« Stuff To Blow Your Mind

The Monstrefact: The Lindworm

2021-09-29 | 🔗

In this episode of STBYM’s The Monstrefact, Robert discusses the legend of the lindworm and the 19th century Swedish ethnologist who searched for it …

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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A fiction heard spoken, word low, five beaten. Why I brought you buy me. Jake Brennan was in a blot on the tracks, Bob Dylan Story and the IRA radio Apple pie, gas were ever you getting pot CAS. Welcome to stuff to blow your mind, a production of heart radio hi. My name is Robert, and this is the monster effect. Short form series from stuff to blow your mind, focusing on mythical creatures, ideas and monsters in time dragons and worms wine their way through human history. keeping a largely to the shadows of myth and legend. A fine in their strength, mystery symbolic residence, In the traditions of Sweden. In Northern Scandinavia, we fall tales of just such a beast: the Lindorm
in older accounts. The Lynne takes on a hybrid for it as the body of a great serpent and ahead like that of a horse, complete with a main running down part of its neck. It the pies removed. Some regions of the wilderness guards bear the treasure, spits venom and, in some cases, may bite its own tail and roll like a hoop. Or ascended into the sky, shedding sparks and fire fox was Carol rose, also, add that in the late stages of its life. The lindorm may mutate and take to the sea as a sea serpent mother, snake account. We can neatly tucked away as part of the larger tradition of the aura Boris snake that bites or consumes its own tail for the most part. This not occur in the natural world, but it is proven to be an intriguing image and human cultures for ages. Likewise
in file away the limbed worms, brilliant aerial maneuvers, as part of a broader tradition of unidentified aerial phenomenon transformed into legend and the treasure wireless, did out by Thomas mom in twenty twenties. A footnote to Scandinavian. Her pathology the bronze age, salt tales from Asia and Africa traffic into Europe, including a of large constrictor, snakes and spitting cobras. There also arrive beliefs from the near east. Did it human being buried valuables in secret, they agreed would transform them after death and they would come back from the grave is a large snake to guard the buried treasure It stands to reason that the land worm is simply the convergence of all these elements, along with swedish knowledge of native snake species, such as the grass snake
at the Lindorm seemed resistant to keep to the shadows of method legend because among rural swedes there remained sightings of the beast and even accounts of fighting and slaying such monsters, and these continue throughout the enlightenment and into the nineteenth century. As mom details in his article published in the international society for the history and bibliography of her pathology One man was encouraged by these accounts to drag the lindorm out of the shadows and into the world of scientific verification. Ethanol, Gunnar Olaf killed him. The colorless, who lived eighteen eighteen through one thousand eighty nine to be clear, it would be more than half a century before the Term Crypto Zoology was introduced, Hilton Catholicism. Curiosity certainly match the spirit of earlier inquiries and he was quick to insist that he,
self was no zoologist, but he was fast, aided by swedish accounts of the Lindorm and was increasingly convinced that their money be some underlying reality to it, not mere lower or oversize descriptions of authors and grass snakes, but in actual large fear serpent with thing resembling a horses main he dismissed the flying, hooping and treasure guarding, but he believed yet undocumented organism awaited scientific discovery, and so ten kilometers. Did a memorandum to the royal. we Dish Academy of Sciences and Self printed. His report compiling numerous accounts and his insistence that the existence of the lindorm be explored. He offered a reward for proof of the creatures existence. During the common folk that it, specimen could be pickled in shops within a waterproof vessel.
the swedish scientific community, largely found his efforts amusing at best at times I'm putting the notion of rural swedes rampaging through the forest in search of monsters, ready to dunked them in liquor and collect their award. Alas, the Lynne could not be coaxed out of the safety of folklore and no proof was ever recovered of this law large, fearsome serpent with something like a horse. Dismay hill Cavaliers went to his grave without ever seen proof of the land worms existence and, as has been pointed out This alone has some scientific value, but is more details here You get his serpent in the end as his grave stone and Scott Love features the emblem of a serpent biting its own tail. Special thanks to my son Sebastian on this episode. I was at a loss. As to what to cover this week and he instantly piped up at the breakfast table and suggested the lindorm which he lay
about on the Netflix animated Series? Hilda tune in to additional episodes of the monster fact. Each week, as always, you can email us contact at stuff to blow your mind Dot com stuffed blow your mind. Is production of Iheartradio radio, more podcast Radio was via radio up apple podcast or wherever you to your favorite? Shows this bill Clinton After years of being interviewed, I'm looking forward to doing the interviewing please join me on? Why am I telling this for conversations with some of the most first letting people on our will their stories and talk about ideas deserve more attention and why should be hopeful and optimistic about our future. Listen to Lemme tell you this on the hour. Radio web apple vodka.
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Transcript generated on 2022-03-03.