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How Thanksgiving Works

2008-11-27 | 🔗

Thanksgiving is an unusual holiday in America -- there's no religious connotation, and the only traditions are a good meal and a sense of appreciation for the good things in life. Check out this HowStuffWorks podcast to learn more about Thanksgiving.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Welcome to stop. You should know from house network. Stockholm could call welcome the pike. Yes, this is Josh. There's Chuck go, that's right! That's our best forget that was needed. That was the signal tat. The police are given the own Wilson used in poverty. That's right, nice place, hipster reference. Is it further? Maybe big nerd, none ass, it was a coup in everybody should know about it, I'm so Turkey's Turkey's yes list, I'm not saying it No, let us talk Turkey, ok, so we are talking Turkey, it's almost thanksgiving. Yes, it is, and I'm I'm getting a little hungered near my favorite holiday. Yeah is really that weird is. It was yours, arbour, day
the fact that no really thinks your favorite holiday yeah. Why? Well, I that the rituals of the football I like the meal yeah. I like the sentiment behind it, giving thanks being thankful, put about presence, you get your presence on things. Might It is being offered for a few days and later on in the drinking water. Is the gift that keeps on giving that's great. I had no idea checking in fancier sick. You were the first person ever met his favorite holidays. I still want Digital get up more. My collection is growing, more replete. What's your favorite holiday, the Christmas break out, now at Christmas. Two, but does the whole were in shopping thing in the greed of the company's. It's all attempts at a bit in mapping and degree
is only in only goes as far as you. Let it get out her view by somebody at present, you think, is appropriate to excessive they're, not gonna, like shoved it back in your face. It's a! U take this I can tell what you pay for right. I just mean more along the lines of the consumerism as a whole. I understand but yeah, I'm off my so box, all that's! Let's get back to checks, they were holiday Yanks, giving and down. Actually everything you know about Thanksgiving is wrong. Me, everybody, everybody most people right wisely, I shouldn't say most things those elementary school peasants there. You know a lot of us again be forced to go. Watch the season or have seen already scare Lena. Those are actually fairly accurate, yeah as far as the year, the pills in the native Americans sitting down together? That is very much the bare bones of the story right, the wardrobe, his off apparent yeah, no buckles pilgrims didn't wear the they don't like the quick
sky or they that fairly, the only were black and white on Sunday here in Brussels, again didn't come into fashion until about fifty or sixty years lay much later so the buckles you, you almost never saw a you know the cartoon Turkey's dressed like a pilgrim. Very rarely did you see that in North America, in the seventeenth century, right I've been working on that when it gets laughs ever even repeated Revive levy funny the second then so. Yet there was, there was a guy named squatter. There were puritan settlers right aid programmes and they did sit down for a feast and they landed on Plymouth Rock. Yet there was a lot more to the story them right, so you may give you back on you. Please do ok, so basically the the Puritans and it wasn't just the Puritans settled Plymouth. There is actually another group called the strangers who thought the Puritans were complete religious wackos, merely area they did
not really get along very well, but they were all in it together. They call themselves the strangers no. I think the Puritans call them the stream yeah a lot more catholic right here so They all they were all in together, cuz, they were all in deep, really really big trouble than when they live? It was November writing twenty, so they should have just in time for a harsh north winner, and is not only over a four month. Forty eight of the first of the original hundred people die we're talking dying of exposure of starvation and horrible ways. The dire and the people who survived the winner work much better off their magic died. Yet if I had no idea what they were doing like they brought some types of green with them, their wooden grow in North America. Right. I didn't know what they were getting into it all now
they wouldn't said: hey, let's land in Massachusetts in November. I bet it's nice exactly. So there was one big stroke of luck. There would actually proved be enormous luck. They found a deserted whopper. No ogg settlement called Pocket right, a pot tuckett, actually the abandoned his bad word. It's actually was deserted because pretty much the entire population been decimated by small part, which was courtesy of english explorers and traders who come through in said, hey in here some smallpox right thanks for that, so it was, it was abandoned. It was deserted. There's no one living there, basically just bones laying around, but the structures were still there. So the pilgrims move into this village- it just so happens there a guy named Otto had grown. That was his home village. That's where he grown up right, but he wasn't there when the smallpox it, or else he would have likely died with everybody else.
Here is actually in England there was a on who you ask. He was either sponsored by an english trader, and to England to be educated or he was shipped England as a slave, which a lot of people don't know this, but the Puritans actually help set off the slave trade in North America. Before we visited Africa, we use native Americans slaves, and I have to make English commonly either way squander was educated in England and had been away from several years. He comes. Do some village defined a bunch of white people squatting there right, but
It so happens that the this group of white people are starving there on the verge of death and all of a sudden one of the handful of native Americans, who can speak English in in on the north american continent at that time, show up out of the wilderness and says: let me help it's crazy. How were telling that way? You can imagine the Puritans view. This is a huge quantities being sent by God right, which actually ended up justifying centuries of you know. Genocide know that, because we were meant to be a clear leisure and you can have one That farm squatter had been given a flash of the future. Would he have? How can I mean it was sure
have internet and mental cigarettes. But at what cost right you know it makes you wonder if he would have just kind of walked away back into the woods. Like good luck, writers does fifty May died in the change. The course of you, no american history powder irrevocably here yet so arm. He help some. He basically teaches the Puritans how to survive in North America had a farm with a groan. Yet corn corn, big one year huge, which we both know, is enormous and down. Let's see how to hunt dear how to harvest shellfish right arm and that from April trees, yes again, and so he he so he saves this group of people and down. It is true that out of respect for his helper in by this time, slideshow had been adopted by or absorbed into a nearby
Well, you know, I've tried meant so out of gratitude. They invited squint own his family for a celebratory feast year, which was the first thanksgiving exactly and that's the one that you'll see in elementary schools around the country, the Sir November and historians think that it actually did take place in the fall to them. That much is on parts that pregnant women. The fourth thirsting thanksgiving- and I doubt if they watch football, Maybe they did a sports were involved here, hey everybody! I wanna talk to you about your website that doesn't look good and this hard to program, because, where space does it better? Yeah they do square space. Is this amazing magical tool that you can just basically good people?
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in there, so they probably base the young, the the We all know the native American right, I'm your plan, which I did little research into that austerity, and you want to honour Euro, our native american friends here and this thanksgiving, then you can sit down and have a traditional native american meal of being soup son of Fried MASH nice. Not quite sure that is, I think, a smash corn with possible. Milk. At its ensuing. You can rest yourself a rabbit. Nowhere chairman some mutton, stew and a little sheep said Anne. I woody all there I would try. Sheep said I never have I would happily eat all the rest of it and that there would be a traditional or in other spheres are traditional native american foods. Here there is what there's one in unlike Chuck said, the this this much more. This first thanks
much more followed. The native Americans tradition of Thanksgiving headed, followed the Puritans version of Thanksgiving. There would have been a lot of praying and not dance and basically the standing round being very solemn right in the Puritans head Data Thanksgiving like crazy, the native Americans in the northeast, the Algonquin speaking peoples. They celebrated six times you're right and one of them was the harvest sure which is actually whirled round yeah the ancient cultures and recent culture celebrated harvester thanksgiving. Yes, so that's that's actually kind of what we do today. We still kind of celebrated a little more like the right, the indian version, then the puritan.
So that's the story of the first thanks giving right and basically it led to I've. Read I've read analysis on it, and people speculate that the the Puritans were grateful, but at the same, time. They did see squatter sent by God, re like he had no choice in it and ultimately they were kind of getting along because they were about the only English in the area and they were vastly outnumbered by the native american exam within twenty years. The children of both of these groups, who were seated at the first thanks dinner were murdering one another in King Philips WAR, and that was the beginning of that right, so this fight for which, owing to fish or thanksgivings. Yet the way we recognise it right. Well, if you're talking about officially recognised George Washington started that yeah, that's the sporadic thanksgiving.
Celebration right that marked actually, sadly, alot of marked victories. Over native tribes yeah, and is there hearing how things get started, its that's quite a kick in the vase yeah, Ultimately, a few are descended firmer immigrant from the east, specifically european immigration. Here in the U S and celebrate Thanksgiving, sadly, what you're really giving thanks for his being on the winning side right now, the native Americans, don't necessarily take things giving the same way that people of Anglo dissent or european descended general do does actually day of mourning that they celebrate right near Plymouth. Yes, to drive the point home, they didn't lane on Plymouth, Rock Plymouth Rock landed on them right, that's the saying so yet, but our modern version of Thanksgiving actually comes from a magazine. Editor right now check with Saint George Washington.
Was his consolidate all these Thanksgiving day than the one right. They didn't really take off the where he was. He was the first one. Is it Oh magazine, editor name, Sir Hale started letter writing campaign. She had actually come across the two surviving documents that described the first thanksgiving. She got some of its article, but she really romanticized embellished at year end gave us what we think of women Think of thanks giving today exactly you know in what the little kids in elementary school are putting on it. All basically came from this magazine. Editors, imagination right, take pumpkin pies, for example, I'd love to other pumpkin, but I do too, and I am grateful that their part of the things giving anti wrinkle for, but did you know that there was literally impossible that pumpkin pies were part of the first things giving you wanna? Why
my guess is that there were no pumpkins. There were pumpkins, ok, pumpkin, circa squash. There was no aid to North America. There was pie, but if you're the Europeans knew how to make pie. So, what's the problem they probably didn't? Have for our part. We didn't have the milk, even if they did still a year after they ve been there. The pilgrims headed man is to build a functioning of any right through it literally impact will it they had pie and another didn't have a cover up to dollar. Upon top, definitely not oil or cream right cream. That's my it's my fault greed so Lincoln ratifies and makes it the really official every day he ethical the last day over nothing. The latter fillet of November, but it was Sarah hail from Zaire hails letter running camp right and then the third
then came along. Think Franklin, Roosevelt moved it up a week in above this part. He they actually start calling it francs giving its just a kind of tried him a little bit. Does he changed it up your? Why did for Christmas shopping? And yet, if he did it, because the big national retailers were lobbying him to extend their Christmas shopping season right, then she took that Turkey was thought yes since, like about about Turkey, and I refuse to say how Turkey I love it Turkey was not a part of thanksgiving. Initially they pretty much said that correct was most likely venison or some other sort of foul their another. There was found actually at the time. If you talk to a Puritan about Turkey, it they would have the there actually characterized any kind of fell. So even if they did use of Turkey, which they didn't mean anything. But probably were like ducks and geese on the table right and we know there is also cranberry two year, which is one thing so holds true. Just night cohabit
While Turkey was not apart back then, but a very much is now ninety percent of Americans. Now he thinks giving on Turkey and out imagine the ten percent who don't a lot of those are private italian. I can a genuine choose another meat. If you're, not a vegetarian omen, Turkey, you're gonna have to be some sort of in a year. If we have listeners out there who do who are not, bulgarian and who ought first stake on Thanksgiving I'd love to hear from you. Yes, a vertical by Turkey is what the vegetarians prefer, because it you keep real the tradition. Anyone really prefer to forget year is done out of some sort of obligation. Do you think I like us, think it's trying to keep up with the tradition was still maintaining the the ethics that other vegetarian told. That's mindless my guest. two new year and you want to keep growing your team, but you need the right tools to help keep your
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under these smartest wait a higher ending saga football. We hold them away. I more uncertain. Ok, first of all were expected. He forty six million Turkey's this year for Thanksgiving alone, while seven hundred million so far the turkey and while we are still on the topic of Turkey, can I tell you one more thing: I so I took the fan, makes you sleepy? Yes, that's not the case, tripped event that you should explain as a chemical in Turkey correct that supposedly makes you sleeping right and actually does incur. The production of serotonin, which is a calming agent on the nervous system right. The problem is trip to fan, is affair. Pretty much only on an empty stomach right. Ok, so they say what what is it about the turkey that makes you sleepy? It's not the turkey alone is actually the meal right. Ok, the average thanksgiving the serving
This? Is it like the whole spread this? What you or are you going to sit down and eat the average meal has three and calorie, while in two hundred and twenty nine grams of fat. I looked it up my friend, that's the equivalent of six big I was going to say I bet you're gonna, put it a big MAC Teresa agenda that was gonna back is like it should be a standard measures, while seven big MCA, six, six yeah, it's actually calorie wisest about five big macs background noise is about six while several make me sleepy of eight six big macs, exactly the digestion chuck you and I we know and love the fighter flight response. Writer. Do you remember when, when, when you're faced with danger, digestion stops and everything while this is the exact opposite right, everything or slows down, so your stomach can be like a life to get rid of the factors that car heavy meal and actually with that over three thousand calories. Turned twenty nine backgrounds and we would have to run it a moderate pace for four street hours to burn them off and we don't. No, we don't instead as
with saying that what you want a ball? Yes, even people who don't like football, many times watch football and thanks giving rise for the tradition of our football. I led the Unifil. I love the Atlantic. Falcon telescope say that a more college football game itself Yes, I know that's why I like that too, but yeah that started in nineteen thirty, four, the Detroit lines play the Chicago bears and lost in nineteen, thirty, four, but they law it was the lions first year sure the bears the national champions, and they only was thirteen sixteen so treated showing for a four year club right now by three points and save seven years from thirty nine to forty four. They did not play football and I believe the plants in the were to I didn't. Look it up your problem. I doubt if that's coincidence, you know, I have a theory about the lions. Actually, I think that they can never pulley gather of truly decent team, because there are so many players of their don't wanna play thanks giving you don't wanna play a Christmas, while the wives of the plan days eyes every year, robbing their families a fund, exactly
and the cowboys or the editing the traditionally plays, and they started that tradition in nineteen. Sixty six, they were Johnny come lately. I can live with and a couple more here the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is, is I don't? I don't watch it, which is not big parade guy if you're ever New York City Hazel Tipp around Thanksgiving one thing: it's really funded. My wife- and I did it one year- is to go the day before the Thanksgiving Day parade. I watched the year, the balloons being blown up call. It is walk around central Park, they're gonna streets close down their blown up. You know you see common on the ground. There blown him up and theirs. Kids everywhere, and parents everywhere and Is it the light, and it's not just the mob scene of the actual parade thanks a lot more fun and that's Chucks recommendation for New York City, I've learned over time that, following chuck around, can yield some pretty cool adventures and I'd see Thanksgiving day. A balloons being blown up, you might run in
Tony shall lube sure you could find a severed head in a bucket, there's all sorts of crazy stuff, has been show. I so much more interesting when I start, namely things out loud. So Chuckie you got anything else Now that it is my favorite, I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving this year. You're happy thanksgiving, remember with the stuff turkey that twenty two to twenty four minutes propounded three twenty five right. If you don't go to the trouble of stuff here, your turkey just knocked down to eighteen to twenty minutes per paralysing temperature, or you can just forego all that and sit down to a plate of six big macs. Same result rankings happily till they're, happy Thanksgiving and remember the reason for the season as to give thanks for things. You have your life. Now it's a busy day. There's footballers through this fund the short time reflect on things and don't forget about the for more on this and thousands of other topics, as it has therefore accept com, no, it's send an email to podcast and house
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-28.