« Stuff To Blow Your Mind

The Monstrefact: Ditto, a Pokémon

2022-03-02 | 🔗

In this episode of STBYM’s The Monstrefact, Robert discusses the shapeshifting Pokémon known as Ditto.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everybody. Today's episode is brought to you by fresh pet. Would you and to eat the same bland food. Every day I didn't think so, then why should your pets if you were a pet pair of a cat or dog? Then you should consider fresh pad instead of dry food feed, your pets, delicious food that is made with fresh whole ingredients, gently steam, cooked without preservatives and kept refrigerated were meets belong. So if you want to keep your pats happy unhealthy throughout their lives, pick up fresh pat from the age on the pet food I or order from any major online retailer for home delivery or curbside pick up fresh pat, it's time for fresh welcome to stuff to blow your mind a production of heart radio hi. My name is Robert and this is the monster fact short form series from stuff to buy your mind, focusing on mythical creatures, ideas and monsters in time.
My son and I recently watch the two thousand. Nineteen live action. Film Pokemon detective peek at you, surprisingly watchful big budget special effects, feature that takes the world of evolving battling cartoon monsters in Bali? them into a sort of bleed runner. Ask future world in which exotic cute supernatural creatures are just a part of everyday life. plus bill. My is in it and he's always great this home is, of course, an endless parade of poker central to the plot. Others serve merely cameos in the film for today's monster I'd like to talk about the poky mine did oh, own in Japan has met a man. I turned a guest researcher and writer for help on this episode. My son Sebastian Sebastian Rights did at the Cannes flagpole mine, I don't like it. We can
fighting tips did ok, we arrange its dna to make any other pokemon interest form empty attacks. No easy to go for a dot, yes did who appears as a short, pink blob with as eyes is a shape shifter in the movie programme. Detective. Take it you. We see it today, form into various human characters, as well as a few powerful pokemon monsters, but especially when, in human form, the eyes give it away as we have discussed on the step to blow your mind podcast this a frequent detail, areas, tales and traditions of shape, shifting monsters from demonic Dubai and Sukhi. By to the forest dwelling. ass. She there's always a detail that the shape shifter gets wrong. It might be using duck feed instead of in feed or making the buttons backwards. But there's often something to provide the hero of our story with a chance to see
Through the deceptive disguise the true world is home to mimics in shape sifters as well, but the most important this may be the mimic octopus. Damn octopus mimic us while other This species use their chromatophores and versatile bodies to resemble parts of their environment. The mimic act this takes on the form of other animal species. As nor then, at all pointed out in dynamic, mimicry in an Indo Molly and Octopus. The mimic octopus takes the form of quote poisonous or distasteful animals, and these include the flatfish. The lion fish, the bandit see, snake jellia fishes and we see and enemies as well. Now I don't know what you think. That seems quite A diverse selection of creatures, almost as diverse as any given page from the poking best year as the rest,
Just point out. Human interpretations of potential mimicries in the mimic. Octopus are subjected so we have to be kept, about jumping to conclusions about what they are pretending to be a banal. they continue to be the subject of scientific study. It just goes to show that, no matter how weird and amazing the monster or Okey mine may seem to be then troll world probably equals or exceeds it somewhere tuna, for additional episodes of the monster fact or the artifact each week, as always, you can eat less at contact at stuff to blow your mind, outcome Stuffed blow your mind: is production of Iheart radio for more power
my heart, radio with, but I heard apple podcast or wherever you listen, your favorite, shows in nineteen sixty six Bob Dylan crashed his triumph motorcycle on a road in upstate, New York and then he disappeared for did the Bob Dylan. You thought you knew die. Blood on the tracks is part. True crime, part history, A fiction part spoken word: low, five beaten. Why are brought to you buy me? Jake Brennan was in a blood on the tracks, Bob Dylan Story and the IRA, radio apple pod gas or ever you getting podcast.
Transcript generated on 2022-03-02.