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SYSK Selects: How Dying Works

2019-05-18 | 🔗

Chuck and Josh have covered just about every aspect of death except dying itself. Here, they fulfill the death suite of podcasts with an in-depth look at just how people die, what happens to the body during the dying process and how people accept death -- and what they regret not having done while they lived.

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to begin your investigation had on over to the Iheart Radioactive Apple, pod, gas or wherever you get your podcast one crime for suspects. Can you solve hi, everyone hope you're having a good, weaken here's a podcast about dying from September night through thousand thirteen. It is my stuff you shall select picked for the week. How dying works is a tough one but necessary, and this may be much more so than any other. Shall we ve ever done? We got a lotta feedback on on just understanding the process of dying literally physiologically his so many people over the years over the past five or six years when there relatives are going through this kind of thing, so I'm glad it's help. People out there and hopefully it will in the future, so enjoy may be the wrong word, but hope you learn something today, but how dying works
welcome to step you should now a production of Iheart Radios Housetop were moved into the Fog stone, Josh Clark, there's Charles the beach. I pride they do and a jerry's over there Jerry for the first time saw a meme. It's been offered couple years. That's it! The habitat cycle reckon brought me like two years after it was by here. If you like is not the best I was lying in wait at that. That happens and there's nothing more of noxious and sending someone something built before that two years ago so Safari and tried to show you something planning right, but you do this idea, the two even say mumble mouth reporter, maybe near the lady who was supposed
had a migraine but appear: do it had a stroke right reporting from the Grammy's unless angels couple years? Yet I still don't know whether it's ok to laugh at that cause. I don't know really what happened to her while we didn't live, we very solemnly show Jerry and she left terrible do their station. I've got one for you, gotta go bit of an inch. Oh, it's not might so greatly your hopes up ever heard of the Population Reference bureau. Now you have because I've mention it before. I have mentioned this this article before its on p r b, DOT, Org call. How many people have ever lived on earth- and I don't know what we mentioned in it- may be the population episode or something, but it's over cool little article by this demographer named car, hob ETA? You be,
and he there's even a video of him explaining it. If you couldn't get what he was going with by harm. He reckons that modern humans, people who were virtually indistinguishable from you, or me, aside from the fact that their not wearing like any clothes, really teacher, showed up about fifty thousand fifty two thousand years ago, so hob puts the population of humanity at two in fifty thousand BC came near so from that point to two thousand eleven extrapolate does the math does is long term. Rethink and hob comes up with the number that one hundred and seven billion six hundred and two million seven hundred and seven Thou
seven hundred and ninety one people have ever live between fifty thousand bc in two thousand and eleven see that's pretty need. It is it's a lot of people. S says that means about six point. Five percent of that are alive right now or word two thousand eleven, so we're dying off yep, that's the point, one hundred and seven billion six hundred and two million seven hundred and seven thousand seven hundred and ninety one of those people had one thing in common one things aside from being human. Taxes, no, not even not even re attacks. Yes, dad didn't have Texan in fifty thousand BC, they had running from, say: routine tigers and death. Death is death,
so one thing all one hundred and seven billion six hundred, two million seven hundred seven thousand seven hundred and ninety one of those people hadn't common. You know what I was thinking of your intro driving. You did. I thought they'd be funny of Josh's like hell on people been dying Chuck and you know it this wasn't that far off he. Wouldn't do that didn't you? Do you like every weighty boy, what a stupid way too that's a good number. I like that hundred seven billion six hundred and two million seven hundred and one thousand seven thousand seven hundred ninety one yet, yeah- and that includes you me pal you. That means you gonna die, I'm gonna die, Jerry's gonna die at least two or three times we're all gonna die yeah. This is our dying, but guess what we have covered just about every
the aspect of dying. Can you die from a broken heart? How rigor mortis works? What's the worst way to die? Is there a best way to die? Did we do that? That was In the end, there was away at idea. We ve covered everything from autopsy peak oil work. Begun with the dead body. Ninjas yeah only ninja at least you should know better
Yet we really have danced around everything, except just how dying works in this is gonna, be a sad podcast in many ways and gruesome in some ways mere because we're gonna touch on some of the stuff we did on, unlike rigour, Morrison autopsies and the actual dying process right. But I mean to brace yourself- and I mention this guy scores of times at least, but as the honorary and its Charles Mania thickened advocate, obey great psychologist, earnest Becker area shout out to her pal jury Dasso, whose, like into Becker now in the Ernst Earnest earnest. You think your max Ernst look at earnest Becker wrote the denial of death rice, seminal work. That basically says we're all just doing everything we can to think about her own demise near the end. There is some sort of health weathers
spiritual, emotional or some sort of health, or well being, I think, from facing the fact that you're going to die sure and talking about it yeah. So, let's talk about death baby. Let's talk about you and me: let's do it so Molly Edmunds, who used to be on smithy stuff. I never told you we caught smithy. Wrote this one and I think it is interesting I usually don't like you and articles day like the definition of blah blah, but it's kind of interesting that in the first encyclopedia it was just the separation of the soul from the body, and now it's INA thirty times that long in the encyclopedia right and that's just sort of indicative of how we used to think of it and how I don't it's ironic or not, but how medical science is complicated, that over the years, all stuffily ironic, because I mean we used to be confident that we understood death,
That person is moving any more? If you ask him what he wants to eat, he's not gonna respond. If you choose something firm that you like a black, a cheese, it's not going to be swallowed like yeah, that's death, and since there was perhaps a lot moral religiousness associated with death and dying than there is today that kind of underscored, the belief in death. It's the sole departed from the body that ran what? What more do you want to know? Egghead its death? Well, yeah Anna way back. You know a few hundred years ago you calling a priest and they'd. They check the bodies if its breeding and say yes, they're dead, if, in those very much at the doktor, wasn't even involved at that point. While there may not have even been such a thing as doctors and if there were there were wearing like masks that made them look like chrome to protect him from the plague, so they were in any better. It is ascertaining death in a priest. Was S. True,
when doctors did come along and they invented things like the stethoscope, they could actually check and see if there was a heartbeat before that. Those Balfour test, which I can find out a lot about this other than you stick needles into the heart with little flags on it and see if the flags move having its pretty straightforward, really yeah. I think that's about it. I'm yoga fits the test how, by that- and there were other tests it like a priest who may have come to say whether you're dead would you like placing a feather above the mouth around the mouth and nose to see through the old marriage, a mere trick here that still in a useful, it is by only if the mouth is still moist. If it's a dried mouth, it's probably not gonna fuck up a mere well, it's not breathing, and if I can put right exactly so, I said the medical science is complicated. It and that's exactly what happened.
Years, because as we progressed with medicine, we discovered a lot of ways to actually reverse death like bring people back from the dead, whether it's something is easy, CPR or as complicated as you know machines. Hope you breathe and feed you right in, and not only that we ve entered this really awkward period, inhuman, medical history, where the machines that can tell us whether someone is alive or not. You are more advanced than our machines that can bring a person back from death yeah, so we have ways to sustain the buyer as each man, but not necessarily the person, depending on your definition, death you like the faintest trace of a brain wave- maybe right! Yes, so we went from holding a feather under somebody's mouth and nose yet to their allied to
using them eyes her to see whether there is electrical activity were finding that all of these old song. In these old outward signs of death, don't The ceremony mean that the persons dead and even if the person is dead, we have technology like you're, saying yet resuscitate them. The question is: if we resuscitate them- and there are still not talking, they still vote you what they want to eat. You are they alive we We in the hasn't been that long. You know I mean in the fifty two thousand years or whatever the people have been dying, It's only been the past. You know sixty something that we ve had to come up with terms like persistent vegetative state and an irreversible coma because of those machines that can exactly or sustain a body and nineteen fifty eight, that was when the french neurologists described the coma DE pass, which is a state beyond coma. Basically,
brain death, although that didn't come along until technically, until nineteen sixty eight when Harvard Medical School did basically
The find it for the first time yet another that even called brain death at the time when they cannot just be irreversible. Coma, like you're not coming back, gets a brain. Death was gonna tagged on later, so, yes, a comin to pass some veggie persistent vegetated stadia brain death. Always things would indicate again that you're dead. The problem is, as we have these machines, they can keep your body warm airing. Keep your chest rising and falling can keep your body going indefinitely here, but the thing is: is there something that's not there and what does that mean? You're dead, there's been a lot of talk about exactly what constitutes death. Defining death is a very, very difficult thing to do is seriously with through the advancement of medical technology, it's kind of change. Every time you come with a ok, I got it. This is the definition of death right
eco technology can provide some picture of a state of consciousness or life that throws a wrench in the works. You know yeah and it's actually, after one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight, it took till one thousand nine hundred and eighty one presidential commission is when they finally in the United States, wrote a paper called defining death, medical, legal and ethical issues in the determination of death. That was a basis for the uniform determination of death act which basically rejected the Harvard ideas. Of the higher brain which is like when your personality in your memories are gone. The cortical brain that means you're dead rejected that in favour of the whole brain which includes the brain stem is what keeps you breathing and functioning they rejected in favour of that. So harboured was like man,
right, I own. I, I think I subscribe to the higher brain death definition of death yeah, the brain simum. Yes, it's pretty significant sure you can be borne with just a brain stem. We talked about MIKE the Headless Chicken Bavaria. He had his head cut off, which include his brain was brain stem was still there and he's a chicken side, then really matter sure. But the thing that is, it there's a huge division between the two, because there is a big difference between breathing and being able to swallow for yourself, you and me being a conscious decision, whether again, what you want to eat right there or having memories or just reacting to people? Aside from, like you know, fiscal react
the right to a stimulus. Yes, and that's one of the one of them at the bears a whole article on brain death may well do down. I thought we did that now. I think we did it in the organ donation, procurement episode. We talked about brain death and testing, for and I think the issue ice cold water in your ear canal, deadly member covered at some point. Didn't you how you I think it was in the organ donation member may be living wells. Obviously we money touched on in them: do their own will Well, we did Wales, but we had on living wells out had, but you know you mention organs. I don't think we said that that was a big Canada com, Hungary in the nineteen sixties farm in the late. I'm sorry midnight Fifties and then really in the nineteen sixties is when we went organ transplant, crazy, actually kind of not just the United States. All over the world. Doctors said: hey, weaken, actually give people a shot at life cause we can now transplant kidneys and lungs and hearts. The problem lies:
and this is sort of one of the sad things at Molly points out. Is that the definition of death can I came bout was hurried along. Maybe because we needed organs from these bodies exist. We're still technically ally, which is very ghoulish proposition. I mean it makes sense from a very utilitarian standpoints like this. Guy doesn't even know how laying the area and he's got a great kidney that could go to his sister, who knows that she needs a kid you should get any eyeing. She's got kids that she wants to hang out with them. Like can put this kinda good you. So yes, let's figure this out, but as Mali says, like most developed countries have signed under the brain stem where it's like you, brain can no longer keep you alive like on your own. You can't swallow you can't take a breath for yourself, so you're dead. The problem isn't that it's just it's different that so much much much more than are aware. Definition of
I dress and I think that that probably rules out a lot of people who might otherwise be used to harvest organ near harnessed Anna are so. Let's talk about death itself, it it's funny that you not funny, but out of all the different ways people can die. I thought it seems simplify break it down into three ways, but that's really kind of the three ways ya think we talk to other autopsies too. Yeah can be an accident. Obviously that's called the autopsy my death, yet the violent death, which is also an obscene. I guess I'm not an empty now. Its tragic yeah, homicide or suicide so took was talk about what it's like to die from different types of death. He douglas You go. You have because of a really wanted to know like what is it like to drown or to be burned alive. Yan in people have survived yet some of these things and come back to tell the tale
this obviously play for going to find this devout from lucky people drowning of ice, her drownings a good way to go because it's not so painful yet like the brain, supposedly releases endorphins. At the end yeah same with freezing I've heard two may be true. Although Johnny victims have reported that, aside from the panic, a tearing and burning sensation when you're water start dealing with longer and quickly, hopefully really quickly after that is the feeling of calmness yes, said overcomes in tranquillity of a heart attack when you get the squeezing chairs pain in your chest or your left arm yeah hook await on your chest right. What I didn't know is that which, because of the heart, not delivering oxygen to the brain any longer you can lose consciousness within like ten seconds
I didn't realize that I like it was. There is a lot more to it. Well, it depends you know everyone has their own signature. Heart attack is welfare. If you bleed out. I imagine this is not one of the best ways to go. After about a leader and a half of blood, you're gonna be thirsty and weak and anxious anything over to you're gonna, be pretty confused and dizzy and probably lose consciousness. Pretty soon after and all of that would be. There would relate to how fast your losing blood church and it will probably be very unpleasant, depending on how you're losing blood like. Why? Because you would imagine that you, if you're stabbed in the God or something like that, you ve got the attendant pain in addition to this dying from loss of blood. Ehrlichman reservoir dogs like when it was hard core waste open a movie yeah that open, but they cut right to that seen after the dying.
Right after the walk there, electrocution, if you're in your house and you get electrocuted, could stop your heart right then, and there if you're in an electric chair, you may
Actually he did your brain up to the point where you die or suffocated the debt write, but they there's indications that being electrocuted with enough voltage job that it instantly you lose consciousness right. That's the idea! Probably with the column you mean, I'm sorry quote humane input and the stop doing that and go back to court on quote here. What have you fall from a height of you fall from a height, supposedly I'm time slows, which is awful yeah. It's like well, your leg, sperience all this year that sir we're the idea that you that you really can take it all in that's really awful, so they they did a study of jumpers from
The golden Gate Bridge, which is seventy five meters. What is that? Two hundred thirty forty feet its high enough matters and they found evidence that a lot of them died from it. Exploded, Longs, exploded, hearts and their organs were all cut up from their ribs yeah, which would indicate death was pretty much instantaneous yeah. We talked about that somethin. To recently, I think- or maybe I heard someone else talking about it- that's pretty bad way to go, but the Golden Gate Bridge urgent. Just follow day from a height yeah as key member Us Aachen too, about jumping in the water ass, I could actually kills you when you jump in the water from the iron. It was like your organs smash into each other and explode yeah. I guess from any high
Now, when you, when you die from there, be from organ explosion or whatever you or are you know the brain? Obviously, if you go head first air, that's the long drop back in the day would, although they still, we can get hung in certain states. If you choose really AIR Washington State- and I you can- you can choose as your method, nobility the gallows and the idea there is you want your neck to snap, otherwise, he died slower in new now suffocate the problem. Is there is a study of thirty four prisoners that found four fifths of them died partly from his fixation? Really that's the wrong way to hang somebody s if you, if you dont snap their neck, where they dont lose consciousness immediately,
They sit there and hanging in died of its fixation that the way to go in speaking, a bad, I think, being burned to death may be one of the worst it never. We came up with the way to die, I think so because you feel it and you think, like your nerve, endings, that's what I thought like. Oh you know, earnings are probably like stop responding quickly, But apparently this not the case. No, not only is another case, apparently you're the fire further sensitize is your nerve ending, so you feel even more pain, but luckily most people, but I think the vast majority of people who die in fires actually die from smoking OECD, for they ever feel pain from fire yeah that are well known about before they feel pain, but hopefully quick enough. Well, you know, Carmen
side thinks so like there's a lot of smoke. You are downloading the ground and that's where the current carbon monoxide is so you're, really mostly that so it's possible before MR and then the natural death which is passing of old age or disease, and here in this country, we have cut a whipped up a lot of the disease over the years entered into they ve sniff them off. The case, right all depends like some of the ones that, like he'll undeveloped countries like dire disease, leisure eyeing from diarrhoea. Here you know have that much in the U S, but we have chronic disease like obesity, in diabetes in dumb cardiopulmonary disease yum. We have that down. Tat. I ve got the live here, actually think they're all in there. They heart is number one cancers number two:
cancer and heart or close to six hundred thousand and then number three is low. Respiratory. Only a hundred and thirty eight thousand so shows you what cancer and heart disease and then number three, a low respiratory is only a hundred and thirty eight thousand. So I chose you what cancer and heart disease or doing right the United States. Accident or by violent death. You're dying of all days didn't used to be a thing. Now it was nice like a lot of ways, the diamond, I would rather have a view ticked off some travelling night or the thing. No, it was nice like a lot of ways, a diver that would render them you ticked off some travelling. Night or there is a dispute over grazing right leg, yeah, you walked into a bare cave near the plague, yeah all ages, and it's kind of a new thing by it's one of the most dumb prevalent forms of death in develop,
Countries word actually has its own name frailty. Sometimes the body just sad, but it's great how we can without our lives and in word about to talk about it, but sometimes the body just like any other machine just stops. Writing it. Designed to keep going indefinitely and ultimately, the system shuts down. As that subsystems, down to the shutting down every second right right, now that body that run down very slowly and for their reason, because you- and I are both dying. I guess once you're born, you start dying near our after you. Stop growing you start dying right is help is needed the positive outlook her, but I mean like your shedding cell. In is like the dye were in the midst of the dying process, just as natural system is in the winding down, although it takes decades- and we still have plenty to do- you, like you, said
You're dying, I'm dying, you that's why they have it a more specific definition of death, which is called active dying like you, and I are not actively dying right now, know now Instead, if we are actively dying we're in the midst of the dying process, yet it is started. The dying process has started the descent. If you will has started right so I'll. All this kind of happened since different types of cells die in a different speed. That's what it is. It sell death right, so you don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but oxygen doesn't happen to different parts of the body. Yourselves, we're gonna die exactly
and so as these cells die at different speeds, different systems are going to shut down, but just from watching frail people die of old age. They can have like this, though, the order in which it happens, kind of down, Pat, so there's the em there's the pre active dying phase, which can take about three weeks sorts about three weeks before death, two or three weeks now, and then there's the active dying phase, which can take a few days Obviously that's not set in stone. None of this is set in stone, but this is all just dumb kind of cumulative knowledge from observations of people dying in like hospice insurance. Like that you get the pre active phase of dying and, like I said it starts a couple weeks ahead of the actual death, Yeah a because we have. This is a big deal right now, we're talking about like its becoming very clear
in our modern age. They death is not an instant, it's not a moment. There is a problem. Ass yet well, unless it is in an instant but the old age dying, yes or like other kinds of dying, but about non accidental dying. Ok, we'll call it that cassettes like that. Spontaneous and right and even sometimes very short scale that can follow some of these. You know how you feel its audio, yes, darling. I, yeah hey everybody? I want to talk to you about your website that doesn't look good and this hard to program, because, where space does it better yeah they do square
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How much energy you gonna start sleeping more more, your skin might become cooler to the touch, might turn a little bluish gray, yeah sinuses switch, I called out, that's gonna is becoming oxygen, deprive like apparently or bodies like. Ok, don't really need to use the legs anymore, because we're bedridden saw minister focusing more of these circulation on the inner organ. Ok, though, make sense, while that probably causes the modeling too, which is your your skin can become sort of reddish like spotty, with reddish blue splotches as well right, You're gonna be a little restless, probably yeah. You know possibly come off as confused you you're, not gonna, be hungry. No.
I don't know, probably withdraw from social activities. Yeah you gonna become a little a little withdrawn. You might one set of unfinished business with family. You might request family come visit, you for that kind of thing. Oh sure, the nonphysical parts. That's definitely some you'd be interested in doing right. That's like come, apparently something that that people intuitively no like they. They need day Apparently patients, no, when their dying of seeing that happen in one of the one of the signs from that's mentioned in hospice care. Palliative care here is that the patient maven state, I'm dying here like I started its common. That's pretty common yeah, and that's sad that when you realise like all right, this is this. Is it like? I feel myself
You began soon, but that's need, though, especially if you maritime area, if you're like ok, I'm gonna, put everything in order to her then die happy or peacefully yeah. That's need that you have that that time too, to take care of that year. If your fortune after go that way for letter back to physically I'm you, you won't be able to heal from a wound or infection any longer yeah. You might dumb lose control of your bladder. Your bowels
over the course of some time you might be in pain, but chances are here in the modern world. They're gonna take care you in that respect. Right in again, that's called palliative care where at some point it's very obvious that you're going to die in a lot of it can be based on what you want your even even without your wishes. There is probably a point in time where medical science says there's nothing. We can do for you here, which will make a comfortable exactly sir we're gonna give you pain. Madrina, like you're you're, cares being transferred over from a physician to whose you know once save your life and keep going to hospice workers, yeah healthcare professionals who are trained to just keep you as comfortable as possible for the for the duration of your life right man, hats off to those people, yes, like all health care professionals, of course, but man hospice nurse
as tough stuff. You gotta be like you, gotta be made of the right qualities as a human sure to be allowed to tackle something like that and still get up and go to work every day, like their literally in the business of dying here very valuable, valuable service people provide. So that's the that's the pre active phase it's the I'm getting ready to die, got a couple weeks and all my systems are starting the wind down here in the active phase the systems are starting to shut down. You may not have consciousness you do you. May I ask if you are able to be aroused from comments from unconsciousness unionist slip right back into it again. Possibly you are probably in apparently, families find this very disconcerting. You're, probably going
to talk about people who are dead as if they were in the room or you can see them or hear them. Yet this is the mind slipping at. They don't know hospice workers from what I can tell tended just treat it like it's real treated on its own terms. Yeah they're, not saying it's real or it's a hallucination or something like that, and they advised families not to treat it like a hallucination it just to not to correct them. Yet I make sense because you're there to provide comfort, not say now Grandpa Grandma's been gone four year exactly. Why would you want to do that? There is an exception that you would want to do that if they're fearful from their visions, okay, then you can say that it's not real. It's just use your brain, that's not real or whatever you again all about comfort, yes yeah, but you don't want to contradict they're, happy or even saying it in a neutral tone. It's only if their their fearful that you want to say that, but apparently, families or kind like, oh God
down on her easy in air, but it's a of its a natural part of the active dying process. Breathings gonna become really weird. The patients can stop breathing for disconcerting long periods of time. Yet it's called Cheney, strokes, respiration, stokes, certain Janey, stokes name for John Janian, William Stokes, obviously the first due to describe it to the US, get other press quick, deep breaths. Sometimes
slow ones, like you said sometimes stopping altogether in that is caused by receptors in the heart and brain stem, basically being too sluggish to respond to different amounts of oxygen co2 and it's just kind of lagging behind again. Think of it as a machine. This just slowing down and those receptors can't pick up on time. So it's it doesn't know how to tell you to breathe. Basically like at a steady rate, we should say that there isn't evidence that bad is physically painful, true again like awful for the healthy person in the Roma. Yet for the family watching it. You think that the person suffering there's not evidence that they are in fact suffering yeah, but it seems like it and that, from what I understand, palliative care, not only making the patient comfortable is, is one of the priorities making the family comfortable
a priority as well, because how you die has a very lasting impact on the people who were there to witness your death here for your family, so explaining that they're not suffering is helpful, but not necessarily enough yet, and I think actually, this podcast itself could help like some people cause. I don't think about it, Do this sort of research when they go into a hospital room in the last hours of loved ones, life, I may not be told they may even if it is explained or am I not sink in what their being told you, because you know seeing somebody gasping for breath, and then being told that they are really suffering the Sioux things. My not gibe, oh yeah, you're. Your instinct is surprised trying to help you like they can't breathe. Clearly, let's get a nurse in him. The nurses like now that's that's
it's part of it yet another one, that's very disconcerting. Another sign of active dying is the death rattle and yeah. I did it. I guess I don't be dumb on death rattle scenario: and basically either. You have fun in the lungs or like you know, and you clear throat like I just did yeah that's a normal ability. You have until you start dying yeah. You can clear throw any more, as you learn GEO muscles right, basically spamming. What clearing your throat now the death rattle now the death rattle is just breathing through the mire its both its it's either liquid or it's the muscle spasms is. Are you ok? So what did you find it
its painful because I found that its it doesn't cause pain its job. It sounds terrible again to the people in the rooms act like here, and this is an ethically pointed out. This is the agonal phase of death in Greek for struggle in agony yeah. That sort of justa encapsulated, I think, is probably why they call it the active phase of death there rather than Agonal out of it. They don't call it anymore. I mean I, I think some people do, but I think the active and acknowledge the same one and the same gotcha exist. You know therein the agony face right or there in the active face. Your muscles aside from your vocal cords, might start convulsing and spasm being. He can get all you know, perky jerky in things it wouldn't seem like you, should be able to do in your state. I come come,
tricks I didn't have. You could do card shuffling card tricks on one hand and the other in Grandpa never killed before. I knew he kissed him here and here somehow what else all see bud precious gonna drop, your jaws gonna drop. You might end up in a really weird rigid position, and here I think we said your extremities are gonna, be called. The touch yeah. Actually, the the the death rattle as a result of the spasm of your Laren GEO muscles that can also produce what was described in what I read as a barking, sound, oh yeah I've. Never! I didn't search that out to see if that was recorded anywhere, but I'm curious what that sounds. Like I've heard everything from a gurgling, gurgle,
now. How do you it's on sectors marbles in your throat right barking, it's a new one, but it make. I think everybody has their own signature. Death rattle you now here but the rule of thumb, apparently among hospice workers, is once the death rattle comes as a sign that they get about forty eight hours or less left to live yet and all of them or tells really and all of them and we'll talk about happen. After the body is dead two and that helps with finding out you know in forensics. I think we pointed out plenty of times at the time of death, depending on the various things that happen. You know when they find you, but all of these are almost like, like markers on a clock yeah and, if you're in hospice care. You know these things like this is this means this? Whether their signs in symptoms of the system shut down that the persons body is going through a near so who
but that this sense is apparently also are lost in a healthy person or a person who has all five senses yeah their lost in a certain order and touch in, hearing are the last to go out really and another. That's kind of nice. Another very important point that hospice workers make is never ever talk about the patient like they're, not there, because they can hear you up until the end like hearing is kept so the person could hear before then in theirs. I damage from you know during activating period they can hear you until the moment they die and you need to be careful what you say. Yes- and I think that's a really nice thing that the last things that you can experience, are the touch of a loved one or the voice of a loved one right in a email needs to see him. You may,
and even be able to respond to. That means you can still here is true. I would definitely like that of her sight at other here. Someone's words as I pass, rather than having silence and just seeing their faces staring at me. So long as the words or wait, more thing. I think it would be almost cruel to be able to see and not here at the end, you know what he wants to see your family upset you want to hear the field and hold your hand and say everything's going to be alright. So you raised a good issue like there's. If you have a dying family member, especially if they're dying guilty or they're just dying like they're in the dying processor there are about to enter the nine process. Yeah. You could do worse than to go online and in educate yourself on how to be around them. I think people, though intuitively now
oh, how to be around a dime person in their certain things that you should do certain things you shouldn't do like. For example, they say that you should talk to that person, not the condition yeah. So don't Trina their frailer dying like treat them like they're, your old friend yea. Ever they are extremely important to make sure that their in a for calm environment you're, so, like maybe yelling at somebody over the will is a really bad idea. These, like no brainer, but I guess some people need to be told the stuff yeah, but I've been think about it. Like you bid, I can put you on edge being around a dying. Personally. Do you mentioned the fact that they're gonna die here? Do you know I mean like the audience around it? If they make a joke or something I yet I can you laugh or do you live too hard? Do you not laugh enough like theirs? I think it's not necessarily like here and they get it's just put your knowledge, not everyone is sensitive to.
I had one don't bring your laptop and therein watcher reruns or the office. No, you are you speaking very experienced enough. I'm just gonna that ok, it's on my let's ok get off your cellphone yeah pay attention to them. Sure yeah, I mean that's what you're, therefore, the as hospice workers put it you're, giving them a very heartfelt gift by being their church with them, while their dying, it may be receiving a gift, you now sure, and many religions and cultures. It's very much an honour to like be a part of this whole thing, and even if you're, not religious, if you could just feel that way, spiritualism
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Rest, so you people's gonna die away and then have you heard the terminal tier or the lack Roma mortis, no This is a usually in the right eye and there's no real explanation for it, but it is a final tier that you ed while and it doesn't always happened right after you die, although it can, they did so in the early nineties, in New Zealand and out of a hundred deaths. Fourteen of them right at the time of death, had the lack mortis a here thirteen of him in the final ten hours and they say to to look out for that of the family. Because it can be a sign and also they try to talk you under the fact that it's a comforting thing yet to see that terror being shed while ensign. On eyes, you know the old thing where you close someone's eyes when they die, oh yeah or you.
Silver dollars on its it's western. Yet I guess people do that to say you're, not having some the dead body staring at you, cause if they're looking dead forestry, Were there like following you all throughout the year and is definitely movie job, but if you dont closure I never knew this something called TAC hd, nor on an his task or take more. That is a black. Reddish brown strip that forms horizontally over eyeball- and I guess it's just you know, I was drawing out and has the air. So if you don't closure eyes- and I looked it up- you're gonna see this weird horizontal stripe across your eye. There's a plus the effect it has in the living the difference between seeing a dead body with their eyes closed in a dead body with their eyes open, and yet this is like a galaxy between the two. As far as discomfort goes. Yes, somebody should added together the like every time it ever banana movie. Yeah, there's like Superman.
I'd. So that's all I got on the US side Chuck I want an alarm you right now, boy you have living in your guts right now, the very organisms that are going to decompose your body when you die there has, since around waitin waitin, for action like for the signal. Yet when you die theirs A lot of stuff is still alive. It's still going on the even though your brain dead, whole brain higher brain heart dead, your heart stopped you're dead. You that's another definition of death. I only mention the art. Your hearts are beating anymore right, you're dead. Yes, there's no, bringing you back. You ve been him here. The your heart has in your brain, hasn't, oxygen for a while, you died of hypothermia and they warmed you up to now. Your officially dead you're gone right, but there still waters
member, the poop shake episode yeah. Who can forget? We talk but the micro bio. We have this whole other, like part of our if our living organism that still around that still operating gas and a lot of stuff living within us, including part of our microbiology, there's still carrying on processes like apparently you can harvest skin cells for twenty four hours and in their still alive, just use em all sorts of stuff. Yeah you can harvest on and then, of course, inside your intestines years, old, tiny organisms that are still living in are gonna help do the work that comes next starting a couple days after death like if you just EL over in the woods and no one was around Iceland, the setting right- and you just left there within about three days, these organisms and Micro Flora is going to go to work on you say,
sitting in your intestines. Yet this is, after the very modest correct, yes, which I guess we should hang over. But I would recommend everybody go listen to what causes rigour, mortis, yet for sure on the website you can go to stuff. You should know that calm, slash, pod casts slash what hyphen causes hyphen rigour, hyphen mortis, we'll just rented Mortis Roclin augur Mortis or the death chill. That's the first first thing is going to happen for your body starts dropping in temperature, yet that a degree in a half Fahrenheit per hour until you're, just like a nice red wine at room temperature yeah, actually does not quite sure red ones, like sixty four degrees against depends. What can a room here and if you're in a sixty four degree, is perfect,
what else? Well, after our mortis, you get rigour, mortis a couple hours after death, where the body settles into a stiff state and that lasts for like twenty four hours, and I remember we talked about it, yeah yeah. I think so. Then, between those you have liver, mortis or a situation. That's where it like all blood coagulated but basically that your red blood cells are pretty heavy and they just sink, and it's about twenty minutes to three hours after death is when you're gonna be in life or mortis yeah, and then after that is rigour. That's right! Ok! So now, back to beautification, bright oil is the best in the document. Yeah that's Basically like you're these organisms, gonna work breaking down your body and they do it pretty quick yeah, the pancreas apparently has so many in there that it it's off even without the pink consumes itself is pretty
Bishop, your other organs are gonna. Events will eventually be consumed in turned into liquid yeah you're liquefied from the inside out here. You're gonna turn colors in this order, green than purple than black, which is just like, like a black eye, I guess yeah and that the same stage yegg sets it never fully heels, exploits the you within a couple of weeks, you're going to be liquid inside. Yet at the organisms that are eating, you produce a gas as a by product from their consumption. So you're going to be bloated. Your tongues going to stick out he's gonna turn dark to your tongue. Yeah, in that gas really thinks your eyes are gonna protrude, yeah, there's something called purge fluid that is putrid reddish brown
we were that can be expelled through you, ve got an opening right can come out of your mouth. You knows you're vagina. It can be mixed with theses and come out of your rectum there there's something else in committee or vagina to yeah. This is maybe them more thing. I've ever heard. I I just I had no idea. Yeah, I had no idea go now. I know all about death and all then incite interests me. I had never heard of this before anyone about you: don't either maybe should type it into the computer and make the computer say it. You don't have the ability, Carson Earth ladders pretty, gets there the gig computer printed. So that's what you do when you don't want to say something yourself. You pretend your computer,
Emily, and I must have. Our fights are like that really near adjust its pretty cute. I go into a war games mode. Well, is it again computer Carson Earth the coffin births, so basically those gases that this is a real thing, we're not making some yet proposed mortal fetal extradition is another name for it, so the gases that build up in the body before the body ruptures, which comes a little later, can become so pressurized that a pregnant woman who has died with the feed is still in utero. Yeah can actually the gases Kim pushed the fetus out of the vagina near which is coffin, birth, yeah, and this does happen much anymore. No, thankfully, because we take care of dead bodies pretty quickly, although they did find evidence of it in the case, in two thousand eight, where this woman was found like in the woods but
It was described a lot in like sixteenth the eighteenth century. The literature I you know, I just drove them crazy, azure. I q is obviously alive for weeks afterward near and archaeology, apparently to or have to rethink, sometimes when they find GSM he would die during childbirth but the they bury the the the baby with the mother right, and so you and the bones I cradling each other almost, but then they go back. They had to go back and look at some where they find the you know between the legs, the bones of the baby, and they think that might be the case of a coffin birth. So this is the worst thing in the world: yeah there's, probably death male band, that name. If there's not, there is now he thought so the gases ultimately eventually once they
once they really get down to business in there? No longer just what would you call whether the fluids coming out a little orifices here? They're purge fluid okay, so once it's like enough at the pretty fluid and the more we're just going to tear the sucker, in your body, ultimately ruptures yeah- and this is you know your skin is already bliss At this point in your hair, nails and teeth a fallen out, they don't keep growing. No, it's your skin receding from drawing out from desiccated. Yes, a past that around in school kids, when someone says that your fingernails keep going after death, you set him straight. Tell him Josh say: oh god, I just I searched kids listening and then the old de glowing, which we talk about before oh yeah. I forgot about that member now where the young that can happen to you if you drive at ten into, and you have an airbag the gases that Span, the airbag out of your steering wheel are very hot, and if you're, not
Arriving at nine and three and you have your hands lieutenant like ten, something here like you're, going to be de really alive, yeah, but yeah skin is burned right off your hands. Are it's burning and separated and then eventually comes off, so ten it was not how he should driving mornin. Really that's what I've learned yeah dry, that either just a straight up: six o clock with one hand, yes or no just a straight up: men noon. I rarely have two hands on a well. You don't drive with like your knees with your hands mine, your head, a relaxing. Occasionally, if I'm Mamma, you know, relaxing the airplane a guitar, something so declaring yet dig loving is there we talked about this in that, but probably rigour mortis, but that's when you're or body farms, maybe yeah. That's when, basically, your skin is removed still attached to things like fingernails and things like that in its they called the loving for
a reason. I think we need to explain them. It makes perfect sense for de socking. Sometimes you know it can happen. Your feet plan heard. Allowing did you make that a well it? They said gloves or socks if it your feet, but I did make up these socking de solitary by have to use it. For now I ask, is that might be anything so the body it wants it once ruptures, your organs are already liquid and all its. What does a skeleton which will eventually turned a dusty? Can we ve done? No, it can't be done. Could we do need to talk a little bit about assisted to aside? I just did that up for you boy, you should it it's quite a controversial subject like we said I don't know if I said or not like this, it has been such a huge world
and of input of information in my head, the less like thirty six hours studying for this measure that I don't know what I've said yet or not or what we talked about in another packets. But yes, oh, we talked about dying frailty of old age and at its increasing supposedly Five out of ten people in the United States will die in the intensive care unit, and I saw this TED talk from Newcastle Australia with this guy camera. What his name is, but it's it's about dying and think it's called it. Can we talk about dying or something right in his point was you're going to die in the icy you, whether you Two are not right. If you die of a degenerative disease or frailty unless use You, don't want a diner, because the way medical science is currently set up.
You are going to be treated most of the time up until the bitter end, with life, saving measures, church and you're going to die in the icy you with tubes hooked up in things beeping and like other people having crash cards taken in and out of the room and year people making a big ruckus up until the point you die unless they give. You palliative care, or or you say it don't want. Be sustained like that. I don't want to go the icy you and this point was: if half of Americans are going to die, and I see you you have to assume that maybe All of them would want to die in the ice you right and therefore they need to think of things like I wanted in advance directive. Having well on a living power of attorney. Do somebody to say no no do not
the motto ventilator here do not put them on feeding tubes. They don't want that they just want to die or they want to get a hospice. They want to go back home right, that's another big one like they dont. Let you go back home right, especially if you can't speak for yourself like two medical science these days, that's crazy. You don't leave the hospital when you know you're dying, you stay ass borrowing and we keep doing stuff until you die right. That's not the way, jobs with a lot of people, but if you don't stop and think about it and write it down or tell somebody who can speak for you. That's you're, not going to home, the only not going hospice. You have to do this. I had a time and part of that kind is come out of. This idea is okay. Well, if we have autonomy to say I don't worry, you to intimidate me yeah, why don't we have the autonomy to say? I want you to give me some stuff. It's going to pain. Silly end by life, yet has its either that or facing a tremendous amount of pain and suffering right through this degenerative.
These are basically saying I'm ready I am ready. It is my life. It's like the richer Dreyfus movie from these artists, his life has anyone think I You have no idea what you're talking about getting so intimately. Ok about assisted suicide and do you should you had the right to be older in its ahead? but an issue for sure, but early most Americans or the. Priority of Americans, actually support it until you start using the word like suicide, the great when you pull them and say: do you Are you in favour of doctors, helping someone? aimlessly and their life or something here at the end of life they assure yet another like okay, so you're, very physician, assisted suicides. Gripe. Those that word you now and in the doctors who are in favour of euthanasia is as another term, for it say what would look at palliative care. It's like half of a step away from visiting resisted suicide. Here, like your key
somebody if they requested knocked out, I'm morphine for the rest of their life, so there we're gonna, regained consciousness, yeah! There's you you'd, dug up this one article by a british physician who argues that that Agonal gasping yeah Flex fairly when part of the acne is that your body has a reflex where you get for air and it's really disconcerting to family members, even though they dont think that your suffering yeah, it looks like your suffering, and this doctor argued. While we have drugs that can block this response so that the person can't gas for air right and whites gonna cost him their last couple of breaths. But these last couple brats make it appear like their suffering in the family, remembers that their kids suffered yeah
So. Why wouldn't we do that and there's a conversation, that's taking place more and more and more that, ultimately, it's kind of like who is somebody to say that somebody can't choose to end their own life painlessly through the use of like drugs yeah like a hundred times and then, while I mean that's another way to go in and you anybody can do that you're, but there are some people, other who don't wanna die violently Yannick orderlies outlived their family? Like that's? The part that I was upset about what that was his wife like finding him and stuff. His wife and his son in areas like that, and only they did in his own basement, which I can understand doing at home, but he left corner in his own basement for his family to clean up. But if he had other options these days like doktor, assisted suicide, he might not have had to make a mess and disbursement of those families yet
an shock. We know that on her Thomson is far from the only person to make his own exit his own way to another. Very famous person, Sigmund Freud did to her. Oh yeah yeah. You know their assisted suicide. Yes, literally physician assisted suicide. He was diagnosed with cancer. The palate Kelly smoke tons of cigars right, which were sometimes just a cigar but say, and that for sixteen years who live with their diagnosis and finally toward the end, he asses surgeon has physician garden hit me up with. I think
I've grams of morphine is a ton of morphine and he died three hours after the injection of it, but which is more than his usual to grams of morphine hurry or cocaine. He loved cocaine here, but he had developed or is called Totten axed toad next as German, which is a dread of death yeah. So, and so we live at that for sixteen years, but he finally he he decided along the way like I've. I fear this, but I'm gonna take it in my own hands fish in assisted suicide, nineteen, thirty nine- and it is definitely more than one side to the coin- there s a lot of people. There is very strong opinions on either side better. I think it's a in at the very Even if you remove emotion from its an extremely interesting conversation in that it reveals so much. About our attitudes towards death totally and autonomy, and like crews, who has the right to decide whether they are going to die or who has the right to tell somebody they can't do that whose life is at risk.
And then shook one one. Other thing that we want to hit on is regret yeah. I actually saw this a few weeks ago just by chance, and then you send it to me. I think it was in England a hospice nurse. I spend a lot of time researching life regrets over the course of a certain amount of time and came up with the five most common life regrets, and I think this is like a good way to end it. You know number one. I wish I had the courage to live a life of true to myself and not the life others expected of me right as the number one regret number to us. I wish I didn't work so hard drugs, then surprise me now number three. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings. Number four. I wish I'd stay in touch with my friends at one, and I wish I'd. Let myself be happier this number five yellow goods, shoes,
saying that they didn't realize toward until the end of their life and happiness, is a choice right you make it's not something that happens to you to make a search out. It's a state of mind that you are to strive for. And to figure that out like at the end that lets you regret yeah, so called action. P Yeah really like you think about the stuff you dont have to which these things in your death that if you start doing something about it now exactly. Dying chuck. You know what we might have just done. We mean disadvantaged at the death of the death sweet. I bet there's something else. The only time can tell, but I don't know how much more aspects of death we can cover and I'll. Tell you what I'm going to put all of them together in a blog post and I stood death sweet, so everybody can go, listen to all things, death via stuff, you should know
what a gift. In the meantime, if you want to look at more about dying, does type dying into the search bar, how stuff works? I think it has its own channel, there's so much to it and since I said, search bar it's time for listener, mail this is a nice when we don't normally do shot out, but this is a nice one and I thought what better way the into such a depressing show hey guys and Jerry led the podcast Josh. I have to thank you for teaching my fiance Danny and me about flashlight trick. This. Might arise. I'm gonna man. I never think about it at night, Jerry he tried it. I never said a reminder might my response to people who can link key. Can you explain it again practice? That's my explanation. Just practice to try from a different angle again just practice a real thing. It is completely amazing, and this is from peachy by the way,
and it's wonderful and frightening at the same time said. The problem now is that whenever we Walker dogs at night, I just can't have my normal fiance. I have this dude with a flashlight stuck there, forehead stopping at every field. To, let me know just how many spiders or dancer stepping on how we are surrounded thanks for the show and now for a shameless request. I know you don't often get shout outs, but it would be the most amazing thing ever if you could give a shout out to dance I guess the air some time before wedding October thirteenth. Let him know that I love him more than anything. Now, I'm excited to share my life with him, even if he does have the flashlights the famous, for for the rest of our lives, walking or dogs together, totally blown away. I would even let him listen to that hot cast first. So thanks to Jerry thanks guys from peachy, where you go, Peachy can thousand oaks. California, I think it's just expressed a very nice
yeah so Danny Peaches. Congratulations! Best of luck! Best wishes I told her listen upward on their dying podcast. That was kind of funny, and it's great and then he may be put out by say once in awhile life and peachy dont use or fiance so much it's a lifeless shock. I would like to hear that If you want to see, if you can talk chuck into a shoutout, take your best shot, you can tweet to us it s. Why asked K podcast you can I talk to him directly on Facebook, dot com, slash that we should not respond of time you can send us an email to Stuff Podcast Housetop works, dot com and you can join us arm webs our very own website, it's called stuff. You should know That study should know its production of Iheart radios. How stuff works for more outcasts
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-01.