« The Adam Carolla Show

Carolla Classics: Frusen Glädjé! + 2012 Ace Awards

2021-12-27 | 🔗
1. Dave Dameshek's Frusen Glädjé (2017) 2. 2012 Ace Awards 3. Rotten Tomatoes Game (2018) Hosted by Chris Laxamana and Giovanni Giorgio Support the show: SimpliSafe.com/Adam Geico.com Keeps.com/Adam Con-Cret.com/podcast BetterHelp.com/Carolla Request clips: [email protected] TWITTER: https://twitter.com/chrislaxamana INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chrislaxamana1 https://instagram.com/giovannigiorgio Website: https://www.podcastone.com/carolla-classics
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage show on podcast. One Did it again, variety was just named America's most reliable network by metrics for the sixteenth time in a row proving one get that nobody builds networks like horizon those numbers. That's why we're building fighting right? That's why? There's only one! That's network: Verizon Vessel reliable based on rootmetrics appointment, second half two thousand and thirteen, the first half two thousand and twenty one hundred and three operators and all network type combine not specific to 5g networks, great news, children's Philadelphia, is opening a second hospital in king of pressure for homes, me for me Indeed, as the kid like me, ass, a nation pity
specially twenty four seven ii are private, inpatient rooms and pc to get too with plenty of parkgate. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, New Hospital in king of Pressure winning suit her you her guide, how do you own the rent? Will you do the other right. You know it's hard work out their own in rent and you want to save some money, how much a bundle bundle. Your policies Geico Geico makes it easy to bundle the homeownership renters insurance, along with your Otto policy, its good thing to you, because you got so much do already go to I gotta come get a quote, see just how much you could say at Geico that is Geico Dad come today. That's I go dot com. hello toward the girl classics for dissent
Twenty seven, twenty twenty one, the show where we highlight some of the greatest moments of Adam Corolla show history. When, Chris Locks and minor on the executive producer of the atom guerrilla show and with me. As always: Kuril archives, Super Fain Giovanni, Chris happy Monday, yeah be Monday, Gian work and, as we say in happy every day, till January there, when the when they had only travel, rumours now covert help I'm feel a lot better than that thinks every further well wishes by the way our right before you're going with the first clip, I want to remind everybody fuel to request a lip or there's a certain moment that you want us to reply. Then email us classics at for all the dot com where you can find us on Instagram, at Giovanni, Giorgio or at Chris locks Amano one. Let us know what you want to hear? What more, Is this stuck in your head and Wolf
before and will share with the world. This is first click that we have it is actually listener requested from rob and irritation. I'd love to hear the damage Shek Bruce large episode? I think that was the first time I heard Dave on the show he enjoyed the crap. To me then, but I frigate Now pigs rob glad that your on the day of a shack bandwagon. Finally, because it's a good place to be- and that clip you are asking for is for May of twenty seven so choice sixty six between justice area, in this clip, but it is just debut appearance. They damage agenda. Brandish upon coolness portion frozen logic I'll tell you. I gypsies areas coming on deserve better instead of command as our rights of workers in the past, but little footnote was sports gas. There
Chet Waterhouse right before me. Kimmel was Jimmy the sports guy on cabin in vain and care, and I used to love s his character. Chet Waterhouse, doing sports in everyone who knows anything about sports would love it. You can hear the name and picture is going do it for Us I've heard it since nineteen nine, three and a half and We split in June this war is guy came in. I was a little disappointed because I liked Chet water had listened the when I when Ricky Rank when left love line, and I replaced Ricky RAP when on love line. Ninety six percent of the love line. Listeners hated me for the first six months, such as how radio just is that animal? It's not it's not like
food restaurants, Regos all place our core. I love it than someone brings you to their place on the west side in this other coconut Serbs, even better. It's not that it's like you're stuck on this for, like there's a weird emotional sort of winning that has it play not familiar. Do you really think that this is an exciting? Is now proves the rule which will damage echo replaced by Danny bonded are usually went on? He was excited about the foremost staff. We would literally religion, brace my Carter here good day, dragging a fourth be with your ball Brian over them using run loves damage is an exciting we save in between the NFL draft, and I have the best names from the draft presented to you and also the Kentucky Derby is nigh, so I have it.
For the annual good for the staff and good for the wine making by Adam Corrales good science. You d determine some years ago that if a horse has a name that would suit your wiener varieties, likely to win the race, and so I will give you those names and then all that being said I walked in here and you start out with a star. Wars dig ball. Please line! I'm just gonna glancing John here jerk, just care. First, careful, that's what's happened. I gotta get the blaster loaded up from within with bird shot. For this one, because this I don't know, I'm I'm one of these guys. You guys tell me how I want is wired when somebody It's me off on the freeway. I have almost no feelings about them, because what they're doing as their distracted or that and see you are they just noticed that the
three less exits coming up on him and they just go there just doing their growing about their life. Only foot known as if it could you often go slow. That download do that that I hate, but even that, if they're looking for their offer, I am thing or somebody it's just that, and if and if one of my kids for my wife. Are anybody around the house or anybody around the shop breaks anything or knock something? I haven't zero feelings about it. It's all intention with me zero. I dont know what I mean is wired anymore zero than me for breaking anything, no matter what the value I've, no thoughts, if what you are doing, involve a mistake yesterday when I was leaving. My television show the ways to get pardon upon the wage ways to get from where I am and allay studios to my house and lock and yadda about fifteen different ways as your pulling out of the studio, you can turn left on forth and go down this. You can go up the figure Roma get on the freeway
like that downtown. Six. Thirty, seven at night, there's a whole bunch of different and so pull out and sometimes what ways I'll do it I'll go out, turn right here and then obeyed owner Lag Lapland, Lafontaine ever knows where you're facing enraged exactly and if it's a real short run up, so that the streets were pretty pretty empty. It was about seven, seven, thirty, nine, it did the. turn right on figure out, and then it is only now left left and if you go in the wrong direction in downtown. You could be going for a while that one way street is it, he left laughed, and so there was a thing we're I'm gonna have to go across and it was like a one way street and like four lines, I've gotta go cross like four lines. So I did the move. it's like a wasn't crowded. There wasn't any round. I saw like a white Camry started coming up and I started started to move and then what came? I stop that's gonna! Let it just go past and I'm just gonna go all the way. cross? Because there wasn't anybody around as it was and at me
two torn, but the people their horn when they see you, but you ve already stopped, so you saw them like the people, it's this guy, when you're pulling out of the drive or your backing out the driveway and there's like a cube truck Are there in your looking looking looking looking up here? Comes a car stop there two seconds they see you, then they honk and look at you like some sort of homicidal maniac ass. They drive by shaking bad. It's a good thing. I caught you when I did otherwise reposing gulp inflamed China. They hate douche. I saw you and then I stop. That's why we can do the math there's a reason why I'm not moving, and it's not because you want your horn after ice after moving, is because I saw you I start, then you your horn, then you decided, I was a maniac who needed report on Devils, island and stocks. So this guy
it's like coming down and is a couple guys in the car, and I saw- and they did the hawk like- and I like star like I'm like I'm doing a ridiculous maneuver here, but there's nobody on the road but mania so soon you go by I'll. Just go all the way over here and clearly turn left. This asked why stop the signal turns red, he stopped I'm diagnosed sort of half way cock trying in the middle, the straight trying to do my move and he pull up the aid via the line to, let me finish driving you now. Will you wanted? I have to sit in the middle of the street, so facing MCA not going straight. I've gone across where this we're diagonal move. Also it's like other cars are coming around now to hear stop aid each or to the red light eight feet. Shorted align knows he could pull up. I'm honking the horn, because my fender, my bumpers on his left rear corridor and on current sideways, I'm going to give in sharp
repeat and then I could just finish my Jack rate. Now now I gotta tell you: it is those times when I really want it just get down. I want to get out of the car and throw it out like I just I start a hawk S. Argument F, you I started like come on back. I hate guy. Why blind rage for that guy and a zero for the guys. Just texting and drift into my light did the guy ignore you completely, or did he give you a little finger? Anything he Just gonna! Stop the car there pretending! Let me complete my lane, change, move and again no other cars around and clearly short of the line and ignore my haunt you wasn't doing anything except. I dared
try to change lanes in front of his highness and now the full weight of his wrath. They'll come down upon most people's lives. There ready, I'm sorry, you stupid brand, because these guys, who have guys riding shot gun theirs, be a little la due to restrict their plight riches guy. What? If I'm sitting? Next to this guy, like its re or whoever, I just go out, just pull they're gonna, try and across the maybe smugglers, are basic guys, gonna fuckin machete back there like number one. I want to be in the car to without Chop oak it now the carpet number three he's just trying to switch lades. Can we just gotta pull up
is infuriating when someone screwing you and there's nothing in it for them like if someone screwing in a business deal at least there so like there in a beggar payday supposedly for them, if it's just a spider out of hay, why not for you it's funny, because I just death flew back and forth, and you may have heard that there are some of our airlines have had their some controversy of late yeah yeah yeah with human beings behaving poorly, though the move that I hate, the guy. Who is a row behind you and now it's time to the plain- and I mean all this time, since you know, since flight began at least you could always get out it's that role that the closest road at the door they all empty? I've been the row behind them and so on, but that you who ass the walk, the one road step in front of you, so he gets off the plane point four seconds for you do that guy I make I mean he's in my Tommy. I most hated you maybe tomorrow and then I do can fly
Damn and its time, of quarters. It I've never actually gotten into fisticuffs, but either guy. Congratulations, you're gonna get off the plane before. I am good for you fella good for years, and they turn rather well. You got something to say yeah. I guess I just sanity yeah. I just said, but I had this agency's. It's it's a fifth, its Therefore- and this is not in reference to the guy- was dragged off the plane, it's a zipper move. Its is it's a sip super simple zipper move even though you may look at it is wound just stepping up eighteen inches. It is a window into your saw. How rank is how you back and it so easy, because it's like you, then you you, then you it's easy right. Let everyone merges everyone's efforts,
notion that you're not getting anything out of that. That that's my thing. It's my whole thing with the terrorist like when somebody says I was a junkie, I robbed a liquor store. I dont! Really, I'm not angry at that. I feel like drugs are, rarely are evil and they make people do step. But it's like I stand that old guy because he had a mechanical pencil and I wanted it like what kind of horrible person. Are you that you do it for nothing did before nothing? This doesn't get you off the plane. First, it's not like well there's a shuttle waiting and he's got the last seat on the shuttle. There's nothing! It's just him sort of imposing his well on you that, as I said it many times, nothing reveals your character or lack thereof. Like fly matter when you, when you got a for as long as I've known you pretty much, you have that you cited the guy on South West flights, so three of us, are together, so we want to sit together.
guy, one guy has taken up an entire okay. You mind jumpin back arose so that the three of us can sit together. What is response to that or theirs? I love that guy literally. Sometimes it would you not just sat damages, be mean, Doktor drew and he was. I was only ask him to do sit the same seat, one roll back or one row: foreigners Also? What you're. Trying to garner from me like how much how much emotional compensation do you want, like everyone treats all trains actions like there's some sort of emotional like red like we're Chuckie cheese and we're getting those coupons and get a stuffed animals. That's like you just got eight emotional coupons with your exile and you can go redeem. Those later on. I know you can't you'll get. Nothing will never see each other again. I think your dish. What is, thing? Recycle our luck? If I,
Tell someone my backs ranch, but I'm going to help us move anyway. That'll be good for a hundred and twenty one we get redeemable. So I could go over there on the top and get the big bear in the top. But if I just do the exhale with the stranger on the South West, like gotta, free access for nine or ten ticket out areas, you right now take you get through new being the subject of what a douche bag yard the next time we get on the radio. We need there, really the votes, your favorite movie ex, when my life defending your life, ending your lot offending your life. Is. We really need someone of influence to now monitor every human being on video tapes so that we can review their behaviour. Maybe you to stop flee, pay that are now I guess, there's enough crew and say look I hold this is who you are. This is what you look like now. You know what we have now, what we didn't have a here's, the screaming at having. In the plan
the past that we use the shame we use societal, more is and things we had. We had a society, but we didn't have technology who within dna testing we have video cameras, will have surveillance cameras. We too have cell phones with triangulate. You said you weren't. Here we got your cell phone, it's it's been paying The tower at this time when having so where technology, but all we had with dignity. Now we have all the technology in no doubt that, as I pay, I saw you thrown a trash came in through the window of that a lane brine Berkeley. Yes, so pops blow me like you're in trouble. Now, I'm not my dad. the attorney after you like now we have
literally videotape of people smashing cop cars and we're like we're going to need never cared left before we're, like that's the copper smash and we like I, let's just go round up some random blankets and do something to them because they smash somebody's massacre. Look somebody's rascal, garter, set on fire. We're gonna go do something. Now we have videotape of everyone Delia. We move it up to you to get our surveillance to dignity, rewrite we re laws. We have all the surveillance and none of the will we gotta go now. We ve talked about it here before it's it's again in the twenty first century. Never has this been more true, or at least since I've walk the big blue marble. body has to feel essential, everybody is a narcissist everybody, to be imperative to whatever their doing, even if it goes against our own self interest and to eliminate that Philadelphia. sports fans. They were turned into self parity this weekend. I know if you watch the draft, but
commissioner literally got them to boot themselves, really there, but their raining booze on him and then try to go through some things you like and, of course, above all else, we have to thank the great fans of Philadelphia and there still Billy's I am talking about you guys like Blue, am. Do you guys say? Is that really yourself interest, you're, Philadelphia, sports Fan, Europe die argue what you're Eagle, Sixers and so on to win titles, and yet I would rather be known idle. We you, if you're, not good, for our pay, we don't care will be our own quarterback. Is that good,
scare him to make him feel intimidated, you're, making your teams oars by Boeing them. They were tough sports out a bully for you so because some people I want to play their woody regulations, you ve done it. What is a show for what he had to show for it is this tufts, worse hours were aware all impressed around the nation that you guys can bully Europe here that it down invincible on blue right. That's what I had to show for one Robert making. The Eagles is one of the Eagles top five highlights of the last fifty years. This arms Dave he's yours Porsche. What what fake? more moments for movies rank ass, a great sports moment for that franchise, end or team advantage egg kennicott your pulling off at number one draft back is by far the best thing that happened around here and now. It's troikas rarity is in that way because nerdy or they met or even fifteen titles right checks over here. At some stuff to do. A shack is called on to
I wish our most through these calls and won't get check. My varies. A perfect call for day vanished and why should I take allows Hey? Let's do it Eric thirty Michigan A long time I go, don't what's Goin on man works perfectly, Is that your email, local? Previous fourth report, I'm going to cover a hack game right now, minor league game, one if you guys, have them good tat phrases. or our lines to be used in turn, highlights the night. Like something as good as boom global. While you that's a good girl, He's gets bogged down with those ordinary shield, Peru about a robot.
I fancy, I say from the heart spell out the day, one while you can cause days and and work on something good to say I'll. Tell you one to avoid, because your you will hear it dare apply Do these any job lay offs omby amby on is the law. with the so called the alleged must win game. You know it so that the Brussels must win down. as one of the greatest things have ever come up with is here. Your question is the season over are that it is their season end that I get, though they put on a suit, not get their hockey gear back on until and the summer now That is most when game go here. basking mad and by the way, while I'm at it. Gone around. I've asked all the parts Superbowl participants for the last four years. If at the Superbowl, the coaches included is this swinging. None of them get the irony that they all say well: Remit, Superbowl Shoreham, you gotta show our complaint. I want now other
people. Are the country have taken the using that that is politically brilliant? They invented some must win game Errol here yet It's a supervisor about most closely someone's got to getting it, Eric I got one though a bumpy, but I think it's gonna put you on the map. You know, I'm not. I don't know turn about him at once in a while. They get into that. Does skirmish just sort of, and not a fight but they're, trying to knock the Pakistan but the right in front of a goal: nerdy each guys, gonna elbowing slap and slap at an elbow, and and the Roma from its scope front, and they just started scribe. What's going on in the hockey turns out of this room fraud, but in an end sometimes golly gets, and sometimes they push you. Then they kick it in this magazine whatever during from its Match repaired, Matthew, bad MAX Red MAX Japan, when
score That is why I am now so you're probably get answered by in Atlanta. How tax I don't. I don't know about voluntary, increasingly allowed a castle castle back up TAT, their shields Tom, all gains Jack, Frost, Eric you're Is your work? Is done a guy go. Do you own dear rent? Will you do one or the other right? You know it's hard work out their own and rent, and you want to save some money. How much a bundle bundle your policies at guy
Geico makes it easy to bundle the homeownership renters insurance, along with your Otto policy, its good thing to you, because you get so much ado already got a guy. Could I can get a quote, see just how much you could say at Geico that is Geico Dad come. Today, that's Geico dot com does Dave damaged check for May, have twenty seventeen frozen glad common about the growing happens to everybody like, even as Dave We are working with Adam Jimmy Atomizer, famously of one year rule, but he's here a girl on a little bit about who we are and then one atom took over the morning. Chauffeur stern. I don't know what expecting I've after what line, but I was expecting have a cast of care programmes. We are mourning true Jimmy pop something like that and a number they got a really rough night. I was driving from over the mountain and unease on two forty, a sex with a failing timing chain, so I M
the car could fail and I'd be like in the middle of the night like three I am and brainy cold darkness of January at May, all the way home my crappy apartment, my job was followed up miserable. I dont know what to do next and then the first So here are out his morning shows Dave damage check. Please can we The couple weeks and I love damaging literally brought to the show I don't even if we left the show, then of two thousand six in the morning show I was very sad, and then even sadder one is replacement, was Danube Antonucci! That's right! I had ever different experience, you will. I is the elderly loved him because he had we work on days of thunder, which is the very first part, guess that I have done. Oh, I didn't always refer, show that's a legendary show amongst podcast vans, it's one of its consider, one of the highest points of podcast, comedy and pop, acting as an art form it still, but but by so many people who I know doing was Nevil scroll of related.
Strange I'll show call on with different people is one of the highest point of life itself These urgent honoured few part of that show so yeah I've loved you wanna per se all right, let's get going with our next clip, we're gonna go to twenty twelve and listen to them. a sword I'm crucial nine. Eighty three featuring Allison Rosen, Brian Bishop- maybe it apple, young curl is surprising. Everybody, Islamism, twenty twelve. This is the the didn't, actually air until twenty forty IRAN generally second of twenty thirty, how the twenty
well these words that ETA, twenty thirteen remixes check it out from global one studios, England, Dale California, it's the two thousand twelve ace awards honouring the best. The atom could always show this year, featuring girl, Alison Rosy and seat, filler, Ryan Vision, and now your host for this evening ceremony, Adam Corolla yeah, I get it. I got to get it on a joint but bad again. Thank you so much for joining in two thousand and well that will make it a better two thousand and thirteen. I'm excited I, I have been in make up for hours, but I'm very excited as well. This is also
If ever show the year may do, and a big big Tipp of the cap to Dawson and Michael and made all of this possible, because this is a oh and Gary and Chris MAX Pad as well. This is a lot of work and if it was up to me, I would just sit there like the crazy preacher wearing two pair glasses. Look at a phone book in complying for ninety minutes, but you guys get a well oiled, well produced machine, and, ah I say what any further. Do let's just get started first best Ray men, the nominees progressed, reenactment and T J Miller come in white guy and metal detector guy. What do you use detaining Emma Reynolds, five or one steel tubing on that? That's? Where are your right? Aluminum doesnt show my using something completely antiquated to find things. Listen. First off
You wanna detector defines aluminum I'll, show you fuckin Fresco, can't ok, Sudan have fun hammering that at the pawn shop they rejected and making a super bowl rings or earns aluminum mania. I found errands at the beach all right people scatter the ashes emotional, the drink a little bit. That's where I step it. I pick up the pieces. Understand
you won this round metal dejection man, your name in one year and more cumbersome and dagger black voter. If Obama lost before making your black worse in our industries, yeah obviously disappointed. Did you suspected you know, despite the suspect, extracted and suspected suspected Eddie? You did you about, you know no comment on that was set up. Basically, whether you think me I said well, you know the wise, wise, wise, wise, wise election. Only on Tuesday six, you know TAT s all, because you know me in the calendar to say it s a bad day for Blackfoot with its money. Man, you know said: ok, so you, why did Paul clothes at eight p m, most blatant right,
It seems reasonable. Not now, why do you only give you for use, at least now is that we want more of a heads getting this motor suppression. There's only goes uprisen suppression Access and Adam and PETE Homes for voiceover session closer to the script. Please can we stop saying definitely not a juvenile using makers stating that not can't use, then no jus would ever get their fill the Jew, cubicles already added Angie. Madam I went inside cut, you might well, can you please just say Quaker Saito is the best kind of oil Quaker State is being the leading manufactures instead of going ever since this thing and Jews came over their God, Damn jus flower, you you're doing it again, you time and again I did. I just read the copy owner, others. Just how can we get him a new copy? Could that hate speech on it? I didn't Adam. Thank you to stop. I'm a Jew seems clear. My mama. I hear it again with you right now. Are you the white? Is why grandma well we're back and boy? That's! That's tough! Coming bike like those two guys
I'd like to get him in the same room if they would be around another human being, I feel like they were all sounds like you're there as they, thereby Dag, can't be, carries Dag now what's on the winner, I have the weather summary me impede home was robbed raw. I tell you, I got you thought you thought you had one angry black man now, let's keep the party train a role and, and I get to best fight best fight. No, what any of these are- and I have no record two and half of them. So this is really treat for me best fight, and the nominees for best fight are Adam and re for raise truck. we already had his truck in my parking lot here for about two three years.
the re launch a times get it out this sponsored by selling. I said pick your time. Re pick your time I gave him a month or three weeks or whatever it is, and then I finally called Jane S. A J called the Jews for Jesus get that piece of shit out of here we're donating racing, fuck that I'm keeping it re gas fired it up, started up and throw virtual vacant lot off a whole facts. That then sat there for five years.
have prevailed here every day. Onshore, never heard this battle at about six months ago, I found it in my other warehouses park your eye, and I said what the fuck is this doing in here right now, I'm settlement and among some months ago I was in six months why, a three month, whatever you sell it for its under a hundred thousand dollars at this point, you're getting ripped off that that is what what is it? Why Robbie why people are leaving to one thing and never let me some attachment this. Maybe I ask: why do I go in here? Why don't you? Let me buy you, what do you do? I get rid of it. I chose to fuck worryin about five years ago. Why? Don't we get a pocket argue? Why don't you just listen to me. Just give fine right look around ok, Listen to me, I want to listen to you and I dont want always wise family in my parking lot,
because you're going to make this more hundred dollars re this Agnes by Sky, her eyes it so fuckin sad it is Adam and Doktor Bruce or Le Nets keys. Those keys are not where they should be when we are not doing this. For me, listen, I got my first device, here's my story might have to it's not now the main but you should be asking yourself is. Why is let's overwhelmed that she's misplaced? Your key? It's not overwhelm shit, I'm overwhelm that's why I put my keys in the same place. You understand I have too much too thereby to tell you the truth: I'm telling you the truth, obsolete I'm overwhelmed by what
you're fucking nuts, I'm writing a fuckin book. Em, don't apply gas. I do live, shows every fuckin weekend I get up every morning, Adieu Press! I do press every fuckin. After are you? Are you fucking high and it's all? I do. I have a fucking. I just got then tell you my editor bugging the shit out of me. Where's above where's, the book where's, your I'm trying to get pictures with what the fuck are you talking about errors by rely obedience to shut out bruise you wanna live one hate you this lie, then everyone and Adam and Brian for open ship. What d ya, what the hell do you hate humanity or him. Just what does your baby? I view fucking hate everybody, including yourself, raises a fuck. You too may cause I've always brought it up two thousand times toe. Times are brought in tow fucking.
Thousand times is always the calendar year now lover. Here's my question: I want to open all the above. The hate me ships in general. Do hate yourself? Aren't you hate the people you work with, Are you planning on having more of these chance when they ve been exposed to and it's an open warehouse it could be roaches in Burma in it. This at this particular point, there are cockroaches back there. What your plan, I know you have no plan how fuckin thick and stupid our you can nothing penetrate. This is Mercedes. You need to take place. How many thousand times tell me, pathologies were painted on a fuckin real until we get there, we can save ourselves some time. Well, I do know that it wasn't. Even if it was I bought them. I brought them. I don't give a shit.
see here, chit there yet- and I was I dont know that it was these channel. I have them weapons at the same time, an eye, but the cliff back on those knows that we're saying ball brine. If it was me, are you making a bullet for the tea yeah. Why? What Mamma Mamma would never do you know you are our weight by undermined and do my weight in Spain. That close, I clap their mind. I don't want you eating them, but I bet they're mine I own now that you're too can dictate how they got hacked and those Ramona can die like if you permit my police, so you want them to be stale for anyone else there. Once I had five and it came in today, you ate I'm from here Harrison right there, like our child. This is bribe. Well now that surprise was it
because your wireless, it's not your chimps, you brought them aim for everyone to enjoy. Did you not like semantics the miners and am I never enjoy much but glad it has its great times so glad make my right, kids hearing this, the natural shrilly, you gotta turn this them because now because I skipped one, I skipped best rare and that's that The first we have to reveal best buy. I'm looking up the screen adamant brine in the ship yeah. Let's sounds about right, feel bad about. They were all strong contenders. Now! Listen! I realise that so like a lunatic, I understand Now you don't adona. I felt like a lunatic understand it by.
there's a way for me not to be a lunatic just shut the bathroom light medication. I feel like the, I feel, like I don't know, maybe the military's not a great a great dairy product, but, let us say, a firehouse. Ok, they're just certain there's much guys living together in their certain things. You gotta do in order just a kind of keep everything right, hasidic one. If someone forgot to Greece, the Paul then there's a fire and they get stuck on our way down right. They, Greece, replied, I keep it smooth. I wouldn't say just the fact that there is a two hundred pound guy. There's some called gravity is usual were taken to stop all I would want to Greece it open. A polish nobody around you can cover seconds. Are Europe naked? bond suggests that Greece, the pole
We need to where I get your polar Greece. We and by the way, that's gonna, sound weird when you come in and start talking about greasing poles and who need simple agrees that we're out a pole grace. I I like setting, skip one worldwide, do best rant and. do. I will there next category, let's try. Nor food nominee for rant of the year is Alice scene eyes, please imagine being mean for just one second diver radio tour lined up to promote rich man, poor man, my e balk. Now I get a piece of paper that says: here's that Number and her name is a I ask why Aunt Allison to me was never really up. It was enough for debate
new, the old school hours, old name and one way to go, and we understand we're living in a society where everyone is a fact that name there's a lot of your Michael's and stuff like that, you don't know anyone's name anymore because of a ton of dip differ This is an just a ton of different assholes who like to spell their name just a little bit different and pronounce it just a little bit different. So well, let me in this piece of paper I dont know if it's Allison are Alice scene, I called, and I get the chip picks up before allow.
So, and so radio network whatever and I said, is- is Alice outside Allison policy course there's no last name, so we can, because that would make there be too difficult to put the last name. Fucking piece of paper Zalm like as our seeing how scene now, asylum in our society and, of course, because their them they can't do them up. Yes, there is a clear they Moussa dispels or name like not job. So I said no Abu ALA, Alessi assign I've seen outside again I could never go others now as then. Never did. I said I go now now and unlike what this the number, they told me to call you guys set up the radio interviews, yeah, that's what we do and there's no, I see our staring outside now there is not now there's not so I said
EL. I asked why and now, while the reason she said. No at that point, because she was on what I want, I, like your virtuously, no role we have in this and this fucking horrible society with granted. I once you get three were knows undervalue fuckin role than you guys like you did not turn a blind eye and ear luck, belated and I guys cheering around our role, no role that boy I've got three good nose under my bout, I've gone for fucking, poor man, then I spell it out. I sit a l, I asked why and- and she goes yeah Allison, let me ringer death and then she rings the task, but of course, house and not ass, but now so sure. Is it Alison sales you have another Alison? Is there now said that spells named normally again? Why would include a last name in this mix of twenty three walking radios agents? I have become so that's insane, so I
gonna happen. I call back again. She puts me through to the desk again, and then I noticed at the bottom of the page is like an emergency number, so I called number and that's things that's herself, picked up the phone. and I said, tat Ye- I called the other number and it was. I went over the number not to govern. I'm fucking took over the number whether in the last digit should have been a nine, but it was a seven because through the flock and remember all these data these days, so the last ah made for wild confusion. first, digital means you're not talking to any by Lee. Just get some guy the crazy acts and does note the Fuckin Hearkeneth last stage. It means confusion like yeah. This is the company, but I don't know what you're talking about
now a thin on her cell phone, and I said yeah got hold of the task in hand, wringing your desk and then, of course, she gave me with probation like, of course, core sets. The person the front desk, coping I'll just have a fucking heart attack and just go this whole thing of. Why do you want me to go away so badly? What are you? Are you in the middle of a fuckin online connect for Turner, men and I've, just fuckin rang in you're like right, the middle of a move like what is going on at that death whose eating your policy badge. Thank you I will be with the best ransoms will sprinkle them throughout and I think will laugh at the end of the show go ahead and starch banning now. But go ahead and find the best ran think will ever three or four those for the night is up. I bet impression, I'm looking forward to this one, let's roll
the nominees for best impression are key and peel as Obama and Medeia Tyler. Very moving I don't blame file apparent. It's not. His fault is a horrible right, I'm not that hard right right, horn, Zappos Fault, for making a star out of a guy who's built an empire round gun to it. Definitely definitely two hundred fifty pounds grandmother conflict resolution strategy involves threatening to put up your ass, no matter what that's like that, like me from Schmo now out
you gonna be out on all be I'll, be the creator with writers blocks. I need your help on this one. What's happening body We have seen where you're in the kitchen, I won't hold on ok, you're, always behind that counter. Anyway, you're in the kitchen and passes coming over for dinner. That's all area right, I know he's coming in and this is a big deal because I can't remember, even though I created this sitcom be dad, I'm in a house Willie. Well, yeah Willie Willie won't get the big rays, The problem is that the Le Zaire is burnt in the past is on his way. Not yours burn, I beg it- is that the EU did you did, but I need you to stall the guy now
it's my eleven, I'm trying to think of a funny way for you to stolen you added I'll, say: hey! That's a nice pussy! You got there he's holding it. Can! Ok, that's that's! Why do I need to fuck your mouth later, Jean more as Colon Quinn, Tracy, Morgan and I'm a garden like it? If you're married Carling plan- and he wanted to watch its nature located in a crisis of confidence in our global marathon, implicit in this document about J K secret service to call them Kennedy detail, they did. Did you pay attention to detail sideways chestnut, color hair when it man aggressive? No one knows what they are voting Governor Connally. They call it the magic bullet
he thought it was a matter of course that the unlucky bullets left her on this hit, my rim and rest. That's parliament. I think he calls it or Tracy more desire like if he was gonna. Watch that you gotta logic is. I got him pregnant got everybody pregnant, I'm gonna, get you write a book for me. Kirk we'll go right. A book about get involved via programme would do bramble, but you go more. Pragmatic does Molly your therapy rowing, they arrived, you base your new environment, but I think I know from the food network. We probably say. Oh my goodness, I did it tonight you. How about? Could they don't tell bald Brian more data damage yak, as Chris Berman teach you got brought worse
Hot dogs. Look like needs to grow. Man great is a hundred percent cast iron hundred percent. Maiden America hundred percent stake. I've got look real good, these gestate click demand great but banner on our guerrilla doc. Up for a great deal, like Jerry and avoid saying about also long ago, what along reach back on the plains and Kevin Pollack as Albert Brooks Jason Stadium. Christopher Walken High, there's Albert Brooks governs not here, leave a message. Call back. I don't care. I want to go lie down good Jason stay! he says, six words in a row a faster than anybody else along those words are, do you know what I mean
and he says those as this journey behind the US, and so when I Keaton to that end, it was thought. If I put you in a chair, you rejected Johnny Right let's just say it's, Christopher Walken. jobs, and we can be anything here is again. I just want the conversation rise of war. I can I work at trainer. Jollies, ok, skills, I advise I notice. First, was Joe here trader is what I'm asking now he's not well that's just the name. you know rouse the supermarket. There's no Ralph, while probably is but he's not there right, you're not gonna find, I'm not. I think John would be arbitrating, acknowledges that traders like just sort of a name for old timer, guys who would move like merchants and I will
set aside her crestfallen. I am this information but question about bananas come here a road. I like the store you selection of Nazi since away a lot, and I love it. I have no idea such a variety of nuts but here on Fourchan it's a pointer, for it must be so dead zone by the way. Thank you but that are always green. The oxen My question to you: if I may, I was gonna, ask Jonesy one reason is never I mean, I think it's dead. I dont know features I'm sorry No, I don't I don't relating to bring a novel women working for like seven way
I just called trader to. While if you want me to show you around happened, while they are the J more our art I dont know will be surprised and disappointed, no matter what the cabin part with the conversational the conversational trader, girls, simple, and by that, when I went on for another ten minutes and a lovely before voice drop outs, hasn't seen so much. It have not, as in saying that, all right back, Davy Rant number two again, you tally these up. Try to figure out what your best is with which your favorite is at home, the random or two new one. Even gas probably
What the topic is. The second nominee for rant of the year is chicken shit tickets. Sorry, law enforcement personnel you're all here on your all heroes, you're, all heroes, you're all heroes agenda once it do another banana chicken shit tickets on boxing day long and ruin our lie: fuckin heroes. It's my ass. We do this thing. Words like we don't have enough cats have enough. Whenever someone talks about you know, we need to add another, have pity on the sales tax. Otherwise, that's going to cause a fireman. You got plenty. A cot have actually get the fucking cop.
focusing on rhyme instead of wasting people that are running working life or work on law, Panier Jesus rise hold on appears now listen. This is a buck and cold war. Mother fucker you wanna fuck and hide upper driveway like a chicken shit policy with a pocket rate argon and tell your gave, ran up the hill guess who's common in their many bad guy and problem that we could do the same pocket. Shifty fired a purse shot your mother parkers. We try to play by the rules which you have to go back and shed on our ass, an outward chicken shit with your ass. What you bring back the bucket believers ball. We need some goddamn muddy, stop raping the citizens of this city. You live at its nor pocket. Workin on rhyme, you ass all once you pussy just sell puff case just block itself. Girl scout cookies, just admit what you do for a living buckets that prime anymore, you raised body so start selling cookies, you fuckin posies ass, but on a fuckin scar, start selling cookies you lucky Worthless was is other than I break. Respect for the new art, so there
random retail because incited by signing a riot again the fact that these guys, you know, there's a portion of them that, are they are for stopping crime, but an ever increasing portion that are therefore fund raising which you don't remember like as a youth like as a youth. They wanted people not to speed or not to do stuff, but they wanted them. They wanted to discourage them by by fine. Them for the behaviour. Now it's like hey we're gonna set up. be traps on. In the middle of the grapevine and get a whole bunch of money, for whatever city like it's not even sportsmanlike is point. It became a bit turned into a business, an extra thing money from the citizens you're supposed to be protecting. Turning that Joyce, cottage industry, if not a great plan, all right Let's move onto us something I'm curious about which is most uncomfortable moment:
and the nominees for most uncomfortable moment Adam tries to talk great Fitzsimons off the wagon bits. Dog wanna try a little my arm angrier. I haven't drink twenty one years because he's a good drinking to go back to drinking with yes or no yeah, just ass, a fuckin question when one year has now. Are you one of those? I mean like a guy, you gotta meetings, Jesus Christ. I just said I'm not drinking anywhere. You want a little taste yachting, also you're, not weird about now, I'm not having to taste but the final earlier about. I mean that's really fucked up. We earn money because, where the uptight chicken broth come on, it's yours, you're with cool people, their physical kids, drinking angry, lawyers? Here's my question
feel good about me. I don't know what I'm saying is. Cannot if, if it passes your lips or is it back on? It is the twenty one years arrays. Is that the way you think
Would you like that? That is how I really want to have a similar. So where do you think, like many nice gimme the drink and we were covered with a drink, I move now. I don't think you have the balls to actually get a drink right now. What I, because, if things got real bad life, would come to your house and be like I heard it's not like, does not proof that you were the one right we're talking about millions of people on a test of the fact that you were so fuckin alpha male set such a teenager round. You couldn't handle the fact that I made a positive choice. My life and you want to fuck me down and that's that's in the fuckin animals forever exercise. Europe tie up saying you're, afraid to hand. It was our mammoth here and now to me walk, I don't. I don't want any trouble and I don't want one of those things like listen, this Fitzgerald, I'm sorry, I've had a couple of Adam talks. Psychology with why it's my boy, my parents, you blame her. Why we blame your parents, sorry that was re established right, your I'm sorry! Grandmama did you have your words because it's true I gotta get over boy. Your parent
why single, dad the same old story all races, petrol and Adam Verses, Cabin Smith, Heaven. This is now crossing the line from certain sensible thinking into somewhat paranoid and in grandiose thinking. Not, I don't think it's videos to think like the things fallen. Apart of somebody just reached out, and I wish I had broken reached. I call me crazy. It's kind of crazy to come in here and even try to cry enables have been turned Kevin. Would you have reached out forty, as I would have written in an email been like what the fuck you break up and tell people about this thing he would have been like will hear my fuckin issues, man, you didn't fuck. You know we back fuckin
took us, should turn upon the grab over the home of a common and then now fucking pardon my job, and I understand you don't know about it. We did find out about Iraq in the event that the three days and, as you pointed out, I was invited to deal with, but you were invited because you're, like somebody had to say he's not coming Nobody told me, nobody programming, admire you, r K Rock, they say, Potsdam, everyday, screw up stuff in schedules in times and things all the time I'm gonna show now alien tiles mountains. The bases of his argument was that it was this because I didn't show up at an event that I was unaware of and then when I was made aware of it here, was made aware of it. They said- and I guess we'll see this weekend at Kevin Smith Marathon, podcast marathon, and I should I have no I've never heard of that. Yet you have to be
saint, then call up the podcast marathon and be like hey my part of it. It's like if someone says hey, so I guess I'll see what that party and you, like, oh actual, wasn't invited you wouldn't then approached the person who invited you you'd assume you are not supposed to be there. you would have been in vain it when you wouldn't blame the person that assumed you're going to be there or mistakenly said you're gonna be there. That is the part that was weird about the whole thing. This is just using a long time ago that was this year, those twenty twelve near the beginning. Now, so let's have it reveal the answer. We should give honourable mentioned to couple nominees that just didn't make the nomination cut Todd Glass with a retard argument and weight of fishermen with the porn discussion, both very strong by external, to lay near here those strong the year contenders. I felt like I was a crazed dog, sing his poor entail with Wayne fatter men wearing I'm saying, there's other support in any like
If I don't wanna see two gauss devastating into away into a coma cooler, might they got other stuff and he's like? I'm sorry. If I don't want to see two people deprecating it, then you just keep going back to the same ass, saying these also didn't see any penis and others like you're those those penis report. It feeling a bit of, and it wasn't I know, but it's like it was weird that he took the money bizarre it's like you saying idle. Like going to the movies, because I don't like those idle, a greeting this french titles, for those endless french documentaries about ballooning, Oh well? They got other movies. You know India yeah. I just get a harder line. I got a headache. Reading the dialogues and yeah I but they have action movies. I now and I can't read it our way out to sea and its original make me nauseous, give it just gets going back to the workers and poor in that.
not every day, really have or are not really porn. I was look not a lot of porn. You can show me that makes me angry that you should to me the most times thanks for that little LE the porn booster, that I was not happy about that boy. most uncomfortable moment, cabins Yes, quite rightly so right collar of the year is where we go now the nominees for collar of the year are shared the death room. Madam, you got the Oj Simpson book here fainter. And you selling it for five dollars here did you read the book? I did read the black
I am also not there. I write blood you soon. Wildly successful, why am I was? I had a very interesting lie, says the Hollywood insider. I wrote a autobiography called death row. Madame in infection drugs in the entertainment industry- and I did I was sentenced to four years in prison. Among the man said: Molly, for having arranged the blind date. What Well, this is much more interesting than the Oj Box or, let's talk about like I can readily gay and the call for joy, because I too will interracial marriage. I was married to a very famous pop star. when a delirium them. So I was ever domestic abuse wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute, you're, no first job!
you were married to a famous black pop star in Ghana. Yes, and when you say his name, you think any of us will know the name how lucky you are now hold on some bad that she said famous Black Box It doesn't matter old. We are because we all heard of Marvin Gaye Gray, I'm Goin Ben, very Isaac, animal movement not to lose my sherry man's name was not famous. Why do what are his head? her face is evidently one of one of its greatest said, John, the taboo to guitarist.
I'm the guy you. This is U Antonia here, gotta get it on. While you're talking here, my mother singing in the Gatt Round, we had to do the wall a while ago, sound guy ready
I regret that we get the feeling of accurate, related girl. Fair fills, fails, speculative spunk, know, Johnny Dooit, socio maize. In the background yelling gotta get it. I gotta get it I'm goin to what it says. The baby. I want to go away, you bad! That's our ears! Only tell you all that we gotta hear ready to turn away here, and we know that a mere over whether more ran on my girlfriend was a mere man. The Bayer bring right away, intermission rears when the guy runs out of corners and John Stewart right speak. You once again job what happened it brought home. You know put my kid better what addressed, but then I felt like a cabin
and also let's face it. You don't need to know any that political stuff, your little toward a colony here. That deal point BT. Must you much just riveting John yeah? I know it must be like Gulliver's travels for years is watching little Lula, potions, fight, landing grid, baby daughter for better governance, but because I want to say about the taboo guy going to the fore, camera to with your mom If I see my mom barefoot unwearied it out Government intimate some fuckin right Cyprus issue, whereas this is way I know, came over unannounced, but if you could I'll wait in the car you got. Gets a mock. Lock. Job will contain
this conversation pretended never. How open tell yeah is weird for me. I feel like of cross boundary here. Owing to the premier that with Mama yeah got him I am, though, considering that movie in the plot that we find this disgusting and Veronica's burn pointed out and I loved the soundtrack. Though it grows on your little are Julia reveal the collar of the year. I asked John every few guitars. also when the river crazy lighting the front? Sorry not John Stewart when we met you know they do. I would married to a famous, you always know the chances are you ve, never heard of famous and and the definition of famous. Is you The name Splain of he was right when that x,
nation comes, then not favour. After that aren't like visits, we because they're probably been five hundred astronauts, but there's only more famous. What's before ones you now, so you say I was married to a famous Ashura, even if, after all is it miss job. We don't know who they are. So even then you can't use AMOS. You can google someone does not mean and fainting now we have the best rant part three. This is Rutgers nevertheless one Our third nominee for rant of the year is Rutgers Suicide and the media agenda weren't same more efficiently and were so hungry for a story. This guy day. He was the products used clinically depressed killed himself because he was clinically depressed. sky. Robbie really did
almost next to nothing and we need a scapegoat and we cannot stop beating the shit out of ourselves as a society we never stop and how racist we are and we never stopped without homophobic. We are this guy Robbie is, is bigger victim. Is anybody in this case because he's being fucking lynched for almost nothing? What Julie avenues. Is he gonna, weird introverted gay room? Who was a weird, do and oppress? So he first thing I got was great. Secondly, the guy was bringing over the dude. He was bringing over wasn't his boyfriend. It was like older creepy dude, who we like met on the internet, so you're living and you know four hundred square feet and when you're, eighteen and twenty six year old dude comes by you dont want Thomas chain from buggy nights when you're acting like coming into your apartment and asserted, hang out your part, your partner, going. You know your roommate. Could you
wait for a while now, like shit man, I got on my stuff in there, so that was number one number two. He just turn honest computer to show the chick he got exiled to a chips. Go wait, the chicks normally do we got sex up. He basically turn a bureaucracy thought this guy may be criminal and he could turn computer on mathematic remotely any turn it on. Anyone see the dude you wanted to show the due to the chick you staying with like in case there was probably- and he showed turn it on and they were making out immediately turned it off So there is no there's no filming it's all, there's no filming of any sector and has no like parties or anything like that. We completely fuckin strong, this guy, and as a society and here's I'm saying don't tell me or media, isn't leaning that way, because how do you get people that far away from the truth? If they don't want
part of the truth. You have to have them. Leaning that way. In the first place, your cook up, stuff and stuff- that's become the US! Well, what happened while this guy film this roommate having sex, then he had viewing parties, he spread all over the internet, he out the guy and then the guy killed himself. Well, he never out at the guy. The guy was out to his parents. He was out to him. He told him I'm going to call his parents was gay. None of the part about him being severely depressed by the way you can't get someone to kill them re. They kill themselves because are severely depressed, you're missing a fucking message here, which is: why did this guy kill himself? Well, if the reason the guy killed himself because he has a homophobic roommate, then there's no message sent to any other eighteen year olds or thinking about killing themselves. This is why we're so fucking stupid as a society and why the media does a horrible this service to our side, because we're so fucking held back
on creating victims and we're so hell bent on creating an environment, its homophobic and racists. And sexism has it's crazy agenda this guy, this guide, our room, Robbie big game, play bargain, like we'll just admit you hate gaze and that's why you did this and then we'll get a move on we're so fucked up ass, a society we take eighteen year old? Who really didn't do anything? We accuse you of doing something and go ok, I'll! Tell you what I'm in a good mood you we won't lock! You should we work on your fuckin engineering degree right away, but I'll tell you what we were lucky for nine years for the hard core, fuckin Balin Evian just make you hate gay people. That's why you did you call this story out than here? Why should they have to pluck and admit to something that they threw on his lap? So are now? He won't admit it because he has a little some called fuckin dignity and it could be locked up or deported whenever you put him in a prison in presenting Kuala Lumpur,
saying luck. We have too little teachable moments here and if we can escape pass the teachable moments, What are we doing? We have opportunities to take off. agencies and learn something it's kind of the same with the nurse and Haul London hospital thing with everyone saying that, though she committed suicide because the prank like someone who's perfect, we not going to commit suicide, doesn't just do it from one incident and what we need- to do is approach these things like the when an aircraft comes out of the sky military. Or commercial they fish it out of the ocean, they get the Black box out there and then hangar where they literally pate peace, the thing back together and you like this costing millions of dollars. What are you doing, as we are trying to figure out why this plain came out of the sky and as well the pilots, bad guy, or the pilot was gay or the pilot was black.
Like you, will get all aid? That's good! But that's not why this point came out of the sky and we don't want other planes to come out of the sky, so we're gonna piece it back together. Some no more planes come out the sky while pie was being bullied or someone sent assholes like. Ok, that's all good. That's going to stop points from coming to the sky and that's your job, and that should be our job as a media and a society. So we have a dead team. your honor hands or a dead dead phone operator on our hands or whatever on our hands, now weaken pointer Gerda Guy column boy and all go away feeling good about ourselves or we can try to figure out why the plane came down so that no Points come down are moving on best guess. This is guiding and the nominees for best gassed. Are gnaws walled at a certain point.
you get on MTV or you get on whatever and your travelling around and the pussy starts getting fired at you from an air cannon and you're, not good at ducking my ripen just being fired from it. It is like how they test jet engines that, like a pussy drought, it's not like it's like you, here's what you are like a method that is stolen, the idea of poetry. Doing doing doughnuts with it in a parking line burning out all these years and it just like. Would you please give us our drew back once we have a guide guardian, he drew a rod on that. One captain day will die combat when you're in when you're looking at a guy's, bs, eyeballs and assure him it's an experience that really gets deep and your psyche.
And it's not something you can call away or dream away or just sleep away. It stays waiting for ever I mean very few. People are in extremity. To that extent the diva yeah PTSD. I had it for ten years badly paradigm manifest. Well, I I couldn't talk to civilians. I considered civilians generically be a gag appeals and like that you know they didn't have any idea what the real world was about. All I did was pissing moan about it. I'm tired and my ass Eriksson. I had no time for them, so I just wouldn't speak to him. Fortunately, I could hide when I was in dating wrinkle, so I don't have to go out and getting a job and doing the kids are doing now. I just literally hid- and it took me about ten years and shaken Frank stood alone.
I swear to God. One then send a likeable over my head some three years ago I turn radio nor the new order to lower the newer theatres side make their corner thicket saw, tell and I swear to god- save five thirty more and I see these little chickens like Bentham, roosters, but their small. When they're like eating. I, like your brother, the catch to being grassy by thunder granted light in checking. So anyway, I see illegal how men yo I we had a farm drawing up on Sundays awesome, but there on the sidewalk wow, hey was implemented in full thing attacked me tagged biology, shit out of me. I really does a good job and he liked like my right back and picked me scratch you fucker.
Words are mean they're gonna, like human beings or any of the next day. I somewhat shoot this much more. If I had my thirty eight and I put snake shouted and I was combined morning, I was gonna, throw like a piece of bread. Then captain rank us. I
to the police station ass. A guide just got tat. My pocket rooster, John Pauper, it's the opposite! Abusing you don't need music. If this is not music salvaging the first man, I've ever enjoy many do the solo from our long from our bomb train running refugee rather than ever. Braided. I heard on the way here and Michael Madsen Macnulty and usually comes by my house with a great big role, affair crackers and I used to get stuff from American Soldier magazine or soldier of Fortune magazine the usual. You ps me fireworks out now tonight alone. I can get it all. I want to get into that Iraq, it's all kind of good. First, I can't do it anymore. You emit no, they have some sort of gravelly voice off my excited about, should I drank bought some fire crackers damning. If, when I sent him off like it, I'm not gonna everyone, aid and other serious coming or are you? I need another one made a single smoothing out of gravel jointed back I'll grab actually in Paris, one time in the usual comes round for the joy
then. My will hear my wife caused me. She is here national honey in Paris for Christ's sake, she was, I know, but I know he just came over like he does to show up, and so I should put him on the phone lines. I can imagine what the hell are you doing now. I heard you rumbling perish with young person. It is all well you mind if I hang around for a while, specifically, if you'd like to
and so I like his back and the function of sitting outside and now he's wearing a dress. While I shall address just really drastically wrapped around and you put it back on the phone, I go. What the fuck are you? What are you wearing something strange you're, not gonna like at ease in India and I'm gonna leave one for you were really great, very comfortable, leave a fuel for you in whatever way kissed her joined us sitting here, such as they may also come in here. The boy like Derek here I have a good complain. What is it was here? It's about this change, seeing at d I wanted, as you did in our in those very good
like you, we had twenty dollar bill to get a bottle of water, and then I got the changing it, in their nose like my changing and then and then and then also see my change. Energy storage for me, boy you plug it. Has command, really hers because of enough first, I've not hers. It's mine ever yeah? Imagine how this is going to go and that their policy offers our review of the seventh time damaged goods, because I remember when my nanny gave me a twenty two go, get a want, bottled water and then she went. Let me pocket the change. I mean I understand why we're here to make you feel better. hold on four at Hamley that tissue box, because you're going to open up their floodgates right now, but I realized that I couldn't pocket that sixteen dollars having been demanded here. That's not your money money. They have to give the change back. The thank you
money. You got the twenty to get the bottle award diagonal, then you the day that they we're trade job, so I gave a watering given twenty dollars. blogger has away from my time is it? Is it When we went on a walk, he said you wanted to teach when you grow up, you're gonna teach kids how to escape well. Then I told you, I told you, I wasn't gonna pay money yen, genuinely high cast their votes. Do the part guess comedy, and then I wanted to live like your guys, surrounded nice? I'm sorry but listen, you're, clear, but that's cute to me. I don't know if you're cute everyone else, it's my job to think you're cute and I do your kid. What are you talking about? I think where we're going, here's we're gonna unveiled the best gas of two thousand twelve and I will reveal it to everybody. Michael along with him
I see that my time I said, let me now here is any yeah, got to drop tat nature we take up I really want to do. The previously awarded Michael will bumble ordered package. Ok, we'll bump out we'll take a quick break pump out with them, I'll, be right. Back five ceremony held earlier Daytime ISA wards were given out in the following categories: for best children saw he and peel everybody could be on your tea emphatically
its everybody is on me, but I'm Asia Minor, that's ever body or whether we will carry you still do everybody's growl we're going to get the whole by your dvd Common Gerry Adams.
and you Hauser for show girls well. Thank you. I'm on very excited to see a movie about some girls who put out or show you miss. The very erratic seem limiting the movie now. Well, there's a black manage on his lap and kissing deeply. I've got the dry for most homo neurotic argument. Adam and Gregg Fitzsimons Fuckin, bring that shit over here man, I'll fuckin skull, fuck your fuckin ass light tat, walk out on dry man on file role, my cock and get a letter bugs right up your fucking thorn, all their drop of fuckin load, so rusty on your fuckin. Forty goddamn tat is a document of fire dance you in a corner and take my fucking night
my robbing purple ground will destroy your onion skin thirty I can read home. I will pull your thong bag geared towards MAC Ass? I can find that black and brown rose and I will go to work you and I,
open in a Broadway show called me tearing able excuse, you are gonna pro accurate, so badly used by swayed bears the mob. I swear in your tears. You understand you are going to not be able to link the come from your eyes when I helicopter my balls round my own shaft, while looking for best duet, Adam and Debbie Gibson, the filthy, everybody really tell the backing away. They come back to me, I'm Adam Corolla, for least accurate historical reference
don't yell at the president. What are you gonna do for me? There's a lie. I don't feel like that existed I mean I thought TAT Kennedy had the asked, not what you can do, what I can do for you, but what the fuck you can do for yourself. A pair raising and worst reenactment. per Valley, PDA recording session well, I was asked the engineer, still What's your last name? Did Carl I said last night, I said still you Karl. What's your last name Hendershot Still MILAN The other engineer on Karl Carl get on air dared? What's your last name, jobs?
god damn it.
this is a wonderful reenactment us. Nowhere was hidden there, not really Dunedin. For I know she is now come up. Resize, definitely not decline. Nashville tend to see after travelling to Nashville Greyhound Bus. Twenty five year old man, Balinese ten hours, he's a fancy, looted carjack vying with a stolen credit, are Walmart women, Adrian breaking into a slaughterhouse, stealing a camel abroad. At the slaughterhouse on fire, carjack began and breaking into office, removing lotteries from the wall and gaining on congratulations. You are two thousand flowers right back. First, stop! I would thank all you guys are supporting the pirate ship
the board nominee for rounds of the year, black graduation wait. I saw this club over the weekend and I was in each airline and I think that it worked, acted bruise on and they did. This whole thing about your Chicago teacher strike an they played a clap and they had a reporter there. Her name is maudlin and I dont know how to make out her last name. She's reporter now keep in mind she's reporting and He's gonna tell you what's going on with the teachers and the teachers unions and at some point, she'll get in to the urban community hidden plan, the teachers Union took a stand. They said no, we are not going to be the scapegoats for public education. Now when there are so many other factors that play into the performance of children, particularly in urban education, ivory cry,
the social workers, etcetera, etcetera, much focus on the etc, because that's the only fuck and one that matters Europe, porter, sweetie you're supposed to get at the truth was a claw. It's true hunger is not. Keeping the brother man down when it comes to graduating and me there is violence me there's poverty and neither is the lack of social workers, because guess what, when you're doing well, you don't need social workers. The reason the black community and black men are not graduating. Present black communities come undone Family unit has come under what makes accede, is a Mamma and daddy and an environment, that's light on chaos and big on guidance and things like where's. Your homework. Did you do your homework? Hooja your I when to meet your teacher when I get to meet your teacher, I want to be involved with your academic life. That's what gets kids good, great, not excellent team,
yours yeah that helps. But let's face it is a low paying gig and you're not going to find a whole bunch of super smart super motivated people to fill rolls and theres many of them councillors they're kind of like firemen, they usually gay and trying to ban yet well. That was yours right, either listen or shot up. The point is this: The black community is suffering because the black frame Ie is suffering in the black student is suffering because the black family and suffering- and it's not about hunger. I dont that many black kids that are hungry and I grew up poor you can get in. There was always food define just fuckin vomit if you have to but you'll find it Crime doesn't help poverty doesn't help, but it doesn't stop you from learning counselor thing councillors in a world where there's two councillor for every troubled kid- and you know, schools that are built like a and the best of the best teaching everything YAP
that world and we're not gonna have that world. There's only one way to prevent this and its parents, and the only way to get at the problem is to focus on the cause of the problem, admit, there's a problem and address it as such you being a reporter. order, our support to get at the truth. And if you are talking about malaria, you wouldn't Raymond. Let's not blame the mosquitoes, it's gotta be something else, and you got the guy who's doing. The black hawk is over here any sane. It's not! Therefore this is the problem. The fall of the wilful neglect of the federal state, local elected. Whenever I let me say this Let's just say it is wilful legal act on a state, local federal level. Do you it's gonna get any ban because I would say it's not. of all you do is look at the government. Go what the fuck's up, how come
and change their wise, the black man falling off in the Jew in the Asian? Why are they rising? Well, first off. Do things there's a conspiracy against the black man and, as I say all the time, you don't think we hate Jews who take a look at them. Baby, I guess again, when all some call the Holocaust historic, play. We ve not been wild fans of the Jews, yet they graduate you guys, the gas at the rate of the Jews graduate ice rule? Ninety seven, ninety seven, that's right, lock Who am I to talk about this? I'm a white guy! Well, look who might if we can talk about anything there's a problem. Are we not allowed to talk about problems because you don't share the same skin color awful words? I'd go off about myself for a while, but we don't have time for moving on to best live. Raid
the nominees for best live. Reed are David, Alan Greer for go daddy. I got all my dear cousin who, why is that? So no mother, fucking Kurt bearing the goddamn licking may lie believe reads: I got you. Maybe one thousand or fan law remain Sakharov, shit, embryo kid, mother, fucking wars. we started the Diana Endemic, dynamic, up up up up the romanian people go Daddy Godaddy go daddy. I thought as well
Go daddy, go fuck yourself, it's domain! Broadly, seven hoarding I'd go like my enter. They enter the promo code, Adam seven, that's Adam seven and the number seven go daddy died, integrate the morning mother in God, damn at Godaddy that guy that's all. I wanted to take the had Chris Lending tree. Will love, though, one of our sponsor o? This means the application by the multinationals that already Wyatt, while you do it yeah? Ok, now you jump no even jumping jump right, yeah lending tree and our semi o hall for to meeting
abandoned the mountain at age debate. Let go of me, do not go to conference not thought a group gigantic mackerel Hall with a budget ranges nor the mountain is called a meeting due to them
How do the maiden undermining of the Maiden S practice mean free regime thirty day region, not one and now, along at a map tat I was along at a month ago. I don't forget now a goddamn calculator tsar, real name them all use Roma program that in our town, as am I best library, goes to Tag David Rear. Such a ball. Profanity abolished it, but it does really. I maybe this is just an angry italian. But if you go back and listen stuffing, oh you never get to do this anywhere else. I mean
in no way be allowed to couldn't do this on your radio. You can do it anywhere else and it just dumb. making that all these amazing talons come in and participate in this sort of free form, art form which I just I just love- are the best one on one That is a founding to me. The nominees for best one on one interview are gloves Gian my father left me in Haiti. I was born in a hut like straight up in the hut to take a donkey to school while yet water takes three miles. If you ever see the setting of the story, Slumdog millionaire the beginning that movie, that's like how the hut look beyond the donkey in a book. I talk about the fact that my brother render
my brother's anointed. I can't really what is red dirty job with light in it? What it's like this you know in the book. We call it like a mineral dirt, but is literally like some time as a kid in the village. You know, like your gun, affinity right and you so hungry literally would take the dirt from the floor, just feel something in Belgium to feel something is done so so that was the extreme right. I want to know. My grandfather was a huge increase in Haiti. So make sense. And every two grandfathers, your grandpa, my grandma violence, way, outta grandfathers and out of your router, but no one guy jarred Abidjan, you feel, like you, change fundamentally who you are or who were
This sort of nature nurture argument and then, at a certain point, nurture yourself: your parents nurturing you. By how different can you be is the time to change and how different you feel. I am shocked that I feel exactly similar problems. Thirteen and I can't shaken and it Sir you know. I really feel like you're, wired and certain years of your life to be insecure or nervous, to react to certain way in certain situations, and I have spent my whole life really so much self help going so much therapy. But if I turn to walk out that door- and you tap me on my shoulder- I probably would flinch more than was appropriate for knowing who's in the room share and my level of insecurity does not change regardless of how well things are going.
and Bill Maher. I I tell people all the time. I really do. I really do wish. I believe I I don't believe it and people ask me why I don't believe- and it's not I wish you a lot of things over you're. An ice cream might now ray. I wish air was like marijuana, you know it, but it's not, and you know it's just. This is Addison look when you're younger. I understand when you get to be grown ass person, it's just ridiculous at some point to take your morals from up from a desert dweller three thousand years ago I mean that the idea that women can have country adoption in the year twenty twelve in America. because somebody wrote in the book of Genesis about how you're not supposed to spill your see right. It's just read Dick I made it
this point in our history at this point in man's evolution and we're still go a long way to go, but we know we have crawled out of the intellectual slime. We are in the age of science and rationality with we are not resolved in years ago were people whose understandable and forgivable that they made up stories about God and how we got here and all that well. But it's not forgivable anymore, because now we have better means we have carbon dating. I always be a funny online dating website for senior citizens become what happened to the heart of John Jay dates a wife and they have like a marble carbon dating hell. I gather visit me for the for the senior who still wants to get out there on the continent of aiding got God. It's now again the privilege to thought there were some people feel Marge where these guys words like John
when you hate me love em. Just when you love me, I hate him, but that's why you meet him, Another honourable mentioned, just just under the wire, didn't make a Jeff land from yellow what ethylene was drawn content. Amazing, and I want to thank David Wild for blocking all these amazing amazing talents, because you just don't here I've known about ye alone travelling. Well, Reason all that kind of stuff. I never heard the guy sit down and speak at any length. I've never seen him on a talk show. I just I didn't know anything about this genius name Jeff, when I knew what he did. I just didn't know his story, so kudos too the wild from others. Great people are, let's find out best one on one. Why cliff He was great armies.
and his stories great. It is. This country story has, in his brother, wrote a donkey and a dirt, and now his brows and attorney and he's him, though, that's why this country is better than most kids keep coming in here bigamy eat up baby eat up, not die. All right. We're going back to the previously awarded category part two. At the technical and greed of arts aces held earlier this year, a boards were given out in the following categories four widest black guy Donald Phase, on huge doors. STAR Trek, then, is that why you're not are you I'm not nerdy enough to know that you can't be both? Are you guys the hat fields and the nerd coins would have that? I'm saying is: can you
not a star trek them Big star wars and we're. Yes, I owe you think they do or do not often intersect, STAR wars mandate, STAR Trek, then, let's like STAR Trek, don't you gotta make you don't love STAR Trek here you don't like STAR Trek, sits. Hardener rapid card was on wrapped around was blackest white guy Billy Vera. My friend of mine, produced an album. Nobody homeboy my best acoustic performance, John
gardener says: do yellow not just a matter of doubt and moose jar sound like a girl. I use. Never. Let me down roots John sense. Males is Brady casual ass. You are the best interruption. A tie down Drill,
for personal and business documents that have been accepted in courts and government agencies and all states for us. I bet whereby there, how they re great baby, sitting gig whole dollar an hour and a kid was asleep. Half the time when I got there like the kid to sleep at us at seven children. thirty by quiches asleep, and I just watch your fucking love fancy island and vacant antenna, somewhat skills, arms, easier Z. region where they have that you know
This three dates than we did have a wire you interrupting. They re did you watch the ever watch any cable tv over there that I didn't want you to know. We watch just got lucky painting a picture here. You're fucking re, tired wound around about. We didn't have on you. Remember the massaging we're Tyner away at all. We didn't have them. We had a b c one. Why did I say TB or on tv that was yours, light can request animal, Sound, Harlan Williams, do a mammal. If you want I'll do a Koala, ok era and we graduate mammals. Optic lie to me to do it then. Should I interviewed area yeah, that's just a quick like one minute. I already second Ohio.
EC law. A young lady, I see eucalyptus leaves. Are you doing You can learn how to be sent now, I'm sorry service. When I asked Social Programme, I, like the scarce rate, even for the gate, was subdued who's not properly donate your eye. Ass, large ass, their bank accounts Gaza's diggers. Guy stop I'd, rather on your part, to keep the Big bang vote posted by the time. I got an idea: that's best villain pianist Chris Maxim that has been followed.
Folds joining us in studio. Yeah ban got some kind of food poisoning, couldn't make it in and we set up the keyboard and done all this work. It was like were fuckin, haven't keyboards in this, so I Chris MAX Banner sit there he's on top of the keyboard. Chris travelled this land in a school bus that had been hollowed out for Homo Radisson Riot. Yes, how did then? How did that go and how old were you? I was nineteen or twenty. You play the piano while you talk
I was nineteen or twenty, and some friends of mine wanted to go on a road. So we saw a school bus and decided to by leaving the jokes tat. Others find myself and the David Wild Award for actual wings in name dropping, went to Adam Corolla oxygen, he's a big party and this party had George Collooney, now Michael's Sandra Bullock, David in Courtney, Gary shaming, with their Alan and her. Why Porsche Galva, John five Euro Johnny Knoxville before my wife to register start start right, disturb their points of a hand wanting Julian Barbary Mark regret.
Case might judge just stay most, they say: Allentown Pay did I say, do not ass shepherd, always good seem rather pal J J rooms there Jeff probe. So we talked to him for long out. Of course, our stern yeah Lucy K was their Willard. was there any rector were there will be a was named after a while. The other area of immersed, member one we're doing the roller buggy ass gate. Knights and day. You came up behind Louis UK who just taken a shirt off cause you're, sweating aground Man tidies yeah hold on one second Louis UK and Jeff Ross. Look like clowns from behind the act of Louis see case five inches taller.
In forty pounds heavier now using unhurried with seventeen bears so Louis, Kay had assured off, like there wasn't wearing an undershirt shirt, less and Ray came up behind him and grabbed, like his man, tidies It is like a weird jiggle phrase: move like his note in an air and Lucy K turned around and said what dear, what the flock? Are you doing now suddenly got? It must be, some must be. Your narrow has even must be. Somebody here knows, and it was a stranger and it's a rare thing to happen when you're sure does offer that gambling rank and remain or woman. Yes, I agree We are in a weird way: even weirder fur dared. I thank Erect Ryan's another oh you Louis again now I know a place best rant this number five, and this is our last one.
And they ran departments. Hell I go in our final nominee. Land of the year is terrorism. Let me explain something through the narrow: we don't live any piece of shit country like you hail from, or your pocket blow up. One outhouse love one fuckin outhouse, no countries not right for the next year. We got thousands about houses here. What can take down the trade centres we're up and running a week later? You can lock us we're too vague or two fuckin powerful. Stop. Thinking, like you think you think. If we just take down that what sporting goods store, the middle, a town, the fuckin town will go hungry, we fucked up for the next hundred years. We have shit, spread out all over the place. You can not fuck us up. You can take down two twin trade centres and will shed a few tears, but life goes on. It's not like it's not like our credit cards did work than export. Today we have, we have brains, we have we don't fuckin prey to all five times a boxing day would go to war. We have books, we have letters in math equations, we have science, we don't fuckin grow ass, it on women who are trying to learn to read. We don't have book and honour killings. We live in a fuckin civil society and thus we have an infrastructure. So you blowing up one bridge or you taken out part of the Pentagon. Are you taking out a couple, a twin towers, whatever it is, you want to fuck and take it out have fun. We got another one, wait for your ass and get ready for the fucking predator droughts. Thank you fuckin tax, interesting, because I really do think everyone.
how you think in a miser to their thank and it's this thing of in a way. They overestimate the importance of things like you take down the World Trade Center and that'll be the end. their financial future like they'll, be in chaos, financial. I don't think it outside of the sandbox ya think outside the sandbox. That is exactly right now, Song of the year excited about this one,
The nominees for song of the year are he's in there shedding. So you know what you think you can get free area have David. Why, song year with you, why not much? You will not be made in writing. These jets dropping was even while in was on yeah. She closes. She gave me a greasy lose journeying. She will try to scream hatred off with your fats work my way and what I just sprayed was not my dream. She gets spare in she's paused already used, you lose while he's going. Do you remember bad not for me, raise my great my land and, of course, get back together while some very ways in that money stop hard pick a winner that my money, a balance with the judges, let's see what we
these in their shitting joy for fun, it really an avalanche. Yes, I thought I was robbed the other than those on you to go down in history, snub disunity. It was the embryo morale, Susan Lucy. I was thinking more good, fellows origin or exactly right. It's embryonic area. I'll, send made some reference to dream about having sex and something with Lazard e g. I, when I will contact yeah last thirteen. I had a nightmare that was raped in a tray of Lithuania, how that could be anything with sweets. Wheat, savory dream for ethical, safer reason. yeah. I went to grab fund earlier to accept the award, but he was in the can, best dropped from a guess.
For this reason, the nominees robust drop from aghast are Dag doubt my son, you just wait in my time. Doktor Bruce Erasmus drop Joe, was what we do in the news and Mary Miller worthy mode of donkey sperm. Now, while that is tat, I know my favorites guide tat their salaries back and Syria alive. All right
drop from again Oh it's just something you do it. Do you wasting my time variation gap, a sunny astride, because one daddy does voiceover work. He says they go. Give me three different takes Gimme three different versions. so you do a just it just always right. Media fast one slow one like a confused one, a sad one moment: gimme three different. It's just a waste of my time into the microphone Erika, wasting my time Good question mark a choice. My tie our more wasting my time. Kids got any idea. What is raging through good boy, that's a good one
you're good at your. You have your ear, you're good at Lahti, different things. It is Adam corrosion there! That's right! That's why you have any I knew tat. I want to do your drop, go ahead, she's too through its daddy that target daddy so tat, he might argue we three different, daddy, Stopcocks daddy Every hour go daddy sub, talking there psyche, they all stood an online. I believe that being but you're alone, maybe I'll go ahead. Very good, Gary get about here: let's bring it home now! This is a strong from Alison.
and the nominees for best drop from Amazon roses are taken until now, when you suck my dick how I'm disgusted by gay set. No, I love a new finger me in the doorway. Make my tight ass, my wife, my money, take my teeth out best wrapped the males arose in get jars, avoids in love with a good down the other ratio. All right, let's do finally best wrap this best drop from my wife.
And the nominees for best drop from Adam Corona are what if Hitler had mad Mme scales, China does not grow lovely, while brides rider by my own man down well before we reveal the winner invested. Rob me I want to thank you all for listening and again, two thousand twelve once again MIKE Lynch
Dawson MIKE Dawson MAX Art Gary. Believable work on that. So I mean all the hours and speaking of the hours, if you want to check out any of these, for you, Really viewed or less do upset. You can go to our archive at Adam Curl, a dot com, Slash Archive O K her best rob me is God? Oh yes, MRS old urban damage from our great men, creating is just for body builders fact creating. As for any fitness routine, concrete number one stimulate free, pre work out, supplement, concrete, passionate, creating h, see owl is the favourite of elite, informed athletes, all the strength
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to that end and twenty thirteen January second right parade the top but then the twenty thirteen. These words also aired in twenty thirteen. It's very confusing there will be a cage you will get through it. I've got a nose bleed trying to edit, and I don't think you'll be ok While lawyer or your fix that nosebleed, you should probably get a piece of paper outcomes attentively. The roads vetoes game, its Adam grocer Why three? Seventy fortunate Rembrandt Bishop July, twenty eighteen, it's random, Etas game, a hundred thirty to check it out. What's the theme dos and the things it s in your back from Mary, all England, british movies, we start out with a movie about four pals, the Ranger Eddie Beggin Tom and soap, and they get some trouble when they lose a large sum of money. Do a mob boss and nineteen. Ninety nine lock stock and smoking barrels. I think,
I enjoyed this move is a good move, but I can't tell I guess so highly style eyes than there's so much going on. That came in lots of cockney accents and seven. I can't remember it's really good or or if this had a lot of stuff going on all the time guy riches. First, don't Maybe there are broken english guy richest first, like on the scene, I'm your movie, a big breakthrough movie than snatch came out and I saw snatch first, and so I always thought of snatches. The better version is that I've read pit one. Yes, everyone's, like on Austria, locks talks about our one by governments That's very funny. I love you. I love it too, and I think I like a more than this, but it's one of the things I could see the critics liking. That's they loved this kind of humor. Beyond this kind of stylized idolizing arose into the pantheon of college boys, poster collection. They love this kind of stuff if this was a big thing? Are down Amy, six eighty two eighty.
Lock stock and to smoking barrels of certified fresh, Seventy seven percent popular only three tomb. style sometimes moving hammered for her, but good living good Next, I would call on First SAM Jackson and turn Egerton team up super suited spied organization, Edgerton, whatever sorry and they recruit young chaps and Ladys to save the world spoiler alert very weird, ending twist queen of Denmark, aphorism, anal shacks in two thousand Fifteen's kinsman- What service this that
you see that you spoke rules, feel like a whole bunch of these movies. All sort of came out about the same time I was totally uninteresting surrounding fears, needs the casement. Now this money spent, I mean doubtingly, isn't a hair. I want nobody's found for this anymore. I see what have many entertaining scenes in here, but I couldn't see the critics fast movie ever made on it. So I got just run at fifty nine I fucking love. This movie is really good eighty eight percent, while injury saying because the brine usually does at a fuck with us. I thought that's got Pierre am I wrong? Maybe I'm way our baby, I'm completely by. I know nothing about it. I just remember people going disappointment. I could be wrong, but I said forty eight kinsman the certified for seventy four percent.
Tell me about tied on about tied on that. What was your score? Eighty eight us, because the audience out for you guys don't sleep on king them is a highly- is a really good movie over I give away over the personally over seventy four percent, and again, eighty four, so not too bad. I. Here. I ask movie ushered in a new era of nursing. and May J K rolling over four hundred billion dollars. First one when Harry discovers he's a wizard two thousand ones Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone the first one. We're kids into this now involves reading there they're paying attention gotta, All that I remember like I anything hardy or anything wizard ear anything goblin. He s a fox,
are we out of chilean pussy like what's going on with flouts? Is this? Is this in somebody? Get someone and ahead lock and fuckin, throw motto a lawn somewhere are beating autumn. Are we gonna, sit home and read about fucking Goblin, I could never understand it for a second, like I find me ten find me a fuckin bicycle and try to Papa. We ll that's my whole plan in life. I'm not gonna, sit home and read about the fucking. You know you can click on your broom. This is star wars to a certain generation that is as big I'd audience. I mean the critics. They love this Rhine wrecked by Chris Columbus They allow us to have the same, but is it like India, the Nightingale it's on theme park I say ninety two, ninety as a ninety four.
Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone is certified fresh at eighty percent, not that great of a movie and eighty two with the people with the franchise and spin offs than the theme parks in them. Ok, I'm sorry the critics like double. So it's interesting about the series is correct spent so many years it's a really good marker of how special effects of all other ones were rough by the end of a pretty good, What's the Emma check, the hot amity I got to the imo? hot still ban hot find out of it. So here we go. Next up is a movie starring, Simon and Neck Frost, weren't overzealous police officers demoted sleepy scottish town but more time than a bargain for in the movie hot, for from two thousand seven did he had and this is your move. Everyone says that I just I missed it,
these are not really why I can allow this is not my genre run british movies depressed because I have to. I don't know why, but they ve been running Simon, Pegs run fat boy run and started. Running welfare. like semi prow and they started. All. We are sending a year running up and I was like seeing how I have an article from sports illustrated this has Adam Curl and made a movie that's better than about these movies, and it never shows up, maybe apologize with marked applause. Fuckin oddity get my sports where we were they this difficulty said specifically these two movies not so good. This movie good and I gotta watch all those movies in rotation when by movie never shows up then everyone's. Well, somebody tweets Minos. Where do you find it? I've typed it into my days. I can't find it like the EP.
in a jewels dash experiment way. Would you be willing to to conducting spearmint in that fashion, in a giant apology to America, there be helpful. Look if you make a movie whether its role the sports movie, slash words where we are. You make a documentary, its helpful People see it it plays a role in Europe in the success of the movie, albeit small, but isn't it if we get? This is that people are aware that you're very hard. It makes it hard to raise the money for the natural right pseudonyms them. So when one gets into Sundance and then something gets bought. Things of that nature does it it's a financial model that I helpful or something it shone on cable at weekends
any kind of rotation, all its help pulled not your career. In that field. I have some advice to get the Hammerstein. If you, if you look, it was online, I suggest you put your name and storing credits its desire that someone took a screech out of a twin review. The hammer starring Jason Lane David styles Christopher as one of those guys to Northern Ireland girl. the descriptions right so for your movie now every move, because this is our home area, so they're just mixing up the hammer, with the other the hand with the hammer with a hammer. Well, but the descriptions correct. Well, so here's here's the thing. Sometimes they mix it up with the wrestling movie. The hammer and then some times so giving explanation where they go. I am db just. Does in alphabetical order earn whenever, because there were times when I read about this movies
I made the movie. I don't know who that guy is like. Oh, he was an extra in the boxing scene and it's like oh yeah. They just go in order to have some algorithm. That's by the way, and by a real, very to change your algorithm, if it's insane and incorrect the other description is correct, but the director and stars are incorrect. I'm guessing the next at national. Another move, didn't Charles worm fell direct the hammer Yes, as a say who directly Scotland's me, I hear that must be the other hammer. Mothers who watch this one also watched COBRA Silent right in all the diplomatic service. What is this once I had five years as soon as the funding of capacity at great risk of movies. ok. I saw the dead sea that I think too that I think I think I think the audience. Sir. I think the critics like this movie, I always tell with a comedy eighty one
six. Eighty two point: four: is certified fresh at ninety. One percent lost out eighty nine and the scapegoat handed at eighty nine that people had these recertified fresh Israel, is only good movies. I think I have not had one dead nuts on and like two years eyes. Last one final move Stars a pre hooker Hugh grant. in nineteen eighty force for weddings and a funeral all sort of rush, I mean. Is this They are Here's to prom Jean, I think, Brien's Brien's, then consent currently ten twelve point above me, kings, monogamy, every single time and now it said forty four points and the only
Bold choice, should re thirty one for four cuttings interference by don't do it if it can't be, that has to be our because I gotta get it did not on an Brien's gotta, be twenty five points off I'm going to say ninety it is interesting one because it be ninety nine. I guessed eighty three by I really know of ever seen this moment. I send ninety four weddings and a funeral is certified fresh at ninety by This does not agree at seventy four percent. I needed a hit that a five hit that dead knots on at ninety five is still of one, but. There you go, I jumped up don't written just viewpoint, separating your room, tight,
deregulation doll? Three of you? You all meddle in this performance is run tomatoes game in third place with fifty seven point, the great Gina grad not to ban graduations leaving an Brian Eno win some one of the forty eight points. One of you has forty six point, twelve on the left. Ball. Brian! Congratulations! You make again no longer fun. You win atoms. Forty eight hundred one for you closer than I thought the eleven point spread between first and third, the swamp play a big guy. Go. Do you own the rent? Will you do
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Transcript generated on 2021-12-27.