pass out at some point, but then I had to go. The man shall, of course, The point is not here now. Colic point: is this at sea? point: got me a zephyr Offer was a sizeable attache case ice. The online republic that Zephyr end my room in my office and the delight of when a bad at one thirty and not having and get up until two. Fifty two, defining really sleep out of king and I could sleep nobody here that yours, the whole thing
it wasn't the actual twenty five minutes asleep it was. I'm gonna get my sweat pans, walk across this hall plopped now and I'm gonna, do my shit and the notion of going out to commercial break. I'm gonna get some coffee. We go downstairs. I frage poor myself, something walk back up again soon, as the MIKE's go call I can take a shower, go get somethin! I go to nibble at last night when he asked you quickly embrace I that is not. That is. The commute are getting up a little earlier. That is just a different lifestyle and very quickly you go. Oh, I could get used to this. and then you have to weigh in like well, then, what what's the sacrifice like?
Are you better when you're Westwood one than at home, when the with the Zephyr? You must not amongst different EU remote either way like for us is like all in person, I would add, always better version. All I remember is that the office I was in was all hardwood floors and discriminatory in and painted walls, and I called in once arch the MIKE and housing, or are you a trash cans? Something? So I at my office, chair directly under a ceiling fan a big like a for Fort wide one, and all I did was taken. a beach towels in man's Meyer laundering, equip them to the to the wings and create the surf are proof that would enter the cone of life and opened the future climb into and then just sitting there. So that in I get the again read. A lot of people are doing this with work. They ve realized. We know we went over the covert part. I got the vaccine
a lot out and my sweat Perry was actually funny because the other day Howard's doing it from home and Steve, Martin and Martin Short, are in his studio. Darwin Press, yes, yes arrive the one needs move on: let's go to the visa, maize, fear, maize or last night and music videos still huge huge thing. I know we don't get to see him on tv a lot, but they get more views than ever because of Youtube. Really oh yeah I know music vetoed reckon I ass a man like that. What's the difference, because he he's invidious for tv and an online like online way way better. Maybe he has to say that by just two billion spite easier to track, everyone can see how many of those I mean they're not to us in our electorate as culturally significant, like you guys mentioned The blind, melon Viagra videos, like everyone to everybody, knows about me. They're out of her kids watch videos these days, but
anyway, Conor Macgregor in Michigan Kelly got into it really yeah. I dont pay to get your tea AMC right now I am. I know I heard about Madonna's ass. All I heard about well. Well, let's watch Carter. I don't have that ready, but here's com And you can you know you visa firecrackers, eager to see him thrown thrones I'm telling you this is because a jury was a corner authority rank. I dont know why anyway, so that people are asking about reaching Kelly refused to speak about it and on Macgregor said this about about the incident then I don't know I just showed up and not allow this. Don't even real does not actually by saying and finally, the robbers, economic. I don't know anything about what I think of my boy Wrapper
we have to fight. This is the final. It seems a little cook that I dont know what they're but they're they're, totally a leading into a wily. Connemara Gregor is but the reason why breaks up machine. I call you know who is dating. Some fox and New heard she was like naked she was wearing the out. Shame. On rose Mc Gowan, the area there, tribute well, basically, a very small became each year and with a whole you're certain netting over and you ve seen a person Adam Brian US in it is good, I imagine it so. Hell yeah, I don't mean I don't know. She's hot tears, hot people There's that I've been. I did if your bank, it's a good thing, but that's it novelty that their she's had always been going on. Guy, probably like the course commercial dislike, you could just be hot and be like successful. They had a certain era,
ass. She ran a stringer. What's gonna back the occasion show us draw we don't have to pay to have low Nazar can offer because what she did in transformers what the engine sane was a double plumper high rise and cross injection that that I've got me. I didn't write it. Like the one in the movie gonna, does our lines rank when it pops up. You become a boy we loners was where in interesting outfit as well. Many movies you major, not quite a few containing they do it contain leader years- is low fishing for a compliment on his outfit and getting denied I'm happy, I'm a good look. Listen, I'm not gonna, say I'm hanging on a fit, but less mobile phone, okay, now twenty remedy
great and then, let's see outlets, and I want to bring up dodge a cat to reach a cat. Ramrod hosted the women and why does it catches at Dover? No american flag was an area they could have turned around. I quickly monies have fever outfits. That's right! I don't! I don't know These look good or not, I kind of like em. I don't know why I don't buy and tell if these are amazing or illegally. I ran interesting yeah slave. I heard what you already know that just the color and the shape of that remind me of term guess: marital pneumonia still vary too is our side by I means got a little animated preacher. Whatever I made it, it's fine. I always just think, like you always about these women, because, like one ray three years, I don't know maybe for Rum Katie's wedding,
put a suit on my reader, will remember doing the outskirts. You know put the taxi on put the patent leather hairs in your mind, immediately. Goes to what about them. Parliament will have a bit of fun and I gotta wear suspenders confined with a calmer by I mean I was sick, that's the literally just wearing a suit, and I'm already doing the man, the movement math. I forgot how I got a walk in the news. I can imagine what tough iron along or I can imagine where what these women have to do. Angela of all I wasn't by the way. If you look at this picture, the fungus tomb Gus That is pretty well like when you guys whitewash like the mat or anything like that are just see a gala legality. I married you guys, I pass do it, can you get? Can you guys tell if it's like a great outfit or not, and you don't think it's all subjective, but now like when they like the last met gala they did. It was like what, if everyone must we happy or whatever and people
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Transcript generated on 2021-09-14.