« Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

High-Fiving the Inner Critic | Bonus Meditation with La Sarmiento


Today’s meditation is animated by two profound insights. The first is that we don’t just tend to listen to our inner critic–we tend to believe it. And the second is that the path forward requires us to treat our inner critic with compassion and kindness.

About La Sarmiento:

La Sarmiento is a meditation teacher and board president at the Insight Community of Washington, and the guiding teacher of its People of Color and LGBTQ communities. They are also a mentor in the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
For maybe this is the ten percent happier podcast Cast Iron Dan Harris again it Friday time for a bonus, and this is a good one. Many of you have probably noticed there When you start to meditate may not take long before, you realise that many of your thoughts are internally directed daggers the voice of the inner critic. But if you want to develop a new relationship with this inner critic, so you're not taking it so seriously or not so, Around by had not so damaged by it, it takes a lot more than just noticing that it exists. That's where today's meditation from a great teacher by the name of LAW Sarmiento comes in.
This meditation is animated by two really quite profound insights. The first is that we don't just ten to listen to our inner critic. We tend to believe the voice of vat critic, and the second is that the path forward requires us do some gooey internal jujitsu to treat our inner critic with some kindness to to give it a hug too high five hour dysfunction. the aforementioned last army was this show earlier this week. Definitely recommend checking out that episode if you missed it lies a meditation teacher and board president at the insight community of Washington and guiding teacher of the people of color and algae Bt Q communities at the insecurity of Washington
laws. Also the lead teacher of our kid lasso challenge, which is happening right now over on the ten percent happier app speaking of the ep I do have one These are exciting news to share a first, a little bit of context earlier This year we ran a survey with all of our listeners. Thousands of you answered a whole series of questions about your experience is listening to the show. Thank you by the way for that. and we in turn, listen to you and it turns out one of the things you cannot stand about. The show is the ads. We'll, be right in the middle of talking about some deep dharuma subject or about the print just impacts of mass media or the importance of self compassion or how to achieve a blissful state of focus. Then some jarring voice elbows its way in trying to convince you to watch a boxing match her too, new diet or whatever. So we heard you
and we're trying something new. This show the ten percent happier package is now available ad free inside of our companion, meditation app, which is also called ten percent happier, as you probably know, so, you can listen to all the episodes sounds advertisements in the ep when you reliable wisdom with no distractions to get started, download the ten percent happier app wherever you get your apps, then open up the app and tap on the pied casts tab at the bottom of your skin. And good NEWS as promised. This is now available on both Iowa S and Android: ok, start meditating now with La Sarmiento hi, this is law. thing we human beings do really well is to be hard on ourselves. How often does our inner crew- be read our appearance, our abilities or art, Mrs without us, even asking for input the kid
is that we tend to believe just about everything, Critics says and these stories guilt or shame may become a habitual response to stress this meditation will explore how to listen to our inner critic with compassion and you're standing, so we can begin to be sit out. Let's begin and a posture that your body would most appreciate right now,. allow your eyes to close or softened your gaze. Remember the saying be curious, not judgmental being aware with kindness and without judgment is crucial in transforming our relationship with the inner critic, and it takes practice.
Let's pay closer attention to what happens when the inner critic we our minds what are go to stories. Your inner critic tells you. Maybe a story like you're, not enough, not smart, for successful enough you're too much. To needy always seeking attention or you don't belong to different or unacceptable repeat them to yourself a few times.
Can you notice without judgment what sensations emotions or images arise when you're believing this story. When we take time to really listen to your inner critic, they can feel hard and painful. Take em up to offer yourself some support, maybe a breath or a gentle stretch. now, let's notice, what it's like to offer yourself some phrases. Of kindness repeat the following: phrases to yourself so. We are out loud whatever feels best and notice how it feels.
May I be kind and gentle with myself. May I trust that I'm doing my best may I cultivate debate patients with myself. If you find it hard to offer them to yourself, imagine receiving these phrases from Someone who deeply loves and cares for you. Them to mind, as they say these phrases, may you be kind and gentle with yourself? May you trust that you're doing your best? May you find patients with yourself.
Take some time to notice how those phrases of self compassion feel for you. If it feels totally easy, unfamiliar or even very awkward, it's all welcome whatever his present is totally okay. These stories of the inner critic have created deep grooves in our minds, and it takes practice to create new ways: being with ourselves with compassion rather than judgment or blame. gently open your eyes if they have been closed, take a moment
notice the space urine, perhaps taking a comfortable stretch. Thank you for your efforts in cultivating radical kindness. Take care. Big thank you to law and we will be back here on Monday with a brand new episode from so like a Jawad, a fantastic writer who has gone Through an enormous amount in her young life and where to talk about what she calls the wellness industrial complex, among other things,
Transcript generated on 2021-09-10.