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Will We Find Evidence of Aliens by Their Engineering Projects?

2016-12-13 | 🔗

In 1960 physicist Freeman Dyson suggested that in the hunt for alien life, we should search for evidence of massive engineering projects that encapsulate stars with solar arrays to harness their energy. Could we humans ever make one ourselves?

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The future is closer than you think in it all starts in the palm of your hand, you may have heard the news five g is coming in the new. I heart series this time tomorrow, presented by T Mobile for business joint hosts OZ, Walsh in an care, a priest as they lead you through this exciting revolution in mobility. It's going to change the way we work, socialized, create, learn and interact with the world around US tuna in here. Just how close we are getting to a more connected future. This time tomorrow is now available in the eye, her radio up or wherever you listen podcast. San Francisco S. Why, as catering San Francisco, Oakland the Entire Bay area and, dare I say, all of silk and valley, of you and we're coming back to sketch best this year in January. Yet where
be there on Sunday January, fifteenth at one p m very rare afternoon, show em. We will be ready to go so you guys better, be drunk before getting drunk for their evening. Were our crosses over. I think it'll be proof positive that we endorse afternoon drinking yeah out. You know drinks- maybe just maybe bloody mary- probably oh yeah or promoting or shut so we're doing. That show and generates a theme you can go to the ESA sketch best website to get tickets. Its awesome. It's a great great common Civil lots of awesome shows that weaken the end for the following weeks me out, so I encourage you liked it by lots of tickets. Just by
first yeah, then hurry hurry, cause. There's someone out fast, no job, that's not apply to satisfy a marketing ploy. Now they're really solid. We get Emil's every time guys. He told me to hurry and in very I'm shut out, since this promise petered out. It ends right now welcome to stop. You should know from house to work stock. How are you look into the progress on Josh Partners Charles to be bright Jerry's over there. The foot on the button- and that means that I can the foot on its way to cut us off yeah, that's what I know,
The jury. Has a kill, switch under foot for all of our profane tirades would kill us if she ever pressed it. That's right, that's what they call it that but she's not very good at it. I've noticed since that, slips by the hour, told her she's, like a wiki, Richards Podcast Produce SK, as he can't use a guitar petals, so he's known for that thing. Well I mean, I don't know how known he has maybe among guitar players, but he he just plugs right into the app that's pretty great, see in his. He was on that mark, Marin's part gases it intervened. Marin he mean have is pure Keith Richards and he was just basically like me. You know I have a hard time standing upright, like a cat mess with trying to press foot. Petals, that's teeth, man yet very, you're yeah by fewer, I mean pure, harrowing fear, China.
He's clean now, but if he really that astounding well I mean now- I mean he doesn't do like hard. Drugs anymore died at drinks and smokes we'd better. That is going to come out here. Is ethical dean actually Marin's about this first in a decade and that show with them, although smart decision it was like. I have to welcome in that year. He easily could not have done there have disappointed. Did he really there Keith Richard offered him a smoke and his lecture yeah? I mean I see there, but at the same time I also see that smoking was in the year. I now being judged wagon your finger so chalk, yes, heavier
used. Energy. Yes, are you know when you're using energy most likely, you are using something like a fossil fuel right, yeah right, I gasolene or natural gas, or something like that stuff that comes from decomposing dinosaurs? Yes, the problem with using decomposing down or as is most people now, is that this is essentially a non renewable resource to still more dinosaurs decompose any longer, and even if there were it, would take tens of millions of years for them to decompose into fossil fuels, force right right, even if we could, even if we had done our dna It make new dinosaurs right, just to kill them and watch them decompose, which is something we do We have the capability, I guarantee out you're right, but we don't have a clue
a linear. As far as I know, I know it's working on that track right now. I don't think just Steven Spielberg right, maybe someone rockers. So we have to come up with energy source. That we weren't, eventually run out of an obviously there's like wind and solar and as far as solar power goes from what I understand were actually pretty well right now like right now we use something like point zero. One per cent of these sunlight that reaches earth to power are world. So there's a lot of room for growth potential. Sure thing as I also saw that if we keep growing in our energy consumption, keeps growing at something like one percent a year within a thousand years will be you
nothing more than the entire amount of sunlight that hit the earth can provide. So we really need to come up with something else. Yes, the problem is as even if we harnessed all of the energy here on earth, we would quickly outgrow, whatever energy provided. So some people have said well, why don't we just go straight to the source of the sun, such a great source of energy but it's shooting their energy out in both directions other than the earth. The stuff that is starting toward the earth doesn't make it very frequently. Let's go son your hand in basically strangle the life out of it to get energy from the great idea and one of the first. Proposals that I want to say serious proposal, because others been taken soon
over the years and almost been interpreted like scripture. It was a thought experiment to begin with the so called Dyson Sphere. Yes, well, I guess we should introduce the man not that we have him here, the awesome peace he still around it is an old dude but we're talking about Freeman Dyson, not to the maker of the vacuum cleaner or the year blameless fan or the blade. This hair drier. That really thing David, Dyson, hairdresser, You know that I was so disappointed when I found out with the play this man was. Why have you seen us yeah? You can stick your through its amaze y know, and I was like it is magic like how in the world you think it's, but it's got a stupid, blades thousands of in a casing. Yes, it s a terrible name for
and then it is channels it up, and you know squirts it out the front that there, the Dyson invented that always got me was the air blade hand here. I think we ve talked about this before we value. I take your hand down in they. I love those you have with this, so filled with germs that act I was in a bathroom the other day and they have a air blade now that just blows downward onto your hands in its actually I'm like. Ok, I am satisfied with this invention. Well, you know you're nuts was to rub your hand on the airplane itself. No, but it's so close. It's like you're playing operation like I'm, trying to remove a funnybone or something like that. It's almost impossible not to hit the sides of the thing in your big meet hooks are disrupted, however, have occasionally spreads yet is groups believe me because I walk out is crying with my hands held in the air every time Oh the bathroom. Well, you and I have a very big thing about airport bathrooms and I think us
worse one of my life, ETA, Boston, Logan, honour, less door, oh yeah! What happened? It was just not up to snuff like the first of all the door- and this might have been just this one bathroom the doors to the cells, none of them secured the van clean off? Well they were there, but you couldn't you know the locks didn't work. It was just yeah. Basically I put my hand against it, which grandma. Yet it's not ok and then the gap when the door was shut was like two or three. Just big like you could fully this look in and say how you doing how's your poop them the Mr Peepers model. What does not accept in this day and age than I have complete privacy in there I mean I agree with you I again, I'm gonna reiterate think there should be one stall for an entire bathroom so that no one could possibly sit down next to but, that one star thrilled him all were exactly but barring that they're like the Place
What we have in our offices acceptable. That's a good second worries. There's like a complete war, between you, there's a complete wall in front of you and a door, securely shut. Yes, a water closet, yeah. I guess I guess it is like you for the land and water flow in there honey, we're gonna, get distracted by poop yeah this and even the Porter Party of his son, all right, so sorry back to Freeman Dyson, not the vacuum, make He was born in England, he worked must have. Career, he's retired now, but work most career as physics professor at the Institute for Advanced study at Princeton University, not wreckers he's a civilian scientist with the area, often Rover two core I went to Cambridge, then now for grad school discuss, get some bona fide and then he's been in the news recently by being
a guy I mean brilliant, brilliant man, but he's been in the news recently by being one of the more prominent scientist there are now there s a climate change sceptic, the right yeah and not like a complete sceptic like he does believe that it is, I believe, worst what stances I believe that its manmade, but he doesn't think we have enough detail. About all the variables for these computer generated models to be accurate. I see things he's basically sound like this, at the end of the world and in fact he thinks that levels of co2 could be a good thing for humanity, ultimately, a hausa fire. Now I didn't get that far his leg it gets it gives you pretty give buzz. I may I don't. I was pretty interesting, though he's like out, I think, starting about six to ten years ago really started making the news with his somewhat controversial,
because he's a brilliant man and all these other scientists like such a smart guy, but he so wrong in this year, but in others like no, is totally right. That's pretty interesting anyway, so there he is, and he and nineteen thirty seven well, not making thirty seven. He in the nineteen sixty was reading a book from in thirty seven called star maker from science fiction, other alive, Stapleton and he saw this thing called up trap from this book. In his book also had predicted things like virtual reality and scattered pretty much a landmark, syphon science book and he said: hey the slight trap It's a good idea and a rip off he could. He did
Finally, if I think a paper that was published in science and in general, science and nineteen, sixteen, it's really short did you read it yeah yeah, it's like, I think it took up two pages in science, Arabic, a thousand or something like that and I value, but it he basically said this would be a great thing. As you said, a rip off for a thought. Experiment I'm working out right because just very recently, so they called project Ozma had been created and that was they started to search the sky for extraterrestrial intelligence is for city and they were looking for. Radio signals still are, but Dyson was saying will hold on a second. If you're gonna start looking for extra terrestrial beings like signs of intelligent civilizations, you should maybe start looking for these in and they came to be called Dyson spheres because he was the first one popularize it. Even though we got the idea from Olaf Yahoo, We said he thought a Stapleton
here was a better name, but is not good enough to actually use it. We re here he said at once right, very quietly, but so this Dyson, he was originally created as a again a thought experiment heap. He wasn't, he didn't talk about how to struck it necessarily year end that, although there were some, follow up correspondence after the letter, first but almost immediately people started thinking about how you would create one of these things, this this Dyson Sphere and now the whole plan. We should say basically at its basis, a decent sphere is an engineering project. A structure that initially was thought to be basically a hollow sphere that you built around a star. For example, We build it around our sun right and the whole point of this thing is on the inside of the sphere
our solar rays, so that all of that suddenly, like we'll talk, Earlier that gets wasted as far as we are concerned here is captured anchor voted into usable energy for us and in the end, Freeman Thyssen's point was, if you build when these things you're going to capture light, light, won't get out, but infrared radiation heat, Thermo HEAT will escape, and so, if you're, looking around us as for aliens look for something that has a tremendous amount of like the infrared radiation of a star, but is, putting any light out, and maybe you just down an alien civilization, that's how it began, but people started trying to figure out how to make one of these things almost as soon as he public that letter. So the one thing I don't get was he saying that look for this because their civilizations out there are using the Dyson sphere. He he said that it would be likely that they feel that this would be an invention. They came up, blocker,
gotcha. Well, let's go to this end Nickolay partnership and one? I think we can put it off any longer. Pretty interesting in the nineteen sixty there was an astrophysicist name. Nickolay partnership and he was a bond villain and actually it was you should have been. He had this idea that there were three classifications of civilization, type wine, which is basically we have learned how to harness all the energy on the home planet like everything you can possibly harness here on earth and you would think well, that's probably us we're not quite there yet really smart do, namely to your cuckoo.
The Bonn villain either he said the next hundred years, or so maybe two hundred years, we might actually be a type one civilization yeah, like you said this word every bit of geothermal energy every drop of sunlight, every every bit of hydro, electric power, all that stuff every potential bit of energy is being harness Yes, that's right! There were nowhere near that right now. I think Khakis assessments a little rosy glow. Well- and I can say that, because he was on our tv show sorted, but he was here. Ass. He appeared on, but we did an interact with us exactly. He has no We are now none, Tat too, is the next, of course, and nay, that civilization would understand how to harness all of the unity not only on your own home planet.
The energy of a star in its own solar system right, that's the best for the Dyson Sphere, comes in here that's. What we aspire to do, Wendy right, maybe a million or so years from now and then type three. This is kind of like following this logical progression. Right in that harnessing all the energy of all the galaxies, of entire galaxies, not destroy all of them yeah. I think that this second, the second stage, the type to civilization, would be on the eve of the hardest to get too or take the longest to get to write, and that's because we build that First Dyson Sphere, you're technology in your energy efficiency and your productivity is going to just shoot forward exponentially from that point on. Oh, yes, said so why?
to build that first, when you could start building more and more more much more quickly, so you jump from a title to do a tight three civilization pretty. Fast compared to how long it took you to go from a type one to a tape to civilization I think it's like any any product, even the first one is tough, and then you can scale it then, but well we'll get to that. The robots here in fact, will stick a break, I'm getting a little site check and we'll talk a little more about the sun Blue right after this hey friends, we want to talk to you about the future of phone service because it is here and it's called visible-
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all right. So but when I said son, the earth at those out, you unity, I honestly they had no idea where you going You do you're being coy most people out there, muslim families, there's no, that our sun podcast was one of our our biggest goals in would have been our biggest achievements? Had we done it right? It's the biggest pity applause we get here for the sun. It no no is fine weather. We get. You tried here
are you for giant but was talk a little bit about the sun, the stuff I can deal with, at least as far as its immense power and energy, and I love this- our own article has some of these comparisons. The sunken generate five times, one ro two three horsepower. I think that that is a typo. I think that its first to be five times tended to, Third power. You think that's the only explanation I have further doesn't make sense, really small number actually yeah. I agree the be like about fifty one hundred, fifty two hundred horse here, that's five cents, tinted, the twenty. It's gotta be somewhat. Got lazy their seriously de the little twenty three thing. I don't know how to use superscribed toward him. I like a great editor superscribed, that's what it is right, superscription, Subscript right
So, let's put it this way, and this one is the one that me up on this enough energy to melt and ice bridge two miles wide and a mile thick from earth to the sun. In a single second in a single second, that's pretty good. This is the article. I think I've ever seen an ellipse in like like the authors. I wait for a year in a single second year and only concluded the alleged in the ellipse for three right after the letters their space. I think this must be space on either side early technically I've been doing is wrong, and while they feel that this thinks is five times one thousand twenty three horses so good, everyone else, one trillion one. Son bombs going off every second you're like and then finally One single second of Sun action, whatever that is is enough to power our earth for
four million years that arise at home. It does, but it also gives you an idea of just how pretty If we are energy consumption wise near like it, it's it's. It's crazy because you know we're we're, really worried about running out of our non renewable resources, but we use. To my new amount of energy that that this sign could power the energy use. We use current IE for half a million years in one second, the others nuts right so there also kind of takes your mind though, to- and this is, I think, one of the things when the buttons the Freeman Dyson pushed it makes you realize, like holy cow, we could do some really amazing stuff. If we could capture a cigar the amount of that power that the sun puts out even an insignificant amounts. Yeah really yeah. We keep. Report going for like another hundred
so, like you said that the idea behind the Dyson Sphere is this structure He originally proposed the hollow sphere and in general, Do it as a shell, but I think now everything he went on to to make it a solid sphere. He so he actually said he was really a thumb. What's the opposite of clear cut like you guess, a lil convoluted he he didn't really go to the trouble spelling out because again remember this is a thought experiment right. I had to do with finding aliens, not an engineering schematic, so he use some very. The air was vague. That was, whereas for his using vague worthier like wait. What what? What are you talking about? What is this sphere? Is it? Is it cohesive, isn't liquor body is a hollow in the middle what's going on and he came back said in a letter of follow up. He said no, no, like this
There's no way you could build something there go around our son. There will be a solid body that was hollow in the middle, like it couldn't be a cohesive whole here, because the rotational forces, the sheer forces and the gravitational forces acting out, it would just obliterated immediately near I get it just be mechanically impossible, make it like that. So said, Sir, maybe EU, to make something like a bubble or a swarm, or something like that. Any said in the letter Ivan Close and blotter acid, on your tongue, you're, gonna, love this dynamite and call me in an hour might make it we're sense yeah own article points out that one of the first downsides. Obviously, if you surround the sun completely, is that sunlight I mean I know we'd- be harnessing that energy, but some might provide
a lot more than just energy. Oh yeah, I can make us happy here. People right entire sounds warehouse. Sunshine makes you happy like joined them, There are other areas on the shoulders it would. The aid global Palmer if somebody enclosed the sun ethics supervillain kind of stuff right, yeah, ok, so that's it! one! Another problem, though, is that if you are going to build something like this, an enticing even suggested the size of it. He was saying it would need to have a radius so radius then a diameter half of the diameter a radius. There was two times the distance of the earth to the sun. Yeah so thing be massive, which means that it would also enclose the earth to write the attic he wasn't propose you just go up and create this type ball around the sun, like you would be much further spread out in a relaxed
compass, the earth orbit within it. So it would be like this. This is mine. It belongs to the earth and no one else can get any son. It would, it would block off the stuff outside of two times the distance of the earth orbit. So there's a couple planets out there that we would get the old screw job, but the ones inside twice the distance of earth orbit would really benefit from its very selfish yet. But the other problem is to check as I imagine it with things would get pretty hot they're pretty quickly inside. Things so the earth would be destroyed. Yes, he end to get around this in a lot of people. I don't think I got it immediately. He said. Well, you just live inside the data fear like like in the outer shell of it make a habitable yeah right. Well, that makes sense
but what you are saying about just the sheer size of it there there literally aren't enough raw materials on our entire planet to make something. This big. In fact, in our inner entire solar system, there, probably raw materials to make a structure like this now then not, and not still try to inhabit there's no way yet. Some people say, though, in Freeman himself, I keep calm Freeman like that's his last name, but The scent of sounding, like I know, amount of, firstly, a he he was saying you might be able to build something like this by dissembling Jupiter it when I was his suggestion that really yeah he's a disassemble Jupiter and put it back together and you could build a Dyson sphere that had the
hideous twice the distance from the earth to the sun that might make a solar array of it must have been some good at it good for him so, I think, we're both in agreement, and most people are in agreement that this severe idea is not at all tangible, nodded cohesive whole. Now they get. This remains in the realm of thought experiment. So why bother? Oh well! That's the interesting thing. The me it basically is kind of like he'd men at his authority Pyramid it's been brought out of the realm of thought. Experiments in yeah were in no way shape or form capable of doing this, but a lot of people have tried to figure out how to do it, and I think it's it's one of those things is, I guess, theoretically possible, but or just it's not at our word, were nowhere near that that level of capability right now
Well, I think his other ideas that it came up with our are decent awake, the swarm and stuff we amulets, Get to that. He he himself even said. The sphere is probably not very realistic at all. So we do this. Why don't? We think a different machines, maybe better and tenant of one another that actually circle. The sign collectors, energy and then being back to earth right so so to him. The initial idea was that sphere and then, when it came to be with the sphere was like this umbrella term. For this different slightly more realistic ideas like it. Former the bubble right so like like. What's the swarm well the swarm, maybe they their indifferent orbits, they, like the swarming, likened to bees like himself, in Poland there it is around the sun moving around gathering energy and power right
might be habitable to write and there there their solar rays that are satellites that are moving around on independent orbits of one another that right and if you, in the way that they would make a decent sphere, yeah there's a lot of space in between them, but if you stepped back a few, the magnitude further back into the other parts of the galaxy the universe, it would appear is basically a whole sphere around the sun, the picture. So it's still falls into that category. Right you're here to keep that sphere. Thinkers of branding Oh, is that it's like the genius of the bottle It really is needed to be a severe he's out. It's gotta be a sphere so those satellites are actually they would be called statutes will know if they were the bubble, they would be stereotypes. This guy's got it wrong, really
I thought the solar sales could be the state AIDS now, so that what I saw, the difference between the swarm and the bubble with it warm has the satellites in orbit around the star narrow there in their own orbits, not interacting with each other. How I got you a bubble is where these satellites are in a fixed position relative to the star, so those are the status you write, so they're just kind of hovering outside. The star not in orbit just kind of hovering. Instead and then those are the two and then the third are the solar sales correct. While you can make a solar cells, or you can make any of em with solar cells and anon over that I got that you had a week. A whole episode on solar sales. Yes, so I mean it makes sense if you A bunch of these solar sales orbiting. The sun
you might think that you could harnessed the power and send it back to earth someway right exactly and like that's. That's like you could use that with with with any of these like as to whether it's a bubble, whether the swarm, whatever you're doing and if you like thirty seconds ago, made them habitable. Then, all of a sudden, you have a recipe for survival for the human race. If earth ever becomes untenable right, we can't terror for Mars, will go, live on these things and and when we think about living out in space. My brain immediately goes to the cramped, tiny, Can conditions of the eye assess these things. Don't need to be like that. I mean, if were creating Dyson spheres, we're gonna be advancing. But we could build some really lux satellites. Instead heights, as solar rays ago,
hover orbit around the sun right now they can be huge. So so big in fact that that Dyson was saying this, doesn't have to be an engineering project that carried out by central globe government. That's directing the whole thing that, as our energy can in an energy needs continue. Nations could take it upon themselves individually to create these solar sales. Habitable put him in orbit independently and just through the desire to preserve one's own life would make sure that their it wasn't, can intersect with somebody else's orbit, who is already up there and just organically dasent sphere in the form of a swarm or a bubble, could form on its own just by self interested nations developing this technology, basically independent of one another guy goes. He had some far far
thinking, thoughts I think I'll. Have we taken other break? I think sir. Will do that and wrap it up a little bit with how to get this energy back home planet. problems its human nature to hate problems. But why is that, after all problems inspire us to men things, then things make things better? That's why so many people work with IBM on everything from city traffic, to ocean plastic, new schools to new energy flight delays to food Safety- Smart loves problems I be
let's put smart to work, visit, IBM Dot, com, Flash smart to learn more. Rights. Earlier you talked about mantling Jupiter, with its socket set a couple of screwdrivers mercury is another planet that people have talked about as potentially harvesting good thing about mercury, couplet things, one is that it is the sun so who needs it already here, so it would make it now. Price Otherwise it makes a little bit of sense and I think Oxford, University, physicists, Steward Armstrong is who propose this and what are you Great things about mercury's has a lot of great Roy
tyrians, namely iron, that we could use right, and he actually suggested that we could disassemble mercury fully in basically what amounted to a forty year stretch of voting as a bad thirty days. I could do it ain't exactly ever contractor tells you can take mercury part in thirty days. Don't trust him agreed. No, this is this is in basically for ten year stretches combined equals forty years. Obviously, but I think his point Armstrongs point was that you don't have to disassemble mercury as a whole in and wait until it fully disassembled put it together and Dyson to start creating a basis for you can disassemble in and then start reassembling as you go right and once you start getting one bit online? It's gonna help power and create better efficiency to harvest in reassemble, mercury, the rest of mercury.
You know like we were talking about earlier yeah, not only that, but you could use that energy all of a sudden you could there would be supercomputer. Like you ve, never seen. Base travel, would get faster all these technologies that we can't even like think about yet would be growing at an exponential rate right at me. That's the point, like rate you like, or what will we do with with? You know all of this energy every second coming off the sign? Who knows we? We genuinely cannot conceive of the stuff. We could do with that MT of energy. Yet, but I guarantee it's not going to be. You know using few like charging smartphones, it should be for some pretty neat stuff. I guess So the other cool idea is that on the whole, Now how many people would have to to take part in this kind of project? Just literally the labour force need, and I think, arms
it's the one he said. Well, you could these robots actually the same idea that once you get some of these robots going, if they could self Kate and build themselves. Then you can just cannot sit back and watch the paint dry. On earth and all these robots her up there, just themselves and working. Working and doing everything for you exactly and that's why that was his. I don't have it point, someone's point along the way is that when you start that when you build that First Dyson Sphere, all of a sudden it going to keep going and going and going faster. It's going to spread at an exponential rate, so you go from attempt to civilization, take three civilization pretty quickly and, as a matter of fact, you would also if, if this project was carried out by a centralized government, it would spread so quickly and so far as such a relatively short amount of time, something like going from that. First Dyson Sphere too,
colonizing an entire galaxy, something like a million years that, even if it were centralized government involved at the beginning, there were very quickly lose control the colonies because they persist it out in every so many of them that they were just basically become self sufficient in spread over the galaxy, so that the reason this is noteworthy is that if you found one, Dyson Sphere, you would probably find millions, billions, are trillions of them in industry and one section of the universe right, you're right, you
probably not going to find just one doses, fear you're, going to find a decent galaxy, yeah, take three civilization and that's what they're looking for by sifting through some of these old sky surveys, and they found a couple of of candidates actually in the last year or so I think, they're yeah, there's a there's, a couple of surveys that have found stars and they have a typical star names. One is a k I see eight for six to eight five to which is a sexy name near and the other is a p I see, which I'm pretty sure they call epic, two or four to seven. Eight nine, when six right and epic was discovered by
Kepler spacecraft into doesn't. Fourteen in the recently things are noteworthy is because there is some sort of weird transit of pattern where the light dims. I guess randomly not necessarily on some sort of set schedule around these stars and you would say well as possible, the planet or something coming in between it. Well, yes, they thought about that. Already young and normally a star will dim by about one percent when a planet size object comes in between you, the observer and planet. These things are dipping and in the case of tee I see star twenty two percent in the case of the Epic star, sixty five percent right. They have no idea what could be massive enough to dim those two stars tat
They haven't encountered before there's a couple of theories. One of them said a swarm of comets. Somebody else said you could very easily go from or of comets to a swarm of solar rays. So maybe these evidence of Dyson spheres. Here I mean it's possible well You know it's kind of fun to talk about robot, robots, building themselves and then doing all this work up there, one of the big problems as well nearly every. We have robot technology now, but nothing close to that of the present and referring, as this article points out, that the EU needs a lake It would have to be so advances. These robots would have to be operating without fail up there, because they would be by themselves or be able to fix themselves and fix problems like
the intelligent remain to be so far advanced like we. Can you imagine what that would be like no, but I mean, even if me YO cockers off by a hundred or two hundred five hundred years. That's not there far off near like if we can harness all the energy on earth, we should very quickly and improve as far as technology is concerned, so who knows? Maybe maybe those robots aren't that far off? You know one other thing that there I saw from this. There was when Freeman Dyson was talking about dissembling Jupiter check. He said that it should take I don't know roughly eight hundred years worth of the sons, energy output to disassemble in reassemble, Jupiter wasn't bad but do you remember how much comes out of the sun in a second were like one? Oh, you know that so much. We would need a hundred years worth of that disassemble reassemble Jupiter, so we
like. Not only do we not have the capability of buildings, Dyson Sphere. We don't even have the capability of disassembly Jupiter. We just don't have any way to harness their energy, which creates a kind of chicken and egg dilemma right away, almost needed Dyson Sphere to create Dyson sphere. At this point there somewhere, freemen Dyson, is laughing. And ass. It were in New Jersey, One of the other big issues is ok. Let's say that you could even do something like this and harnesses energy too it to earth is another big problem. If we want to make an actual actually usable some people said wicked laser it over, but the problems laser beams is after about a mile, you're gonna. A lot of its efficiency. With its own good luck with that microwave, been floated out there, but microwaves. Even
more effective law farther out than lasers, you're still what to do about a hundred miles, which will do no good right? So, what's the answer I don't know I wonder I mean I guess one of the easy ones as well. Just inhabitants solar rays go inhabit the Dyson Sphere, stepping up just about living on earth near MR, which makes sense, but like living on earth year, but with an earth hundred years from now be worth living on, it depends check will be skipping. You ve been to school and skin in these and spelling bees and all that still does. If so, I guess I don't know what you're talking about is another Simpsons. Ok, it's it's a lot more principle. Skinner came back the real principle. Skinner earlier grey was like
The fur, if you think you're gonna knees in spelling bees, are currently well administered a corner at present, It is deaf we'd like to introduce the Principle Skinner principle, ski more Skinner farm attains area. Yet that's it When there is one other thing you got anything else, I don't have it out. I got one more thing, so this the whole idea. Dicing came up with to search the skies for this. This imprinted, lotta infrared radiation, but no visible light. Yet there is a problem with that, because this guy the longest name was Robert bread varies futurists. I think maybe a science fiction, writer re no Robert, his little little brother here, robber Mary said well. You know why, if you really want to make these days in spheres, efficient, you'd make em, unlike the same manner, that those rights, nesting dolls are made.
Matreshka right now, so you'd have the in the internal sphere and then outer spheres go rounded catching all that lost heat energy turning it into usable power, which is awesome. Because you'd have basically a hundred percent efficiency as far as the basins fear was concerned by, if you're looking at the stars, you would see. Nothing because not only whether navvy visible light, there also wouldn't be any infrared radiation in framing Dyson just hung his head when into his room, shut the door and lay down on his bed for a while the end. Yeah. Well, if you, I know more about doses, views you can start with this article on has the forks dot com by typing Dyson Sphere in the search bar. How stuff works, as I said, and Anderson I said, has suffered twice. That means it's time for listener meal. Call, this we help lady out
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Transcript generated on 2019-12-18.