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Introducing Smell-O-Vision!

2023-05-04 | 🔗

Smell-O-Vision was a post-war movie theater gimmick that delivered well-timed scents to the noses of audiences to align with the movie. Did it work? Sort of. Did it ultimately fail? Yes. Does that mean it has gone away forever? No.

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Invitations apply welcome to stuff. You should know a production of iheart radio, the you're welcome to the podcast. I'm josh clark is charles, w chopper, bryant and jerry's here and the three of us. When you put us together, smell like cotton, candy little known fact about stuff, you should know you know what I gave my daughter. cotton, guinea for some she's ever had it canny false. Just a couple of weeks ago at the zoo. I have drawn janni elsa gimme, some of that they want to see- and I have had in so long and boy. It's just that. The nostalgia blast of that of melting on your tongue did not enjoy it like t really The rose
flavour was it like regular, containing liberated the tree here too, the blues, the same as the pink I dont like where this is going. Well, at a cotton jenny machine as a kid growing up a little. Do it at home, deal white, clia, nokia, money bags, trust me. This is again. five. Ninety nine sears item, I'm sure did you have this new peace, no co machine to now We can, therefore that is at a name brand. you and I are both very famous for having very unbranded giles if it's true, but we didn't have any kind of cotton keenly mission. We were generic family kids, so while your cotton candy machine when you're a kid, did you overdo it? Is that what you're saying? No? No! No! I just want to throw that in there to show off. I told Ruby that I that had one when I was a kid she's like really is yeah. That's it yeah gross in and we made white candy thought so it it tasted all spend the taste isn't coming.
The full coloring. I don't know if true she retorted smell vision, yeah, okay, I forgot, we hadn't even mentioned it yet we're talkin bout smell, a vision which is exactly what it sounds like. It was a really neat, interesting, gimmick, it was tried. In the beginning, the advent of the nineteen sixties, most people say where they, tried to accompany motion pictures with smells in the actually way that they accompany motion. Pictures with sounds like you, like you put sounding in moving pictures together. It's just so intuitive in its come so far that the world that we live in, you can't really imagine it. Otherwise, even if you ve seen the artist, it's still tough to imagine right there trying to do that, but with sense- and this is the first attempt in unfortunately- is not a very successful
which is why we don't have smell of vision. Today, that's right dave areas. Are our helped us out with this? This is fun. Surprise one of our old house of works, writers bedridden work in the office with us. but he was one of our long term- freelancers, Patrick Hager, wrote a book likes eighty years ago, called popular breaker colon the history of the feds mavericks inventions in law. For that into modern america yeah I think that such a good job with this melanesian section away times, writer, Martin J smith. Again, like seventeen eighteen years ago. Wrote an article about some elevation and used patrick's book a lot, so we also relied on the stuff in there was. I want pick up a books and school yeah, it's a very good article or chapter I guess they accepted in its. Basically the definitive story of smell of it because it such it
it's a narrow story, there's a few characters and it happened. this really narrow timeframe. It's just it has a store is one of those those topics, just has its own story in a yeah absolutely, and we'll get into the story story, but the first movie that they used it on touch on later was called scent of mystery, and but you get the idea they would pay them. Like you know, there's someone was smoking, a pipe. They would pipe in the smell echo smoke right or If someone was like in a basement, they would I've been some kind of dusty basement, smell, mellow cadavers, usually with something hopefully kind of nice like that the peach orchard and seen the name they they peach smells and things like that but, like you said it was not a big hit at all I think time did you mention that the term named at one of the worst fifty inventions get in
this is along with ddt, agent, orange and the baby cage. So there's This really saying something what else recently was on that list are alive so now our lied to the topic of our lives. There was a century that I've got you, men are less show was one of the richest in future to the less the theme or less hundred years. It was a good joke. It was a good joke, unintentional, but so pretty get yes, you're right. Our secret topic for the wide shortly you're exactly right now, gave away that. If you go look at that list of a hundred worse ideas of the century from time you will stop well across our topic, but you may not know that. That's it yeah! You know it's not smell of vision. Now, too, he married it down a bit yet. No ninety nine other chances so who a company coming up with a signature sent as a big thing these days we do want to underestimate as far as
since, because it's very powerful there are very famous signature, sense of like hotels and stores and stuff like that as far as using odor entertainment they were doing this in stage plays it. in the eighteen hundreds, and I would bet before that even sure Apparently they like cedar owners would would basically do with it it kind of make the whole scene that you're you're seeing being portrayed just that it's more realistic by incorporating smell along with sites and sounds right. They didn't want you to touch the actors and you are allowed to lick the actor. So those were the three that they were allowed to work with you and it's understandable. Why? Because I mean, if you think about it like, like you, were saying, like it is a very powerful since they, if you could tell me that correctly. You could really blow someone's mind with a stage further
and eventually a movie- and there was the basis of this whole thing. In retrospect, it was gimmicks it's silly, its midcentury yum, it has a name like smell a vision, but, if you really dig down into the story. You fine like this is a really earnest genuine project. That was your. It is completely transform film making for the better give them like you said earlier, they thought it was gonna, be the revolution like adding sound, which is I've funny like this, isn't something that appeals to me, Even though will look at to forty later on and talk about that, but the first movie here to try anything like this, the united states was- and for a city, Pennsylvania was called the family data should, and it was only by roxy. the felt an ironical you as a provider for you to write that was it the stuff
It is gullible day for you. I was the last episode of so gullible. Can you imagine a triple x theatre? She called the fair The feel. That was the joke. But thinking from Roxy and like- sir. I gotcha I'm totally missed it. My game, hey, It's okay, man, all as a matter of fact, I'll, just retract that whole thing. No, I get it. That's the name for a theater chuck, the family theater now showing deep throat exact. Ah alright, so the family theater was owned by roxy, rothwell and roxy is someone we talked about in our rockets, the episode because This person will go on to open up the radio city musical and rockets. Were they called the rocks yet, but in eighteen o aids, he owned. The family theatre, got a newsreel and nineteen sixteen, but about the whoa parade and said: hey, I'm gonna
the smell of of rosa oil, ended theater and faded in there, and that was sort of the first little attempt at something like this yeah I mean I think that was kind of one of the things when they added like interior ventilation systems. They people figure you do not only move air around the theatre pretty quickly. You can move sense around the theatres of em. A short order. Other eater started trying the same thing, others the theatre in boston and nineteen. Twenty nine. There is a detroit feeder and nineteen forty three and it in a sporadically of was, was attempted at, but wasn't until a guy named HANS lab this gonna go with whose swiss, who was an inventor and in all molly. To somebody who studies the science of smells and and it wasn't until he came on somebody said, I'm I'm making this work, I'm to make this happen and really like dedicated.
himself to it absolutely He had made his name removing smells, not sure what chemicals he used. I was king, all over for it well this disease of ozone is not good at all. Well, I tell you men, someone stole our car like I'll you every years ago. I remember that in may two click, yes, joy, road and wrecked it for a few days, and it smells like smoke three I was in cigarettes and has been a three days yet and we get. The thing back in until the entrance coming as I man, I don't care what you do. We're not take his scar back, there's no way it's arrogant, smell the same again right. They said o using ozone treatment and it didn't smell like cigarettes smoked, but it smelled funky the after at an inn. We fought to the near with a maoist. Like you know, we can't we can't drive around like
ozone has its own smell in its also super reactive, and you dont want to breathe it in luckily as a very short like lifespan, but it's you don't want to be around. Those are basically now. that cars, not in our family, no more by the way it had bad energy. After that we don't want any part of it yeah I am pretty understandable, again totally see that now, so yeah, I guess he was doing ozone too. That was what I came up with the most anywhere with that year. He was. He was using chemicals to remove odors and then he said hey. I could reverse this whole thing and add odors and movie theatres, and debuted that idea at the thirty nine forty worlds, fair in new york, his partner robert births? and they had a thirty five minute filled- call a film called my dream or mine trauma. I guess it was in german and they had thirty two different chemical odors that they pumped out during this thirty five minute film
Yeah, that's almost a smell a minute. Yes, then he called it sent a vision but It's nicer smell a vision for sure I mean they're, both gonna goofy, a pair It generally work to that times which would become one of the biggest problem. I ideas of smell of vision later on will endorse, this is back in the night. Yeah thirty nine nineteen, forty years before it actually was attempted in feature film, but they said that they call they called it. A smelly instead of a talkie ran. They said that you know some of its work to think bacon. Didn't work very well but incense worked really well is very commencing in I guess they had the timing down and all up there. The projectionist was actually running d, I'm not just the film but also the scent emissions as well he's chief walter, yeah, alright. Well, maybe we should take a break
I will come back and talk about more smell, spread of this the hey everybody. If you're a small business owner, it really helps to get your insurance from someone who really understands what it takes to run a small business. Yet at stay farm agents are small business owners themselves. They live and work right in your community, so they know and appreciate the dedication it takes to operate and protect something that you love and they can help
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and modernize the way you work to accelerate real impact, let's Made a either transforms your business, learn more ibm, dot, com, slash consulting ibm, let's create, and learn by pacheco host of symptomatic, a medical mystery, podcast, a product ruby, studio from iheart media every other week. We get to know the today, people living with a mysterious illness, and here there first hence stories of struggle and perseverance on their quest for answers. During the day, I feel like I'm just get sick, In short, I have that flourish feeling and then this morning, I define benny started getting nodules on his body. been to so many different doctors, and I just felt just throwing a dark at what this could be in trying different medications. You couldn't
engine that anyone could be alive and have a mutation and that dream listen to symptomatic of medical, mystery podcast on the eye heart, radio laugh or wherever you get your podcast. So what have you been up to name lobby or lobby lab lob? so my successful debut with his intervention but no one jumped on the saying it was about ten years before. Anyone really cared to do any more exploration. Because of a funny thing that happened, course of world war, two before the word movies were a very big deal after them,
or movies were still with a big deal, but tv had come along by that point, right, sort of like the meaning peter owners now being worried about people to streaming everything home. There were people are just gonna watch tv now, so they want to up. anti emerge in reviewing in person experience, the theatre and smell of vision was one of those first ideas gap. They do another one. I can remember. I think the movie was called the schiller, but the the The producer installed electric sharks into the movie theater seats, patrons carer willie what he called it. It was like that where they needed to do something they address, couldn't possibly do at home, and cool tide is dumb few. Here, He wasn't the guy who really was like. Ok, we're gonna make this work. Nickel tug junior was the guy who ended up making it work, but his father. todd senior who
those random bit of trivia on a website called in seventy millimeter dot com. It is about the movie biz and he the the author, said that Michael Todd senior, he was born. Every hirsch, gold, bogan use polish and he adopted his son's name. So michael tug junior came before Michael todd senior in that interesting. That is super interesting, their strange, but outside of it is michael tide, was a producer. He was at first a vaudeville producer, then a broadway producer and eventually became a film producer. That's right, and he was, the best known if you ve ever seen, at a the and then the end of a film manner. He kind of help pioneer the seventy millimeter format yet and incineration scope there, it's a white screen format. It's probably a whole episode of short stuff on itself. but today I was a company, is still around, I think
in some capacity, but a very sort of inventive and enterprising guy. Basically, but you said he came, knocking around hollywood. Eventually, actors broadway run an they right out of the gate, had a very, very big hit with a we called around the world and eighty days yet, if an almost This movie is the big dave you for smell, a vision did decided, not you. I feel I kind of at the last minute yeah, I'm very wisely too, because so Michael Todd junior ain't seen year, this is their first. Production and they won the oscar for best picture for that year. Nineteen fifty seven, beat out giant with rock hudson James dean was taylor. Michael Todd was seated extra was taylor. Could they'd just got married couple months before winter it has movie, be hers for the best picture. They also be ten commandments. So it was like a big I feel that these essentially outsiders had just walked in
produce such a great movie and in one best oscar, he didn't. With very long after that he died in a plane crash. I think the next year in nineteen fifty eight I'm by his son, just terry, Carried on the mantel, they were like actual collaborator, so there's just no no question whether Michael tye junior is getting continue on, but I get the The junior was more into the idea of smell of vision and senior was because it was an insult after senior died. That junior said I'm gonna make this happen that right, but he got in touch with loud and said Do this one movie must give it a shot. It's gonna be called sense of mystery. we're gonna, we're gonna, have all sorts of you know me and they re gonna. Bugs me, I'm not a big treaty. Guy did bugs me when they do shots that you can tell by cleaning hitherto diversion it's like they did that thing coming at the screen clearly
This is sort of like a treaty gimmick friday. The thirteenth part three did that alot dear mean even modern treaty movies. Do it a lot if you like to have, you know, have a couple of shots in their words like something is flying right at the camera and yet It is in two d: it's like a you know. They did that. Just for the three d yeah I'd see a man movie. They did a good job with it like Kevin bacon's, playing with a yo yo in the shots from underneath, and the jojo was coming like right at you. Wait the first one wendy and the third one he's the only one who's, the guy who does the think he's sick. I do in the handstand, you gets a certain half from the bottom up by jason with the machete? Okay, that he isn't the almost positives his hand, saying I am staying at leno is at his credit. I do know that'd be pretty great. I don't know yet he I've he could have been in the first man twos and everything. Of course, the ito unit, multiple ones, unless you Jason, is you get packed up right,
jason corey Feldman right was he He was only five or six. I think only saw a couple. This anyway, that's what they did wish sent of mystery. Is they they added all kinds of little gags in there to to sort of take place to time out with the smells which you know, you can't blame on with they're trying to debut this new thing they wanted it. You know: we incorporate it and they did in a big way yeah they they, the like they. There was the first motion picture written to smells associated with it as will see later on, there is a picture that was retroactively retro fitted with smells, but this one was like were I mean to have this smell. Come out at this part in the script right, yeah, exactly so that the like we said like lobe, was love. I know you remember how he set his name any more. He was a consummate. Inventor ears, fairly genius from what I can tell
he had invented what he called the smell brain, which is like center essential component The smell of vision, and we should say did you say you call it sent a vision originally near one of the stipulations of his contract, with michael tug junior but they're, going to change it to smell of vision, right begged, if you apparently Michael saw junior was ass like. Why didn't you change it to something more dignified needs it. I dont understand it can be dignified about a process that introduces smells into a theatre, No, what you could call it that isn't gonna cheeky, but the extent of vision still worked. I think it was great, but anyway This smell brain was like the central component of the entire smell, a vision process, this year, and this is one of those things it. Yet you and I both. I think it can and knocked out about mechanical solutions to things and this was that exactly it was a big box.
all these chemical vials with these since in them and that was attached to a belt that was attached to a motor and simply would as movie plays its timed to queue up, these smells incense and it would just basically load up into place. The belt rotate on cue and then a needle, is inserted into the vile and spits into a fan that pipes it through who, in this assorted the key. I thank and yes, we'll get into more this later, but it painted into ideally would pipe it into vince there. not just go through the air conditioning or heating system or whatever, but under each side like miles and miles of disturbing yeah pressure, and that was like you, said, that's the key a pair leave. It worked really really well. Michael Tag. Junior gave lobe a loud
that's what we've been saying, how distracting gave him an entire theatre in chicago to basically set up like a proof of concept and at work Very well, I think you started working on it in nineteen, fifty seven, nineteen, thirty eight there's a There is a discrepancy between when this whole thing premier it as will see either. Ninety Fifty nine or nineteen sixty, but for they could get it out to market in. I think new york los angeles in Chicago they they somebody. did them to it right here, you got him walter reed your junior year. Had roma rama, again pretty cheeky, I think it's better than smell of vision is minimal coming smell of israeli fit that midcentury age. You know she was so. Does the roma roma, back then that they both color whenever pretty well the kind of words with tail things you know to mean yeah yeah totally
This is in new york at the de Mille theater, and this is the one that you reference. He didn't actually make a movie from scratch to work with. A roma rama. He bought the rights too a documentary. Called behind the great wall of sort of a travel documentary about china and the key she's a roma roma in that way in peace, did not like it critically deep. They said to start. I think the new york times the smells were elusive, oppressive or country and banal Ivan risen. The same reviewer went on to say that that that treaty in between smells. That was meant to clear the air had its own dickie sweet smell that quotas to become upsetting before the film has run its full two hours. And then when the reviewer left the theatre they happily, sell their lungs. With that lovely fume laden new york ozone, it has.
First smelled, so good, in the review, you're going for when you're releasing the first smell, a visionary aroma, rama picture well and on the bad reviews of that they even mention the upcoming scent of mystery letter, which is definitely What do you want when you're, following up someone who had had the wine ahead of you right, we got it a terrible review, like they gonna terrible review by proxy, basically yeah exactly so one take a break and come back and will tell everybody about. Does exactly what happened when sent a mystery premier cliffhanger list but the
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ten stories of struggle and perseverance on their quest for answers. During the day I feel like I'm just get sick. I'd sure to have that flourish feeling, and Next morning I define them started getting nodules on his body, had been to so many different doctors, and I like that just throwing a dark at what this could be an trying different medications. You couldn't engine that anyone could be alive and have a mutation and that dream listen to symptomatic of medical, mystery podcast on the eye heart radioactive or wherever you get your podcast
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I just saw were here? It's either nineteen fifty nine nineteen sixty it's time for the senate, MR de premier and michael todd junior spin. Am talking it up. He has a famous quote where he said that he hopes people find it sensational, boobs that he's that kind of guy yeah and and the I the film itself was paid fairly well received. It was directed by gun inject cardiff, whose cinematography, sir, I think you cinematography, for black narcissus. If I'm not, Mistaken and one an oscar for it, but he said he signed under the sun cause he said Script was very well written and really dramatize the smells, which is mainly
the press to quote if I've ever been right there. I think he promises is said. Like I needed the money. Can we all disagree on that being a, but he directed and again it was a pretty little film. Dental meliot, beloved actor. Was Indiana jones mentor and the first couple of police. Well what about marcus? Yes, he play out. He was the lead incentive. Mystery crazy and Peter lorry was as sidekick cab driver whole thing is set in spain, has its own travel log kind of quality to it as well. So the first two smelly pictures: We are essentially travelogue one in china, one in spain, but how can one had like come a murder, mystery plots with impostors and all that and those We ve gags that you are talking about like,
They really had a lot to do with the movie, like that they twister the weight that the solution to the mystery. The dental meliot figures out, is based on a smell, he could tell it. The woman is talking to is claiming to be someone else is in. Passed her because she was wearing the different perfume and the audience is smelling. That kind of stuff- that's gonna, fun, yet another guys rooted out as one of the evil doers because of the smell of the pipe tobacco that he's smoking like there's a war, you know some of it was gratuitous like eight. They did the whole thing when you were talking about where they pull fresh bread out of the oven right and as other they shove it into the camera, and the amateur stays there for a little while secured a fresh bread smell, but the the the They really kind of went to great lengths to make it so that the smells I had so they were all just gratuitous. They really did have something to do with the plot gear.
I think some that blood centric stuff could become a fine, but back then I'm sorry, I don't the into it today, but again we'll get forty coming up? Ok, The new york times again was not too kind have had some pretty bad things to say, patrons sit there sniffing in snuffling, but a bird dogs trying hard to catch the sent an you know. It was just a big flop. A overall, and this is something I can verify, but hans, allows daughter, carmen claimed, Michael todd, junior cheap doubt on the commit conversion into the into the other theatres and not taking it to each seat. it was like we said. Really one of the keys is to make sure gotta be time just write like you can have the same piping in from an area twenty feet over your head that you smell in two minutes later, when the scene is already long gone in the
bill key was having a under each seed and she claims that they didn't do that and that's what The big reasons. Why failed? I, kind of like you direct references. That's kind of support that claim that the first premiers flopped, but then it did some technical adjustments and they got it all figured out so I'm wondering if, like they went in and did the two behind it is facing all that they really screwed up by trying to save a few box. The problem is: the new york times it already reviewed it. It was mean because it was a gimmick people like to see. mixed fail or I this. If a gimmick fails, people tend to find that satisfactory. If its successful awesome it becomes legendary- and I will be- is having a completely different episode right now, but if a gimmick fails people of jumping on it I young man, so had a pretty great one minor. He said that he didn't understand the movie because he had a cold
how does a great one liner, apparently I'm alone here very by its is it just gets smear because people likes meetings, other people who travel new things yeah I'm so it had dear in small window to be successful or not not wasn't successful and that small window in so that was it there was a flop and then that was it for smell of vision and emily was that for smell of chuck there was it for hans lob and michael tug, junior as well yeah they cancelled they're gonna expand to a hundred theatres. They cancel that order. Carmen hound, slobs daughter, said that you know he basically I'd penniless now kristen penniless. He died with debts even river. He did invent something that again didn't bring him riches but sort of the the beta version of but you would call a glade plugin or something today, yeah called best air, but
that didn't work, even though it was pretty ahead of its time. Yeah Michael Todd Junior went off, he didn't produced anything else, apparently two others scripts, that he trademarked one was called kids holiday, end description I saw was there it's a maid was just a man riding a bus and that there is no dialogue of any kind well like, What would there have been like? I would love to see somebody make that movie cause. How would you even attempt to make their interesting? You know them just like that title, I gotta snap up right so they never got made. The other was called creature from the bronx. They never got made either interior to never produced another another movie. Again, I dont know if he died broke penniless with debts. I think they had some encounter still from. Right, I'm saying lay cons, love, I'm saying I'll! Think michael tie junior did oh, oh, oh yeah, his career petered out. I think it is how I saw describes the moonlit said
A couple of films have gone on to do something like this later on, John wanders was very famous for nineteen. Eighty one film polyester in theatres, coming with the little scratching snip card within it that you would do you would use very very funny and kitty. Obviously, John waters is gonna do something from like that, but what sense where they were? I mean, I think fart was a very famous dirty shoes. Skunk was it. You know peaches and life back right. Exactly and then the bureaucrats go wild movie as an o, my just what they call. They did the same thing in two thousand three with their film and then there been more modern stabs at this in the way of forty yet dave I think we said at the outset helped us our doesn't. He mentions the first for de movie theater ever created was called the sensorium
located at six flags power plant. he's been park in baltimore, I think now is like coal power plant life or something like that of the bear it. is like butthead in the nineties. Jammed india like one call building from when I write em both. Ninety made for the open. The sensorium indeed said he went there and, like the seats moved in rumble wherein they ve hit him with corn, smells and stuff like that sprayed with water, dissimulate rain. I believe an edge it's like with smell of vision, with hans loeb in his and his attempt at the world's fairs, basically proof of concept of the world's fair, and nobody did much with it after that and that six flags closed in nineteen. Ninety until I went Twenty years later, when south korea in company, came up with the forty exe still around today. Yeah I mean that's the next wave
I have not tried it out yet, like you said it premiered in two thousand and nine in south korea, and there are twenty one effects. So it's not just smells it's like kind of what dave experiences scott, seeds are moving and rumbling and rocking back and forth the help seat back skin. Like punch you they'll be fog or cold or hot air when he smells, and there are close to eight hundred of these theatres opening, I'm sorry operating in today I have not gone and want to try it out. I don't think I just want to see what is like. Oh, I can assure You are probably won't like it right, but I will say that this progress and it s an unusually greater mentioning here before called to scary, didn't watch it these three girlfriends too One of them loves horror, movies, the other
hate them, but they want to know what happens. Sergey watches and the men recap some severe and is a really fun show in semi. Smart is one of the co host, who has a great name? Yes, Amy scrape. She watches these movies. The horror movies, she's gonna watches I'm an she. It's a four d acts for the top gun movie, and she said she had a blast anomalies. Yes m me, someone who, like is judgment in opinion. I buy value, so based on that alone, I'll give it a shot. So I'm gonna try out forty so that my source, which is a quartz article, called I watch batman, vs superman at a forty theater see you don't have to buy Adam at eighteen. Alright, it's basically the opposite. He was saying that, like there's a part where some a character gets shot in the back and his c, punched him in the back.
Some reason he said his hair was ten away for good and all the other sing like like a king. It's like. Why would you want to stimulate that in a well honey. That's the whole deal his were. His point this, this is the upshot, as is he would probably said. If were me, it did the possessed of pulling him into the movie, they reminded him exactly where he was at every single moment in air and chatting him from getting into the movie. itself. Ok yeah yeah Yet he didn't really like it at all and from what I've seen. Basically, a review is is similar to that that for apparently sammy smart trivia well I think Sammy thinks it was a full throated endorsement. I think it was like she said. I had a really good time that this movie then this experience I gotcha coal, which is different. Sometimes in saying like this awesome in the next wave. You right, I'm waiting, but its hanging on to in there
it is in there's a: u can get this in your home. Now, there's a company from Spain called all aroma there. we'll sell you it's sort of earth to foot it looks like about one foot box cannot forget box van right, and you can load up to twenty smells. I think for the basic three five hundred dollar package and it did the same thing: it sinks up with your movies, software and You can go all the way up, like twenty grand, if you wanna forty smell version and you can in your home, theater yeah reminds me of the ice smell for a further number, we talked about the old apple, peripheral and overtook out. That's what my aid plugged into your computer and did the same thing. I've gotten about that. I will worst things you allow me a please so they went back in they kind of items. Think they'd made any at its whatsoever, they just re title the scent of mystery, in two holiday in Spain,
so I call center MR anymore took away the smelly parts, but because they written this, the script around smells, I saw it a daily telegraph for viewers said it took on a bath in almost surreal quality in some parts of it, where the bread is pull out the oven and then I kept it in the middle of the screen for one thing became like an art gel yeah it didn't, it didn't, make sense anymore. I thought that was a great description of it. I want to see it now. Maybe I should watch it or you got anything else Maybe you should watch it together and we should just provide each other with surprising smells I see great idea. You know that interested idea. Let's give them a up. Don't sync up like the bread comes out of the oven, and that's when I Do you like motor oil or something needs the thousand meet all these motor oil and, like that, smells terrible there before see ya.
I think we are already ass if again got illustrate nigger right nothing. so since chuck said, he's got nothing. That means time for listener mail. We call this one just a very nice. Thank you you guys been listening to show for about ten years now and express my gratitude. enjoy your down earth humorous, clever and intentional approach to depart I love learning about the stories. Events and concepts have never heard of for hearing. Detailed look at a topic. I never would have thought to explore further. I realise that your project has been with me through several milestones, difficult life, thence grad school, starting my career grief and now my first year sobriety. Well, I work as a music therapists in a pretty high strung environments, always appreciate a show, help Take. My mind all things I quite litter: we cannot fall asleep without wishing to establish new episode, old or new, and nasa Does this boring eyes avenues in the car on walks as well, but something about the show helps to bring us. Openness and appreciation for life and health
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-28.