« The Adam Carolla Show

Carolla Classics: Petros Papadakis, The Defiant Ones with Allen Hughes, and Deaf Frat Guy

2020-06-13 | 🔗
Highlights from the history of The Adam Carolla Show: 1. Dan Milano + Adam book News (2010) 2. Petros Papadakis Football Sunday (2010) 3. Allen Hughes and The Defiant Ones (2017) 4. Mike August sneezing (2013) 5. Deaf Frat Guy JV or All Balls Christmas (2013) Hosted by Chris Laxamana and Giovanni Giorgio Support the show: Visit TommyJohn.com/Classics Visit MethodMen.com/Classic Visit Geico.com/giveback Request clips: [email protected] TWITTER: https://twitter.com/chrislaxamana https://twitter.com/giovannigiorgio INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chrislaxamana1 https://twitter.com/giovannigiorgio Website: https://www.podcastone.com/carolla-classics Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/carolla-classics/id1454001697?mt=2

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