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Selects: How Ocean Currents Work

2023-06-24 | 🔗

It's easy to overlook the importance of ocean currents - they move along out at sea, while we stay mostly on land. But we are globally affected by them every day. Currents form the base of the food chain, drive weather and keep life as we know it going. Explore them with Josh and Chuck in this classic episode.

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and it was super. Fascinating never knew anything about it, and now I do and now you do to welcome to stop. You should now, the production of Iheart, radio, local parker, some josh clerk withdrawals, w chuck brain jerry, and this stuff is the one about ocean currents. They should start thailand it sounds, like friends, did yeah the one where ross talks about ocean currents, yeah the one where chuck's eyes glazed over. I love this stuff. Man yeah like earth. Science really gets me jazzed, that's good. It really does like it's. So, like it's very detailed, yeah there's a lot to it. It's often over,
simplified, but it's also very understandable, and when you really like learn about it, you realize what an elegant system, the whole thing is sure, maybe not necessarily a living organism, but I could see how someone would characterize it is such a like that could good the thought I got. so yes, title ocean currents, wellnigh title as part of the ocean currents isn't a type of current near its under the current umbrella of miss spoke in the first ten
I think it's funny that in this article the the word current refers to the motion of water when you're speaking of water is that what it says yeah when speaking of water. The word current refers to the motion of the water yeah yeah was a little clumsy. Miriam's defines yeah well, this is about ocean currents, are all kinds of currents: river currents, yeah. You know there's currents in marshes and swamps and currents all over the place, but this is about ocean currents yeah as long water is not stagnant. There's current present and if it's stagnant, the bad news react mosquitoes disease sure, but then drunk you can make the case that, if it's not stagnant, if, if there's a current it'll carry your car away with when the blink of an eye, don't even think about it boy, did you see the photos of the downtown connector the other day?
in atlanta, when it flooded, no apparently the storm drains backed up in the downtown connector about atlanta was a lake. While I get literally stopped traffic, I can believer. People in atlanta don't know how to drive in the rain to begin with. Oh, I don't know about that. Really, so we do is dry. The rain man. People away, don't drive in the rain, seems to me, like everybody's brain, just drops a couple of years when rain starts and everyone start bump in and everybody else and like driving it two miles an hour and you you dislike what did the metal yeah what's different all the time I got good tyres, yeah mixes, you like that, restores right, I don't like types or, but I'm willing to spend time there to get good tyres that move water away from my car. So I can we drive really fast, no matter what the west,
you should start your requirement. I want to point out jerry, decide heavily at hand. He's your retirement business should be Josh's, tire house, important, yeah and then have a really sweet set up would be like buying tyres. Is here's like no place on earth Oh, yes, you got wifi. You got a coffee machine. Well, there's a call from as well. No, I mean a barista, oh gotcha, like a you, know, a little many starbucks right there. In your tires sure games of icebreakers, meetin greets yeah, I could serve icebreakers gum, two feet of tinder tender day: ok,
well I dunno. That's all I got aroma therapy would be good, yeah, be a big one, massage yeah. Alright, that's my that's my plan, be alright, just as tire warehouse emporium, I think, is what we came up with sure Josh's big house of tires are also big tires. Okay, so ocean currents yeah we're back to it. So one of the things that I did not realize chuck when researching this is that encouraged to add their their old, but they they aren't permanent. They haven't always been around yeah currents. Change in some currents have been at it for thousands and thousands of years. Other currents change month to month very fickle in some cases yeah, but there are some really.
She'd current some ancient ocean currents out there that are very old and have been this way since say like come like the gulf stream has been around for about five million years ever since the isthmus of panama, yellows, pretty cool stuff, huh yeah. I think what I found the most interesting was that ocean currents
They have a purpose. You know not just like water moving around willy nilly right enough it. When for ocean currents, there would be no life in antarctica right well, maybe not all of entire ticket, but no ocean marine life, while that possible. But that's that's an important point like if there's no ocean marine life, then there's no like say: there's no fido, plankton, sure, there's no final plankton! There's no fisheries eating the fido plankton! There's no fisheries around to eat the final plankton! There's no seals need the fisheries. Now, there's no seals like everything, finds its support its basis in the ocean life. Absolutely that's all supported by the current set right. So the fact that, as purposes very tell illogical of each uck, thank you so much. Some put this off any longer talk about dinner
types of currents. You can't talk about tire stores, anymore, no, okay, we're done with the toasters like I started to get nauseated just talking that much about tire store, really, alright, don't feel good! Well, uh: let's start with surface currents, then buddy I'll, bring you back to the to the ocean or sign your home earth sciences that you love, surface currents, occur about three to four hundred metres, deep and above the other called surface currents right in their driven by the wind, yet they make up for about ten percent of the ocean.
And if you've ever gone to the beach you've, seen coastal currents and surface currents, there's a couple of types coastal is one: have you seen him in action but like playing in the sand as a little kid or as an adult you're you're, seeing coastal surface currents at work right? So, let's step back one more degree, so surface currents are created by wave action. That's right, especially coastal currents, are created by wave action, yet is created by
wind waves are created by wind and you know: buckminster fuller, the inventor of the geodesic dome, among other things, sure he was the person who pointed out that the wind doesn't blow the wind sucks. It's good point right so and so of coastal currents begin with waves. Waves begin with when when begins with heat, because at the equator you have a lot of sunshine all year round and it's very warm yes, it is and as anyone who's been near, the equator can attest and and that heat heats up air and as the air heats up, it moves away from the equator. It's like a I gotta go cool off yeah. It moves towards the poles north and south and, as it moves toward the poles it cools down and turns background. It's like I need to heat back up at the equator yeah right and as a result of this, you have wind and this wind
pushes on the surface of the water transfer, some of its energy in the form of friction to the water servers and creates waves in those waves transfer the energy the shore line and when they come in at an angle. That's when you get that coastal current right, yeah like it If he were again, if you ve been to the beach- and you see the tide, the waves coming in at that angle and You see it moving with the beach like if you ve ever been out playing. Unlike a raft, is a little kid You look up an hour later and your parents are like half a mile down the beach from east right. It's a bit of a panicky situation. It is an also you're, like what kind of parents do I haven't they just let me drift half a mile in other passed out in the same at that point there so that its car went when wave breaks. Beat that angle. It's gonna pull
met and sand and watered down in what is known as a long shore current that is its directed off parallel, also perpendicular, but the parallel movement is the longshore current yeah. It's like when a wave comes in at an angle to the shore yep. It distributes its energy part of it directly under the short part of it. Parallels is short, and that's that longshore current, like you, said in one of the things that it does, you also said, is it takes set sand and other stuff positive elsewhere. Further down and along the way it creates things like barrier islands and sand bars. as in all that stuff in this ever shift, never moving eroding in depositing of sand and sediment and Those little underwater and sometimes above water deposits create other types of current, specifically a reptile current, yet
That's the long shore drift in like if you ve ever seen like the beach curve back in pretty hard. The the water can't move, That turn really so she's gonna, deposit stuff and sorted drop it off there. At the end of that point and it'll build up in what is known as a spit right and so yeah. All of those are the all those obstructions. All those deposits form obstructions for waves when they're going back outwards, they transfer their energy. They, like, oh, I'm, pretty far inland. I need to get back out of the ocean, and so it backs up p p. right and as it does, it encounters these underwater barriers that it itself have deposited its kind. the big ironic moment, and so it can't get back out to sea as fast as it wants, because it running india's these obstruct
and when there's like a break in the obstruction like a sandbar, something like that and break in the same bar. It provides a natural funnel, and that creates a rip tiger, yeah, like hey, look at that little narrow channel. Take all this water. There would normally this flow out it's an easy going to send it through there and I'm gonna grab your little kid and take it. Take him with me write this. It creates basically suction just like when you open a drain in a bathtub, and it starts to drain it it drains pretty Yes, dangerous! Lucky, that's how you drown when you're swimming in the ocean right. You hear about strong rip currents and the inclement weather, and it's no joke even really good swimmers can get oh yeah, and it's bad news, riptide very bad news and then there's some other currents that are created that don't just occur at the at the shore.
they do, they occur in the ocean and at the shore yeah there's this thing called up: welling yeah like the stuff, and up well, it can happen in a few different ways, but as far as the coast is concerned, when wind comes in and it basically boy oh water, away from an area garlic from the shore right water likes to try to even itself out so is war is blown away from the surface it this stuff, that's below it. The deeper water will come up in basically replace it. Yeah that's up well in yet another like what str strikes me when you look at wind and all these currents, everything is circular almost right. So the lot of spinning going on yeah there's a really distinct relationship between wind and waters in separate
well yeah, especially when you're talking about global winds and currents together, right yeah, but both of them are broken down to fluid dynamics and they do form these circles and cycles and clockwise motions and counter clockwise motions depending and where you are in the world yeah and in the case of upwelling and down welling. It's not a horizontal spin, but it is a vertical from top to bottom and then from bottom back up to the top yeah and you want to talk about, and that was which one well both it's the same pattern from top to bottom and bottom. To top, with a dwelling in downloading right and they the whole thing about appalling down willing, whether its at the shore or in the ocean is that it ocean is kind of it's not like. If you take a slice of ocean at the top and take a slice of ocean at the bottom, very different, and you look at me under a microscope orb testing, for whatever you know, using some sort of spectroscope, maybe so
so ass a later grave in or something like that yet or just look at it, yeah you're going to find that there's it's like two different of water. Even those from the same part is from the same section of ocean right there, and the staff of the top is going to be very oxygen. rich, there's gonna, be a lot of life, vital point in that kind of stuff, but too many nutrients, the stuff The bottom is gonna, be lousy with seo two yeah cold, yet very cold and a lot of nutrients right and when both things are needed at different spots here, so the well, in the down willing, creates this kind of gas exchange nutrient exchange throughout the ocean and the oxygen at the top. When its deposited down lower thanks to down welling, all of that oxygen circulates downward, through the ocean in all the fisheries that need oxygen in their gills, get to breathe it in right, yeah with
welling, like I mentioned earlier, in antarctica whereby that's super cold and you would not expect a marine life to do so. Well, it is because of the up welling that brings that nutrients from the bottom up to the top yet, and that sir go, and that's called life in one of the really neat thing about appalling and downloading is the oxygen that's at the top of the ocean words to sit for very long and dissolve. We would have a very big problem because all that life, once it dies with decay very quickly up top, yet it's not good, no, it wouldn't, because animal
big bacteria would begin to thrive and we'd have an over abundance of hydrogen sulfide, which would lead to ocean acidification, which would mean the end of the world, basically yeah, so that nutrient swap is very important for everybody on the planet. Yup and there's this elegant solution to the oceans that happens every day everywhere in the ocean, thanks to upwelling and downloading all right. Well, that's a good start! My friend and mice are not glazed over actually good, they're sharp full of life, and we will talk after this. About some more surface current and learn by Pacheco, host of symptomatic a medical, mystery podcast, a product ruby studio from studio from media every other week. We get to know the everyday.
living with a mysterious illness, and here there first hand stories of struggle. and perseverance on their quest for answers. During the day I feel like I'm just get sick I'd sure to have that flourish feeling and then the next morning. Fine then he started getting nodules on his body. He had been to so many different doctors and I that like they were just throwing a dark at what this could be in train different medications. You couldn't man That anyone could be alive and heaven mutations in that dream. Listen to symptomatic of medical, mystery podcast on the eye heart radioactive or wherever you get your podcast
Amazon wants to help. You share joy, this holiday season and, as we all know, the holidays are all about these joyful moments. That's right! You know, I remember when I was a kid. My family got my sister one of those very first cabbage batch goods, and I mean one of the first hundred ever made even before they became a nation, wide phenomenon and back then you had to drive all the way up to north georgia just to get em these days. Of course you can do. order him with a few clicks, but of course she loved it, and she still has it to this day that doll's name was chuck and that's not a brag. I mean that was the name that came with the doll, and I remember the joy that it brought us to see her reaction to that doll. How she bonded to it was like no other holiday season. You know what I'm not sure if I'll ever happen to nail it like that and be there at the right place at the right time. But a big part of the holiday spirit for me is finding ways to bring joy and happiness to the very
people that mean the most me europe in it's these types of moments that amazon helps create during the holidays. However, you share joy, make it happen with amazon. Following last year's amazing turn out the black affect podcast network and nissan helping h bc. You scholars jumpstart their futures by throwing another thrill of possibility summit. The thrill of possibility summit is an opportunity to network with peers and professionals and gain career knowledge from leaders in the industries of science, technology, engineering, art and math. Also known as staying to kick it off nissan is giving fifty h bc. You scholars who major and steam disciplines the opportunity for an all expenses pay trip to nashville tennessee this year summit location. This is a remarkable opportunity to be murdered by some of otto tech.
In part, castings brightest minds, bringing together notable voices of the black effect podcast network featuring charlemagne, the god John hope, bryant and Debbie brown are brought to you by nissan success as a journey during the drivers. To learn more about the thrill of possibility summit. Please visit w w w that black effect that calm, slash Nissan you're an innovative, a founder, a pioneer disrupted, the industry's creating the next big thing, you're busy, launching your product, hiring teams and thinking about funding for the next stage of growth, velocity without the volatility hsbc innovation. Banking is here to partner with you and deliver what your business needs now and in the future. Our team is led by experts in the tec, life, science and health care industries combined
with our international capabilities, we're here to help your business by new opportunities through our borderless platform, banking, for Innovation doesn't look like it used to and we excited to supercharged the visionaries of today. To find out more visit. Innovation, banking, dad, hsbc, hsbc, innovation. Banking is a business division with services provided in the united states by hsbc bank usa. Any member I icy are there's more than one kind of surface current. We covered the kind of like the first part, but there's also surface ocean
it's yeah and again the wind is the big contributor to how these babies form and in specifically I guess we should talk about the coriolis effect yeah this. This is a game changer, as people who read self help, books on airplanes would call it the yeah. So again it all starts with heat and all that heat is found in it's the thickest part at the equator and my brain is broken so at the equator. It's the hottest stripe. That's right, and it's also also a spinning faster, the equator than at the poles right. It is ok, so it's the earth that is re, so I'm at the equator, it's hot, it's spinning, faster because of the spin, because of the heat
The ocean is actually about eight centimetres high higher here than in the rest of the ocean, yeah the so much higher. So there is a right that it's just enough to make the water flow away from the equator plus you ve got wind, that's whipped up, because hot air at the equator starts moving, northward and cools down, and that creates wind right. So if the earth didn't rotate, you would still have these things, but wind would travel in a straight line from the equator toward the poles cool down in turn round and come back in a straight line. That's right, but that's not the case. No, it isn't because the earth does rotate in it produces. The coral is effect, the adds a curve. Basically, it curse to the right in the northern hemisphere into the left in the southern hemisphere right, so it makes wind curve and since wind dr surface currents, it makes surface currents curve as well. right. That's right! So, what's really cool is the ocean
it has its own topography. Isn't it stiffly not fight by his liquor know she can be like it's pretty choppy, but if you, if you could step back even further- and you had the right kind of term topographical glasses on. Maybe you would see that there's valleys in odin and mountains, and maybe not mountains, but little time the hills and valleys in the ocean yeah. So like I said it has it's own topography, and this is created by those winds that push on the water and as they're pushing the water up and the coriolis effect is turning it. Some water starts to kind of mound, so in some parts of the ocean you have water that forms wow that's about like three to six feet tall, yet it doesn't sound intuitive. I do have water mounting up on itself- you think of it is five years, but there is actually water that rounded up into little hell, yeah, ok and so
That means that the gravity wants to push this water downward right, but it doesn't just go back down the hill because the corals effect pushes it upward and the net the outcome, Instead, the water just says about it: just go around: instead, yeah you They appear in the mound you stay down here, but I am going to go around and what it does is, since a mound is roughly circular, it creates a current that goes around these things around these mountain there's, five major ones the entire world and over your head they form what are called gyre sets right. G by our e s and dumb are the north atlantic, south atlantic north pacific, south pacific. And the indian ocean has its very own gyre. Yes, or smaller ones around antarctica, but those are the five major gyres and we talked about
the gulf stream earlier- that is a part of the north atlantic gyre and it carries forty five hundred times the water of the entire mississippi river. Yet gulfstream as yet the gulf stream is a is the hero of all gyres. It is a it moves and let me see I've got to find this one, because it's so amazing, so the the gulf stream at any given point it moves water at a rate of fifteen super domes worth per second, so you remember the the superdome yes sure say you filled filled it with water. Then you get a very, very happy, the fifteen forty more time, so you have fifteen superdome full of water. Her! That's how much water passes through any given point per second in the gulf stream. That's a lot of water, how many big
does that its trillions of max billions and billions served, but the the the gulf stream itself is actually it's technically. The western boundary current of the north atlantic gyre yeah and it's gonna carry a warm water. It has a big impact on the world. It's gonna carry warm water up north from the gulf of mexico, and that's why, if you're living on the east coast of florida, you're gonna have cooler summers and warmer winners, west in europe is going to be a lot warmer than other places on its exact same latitude, and this is all because of the gulf stream right. He can deposit bodies in it. If you're, dexter, yeah and those things are going to yep see you later body, yeah it'll, probably get carried to england and they'll, be like blimey. Was this, so that's just the gulf stream there's actually at least four major currents that form the boundary currents of the north atlantic gyre yeah and the north atlantic gyres, just one
It also talked about jars before the great pacific garbage patch yeah we covered. Do we do waves, or did we just do rogue waves? We did rogue waves too, but we covered waves and surfing okay, yeah yeah. I remember that, but these these boundary currents are are created again in part. by the the winds flowing away from the equator. The corals effect turning the waves, And the mounds of water circulating the waves in it around them yeah, so you've got these like just clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on which hemisphere you are currents. that are just massive that move water around and again they cycle nutrients, like you said they affect the weather because they deposit warm water from the ass up to all the way to england. Apparently, so you know
england, is on the same latitude as like some glacial parts of canada yeah that makes sense, but their their winters are like nothing commander that you know. Thank you. Ocean same thing as a bermuda is very temperate. Has very nice climate in its on the same latitude as north carolina, which is you know it can get kind of cold there? Oh yeah sure, that's all thanks to the gulf stream. Thank you gulf stream, and if you want to thank the gulfstream chuck, you can thank Ben franklin because he's the one who named it. Oh really, yeah. As the first postmaster general of the united states. He wanted to figure out why male took so many more weeks longer to get from england to the? U S than it did from the? U s to england, because if they're going again
traffic exactly, but he didn't know that and he found out any took some measurements and roughly charted the gulf stream back in the eighteenth century. He was a smart dude. He really was pretty amazing. I did know he dabbled in oceanography aggravate by get the gulf stream amazing and it's just one boundary current of one major gyre yeah, it's kind of a hypnotic. If you look at these motion maps of global motion, maps of like trade, winds and ocean currents, yeah. I like to watch those videos all day has just stuff spinning around and like traveling around, and it's really it's soothing and especially when they do like a heat, gradients or topographical gradient. So it's really colorful too, and it's ever shifting. Oh yeah, you can just get a little jewel or the corner of my mouth. When I watch, though it's about as good as watching fantasia and there's,
I think we should say about those surface currencies they drag on the water below them right into the wind is transferring its energy to the the surface of the water. Yeah and drugs drags a little bit less as the deeper you go right. Apparently, though, the current that the motion of water usually goes in opposition to the motion of wind. So what you end up having if you could take a column slice from top to bottom of the ocean beer, you would find in that the water ultimately is making a very long downward spiral. Yeah so and that's called the ekman spiral yeah that there's a graphic of that. That looks pretty neat as well, pretty neat, again mesmerizing stuff, yep, so chuck. And after this we will talk about the global conveyor belt. It's my favorite,
Ok, can I learned by Pacheco host of symptomatic a medical, mystery, podcast, a product ruby studio from iheart media every other week. We get to know the everyday people living with a mysterious illness- and here there first hand stories of straw, and perseverance on their quest for answers. During the day I feel like I'm just get sick I'd sure to have that flourish feeling and then the next morning, fine, then he started getting nodules on his body. He had been to so many different doctors and I that, like they were just throw in a dark, What this could be in train different medications? You couldn't man that anyone could be alive and have
mutation, that dream listen to symptomatic of medical, mystery podcast on the eye heart, radio, ass or wherever you get your part, Amazon wants to help. You share joy, this holiday season and, as we all know, the holidays are all about these joyful moments. That's right! You know, I remember when I was a kid. My family got my sister one of those very first cabbage batch kids, and I mean one of the first hundred ever made even before they became a nation, wide phenomenon and back then you had to drive all the way up to north georgia just to get him these days. Of course you can do.
order him with a few clicks. But of course she loved it and she still has it to this day that doll's name was chuck and that's not a brag. I mean that was the name that came with the doll, and I remember the joy that it brought us to see her reaction to that doll. How she bonded to it was like no other holiday season. You know, and I'm not sure if I'll ever happened to nail it like that and be there at the right place at the right time. But a big part of the holiday spirit for me is finding ways to bring joy and happiness to the very people that mean the most me europe in its these types of moments that amazon helps create during the holidays. However, you share joy, make it happen with amazon.
Following last year's amazing turn out the black effect podcast network and nissan helping h bc. You scholars, jumpstart their futures by throwing another thrill of possibility summit. The thrill of possibility summit is an opportunity to network with peers and professionals and gain career knowledge from leaders in the industries of science, technology, engineering, art and math, also known as staying to kick it off. Nissan is giving fifty h bc. U scholars who major and steam disciplines the opportunity for an all expenses pay trip to nashville tennessee this year summit location. This is a remarkable opportunity to be murdered by some of otto tat in part, castings brightest minds, bringing together notable voices of the black effect podcast network featuring charlemagne, the god John hope, bryant and Debbie brown all brought to you by nissan success as a journey during the driver,
see to learn more about the thrill of possibility summit. Please visit w w w that black effect dot com, slash nissan you're, an innovator, a founder, a pioneer disrupt. industries, creating the next big thing, you're busy launching your product, hiring teams and thinking about funding for the next stage of growth need velocity without the volatility hsbc innovation. Banking is here to partner with you and deliver what your business needs now and in the future. Our team is led by experts in the tec, life, science and healthcare industries, combined with our international capabilities, we're here to help your business by new opportunities through our borderless platform, banking, Innovation doesn't look like it used to and we your excited to supercharged the visionaries of today
to find out more visit, innovation, banking that hsbc hsbc innovation. Banking is a business division with services provided in the united states by hsbc bank, usa, n, a member f d. I c the yeah. Alright, my favorite part of ocean currency ocean currents. It works, deep ocean, current aka, the global conveyor belt. It is fascinating to me and if you're talking about this is about ninety per cent of the surface currents or about ten percent. But ninety percent of the ocean's water, ah, is a part of the deep ocean current and we can't see it and because we're appear on earth and we are not deep under the water. It's in thus right, but it circles the globe for sixteen times a strong is all
of the world's rivers combined, which is again still not as much as the the the gulf stream. Yet still, pretty impressive is pretty impressive yet but it's slow to like war. It moves super water, a few centimeters a second yeah, whereas the gulf stream moves waters at like a couple of hundred centimeters, a second yeah. I think the conveyor belt that they said like one patch, will take one thousand years to completely earlier yeah around, yet the circuit yeah and it takes ten years for a water to make it a full circuit on the north atlantic, gyre yeah, so ten years, yeah and then a thousand years right, So the global conveyor belt is driven by density, which I think is pretty interesting. Yak is up to this point. It's all been driven by wind, which is ultimately driven by heat. This yes, also drew him by he away, but in a completely different way: yeah huh,
insult salt, thermo, hailing circulation, thermo being heat even being salt warm water holds less salt what happens is. like they say in the antarctic, and water freezes to form an iceberg or water evaporates either way. Salt is not to be a part of that equation. No, the salt is left behind as yet water freezes- and you know icebergs, don't start salty freshwater yeah, so the salt is left behind. It's gotta go somewhere. It is going to be very dense at that point, so it is to be cold and dense and sink to the ocean floor right, xo, murmur back cycling and walking right, and we are talking about coastal coastal current an appalling and downward and get this place apart when water sinks, other water moves into replace it, and so what starts off here in this actually think starts
on the north pole deftly in the north atlantic as their water sinks moves downward. It creates it starts It's current that goes all the way around the world and again takes a thousand years to complete yeah it just kickstarter. Basically, and it's called the conveyor belt, I think, because it never stops moving in it's super slow yeah. I kept getting that remember that whatever that bugs bunny assembly line song like it was always the same like do you remember that I can't remember it either. Now I have our theme song in my head. I'm trying to think about it, but there's like anytime bugs bunny messed around on a conveyor belt or something they used the same like composition, oh really, yeah I'll, try to find it So once this water hits antarctica the basically the same thing happens all over again. The cold water is gonna split, some of it heads to the indian ocean, some heads to the pacific in
up willing and down welling the cycle to start all over again. Yes, it is it moves closer to like the indian ocean in the pacific. It gets closer to the equator, the water, so war. It loses some of its salinity. It starts to thin out a little bit, and so it rises, and when it does, it takes all those nutrients and all that c o two up with it, and it's very much like the gas change that occurs in the human cardiopulmonary system right here was, is it is not homeostasis, but it's almost feels like that. I have if you took the whole system overall, yeah, it's homeostatic for sure yeah, but it's like that by this exchange. This transfer from one part to another, from the deep ocean to the surface yeah and in this this as it reaches the surface and it depletes it's nutrients, it's carried back around and a bit
Scully tries to go up, hits and alaska, russia, asia, north asia, northeast asia and turns back around and goes ends up. Finally, back in the north atlantic up near the north pole and gets cold and starts all over again and by the time it gets there, it's basically nutrient depleted in it sing and it starts to recharge. Again, that's right in that, just like blood in your in your cardiopulmonary system. It gets depleted and ends up going past the lungs it transfers out c, o two. It gets in oxygen. This is just the opposite. This is transferring out oxygen and gaining c o two and nutrients. That is a good way to feel connected to the earth. When you start looking at things like that, you know yeah like it's not so different. It's
I mean we're all connected man and again there's a big nutrient swap meet happening as well with the conveyor belt like we're, talking about and basically kind of, has the same effect as those surface currents. Do yeah, as far as exchanging the the oxygen in the c o two nutrients and just moving everything where it needs to be yet- and I thought this is pretty cool in this article- that it talks about there's also a density driven, a thermo hailing current in mediterranean, because the mediterranean is apparently saltier than the atlantic, oh yeah, and as a result, this gradient anytime. You have a difference in something whether it's height temperature, salinity here density homeostasis as the ultimate goal. So it's gonna try to go towards the middle from hired a lower here, and this is the same thing. So it creates the oceanic current
and apparently more war to subs would run side by going in and out of the mediterranean without their engines on just using the current really so they were I run like a glider and diet run silent, run deep, exactly wow, that's frightening! Alright, are we at tidal currents? You don't have to be frightened. It was years ago yeah right, title currents. I bet they still do that now. There's no submarines any more apparent at war for years. they retired. All the submarines title currents are generated by the tides we did talk about like we said I think, in the rogue waves and surfing about tat. it's in waves and on the ground, intentional pull the moon and the sun, but more the moon, because the moon is closer, is what's gonna, cause that ball on the sides and it's gonna drive
the water level at that bulge. Basically, it's gonna decrease it's gonna increase where its align with the moon and decrease at the half way point between those two places right and so on. Changing because the moon, the position of the. in the sun and the earth are always changing, but they change in a very predictable manner. So we can predict when the ties happen, but if you just took a snapshot in any given point of the title effect yeah right and if you imagine that the moon is on one side, the sun is on one side the earth is on the middle, the the world's oceans around the earth stretch out on the size and because of their gravitational pull, and just imagine that it's always like that. It's always just this elliptical oval shape the world's oceans are and then
the earth. The dry earth is spinning within that year, and so the land masses on the earth are always coming in and out of that bulge and so they're going for hired a lower tied. It's kind of it just makes it easier For me, rather than to think of the oceans moving around the earth to think of the earth's spinning within the ocean in that causes, the changing in tides that does some very does all the way in these are different, then that the other current you talked about cause they're, not it's not a continuous stream and they switch directions. That's the high tide and low tide, and it didn't impact like the ocean current that much it's shoreline stuff
yeah, but it's pretty important. I mean like a fish. Fishies lay eggs and are low tide will pull those eggs out into the open ocean in those fiches, they'll, hatch, yeah. It also brings food in from the ocean into like a marshland that kind of stuff yeah or washes up jellyfish yep and to delight the children on the beach.
Yes, but don't touch them. You can just look and when the tide is rising, that flow is directed towards the sore. That's called the flood current heard about that flood and ebb in the is when it's directed back out to see what's right, and that makes it all very predictable. Like you said, we can go to the beach and listen to the tide report. It's also a very relaxing thing to do: oh yeah, oh yeah, listen to that like the am like fishing and sharks and title reports yeah, it's very relaxing for me. I like it. I remember grown up listening to like grain future reports and hog report. I really like that. Pork bellies yeah pork, theaters yeah. I a couple more thing so like there are plenty of other currents and there's also plenty of other win patterns that drive these currents
things like create the EL nino year, which basically takes weather, thunderstorms and stuff around the equator and moves them in different places that we're not used to which can lead to droughts and floods, depending on where you are, and then also there's a lot of concern among scientists who are who know about this kind of stuff that changes in climate change is going to is going to ultimately in negatively affect the global conveyor belt, because as far as the earth warms up, more more icebergs are going to melt, creating much less salinity, yeah and since then The water will be less sailing it an warmer, it's gonna, sink less and so,
at global conveyor belt that relies on cold, dense, salty water to sink to get it started is going to slow yeah, and that can be bad because remember it's all! That's the global nutrient exchange yeah that wouldn't be good. No because then the phytoplankton dies and again when the phytoplankton dies, yep the fishies die, the seals die, polar bears are upset or the poor seals die either way. Yeah that is, said yep the only thing else? No, that's it! That's ocean currents. If you want to know more about ocean currents, you can type those words into the search bar at howstuffworks, dot com and, as I said, search party time for listener mail. I'm gonna call this a french speaker and doesn't like our heavy metal, music interludes. There's a few people out there who don't so here we go I'm going to
this. Just as it came. I like you very much sorry for my bad english, but I speak french, so it compensates a little problem I feel like. I need to tell you please take it the wrong way. I have had problems, sleep for a while now and I found that listening to podcast helped me a lot but my ipod under my pillow, while it plays- or I put only one head, sound thing and one ear. I love your podcast because it's very interesting intelligent. Also your voices are nice and you were never yelling, so I do fall asleep every single time. This is a good thing as where, of course, it takes me three or four times to listen to, but usually I re listened to it in the car now. My problem, why do you have but loud, heavy metal, music for a break. I always wake up in panic when it starts. I do want to continue to listen to you at night. I really do so. You have two choices either,
you dont, changer, music and think of me every time and laugh or you change it for something, let's say nice, maybe in exchange I'm sorry exchange. I could give you pick up ones in french or war or war of what dania, I have to say. Hats off Daniel, because gray had not arrived. I couldn't write that in france of yield, speak french, the veto for thanks Lithuania. We will consider removing the heavy metal music which we did before and then we brought back because other people are like bring back the heavy metal music. So here a kind of caught between a rock and a hard place caught between amp and a hard place. Yeah. Yes,
If you want to, let us know how you feel about our music or anything else. You can tweet to us it s why escape podcast can join us on facebook, dot, com, slash stuff. You should do you can send an email to stuff podcast, a house that works. I come and, as always turn said, our home on the web stuff. You should. dotcom stuff, you should know, is a production of iheart radio for more powers That's my heart. Radio visit that I hurt radioactive apple had passed wherever you listen to your favorite, shows amazon wants to help. You share joy, this holiday season. and, as we all know, the holidays are all about these joyful moments. That's right. I remember when my family drove up to Helen georgia when I was a kid and bought one of those very first cabbage patch kids for my sister. This was way ahead of the nation wide craze. This may have been one of the first hundred or so these dolls it wherever
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-22.