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How Barbie Doll Works

2012-12-20 | 🔗

In this episode, Josh and Chuck explore the history, cultural impact and feminist ire raised by the Barbie doll. The boys are joined by Gordon Javna, the founder of the Bathroom Readers' Institute and publisher of Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

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laptop nice and sanction or circle there, making the first episode available for free, yells, pretty arson, and I think he has to get your foot yet. So we proceed to support and now on the episodes her. Yes, welcome to the podcast, unjust Clark, there's Charles W Chuck Bright and that the you should do to us together anatomically, correct doll models, version, the comments of a doll model once in awhile perk looking very keenly cheer him in not magic. Hearing now we'll get today shaved
chicken. So I know you know this, but I'll tell you again back when I was a little pop. I had the sum series of books. It were very, very significant and my life yet an uncle John Bathroom reader yeah now get one for Christmas every year and I will go through in the fridge. Our ahead, it my legs of Vietnam Cavalry Bath. When he first got these, I think a service about twelve Allah. The apparent knew that you were to stay a sponge for information, even at that age. I don't remember how I first came about it, but lay. I think somebody got it for me. They were blown away. How much I like there and it really helped shape me. In many many ways through the way. I understand things where look at things. In general, knowledge, I've had some rights among, but I like it's been a big deal
Should you in the bathroom everything so this this episode kind of special to me, because all this material we're doing how Barbie doll works? Yeah, I'm almost always materials from Uncle John- reader? They got in touch with us and gave us everything they have on Barbie and we compiled it into this pie cast and we actually have a special guess later founder of the Bathroom Reader Institute, Gordon Jaffna, as can be joining us on this. The talk about Bobby very excited and they also kind enough to give us Hudson shirts as well right give because they listen to US and we found out they listening. I was like you're kidding. This circle of life is complete, like we fear from
mad magazine, Archie Comics damages thing, damn interesting how we have progressed yet. No, we love them. They're there, the one people but one people, the one group out there that I would like to contact us. That's it just doin, the stamina, very many other now for Obama. I know he listened story. Obama just send an email, oh yeah yeah. I remember when they release what was the contents of his ipod yeah one year. Then we really. We are aware that we are, of course, are not still o n before So I want to give a shout out to one of our horror fixing contest entrance. Tell Mary. We said if you published something now we'll tell every buzzer James Murray submitted story the mind reader. It was very good, yes get on and he's got it up on Amazon dot com and you can search James Murray,
m c m: you are our. Why and the mind reader in it will bring it up for you hisself published. So it's pretty awesome us two way to go. J thinks villainous now so Barbie yes, it all started with a lady name, Ruth Marianna, who eventually became Ruth, hamper knew she grew up, but I guess kind of poor and then recover Otto yeah we're her mom was ill and I have the feeling that it was just her mom yeah, So she ended up having to go, live with her sister at a fairly young age. Yeah and at a young age as well met her husband, the Elliot and they moved California, as newlyweds did in the nineteen thirty year with the Mena Prosperous land out there opportunity and they had a very long, lasting marriage and business partnerships sixty three year pretty great, it is great.
It turned out to have a knack for creating gift where, specifically the start picture frames, wooden picture frames Ruth turn out to have a knack for marketing merchandising them. The tray and they ve together Form Mattel, which sounds familiar. I imagined yet well with Harold MATS and that's where the map came from nice and the air was Elliot. Very nice. Mattel this life and they so had a couple of kids name: Barbie can yeah, they have it. We should send it right. There Thea both up early words, not recall those, and I saw a fact why think one thing that I think is interesting about barbies, that the Barbie Doll was directly inspired by Barbie Handler Ruth's daughter, Barbie used to play with Bobby the real girl used to play with dolls. She had like her little baby dolls and she had you know little girl dolls, who would have is that all that was available to her, but she also played with paper dolls, and these paper. Dolls were kind of fashioned out
They were all their mature women, they had a front outfits and parenting. Barbie was just crazy form. So Ruth went to her colleagues Mattel and said we need to come up with a three dimensional doll that you can change. Outfits to be a huge hit and all the male suits Poohpooh to this issue sit out. Gimme some coffee lay ratings, haggling and she's like right. Well, fine I'll, see you all in hell, yet while they they d Poohpooh at first. Legitimate reason, though they said it was not possible to manufacture it, but I don't think it was just pulling her idea, although those problems, some of them except sure. Luckily, Europe, com and the handlers went on a european vacation and I think nineteen, fifty six and while they were and Lucerne Switzerland, they were in some toy shop. I guess that happened to be selling a German call the Lily doll and Lily was,
time a am. I guess you could call it a body comic strip, and this doll that was based on the strip was meant for men, as maybe too, like as the hosts gift for a stag parties. Do you like that? I get the impression you gotta men in shops, of ill repute. At the time you did you look up. Lily looks like Barbie looks like Marlene Detracting gonna put this half year, although I should say that does it make? It too? I am. We should also say you'll find out why, in the not too distant future that every time we say Barbie, there is an implied registered trademark symbol following it, this right all rights to Mattel. We claim zero rights or copyrights on Barbie or her products. Right, so I really was a prototype and you know she was grown up, lady, that you could change the clothes on and she's like you know, this is what we ve been wanting. This would have been waiting for its possible the main,
Bactra these, and I want to make barbies at Mattel, because a woman has choices and the fact that you can change your close proves it right. It took, convincing. But she got Mattel the other guy's a metal on board. We had they resisted because the of the large breasts on the doll are they basically said no bombs, gonna buy a doll with breast for a daughter. Remember there is nothing like this out there, yet I'm at least in America, and even Europe, the doll. That was like this. That Barbie was based on was based on a sexy comic strip, Zack. I wasn't regale girls, so this is a really evolutionary idea for a halo be like none. I won't they'll get past it like. This is what we need to do got Mattel on board and they did thing at the toy, fair in New York City and nineteen, fifty nine. Yet in a zebra striped bathing suit yes very alluring. I guess and her eyes were cast aside she never meet your gaze, which
cyber Amelia turn it no like it'll, never meet your game, only way with eyes moved no, the only way for eyes in a painting or an adult yet meet. You is for already be painted looking ahead, if their painted looking you decide, they'll never meet you. Well, unless you turn the dollar the some telling you you thought you try, you told the story about the painting as still So in the religion. Anything that has eyes, including at all, can capture your spirit, syringe and a lot of dolls are made with sideways looks, so you can't look him in the eye and every year and keep your spirit at the right at the major shrine in Japan. They have a doll burning cell, nation, where they burn unused an unwanted doll. So they can't get anybody, that's an environmental nightmare, so Barbie they use a nineteen, fifty nine
yes, that she goes to seers because they sold tons of Mattel products at the time series now. The thing is to sexy: no one's gonna buy em, it's too sexy, so Mattel turned be Smarty pants, though, because five years later a bar was a million dollar doll. I guess, because of all the internet orders that they were getting well, the little Kay Finally, some story said: yes, ok, we'll take out her and little kid solemn in their first, your check they sold. Three hundred and fifty thousand of these things- and there were some for three bucks- a peace which looked at twenty, two three and two thousand eleven dollars, so that there was a substantial amount of money, for the first year, surmount handler is proven right, pretty much out of the gate. Yes, that is true that the coup, end of Ruth story, actually, not so cool. Could she died of cancer,
but she eventually got breast cancer and when she was unable to find a breath press that she thought was was good enough. She said you know, I'm gonna make my own. Can a former company and I'm going call it nearly me and they manufacture, Bresse Prostheses for cancer survivors critical. She sadly lost her battle, but I think she is like an early eighties, our mid eighties and even after the handlers were basically forced out a Mattel, after some questionable earnings reports in their late seventies, early eighties. She still there I d like to tighten up the toy industry. A legend of this woman who like to help build Mattel firms, and like made it what it is today, you gonna take away this pass away. Last year, other he lived in his Ninetys as great as we have it: stats here now
we'd, all today cells about approximately every three seconds to solve one another job, It is a one point: five billion dollar business for Mattel and the average girl from three to six has twelve of these. It is mine, Bob a number one barbie for nineteen, fifty nine and cautious about twenty seven. Ran these days and what are the best Bobby of all time yet the ninety. Ninety team, totally hair Barbie, had hair from head to toe strikes me stranger, that's the best selling barbie about I looked it up its four guys like us. You look at the singing say. While what a redneck doll Has anyone been ended? The crystal gale hook since, with the seventies, their birthing little girls enjoyed like styling, the hair, all that in all the here that you could you all these interesting things with so Barbie hers
If you want to know a little bit of back backstory, anyone ever asks you Barbie's full name, Barbie the doll. Yet not the daughter were no longer talking about the daughter they were Barbie the doll in this weird fake history in a strange, so lowered Yes, why we went in and then we're coming back her second barbies real name is Barbara Millicent Roberts, apparently, which is my internet, not a middle name, but her name was Barbie Roberts Eric and she hails from now. My aunt put the Barbie doll hails from willows, Wisconsin, yeah yeah, and she has friends specifically and most notably Kane, showing Carson, who was introduced in eighteen, sixty one their worth, Pisces. I guess like me, I think so. They're both early march well, I'm a mid march. Another cut off his sometime in March, though so, for they are both born in March. Ok, look on piracy
and barbarism relatives her best friend midge. By the way who's been introduced, a couple of times pregnant has country, both times here. What one time with an actual baby in the bill take out in the womb yeah, it was, is looked upon and cracked magazine is one of the horrific toys in history. I think it was necessary in education, What was surprising to me was that she's pregnant and it caused a second time. It caused waves. As recently as like two thousand to a really doesn't purity doesn't Sixers fairly. Recent seems the world still has hang ups about pregnancy for some reason, whilst probably single woman, pregnancy problem, not just the fact that she was pregnant and other get one has impromptu pregnancy I have also heard a skipper yeah. She will sister she's the little sister debuted nineteen, seventy five, then their Stacy tighten Chelsea
her named after the handlers, grandchildren yet and then about Kin he's gone tourism transitions over the years is Malibu can lay back to your magic. Earring can we'll talk about a more in depth, Jerry introduced. Eighteen, ninety three embraced by the gay community and have you seen pictures oh yeah, yeah. He's got a not look up here in my hearing. Magic can thus forcing I did see through a kind of a sheer purple tank mesh mesh and leave with there's a matching purple jacket. The medallion Disney have like a risk corsage or something to. I didn't see that what he looked like a gay raver yeah. We can say that I mean like dead Army day river. I do want to offend any favours out there That is the fact of the gay community bought. A large portion of these things are sure, was a big surprise. The Mattel milk white we didn't mean that
as the Mattel they like white. We didn't mean that they took it off the shelves. Well, they're, pretty stupid you now registered trademark registered. They were making big sales. There had then joking whispers about can sexuality in pop culture. So when they made this one. I think people thought right there, finally, giving us like the real again and then for them to get it back up the shelves Come on yeah. Well, that's a kind of a thread you'll see throughout the Mattel as very protective of barbies image. Oh yes, and by proxy cans, images well trained, and apparently they don't think and Gay Canonbury broke up once famously two thousand for a year, and they got while after blaming the australian surfer showed up here. They ve just happen to break up then, but of course, like all noted lovers in history, they got back together and valentines on Valentine's day.
Thousand Levin bread and apparently Barbie was even on match dot com for a little while and can designed a cupcake for her ignore you bakery and posted billboards asking for Barboza Hand again and a word they nodded. I forget, of course, she's never been married again, never They gathered together Valentine's day, two thousand eleven, that's right! What about jobs? Barbies effect told him. She has done a lot of things. Fashionable astronaut hundred thirty careers, total NEA had annoyed stand on the cup, a paleontologist Mcdonald's franchise, hee hee. She franchise vehicles. I saw the one where she worked. The drive through depends like, if you really sir thinking about Barbie she on the place, but that's a big difference in out of the image or sending out like she business owner Ursus, slinging rise, while is also only tend to sure again shown that hot, I say
pretty much everything she works that she's owned. I, that was the impression I had race car driver, aerobics instructor. She owned aerobics right did it. She had a ban barbie in the rockers that form the nineteen eighty six, That's right, I have not heard any songs, but I should go look that up and then animals. She said more than fifty pets, first of which is a horseman dancer, said. Twenty one dogs to our forces Only six gets appear at the Champ Panda Alliance, cub a draft and Zeb, and then is it for the fake history barbie here, because if there's one thing about Barbie, it's that she collides with society, both in academic circles and pop culture. Like said in every aspect, Barbie hazard, her little plastic toes dipped in that some part
far society at large for tiny little plastic. Those improbably the group that she's run a foul of the most are feminists right Yeah in this article makes a great point like feminism, member, really bodily and Barbie CO evolve. At the same time in the nineteen early nineteenth sixties, is when these we're going on yeah came out and nineteen fifty nine Betty, Frieden, published a feminist mystique and nineteen three right. So there there to write their head to head intertwined at each other's throats for pretty much the whole time yet. Because I'm a feminist went out. Barbie is her figure, is ridiculous. She's, wealthy she's vapid, she's, materialistic.
Girl shouldn't be plan with this thing, because it sends all the wrong messages, possibly dangerous messages, and there are times when Mattel's kind of made the point for Feminist Surrey, just any critic of Barbie, specifically nineteen. Eighty two teen talk, Barbie yeah you'd, better them sometimes of the stuff, because they ve made some terrible mistake, though I know, but you get enough, it is a picture I can out of touch boardroom and they're trying to do the right thing. Sure energy supply has suffered a famous over and over. So what team talk, Barbie yeah there they recorded this barbie could talk back to you thanks to a computer microchip and say for phrases and they had two hundred and seventy four total in each dot, for at random. I love shopping. Let's have a pizza party for
One per cent of those math class is tough, which is a pretty high percentage for just one thing so, like the worst thing that can talk by recruiting said, ended up in the most stalls. And, of course, that perpetuated the girls about it A thing in the American Association of universally women said Billina like perpetuating Easter, types Mattel said buying in what will pull these and if you got one of these, I dont like math dolls, send it in? another one, but it was come too late and then the best thing in his he had let the other Barbie Liberation Organization struck. They bought hundreds of teen thought barbies an also apparently bought hundreds of talking Duke gee. I Joe Action figures and they switched the microchips out in on the Hudson a lot of little girls got barbies. That said things like
lot of little girls got barbies. That said, things like vengeance is mine, a lot a little voice catchy. I Joseph said things like: let's plainer dream waiting here, that's pretty great actually a really excellent version of this saga. That's told in the Simpsons episode LISA versus Malady Stacy Armament got all this background based. I retain learn in Mattel Barbie in and the Sum Barbie Liberation Organization. I'm glad you mention that at that I've forgotten all about that as such it get at the center given LISA. In heart, so Mattel and and Ruth have always shot back or countered, maybe more Rightly there not shrinking violet when in other feminist Surinam. Now they said you know, I Barbie was created by women BAR he has always had you know Joe. Sometimes male, traditional male jobs. Yet they say she shoe. She breaks the plastic ceiling gallic.
Daylight Data, Nightsy, O Barbie Barbie for President ninety, ninety two astronaut barbie and they basically said you know what she's never married. She never had. Kids Barbie is a feminist, although a lot of feminist would argue back and they have been for years. Oh yeah, but some feminists also actually grudgingly support barbie. As a champion of women's rights. There is one article I read fire by dead, more panicky. Now it's called rethinking barbie here and she points out. That quote: candles come in several outfits, but really here Therefore, we happens to want to go on a date. She does not stand around. Waiting for kinda show up urgently needs. Wanna, go shopping, whether to help prepare better friends. For that, in the next sentence, he basically said they see go shopping, whether Phronsie basically does whatever she wants. You know I'm sure she's, no she's no lackey for ten
and I would also point out that you know it before we came along there. It was just like baby dolls and oh, it said here you can only be a mother to child right, or have a little imaginary. Friend little girl all right. There were no adult dolls that had adult jobs and think my adult jobs, but yeah from the outset, men Ruth Handler created Barbie The idea that little girls could use this older doll, to imagine themselves in their life and maybe hopefully make a better path for themselves and that's kind of Bin in a very all long. There is actually there is just one study out of Washington and Lee yelling that he doesn't tenant supported that they found that when the groups, a little girls were shown, a Barbie doll getting into the outfit of liquor,
male dominated occupation like firefighter yeah. They tended to report the vicar grow up to be a firefighter too sure something. There is support for that very much, but the still there's a lot of easy shots that one can take him to tell us. You know best making barbies sexual eyes doll dear, but I mean since the very beginning, till yesterday this has been going on and is just one of those lifelong battles. Mattel's, never gonna back down right, then, I'm sure the feminist probably won't either. Studies aside, everyone has their opinion on Barbie yeah. I think it's a really good point about Bobby, I feel like she is a giant mere for society. Everything that's wrong with it. Everything that's right with it, depending on how you look at Barbie and on a much more micro, cosmic Low depending on how an individual little girl plays with Barbie teacher. She can
a tool for aspiration or something that teaches the girl all the wrong things here. The point I had so much talk about Barbie and race because the tell his also like made some over the mechanisms that there's a cringe yet cringe worthy episode coming up in nineteen sixty seven, they conceived of a black friend for Barbie and they called her colored phronsie. I'm not sure how well that went over it's hard to tell now is it sounds ridiculous, but how was received at the time of confining on that? Apparently not that great, because colored fancies not around any longer but their follow up. That much better. Now in nineteen eighty, they came out with black barbie yeah, that's what they called it get black barbie blackberry can came out two years later.
African american chance sensational out again in eighteen. Eighty two, as was black and I'm the problem, was until two thousand nine until three years ago. One of the problems here, one of the problems aside from the naming conventions here, is they they still use the court. Unquote white dolls in just made the skin tone darker. Darker air and aid. They didn't change any other aspect of the door until three years ago, when they finally made african american Barbies Kara Grace interest Shell and they had designs apparently to replicate features of real african american women. Brett final, and if you see myself, I have the great want and what sort of like Bianti that one that two thousand and ten
She certainly study that we mention the author. I also say to wonder, like how does what Barbie doesn't? How does what Barbie isn't doing affecting little girls is well yeah, so the point she made was, if african american girl goes into a store and arm like there's, not a black president Barbie right. What does that tell her feathers, just the White President Barbie right near the point again prepare for cringing because, like you said fairly Mattel's boardroom exists in a back in eighteen. Eighty six. They got a ringing from Nabiscos who said hey. We need to move from Oreo, so why did you guys make an Oreo theme, Barbie Innocent sure, yet problem we should point out. They done a lot of deals with companies over the year. Yes, this wasn't anything bigger new roused up, Barbie, Pepsi, Barbie, NASCAR Barbie seems like at any time,
they have a new. You know I mean I ever Bari. Jasper me out. I mean you, don't want none and others that the others a pike S deriving yeah, so they say effective, with nervous go and they came out with an area theme, Barbie and always fine. They got a few complaint saying like this promotes junk food, but nothing they ignore the usual stuff, and then they released a black version of Oreo Bari. Yes and it cost some controversy because, like you said, apparently their borders in a vacuum, and they did not realise that that is a racial epithet level level by black people against other black people. They feel like you're being to court and got white, so the darkening outside weight in the middle or yes, a metal was unaware of this now and they really see in african american Barbie
that said Oreo Oliver, yet on the shirt, unlike in the person that there are now collectors item, of course, is quickly were yanked shelves and his cracked that conflict quote: picked the one cookie in the universe that could ever be construed as offensive ever cookie here, you gotta been another about her Barbier problem, yeah, you're, right or tax. I so Mattel also as this a lot of stuff that they do right leg. In that case you give the they didn't mean to offend anybody of this horrible mistake, and you know they released in african american Barbie and they really sir, a white barbie right. They do the same with the with multi, think barbies from around the world releasing I'm forever, unlike its great, because you, oh there's a place called speed. Yeah. A little girl says, like the kind of thing is good for that, but I think time it's like the other closed
just the map in are beyond stereotypical. Typically lay it later. Can barbie. The dutch barbie looks like this with Miss girl here, as an effective policy, is an invitation KEN from Mexico in nineteen sixty four he's wearing sombrero yeah, it's just agonizing, sometimes they're, trying to just- the mark once in a while. Yet I get the feeling that the boardroom is not only in a vacuum, but it's a lot of like old white people making its decision sick. You may be right there, hello stuff, you should know listeners. Do you want a new year's resolution? That's easy to keep yes results, Maybe that protection, lifelong alert, you to potential threats to your identity, and they see more, though what you can see by by just monitoring your own credit like your info on the dark web and that's a big deal yeah, and if you have a problem lifelike, It's? U S, based restoration specialists, no, the steps it take to help resolve your case. After all, only one in five I resolve your case after all, only
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obviously called out- is unsupportable, egg, not realistic, and at worst like really bad. For these, little girls in their body image and when I think they're supposed to look like like a tool of body, this more effect disorder, basically ass. It is impossible to look that way. They say it depending okay. So, what's very interesting, I think Chuck is that this design, body was actually a design decision made by her designers who were all women year, career women, Full career women to allow heard aware miniature very of real, like fashion close, so they are crazy, hips and small waste. They redesign like that so that she could. She could wear these clothes they gathered at the waist yeah and she had
so she could wear these viruses or whatever they were like based on real closing designed by real designer here, so is actually designed decision, but it quickly took on its like that, like a barbies, this evil tool that spreads this unhealthy body image two little girls, yet I think it was the nineteen these- and I was just like you Know- let's make a full figured in you know a tiny waste in girls love it She looks like us yeah what what this is my personal opinion here if you're well, that's all well and good since then, maybe, since they taken any steps to introduce more correct versions, maybe they should release alike? realistic party dumpy Barbie a normal looking person barbie, I ought to go ever happen.
Gotta go away. They have made changes to a figure that she's nothing like she was when she first came out. She's not like she was sure she has changed some, but for the most part there there's not can be dumpy Barbie But if you call that see, that's for the problem is looking average. You called dumpy come on man? I am definitely not part of the problem. I know call a normal working person, dumpy barbie than compared Barbie you a collar dumpy barbie. I think that's definitely that's the whole z Guys find this whole thing like if, if barbies perfect than anything else, that's different is dumpy. Why disagree Well National Organization of women. There would probably disagree to they frequently cited. Barbie is again of this. Fishermen of delivering an unhealthy body image. Two little girls,
he said they. Sometimes they don't make it any easier on themselves, because in the nineteen sixty three Barbie sit up set those a pamphlet called how to lose weight and one of the Tipps Barbie says: don't eat and that's it They are two years later there was another booklet, Barbie Slumber Party. That said those a bathroom scale that was permanently set at two hundred and ten pounds right. In that same, like that's, a little weird, the same booklet was included, Oh you it's weird, and even if it's not weird and again like, if you take the sleigh conventional idea of what's going with the thought, is wine year, you They said: okay, well, what is Barbie Way Barbie with a hundred ten or we can make a real scale that move back and forth so well. Set it at one time without any That's your possibly this little girls gonna think that if she doesn't way a hundred and ten like those parties, barbarians
Ruby and will always hate herself for not weighing a hundred and ten pounds its daddy's decisions made without this wider thought has kind of given Mattel US refuge Asian. That's right. They done studies on this. They did one in two thousand eleven in HOLLAND and they said that girls who played with average sized calls for ten minutes eight significantly more during a taste s falling played and girls who played with the Barbie dolls or thin doll like to be fair and another study which has its pretty interesting. Well, obviously, they found it promotes materialism and sexual isis play, but this other study found that there is Torture play and anger play, involve with Barbie like with little girl, rip off Bobby. Arms are head and they found that they ripped off more barbie parts than other dolls, because his one girl said quote: she's the only one that looks perfect, so packets
This is huge, huge mass of body of work on the effect that barbies body hand on the little girls at play, with their more often than not. They find that it creates a poor self image body image in little girls, but, interestingly, it tends to disappear, in twins are really yeah. Like I'm say, their standing grows three to ten. It already apparently three four five six, but then, like seventy nine, ten you'll, like it doesnt, appears much it's not as prevalent interesting it is for you, you wonder like what's the lasting effect of this, when it hits those three four five and six year olds in of the industry. Formative years There has also been a lot of studies and reports of what Barbie would look like where she, a real person night, the other Eisele disturbing, so you that, like it's impossible, look like Bobby not entirely but close as south, still university researchers calculated that a woman's chance of natural
having barbies figure was one in a hundred thousand and spreads is not one that I am to buy for a man can't figure. You have like a one in fifty chance, you and iron will have a chance an infant their university central hospital. They say Barbie were life size. She would lack the seventeen to twenty two percent body fat required for a woman to Minsk rate. So she so then she medically can't even minstrel yet agenda the BBC Davis comparison of Barbie and one of their employees, name Livy and if Livy, or to keep her twenty eight inch waste here but stay. Step with barbies other proportions. She would have to be seven feet. Six inches tall, which again is an impossible. The world's tallest woman is yeah, defend who seventy eight inches tall habits. Didn't look like perfect
If she kept her height. If Livy kept her height but shrank to barbies proportion waste, she would have a twenty inch waste, which is three inches smaller in circumference, Thin Victoria becomes waste whose, like a being poor beyond being pushed he's, gotta, be like one in that she's a vampire waste, wise she's them. And did you see this Ukrainian? What she says she hasn't had plastic surgery, she's not being truthful. Villiers Valeria Lucan looking over the adequate unquote I've, Barbie Doll, she's, a model singer supposedly and just look at the picture ever and prepare to get ripped out she's very an May. Have you seen her friend? That's like the real life anime girl,
She Photoshop Zizi denies it, but I saw untouched before pictures and she's clearly have plastic surgery, Angie doctors or photos, but its creepy. She looks like a doll. She doesn't look real. She's alive season, the uncanny valley, but he's a real person near there's, a woman named Cindy Jackson, his Brit, who actually holds the record for most plastic surgeries and lifetime. Fifty two as of April two thousand and eleven, and she started undergoing those at age, twenty one after deciding that she wanted to look like Barbie back when she was sick. So she moved to London and started going under the knife and see a picture of her to you two barbie. If so, we mention the litigious nature of Mattel guarding zealously guarding barbies
image over the years and you have dug up via the bathroom reader notable examples number one Paul Hansen and the ninety nineties. San Francisco artists began selling Barbie ART. Basically drag Queen Barbie Tanya Harding Barbie exorcise Barbie having a lot of fun with it, Tanya humming bird succumbs. Although many crowbar there's dumpy barbie right there, boy, she he saw about a hundred fifty dollars earned about two grand and Mattel him for one point: two billion dollars is that these corporations can do they'll dislike I'm gonna see you for ninety billion ninety billion in damage. What you gonna do so hands is like awry, everybody just calm down hammer. This, I was
my dolls only in art galleries, no more stores, just the galleries themselves, and I will not only all the prophets. Charity Mattel's had no we're going to court power, so they went to court and eventually a judge, lost patience had said and granted a partial judgment and said against, without for not having a sense of humor so little smack on the face, but I'm sure the Ernie smugly left with their head, held high yeah and that's kind of similar to another artists case Mark Napier Reserve from New York. He's got us a website. That was originally called the distorted barbie website and whose picture Kate, MOSS, Barbie, fat and ugly Barbie Dolly Partum Barbie Mattel sent to cease and desist letter. Apparently they were a fan of this guy or something I imagine that people trolling assure the world for this kind of
No, I mean they sent a cease and desist, rather than suing over a billion dollars and allow that said, resuming a bite. Napier said, you know why I'm not going to really do the Son of SAM I'm in a blur the images, and then change the bee in Barbie do a dollar sign. I want if it's not, I haven't, looked and looked either Islanders bar Barbie Bell a barber bell, yet the sun is little chisel wacky shackling, I was speaking to her that right, yen and started selling chance. The channel Barbie Spirit and answer personal questions, visa barbie for three bucks. Three bucks, a pop barbie will directly through me tell you what everyone in a well in barbies sent her first message to Barber Bell. Joyce, I need respected it. So Bell also this Polly. What MR over the edge? As far as Mattel's concern, she started publishing the Barbie channeling newsletter, so Mattel threatened.
Multi million dollar lawsuit bells like ok, fine, that's fine I'll sit down, but forcing me to make a statement. Look she says for three dollars nobody's getting hurt. I dont claimed to be the voice of Barbie and I'm sure not taking any other channels, business of carved out my nation, the market. There are seven, by reducing the world with no voice. My favorite part is, I'm sure, not taking any other jailers if nobody else, if this crazy is what she said This will turn out little I'd. If you ask me ninety ninety seven there's a bank of Aqua from Denmark, the recorded called Barbie girl. You know the sun right here. Now! Do you recognize it? Yes, you do that I'm a barbie girl in a barbie, whirls plastic, it's fantastic! The youth, I dont. Believe me. I don't think
girl in a barbie, whirls plastic. It's fantastic Guiana, you I don't know. I dont think you realize that I don't listen already. I dont believe that you have not heard the son of Mattel filed suit, of course, against emptier services. Actually, slowly with a big corporation giver change right here, and it ended up as a bigger battle. Because of that I am sure I can take it all for big high powered iter So they suit Mattel arms are emptier empty. Countered and you know it we're suing you and we can even bring an expert witnesses that basically will testify that you, based on a little german sex star of early next year, But if you have sex it all back in the day in the nineteen fifties and Mattel was probably like- oh they're gonna. Do that. I had a really good point. They said what awkward was doing in that song. Barbie girl is not to make Barbie under six object. Is Mattel alleged, but the point now
have been when all along here and they Mattel we and so on. In an ironic twist of fate, rule the song was protected, is parity and tossed out the defamation suit back at Mattel two thousand nine Barbie actually recorded a cover version of the song limits are released on Youtube to promote a line of Barbie Fashion uses that case, so they say them for the song and then they use a song they covered, I'm sure for free is it was a cover version. I wonder son by whoever. Does the Barbie songs this once my favorite Paul David? I just stopped for this guy? He and he was a very collector of big time. Barbie collector use on their team just so much so that he published the Barbie Catalogue and he in me. I ve these
wrote in one of his catalogues that if there were an ugly contests Elizabeth in Queen Barbie were definitely when. Did you see that one yeah, it's Elizabeth, the first you now is notoriously dumpy shows just how they did it. Look like Queen Elizabeth, the first sure, but this guy, who they trusted to have Barbie's image year had written something snide. What's so they were right there on the hammer of God on also they point out that there were some. He didn't put the register trademark symbol next to some of the photos which is like if you wanna, get Mattel after you, just put yeah forget to put the red should show more taxes, Barbie. Yet we should put that on your part, castile. We do want the Barbie hammered coming down. We don't so Barbie sues Mattel, accuse them of copyright, infringement and dumb silly Paul David signed a settlement agreement and as the Wall Street Journal reported, it stipulates
That Barbie may only be portrayed in his catalogue as wholesome, friendly, accessible unkind, carrying unprotected cheerful fun, loving, talented and independent, and what did he do? He was disgusted and solve a spark. He's gonna get square. This catalogue nervously under their own, which is that's why that was so sad to make us. He was such a huge supporter, the company like to be such and they go out your way to publish a catalogue, and then they essentially just like squash, the guy yeah. Remember reading this, unlike many years ago, in thinking like yeah, that was pretty awful, but who knows maybe chain, for the guy areas, like I'm free you. Outside like factor real human yeah, what about Barbie being banned Chuck? what this year, actually in two thousand, while she was banned in IRAN for destructive cultural and social consequences, they came up with their own little doll
and gross called it ugly in fat. I couldn't find a picture this one. I can find it you're. It doesn't like anything like Barbie is the doll there are, then, maybe I did see it, the other one toy seller call Barbie worse in an american missile. But I also share the Oliver Tehran like you can still get barbies no problem under the counter. But for like this is what you are. Look up in Tehran Celsius, but this is what I want. I gotcha sorry maybe a ban barbie in two thousand three things he was offensive to Islam. Even in the states, she can't get no respect West Virginia at La Barbie. Two thousand nine or try to with a bill
citing emotional and let your impact she hasn't girls there. I doubt that when it did not in its time now we're we're about you talk to Gordon Java, yet the founder of the Bathroom Readers Institute, the guy who introduced mean all this stuff and we're gonna talk to him. What about the mistakes of barbarism? Even more? Mr yeah Mattel's get a great in wonderful history of it. So I was, let's bring em up so, chuck we're sitting here talking to the guy Gordon Jaffna, the founder of the Bathroom Readers Institute and publisher, of the uncle John Bathroom reader Series, whose names and Uncle John now it's Gordon ok. He we tried to call MR then he went crazy. How are you gonna get you guys? We're great were fantastic. Thank you very much for joining us worry I'm talking about Barbie
and of course, you ve, let everybody no all the material from the episode today. This is a special one, because normally we do this from house to work. Because, by our doing this from just stuff, that's come out of the bathroom readers. So so we're talking Barbie here a few. I come. We ve kind of don't a pretty good job. Setting all this up. We ve gone into Barbie a Mattel's. I guess troubled history, a lot we can have made it clear that Mattel is pretty good at making mister and dumb. If you ve brought along some some other examples of ways, Mattel's dismiss them. A little bit. I guess you could say with some other their barbie's rooted Barbie releases right yeah. We we have some examples of parties that create a controversy. I dont know that you call them all miss deaths. At least one of them do not have a step, but certainly certainly a controversial.
The first one I would mention is sheriff, smiled Becky, which introduced in ninety seven year. We laugh then feel bad. No is clarified, actually originally going to call a wheelchair Barbie Wheelchair Becky, but they would they had an outward diversity and this a friend of a barbies who was I too a wheelchair for an unspecified this Will it even and is it lay the wilt thou came with a wheelchair, little pink wheelchair. And that was fine until Mattel got a complaint from,
The seventeen year old girl from Washington named Kirsty Johnson. She complained that barbies dream house was not wheelchair accessible, but she had a personal interest because she was she s, a terrible policy and was confined to a wheelchair herself. So She also mentioned that the greenhouse, although the greenhouse, had an elevator rhymes tuna to accommodate the wheelchair. So this- think falls into another example. We pointed out earlier in the pot gas. I believe that Mattel probably trying the right thing here, in the end sort of takes a panel, that approach and does not cover all the angles and- and smile was to promises redesign of the dream house, but instead they just draft Becky from the Barbie line. Then he said
and if is all Mattel right there, what would our sea have forced? I know totally silent, Barbie kind of racism, so my eyebrows, I believe it. And this is the one that I don't know he called a mistake, but it certainly caused it They release this when in two thousand and nine I've had a says stickers that came with it that look like temporary tattoos. Two sets actually won dial that were an example. That would be the heart with. Can they didn't care, and they also came with a set of tat temporary tattoos for the girls play with adults to put on themselves, and it will also impacts on the packaging encouraged girls to to put them at their lower back, which is what those of us who most people know as a tramp stand, so that parents were open arms because
the two things cards girls to give each other homemade tattoos. They said, and I also said that it is a message that it was ok for girls due to do tramping. And this is where this is. I wouldn't that would cause a miss that because of day They tell didn't agree, they left it in the end, the line and it still available yeah yeah. I guess I would become I finish my step. If Mattel doesn't back down, then it's not well, which basically means does the doll so bright, likely its amidst up if it has itself and its bad breath can't you see a little girl sitting round like out of our barbie. Temporary tattoos go get a sewing needle in some India. Let's get down to brass tacks here and we talked Gordon skipper already. We talk a little bit about barbies family circle and we mentioned skipper: We didn't mention the controversy that came with her like right out of the gate right when she was released.
Early on in the barbie saga. Nineteen, seventy five right yet skipper, was barbies little sister Anne. She was introduced to actually in the sixtys, but the original plan was for them too. Baker. A little older with each subsequent release uniting seventy five. The introduced grow. Enough skipper which was controversial almost from the very beginning, because was was when, when girls cranked her arm, she grew a quarter of an inch taller and she sprouted breasts, and she got an hour glass figure and trams thing I have put down on yourself. I would be curious to see just the mechanism behind this. I get something I'd like to play with one, but I would like to see how that worked. I want to see that the doll grow. I'm interested that safe, complicated.
If you want to play with it, you'd have to buy one like on Ebay recourse you around a hundred bucks, that's not where the most the subtle, where I think you're, due to video of of the doll in perfect eager check what the linked to one of those after this thing public Yes, but again, this isn't a mistake because, as I understand it matter was like well See you all in Hell, because we're not taken this one off the shells, because again it's going very well. That's that's great! did phase it out Seventy nine they introduced- Eighteen skipper, which was a did the breasted Grove, but they were a little larger than the previous skipper Then, a couple years after that they take made her a little bit came, took away little baby fat in and they she became hot stuff skipper. No was I really what they call them yet there has left
so Gordon you and your brother started out before the bathroom reader. You guys wrote a book about the sixties in the eighties and you guys mention Barbie in that book. Great, isn't it! So what did you guys say? We said it was a pop culture book very early pop culture book about the citizen We said in the introduction that Barbie was as important. A culture I can as any anything that happened in the sixties and we will based or lemon said whatever in the in the press or even reviews Fer, you know like somehow putting barbie over the warrant no more civil rights right then we weren't, but we just felt that this was going to be acting cultural image, and we were a little ahead laughing now exactly what let's talk about your books,
you guys are releasing the twenty Fiveth anniversary of Uncle John Bathroom reader congested? Congratulations that enormous. So what would tell us a little bit about this? Well, you know we never thought we would be doing this for two. But at the ears, and I should say that this actual inspiration for the besmear was my brother's idea to give credit where credit is due. But you know that first book was turned twenty pages long and we are the latest when Uncle John, fully loaded. That's where we're made six hundred and eight pages laughed. So what's it spreads? but the covers a zillion topics and just like any other baseload, only a little more so so I'm workin everybody fine many fifth anniversary, while all of your books, where it where it was the best place to find them will? Hopefully, your local bookstore will have Uncle John is fully loaded.
Four meter. Certainly the chain bookstores, likewise novel have it you can get it cost over him. Get in a line from Amazon or you can get it on line from us. It that's a bitter that come from the great with tat people, visitors and sometimes it makes suggestions of what we should be included. That's fantastic. He thank you very much for joining us. Are you guys doing the twentyth anniversary of Uncle John Bathroom reader, it's available pretty much anywhere. You can find a book right slowly I'll be looking forward to reading this Christmas. So thank you very much, Gordon job. No, we appreciated. Thank you just think it takes so long. That was awesome. Yes, that's where hooking up man scenarios a fan boy, Canada knows it was great like whenever you can get The real people on the line and sometimes happens, he's gonna. Do it
very answered I mean like we're, really running a gamble by calling him in the middle of recording is true. Should we finish up with a few them that more odd barbie dolls throughout history. These are misstep, suggests unusual, yeah and I'm sure there was not a marketing campaign behind any of them. The rest, I do another country era company there is offered Hitchcock the Birds Barbie, and this barbie looked like Tippy Hadrian from the movie in it has three blackbirds attached to her so they're like perpetually attacking her, being attacked by Blackburn this Barbie, my favorite is pooper scooper barbie, and I guess this is to teach Girls Argus boys they play with dolls. We ve been seen girls all time. There comes a little gold retriever named tenor, who it's in pubs and really poops and Barbie, has
shovel appeal to be a responsible dog honour and curb her dog yeah. That's what you can find it in the train. There's the Mcdonald's one which we talked about he's wearing headset, what to think through you off, but a french icy work. His or her own store, yes vote. Taken too the most bizarre one of all time we can say is I love Lucy Serbia, someone flutterings, oh yeah, I've got you George Washington, but it's a pretty levies are so what Lucien Dial of Lucy, and of Arby's, based on a specific episode of Isle, of Lucy from nineteen, fifty six and Barbie, is dressed as Ethel Marts, who is dressed Santa Claus. That's the weirdest barbie yeah she's, not trust the Santa she's dresses Ethel from my love, Lucy dressed the Santa. My, like my mind, is mush. Yeah thanks, a metal like employ higher up was like hammered on agnostic Christmas Eve, watching this George Washington
of his head and said. Ah, I got a great idea and I guess story in a barbie followed are actually proceeded in eighteen. Eighty, seven yeah, that's pretty much straight up. She is just like your dress, in his revolutionary war. Uniform, that's right, except as pink in it there's a the aid Barbie, which didn't seem all that weird you can get all the different teams right: been a W Nba Barbie, that's the we're part x files Barbie, that's a little strange knew. There was a canvas desire to companies, Fox Mulder and, of course, Barbie Dressed is an apparent suit, as Scully fully harm Army. I love that Goldie Hoddan Laughin, yet it hurts based on the air with its beginning in the debt. Is this just sort of an eye contact television figure, I'm away Hindu Wildcats, calling on those terrible their Ruth Buzzy,
We hear that coffee, I'm overboard got Goldie hard right. There is the hard in is, as biker chick from head. We had to tell whether that's right, weird and others further to slightly noteworthy ones. French made Barbie lady of the Unicorn Barbie Civil war, nurse Barbie, John Dear Barbie, Urban Irving, favours through barbie. Yet I looked up urban hipster barbie and I thought I was gonna be like some Brooklyn check with Warner and glasses, and it was this. It look more like a foxy brown.
Like black exploitation worthy really, they called it. That's what they called urban hipster big Afro sort of like every man got us well. If it was urban hipster today, it would be to have a moustache and again as I live in Winesburg others, star, Trek, Barbie and can air barbies dresses, Lieutenant NASCAR, Gianduja, barbies, bowling chant Barbie This is my third party in Canada, the monsters yeah. They have so much fun, those two and then, of course, the Pepsi Barbie also had the Coca COLA Barbie to do battle and the colors. Because if there's one thing Mattel does to do- is to offend any segment of the american population and open new
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-17.