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Butterflies: Caterpillars with Wings!

2023-06-29 | 🔗

If you thought caterpillars were awesome, just wait until you see them with colorful, iridescent wings!

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starting in august, welcome to stuff, you should know a production of iheart radio, the stadium oakland to the podcast, SAM Josh and there's chuck and jerry's here too, and this is stuff you should know part two of a one- two punch of insect goodness yeah caterpillars. Hopefully you just listen to if you didn't, you might want to because really you know without the pillar. There is no butterfly episode yeah. I feel like that, did stand on their own. Like I don't know, you have to listen to wonder undersea or we're gonna talk about here. None, I know, but you know we're probably gonna say when it comes. Time talk about how the caterpillar turns into a butterfly the hottest go back, and I'm too two days ago and listen to that when right will be like thing, you, too, limited and once again we have to thank the house for its that common our
we're in current colleague, Tracy Wilson. As well as our former colleague, not current jennifer horton? read a fun piece about butterfly gardens that we can talk about the end, but I forgot about Remember! Oh! Yes, she is great. She lots of great stuff is good person took the general you're out there listen but high, I it's been awhile. since two thousand eight or nine integrated long one So we're talking about butterflies- and we You probably can pick up that where we left off his, we taught think about caterpillars being passed, said the end, consider passed, but they're not really. Why should pick up after the The caterpillar emerges from its chrysalis because we're talking specifically about butterflies, so it's the chrysalis not a cocoon that it metamorphoses within and what's it emerges is up, Therefore, creature that resembles the
pillar that it was almost not at all. But it's the same exact creature. To get the same mind I can remember, smells and all that, but where The caterpillar was built for eating. We said, unless episode to the butterflies built for sex sex yeah, they built for me, producing I do should we talk to, I mean sure, back in time, just a little bit and talk about the fact that, like the distant in between malls and butterflies and stuff. Like that sure didn't you did you well was the deal. Wasn't it aren't malls and butterflies, basically mostly the same except mouser? They they do their sex at night, but if I do their tax in the day, yeah I mean there's, not many distinctions between them other than my obvious ones, but that's the biggest one and the reason why butterflies, a dire, nolan motto nocturnal is because,
all butterflies think what is it like? Fifteen thousand twenty thousand species, a lot of Amelia all of them are descended from moths, and these were just monster started to do there thing in the daytime, rather than the night time, and her time they vall to fit in the daytime rather than the night time, which is how mouths evolved, so a moths. Camouflage is meant to blend in with like a tree. Words weeping during the day, whereas a butterflies, bright colored because its islands, a time any needs to blend in with them colorful file Instead, it likes to hang on do you know why a mental look this up and didn't? Why, then, a moth so attractive light I saw that they think that it is attracted to the moon, for navigation, ok and then therefore, aren't attracted to light because they dont navigate by the moon. They lost their ability or that need well
butterflies, navigate by the sun? That's one of the one! Am I making facts about butterflies yet, but That's weird that they don't fly to light big they'd. They are not attracted to flames are light bulbs. I. Well, maybe they know, son is death. Here, whereas the moon is nice and go Should we talk about their bodies? A little bit is that's where we like to start off, usually with our insect, casts. One more thing. Let's talk about where the word butterfly came from a where'd you come from, oh, well is very old english and it means butter and fly writing real mystery there, but the reason they think there's two reasons why they are named butterflies and the old english and they think it's either because some of them pale, yellow and colors, and they resemble butter. We can pretty much the scar, thou and the other one is that there was a folk belief that they stole butter. That day
we're just kind of some sort of supernatural spirit in a butterfly formed to come into doing your milk in your butter and theirs. We of that and other nearby languages, I think the jury. it's called butterflies, milk thieves, mutter fairy. Almost yes and then the dutch and the germans have a word for butterfly. That means butter which so that probably why butterflies or called that, because they used to think that they stole butter reno was the whole time it was grandpa. Do this night night eating yeah. He could get one c c a blood to those orders. They were so her out. here's on ambient does it Does it say when the name morphed for my wife into flutter fly, They actually used to think or something like that. It's a pretty strange idea that their cause
butterflies rather than flutter, buys because it makes more sense, so Emily's kind of taking it at a much smarter direction. But it's interesting ass. She probably just doesn't know that the fact that they are actually witches in disguise you're out of steel butter, milk, yeah, she's, still cousin butterflies, discipline, does she called spaghetti posterity now now to slaughter vice others there their bodies now, yes, yes, thank you for indulging, may feel so indulged sure so like we meant the head. The thorax in the abdomen of the butterfly will look a lot she caterpillar in some ways, if you hold them up next to each other that's about it. For one a butterfly can, see a lot better than a caterpillar. Can I get the idea that it still doesn't have like you know. Great vision, but
caterpillars, remember, but were essentially blind, butterflies at least had these compound eyes and they can detect color, and I think we said caterpillar could only see in black and white. They can. take the movement as well right but when it comes to like the star of the show, as far as her fly parts go it's those antennae, will hold I'm before we move on. I've got one about the eyes to donate a monarch, butterfly like basically the quintessential butterfly sure they twelve thousand eyes, both compound and simple, and they go basically all way around their head. They- can see in your soul, and that's why they, maybe that's there's a great migrating every year in such large numbers, possibly I think we talked about in our animal migration episode. We talked about monarch, butterfly migration. I think we said one of the reasons why they are able to make it for me Can it all the way down the northwest? Mexico is
because they are they navigate using uv. They see in the u v yeah, it's that it at son that's. Gonna brings me background to antennae. Oh good, These things are amazing. They they get their sense of direction from the position of the sun. So they are literally navigating by the position of the sun, the international actors light receptors. It attract the sun, their highly Attuned to odors internet are great smelters. They its pheromones during times of mating making, even since these antennae, the beat of wings of butterflies. It was of the same species during miles and that's amazing, just the antennae just Anthony. how about the lady old, well, yeah. Those are, if you, if you look at a close up of a butterfly and they can take an indifferent,
positions but usually have seen them, they look like kind of harry tusks, come out out of woodchuck coming out, their head well near them mouth parts. The of thinking is now officially a tracy wilson article that right so they apparently or like this is food. This isn't food. This is food but don't eat with the label pops it's just a way of sensing food, what they eat with is there proboscis and there that's the law, kind of tom like appendage that they suck nectar with that's right one more thing of milady opium. So, ok, they yeah They come to surmise that had to tax food that the function was fairly unknown, but think they ve learned. I'm not sure how recently that they can those libya paths detect co2 in the year only says they'll make That might be the main function of that's really call us,
so instead of seeing redder green, they have the label pops. I detect. I guess seo too, it was a reference to a reality at the sun so what part did you move too? I'm on to their proboscis? Oh, everyone loves a good proboscis in the the the butterfly proboscis is interesting because when the boy your fly comes out and we'll talk about this mornin. Second, it's on like it should have a a label this, as some assembly required, have because they got do some stuff before they can really do their butterfly thing and one of those things is literally most screwing together their proboscis. Yet they have two parts of their proboscis that they have to connect in order start eating of it's one of the first things that they do and they expect from their chrysalis he closed. No, they don't like apple, has trade mark or something
and we'll talk more about the promises we go. But we do need dimension their legs If you remember, the caterpillars have six real legs, then the pro legs, replies, and only in those pro legs anymore, because I'm flying basically but I still get those six legs. I've got a set of four legs: the middle eggs and some hind legs, and these These are pretty there more than just legs as well, because they will land on something. And they're looking for dissolving sugars, basically to eat, and there Looking for that with their legs yeah and all you probably see fairly commonly that there are some butterflies, is that only have two pairs: legs and that's not true. They actually have six, but why paris, basically shrivelled almost two nothingness and by the where I should. Europe when I say their legs are looking for dissolving sugars there doing it by feel like that, they are taste organs in
in their feet: yeah they can is through all sorts of different origins, pretty cool they apparently when there they step in, like some dissolving sugar, their per boss, on coils involuntarily, where you goin to start sipping nectar mediately man. So you better hope that year, your legs. Finally, a tune to sugar and you dont accidently suck up some really gross stuff. like ours, pass rifle the worst word, it's the worst, it's pretty bad, That is why it is there a genetic utensil. There like what it, what are the odds that one of the grossest things has the grossest word? I don't know. I wonder if that was intentional near like what is at the purse right, that's on girls enough sure was go with it. Should please, please stop talking about us
sure Webster, the wings. We're gonna talk about allied dwell. We did a whole episode on. that you're a distance of butterfly wings. So we were not really get into it here, but if you want to learn about your destiny, is very complex and complicated and deserved its own episode many years ago yet but thought shot. Is the structure of the scales are transparent, multi layered and they reflect in amplify light multiple times, It's that was a really cool episode. If I remember correctly, then it was a tough one. If I remember too, like absorb But we did such a great job of it. I would like to say we probably just knocked it out of the park. Really, I think so too but the butterfly wings are made of is transparent, called tighten. If you ve heard of cotton near you, problem it's alive on the earth, because it is one of the most abundant powell. Jack rides in nature its think this sector most abundant. all over the place
Let's make other wings are made of that kind and they have those sort of a vain like, structures that you can, if you look at them closely, don't touch, No, please, no What about that in an absurd, but there as for wings, There are obviously toward the front and they are basically triangular and then the hind wings for the butt and they look like little seashells, yes, and there, like you, said touch on a very, very delicate and those veins our species specific. So that's one of the ways that they are used to recognise one another when their meeting as well yeah- and, I think The butterflies cannot repair their wings is an accurate. Yes, they have no mean. of doing that. They have no car shield for wings the item, it kills them. But if a butterfly can't fly, that's probably ultimately a death sentence right. That's my girl. I would make an easy prey at the very least yeah, I think that's kind of deal when they say a butterfly will die if you touch their wings. Yes, it will die quicker
there's something there? A butterfly as recently closed in a baby. That system born having common. Do you know what it is maybe the go ahead: they both poop out in a mechanism- oh sure a human baby, yeah yeah. yeah marconi him is that that first poop that they taken in this case the butterflies pooping, what Last eight is a caterpillar, that's so cool! It is really cool It's usually red bright red, almost looks like blood the verified. poops that out, that's one, the first things it does I clean off all of its organs its feet to make sure its sugar refining outpost finding clean off it and ten has put its proboscis together again here. Let its wings dry out, I saw it. I dont think we mentioned in the caterpillar episode that in its last
in star it has wings, are either just folded up under its skin, develop even further in the chrysalis, but when they there, when they come out their soaking wet, because the butterfly was due, not too long ago, and they have. Spread a mountain lenin dry and the sign before they can fly so they're doing all this like self care basic it's a morning at the spot, right after their born And but they can't just like flap their wings, open immediately? They actually have to pump them up, almost again, air pomp inflating a raft or something or some high sobs yeah prison. May I remember that itself money what a scam? How was a guy right im quite sure you could break your ankle and that just as easily as any other shoe sure yeah it may give you like a little tighter, fit or something I dunno about that in four people that are our younger
our younger listeners, if you dont, know who merely vanilla was or pump best. Well she's, ever think, reebok right pretty sure was reebok head, basketball. She is that on the tongue had a little basketball. That was a little pomp and you it. But issues tie them up and then press pump a bunch of times in it fill some cavities with air. I guess and make your juice tighter yeah, especially around your enclose, meant to give you extra ankle support. So you could dump your even though you've never docked in your life, that's right, but adds but webb repping them. So, oh yeah, Yeah and keep up a gear was one of them because we're the while but anyway the butterfly we explain whose, but whether it is a diminutive in behavior for the deadline to get his autograph on time,
they pump their wings out, but not with air there's a fluid that they pump through these those two black things we were talking about and just sort of inflate them out and but you said they just get all cleaned up and ready to fly. Yes, and then once there already, they said, the flying and they realize very quickly up it's not over good data fly We take a break and come back and explain what in the holy hack I'm talking about, yeah,
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night, when the holy hug you talkin about. Oh well, let me, splain chuck, it turns out the butterflies, while pretty hardy individuals, at least as far as insects are concerned, on that level, There are also very delicate link. We talked about with their wings, even beyond their wings, getting like a raindrop dry through it. Tat can happen or say like strong wind pattering. It that's a big problem for a butterfly just the tip it sure the ambient temperature has a tremendous effect on them nuts, because their actual terms, meaning there like a lizard? They rely on the the ambient temper, you're too warm themselves or call themselves off muscles, just simply will not function. When it drops below a certain temperature year,
god Tracy points out. They work best their internal temperature, is about eighty two fahrenheit when it celsius, and you know they use these wings reply in which is great, but you might think like a big deal of his. They discover hunker down but they also use these wings to do all kinds of like cool things like namely to scare we pray, there is a young, do all sorts of likely make eyes were it looks like a scary face. Come like their little caterpillar former self skin, look like snakes again, she's bright, colors there, at the time they get away predator and if they can't move their wings is not just they can't fly, but they can't defend themselves or disguise themselves. So it means that when it's cold outside or it's too windy, rainy or something than their way more vulnerable to pray very for sure, as bray right
you can't even pray could probably get them. That's how vulnerable they are so sure. So, I'm you often see like butterflies is kind of basking in the sun. Have always Under what they're doing like they just seem like there, they don't know what to do next. That's all it's alright shocking for some reason, but the king of their next move, but in reality there just sitting there getting warmed up by the sun, so they can fly to another spot. If you see think about the next time- you see a butterfly basking in the sun, bet it's below eighty degrees out in the erika- is having the warm itself. If so, it can fly onto the next flower to eat or rest or whatever is good point they do take shelter at night when it gets chile. That's why you don't see. First one was around at night. Mainly and like you said there what are they timer dwellers called the diurnal die, no you're, not that they are now.
as I remember now, it is ok, you do remain That's all. I need to remember it right, but you're the best those wings or sit around on rocks they they shelter at night, sometimes that they will actually do like ay human shiver to warm up. They can kind of shake their butterfly wings, Yet their muscles warmed up to fly. They just they just can't go out cold. They adela warm up. First, it like that m that knee high thing We should all these really really high liken in place a bunch of times a girl, innocently soccer players. Do yeah like that. The latter guy right then there is an name for that, but dont bother emailing us whether we can figure it out. They also can use those wings as little referred. Jurors, like you know how in nineteen fifties and sixtys people would set out in the sun with us,
fletchers under their neck, to reflect son back on their faces, they can use their wings to do that to their to their body in warm it up right, which is pretty whom they can also be. They can also keep the sun from warming them up when it's too hot out the fold their wings together in this present, like the edge the outer edge. their wings to the sun, so there is much less surface area yeah. I'm makes and they. Like you said when you see them sitting there, probably not sitting for law, they're, probably sitting just they can Get it going to fly again shortly. Exactly so, even though there sitting there warming themselves up to move from flower to flower, even in that Typically, what you see there's a lot of species, it see at least two hundred. my great over a very long distances, monarch, so the ones that they're, like the money, the money butterfly that everybody knows about the more the
this wise because they migrate so far again they migrate. Eastern canada to north west It's a it takes eight months and not a single butterfly. That starts the journey is alive at the end. So it's like you. get the butterfly by the way, a butterfly flock or a group of butterflies, call the kaleidoscope. I love that so that's the official one. There also called the flutter shimmer in rainbow of butterflies. Ok, we're butterflies yet, but you look the kaleidoscope of butterflies is like a single organism in each individual butterfly that lives in dies in reproduces not necessarily in that order, as like cells that function and make up the larger whole. But it's really a bunch of individual butterflies, fine together, but migrating as a whole. Down from eastern canada to north west mexico gear, Yes since were there
there was a big deal boris station, illegal deforestation, logging operation in ago at the butterfly biosphere reserve and twenty fifteen and then they are like, I can remember life you're. Forty acres of land cut down before anyone knew what was going on, and then in we can't get into new york is really complex, but they have this very involved plan that they ve been enacting. Since then of reforestation, including something called assisted migration. I don't fully understand yet, but I'm gonna look into it more. They just drive slowly by some butterflies and swipe them into the car and drive them halfway. Well, think. Things are better now, but there were a billion butterflies and that migration and ninety ninety six and in fact, twenty sixteen that was down to thirty five million from a billion and I think, has since gone up under these birds, but that's good year. The butterfly
as if you take down where there and they get to them. They're gonna die, That's the guy sphere reserve. As a UNESCO world heritage site, you can go visit, it but apparently, when the number of butterflies that show up or in the billions, the though inches that they're sitting on bend under aware of butterflies. That's how many ratifies there are sometimes, but he has it's a very problematic that there's fewer and fewer I'm glad to hear that it's kind of bounced back a little bit, but there still under. I wonder if their endangered critical right now, but there's turkey there's something we keep an eye on as will see because their indicators species they are and there also pollinators they're, not you know, the best pollinators writer, pretty good they're, not like bees and the bees were made to pollinate. They were a sailor hit vehicle. They would be shirts
but the somebody, what are some butterflies? Don't spread poland at all. They just love that nectar but generally butterflies are looked at as partners, and they have that proboscis like you, said that, it's made for for diving, deep into those flowers and get now that sweet stuff. But butterflies, have lots of, dietary needs they can't just get by on that sweet, sweet sugar, they need minerals and stuff, and they get this in a variety of interesting ways. Right. Yeah one is puddles till just descend on a puddle that bear dirt, not don't think asphalt would work, so they can grow to think about. but the minerals from the dirt in the soil leech into the puddle and the butterflies suck up those minerals through the puddle apparent, If there's not enough minerals for their liking, they'll actually flutter off a quick and then come back to the puddle and that little butterfly movement is enough,
disturbance of the water to bring some extra minerals to this. surface of the puddle for them to drink to create a hurricane in belize if there is no water, is pretty girls if it gets pretty bad they both resort to puking onto the soil and drinking that minerals. Puke. I took a more spit. One man's met right, but the minerals, the nutrients, and it's not it's just not enough for the nectar exactly they done. Some studies. Ok, we'll go eat, fruit, delete rotten food on the ground or they will get on a piece of fruit. They will stop bonnet with her little feet. I ought to try and tender eyes a little bit and then jab it with proboscis in drink it up and they've done studies that have found that the fruit here's live longer.
And are better at reproducing in studies, because they, I think, was them monarchs. Even they fed them either mash banana or and the ones that eight, the mash banana laid almost two times as many eggs in those eggs were, we're bigger, unlike more robust and vital as well yeah. I also read that they tend to be easier going in social situations and are more well liked by their peers, the fruit eaters. Yet so there's a couple other places that they can get nutrients minerals dung in urine, but it has not above that harm is done if they need it really badly, but that the when they're getting it from a puddle. It's called paddling, This is so many great words around butterflies and there's a spy civic word for butterflies, pollinating plants. It's called so costly laden.
Though philly, but with one l. Okay. So civically butterflies, pollinating plants, a psycho fully. I love that. I thought you I found that love like trucks, gonna love, stuff. You mentioned that you know butterflies, loves a train reproduce and a reproduce like a lot of animals they it joined themselves. They join in the end at the admin. Think the mail has a like the class clasps down on the female I took to make sure they stay together and there is sperm from the male that is eventually going to fertilize the eggs of a female butcher, not like you would think it's pretty remarkable, because what they do is they well, first of all, they have to recognise each other. Like a cities and ms antennae Recognise themselves is the same species or whatever, and through their pheromones as well, which is also the internet.
and then the male delivers a spur metaphor. So it's like hey just have sperm for you. I've package did up in a and a little package for you- and it's got all these other minerals and nutrients that you love that will help you in this fertilisation process and they will take extra times An extra good superman, before package ready to be, extra attractive. Mate the good ones. Will your so the idea that the I guess the female butterflies when, fertilizer eggs, they use the last sperm that was inserted them. The evangelists promote afore package. So there are some species, were the mail will basically close up shop
after he's inserted as per metaphor, with kind of like a sticky substance that prevent more sperm from going in. So his error is the most recent sperm this very cool at all, but I guess you guys also, like you know what am I doing given you, my superman for, if you're just gonna use the latest sperm, for that you got exactly. I went to a lot of trouble combining the spur metaphor. We look at the stuff, because these minerals, I also saw the sum of the males in some species will spray them with an off putting sent so no other butterflies will want them. There are mating dances that they'll do the day. You know when the female gets this romantic they put it in their bertha and then they wait until they're ready to lay their eggs and they actually lay their eggs first. and then use sperm to fertilize on once they have laid the eggs, which is also, I say, pretty unusual in the insect kingdom right I dont know
for some reason I have the impression that they were fertilizing each egg is they were coming out, can like a peasant spencer, yeah yeah. That's what I mean, though, but they're not like they're, not fertilize in the body see what you're saying there fertilized externally. Yeah sure. That's that's the word. one other thing you talked about terrible smells turned up that there are some pheromones hard Doesn't smelling to humans. Speak very limited, but the green vain white butterfly. Let's hear it, puts the other women oil. For all intents and purposes it has the same. Chemical composition is lemon oil, but the pheromone, produces to attract a mate, and I gotta tell you lemonade Pretty great smaller, detract me too. I love it, ever smaller, a great veined white during me season you can smell some lemon oil.
The gestation periods about three days and they lay anywhere from ten to three hundred eggs. clusters over a two to four week period. It's that long be again here before we go And that these eggs, that you know they they lay that many cause it's tougher, these eggs to survive into adulthood they gotta, be the temperatures got to be just right. Humidity's got to be just right, right very easily if it's too wet it's not well enough they're gonna dry out- and and, of course, there's all those predators that are just die and eat those butterfly eggs. They need to find the goldilocks zone with the humidity for the eggs, with its writing so. They also make sure that they put the eggs on their babies favorite food, which is a certain kind of plant numb there. butterflies are very frequently indiscriminate pollinators. They just go from plant the plant, but there.
Plenty of species that are very plant specific in those are the ones where they will not only that plant, whether their caterpillars you're probably born on that same plan as well. We used a butterfly bush or yard. That was those things get really big and out of control canada kind? We have sort of a wild garden anyway, it's not like you, Super manicure, like english, tat garden, it's kind of crazy, fun garden, so it in the garden and we did tons and tons of butterflies, but it went away, and I don't know if it's, because I think some people want it could be an invasive species. A lot of people say like it the butterfly bush right. We had one for a while, but dont now said Emily may have taken down areas and so the reason it's considered invasive in harmful the butterflies is, it produces tons of nectar, but it as no value in in supporting eggs or the lifecycle of other than nectar for adults, and so it's a
strachan from native plants. They do provide don't just nectar, but also shelter and a place to lay their eggs soda It disrupts the life cycle of local butterflies. You know it's a butterfly bush. They love, it is actually dad for them. So I have to go cut mine after this Even if you have a lot of those natives nearby like as a whole, it still bad yes, because it's a distraction because it so chock full of nectar that they go to that one instead and die off. Some distractions are ok right, like television. Sure you could put a tv within extinction core down your butterfly garden. That's not gonna harm them, but if you have a butterfly bush, you have to chop it down. I command! You right there really pretty now in his fancy other butterflies, but yeah. I get you in that wait until you ve planted other plants which will talk about, and then you can drop down your butterfly bush Well, let's take a break or second break and
We'll talk a little bit more about. What's going on with a butterfly population and in butterfly garden spreading this traffic nasty, whether cancelled flights, its holiday travel season- and it is chaos but prime video helps you find your holiday happy place, render by all of your favorites, add on hundreds of streamers in fine classics or new releases like candy kane, lane, stirring eddie murphy and tracy alice ross included with prime in one app with one password. Prime video find your holiday happy place. Restrictions apply, see amazon, dot com, slash amazon, prime for
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This visit decks camp dot com, such compatibility. Ok? Well, we talked already about the monarchs and how they had been hit hard from the illegal logging going on in mexico in the mid twenty tens and in general, butterflies or doing ok, but there are some in pesticides, and things like that, I think one of the other big reasons. Besides the logging, migration of the monarchs. I think pesticides is kilowatt, milkweed, which I think the monarchs love pesticides are a big threat and it's not like in this way. This one little part of my garden like pesticides in your garden, then one part of your garden generally means it's in
those parts of your guard yeah travelled very easily, but on top of that butterflies, extremely sensitive to pesticides, Oh, I don't know about herbicides, but definitely pesticide. So if you're going to plan a butterfly garden, you wanna use natural pests defences, but that's a big thing: that's cool not butterflies and andy's too. And then also we talked about in the last episode. A lot of people. Think of caterpillars passes like oh, you ate, saw my letters, many kill all of you that that kills butterflies too, they never make it to be adult by revising you'd is disrupted generations of butter as that could have been so when you put all its together. Humans have not been super good for butterflies. Did you mentioned urbanization and roads to now? you're a problem like any time we build somewhere. We destroy plants in those oftener, butterflies, that's a butterfly habitat and then the roads that we have
Marginal land alongside the roads are often like great places for butterfly centric, plants to grow, but them did. The butterflies are very close to cars that are going suddenly eighty miles an hour which has never good for the butterfly when they come in contact with them, so like I was seeing. Humans have been kind of bad for butterflies, but fortunately we're going to wake up and see the value in verifies goes beyond like with put that thing on a stamp there's there's more value to the butterfly injustice, aesthetic beauty, but that plenty valuable in and of itself, I wonder if butterflies, another insects would ever natural selection would be set, did, they would learn to fly higher than the height of an average car sure. I could see but then they run into semis nurse like her can it take millions more years to get the higher than a semi good point maybe they'll figure out how to fly under cars.
We quickly maybe some trigger, verdure collecting butterflies is believe it or not. Another thing that has hit the butterfly population butterfly collecting, but rises, a thing butterflies and putting them behind glass in your office. Is a thing that some people are really into, and I dont know a lot about that, but I do know that- that there are certain species that are endangered and part of the problem- is over collect. Yeah, the more rare a butterfly species gets the more desirable. It is four collector and the more collecting harms that population, because it so small so or a boroughs, but the worst kind near and I imagine we'll hear from some collectors who who can that was that there are responsible ways of doing this. I really don't know enough about it to speak to it, but I'm not going to collect butterflies. That's all I'm going to say
yeah. I wonder if it's one of the things like ivory, where it's like? Ok, this happened. This is done like these things are out there, and we're not just gonna throw away that's even bigger waste right so that, like antique ivory or antique taxidermy, butterflies or legal, anything new is illegal. I wonder if it treated like that or what? But I get the impression but if I don't have that much legal protection, I think they do on paper, but its very rarely enforced against the people on the ground, or something that sir, you have every election. Sir, but something on Iraq, but neither dead right sure fell over the old age. Should we talk about butterfly gardens here then yeah, because one of the things people are doing you're saying like hey butterflies, we gotta save these butterflies. We don't. Things are gonna, go pear, shaped even more, and so people are starting to plant butterfly gardens
yeah. I guess I think you said there are big indicator of like if butterflies, your dying off all around you, that's a big indicator of how your local ecosystem is doing yet large part of the canaries, the coma exactly and butterfly gardens are beautiful and it doesn't take a lot. You need some some plants you gonna want plants will you're want to find out what kind of butterflies you have round you, that's big on you can, look at your eyeballs in in cross reference, regan dislike it up on the internet. You want to find out what can a plants, those butterflies, love that are native to your area and plant those chow when I was researching this. All they wanted to do was be done with this episode, so I can go garden down. I love that Emily's gardening, I'm looking at her right now, man, gardening, outside a pound on your window and tell her I'm jealous. However, we, I put it on my instagram mountain of you saw it, but you with I saw a huge, wasn't, a big a hornets nest.
Our backyard yesterday, that is the coolest, both beautiful thing, im kind, tucked in a magnolia branch about only feed off the ground. And I'm glad ass large ass. I was about to go. Do some trimming of my boxwoods right behind it in a few days- and it is- I would have bunch right into that thing- servile boy now we're just gonna, steer clear of it, It is out of season and then the tram preserve it, but a hornets nest or so cool. Looking in a just we have one back there. We got a crazy backyard full of all kinds. British. Does it look like a mummies head? Sometimes they looks it so I guess so. Mommy's head. But if it was an alien mummy consists of the white top heavy and it looks like- has little mouth at the bottom. You know their little daughter ass. Any of it Let's go here or I can just gone instagram like everybody else. Now you get text previous thanks man.
I wonder about the butterfly gardini water right yeah. Remember they like to drink minerals from puddles. So if you have a little bit of water, dripping that I a puddle in the soil. That's definitely going to europe. For them to sign on a big chuck. Is you want to use native plants? I know you and Emily or like big into that, and I feel like people, including myself, are really waking up to just how bad first local ecosystem, like non native plants, are men to use native plants. Whenever you can, when you, when you a butterfly garnets crucial, because plants within the same species can be harmful to butterflies. Yet, and I have an example, if you will allow me sure, Butterflies in florida in georgia and the south east in general, I think, are very, very keen on what's called butterfly weed. I too am monarchs love. It's that very tiny
multi flowered orange flowered, we'd type, a milkweed gay yeah, that's neat, I love. Yes, There is another kind of milk. We called tropical milkweed that does just fine in florida in georgia, south east too, but it's not native the problem with putting that in your butterfly garden in the southeast, is that it believes solely in the season that fires will keep reproducing an entire parts of the population will freeze to death because, they ve gone beyond their natural reproductive window. then. Furthermore, when the temperature drops little bit there more susceptible to specific kind of partisan parasite, oh dear, oh yeah, I can't remember that they wouldn't otherwise be if they were just on the native milk we rather than the tropical milkweed so like that,
how much attention you really should be paying to your butterfly going because you can inadvertently harm them while you're doing something you think is good for my pretty I defy bush out there? Everybody think, like that's great, I'm going to put a verified bush out, and I can pretty much call myself gandhi from here on out guarantee the butterflies, but it turns out you're harming them. So it's definitely something that you need to take some research for but the kind of research that is like in invitation to go like immerse yourself in the natural world and all the best ways. Dear boy, A butterfly wheat is beautiful. Yes, it is, and its native to georgia. So you just planet all you like. You know what I'm going to go. Tell emily, like others, butterfly milkweeds me like it's right behind me right, but it's not only a food source. It's a it's like a place where monarchs lay their eggs, so you will have butterflies like living in your garden. I mean they'll fly to mexico eventually, but they'll hang out there for a while yeah That's the cool thing about the butterfly garden too. If you, if you do
then you're, you're gonna have butterflies anew yard, and not only that, butterflies are gonna like word gets around and it'll become a place for butterfly, yet little become like a haven. Butterflies, and they don't they. Don't. Generally, I mean the ones who migrate migrate, but other than that you could have. You could have butterflies families living their whole life back there in your backyard, yeah and speaking of backyards. I've got a backyard, or part of my backyard, is kind of while they keep it wild, like I don't know, a very often and there's lots of weeds and like little clovers and self growing, so above all there for the beats, the birds and the bees and all that and the butterflies. But I'm good, in full on man, I'm gonna, let oh yes, it's gonna, be letting all butterfly linked up to your hips, butterfly stuff, I cannot go planet. It's I'm really looking forward to it. Because it goes right up to the edge of some woods to so gonna be amazing.
Yeah, there's somethin. We really love like make leaving green spaces and making it an invitation for animals. You know I got my camp of their nor georgia and, like all If north georgia is just being down for neighborhoods, end and or anything. You know if you're a hunter, that's fine than that thing I'm not into it, and we love that we have this acreage where we're dislike. Will your dear buddies this so you come to our land set up shop here. No one would be shooting you and spread. The word everybody we have. We have a safe space for you critters out here, yes except for humans, because it's also a most dangerous game type set up you gotta in their home, alongside the regions. Let's see one more thing about butterflies is an amazing fact that I think we can end on her mother. Let's do it frequently cited
inspiring the discovery of the hour blood factor, which is a type of sub type of blood types in actually cured, what's known as racists, humility disease, Tis where a baby has positive our age blood type. And is born from a mother with a negative arch blood type, its immune system start attacking its blood, not good. discover of the rh blood factor. His name is sir Cyril clark news, big. I mean the butterflies and he was inspired by the butter its ability to mimic other butterflies, ethically that they have what are called super genes is big clusters of genes that all produces mimicry in that were refined by smaller genes over time and I wonder if that has to do with blood types and diseases and in fact it was oh wow yeah, so butterflies super useful super beautiful coca down your butterfly bush. Today,
checks that amazing. So that means it's time for listener. Male everybody, I'm gonna, call this. our influence on spotify, perhaps guys. I was wondering wondering if you are aware of your potential impact on spotify searches on the milly vanilla episode. Josh mentioned an owner of a lonely heart by yes being the best song of the eighties am. I had to make a much That song is I set it out loud and immediately the chorus popped into my. So I go over to listen to a later on spotify. I see that a ton of covers and I see, milly vanilla is also in the search results. which was gonna be my next search, so Thank you. Guys may have had enough people searching owner of a lonely, hearts and merely vanilla close together, so that- Algorithm associated those two thousand.
because other than the time period is not similar music. You know, no, I would say not maybe do a test and mentioned two unrelated songs or something to see what happened. Oh boy, Should we right yeah, let's make sabbath and you pick the other one. Ok The black sabbath name, a song specifically whore pigs A war pigs, everybody vehement heard more pigs go searching. Finally, given listen, it's a great song. and while you're at it. I dont know. If you ve ever heard, bury manilow shock. I was going to suggest bearing a man aloud. I did well that if it. Did you think? I don't know if you ve ever heard the berry mental song, even now, but it's a classic, bury manilow song and everyone should discuss or to those two. In spite of some war pigs and even now, by black sob and bury man. Let's see what happens
those who was that from that was from my corrie, and I just want to give praise. Do side. Note said guys. For the andrea, the giant live in chicago episode. I also saw Josh's into the world live in Chicago when you sure that europe, europe short series, it was agreed- and I really enjoy that Josh walked by on his wake. In outside, and patted my friend sam on the shoulder It's definitely mentioned that several times since then. Let us so This from korean you patted padded sam on the shoulder, and I think that midlands yeah thanks for for coming to see me salmon it, whose financial actually If you want to, let us know how this experiment pans out. Cory's experiment is where we're going to call it or his choice have at that level with colleagues,
corey, corey song rather than brian song. I no corey can wait up so, no matter how about cory's in charge. Ok, that's a good one perfect we're gonna end on that if you want to, let us know how the cory's in charge experiment goes love to hear from you, you can send an email to stuff podcast. At I heard radio dotcom com, the stuff you should know, is a production of iheart radio. From our past, my heart, radio visit radio app radioactive apple had passed over every listen to your favorite shows. The best part of afford truck is right behind the wheel. You that's because france is in your dna, the tune
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-21.