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Weirdhouse Cinema: The Thing from Another World

2021-09-24 | 🔗

Before John Carpenter’s “The Thing,” there was Howard Hawks’ “The Thing From Another World,” the first adaptation of John W. Campbell Jr.’s short story “Who goes there?” In this episode of Weirdhouse Cinema, Rob and Joe bust out the thermite and discuss this 1951 sci-fi classic.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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this episode of the stuff, the boy you mine, radio hours, brought to you by their mind. If you need a high temperature burst of heat in this pyrotechnic composition of mental powder and mental oxide, is for you, metal, refining, fireworks munitions burning through the ice to retrieve down spaceships and alien beans. Thermite. Does it all thermite asteroid by name? welcome to stuff to play your mind protection. If I hide radio pay. Welcome too weird house Cinema, this is Rob LAMP and I'm Joe Mccormick and it's finally time on the weird how Cinema podcast to cover the thing,
No, not that thing, not the one you're thinking of the day, the horror classic the other, the thing thing from another world. Yes, this. This is a film that I had never seen prior to this week and I think part of it was because job carpenters. Nineteen, eighty to film the thing is justice: this master, self science fiction and hard for so many of us. It's it's this role, but intelligent. It's! It's well acted its effect the scoreboard. It makes great use of sand locations and, of course, just features. A bounty of legendary and grotesque, practical effects toad without a doubt, an absolute masterpiece, one of the best horror movies ever made can't say enough good stuff about carpenters. The thing yet from the effects to the acting to the music. It it's just it's pretty much pitch perfect, but
one of the things we always have to remind ourselves, especially perhaps every becoming getting a little too judgmental about remakes and reboots and so forth, is because I have to remind myself of this- is that John Carbon the thing is also essentially a remake or a reboot. If you will, based on the story who goes there by John D, You Campbell Junior, an author, from like the Sisyphus, so called learning a Pope Golden age and a car, yours film, is the second official adaptation of the story, but the first is the film we're talking here today, nineteen fifty ones the thing another world also never seen this movie in full. Before, though, had seen some scenes from it, and I had seen it because it is based fully featured on television in John Carpenters. How alone oh tried. I forgot about that. One of the kids, whose in baby sat is watching it, I think, he's I think, maybe quite old enough for this movie
the film I've always known this was around. I know at some point after being exposed to Carmody the thing I learned this older version- and maybe I would even occasionally see it in the schedule or catch part of it on like Turner Classic these or something but I never set down in watch, did in we'll get some of the reasons why a, but, basically, all roll down to me thinking over this this film- is a modern film. I dont want to see this earlier, like Prato thing, viz and I'm going gonna stick with perfection, but then looking through Michael, Weldon others. Then there is the author of the cycle. Chronic video and film guides us looking at he's right up on. First, on John Carpenters, the thing which was the glowing anyone says all you know this is this: is a wonderful grotesque monsters film, not surprised that he would lose love that one but of course, world and also a fan of older genre. was as well, and I was reading this really high praise for this night
Fifty one fail me talking about having intelligent dialogue and a strong female lead and so that there really got me thinking in old. Maybe I should give this a look. You know the strong female led beings? W and arrested because on one hand, it's ninety, Fifty one you don't you know that, don't necessarily think of this being the of this being the era of strong female leads, and then also you think about John Carpenters, adaptation, and there are no women in it at all- it's an entirely male cast young. Carpenters version, the all male cast of character, somehow fits the me durable bleakness of the Antarctic base in the movie but area. I would say that having watched it now, I know what Michael Wilderness talking about, though I dont Think it might be slightly over selling Margaret Sheraton's role in the movie, though she is fantastic and I really like her character. She does a great job with it, but I was expecting her the main character of the moving based on this, which she is not, but in her scenes she is great,
Yeah and what we will get into this a bit later, it basically come down to this idea of the hawks in woman and war. You'll find out what that means, but in terms of differences between the thing and the thing from another world think, were sort of burying the lead, because the one major way in which the thing from another world nineteen fifty one differs from carpenters movie. Is that original film does not involve impersonation people familiar with carpenters, move your member. The main thing about it is that the alien can assume the forms of humans or the animals that it kills. So it is this polymorphus being can that can sort of sample de tissue of an organism it comes into contact with and then make its own body into a copy of that being, which is a wonderful plot, vice. The central mechanic of of carpenters movie gives rise to the paranoia doesn't ring
exist in the original, or maybe there is a kind of sense of paranoia, but its powered by different factors that I want to discuss in more detail as we go on, but in movie. The thing is simply a big hulking, alien thaws out of a block of ice and then attacks the swear where all the characters are stationed. It doesn't assume the form of any one if you actually able to get a good look at it, which you're not really in the movie and in fact that's a really good thing about the movie. The movie obscures the form of the monster for, for most of the run time in a highly effective way. If you were able to get a really good well lit Gander added it just looks kind like James aren't ass in a big creepy frankenstein make up and in space suit yeah This was a huge reason why I had never check out the film before, because I'd see that famous broke up blue shot. James, our nerves. the thing costume, and I would thank all that
looks kind of land. Mine are really want to see a movie about bad, especially when John, openness version of it- is this amorphous ultimately formless thing that takes on justa a number of just grotesque and shift? forms yeah, and in fact I mean I've said this on the show before I think one big stake. A lot of horror movies make is letting you get. Too much of a look at the monster? I mean your horror. Movies should be sparing in letting you see the monster, those it's good, it's good to heighten the tension and make it more mysterious by usual. keeping the monster offscreen I'd say opened. The thing is movie the brakes that rule to great effect you get tons of of great shots of the monster in it looks fantastic. So you know if you're the guy The thing about rules, artistic media is, is you have to obey the rule unless it's just really good anyway,
but but yeah. I know what you're talking about with the way the monster looks in this movie. This is a major thing. I wanted to talk about I was shocked house. scary. The creature was in this movie and I really mean that, like movies of this era, are we I I really appreciate them, but the rarely viscerally disturbing on a visual level to modern audiences and that's not a knock on them. In fact like at the time they they might have had people fainting in the aisles or falling out of their cars and driving, but make up effects from before rough, the advent of the seventies, or so I think rarely a strong punch with audiences. Today we ve just sort of standards. updated, and so even if the way Boris Karlov looked in his Frankenstein make up was was terrifying to people at the time. I think it looks Therefore, I think it looks amazing. I love to look at it, but I don't find it really really terrifying ride and
I would say that the baseline monster in this movie is no exception to that rule, that if you just look at the make up effects of the time, they're, usually not going to pack a very strong punch, If you look at well lit still photographs of James on Ass did the actor who plays the the monster in the thing in his alien make up and costume for the movie, I think he looks goober. He just looks Gallagher like an eel. guy he looks like Frankenstein sort of Vienna in a space in a jump suit, yet somehow on the screen within the narrative. He is so much more than that. This is a movie monster that Bin its immensely from really strong staging lighting and camera work more so than make up a fact. So, most the time you see the monster in the movie, his appeal since his sudden or brief for obscured in some way, so maybe the characters are looking out at him through frosted glass on snowfield or
or somebody opens the door and he suddenly reaches out through it as they try to slammed shut or he's stay menacing silhouette at the end of the corridor, the unknown and his features covered in shadow to really- hats after the team that came up with the state, for all these scenes in the lighting in the framing and all that, because even though the makeup affects kind of fall short, the monster on screen within the narrative looks wonderful, he's really frightening. Salute we like, for instance, in the movie. You never get a sense that this character is wearing. Partially I did space pajamas, but if you get the still hear those airspace pajamas, clearly yeah yeah, so lately took a kind of Goober Frankenstein and turned him into this truly menacing. Being really excellent. Excellent filmmaking technique well I'd like to get into this more Go ahead in just gives, gives a basic elevator pitch of the plot. Especial people who have did they just now the carpenter version they may we don't know how,
much in common. This one has with that fill aside from the details of the monster, ok Maybe I'll do the street elevator pitch first and then we'll see if we have any variations on this, the straight play: description, I would say, is serious object from space crashes near a remote arctic research base when eighty of scientists and military men, go to investigate they find a humanoid body frozen in the ice and they have to bring it back to the base with them, and you, you just better hope it doesnt thaw out. I like that. Let's, let's go ahead and listen to a little bit of that trailer audio. The thing from another world. This is the spot where it was first seen, and these are the first people who saw the thing how, they get here, come from what is it
By that I shouldn't I happened to query medium. Like I got very, then it was all those hands and eyes. You gonna tell me about you. Human orange human earthly or on baffled The questions are stoned in question: even the world's greatest scientific mines cannot. Gentlemen, do you realize what we found? being from another world is different from us. One pole We can only communicate with it. All right. So what I want to come back to something you were just talking about, and that was the idea of doors opening, so he asked in the research base in this movie feels it's more or less, in keeping with the Spirit the carpenter had any in his version of the thing You know there are these a lot of these long corridors there doorway separating different sections of it every day,
feel doesn't feel super modern. It feels very rough in places. There's this idea that, outside of this compound, there's just frozen death awaiting any creature. and it's inside that we have this swim. Artificial version of fly sustaining temperatures, and that makes actually for a killer twist later in the movie, where you haven't even really been thinking about this, while they're coming up of all these different ways of battling the thing, the thing is sort of laying seized the humans in the base and then at a certain point there, like. Oh no somebody turned off the heaters yeah, so the wonderful set peace which to engage with this monster, but one of the things it is rife, was really taken by watching. It is just how scary? All the doors are, there's a lot of characters going in and out of doors in this film very quickly and even before a month the monster jumped out from behind a door I
feeling anxious whenever a door would open it was. It was really effective eventually a monster is coming out from behind the door in theirs were hip, hop things jumping out for buying doors. I dont think doors have ever been. Quite this scary, a hundred then agree. Yet this movie does something really special with like portals openings doors windows. It it's really and also Lots of things where, like the door at the outside, has been opened- and you know, there's a sense of that- fell that that crushing cold coming and so it works on several levels. I think since we're not gonna. Do a scene by seen break down on this when I guess to make more sense for peace, you haven't seen especially either movie it. It might make sense to do a quick, fuller run down on the plot, so the basic cost. characters is that you have a journalist and then a group of of military commanders who fly by plane, up to a remote arctic research base where there is some scientific research going on and then
Like I said in the elevator pitcher earlier, there is a crash of some kind of objects near the base and the scientists and the soldiers go out to investigate it, and it looks like what you've encountered is a crashed, flying saucer, crashed, alien spacecraft and then their frozen in the ice on the ice field is humanoid figure, so they they chip that they dig that out of the ice with that with ice axes and with Thermo, India has movie is big fan of thermite, of course, and they though the thermite thing coming, goes wrong. I think they end up sort of melting the ship by accident, while they're trying to get it up out of the ice, but they do get this by the out of the ice and they bring it back to the base and then through a series of mishaps. This body in it devices accidently thought out and what they,
to discover is that this is a being from another planet. That is not an animal but is, in fact an animated vegetable. They they sort of explore the alternative, evolutionary history of this creature and say what if plant life on earth, have follow the ability to move quickly and have intelligence and and and and have I have a mobile body. Instead of animal life and ends, and so that sort of what we're dealing with and there's a lot discussion about the creatures mindset toward humans at apparently needs to consume ass? It wants to drink our blood, but it doesn't have any. It doesn't really have any remorse for us or understanding of us as fellow creatures. Instead as as one character so eloquently puts it. He regards, In the same way, we would regard a field of cabbages yeah. This idea that the door it's just the short furry blood,
Container and then the humans are just the larger hairless blood containers, TAT, Andy the it just needs. The blood is just calories, yeah yeah, but So within this plot a number of interesting themes emerging in the neighbouring talk more about those as we go on. Today's episode is brought to you by the new master, see Ex fifty. You know leave us don't have enough nature in our daily lives. We spend a lot of our time doors, even though we know how fun and how psychologically nourishing it is to get out and explore the living planet outside anyway, and in my personal experience, all the age old cliches about the restorative power of nature. They're, absolutely true! True, you know it's like eating a pie you found on the ground in a video game like I feel all my health and power bars refilling in real time out Absolutely I mean on and on top of just any physical exercise, you're getting by by war.
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stand, I think, there's some disagreement or confusion about what the level of control like who, who basically was in charge of making this movie. Who is the director and what their relative level of control yeah there there's this kind, it's kind of an open question or in a matter of debate that will probably never be fully saddled, especially since I think it everybody involved with his film or most of them, have passed on by TED. the basic central I'm gonna talk about. Who is the accredited direct? Your first credited director on. This is a christian ninety who lived nineteenth came through nineteen? Ninety three, is a tv and film director who served as editor on such films as Hell hawks nineteen, forty six adaptation of the big sleep, this head, huh, Bogart in it, and William Faulkner actually co scripted this adaptation of
of the Raymond Chandler, Philip Marlowe novel, which is only novel by way interesting. I've actually never read it, however, this film, from another world is nineties. He was his first directory or credit. It's easy. The biggest film or lease biggest, you know most well remembered film, he did, although he worked an entire career afterwards as a tv director up until the mid nineties seventies, ok, so Navy is credited as the director of the film. For some reason. I've always heard this described as having been directed by Howard Hawks, who glinda and acclaimed film maker of the time. So what's that with that so Howard Hawks, we just alluded to head, had had worked with. Ninety ninety was his his editor. So the hawks was also known as the Silver Fox, and if you look up because I can see why audience dashing so silver. Looking here, I guess
drugs like somebody who would be in like oh a whiskey cameras, scotch commercial way in the fifties or something absolutely edit, the dashing character Actor of such films is red River, real although nineteen thirty two scarface elder RO and Tori as well the aforementioned, the big sleep he was nominated for an academy award for nineteen forty, two sergeant York and he received an honorary academy award in nineteen. Seventy four considered a legend of the classic Hollywood era and why he was not the credited director or the credited co writer on the thing from another world. you often see looks like, for instance, you'll see em listed on, I am Debbie, is on credit director, accredited writer. Sickly various accounts indicate that he was the director and for some reason or another christian Ivy take the direct and credit which again
would be his first John Carpenter, among others, have echoed this view. However, various other folks, including some people involved with the actual production of the film, has said otherwise, and they say no. Ninety was the director, so ultimately fino. How can you say one way or the other? It does seem like hawks great value navy and It said that ninety was an instrumental editor and many of his films. Today been argued that perhaps hawks thought that safe, I was beneath him in. one is name on it and or he gave the credit to Navy. So that he could get into the directors guild, you know like like: let's go ahead, put your name on the stone, and this will help career. Eighty It is hard to say what exactly is going on here, but I doubt we're gonna, get it a definite answer on had ever
but he does not say I want to stress, though I've seen no accounts that indicate that this was some sort of this is a situation of animosity were like one director being replace. We often see that in this in action stories where this guy, this guy's me out spring in the sky. No, it seems like something else is going on here: and if anything, it was probably hawks helping out maybe or it spin, a where hawks was involved in the production and navy was still the director in May People were were. more inclined to give hawks more credit than than he perhaps deserve for it, I mean I don't know, I don't know what the answer is here sure I guess we'll have to leave that one sort of unanswered that being said, folks it are familiar with hawks they'd. They do point to various things about this film that have his finger. prince on it so Can you please? You can of course explain that export. You can explain that away a bit by saying, well hawks and now be worked together. So
You know they had similar interests. They work together to make these previous film. So who knows where region answer today, while I will emphasise yet again that I think pretty much crew. The board in terms of technical film, making. This is an excellently made movie, especially for science fiction, films and time amid there are definitely things that you can criticise about it and we will cut a kind of like quaint were proud of their arab allotted. That's in the actual sort of story, content in terms of a technical exercise in film making. I think that from another world. It just is awesome for nineteen fifty one lately yeah, if you fear, hesitant to watch this just because it is an early nineteen, fifty film to snow that it is in many ways ahead of its time, all right, so we mentioned already. This is based on a short story based on a short story by John W Campbell Jr, who live one thousand nine hundred and nineteen through one thousand nine hundred and seventy one
safe, I rider and editor of astounding science fiction, hero, numerous shore stories and several novels, though who goes there. The story that this is based on his perhaps his best remembered and Emily we recently released in an expanded. For my, they went back to an old manuscript in there's this stuff. in that original manuscript that in some cases, actually present in the film version, but not in the original story. If I'm correct on that Now, having read only a little bit about Campbell, it seems to me that his life sort of breaks into a couple, a different parts that, like an early on it, seems like most of what you read about him. Is that he's just sort of like an hour What machine like he's, just riding tons and tons of very influential science fiction and tons of people, unlike cultivating the early careers of a lot of people who would become later science fiction writers, and then like the other half, is that he'd sins into increasingly bizarre interest in pseudo science and right wing politics, yeah yeah?
That seems to be the case of the Essen summit accounts indicate that he could always be a bit of a blow hard and wit and was prone to just talk a lot if you are going to go in and chat with them about anything, he was, you were gonna, get a monologue. a year and in life he apparently increasingly astounded ideas that did not sit well with more progress, if safety authors of his time, such as Isaac, as some of you have made, things, I've seen picked out or increasing interest in hard right politics and then like belief in like psychic powers and start a faint and being into serve the Dianetics nexus of of alternative psychiatry, YAP I was reading about him in a two thousand nineteen piece in the New York Times by Peter Libby. The renaming thy science fiction. Writing a word that the names for Campbell and how they they changed it because- and though the reason wasn't like Campbell, supported racial segregation, daring life, any assessment,
numerous racist and inflammatory viewpoints like the kind of guy who had we not only hold it hold it hold billings racist viewpoints but also good like seem to go. The extra step in just try while people up in shock people with his opinion, so so yeah, that's that that is joined up. You can't bulging now do you know of course like does he have any involvement with the film or is it just that he wrote the story and then it was adapted to screen play with without his involvement, I don't know the details of his his involvement, but I know that he sees not credited with any screen. Writing credit soundness, Instead, we have the credit. Screenwriter is Charles Letter who, nineteen eleven through nineteen seventy six. This is this is amazing. Screenwriter on hawks. Is gentlemen? Prefer blondes, as well as original oceans, eleven in nineteen sixty? That was that was not a hawks film, but just another credit for letter here
there is also an unprecedented rider listed on. I am db, been hedged. Who is live, one thousand eight hundred and ninety four through one thousand nine hundred and sixty four- and this is a guy who do also work with hawks. on Scarface, well. As Alfred Hitchcock Film notorious now, I guess we're about Talk about the cast a little bit and again, I will say as great as this movie is one of the top criticisms I would lodge about it is. It has worked way too many character, Wade's, who many characters. This movie could have had seven arrayed characters at the base, I think and achieve the same factional dynamics. Instead, it has like thirty. Seven characters is way too many. I could not keep track of Who was who, among the minor character, is that you, I could recognise like like three or four
people and then everybody else. I was just getting mixed up. Oh yeah, like your immediate leaders, thrown into a cast of a very interchangeable, looking like clean cut, white military guys, hand and you're just scrambling to figure out for a little bed, because again The writing is really tied on this thing. They even pretty quickly figure out who your main character is, and you can sort to tell who matters and who doesn't. But there are a lot of their a fair number of characters on the screen, who, ultimately don't matter and earth did not even there to be cannon fodder for the monster heard anything right. Like most everybody survives, this thing I think the most my kills like two or three people right yeah, Yes, if you see this, many people in Europe can be a bloodbath and now it's it's not the smaller teams like team science will get it you get into that Tibet, but there were like three air carriers to stood out what Here too, there were important characters of one who stood out into that we're just interchangeably. In the background yeah
So maybe we should talk about the actor playing our hero. All right. This is Kenneth Toby playing Captain Patrick Hendry, who Rick Hendry did. This is our hero. This is the all american lug. He is a handsome blonde man of action who holds is liquor. He thinks faster Brooks no sympathy for blood sucking aliens or any such nonsense. Yeah he's a You didn't take long to realise this guy's our lead, he's an interesting actor there. Two hundred in twenty three acting credits- and I M d- be mature. Vice gave him chapter. Nineteen, seventeen through two thousand and two he he and his later career. Oh, he played air controller, New Bauer and nineteen eighties airplane Thea that the parity film, but back in the day he was a nineteen. Fifty five it came from beneath the sea in here. quite a few interesting cameos in incredibly debts.
Specially from later in his life, including playing a hologram priest in how razor bloodline he was a projection in grim, wants to yet another cameo gremlins playing a different character. He was in big top pee wee he was in the howling. He was an inner space. It also. I think he he very much fits the mould of a leading man character of these nineteen fifty cipher movies, with leading characters, often just that this kind of love this you know macho cigarette. Add man button, but you know what he's good he's good with this role the area, it seems to me that you like he was a lot of stuff before these. These more recent films on naming here. But what seems to be the case is that if we had a long career, so you still active by the nineteen eightys, but also he was he was in the thing from another world. He was part of this this era of tv there
this new generation of directors had grown up on, so you see folks, like Joe Dante, using lot junk. and are used in in now STAR man, So leader they looked back in there. This is the star of the thing from another world. If he, if he's looking for work on a boner put him in my film, have him just give cameo, something must get him on the screen. I just want to be in his presence, Now he mentioned the dead than in this movie he's a ruggedly handsome lug. He is also the love interest of Margaret Sheridan in this movie. Abbot, playing a character named Nicky Nicholson. Is that right, the up? Yet, associate interesting. She live one thousand nine hundred and twenty six through one thousand nine hundred and eighty two, apparently discovered her while she was still in college and hawks just convinced that this that who's gonna be the next big star that she was like a once in a generation talent, so he wore the castor in nineteen forty eight Red River, that the hawks film but apparent
she's pregnant at the time she passed on it, and so she ended up being in this film, which you know, depending on whether hawks directed at all It is still very much of a hawk still do you know but her career ultimately didn't take off quite like hawks. It imagine did she was in five more films and she did some tv. This is the one she's best remembered for other credits included. in fifty eight I've, a jury and nineteen. Fifty four, the diamond wizard I'd like that name, is a cool name. I think I looked at, I think, maybe it's like a diamond heist kind of a film also nothing this day, out to modern viewers, perhaps so much Margaret Sheraton's, wonderful in this movie. She has such a around I jolly energy. I love the way that is sheet is a wind, Kenneth, Toby's, walking and she's got scenes with them. I love the way, she's constantly either kind of laughter.
at him or visibly trying to hold back laughter while he speaking there's something kind of powerful and all those kind of threatening about the way she just laughs at him. But I love it, but then also is very clear that she does like him yeah she's she's got a wonderful screen presence yeah you see what hawks all in her. She she has his great energy and, in the role is, is really good for a really well written for four nineteen. Fifty one, you know, she's, not a damsel and distress. Not a thing the You know she is this: the strong, capable professional woman in this outrageous scenario? and then she stands Toto with it with her male counterparts in the film, and this is where get to work? thing that was apparently one of hawks trademarks and, I have to admit, I haven't seen any other Howard Hawks film. So I can only speak this personally, but apparently film theory. This is known as the hawks in woman on Ark of sort of you not to
talking or fast talking, woman. They can verbally spar with male counterparts and that certainly something we see in this in this role. His girl Friday. Yeah, I guess so you know I have to say I want to be clear. That's it's not like. There are no nineteen fifty sensibilities in this character in the film entirely, but I feel like it's a shockingly strong role for film from this time period. Certainly a genre film yeah hey. It's dearly bought I'm here to tell you about my brand new Porthos, duly at your service hobby sitting down with the world's most inspiring mines, to uncover what makes them taking what they ve love on their successors, failures and the obstacles. Life has stirred up them. We're going deep what people revolutionizing, not just their own industries, but also culture more broadly firmly. Today, I be all
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her real loyalties or more on the job side, she's with the military military in the end and but yet this is a. This is a movie in which the jocks, the military represent. Common sense, the nerds. The scientists represent an unhealthy and ill advised. Curiosity, you know I am I That is two open for its own good and this, but as to the next character that that we wanted to talk about in the actor who place him and that's it if this man, has a human villain. This is the human villain. This is Doctor Carrington. I would say he is the main figure in the movie, representing the villainous potential of the nerves among us. He is curious to know more about the life forms from other worlds that he forgets his loyalty to this one, and I think this is a good jumping off point two talk about some of the historical political context of the film,
clear. I do not know if it was intended this way by the film makers. This could be something that is just an artifact of interpretation, but it's easy to see how this has been interpreted as a cold war paranoia movie. is released early during the second red scare, and it involves sort of commie coded intellectuals who betray their loyalty to the home team in a speech of suicidal interplanetary cosmopolitanism after Carrington, there's something If off about him in his aesthetics, he dresses in these strange slacks that look at another what were they look like pajama pants but the strange pattern on them and he wears a turtle next sweater and a double breasted jacket and he has appointed, years. We looks almost like that. The classical loony tunes caricature of the Friday psychiatry esteem only talking about he looks like the the archetype of an
trustworthy godless intellectual, like somebody that John Wayne would slug in the mouth and big Jim Maclean yeah there late almost like, like a stereotypical communist sympathiser intellectual today, yeah yeah there are a number of cipher movies of this time, interpreted as cold war paranoia movies, and they tend to feature devices of either or one of two mechanisms: either mind control or body snatching, What this means is that you end up with enemies who look like your friends and neighbours, but secretly their working for the other side and you can see examples of this in the nineteen fifty six invasion of the body, snatchers the original invasion of the body snatchers there was a remake in in that I think, is absolutely fantastic if you never seen the seventy eight version that that's another remake from, I guess a few years. Orbit around the same time is as carpenters thing remake. That is a reminder that is- and at least
does good as the original and probably better, I've, never seen the seventies remake. I've only seen the nineteen fifty six version, which, as a child like scare the crap out of me about it, I it something about just that. The black and white nature of it, and just how just friends Kevin Mccarthy's character is towards the end. Like he's just legally losing it with his knife and paranoia in the context of the film, because people are being replaced by pod people and he is like the only sane man laughed trying to warn us, or will you really should see the seventy eight body snatchers, because it's also just fantastic Its it's got. A great cast. Donald Sutherland broke Adams of Raw a Cartwright Jeff, Goble M Leonard Nimois there out yeah, it's a wonderful casting an excellently scripted like really good. So but in those cases, especially the original fifty six invasion of the body snatchers, because it's in the sort of red scare period of the fifties after world war to its it. It fits into this
You ve got people who look like your friends, but actually they work for the enemy, and on the hammy or be movie side of things. You ve also got movies like it conquered the world, which I think you could say. The same thing now also came out. Nineteen fifty six, a corpsman Special Roger Corpsman. And how would you describe it conquered the world? It's a movie were, like a giant communist mind, control artichoke from Venus conquerors. Military base in a nearby town by like making a brain thrall out of leaving cliff, yet in arresting film. It has as ridiculous monster in it, but a lot of it revolves around and around it Peter graves his character these conversations with leave and character kind of way? just a philosophical arguments about how we should be treating we aliens that are invading the world. You know with the Van Cleve Ecstasy to play them were villainous. Roles, though, is not really an outright villain, and I an unsympathetic villain in this. He comes through in the end
yeah. He comes through the end, but he also seems to me he's has a very, very large, based approach to everything into why he is essentially siding with the aliens in there and at the heart of it like that they be alien threat, exists and it's about. How are we, as as it is, is a culture responding to it and are we engaging in dangerous sensibilities and dangerous ideas regarding the treatment of alien beings Will we learn only too late that man is a feeling creature right, That's a big! That's a big theme in all these write. The idea that this dangerous ideology or or alien president's? Whatever the infection happens to be, it will rob you of your individuality. You're, just gonna be made into what you'll be a pod person you'll, be whatever, though the thing is you're going to be robbed of your individuality and your personality and
that this Ellen Persuasion, this alien frame of mind, or that, though, the sympathies to the enemy are not visible from the outside right that the enemy, whether its mind, control or body, snatching, either way the effect does the same, which is that the enemy is among us blending in you know, and this is very much in the political, spirit of the age is like a car speech when he stood up Nineteen thousand and fifty, and he said he had a list of communist spies who were secretly working in the state Department is blending in with everybody else at ends. the main mood or theme of these movies little bit less than outright terror is instead paranoia right, it's the like. Who can I trust? Who is not what they seem? there's an irony here because I think cow, Pinders adaptation of the thing accomplishes, this theme of paranoia. Much more powerfully than the original thing from another world either
though I dont think carpenters version has any of that red scare political dna. I don't think that's it is concerned with that at all it's just sort of like more free floating paranoia, and I think it accomplishes that, because Spain, Equally, it involves an alien who impersonate people who can look like you're coworkers, and you wouldn't know it was actually an alien until it s their blood. Unlike this movie, instead of having somebody who's, an alien body snatcher or someone under alien, mind, control it Just these suspect loyalties of the scientists and the intellectual because cause there hung for knowledge and their open minded to a fault and because because of that, they will flirt with dangerous forces from outside the zone of safety. In that's who that's the role that Doctor Carrington this character, plays in the movie and for the record, the actor Robert Corinth Wade is great,
this role, I love him as the godless untrustworthy, nerd yeah he's pretty great, even even though at times feels like there lay down. A diktat did thick with her bow yeah yeah yeah fool, cheesy Cassie cities like everyone else, is like this. This thing's murdering people drinking blood and he's like yes, but I think we reason with it, there's so much. We could learn from this murderous carrot. and even right up there the end you know they're they're, trying to lurid into up high tech trap to shock to death and he's like wait. Let me speak to Creature. It must not be hurt, you know, and we get The nerd get punished for his foolishness. You know he so naive that he thinks he can he former relationship with the alien you know, unlike he doesn't have the rough common sense of the of the captain and the army, whose, like, while you gotta kill this thing.
Radio swatted yeah smack down. I think they say that he survives. I think they say that ADA ends up with some broken bones: broken bones and wounded spirit, but perhaps ill hillah. Now he knows that he shouldn't put sides. First right, so this actor Corinth wait. He was born in nineteen. Seventeen died in two thousand. Six are heated, allow a tv and Filmore throughout his long career, including future world that was the one of the sea two were west world. He was in nineteen fifty three war of the worlds. Nineteen sixty two, whatever happened, a baby Jane. He was in a ghost in Mr Chicken, and is it that we don't know that goes to Mr Chicken. I do not know the girdle western, just like I did was adorned knots comedy. Ok, I think, I saw it alot as a kid for some reason, but anyway. This actor was on our views on tons of famous tv shows from the old days stuff, like Anti Griffith Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock. This was his
first credited film or tv acting gig thou any he off play lawyers and scientists because the other kind of like in actual ere. You know that intellectual delivery that that lent itself well to those roles Maybe a nasal voice in a pointy beard, and you just look at that guy in your like, I I don't I don't know. If I can trust him We also have a very amusing journalist character, who has a lot of screen time character, NED Scott and I enjoyed this character. Lock is very stereotypical in many ways. Bodies so well written has a lot of snappy dialogue fast. Walking journalist has some extremely cheesy lines. He he gives the final the final speech at the end of the movie, so this movies version of their he learned too late. That man is a feeling creature is instead to him like talking over the military radio to know some command posed to like dictating a news story off the top of his head. He added yet ourself with some line like
Thousands of years ago, a man named Noah save the earth with an arc made of wood. Today, with a man named captain, whatever save the earth with an arc of electricity, YAP Yap greatly. greatly ned, really really good the interesting thing about that ending with the keep watching the skies is. I sometimes have never seen it before, but but being familiar with that ending line. kind of combined that knowledge with the ending to invasion of the body snatchers where there is like a crazed urgency to it. Yeah there's no crazed urgency here, he's not like, for God's sake, keep watching the skies, because this is gonna happen again and again he's just kind of like in generally saying keep watching the skies did just in case I don't know their might. Who knows? Just keep asking this guy's got lots of skies, keep watch anyway. This this character, though very amusing, NED Scott.
Play by Douglas Spencer, who have one thousand nine hundred and ten through one thousand nine hundred and sixty. So you know ultimately didn't they didn't have long career as it as he could have given it is. His life has been cut short there, but he was in, among other things, this island earth the diary of Anne Frank and the classic Western Shane making a westerns. Let's talk about team monster here, oh boy, Now you mentioned already the James. Our ness plays the monster, and it is indeed James aren't as lived nineteen twenty three through two thousand and eleven This is the guy, that's mostly mostly well known and well remembered for for one or two things. First of all, he played the character map Dylan on the long running Gunsmoke Western TV show that show aired nineteen, fifty five Nineteen, seventy five and then was always
indication. Afterwards, it seems like our my grandpa would watch it like every day on tv, I've never seen Gunsmoke. I really don't know anything about it. I mean, I know, I don't think I ever actively washed it caused me. I was a kid. I was interested in and Gunsmoke so much, but it was on and he was like a cowboy sheriff or what northern he's like lemme guess. Is he the new sheriff whose comes into a lawless town as to fix everything? I guess, but it's I mean the show ran for like twenty year, so you think he did in a pattern there. After wisely, the people would be like you, ve had fifteen years to fix this down, still lawless, yellow does he have to run for reelection? How does it work and are now Gunsmoke fancy, but it they just westerns for James, aren't as he was also a nineteen, fifty four of them, a giant bug Have you seen this one? Actually ashamed to say no, I have not. I know it's a classic. The other interesting thing about James our nets is that time he was born James king of our.
And he was the older brother of data, the name of Peter do so. Our ness, who did under the name Peter Graves mentioned. The US is Peter Graves brother so could have literally had a brother to brother conversation about how you learn to light that man is feeling creature yeah yeah. It's interesting, though I mean this is often the case with with siblings ride. Him answered nothing remarkable, but you don't they of James. Our ness and Peter Graves is being is playing the same source of care. first like a there's, a rugged to James. Our like he's just always gonna, be that cowboy Peter Graves, on the other hand, often played these more. You know these thoughtful characters, the sometimes villainous but there's like sternness today is the sternness about actors, but aren't opiate. Peter graves differ the roles, I can't imagine them ever like competing for the same character and in being like, same character if, if either of them played it, what footmen Peter
raves as the thing from another world. I wonder I dont know if peer graves ever played a monster he might have early in his career after I'd have to go through his filmography. Have you ever felt depressed about work only to have your daddy like why you so down, so he told them. You hate your job and he said. Well, you better talk yourself out of it, and then you thought I'd love to talk. I could supply gas
and then you want a speaker from my heart and started upon gassing got good at it than monetizing quit your boring job untold your dad thanks for the advice and he was like. Well, that's not what I meant and I do understand what a pot cast is, but you seem happy. So that's great kiddo! You ever do that what you could at speaker, dotcom. That's S p, r e, a k, e r ass, your dad you actually down, I am just Clinton and I'm so excited to back with a new season of my pipe gas in fact, remarking women's instrument with twelve trailblazing women in sports media politics and more talking about the progress made or lost, and how are we still need to go?
From soccer star in equal pay advocate Megan Rapinoe, the veteran White House, correspondent April Ryan, to world renowned fashion, designer Stella Mccartney. These women have risen to the top of their fields and are fighting for equal rights for equal opportunities, for everyone will hear how they got started and who inspired them, how it feels to have power in their industry and what it looks like when women are finally given an equal, shot, voice and seat at the table. So I hope you'll join us and listen to. In fact, with me, Kelsey Clinton, Iheartradio, app apple pie, or wherever you get your podcast, now another going back to team science, there's one guided stood out to me. I was just gonna freedom skip over rescue them, but there's a character by the name of doktor Stern. Did he stand out to you, Joe? I dont member
when he was a weight, was he one of the scientists red black hair? He was no, he well. He may have had black here. He was tallish and, and was it had kind of like a subdue the but seem like thoughtful delivery? Had some good lines here and there played by this actor, but an aim of Edward France- he lived nineteen, oh two through nineteen, eighty, three, again, not a main character, but screen presence, impress me so I thought it include him here: Stern, faced character, actor, whose many its include the ten commandments here, in a tory Johnny got his gun and also he was in Twilight Zone the movie, so the sequence with those about the monster, the wing of the plane, was John Lithgow, at Edward France plays the old man on the flight. Ok now Just looked him up. I do remember him, but I don't remember what he did in the movie
lorries earlier service interest in some of the science conversations he kind of was a voice of reason and scepticism. I can I liked his presence there. Ok again, the dialogue is, is pretty tight and then in this in this movie and in an even like bit, characters like like him. He has a chance to one more actor, I want to include- and that's the dear the character Doktor Vorhees was played by this guy Paul freeze, who live nineteen. Twenty two nineteen, eighty, six and I am including him because he had a long careers voice actor. So I played a radio. Porter and were the world's. He did so voices in the animated, the last unicorn other credits and the wind in the willows the end the version of the return of the king and the hobbit then also to various ranking and bass holiday specials. And then finally will get to the music here. The music was provided by Dmitri attempt who lived
one thousand, eight hundred and ninety four through one thousand nine hundred and seventy nine The music in this film is largely what you would expect from the time period, but this in born composer, it was a major name, dared during this era. Here in twenty two Academy award nominations are one for Oscars most, notably for this film. It again it's very standard and a lot of brass in it, but you do you're the ferryman from time too, to write a little bit of Sci FI intrigue and I've seen this score singled out as one of the works cement the electronic musical instruments place inside vice cinema. The other big one was nineteen. Fifty once the day the earth stood still scoreboard. Herman. Oh then that's interesting, I didn't realize that these two movies came at the same year thing from another world. In the day, the earth's stood still It would also be interesting to compare them. I haven't seen the day, the
stood still nearly as recently, but I would say that the thing from another world is probably a much better movie just on a technical level. In terms of like how effective and scary like the shots in the horror and everything is in it, but I the day the earth stood still is probably a more thematically interesting movie yeah, I think, they're both examples of sort of the high minded early nineties. Fifty sigh film, yeah this is in an era where I e the John or films of this calibre. We're not generally Lady that level they certainly weren't getting a nominated for academy, awards and so forth, but you What should have been nominated for an academy award? Is the opening title the thing for now, goodness absolutely ballistic, best opening title I've ever seen. Probably of course it
inspired. I think some things that came afterward, but it's the one word starts with the aid of the black screen, and then you just see the word thing: lettered and a large jagged script that burns throughout black sheep, like it's, been like like spill in kerosene and then set ablaze, absolutely amazing. I love it and I imagine carpenter loved it as well, because they didn't. I basically recreate the same title card for that decision downwards during through the screen. Yes, it if I have no idea how they did, it is beautiful theirs. thing before we wrap up that. I wanted to talk about what this movie, which is that it has interest. Dialogue. So this film has what you might call naturalistic dialogue or overlapping dialogue. So there are other examples of of movies. Like this from the time, but if so, I'm not really aware of them, I think film making conventions of the early fifties at work
have overwhelmingly favored favoured the clear crisp delivery of stage drama conventions where you know one character speaks at a time and you can hear reword, they say because the lines are important. They are meant to develop the character, remove the plot along, but this man he is trend towards a more and more naturalistic. An atmospheric approached. Dialogue were character. Some mumble, sometimes talk over each other. The same time more like you'd get in later moved like Robert Open movies, where a lot of the dialogue is its clear that I'm supposed to here and take in every single word, but get a mood or get an atmosphere from the chatter of the characters as they go about their business yeah Sometimes they are just incomplete thoughts. Like one character you talking about something there interrupted or gathers crew talking you don't know you don't always make out with some of the characters are saying it?
it feels he has his very natural feel to it, and also just move right along like its snap. It snappy dialogue, you, it It keeps you engaged- and it feels right- but every real, though of course, at the same time, its ninety fifty one real, so you know, there's gonna be a bit of light guy, dames and cigarettes. You know the sort of thing going on another asked to the dialogue. That instantly reminded me. I did there's one shot in particular of this. there's a nice walk and talk sequence again. We have these long hallways between these rooms in this in the snowy base and Some scenes, we'd, like scientist or military men, were walking down the hallway and the cameras in front of them, filming them talk to each other and of course this would he's just becomes a staple, especially of light police, procedural rules and like the West Wing Us President thing from another world. What's that guy? Who does what and Sorkin love ya, walk and talk, which I feel
Clean personally often find irritating imaginative errand. Sorkin did array of the thing. Think I would hate this all walk and talk never even see the monster. I bet it would have a great, castor yeah. Ok, rob. I know we can't finish without talking about. There are a number of scenes in this. There are so good, but one that just had my Chaw on the floor was the fire attacks in. Oh, my god. This scene is so solid and and terrifying alike, toward them. Just as I was just like, like the guy audibly said something like all crap like that's an urgent once was It was literally on fire. because it's a scene where the thing bus into a room and they They throw some kerosene added, nay than they are some fire at em. They figured out that its invulnerable two bullets yeah yeah, that a shooting it didn't work earlier, so they're using fire against it and it's just its rampaging and its
fire there like from an effect standpoint, terrifying being it's like this all this visible real fire on the sat. There are multiple shots, somebody doing a man on fire stunt and then, within the context of the film yes, justices, intense feeling of of danger, both the environmental danger of of there. Of where they are in the world, but also the fact that now things are increasingly on fire in there rampaging a fleet of blue, drinking Alien, that also on fire tremendous yeah and the fact that it something about that seen in the way that it's scary, heightened something that Sir serve progressive tension throughout the plot, which is that the characters are having to makes teacher decisions really fast you know they're, not given time d like compiled. We think they know in and try and figure out. What's going on there, I recall
that the set up to that scene is just like, we think, he's attacking the door. Ok, what are we going to do? You know the bullets? Don't work. What have we? fire, and so they just like a range. This fire trap for it in real time, pretty much. It happens really fast and then it all goes to hell and it becomes clear that you can't kill this thing with fire, or at least they being heard it with fire. But it like it's not like Gus, each of its cells is kind of independence, might be able to burn its outer layer, but it's gonna be ok yeah and ended afterwards. They ve lost an entire room of the facility and they have yet have finite resources there, which I thought was all a great touch. You know it old standby but but I gotta admit I I'm really a sucker for setting a trap for the monster. That's just a kind peace that I always enjoy gang, Where are we wind up towards the end here? They they develop. Trap makes
plain how it's gonna work? And so you know, you know that this is always the case. If a trap is fully explained, something is going to go wrong here. The plan is fully explained. Something is going to go wrong, so I didn't I'd go off, as there is, is there for their planning. It too. It also is not doesn't go off the rails disastrously. I don't think what a been allowed and nineteen fifty one. No, I guess not know you I don't know at the time. Could you have an ending like you having carpenters thing? I yeah, I don't know Howard out audiences have reacted too, that I dont know, answer? This question listeners right in our are their examples you can think of of sir fire genre movies from, say the fifties with really bleak ending just in ending where the alien winds and earth loses I mean the main example that comes to mind instantly and perhaps partly because we already talked about it is fifty six body snatchers film like way at the end,
that film. It's like have one sane man laughed in, everyone thinks he is insane, and I guess you could also looked various, like short form, twilight Twilight Zone, type stuff where you'll definitely have the down or ending and sin and all barriers, when the sun does not. This then leave things on a positive note. Humans were tested and they were. They were up to the test easier to end on a downer note. I think, after like a sub thirty minutes story than it is to an end on a downer note. After at ninety minutes story got more investment feature length and so people are I feel really mad if, if you get a downer ending at the end of a movie, yeah. You gotta get Cinema them happy. and if this film does I was, I was happy with it with the film after after we were done here, it has some terrific sequences in a great dialogue, a lot of interesting things about it. So you know older.
Like this are not everybody's cup of tea, but I wouldn't, if you did all attempted, I encourage you to give the thing from another world a chance. I'm still thinking about this I just talked about wait a minute. This might be developing into a broader theory. Rob would you generally agree, then, when it comes horror, literature its way more. common to have horror short stories where the monster or that the evil entity wins in the end, but horror novels were the hero in the end. Yeah, yeah say by large that's the case, you know what I've seen I certainly seen examples where longer works that have dark endings Those dark endings are not always that well received, even if the the audience tends to be into darker greedier stuff. You know I've I've seen I've seen that time and again so I I think that probably holds true and I how much of that is your investment in alone
work or sort of expectations of a longer work or work. so just like effective storytelling. If you stick with it that long like you, you putting for the good guys are what or whoever is below the protagonists happened to be like you want them to reconvene the adversary and generally, I guess no longer works. You tend to have an protagonists that the UK, We genuinely rooting for and not like him in short fiction. You sometimes have in a very problematic characters, and you know something terrible is going to happen to them. Basically, details from the crypt model. stories. Bad people, bad endings, tales from the cryptic. Exactly is short enough that you dont need to like anybody gap like. I hate everybody in this. I know. think bad is going to happen and probably the celebrated when it does in its ashore ride. To get there we August can a side tracked there. But I'll come back to my original recommendation. I say thing from another world yeah this one's this one's real.
Really good horror film making, especially for nineteen fifty one, absolutely We would like to see this film you're in luck because it like life in our last one that we covered is why highly available Can you can easily pick up a dvd or blu ray of it you can also ITALY, rent or by it pretty much any place you! U Digital by or rent films watch the skies I know that there is also a colorized version of this film. I can't imagine who, watching it, colorized, besides, the black and white is essential. Yeah yeah, all right. We're gonna go in rapid up there, but hey If you would like to listen to other episodes of weird how cinema you'll find it every Friday in the stuff to blow your mind, podcast feed? We have core episodes on Tuesday, and Thursdays. We have lister mail on Mondays artifact on Wednesday and a re run on the against and and hey keep what?
the skies out. There If you ve got a sky, keep watching it, but what would that have done? he'd seen it. You just sit you be like. I see something crash landing, you learn, learn decided. I shouldn't, I guess, you're, like all. We gotta get all the thermite really quick, it is one more thing as this terrible time in the absolute remember it, but we have some great sequences, two of plotting where the character is trying to track. It was like a Geiger counter: oh yeah clothes space, very reminiscent of films. Come much later, like like alien and aliens yeah, yeah, totally yet the sum feels ahead of its time in a number of ways. Ok, stop gushing about the thing. Ok, ok, yeah. So what you re saying? Oh yeah, we were debating the upset our well anyway, thanks as always to a wonderful audio producer, Seth Nicholas Johnson. If you would like to get in touch with us, with feedback on this absurd or any other to suggest, stop it for the future. Just to say hello, you can email us at contact debts
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Transcript generated on 2022-03-03.