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Tech News: Poisoning AI with Digital Art

2023-10-24 | 🔗

A tool called Nightshade could give human artists the poison they need to sabotage generative AI. Google and Apple disable live traffic data in the region around the Gaza Strip. And NASA pushed a software update out to Voyager 1 as it hurtles through interstellar space. Plus more!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Get ready for season poor of the restless once an original podcast presented by t mobile for business, and I heard radio join me as I sit down for in depth discussions with the people at the intersection of technology and business you'll learn. How each of these leaders is building a bridge to what's next and leveraging transformative technologies like five g to create a more connected and meaningful future. Today, listen to the restless, available, and I are radio, apple pie, guests, Where were you listened the pod guests? may we get our news changes, but for one hundred. Eighty years, the economist has remained the global trusted source and now
There is another way to stay informed with the economist new economist pod casts plus subscription. I'm a personal fan of babbage their technology broadcast. They ve got a lot become an economist, podcast plus subscriber within one month, free trial or the whole year for just forty. Nine dollars gain unlimited access to all the economists, popular by guests, with engaging conversations and award winning series tune into the world with economist, podcast plus and start listening to day search economist podcast us or head to the app store to download the economist and get your first month free, dell's. Black Friday event is their biggest sale of the year shop. Limited time deals on laptops like the stylish innovative xps thirteen engineered to do it all on the intel evo platform,
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time for the tec, news for tuesday october twenty fourth, twenty twenty three pursed up the hill reports that both apple and Google have recently disabled live traffic updates in the region around and including the Gaza strip, as Brill pursues a ground war against Hamas. the past company that provide real time. Traffic updates have suspended operations in conflict areas in order to avoid turning into a method for gathering intelligence on things like a melody it presents a troop movements that sort of thing blue burke cited anonymous sources, saying that the Israel defence forces or idea made this request to buy apple and to do to temporarily disable live traffic, notifications and Google maps folks person, car loan bordeaux stated that quote
anyone navigating to a specific place will still get routes and e t a's that take current traffic conditions into account. End quote: The navigation tools will still have access to this live traffic data there, just not gonna display the location of any traffic bob. next or anything like that. They'll tell you how long it will take you to get your destination, but not what points along the route. You should expect slow traffic. So that's just enough date on things that are going on in the text. Fear in that particular conflict. Yesterday The! U s government announced it has designated thirty one technology hubs across amerika. There will focus on innovation and be eligible to compete, for millions of dollars in grant money. The economic development administration, which is a government office. I had not even heard of before today said that The goal is to encourage regions that are already pursuing innovation and quote unquote critical technology ecosys.
the idea is that the government is encouraging research and development that will led to technology and and organizations that are all about job creation and improve national security like removing our dependence upon other nations for exam and also making the united states a leader in various technical fields, era, The focus include some pretty obvious candidates like artificial intelligence and clean energy, but also Good stuff, like biotech, Algae medical technology and quantum computing among other disciplines. the thirty one hubs span. Thirty two states and whether rico so it sounds like One of those hobbs crosses state lines over nobody can get along the international energy agency announced today that, according to its estimates,
Renewable energy will make up nearly fifty percent of global electricity production by twenty thirty and that, by that time, there will be ten times as many electric vehicles on the road as there are today now that encouraging. But we should also remember that our overall demand for electricity grows every year. It's not like it stays state. So while renewable sources will take up, a bigger piece of the pie were also talking about a much larger pie To that end, analysts expect that will see peaks in the demand for fossil fuels. This decade, also, christy is just one way that we actually use energy you take. Oliver energy needs into account there. They predict that the share but fossil fuels represents will go from eighty percent, down to seventy three percent. So there's a very long way to go in order to truly eliminate our dependence on stuff like fossil fuels.
Does he warns that despite the move towards renewable sources are continuing use of fossil fuels? Currently has us on a trajectory to see a global temperature increase of around two point: four degrees celsius: that's nearly a full! agree above the target that was aimed at in the paris agreement and It at least implies that we're going to see more major shifts in things like climate and then more granularly weather patterns and severe weather events, yesterday tesla disclosed in a financial filing that it is the subject of investigations from the: u s: department of justice. So the d o J is looking into the company for a whole bunch of different reasons, including how the company markets, its driver assist technologies which does lawford HU, as although pilot and full self, driving or f s D
the investigation is also looking into whether tesla purposefully misled customers regarding how far their vehicles can travel on a full charge of the battery. That's all Looking into the company practices like the ones that that relate to quote unquote, personal benefits. personnel decisions, so one of the personal benefits could be the murmured glass house for elon musk, I have duly forgotten the story girl and when I read that there was a s house project, I thought ha- They give ever heard the term glass house project. I won while that is, is that, like skunk works, no talking about a literal house with glee as walls. You know the kind of house where you dont want to throw stones. The question is: if elon musk was actually using tesla to fund and build this house for himself. That would violate laws regarding accompany paying out benefits to an executive on top of their normal compensation.
I'm sure the full investigation has veritable laundry list of concerns because must does have a reputation for, let us say, playing fast and loose with rules, as well as a history of campaigning to you were rules in general, analysed intrigue. Woe whom I mentioned recently in another news episode, has some more juicy apple news for us: apple juice, any He wrote a piece on medium that says: apple is kicking into gear to get into the air I field. The company had lingered behind a bit when compared competitors like google and microsoft, but that's pretty much par for the course for apple, You look back on many of apples. Products like the big red, which dairy products, the apple, released, then you will see they were not the first to market. The ipod was not the first to be three player, for example. Instead, the company
spend time figuring out how to best meet customer expectations or blow them out of the water or how they even great expectations where the customer wasn't aware they had any anyway. apple has a lot of catching up to do. Quells analysis says that the company will be spending an enormous amount per year to get there, so on the conservative end of the spectrum apple would be spending. A billion dollars a year to start working on a I implementations quo suspects economically or to five billion dollars by the end of twenty twenty four or five billion split over two years but the vast majority of that really spent twenty twenty four. Even an apple will still be trailing well behind companies like microsoft. Those companies have been incredibly press of all pursuing at developing a high technologies. However, at least in the past Apple has shown that its approach can have an appeal that its competitors just can't match. So maybe this
they will be true with a sigh and speaking of ay. I take Ology review has an interesting article about how some digital artists are including elements that are invisible to human eyes, but their entire. Did to mess with generative a I so Jimmy, If artificial intelligence has to receive training in order to actually generate stuff so with art that includes eating millions of images into the air I system, so that it in turn can learn to create images but This concerns artists, because it's their work that becomes the fodder to train these a systems, and you can. that would generative ay, I that will lift stylistic elements or sometimes complete actual image from an established artists, work pass it off as the aid I own creation or someone else. If they don't even index the day, I was used to bake it. Meanwhile, you have
arrests concerned that no one asked them permission to use their art, brain these ay. I bottles they certainly have been compensated. for the use of their work and then the artist's own, powerful LEO can become the fuel that ultimately robs that artists of their livelihood or at the very least diminished. the value of the work they produce so the solution. Well, some researchers have developed a tool they call night shape, at night shade by the way, that's a family of plants, but I'm pretty sure they're, specifically referencing deadly night, shade a plant that is in fact poisonous and the tool makes changes to digital art pixels and its changes that we humans, dont detect, its invisible to us. We don't actually see that any changes have happened, however. The I the scraping these images totally can see information and information is misleading. The eight I it's giving me
I the wrong implication of how the various elements incite inside of art are created and it would, prompt generative ai to start making some mistakes when trying to replicate certain types of stuff and older lay the more the ay I references works that have this kind of stuff in it. the more wrong they get silver. A simple example you might have. some invisible ai information there. That is in writing I and how to make a picture of a dog, but it's all incorrect information may be the thing, it creates, adds up looking more like a cat than a dog, or maybe it looks like it. Of crafty and monster out of the depths of horror and imagination, who's to say, but the point is that, if I dust are generating images like that. Just upon simple queries in indicate Two things one: the air
company that created that too old train did on art that has been put through this night. She tool what indicate the yeah that a company was doing that was actually using artists, work presume ably without permission or compensation, and the then the pudding is that all your generative ay, I isn't creating pictures correctly. and, of course, number two is the generative they I won't be. Creating pictures correctly and thus will be less useful as a tool you can. It really use aid to generate art about something specific. If it, thinks that a house is actually a boat or something along those lines by the way You can actually read more about this in the mit technology review article titled, this new data poisoning tool, let's artists, fight back against generative a I ok
I've got more news stories to go through today, but before I do that, let's take a quick break. I I I I I I I paper gas listeners returning for season, for is the restless ones and original podcast presented by t mobile for business, and I heart radio, join me as I sit down for in depth discussions with the people at the intersection of technology and business, learn of their unique missions and challenges to enhance, optimization and drive their organizations forward. We veal, how today's forward thinking leaders continue to thrive and a world of ever changing technology you're hear from those on the leading edge of business, share industry expertise and how a strong, inflexible network lays the foundation for positive changes in their fields. From revolutions and customer experience and employee enable meant to it is with the power to change the game and even the world they are building a bridge to what's next and adopt
transformative technologies, like five g, to create a more connected and meaningful future. Today check out, new episodes of the restless ones availing and I heard radioactive apple podcast or wherever you listen to podcasts paper boys laying down the street chucking newspapers, male carrier stuffing mailboxes the internet. The way we get our news is always changing, but no matter how its delivered the economist has remained the global trusted source for one hundred eighty years and now, with the economists new
Economists pod casts plus subscription. You can get your news. Another way enjoy. Unlimited access, the economists complete noise, cancelling bud gas collection, weekday, editions of their current affairs pod cast the intelligence plus a new weaken, show special limited series and all their popular weekly podcast, some business, china, american politics, science and technology. Personally, I like the babbage bond, cast that's their technology, but guess they have incredible deep dives into big important elements that are happening in the tec. Space become an economist, podcast.
plus subscriber with a one month, retrial or take the whole year for just forty nine dollars. The broadcasts deliver the analysis wit and integrity of the economists, journalism and audio, giving you the freedom to listen to sound reasoning. While you go about your day, tune into the world with economist pod casts plus and start listening to day search economist pod casts plus or head to the app store to download the economist and get your first month, bree dell's black friday, then, is their biggest sale of the year and it's got all your favorite genres covered with limited time. Deals at serious savings is your via more innovative than cutting edge, shot. The stylish and sleek ex bs thirteen engineered to do it all on the intel evil platform. with dell's black friday of that there's a pc on sales of it, every style and taste and power where it's needed most with intel core processors. Was you get free shipping on everything? No matter how big
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distant future there will be a lot more competition in that space, and you may find yourselves shopping for a new windows pc and then you might have to compare different arm based processors with each other. Could also put pressure on intel to innovate in its own processor, family or else risk lose market share to amd d, enter nvidia as well as to welcome I really like this news, because healthy competition tends to mean better products and better prices, both of which are great. If you happen to be a consume gives motor reports that microsoft as finally address an issue in its spreadsheet platform excel. They caused a headache in the field of genetic research. So the problem is that, sell, thinks it knows better than the user and will automatically make certain changes to data if that data is in a particular format, so, for example, Let's say: you're geneticist, an you type in characters, s e p d and the new
one supped one altogether and of course, what do you mean is, that in one which is a protein coding, gene that plays a part in psychokinesis and the maintenance cellular morphology. Excel would not know that you are creating us shit about genes. But it would assume that when you typed cept one, what you actually met was the first of september and it might, change that entry. So it says one day as he p, It is true, if you happen to be typing about membrane associated ring c h, type finger, one genetic sweden code that as march one it may rca h one that of course turn into one dash, it may are when you're spreadsheet. Starts changing your gene code into dates that surprise bob and worse. Excel did not have a feature for you to turn that off, so you couldn't tell it hey top converting my jean codes into dates and amid the when it got.
Time for you to publish your work, you would have to go. we spend countless hours, begging corrections, because this she's your using had changed Your codes into dates, so you had to make sure I, which one of these should be dates which of these are actually codes. You can easily make mistakes and miss stuff. It was a huge headache. In fact, it was such a huge headache that, a few years ago, A field overall changed its encoding system too. work around this problem, but now microsoft, has created an option in excel that lets. You turn off. The auto conversion feature as long as you're not running macros on your spreadsheets, because then, apparently at all breaks down. I'm not this, isn't a case of it being better late than never, but I do think it sink. an example of how an automated process can actually make things harder, rather than easier when you accept that too. Like a I implementations, it can raise some really serious questions. Obviously This is a much more simplified approach right. This is a conversion for
one tiny instance of data. But when extend that out, and you think about this sort of things. Like the conclusions that a I can come to basic. On the information it has? Access to you can their stand hell. Sometimes the conclusions are not the ideal all the time, because some times a. I makes mistakes just like regular. I does and by I mean intelligence. Not I I was making a grammatical arrows, making, I guess, joke as being too kind Just move on over in the uk, the public accounts committee recently highlighted a looming challenge for the energy, sector in that company. This is according to the register, and it all happened. He was smart meters Smart meters are supposed to monitor energy usage and maintain a communications channel between customer and gee provider, and it's meant to keep an accurate talley how much energy a customer is using, but also to detect stuff, like
interruptions and service in that kind of thing, ideally some. Meters reduce the need to send actual people out to physical locations to take meter readings and that ends up bring them up to do other stuff Not too long ago, the national audit office in the uk found that energy companies had rolled out smart meters to around fifty one per cent of their customers. So let meant forty three percent still did not have smart meters. This by the way, was way I and schedule of the initial plan all oh, about nine per cent of those smart meters were not work. Incorrectly. Now the public accounts committee built On top of this report and found that and percent of the smart meters that have been deployed are living on borrowed time and that's because these meters are only compatible with aging, cellular networks, primarily to g and three g. Meanwhile, telecommunications companies, our plan,
being on sunsetting those networks. shutting them down. That means that the smart meters won't be so smart after that they, these twenty percent of already deployed smart meters, so this shows there are lots of challenges that still are front of the energy sector in the uk nearly half of the businesses and homes in the uk, have yet to reach diva smart meter at all some of those who have one have one that doesn't work. and then a whole bunch of em. Around seven million different locations are going to need. A new smart meter before these cellular networks completely shut down, or else it'll be like that regular meter again and considering that this whole Project has had to push deadlines a few times already. I'm sure this comes as an extremely frustrating development it also just reminds us that connected technologies are only
useful for as long as the underlying connection exists, which I know that's obvious in the face of it, we can take that for granted right when we die about things like the internet of things, there's a lot of future proving that needs happened for the internet of things to remain useful Because otherwise of the internet of things is only compatible with older wireless. technologies, for example, and we it gradually sunset those because we created better processes, better protocol for wireless communication. If we can't update them, it's. I o t devices there they just become inert and we have all the stuff that isn't doing anything, So it's a good reminder for us to have- and it's very difficult to future proof thinks cause. You wrote, never really know. how far along they're gonna go. Sometimes, if you're lucky you have design and your product, not just lucky but smart. You designer,
in such a way where you can update it with things like firmware updates to keep it relevant longer I may ultimately you're always going to have to swap stuff out. Your goal is to make it as less frequent as you possibly can, and to maximize the life cycle of the devices you deployed. Any. This story was giving me flashbacks to the united states backward television broadcasts switched from analogue to digital. It caused no end of confusion. Only a small number of people were actually effect by that small in the relative sense, because they need to get a converter to convert. Did we'll signals to an analog signalled to feed into an old television in order still pick up, broadcasts tv for a while? Everyone was thinking that they might need one of those converters and very few people actually did die
being in the modern world is hard or so I am led to understand. I personally do not date because my wife frowns upon it jokes, Ivan happily married for more than twenty five, here's at this point, so I am totally ignorant when it comes to navigating the dating world these days. The be honest I wasn't it. Equally an expert back when I was signal anyway. What, if I told you that tender is introducing a feature we'll? Let you turn friends and family into europe personal agenda. Yet was the matchmaker in fiddler on the roof to be clear, so tenders introducing this feature reagan list up to fifteen people on your account. Who would then be able to review potential matches based upon your tender profile, and then they can weigh in on which ones they think you should swipe left on or right on.
Now they won't actually be able to do the swiping for you, which is a good thing cause. Can you just imagine giving your parents access to year tender profile too, able to vote on whether or not you should ask that nice young per send out on a date or not. What a nightmare scenario that as I apologize, if that major anxiety spike just now while also will not be able to message the other profile. So dear I have to worry about reaching out on your behalf. Why? they can do is give thereupon, and about whether or not a person looks like a catch if you should just know bout of that potential relationship, and they call this feature matchmaker again. back to fill or other, if I've just having the song. Maker. Matchmaker make me a match play through my head, so hopefully you are not aware that song, so that it doesn't do this
Do you? But I know that the rest of the day is going to be playing in my head, partly because I was in a production of fiddler on the roof anyway I think the sounds like tinder is setting up the stage for a future reality television programme. Just imagine it's a I'll, be tv programme where people can only go on a date with someone who matches on their tender profile and gets them Most votes from that bert the community of match makers so like the are group, Friends and family all say this person is right for you and then you are obligated to go on a date with that person that sounds a reality tv show re to get. I just giving away ideas for free again aren't I you know I'm gonna do some soul searching on that when we come back I've got a few more stories to talk about it.
Hey podcast listeners returning for season for is the restless ones and original podcast presented by t mobile for business, and I heart radio join me as I sit down for in depth discussions with the people at the intersection of technology and business, learn of their unique missions and challenges to enhance, optimization and drive their organizations forward. We reveal how today's forward thinking leaders continue to thrive and a world of ever changing technology. you hear from those on the leading edge of business, share industry, expertise and how a strong, inflexible network lays the foundation for positive changes in their fields? from revolutions and customer experience. An employee enable meant to ideas with the power to change the game and even the world. They are building a bridge to what's next and adopt transformative technologies like five g to create a more connected and meaningful future today check out, new episodes of the restless ones. Avail
hold on. I hurt radioactive apple podcast. or wherever you listened abad guests paper, boys, settling down the street chucking newspapers, male carrier stuffing mailboxes the internet. The way we get our news is always changing, but no matter how its delivered the economist has remained the global trusted source for one hundred eighty years and now with the economists new. economists podcast split subscription. You can get your news. Another way enjoy. Unlimited access, the economists complete noise, cancelling podcast collection, weekday, editions of their current affairs pod, cast the intelligence plus a new weaken, show special limited series and all their popular weekly podcast on business, china, american politics, science and technology. Personally, I like the babbage bond, cast, that's their technology pod guess they have incredible deep dives into big important elements that are happening in the tec. Space become an economist pod,
split subscriber with a one month, retrial or take the whole year for just forty nine dollars. The pod guests deliver the analysis, wit and integrity of the economists, journalism and audio, giving you the freedom to listen to sound reasoning. Why you go about your day tune into the world with economist pod casts plus and start listening to day search economist pod casts plus or head to the app store to download the economist and get your first month free, dell's, blue Friday event is their biggest sale of the year and it's got all your favorite generous, covered with limited time. Deals at serious savings is your by more innovative than cutting edge, shot the stylish and sleek ex bs thirteen engineered to do it all on the intel evil platform. With dell's black friday of that there's a pc on sales of it, every style and taste and power where it is needed most with intel core processors. Plus you get free shipping on everything, no matter how big
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And elements, though it be sort of a single player campaign which began known as squadron. Forty two now star. Citizen grew and grew and grew in development. and sold more and more in game products for a game that did not yet exist and made More than half a billion dollars and funding not no joke like they. They so something like six hundred million dollars, I think at this point anyway. The cup you, decide to spin off squadron forty two to be its own stand alone, singled layer campaign, but that camp, in just like the larger star citizen game kind, just stayed and divide I met year after year and while supporters for Star citizen have enjoyed released of some content like there's been limited releases where you got some
game play elements that people can actually play. I don't want to. I don't want to suggest that nothing has come out. That's not the case. They were still waiting for the full promised title and first turn forty two, that weight might- and I stress, might be getting close to the end because the company has announced it is now feature complete. So that means that the elbows are done, adding in features into squadron. Forty two they're, not adding in many more game play elements or anything like that, however, is not quite ready to ship. Yet the developer set its working towards a beta and, ultimately, a lease once they are done, finalizing the game polishing the content, that kind of thing they did not give a window for when that might be, they did release a new trailer and, I hope, that these stars, citizen community, that's been waiting for this content for more than a decade. At this point,
are happy with the result and at the right of star citizen also ultimately comes out. I do not have a stake in this. I never supported the campaign. I didn't pre order anything, and I have some very strong feelings about how this whole project has progressed over the years. Like I am, I have been very critical of star citizen in general but I genuinely hope that the people who poured money and their own hopes into this project end up being very happy. I would hate for this too, continue on as just a mess rending development and I worry about people being disappointed with the final product simply because they ve been waiting so long and it put so much money into it reminded a little bit of bethesda where they had their own starfleet product come out, and there were a lot of people who felt
that it did not live up to their expectations? people really like that game. I have yet to play it, so I haven't for my own opinion. I know people who think the great game- and I know, people who feel that it was a total disappointment, so I'm sure most people fall somewhere in the middle, but yeah. Here's hoping that the folks who supported star citizen when they do access to squandered. Forty two are not left disappointed. now imagine that you have to provide tech support to a spacecraft that has left your solar system. That would be quite the long distance service. Call, that's Message and ears are doing with voyager one and voyager too so above those spain Draft are now in interstellar space. They have left the solar system and nasa I sent some instructions to each of them in to extend their ability to communicate with us all the way back here on earth for as long as possible
The last year, voyager one started to send some pretty weird communications about the spacecraft. The laboratory voyager sends telemetry data through a system called the attitude. Art elation and control system or a c s, but it was astragalus data through a computer system that wasn't working properly. and it was odd because it wasn't supposed to be passing the day, through that specific computer system and so on back garbled data, nothing exciting. Selling the garbled data said: hey earth said more, I love lucy episodes which would be workers, then ailing. This would be looking at us now. It's just like just just gibberish, really and so the engineers have now beamed a patch fixes issue with voyage are one and the software patch there is the lingering question as to why voyager one was routing the data through this computer system. In the first place we still
no that answer, but hopefully this the least be a temporary fixed for the problem. I am also came up with a new schedule for firing, spacecraft thrusters for both voyage or one and wage or two in order to reduce the frequency of those thrust. Her neck emissions for a couple reasons, one obviously theirs limited amount of fuel right like you, don't have infinite fuel on the spacecraft but the other one is that each time you fire the thrust, It builds up a little bit of residue on the inlet tubes that feed into those thrusters so the concern is that if they kick kept up with a more frequent schedule, that build up would reach a point where it would interfere with the thrusters so now they'll do it less currently and hopefully extend the useful life of the spacecraft. There are obviously not gonna work forever, but thou best extend their lifespans a little bit more
as they continue on into interstellar space. I have a couple of articles that are going to recommend, but before I do, I do one final story, and that is Martin gets has passed away at the age of ninety three gets was the first person to secure a? U s patent for software. He did that back in nineteen sixty eight now. I ve talked about this before when I did an episode about the patent office, because the idea of patenting software, was one that had some major hurdles to overcome and that's because the a patent office has rules on what you can and cannot patent. One thing that you cannot patent is a mathematical press, That's, and there are arguments to be made that software ultimately is really he just a series of mathematical processes and, as such software programmes etc are not viable candidates for patents. That was the argument
Ultimately, the patent office rejected this idea, at least within certain parameters. and gets his work in data sorting. Software became the first to receive a patent from the. U s. Patent office gets really campaigned for this in large part because- and software developers had no protection for their work. So let's say that. Someone came up with a really useful program like sorting data in a mainframe computer system, while nothing would stop a massive company with. they are practically unlimited resources from just copying or reverse engineering that software and using it for themselves and never paying the developer. Anything so gets pointed out. That would be unfair it's not fair to just stand by, while very powerful tech companies could steal the work from independent programmers just because there are no protective measures in place. So
His pen set a precedent and amend the programmers, had a chance to secure their work and protect their livelihoods, and I think that's a good thing so rest in peace, Martin gets Now that wraps up our stories, but there are a couple of articles that I would like to recommend you check out. If you have the time, again, I have no connection to these media. Let's, I do not know the writers personally or professionally. I just like these. That articles, and you should check him out if you ve got time and you're interested. So first up is a peace by jennifer patents and to each of the verge its titled matter. One point two is a big move for the smart. standard now have to do a full episode about matter in the future and how the goal is to create a foundation for smart home technologies, but this uncle gives a great overview of where we're at currently in that effort. Secondly, I recommend ashley bell injures article and ours technical titled will chat. Jeep
Eighteen hallucinations be allowed to ruin your life there article covers how I companies are trying to insulate themselves against stuff like that the nation lawsuits, so that, if their age I bought claims that are now that you go around kicking puppies or something you wouldn't be able. to sue them for ruining your reputation. I think its valuable too read that as well, because it very much plays upon the concepts of accountability and artificial intelligence agents very import. really and highlight something that is coming, this grey area, when it comes to the law, we're starting to define a I in legal sense through various court cases, for example, the court case the determined that a I is incapable of holding a copyright. You cannot copyright a work that was created by a I, because human authorship is a key component of cop.
Right as it is defined today. So that's kind of how now we have to define things in the court system has to be done By the decisions of judges in various trials, so very important part of the adoption of artificial intelligence inside the united states, and that rubs up the tech news for tuesday october twenty. Fourth, twenty twenty. Three I hope you are all well, and talk to you again release. It text, is an eye heart radio production for more podcast from my heart radio visit the iheart radio, an apple pie, wherever you listen to your favorite jobs,. the way we get our news changes, but for one one hundred eighty years, the economist, has remained the global trusted source and
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.