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Is Reality Real?

2023-06-08 | 🔗

Philosophers have been wondering whether we experience reality as it is for millennia now. They’ve pretty much settled on no, no we don’t. Now science has taken up the investigation and it’s proving the philosophers correct. So what is reality then?

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welcome to stop. You should know the production of iheart radio, uniquely new departure, son josh Clark and there's charles. The beach variety here too, is jerry rolling. If jerry rolling exists- and this is the chemical just a quick, thank you- make a thank you, you're making a big. Thank you to build a thank you, like you know imagine that one episode that I was gonna put pictures of my new podcast studio up. Yes, I'm therapist it came out, thank you and I put it up, and everyone was just so nice and sweet, and I just want to say thanks and also, I want to say sorry to you, because that post now just supplanted
the picture of you and I, as most popular, better posted needs to come really I'm sick of that post it just, today that picture when we did. Our secret mission out to the desert in january was my previous. Most popular post m kate make I you should probably taken on this new posts just before top it. I'm not sure why you didn't, No, I had a counter accurate comes here and now that everything you have I it can vary and the little noise maker, the trade in the picture of us just dissolved no. I just aged and turned into mommy's, even the pick, the jury not reality. It is a reality that that's a great segouin took because I have a question to kick this one off shore shock. Are you hallucinating right now Unfortunately, no but philosophers might say that I am yeah. That's just fly
first neuroscientist physicists by I'll, just maybe evolutionary biologists in particular, especially under hip to this whole thing would say yeah, you're hallucinating right now, and so are you josh, and so are you jerry? If you do exist, you're hallucinating, every single thing, you're looking at smelling hearing touching, None of this is real. We're talking today about Whether reality is real or not in and there's a very deep, like mine, blowing aspects to It- and I feel, if it were a lot of people, leave it it's like in this crazy stuff. These people are talking about, but there's more, the that, unlike I've, I've realise that in investigating the nature of reality? We learning more about ourselves. Then we do about reality. And I just find that endlessly.
Fascinating welcome to jurassic park I'm a note you mean because this article and by the way a big shot out to dave ruse bs threw him. This topic as if it was just like a k. Doing on elephants in it was a tough and dave either had to take a rare second stab at it because it it was it's just really hard to nail something like this down. This is sort of it's our did not delving, philosophical navel gazing. Around stuff, like that, and we ve covered. Some flaws be stuck here and there, and it's always, fine, but you know my deal with philosophy was did pretty. I took one class in college: did pre well and having made an error be, but it is the same thing happened in that classes happens every time we tackle it is I'm lost
then annoyed and then eventually kind of come around and think it's cool and understand it a little bit. So that's where you are with this yeah. I think it's like the fifth, It's time I went through it. I was like I ve, actually kind of cool where far as like. I hate all this stuff. Of course everything is that apple is real. Here I see it. I can taste it, but now I kind of get it now. You know that you're dead, wrong yeah, maybe yeah and I want to point out. Dave didn't have to do a second attempt to this. We didn't ask him to, but we taken so long to get her getting around to doing it he's like here, I revise this. Maybe you can do that, went down yeah for show yeah gotcha, but we definitely didn't say like I know I was just like okay. This is you know, thanks for doing this dave and we'll do it when we can I've noticed you have control riyadh up as a very much very much. So thank you today for sure so people have been thinking about whether what we,
thing can see and feel as real for a really long time. it's probably one of the first things we ever. Thought of there- was no kind of deep, since we started eating mushrooms and develop the consciousness yeah, and as we go through this, you know it some, It makes sense that as we, But through it it's it's kind of a timeline of different philosophers and as we learn more about science, things were tweet and changed, although up and then eventually wind up with some some minor day, like ted talkers, what particular so they the make sense that things would morphine change. Phyllis quickly over time as we talk about things like always time, even real yeah, but If you really look at it in, especially if you're paying attention later on, as we get more and modern interpretations, they embarrassed writing resemblance to some of the first cracks it explaining weather reality, is real to us. You wanted
The first people that we know of who really tried to tackle plato or he can. With a very famous allegory of the cave. Where people. Are he calls him prisoners there situated in a cave, their chained up, they're not able to turn around, so all they can do is faced them back wall of the cave behind them is a fire and then bitch. but on the other side of the fire, no. Already mess it up. So I played up behind them. the fire and then between them in the fire. Our people- who can move around their puppeteers. They can catch shadows from the campfire onto the wall and all the prisoners have ever experienced are the shadows on the wall. So to them that's real. But in reality what actually real are the puppet, that the people are showing behind them that they can't see so what they say, Israel is actually just as similar backroom. What kind of a distilled version of the actual reality, and that was plato-
take on the whole thing near like the ears of This is richard Nixon. What else but that by the other that what we think of his richard Nixon is a distilled form of what actually is richard Nixon. In the case of doing this Nixon, isn't the knuckles crackers, knuckles, alot note the shadow puppets the trick is a man is knuckle. I get a man. I can actually do a few general bob, it's pretty well, which ones which once I can do a. I guess, we're ones, kind of a remedy- gargoyle I can do you like an alligator and I can do a. Some some other long snouted animal with an ear dog check back into a few things. That's really great man, I used to monkey around with it. Then few years ago in reveals that there was a light casting, and I was check this out and arms.
was blown as I still got it yeah. She will were you, like plato, loved you, kid and she's a coup. So anyway, plato basically saying that the material world around us in we perceive it is not a reliable thing and we're here He then, as the truth, is something he called forms or maybe ideas, but we're gonna use the word form as we move into Aristotle yeah, as Dave puts it that I perceived reality according to plato. just the shadow of an objective higher truth makes sense. Yes, but one thing is what we said: what you're like? What's in front richard Nixon, your apple, it's not actually real. It's just of that no one came Aristotle, who was of contemporary plato, I think he learned directly from plato if I'm not mistaken, but in this case he disagreed with played up. He said plato
I know, on the right track, but these things are not totally separate in the way their shadow is not truly relate to the object, that's casting a shadow, it's something detached from it. These things, attached like yes, there's an actual objective real form, but thing that we perceive is somehow tied to it in its time. I do it through what of Aristotle called form so forms were in a human. Our soul were, as the organic body is the matter sea of matter informs yeah. and you know eventually science- would come to the picture slowly We go up. You know a few centuries ahead in time the nature of reality. In truth, is people knew it started to change what science started saying your kind of wrong about a lot of stuff. And a good example dave gives here. As you know, we thought the earth was the center of the universe for a long time. becomes along and
comes along and says now, that's actually not true. So now there is actually a base, as for saying, hey If you think is true and what you think is, reality might not actually be the case and we're starting to prove that a little bit Galileo. Steps in this is in the I guess. The seventeenth in sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and he comes along basically in says, is an actual quote. I think that taste, others colours and so on are no more than mere names. far as the object in which replaced them is concerned, it did they reside only in the car business. Hence, if we living features were removed all qualities would be wiped away and annihilated, meaning In other words- and this is something we're gonna- cannot repeat here and there it's kinda like if a tree, in the forest. Does it make a sound galileo away as it's only because we assign to these things color and odor and taste that they have
or an odour and taste right. They doin inherently possess these objects. Something exists. But it doesn't exist in the form that we perceive it, as is probably far more complex, the track or at the very least What's interesting! Is that who could have been written by anyone today researching that, like that you're, very contemporary understanding of what's going on, scale galileo back in the sixteenth and seventeenth century is pretty cool John Locke was the next winter really kind of contribute to it and what he came up with was so two plato and Aristotle's take. He said that there are breathing has two types of qualities mary qualities, which is the actual objective reality of the thing and well just for some reason keeps it's the easiest example for some reason, but apple. Has it has form has like size rush. It has book to it
it cannot move. That's a big primary characteristic of it like that the apple itself. As an inherently read, there is a certain arrangement of electrons inside the apple skin or that make up there we'll skin that absorb some kinds of of wavelengths of light and reflect back the red. The of light, that's what we see that hit our eye, but that doesn't mean that the boy itself has read in any way whatsoever. It's just that's what we perceive didn't even hit her eye. It hits the receptors in her eye those rods and cones, and it just It's done, data messages to our smart brain right, right, but then there secondary qualities, things like it its taste, its color shyness and that the sector, very qualities are, things that we lay on top of it that that's our reception, but that, if you took away our perception, what be left, are the size, the bulk, the inability of the apple to move them,
things are objective and unchanging yeah and he label those one was called extension and that's the fact that it it just takes up physical space in a place. in permanent. Does that interest at a specific time? So it exists in time and then the last one is it? It interacts with other objects, and he called that call oh powers, in that, can be anything from just the air around it to the desk than sitting honour whenever shirt, which are also constructs. Yes, we'll get to that, and then I thought The last contributor to the historical understanding of reality, at least one of the big name bigshot ones was a manual cod, He was a german mathematician philosopher from the enlightenment. Here I believe, get and here He basically, he wasn't so much after like ok. What is the nature of reality? His a question was even more basic than that it wasn't. Can we even possibly
perceive actual reality and after thinking about it, thinking about it really kind of whole humming on it for a little bit. He said! No, no, I don't believe we ever possibly can, and that for the basis for the The modern. Exploration of reality here one of those it pushed it. Further and said I dignan. What you're saying that that bread apple that color? Is it really real in the shape? Isn't really real, so what you were saying about these upright primary qualities, even that it exists in time space like dude that is in your head as well like those don't even exist, they exist in our minds and so We can't even conceive of anything. we can't know really anything yet he went some so far as to say like science math, which describes the base
the laws of the universe quite accurately, these are constructs themselves what were actually describing our hallucinations that we all share in common. held appearances yeah, he in fact he called science, a math appearances of appearances and he was saying like there were never going to be able to figure this out and luckily caught was wrong because we do seem to be kind of unattractive figuring things out a little more alright, and that was a a robust. Like thirteen minutes, I think I think so too. So, let's take a break It would be right back, you should now shop stuff, you should know everybody. Let's talk about square space squares
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and kind of teasing it, and I think she probably saying it outright to some of these early philosophers really kind of hit the nail on the head. As far as our current understanding goes and one of the big contributions are one of the big contributors, the twentieth industry, the twenty first century, too, exploring what the basis of reality is. Was neuroscience- Neurosciences said: ok or wait a minute, there's a there's, something that that we all need to kind of explore All of this is just in our minds, which is what's it would suggested we have ways of looking into the mine, so it's but what is actually going on? year in this. You know I realize that, as I have had problems with some deep philosophical things like this list there's two some of this stuff might like not for everyone. You know I mean so I get it if some people are listening in me like wait a minute. What are you even talking about when we,
things like our eyes, don't see in our ears, don't hear, but we're going to explain it in a tiny way that I think grounds it as others have before us, is not like our ideas right, but it is true that our eyes don't actually really see in our time Don't actually taste what we have is a is a system which is our body in our brain working together. So we have all these sectors that key, so this data basically and we send it to the brain. The witches and we're gonna reiterate this to the brain is: does great work but the brain is inside the skull it's trapped in their the brain. the eyes and ears in an tongue and if I get right it just works, with whatever sensory data is sent to it. Those receptors from those organs and says, are right? Here's here's what I
is going on in a way that will make sense to you walking around in the world. Yeah. That's what produces are conscious experience that yeah translation of electromagnetic waves, It is an acoustic waves, hitting like our raw the way that the way that I got this finally, was it start thinking of our eyes and ears and tongs like antenna. on a buyer singing right and that that brain does puts all that sensory information together, one of the ways that we ve with shone like indisputable, that this happens or through optical illusions, there's allusions to many optical allusions out there, one the most famous Where is the checkerboard, where a cylinder casting a shadow across the checkerboard and there's a grace ray squares and in white squares, and if you link these, two squares together. You realise there actually, the same color just the brain is it sees a shadow being cast. So it's
Darkening one of those squares were really it's the exact same color, and so what neuroscience did was this above and say. Ok, let's investigate exactly where this weird illusion is happening. They found that in cases of visual of illusions? Optical illusion, eyes are sending the correct data. There see re illusion for what it is. They can see that those those checker boards of the same color is when it gets trance to the frontal lobe, The final absurd, putting together picture of reality based on past experience in physical laws and things like that. It's No, that's not possible. This is actually to different colors produces the illusion and our conscious experience. Yeah They ve they'd, like shown this with the wonder machine with the fm mri machine in experiments. its literally just the brain, saying will that ain't right?
I'm gonna tell you that at its this, based on everything that you ve ever seen in your life, that really make sense right, and so the upshot of all that is, we see We can demonstrate that the bridge does not give us any sort of accurate picture of reality. It gives us, a rough sketch, a good enough sketch of reality to allow us to navigate the universe. So we know for a fact that what we see in perceive is not actual reality. The question then becomes is just how removed from actual reality is our conscious periods as human beings. then you know what I have it gone through, yet, but we have an upcoming episode at some point, I've been avoiding on syria grams in that the hidden. I pictures that were such a big deal in the nineties, so big and I am sure that all of them, stuff is in the earth is it's kind of what you're talking about what we're talking about your right, yeah yeah, the frontal lobe taking.
perfectly good, legitimate information and putting it together and rocky ways in the I would guess is that there would be the basis of hysteria agreed to yeah. There's a sailboat there. You don't see it look. Carter there's the tasmanian devil. Did you ever see a tasman? dont know have managed imagining that gives you a huge at the same time, but I'm sure there was a tasmanian devil, stereo room or was it a much rapid, the tasmanian devil when it said backer, avows, yosemite, sam, That's right around the two guns, tyres controversy. Little bit, I even had him in my brain, but you know is it: is that even real, very nice chuck? Ok, Here's to me, where It's really really interesting. if sort of lay the groundwork. It all makes sense to me hope of police making. Since due to listeners, I feel yeah we ve been laying down pretty clearly there. I think so.
but here's where gets interesting to me, because why is this happening and the reason is like to which you have to do is yet it expedient have to but it's very beneficial, leading to look at almost everything that we are able to do through the lens of evolution and natural selection. So I has to be because in that way, a fundamental reason why your brain is doing this. There has been a reason why this is happening. it turns out when you look at it through that wins. It makes sense in I don't know if this is a means, they'll philosophical stuff, but, like it all its total, since to me yet the basis of any time you bring evolution or natural selection into the picture? You basically saying oh case whatever whatever's going on, actually improves our chances of survival. So there is a psychologist from. I think you see berkeley don't call me on that. Seems, donald hoffman, and he
is one of the I guess leading researchers and the nature of reality. Right now in his author cs seem to be pretty overwrought right about its berkeley. It's gotta be gotta, be the basis of his interpretation. Is that we see a rough sketch of the world around us because that's that's the the version of reality that is most likely to allow us to survive, or was over the millions of years of our evolution to this point by the way he's from? U c irvine us not seem very much like a berkeley anything to do fisherman who knew at least I didn't say, Davis or or sandberg do hoof?
want to bring that up. What was the last thing you said, I'm sorry, I said that he was saying like the the reason that we have a rough sketch of reality is because natural selection has that that's the. That is the version a reality that will keep humans alive, most likely right, ok, so We have to remember what we said earlier to this all communities together. Is that we gotta reiterate the brain is, is in skull is only receiving these messages that its given from these receptors evolution is the same thing. Evolution is also blind in a sense. natural selection is, it favouring one thing over another to try to get what's accurate. As far as reality go right, it's it's unbiased natural selection is only in a favor the reality. That's gonna give you that chance to survive, and this is the point where I got it barely confused, but then
all came back around with the desk top analogy, but I you have to admit this before the desktop thing. I was pretty lost right here, instil still sort of a case of one of the examples that I've seen hoffman used to describe. What he's talking about at this point is: let's, we have developed the ability to see oxygen or levels of concentrations of oxygen in the air right gaga. We need oxygen debrief. So in his example, the greener, the air, the more oxygen there is, the rudder, the air, the less oxygen. There is right. So if we had just been gifted with a view of the actual reality, so we saw the gradient that was present in any given parcel of air that we were standing around That doesn't mean that we know what gradient we want, that help us survive in
dead. What we were gifted with in this analogy was the ability to see red and stay away from that, because it will kill us or green and go to that, because that was the kind of that was the amount of oxygen that we know. We need to survive right, we don't know how much oxygen is in the air and as far as natural natural selection is concerned, it doesn't matter if we know how much oxygen is air. We just need to know that that green air is where we want to be the red areas where we want to stay away from or back to the apple example. We know that the red apple is the one we want to eat the the black rotted apples, the one we want to stay away from, but then you have to they get back to the beginning, the apple not actually read so somewhere along the way our brains and natural selection got together too. Allow us to see colours and because we could see colors. That was the way we begin interact with the world because we can tastings there
the way we interact with the world, there are plenty of other ways to interact with the world. There are plenty of things that were missing about the world, because we only have these particular five senses all humans needed to survive and species Why are we not see the full picture of reality? You did it. Think again, cosette is the hardest part for sure they were That's the part that kept breaking my brain, you are if you had that oxygen thing in your hip pocket. You didn't. Let me know about that. So I did my friend I sent it to you yeah, but it was interview or even richer. So I did. It was behind the curtain- everyone there's there's always a few things leading up to an episode here and there and that we try to live. in early as possible foot. This one is just like I think this then probably this will help her eye. It was. It was kind of like akin to like, as someone is shoving, as happens stage,
I can just remember guys. This is the key to it all. Alright, they shove us out on stage, but they make sure to flash that shepherd's hook that they've gotten the ready. If we script right, all right. So I get that now now talk about what I mentioned before, which really brings at home and in a very understandable way, is the desk top Allergy alarming heard something that, for some reason- and this is often again from urban and by way berkeley and Here's the analogy, while you have to do Look at your laptop and in your desktop screen and you ve icons all over it. You ve got those those blue folders that have all the the thing. it might have like a word document error or in three file or whatever is on your desktop and mp3 file, did you get it off upstairs they did. There is not even a thing anymore, I think so. I dont like them all and mp3. I don't even know what are they know I think
this com songs, you catch with I am so here's the deal you you see all that stuff. You know that you're supposed to click on that blue folder and click on that word document. If you wanna get your word file up, but that stuff is just a user interface, graphical user interface that we know how to interact with really going on is there's a system in the guts of that computer. That is hard at work with ones and zeros, but we no! I had a make heads or tails of that stuff. If we didn't have these icons there, represented the things that we want to interact with on that desktop, and those icons, my friends, The same thing is that apple on the desk, the apple, is an icon. The same way as that blue folder on your desktop is an icon. It's just something that we have signed.
That weaken interact with it yeah, because we couldn't possibly get done. What we want to get done by interacting with real reality is not how we see things we Tea things is, like shadows on the cave wall. Raven, love. The desktop analogy, there's another part of that desktop icon, analogy to that the consequences of this whole hypothesis right that is when you turn your computer off, that folder khan ceases to exist? It doesn't keep running in the back it's gone. It does not exist there. circuitry the Software, the operating system that produce That does not become that continues to exist and when you turn the computer back on the icon, this again, In the meantime, it it ceases to exist, and that is analogous to this interpretation of reality that when you
stop looking at an apple that apples this is to exist the thing, that produces the apple, whether it some grand circuitry that were unaware of that. Actually pretty that's actually base reality or it some data. Combined with a simple algorithm that produces our experience of reality. Whatever produces a, is still there, just like the circuitry in the operating system in the computer still there, but the apple doesn't exist any longer because there's no human around to experience it because app, only exist the way we see them in The reality that humans experience, that's the only place exists by the way said operating system I'll bet in a worse now, sorry, mister mp3 by the way, we should totally have t shirts that say stuff,
you know in the front and on the back it just says everything is an icon. I think that's a great idea, but not now that make confusing though I think- and I mean I Can'T- is in an while we could put in parentheses, listen to the reality. Episode in you'll know what we're talking about exactly and then we'll put oak. a question mark because we don't want a boss anybody round. So if you workin, is by what you heard about justice is talking about. We to look at it again through that lens of natural selection and evolution because our brains have You know I was sought by the apple again. Our brains evolve to see that color, like you said, is something that is, ripened delicious, and that will give us nutrition to a certain degree. but our brains like weren't evolving in isolation. Everything else was evolving alone with it, including that apple and that Apple evolved to be read, so
He would eat it and eventually spread those seeds, so it could survive as well and grow more apples. So evolution itself is that desktop right that's what created that desktop? It's not our brains! Just like we just came. But this kind of thing it was the legal working in conjunction with evolution. This is what we have all too too And so in that sense, this to me, with but reassuring when I realize this year. That means that There's no big mystery. There's no, there's no, purposeful veil, that, like god, or the universe or somebody cast over us to prevent us from seeing real reality, there We don't see real realities because we just didn't evolve. To see reality that way, we evolved to see reality in a different way, and that even though we know that there are other aspects of reality, we don't sense. That doesn't mean that there's something
forever beyond our grasp, like a manual caught suggested. I agree. I knew I think, take the writ the readville, the blue bill I always say why not both exactly will be that should now push shop stuff. You should now every person with a rare, auto immune condition, navigates their own unique journey. That's why, in season two of untold stories, life with a severe auto immune condition, a ruby studio production in partnership with our genetics, their sharing even more empowering stories. That's right! For my estonia gravest chronic inflammatory de mile in aiding paulina apathy, also known as the idea be learn about the daily challenges and triumphs of those with these conditions. Yep host martine Hackett will share powerful perspectives from people
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I am for details. T mobile for business recently teamed up with Malcolm gladwell for a new episode of revisionist history to talk about how five g is reinventing. The fan experience, hello, everyone, my name is Malcolm Gladwell. I am the host of the revisionist history podcast, and I am here with cali fields, president of timo of business. I think that a little bit you know, we said, participate where fans can enjoy sports sitting around to the radio and then tv bright, the ability to and visually experience and celebrate and participate, and then, if you're, not able to be in person at the event, what five? He is bringing to F one and two major league baseball or to the event and sell tp is accessibility. It democratizes the access for people to feel like they're, a part of the event you can put on an oculus headset and you can ride the track around which most people don't get the opportunity to do that and technology allows you to have a very different kind of experience with is for it. Listen to this episode of revisionist history recorded, live from the las vegas grand prix. On the I heart radio app available now reboot.
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the evolutionary forces that are blind working in cooperation with the brain and this This can be hard to swallow to some people that might some kind of goofy and ridiculous people have come along, certainly this is pre parliament, of course, but People have come along through the years to pooh pooh, all this great thinkers. Even someone like Samuel Johnson. He is an essayist in the eighteenth century. In a in a great writer, he had it out with. contemporary of his philosopher named bishop barclay, not berkeley from you see berkeley. He and he was basically like dude. You can't tell me that these things don't exist. Outside of the mine, like look at this right right here and He went and kicked it instead. I refute it thusly, in other words, how can, you tell me that rock is just a constructive. My mind when it is written did it made a sound?
was heavy and hurt my toe, that's where we come back to like John locke, him in plato and Aristotle in galileo, especially getting it right, like basically out of the gate, the guest these these objects that we interact with them the universe they have both. they have mass, they move, they don't move, they have primary characterised right. So yes, if you kicker rock Apparently mass is part of the rocks primary characteristic right yeah, but the color of the rock or the shape of the rock or the shining, so the rock that is not necessarily part of reality- yeah. Ok, I think I think we got it is mine blowing for sure, but at the same time it's just. there's more to reality. Then we see, but it doesn't mean that their some great mystery. Necessarily, I feel like we saw that the the mystery doesn't actually exist. It's just there's other
parts of the universe. We just don't saints and there's nothing to other than we didn't have to sense it that way. Yeah and well. We have great. Great examples of that and That is the fact that we would, when we see things what we are seeing is just a small version of what there is yet we see what of visible on the spectrum like it's a bit. It's pretty narrow in comparison to the entire. spectrum, but there are also gamma rays and their x rays and their radio waves, and there are All these things that we can't see in the text. There are human eyeballs, but still no there there because we have built. Machines and systems too I was to interact with those things like X, ray machines or radios the alive. It is here what's happening on the radio waves, but you can actually see that stuff, so it it's a good way of illustrating like
what you know is just a very small portion of of what there really is out there yeah, but also one of the other call things about it. As we know that they're out there and we ve learned to did like build machines. They can detect things that we can proceed with our senses. Pretty amazing and- and we ve built more machines to figure out how to interact with those. Arts of reality, that we can't sense, so If you see image from a james web telescope picture right and what you're seeing is there is a radio telescope picture so the jew web telescope sees in radio waves. We can't see radio waves but part of it. software can birds, radio, waves into visible light spectrum We can see so, for all intents and purposes, when you
looking at a picture of a star that the james web telescope took your seeing that star. In the same way, we would see it if we could see radio waves, right, Oh, it's not like. The reality is forever out of our grasp. We work becoming smart enough to learn ways to tick. And, in other ways to convert it into things that we ten cents and you know this is when I thought of- and it sounds kind of silly, but I actually got a more their appreciation of the movie predator right, yeah, from this, because when I was a kid I sound like uh, that's cool. The predator thing can see here. you're thermo whatever were to be thermo, they're my hiding their properties the heat to say then and cool like that, can see temperature shirts. Probably they have started your fancy.
but which is true and you when you're kinda, like a cold. That thing can see temperature, but this we think of it and the like a more philosophical way that this thing is so advance that it has gained a new, maybe not consciousness, but new ability to see the unseen or involved in a different type of pressure. Yeah that favour being able to see infrared So you can see temperature of things here. You know it doesn't. I certainly take a more events in the same way that Your butterflies can see you ve. We can't see you ve, but that doesn't necessarily mean the butterflies more advanced than we are. It's just. It evolved to censor the world differently right here simple as that, but it also kind of brings back a certain amount of humility to us that we like we just can't interact with parts reality because we didn't evolved that way, and it is kind of I don't knox naxos down a pig? I think, in my estimation, kind of reminds us, like hey yet
pretty great. We do I really neat stuff, but we're still animals. Don't forget that part near. I like that and then I think to me chuck the fact of the podcast. Who is that if you take kaufman's argument, there's an answer to that then question of if it is Reforms in the woods and no one's around here, like you dimension, does. because can there there is no, it does not make, is sound and then even further. There is not even a tree if there's no human around to see it or yeah, weird, oh boy. I love that like this, it's, like you know. It's like bar simpson, sing with sound one hand, clapping right, No, they figured it out oh boy, what man every time We may have done these many times, but every time we tackle something philosophical like this, I'm upset for a little while, and
please come out the other side, I think better for it. So he same here. I'm glad you think of these things, because I certainly wouldn't assign his topic all. Thank you. I appreciate that yeah, I hate what about elements that was a good one, baby, often secular trunk, like baby human suck their thumbs. They happen trunk. Neither trunk johnstone exists yeah man. You can get me with that, one Anything else, I don't either though, since we have nothing else about this, it's time for listener meal. I call this smell. A vision is pretty good. Hey guys can help it, but I just finished the smell vision absurd and I thank you, mr real opportunity. There are they did. Rather by calling it, center my yes there is a great idea let us show the wide range of topics you cover the funding a in banter and even the occasional checkers reference.
Obviously the learning that beneficial component is a huge plus, but I can't find a term that I heard of your previous shows, and I need your help- essentially, Josh mentioned a term that spoke to humans or any life form. Take themselves. After certain period of time. Why him If humans don't take ourselves out of event, take ourselves oh yeah, I missed the take themselves out so in other words of humans, don't take ourselves out in x term. you will see a greater opportunity for long term. Human existence drive me crazy off. I hope you have a reply. Do you know that is yeah? I think I'm talking about, is technological maturity. if we make it through its considered the great filter, which is all like all the ways that we could possibly wipe ourselves out using technology before we learn to use it wisely,
you make it through that them will emerge and technological maturity and we'll be basically was asleep. Wherever the species That's it it's gotta, be any finishes off. My wife is seven months pregnant with their first child in spain for a shout out to Stephanie baby cora coming in august, or make a great birthday present but dear, and we don't do shouts. On the show we get so many requests for shouts that we just get to amass, and we are certainly not going to shout out. Definitely and your amazing baby, poorer, that's coming in august, Where does not yet mention now, not at all said. Don't ask, thanks for all the positivity joy and laughter that you read the world its much needed your authority and friend. dear in nothing very nice. Therein. Thank you and thank you also to Stephanie Cora, who were not going to mention and if you wanna get in touch with us, like daring, did you
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-25.