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Is there a scientific formula for funny?

2013-11-26 | 🔗

Recorded live at the Los Angeles PodFest, this episode of SYSK delves into the longstanding attempt to break down what humans find funny into a scientifically reproducible formula. Join Josh and Chuck as they examine just why this extremely unfunny quest will (thankfully) never be realized.

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all of you guys here, Ellie parts ass. The little unusual really knows a couple times before those up myself was the COMECON Comecon yeah and our partners. But that's right and we got a pretty good crew here group I can tell, by the looks of you guys and we ve got a very special tree felling listeners at home. We're all very excited about. I think the most excited about your definitely the most excited about it. Today, we're talking about Turkey's you're, saying we're talking we're gonna answer question: is there a scientific formula for money and I guess we can kind of spoil it now by saying yes and not really right and those?
That's all that's the pot character. I do have an intra if you're interested in hearing member are ghosts episode that was pretty bad, so we I liked it you gotta lotta, we gotta lotta could, from sceptics surprise they didn't like a ghost episode, but there is a god. I a researcher name, Richard Wiseman, from Hertfordshire University. The UK go figure pudding. And they re.
Do you remember go on talking about. I remember the guy. We interpreted his his research into ghosts, which is basically to debunk goes. We took what he found as evidence that there may be such things go near. The sceptics didn't like that at all. He said some other stuff too, so he he makes an appearance in this package as of right now, because before he was doing, go stuff he's doing humor research- I am back in two thousand to set up a website called, laugh lab and he wanted define the world's funniest joke really yet not to be confused with the Funniest Europe in the world. The money python This is different and there were forty thousand submissions. One point: four million hits illicit prior to social media, so these are pretty respectable numbers if you think about it and they found the world's funniest joke. I generally that another. So, a month in the needle doing here,
Ok, so this guy's out hunting with a friend of his in the woods and the friend suddenly just drops over as to the ground and the hunter picks up a cell phone, and he calls time on wine. He says: hey. I think my friend just died, we're out here in the woods hunting. What should I do and the name operators as well, first, let's make sure, is dead, and so the hunter shoe to spread because, okay now, what The world's finding a job Margaret thought about Mars, but so mixed reactions and worth talking about now is the world's monies joke and A couple of laughs here right here, I think with that, proves in the point of this law going into, is that we pretty much can predict what's funny what people are gonna find funny and talk about exactly why that is Chuck. Yes, well is subjective, but we'll get to that later. While we can restore opinions, are there
be right. Well, they ve been, even though there is no formula as of yet it doesn't mean people haven't tried to find out dating back to the first man, of comedy Aristotle and Plato do very funny guys They talked a lot about it actually surprisingly, and they basically try to What compels people to laugh? Aristotle. I think he thought that, where the the only creatures to laugh the right. Yet there was just a human phenomenon which is wrong. It's because it turns out in the cute as part of the show too Andy's and arrange things in apes. Not only laugh when you tickled them, but if you go to a baby champ, you don't even have to make cuts You can just do the little here I come the fingers baby Temple Laugh apparently did look up, chimpanzee laughter and it's not like humans make the heat
he's in the hose. There is more of a guy having sound, apparently rats do the same thing when you took over We talked about this. What's so funny episode, never rat tickling, where's videos there, then I think a little high pits thing. The curious thing I've ever seen like somebody tickling rat nervously, its gets very cute, but so yes, at the very least laughter or taking tickling is funny, is, the cross species yeah, and we did cover some of this in the show on. Did we call it what's so funny? I think so laughter is, is definite. Human thing is decide from the the primates in the rats, an egg and Consist of variations of one single basic form, its vow alike, repeated every two hundred and ten milliseconds and you can either he like you just did or a variation of a ho ho, but you don't mix them. Apparently there has never been. At last, he ho ho.
Here's how, with the earlier you have even mass. That's how you laugh and now you're your face Let's get going there sitting facial muscles, that contracting strain Romantic major muscle, which is your upper lip is, is triggered. If it's really good you might the clear ducks going and are we ve all been there and you're gonna be being in your respiratory system is struggling. Simply to breathe at that point gasping like a baby Tipp. Maybe chip So that's basically laughter is babies. Human babies, human babies start at about three or four months. If they have a sense of humor, I guess and some features? Researchers found that we are thirty times more likely to laugh in the company of others, when you're alone so steadily social thing, and that is if, because I read that first, that nose like clearly they ve never watched Portly, India or EAST pounding down around on the couch at midnight, but the
That's a good point because, when you're watching it by yourself like you may laugh but you're, not necessarily less I guess, is another way to put it yet. Why do you do course. That's. That, though, was that was the caviar. Is that's not including tv or any kind of external stimulation like if you're just alone, any like think of any thought or see, if anything, your way less likely to laugh. If you buy yourself ok, I, but whether you are in China or Santa Monica, Wherever you are laughter is going to sound, very similar, the accuracy and down. There is going to be such things here. It's not necessarily going to be the same thing in China as it is in Santa Monica that gets laughs like you just being dead silent right now, if we were Beijing are we invasion that I would have liked to have heard it said it, but so the point is you
universal by its constrained by all these different contexts. Like like where you are, and not to space, but also time like white guys, like Ben Franklin thought, was funny it's it's kind of false flat today, like Turkey, joke The apple apple brandy, jokes, it's a turkey job than he had a couple. Ok, they I do not bear repeated, but then all that put other of gender differences, economic differences? All these things kind of separate like what's funny from what's not funny, depending on who you are, but from Aristotle to Plato, is one more than a year. On the whole, the way up to sharpen how're. Another hilarious due to their career, to guard Freud who, by the way, is a great twitter feed, Kierkegaard there
In its have, are you familiar with it? Also, it's a kick guards. Philosophical musings use, pretty dark mash, together with Kim Kardashian contemporary tweets. Just go check it out: it's like you, you will definitely follow not her old time into it. Now, our contemporary, yet like freak I'll, give you wanna get that someone today, it's worth saying she said hey. I can't wait until you guys smell my new fragrance coming out this spring. It reeks of the misery of modern life, though, is this an average one to four we got more than he here this guy. For me, actually blog about the other day? Short jokes to me are the best remedies the soul of wit. They sat on the simpsons. Brevity is with course they had one up.
And my hero in many, the writer he rose? Is the great jack handy? Who is it? person by the way on a lot of people think that deep thoughts by Jack Andy was just some made up. Name like there's. No one here, Jack Andy, it's written by you know, just one the Essen orators, he wasn't songwriter and his name is Jack. Andy he's been sort of obsessed with creating the perfect short joke over his career. He's the says he thinks he's ever come and it's pretty good. Is the crow seem. Calling his name thought car that's Jackie, except the best short journeys, Erin Jackie any knows what is also had an that doesn't make sweeneys article that I first read about this from the New York Times. They were talking about the New York Times that right. I thought the best one. What's since pretty good too,
here in peace seeking gold and slaves. So for me The great jack Andy is trying to get the laugh out of the fewest amount of words I came here. Seeking golden slaves. Five simple set up five suitable, punchline, beautiful, clean the master for me was is actually in my research I ran across it. Formula for funny that was the yes part of the answer alcohol plus joke greater than through its Ex Equals F Times, L plus an times divided by tee and those values in there. What p p actually penalizes you, because that's the number of people
that's in the jail till you get others always point, and then it is divided by the Europeans use. So I'm, but one of the order, the formulas that that builds up the funding of a joke is how long it takes for the punchline to build and then the only pay off. So it's like pretty much the opposite of it even jacking Andy and whoever killed this formula can agree on how to make something funny or to figure out. What's the point yeah? Well, if it was easy, everyone be doing it clearly and we ve seen a lot of. I know you gotta see a lot of standard comics a lot in here you really through our job. We ve got to see light and it's really fascinating. Special meet some of them to see them working this stuff out. Actually you see them more than once doing at the same material in the subtle changes at is. I think it's really fascinating and I've been writing a stand back for like ten years ago in the school, in pretty good candidates voted no
not at all a mighty of an audience. Ok, I don't like the not even brought it up there right now? There was a writer and endeavours Solomon for New York Times magazine other as Chris Rock and I'm not gonna. Do microbes rock the worry What's funny in his reply, was that chemises at all, as you want It's funny is thinking about it. What's not funny I believe that it is not a joke. Yeah you want to know. It's not funny is thinking about it. Thank you for that or talking about, which is what we're doing stopped laughing causes not funny. Apparently that's right or so We are not the only people who have ever said as it can. You figure out what's funny scientifically, there is actually a whole study. It's called humorous studies, strangely enough, it's not taken very seriously among psychologists, others. You know an equal
dedicated amount of work applied through it using the scientific method. You have the international society for humor studies. They ve been announces the eighties their China like keep the flame going and apparently ever since we started put, people in the wonder machine and asking them questions are telling them jokes. We ve gotten like a lot more so the basis of what's my or get into that a little bit yelled at that's the F Mri, the MRI machine. Yes, why you know that that's are longing for them, but, prior to this, the wonder, resuming rolled out like people just kind of it basically been up the philosophers to figure out what's funny and they come up with some pretty good theories and there's a big three theirs. I think, as many as I saw as many as a hundred theories of humor early, but then it's been whittled down to a big three like pretty much currently, or else they like. Maybe these three are the right ones, but the I think he's gonna hit on it Number one is the superiority. Theory plate
Aristotle Hobbs, they are sort of focus on this. Side of comedy and we ve all been there laughing at someone else's expense, sometimes can be quite a good time it pretty much like gum. Does this theory would be supported by Dwight Fruit like watching here in our lives? indeed to him pressure in it and I might have told us another show, but one of the funny things I ever saw bless you bless. You was in college and in Georgia. I saw guy face plant really really bad on campus one day, you're already Did you laugh? Well, I laughed at this the duty of all busted Space board books, Spilling out on the sidewalk- and I swear to God immediately- the guy went like this in
up a book on the sidewalk like he was reading and I was driving- and I saw this happen and I wanted to pull the car over and say: do you are the funniest person I've ever seen in my life because it just his instinct to play off like that- and I was when I was like seventeen years ago, and it stuck with me this day. I dont know who that guy was, but I want to meet him still, if you're out their way to go man here, but it I don't know I would have laughed at his expense had he not done. That is when, although the it's funny? Some video affect I'll call. It yeah kicked in the nuts juggernaut that is
very much the superiority, theory and action it is or it is pretty much the converse theory that says the same thing, but has a kind of a different type of its call. Inferiority theory. It's like the person where we came up with this is like the person who raises the last, backed by a dollar on the prices right, Athena, our superiority, theory about inferiority theory. They what they came up with was that we see. Guy following you, don't feel better about yourself? You see part of yourself in him like you could just as easily fallen or whatever the other I would have been called after played off against reading a book I would have liked victim. Ran no laboratory right. So that's where they were. The admiration kicks in hello stuff. You should know listeners. Do you want a new year's resolution? That's easy to keep yes results
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around a number two we are were into relief theory, which is Freud's theory which made the wrong man You ve heard about the pic with Freud. Since I've known you, I won't. Malcolm Gladwell I like to see- is I just started twitching and politically, I, like I like Freud, is a person I like reduce China. Do I just think, he's kind of full of it. So what approach he wrote about Joe? Believe it or not, this is actually the his what his theory that I agree with the most probably his theory of humor is really theory and there I totally agree we have like it. It's a build up of wait for it said, energy there we release surprise in some way, was you sly, Pakistan I am a whole others new element that we were
getting our sexual energy, intellectual energy, whatever's pent up through laughter, which makes sense to a certain degree like there are. There are things that you laugh at. You can point to say May for me, yeah or ethic self deprecation might fall into that a little bit too like taking the things that make. You feel bad, making a joke about it. I've lived my whole life this way or anyone that listens to Howard Stern, he's been joking about his sloppiness for twenty five years. Who knows if that's true, I think it probably is That is that we made a point of a joke about it. You know forever twenty five, you jerk me. That means it's. It's definitely So that's the relief Syrian and I think, there's a lot of second for sure what you mean like adding levity. Do a situation here and it works like you can defuse the tense situation by making ample laughin they made me laugh involuntarily. So really theory. Yeah and every every like, like every
Teen movie in history has some dude in it that tries to get out of a fight by making jokes right, which was also me about it. I wasn't even closer getting invites the recent military this because you could talk you out on early on who, on a bigger chuck. When you have to be the meanest Schuyler World view it now, you liar you do, but but again, we might want to look at me every now and again, ok, so This is the other, the last another victory in congruity theory. Yet this really really part of comedy forever through today, forever through today is relational waiter, manual concert in his tone. The critique of judgment, laughter is an affectation arising from the sudden transformation of a strained speculation into nothing, so the
a virtue that is increasing in congruity resolution, basically, you're not getting what you expect so like a punch line taken by surprise right, like the classic. How do you keep an elephant from getting sick credit card hill. Again there was in my Joe comes, is giving examples here. What's that The latter that sort of the basis of what some say is the greatest joke. The aristocrats did you see the documentary for those who are you there's another, like two of you, the ideas that have a family goes into a talent agent and says you have a family act and then the point of the joke is too now He is most blue, comedy you hand and it really not a hand if you watch this document, which is the point the end the punchline is, what do you call yourselves? The aristocrats
It's not so much about the punchline, but that's definitely the in congruity right here. I think that that's probably the basis of humours its incongruous, you it's an expectation you weren't expecting while another, the best jokes to me as you, You see a common and you get surprised at the end exactly there's another name for something like that is called, and I didn't, even though this is a word till today, a purer price dokey. Has anyone ever her that one person now awesome? I just made it up. That is a figure of speech where the second part causes the audience to rethink the first part, and it has been going nonsense, Aristotle, for instance. He said on his feet. He wore blisters. That's one example: Groucho Marx. I've had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it. That's the kind of joke, the great Homer Simpson, those unexpected.
If I could just say a few words I'd be a better public speaker and Mitch. Hedberg, who I know you love the late great Mitch Hedberg I haven't slept for ten days, because that would be too long did Mitt ever to vex some heroin before I came right. While that is not money, you know what we're gonna be getting into that. That was a perfect set up giving inherent now, joking about things that defy the what you should be joking about yeah, it is like someone dying of heroin right too soon. There was a ten years
Thank you buddy I'm. So you take the big three and you take a little bit of this thing you take, will bear that you put together and you can basically explain like just about any bit of humor after the fact that the key here by I guess is mixing up. So you have, for example, the benign violation theory, which is what you're talking about like that's the idea. That there is, you have a little bit in congruity a little bit of superiority in makes them together and I went upon her to write you. You can come up with a joke. That'll make people laugh, but there is also a line. Apparently it's. Can I trust it right with meat, Hedberg, jokes, that's the line, and once you cross the line than you, you quickly go from humour to raising the IRA.
Audience right yeah. They say I wanna. Do you like? You should keep a safe psychological distances, what they say where the humor is it so real and the whole too soon thing is totally true. There's a certain amount of time, and it's different for everyone in that line, as if a programme one that's, why it's dangerous to be a comic who kind of skirts around this kind of jokes? Yes, Gilbert Godfrey. What did he do? He'd Sweden, joke about only remember what it was about. The arm, the Fukushima earthquake in soon Army does, I think, like the two is like. While it was going, a highly evaded joke about it and he used to be the athletic documents, not anymore, which is weird. It is a point like I realized the f like that, which I welcome, pay pretty. Well, you know he doesn't really talk like that. Niner! It's it's not very well known, but Howard Stern, has a minor, a telephone message that he played on the show you where you like Gary this Gilbert enough. It's want to check on the time of EC no way is he never breaks character.
He's famous were always always always being that guy I've never heard him speak other otherwise yeah, it's pretty weird I can imagine in on the third day, I was watching port Latvia with Emily the other night and they have a sketch out of you. Seen it about nine eleven, where Amazon, they were talking about like what you were doing during I live in when you got the news and he was like we was he I heard about it. It was doing in here I was in New York? That's where I was music in what happened dumb. Thirty three points there's something none are no. I know what it was. I know what it was and I was dying in Emily's. I knows it is that even and I said I think, that differences he's making fun of people. If certainty of someone who would not know where they were nine eleven, not nine eleven itself back, said that. That slight difference, I think, is what made upon exactly. There is also a pretty good story about group on Super balls and two thousand eleven adhere about those now so like, for example, had TIM.
Hutton talking about the plight of Tibetans and how they are all like. Basically, just screwed, daily basis, but they also make a really good fish. Hurry up and get a group on for it and Chicago fairly twenty bucks and they you guys are the only way they thought it was funny, apparently, because group, on with, like everyone's like what are you doing, group homesick, their big, debut, so activity just like man right outside it seemed funding at the time. I was just starting to come back here. Nothing Falcon over this. Nowhere boy, which one was he he's fine. I gotta right off the bat to me he's Turk one. Eighty two is the issue that was here. I need to see a movie. Where are we? Maybe, let's get into the science of the whole thing away for you to do that? We should check, I think, maybe stop here for a message ring.
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one of the top of the page and type in s why s cake that stance? I come promo code s. Why, as Kay the aims that come never go to the post office again. The deep turn. Our back Obviously we actually do that we beat for Jerry, like that. Greater attention is he's doing like ten other things. Was he added? Sorry back? Oh ok, chuck! Yes, let's get back to it, so we should with It's all right so, like we said earlier with the the ever when you put somebody says you were all the blood flowed going as it shows you were, the oxygen is in the brain and hands you can surmise what is going on What region is lighting up when you activate doing certain things in one of the things that they like to do is tell people joke yeah or or have them watch like Seinfeld or something right, which I hope, you're a fan of agreements,
Neither does know how do you not laugh at Seinfeld, like what kind of soul was and doesn't like side now. Somebody recently I talk to you said that their father didn't like it at all, hated it, and you said he didn't think it was funny and as it is always deadened, so here, and he said yes, they seem to my through something from the answer so as I feel that the Simpsons in one study right yeah, two too, pretty good, picks out. So what they found was, our brains actually go through to port process. When we hear a joke, there's joke detection and then there joke appreciation abbot. Apparently this is what is going on in the brain. Warrior depends on the joke for sure, but the joke detection part is probably the most important because you have They know that your hearing, a joke in your brain, is priming you for the appreciation part, but first as the figure it out and all this is going on in the left hemisphere. The reason it all happens unless the left hemisphere,
Is that that's where we sort through novel information and compare the experiences we have already had so when you're hearing something like how do you start the North Africa charging? You think Kay like I've, got an image of an elephant charging and ready to go come on which will come, and after this pleasure, probably trying to like me, I try to figure out a joke, times when it's all set up. Punchline like that right and I'll bet, there's a lot about you as a person. I can't wait until they m our eyes that show what you're thinking you mean like like wind In this way behind you got pretty much like like a thought bubble, better, bring me, and I knew it That's what you're? We also we we
so more blue at our live without you know, if you ve caught out or not, but I know it well, what would you think if someone says they have used up enough from charging quickly train figured out? I think, that's just my right or side, and then I probably would be able to and then out here the punchline ago must not very funny right, let's not a very funny punchline, it isn't, but once you what's your hearing that the brains primed I'm sure, there's some sort of q, they didn't get into this in this article. It all, but there's gotta, be some forty q that there's a joke coming in the area. You walk up to somebody in say, like how do you set up an author and charging policy? Just very pretty right, that's funny too
guy like this lays down is like blindly birth ground, I'm. So let's do that, though. I can feel your brain is working overtime to try to figure out this joking depending on what type of joke it is different regions are gonna, be involved here, the m. I think I guess, if you like, the joke is inimical. Well, that's the the reward. So if you like the joke right or not right, yeah, ok, let me like, depending on the type of Joe Click first overhear right where the gears are going like you're broke as areas. Bob with language. So a pine right is going to make their area work and broke. His airy discuss, yeah, there's no make dollar pay off on their faces. Some people that Panza I'll get people like that. Our former colleague Hizbollah he was famous for his part of China.
I know what she was bad like you. I used to be like stop he, but somehow cover the pine from stop brokers, area guy walks in your bar type of joke, we'll get the final low going that use with higher reasoning. Apparently those jokes, a very high minded if a clear wherever what else the frontal lobe. If you have damaging your frontal lobe, they found that it can prevent you from understanding, jokes and punch lines which really sad and they apparently tender prefer slapstick comedy more because you don't. The process is much, which I think
had something to do with America's funny. Some videos, or are slightly unlike everyone else at joe- has brought a lot of damage, but maybe maybe it's a vague cannot turn on and off, depending on whether America's funny some videos on the razor did. You know that to the guys from Mr Size three year, three thousand right for their show no way, and you can tell tee because, like the quality stepped up quite a bit o their right for now. I believe so you live within the last few years. They were ready. I think just admitted to recently watching that show it's true. I like that. So I set it at the right issues like ridiculous. This, too, I dislike that kind of stuff. You turn your brain on your boat, my furlough works just fine.
Buddy. Well, your ear and intellectual guys. That, then, surprise me, sometimes I think, if you like super intellectual, you might enjoy just like Super base, comedy occasion right yeah, it's too it's a theory, but I read about the study that came up with the idea that brain damage people can't especially frontal lobe. He said I can't really appreciate jokes because they can't find the punchline and one of the ways they tested and was they showed him a joke on paper and it was basically like a kids interviewing for a summer job and the employer says well, will give you fifty or the start and then after a month or up to seventy five and then the brain damage patients were to pick out what the punchline was. There was great I'll take it. Why do I start? That's not really boring response. Then there is the punchline, which is ok, we'll come back in a month again. Now my
and then the one that the brain damage patients kicked typically was. He was your nose. Is too big for your face. I can't you just see like the person administering this test is just calling. Bacteria taking an outline, that's what they came up with was you can't really get the punchline that takes a little lower, thought you truly said. So when we do you get a joke and get that pay off. Our old friend dopamine is what's coming into play. That reward is shouted dopamine via the amygdala. That we talked about it and it also explains why it's hard to laugh when you're blue when you're sad, I know everyone, the TED, a friend or of herb relative or family member. That's really down on the dumps you tryin to cheer him up, and sometimes it is Joe
impossible, yet well utilised so mad. Why was I just laughing it cause you? You said it? Surely all of you, ve had a friend or a family member sit down in that direction like a hallmark guarded. Yet it is maybe later ok but yes, and unjust. Literally possible to cheer someone up, because the measure Olympic roared system turns space. We shut off the dopamine valve and you're not able to laugh fields like it's like their brain is working through the joke yeah, but they just can't possibly find it funny because right there there mess alembic systems not functioning, and then you might have the sad exchange. Witches didn't get it nigger. Now I got it.
Or when they're like those funny, but I think it also explains do when they, when you're able to finally reopen that- and this is my own theory- do sometimes you know when you have that laugh- that you really need after being depressed, and sometimes you just can't stop laughing that hysterics hysterical thing takes over and I think it's because you just get that Russia dopamine again your body craves it like cigarettes and when it when it does pay off you get these special help. Ourselves called spindle cells. That issue due to cross your brain so busy somebody laughing like uncontrollably, their brains is basically like zapping itself over and over and over again until the spindle cells just kind of Peter out. Oh yes, I guess we're the point now where we talk about the uncomfortable topic of men and women, and why some people, like Mr Higgins, don't think we're.
Funny ticket Chuck, legions. God rest. His soul was on record in a very famous vanity. Fair article also called why women are funny. I think them, which is a great way to get a lot of clicks. I gotcha and either as a woman. Just one is funny- and I disagree- I think my wife for one is hysterical or here's how he explained it here that women don't have the same need be funny that men do that for men, it's a tool for reproduction to attract a mate by being funny enhancing women's. So neither I get that there was that I was pretty much the basis of his arguments. Like you, just wrote down like women. Aren't funny don't even play right. There was a little more than a threat.
Washington, university, school of medicine actually did some studies again with a wonder machine and they did find some interesting differences between the sexes. Females tend to pick apart, verbiage more and derive more potent mess olympic reward response when there was a punch line. So I think the general point is that guy's may laugh more women laughed harder, which had seen and action is guys are kind of doping will laugh at anything higher in, but I think women picket apart more, maybe maybe more low, more intellectual about it, but tended get a lot more out of a joke than
what, in the end right when their spindle cells go crazy, they go crazy. Oh yeah, while the magic formula, my friend, it is actually equals absolve us at any time so divided by p, other USA Chardonnay now in Hamburg. So there's statistics actually get kind of. I don't know the proves that manner funnier. It shows that women get fewer laughs, immense idiotically. So if you have a woman speaking to an audience she's going to get well the man's gonna get ahead. Twenty six percent, more lass out of that same audience than female speaker will get a female speaker, especially to an army. Audience will get even less laughs at science
yet another thing that another jokes- and this is not our position. Yes, they're. Turning on his ideal, it can you open a door, a quick exit so Chris religions himself, wasn't like we are saying is that women are funny, but I think, there's sons of greatly in our committee, and will he made that point too? He didn't say but I mean he did say dynamic, appointing a thing like that. You can't possibly say that there are no funny women, there's been some really great ones, but I think he was saying this in general. Here's why right? So, I think the reason we bring that up is theirs. Gender differences in humor, H, differences yeah, like we said it is very much based on contacts. Yes, like age, cultural differences, gender, it all comes into play in utter one's gonna, find everything.
Any national differences like apparently we Americans, everyone here, American, no ok Organization, ILO Secret Americans tend to think that arm that irony humor, that's not really like. I mean it's funny, you like more positive stuff, whereas the Brits think self deprecation and mean humor is way. Funnier too yes, sarcasm here. So you put a Briton, an American in the same room, tat same joke. One was probably like last year, unless your master mixing those two things together. Only british humor like the difference, although impressions is what are you have I dont get Eddie Izard, I know everybody loves. Eddie is see it's. Why that's it I'm sure they know their means. Apparently in Haiti is a reference I was. It is out of his bed.
That's what's your name, Lance just do areas or material. Maybe it's the present day that's bothering me or the dress he's like one. I want to give another that these things great length, Lance Izard just look at whether any extra views. recent research on Plato and Aristotle's theories abounded. The ancient Greeks claim. People laughed at malice of others. Misfortune gather superiority, think, yes, it s way people have always laughed at people that faced plan apparently get kicked into balls obstacle. Humor telling you blew.
Or they have also found that like bosses- and this is a kind of a no brainer- they caught the brown, those effect processed into joke more and if you're an inferior, inferior, logical it against us and employ the high man on the throne ample. What would you say? Subordinate Vega, if you're the subordinate, then you're gonna laugh more at your boss, his jokes just because you're trying to get in there he Brown knows well. I saw in that same study. They were saying like that, possibly an explanation, but they also think that its more involuntary, rather than
strategy I like the uncomfortable, not necessarily uncomfortable. It's almost like you, just you you're, more primed, laugh at everything when you are at a low station in a given social situation, because when you laugh people tend to like you more, you have a sense of humor, you attract more friend rate or the more friend you have more allies. You have more allies, you have the higher your station rises, so they were saying they didn't think it was. In actual strategy that you can't help but titter nervously, you ordered loud immigration yourself, maybe I'm not I'm saying other and finally lesson I have is that they did some studies and what people do fine funny in just daily life and its usually not jokes and is usually not a comedy reaching you're watching
its everyday life, apparently only eleven percent traces back to an actual joke, and seventy two percent of daily laughter is just laughin. It life in the people around you on a daily basis by an supposedly slime funnier. Apparently the average person last seventeen point five times a day, and if we say that now we didn't but I wonder about the half laugh get up, it's just a whole, or was it so great, but were counted, but this guy anymore reprogramming, whose laughter humor researcher. He said that most of the stuff that precedes laughter in daily life, which is called most pre laughed dialogue, is quote like that of an inch. Annabelle television situation, comedy scripted by an extremely on gifted writer, Basically, this like laughing at this dump stuff,
That's not even really funny. It's just kind of said by somebody who you want to like you, apparently that's the bases of you. There's the aspires. Kate theory boom yeah, I'm done in all right, so you want to give up your sign off here, yet so why? If you guys, are interested in this kind of thing, you can find this article on has efforts that combine typing is there is scientific formula for many in the handy search bar and, since I said, handy search bar it's time for do you have any of us? Now I should have brought one lecithin. Everybody thank you very much for coming out and second, our lives podcast. We hope you learnt funny stuff laughed a little loved, a little vague
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-17.