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How Body Dysmorphic Disorder Works

2009-06-25 | 🔗

People who suffer with body dysmorphic disorder have a distorted, unhealthy view of their bodies. Learn more about this compulsive disorder in the following podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

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Online dotcom- slash crutch brought to you by the reinvented two thousand? Twelve Camry, it's ready are you welcome to study, should now run Hasta for external aid workers into the park chest and Josh Clark, there's chuck by hijack high growth trend through your foot happened. Reproof thanks Chuck. I appreciate that emerge. If I took up my sure that women, and settling enough to throw you know you want to try new, come on this electoral work? Really well, with the topic at hand, I never went my make it just do you Jerry? Do you want to see a snake it? should not want you to go. It's not gonna happen where you are needed
My should offer this. How good gash? No ok chuck it's no secret to you there that I grew up a little fat kid. I wanna see pictures by the way, I'd love to see that our Aubrey some in yeah. I was a little fat kid. I was the pills buried. The boy was my nickname. I was sure he didn't then, and they call me the debate here today and which the belly button in all air. Now it did a low yeah, we're light so funny, well and fantasizing. Exactly it was kind of traumatized I've always wondered I'd heard of a body this morphine disorder before and I don't think I have it to a clinical degree, but it occurs to me that, like what I'm saying when I was given a mere is not necessarily what everybody else see. I was bring it up, but since you did read this article, I thought wow sounds an awful lot like Josh in certain cases, really,
these. She didn't read how narcissism works. Well, now that different, like as a new like this one's, definitely Josh, I think they can live or similar in some ways. Actually they seem to be because they're both them centred around a focus on one self right at the expense of you know paying attention you surroundings, rather people right, yeah, so that is all right. You got another. Firstly, I appreciate that the course body this morphine disorder GDP is that little abbreviation than progeny ask. Is this more figures? Doesn't roll off the town? It's also called this more phobia there s, no better enough. Look up ok! Well, then, let's stick with DDT. Ok with a shell like that, as well as pretty funny United speech impediment, as well as her body. This morphine disorder Basically, we are talking about folks out there in Pike S land. Is that if you completely preoccupied with flaws on your body and not just one flower but in us,
yeah, what did you use blind sure? You knows. Which strangely I dont have any kind of beating the around my nose in his car, like I'm a big those either because it all look at this, they do now not big I've giant nostrils too. Well, that's different story. It also chuck beady d, also frequently as a out. What's the word, its co morbidity with other metal, I guess disorders,
Obsessive compulsive disorder, interacts, ear and clinical depression right, which is why its misdiagnose, sometimes it's over. They they think it's probably under diagnosed. I think there is about one percent of the population is believed to have beady but yeah. They think that that's probably much higher for a number of reasons number one somebody might not want to talk about their flaws. It or therapy is yeah and you don't have become across some vain superficial jerk in, but you know we ve gotta Shrinks was just going to set out there. I can't believe you said that this allotted disclosure check, I think healthy people, Frank says my shrink how he says. I worry about the people who don't gotta shrinks, yet they are the ones that dress up in black and should have school right. Of course he says it is. I'm writing the Czech. So here I come back chump so yeah
or afraid to say that to their their psychiatry, psychologist their ashamed of the floor so much that they don't want to discuss it at all Now I was being ashamed of being vain there, so ashamed of there being a pot value whatever they may be a lot more likely to go to say a cosmetic surgeon river. You know a psychoanalyst of some sort which I'll go and ruinous one to lay down tat. The results of cosmetic surgery usually don't work when he had beady. Do you know this is
you'll get the surgery and you're still be really take the higher worried that it's going to come back or your obsession. Wool- wool transfer over to another part of your body right or you get really angry at the surgeon and say that they didn't fix it right right, yeah, which is that's. It scared profession for a number of rights of Joan Rivers. I think might behind you think. How have you seen her lately? I feel bad for people who down who get tons of cosmetic search, Emmett. Think about like that, the depth of their self loathing that that they continuously go there junkies for it yeah. Now it's hard for me to draw up a lot of compassion there, but I guess you're right and it's a good point. Thanks Chuck, I feel somewhat shamed. Were you should feel shame and not just about your body right. But the point is generous. Looks like a sea, trout,
that is just what he feels like a speckled transceiver dream sailor of hacked DDT your weight we hit upon something like I said that the obsession will transfer period is a compulsive disorder Justin they are repetitive, an irresistible basically right, What are some of the symptoms for people out there? Who are thinking how I used to be effect kid? Well, I this is pretty obvious but constantly check your appearance in the mere or already reflect avoiding meares and reflective surfaces entirely sure go either end of the spectrum. Here that makes sense constantly, comparing your parents to others check, picking at or otherwise attempting to fix an imagined flaw like excessive grooming.
Jack. I guess measuring touching or checking the defect. Changing your clothes alot, refusing to be photographed constantly asking for reassurance about european checks, and check camouflaging messier disguising the flaw I do were allowed to make up like if you have a big belly like we're in this big hawaiian shirts- and you know I've you're. Just a fine fact. I their way out is a signal that everybody else, your fat guy everywhere. Hawaiians result. I absolutely happily everybody also just thinks. Are you ready to party right through in a life the party I see? I have a bit of a belly as it were, This is a known fact, but I found that when I wear a tighter shirt and that tight, but you know a fitting to view and types of fishing shirt people say: hey, did you look like you, ve lost
But if I were the moment, oh no yeah death, it actually makes you look bigger when you reached when you reach a certain point of, I guess: weight, loss or something especially if you go from chug here right well, give you personnel now, but boat went or am, I definitely had appoint were realised like I look fatter in actual large herds than enlargement, yet exactly it's. It's a good realisation is near. That's that's the big ones, I'm anxiety in fear when you around other people, obviously excessive dieting in exercising sure thing, suicidal thoughts. Yeah, that's the really downside, a guess when you at your word and actually there's a lot of people who, I think something like on the order of eighty percent of people who have been diagnosed with BT, have reported that they considered suicide.
And about twenty five percent have actually tried it. I don't know how many successfully, but now the choice- and it is sad because you know I mean you're at the point where you just hate yourself so much you you like I'm just gonna, try this over again right and what is it with most disorders? That's the darkest end of the spectrum. It there's a big range from mile to really severe I'll. Tell you the darkened the spectrum, my friend her boy, you ready for this one people with Bt D times self perform surgery. Yeah. Can you imagine mutilating yourself now to just try to get rid of this law now, because you know I love handle, isn't is much worse than a gaping wound were like this mission missing hunk of flesh used to be here. I think alcohol might be involved you now. I could see her someone just getting completely written any like gotta, get rid of you get out the kitchen. I've gone
leave the cure. Those really there was a shilling in I added I actually we're making my that at that does happen. People do reached her steps so that that's an awful thing to make fun of sure which you just ass. I was trying to reenact what it might be like,
Chuck. Thank you for that is actually what happened me last Friday night, as it would encourage off out just a little bit of a love handle they got in and outside our thought. You look like you lesson. Wait, yeah, just a hint of a love handle through painful color friends. I want to tell you about love book, the very easy way to personalize a book to someone you love in three easy steps. Love books, helps customers express the sentiments that may be difficult to say out loud for some of us looking in anyone's particular direction, users can create characters that look just like themselves and the recipient right down to the outfits and accessories customers have the option to personalize each page as much as they like, but the express option creates a complete book with just a few clicks. Log book now offers a membership programme as well. You receive a free book when you sign up fifty percent off any additional books, unlimited free digital books and discounts on gift, rap and other products. Love books are the perfect gift for all occasions or just
so right now you can check out love books. By going to love book online dotcom, Slash crush, you will receive a special twenty percent discount, that is it love book online, dotcom, slash crutch. So well, let's talk about what beady is. You know we're not entirely certain how a person gets sister. We know how it it manifests itself, but we're not entirely certain. What's going on. Yes, if you think about it, it's kind of bizarre that you don't see yourself the way other people do when you know you're. Looking at your reflection in a mere right, I think a lot of people had that to a certain degree sure cause. I mean how many people, when they see a photo themselves, say how do I look like that, our minds always do I sound like that? Really I got a great listen They do they ve research. As far as the biological causes us go and start with the biological, ok yeah. Some researchers showed twenty five people, I'm half of which so yes, twelve and a half,
I notice that DDT and the other half did not, and they would show them three different images of faces and different resolutions high, regular and well sure large medium. More right and they do not soon MRI and they show that the dvd folks use the left side of the brain, which is the analytical so indeed process. All the images and the other participants use the left hemisphere only for the high rise images, so that means Josh is that or what it could mean is that the mines, the brains of peace? b d want to acutely process visual details, even when there are no visual details there always looking for that. Its one explanation with reasonable moving on I've got one better for you. Ok
eyes much more likely in my opinion, that it is an imbalance in the brain chemistry, specifically with the uptake of certain with your eyes. A certain is a narrow transmitter. Writings, it produced in the brain actually can be produced anywhere in the body, but the stuff that affect your mood and sleep and things like that you're socially produced in the by trip to fan trip to fan, as you know, is from New York confined in Turkey has an immediate acid. I know everyone says it makes you are going to sleep supposedly. Actually I ronicky trip defend works best at an empty stomach right and when you eat a bunch of stuff it Thanksgiving yeah cover this, and I think we did too how to stop. There will basically gorge yourself in right. Actually, digesting asked me you, sleepy by trivia fan is as
uncommon in that it's one of the few amino acids that can cross the blood brain barrier that so you contribute fanny, get separated from your turkey and crosses the boy into the brain words used as an essential ingredient in serotonin production right in a paddle book. The target, yeah? I understood here with the giant frog and so once the trip to thank you rain, yadda yadda yadda. You got serotonin right here. Did you like their explanation, very civic serotonin is trains is a narrow transmitter. So it goes from the pre synaptic neuron, which is the one where its produced to the post synaptic neuron, where its accepted right, but it loses a little on the way it does not all of its taken in by the postman after dinner. On my end,
and a floating there in this inapt cleft space between neurons, where these electoral chemical LE messages were firing between bright and actually that can be good if it, if it accumulates too much, then it's not you good, because you ve got a biscuit. Blockage in you have internet actually call out the serotonin over you in the if it lingers a little longer. The communication is stronger right right, SS, our Iser search term. Sorry, selective serotonin real taken arbiters. Do they actually prevent some of the serotonin from being taken back right by the priests in Africa? so we're talking arose at the maximum right. These things there, what they do is
they allowed some of the serotonin to linger, which makes for a stronger message which improves mood actually stabilizes mood. What were seeking is a stable mood rather than ups and downs that make sense to me. Doesn't really I only cow will mean. Not only did you do a fine job of land that out there, but I think anytime, you deal with something like this sure, there's certain other exploration the brain. Do that's where tat I agree, the brain is the thing, so are the reason why they think that this is this. Is it that DDT, is a chemical imbalance of the result of chemical about because ability patients respond very well to selective ceretani react taken habitats like rain so often stuff, like that packs all so so so selects all ass Prozac eight year, all those anti depressants all that good stuff, yeah, I'm cultural factors. We talk about that
Are we dont biology, and those are the only two theories that I know they're going on right now, biologically? Ok, let's move over to look to the cultural and physiological side of things. We have this one, you now, of course the media in May is always gets plain. It does. Media is too lazy to really do anything that actively bad. In my opinion, MR thing, it's all the result of despair and inability to the real research yeah, true MRS prelacy, to blame on media, but we'll do that right. Now, the media, of course, without the perfect bodies in the perfect faces. It certainly does not help thinking cause this, but I don't think it helps the situation if you're born with, like a mile case ability you,
You know just sell on the cover of a magazine prior to make. You feel any better about the carry more on your lip. Probably not, although, if you see a picture Cindy Crawford, you Polly feel pretty good about the hairy more on your left. That's the beauty, Mark Buddy, saints thing rig it all the peasant, What face its separate their eyes are those pretty funny that on my face would be a more or worse, they taught me all the talking all Zinni Crawford. Ninety then it would command you to burn things. The Simpsons wasn't Ralph leprechaun commands into burn thing right. Ok, I thought you minnetaki mobile. Hey everybody! I want to talk to you about your website that doesn't look good and this hard to program, because, where space does it better yeah they do square space. Is this amazing magical tool that you can just basically good people?
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Purchase of a website or domain Skurse base discotheque in it, so yeah those that the societal cultural theories- and this is the one that they documented as far back as eighty read, so that's funny. Just reference is another part care. I now mahler the plague yet be, which kind of only undermines the idea that is media sensationalism kisses before media, while yet pretty much journey. Would you have like this the Saturday evening, post they're right they showed a little ankle and all of a sudden near women are like my uncle's. Don't look like that right, Norman Rockwell is disturbing millions of people. I think also. This would be a good point to say that this is not just affect women. It affects men as well how s your, but in a very sexist way men have their own version of it, muscular body, this morphia right, which is
the need to be boffin muscular, which I clearly could kill us about that same here. But it does. It isn't just related to the muscles or the lack of muscle. It's also related to thinning hair right. Genitally speaking, it has something to do with that shirt. Jealousy that one kids in the hall with Mr Cabotage remember him area where he is trying to pick some woman up in here. Like it's not a cucumber. It's a girl can exactly, I probably would have had muscular body, does morphia disorder properly, so sure. There also, maybe some childhood traumas that could the kick start, this whole thing being beaten about the head, neck, yeah, endemic
and teaching like you're talking about, and they did a study they found. Seventy percent of the participants reported the maltreatment during their childhood. The study of a people beady give it the study didn't say whether they didn't ask whether the maltreatment happened before after the onset of the Iraqis slightly dodgy show his thick, but they also found the forty percent said. The maltreatment was severe right so that gonna make sense at all. I think it could be of soup of all these things he may be born with a little bit of it. Society chimes making me feel worse about yourself. You made your parents did schoolmates. That kind of thing right, but I am saying this as a former fakir. Eventually you have to get to a point where you can't let other people define you you don't I'm saying eventually have to stand on their own two feet and you say tat. I was fat, cable eyes lit, allowing yeah. I had some jerks put me in the stomach, okay
You say there are already ditches right now, do some therapy and look at you, but he insisted. I was late bed wetter. Oh my god. Are you really holy cow hurriedly If I can wonder, I really know now get some words in my bedroom INA for those you go out there there late backwaters, it's ok and it will stop at some point eventually. Could you stop drinking late at night awaiting on that day, Jackie anymore. Revelations well effects puzzled about one. Two percent of the general population with late very worrying, now saw here the beady, ok and so I, but they think that might become law because of the lack of diner diagnosis and stuff like that nice. Well, how do we treat this chuck? I we already said as much her eyes, ass, the sun rises one, and then you have the old c B. T cognitive, behavioral therapy, yes, which was developed in the fifties itself,
therapy where you are so different approaches. You focus on the concept that your thoughts are the root of the behaviour and the feelings, as opposed to like outside influences the sort of tackling from inside out not eating in smoking. Cigarettes helps a lot too, as I understand it right here In closing I because it gives the in closing, I would say, just four miles: someone who has had issues with their weight here and there and jobs that winning and heading is. You know no one's perfect. It's you gonna live a long life full of let's hope and now gonna, have issues with yourself here and there get over it and it's not a big deal. Everyone has their flaws in so just accept except your own. Yes, that's my advice. Beautiful chuck, beautiful beautiful words, A beautiful, beautiful man inside and out right, surround yourself with the people who support. You agree
the jerks out there that are common aims and stuff they didn't know talking. Yet we should probably specially target the city or younger. Let's do it eventually ends when you allow it, and you know it, guarantee you, and I can say this is an old or guy those same jerks, your teasing, you import poking prodding, you like just said they're, probably losers, and they will go on in their true colours amount later. The green lizard for life, our rights of its body, this morphing disorder, if you were actually this is a fine fine article written by Jessica Tooth meant. I thought it was excellent. The teeth struck the tooth, and in it she says that, if you think or suspect you might have body does big disorder. You should go, seek help from a therapist you're, absolutely even if you'd just seems mild because oftentimes, it's a lot worse than you think it is the annual one. So why yeah that's bodied of this work deserves. I do said, which means that it
time for listen, a male? Maybe why not technical, this corrections in suggestion, because there's one suggest anti corruption. I'm gonna go to these This comes from my Julie, she says Geologic, knit pick from Ccs, podcast, ass of believe we said, but I said Basler you said base out and she says it's actually pronounced. Basalt result with the influence on the emphasis on salt. With salt right, but some actions from Julie are friendly. Neighbourhood. Pedantic geologists is how she both herself to thank for that. Thanks to this comes from Peter This is about Tesla and await worthless, Vander, the guy the Nikola Tesla gratitude.
And he said that and we ve got an email from a few votes that we were knocking pc power boot DC. It's actually get lots of great applications. Yes, and we didn't highlight those reminded. Is there, a camp of people who are further DC electricity you stated a couple times that this is a poor transmitter electricity across long distances. Actually, fuck, is going on now and energy business about the possibility of using high voltage DC are direct current to transmit electricity cross long distances and high voltage is direct. Current experiences, much lower line losses in Asia. That is not what I understand. He said there looking into a buddy. You gonna take Peter to task, no no I mean you, don't know him back and then the spinal one is for my Andrew and Nashua New Hampshire, Nashua much Ass, Pronounced He says he has an addendum to are innovations podcast and he thinks a really cool
be wireless electricity and don't say battery and he said, don't say bye. You said that sustained a sustained energy with a wireless would be really cool. So when you take out your backing cleaner you to Caesar how severe wireless power? No courts trip over you're having a move from out with the outlet, and you could have an infomercial with a woman in black and white, whose hair is all frazzled of her vacuum. Gourd then, looking into the camera with a frustrated look, she blows the unkempt here out of well. Why, then, show and full color smiling from ear to ear ass? She wirelessly vacuums, and I think that is a very sexist infomercial buddy yeah anxiously guy. This guy is really really thought. The sofa yeah that, because of their high grasp holidays, seems dangerous. Ass me you'd have the beam that electricity, somehow with a good point chuck so whenever, but thank you
You should close if we must remain Elinor whatever, but we want to think Andrew and no New Hampshire presented that something very groovy idea thinks all three: in writing in everybody has written, and even if we haven't got near letters, we actually do read every single one. It's pretty cool! If you want to send a letter may or may not be read on the air, but at the very least you know just beautiful eyes of gays over it. You can send that to stuff podcast at House work more on this and thousands of other topics. Is it how stuff works out com what more house of words check out our blot on the house works not come. I brought you by the reinvented two thousand twelve Camry. It's ready. I'm pretty sure, I'm America's number one gossip columns to tell you about my new celebrity podcast naughty but nice. Rob shooter.
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-28.