« Stuff They Don't Want You To Know


2014-02-07 | 🔗

What was COINTELPRO? What made it controversial? Do government agencies continue to infiltrate activist organizations in the modern day? Tune in to learn more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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come from your first ghosts and government cover ups histories, riddled with unexplained events, you can turn back or learn the stuff they dont want greetings. Everyone welcome back. My name is matter, and I am then, and that makes this stuff. They don't want you to know today we're look something that's pretty dark in support of the mexican past and it encompasses a lot of different groups, but one in particular Right, we are talking about the famous CO intel Preux. Ladies and gentlemen, this is one of those things that was once called a conspiracy theory and later emerge. Surprise. Surprise to be a actual conspiracy. Spanning decades, and what we'd like
Do today is talk a little bit about how this came about what it was, how it affected both you know, state in the world and maybe will end on a question about what then to it right? Where did he go? oh man, what were dark? You are. We already have the beginning. Galilean are here I so until prove counter intelligence on the part of the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation here in good old? U s of a the thing is that this was an act of political repression. Yes, absolutely, and it was a way to keep tabs on political groups that completely legal inside the Eu S that the FBI, headed by J Edgar Hoover believed, could be a threat to the country. Now what kind of threat egg eggs
actual physical re, cardio, aerial, ideological there. It varies, but still one can be focusing on today the threats or the physical threats. They believed open yeah, and I think that's fair- saw a little bit of background co until April You're, probably wondering is this another overly awkward government acronym kind of number, not really because its it stands for Counter intelligence programme. So, thank goodness, is not changing one intelligent new. I can't do that, but what's the point being here that it was an active, The surveillance and repression programme see as vital for the national security of the United States, and course national security is everybody's favorite, buggy man, depending on which pollute
generation. You live in Missouri the buggy men and is also the thing you can just mention. If you want to convince someone that it's something is employed, yeah. I wish I could start using national security just on own resolving for some extra swag, but unfortunately not a nation. Yet one Damon maybe one day, but so the FBI, as we know, has aged in similar acts, Way way back in its time conception which, as you know, are the early night, hundreds example that isn't quite Cohen tell Pro, but his very similar operation would be the FBI surveillance of suspected communist during the two red scares of: U S, history, that's right! There were two and yeah yeah, I'm just
like. Maybe we need to go ahead and do a whole mother episode on that as well. They think that deserves its own research. If you'd like to hear more about the Red Square One and then it's her rescue, redo let us know how we will make all of you have said on that. And I also did a guest her spot with stuff you, MRS History class on the red scare. Us you can t here. Some of that, it's a deep cut. You guys it's nobody, but a goody. So we No, that there were. These different methods for combating people who would challenge the status quo of the nation. These could be people communist or anarchist rather political dissidents. These could also just be labour, ments and unions so doing the Truman and Roosevelt years. We started things are more direct practice. Search of Co Intel. Under the thirties, but will weird I'll go and pro in its most well known form of
We began in nineteen fifty six in August and it was to stop the Communist yoke. Just found. Allow me this man, you don't like capitalism, that everything that we do is based on this one. Idea, the set of ideas so the kind of stuff they would do, the same to range from me spirited, middle school or pranks, like anonymous phone cause. You quit well Did you read commie here too unnecessary audits or unnecessarily thorough? government harassment and attempts to infiltrate these groups and, of course, turn them against on another something I never really thought about them. Is that just the active in full treating a group in time and then making known that our group has been infiltrated can create such dissension inside of it.
Even if you didn't really do use that infiltration for any means other than to expose that it's been infiltrated it it. Just that idea create such Russian, amongst members, creates just an idea of await. Now. If that guy was in infiltrators FBI agent, then oh, my God, whose this person have been speaking with it removes. Credibility for outside groups are outside observers. Who might be future supporters of a group. So well, let's bracket the idea, communist as a threat to the USA, greets different, show, we won't cover today. Let's look at the one of the huge problems here, which is this fourthly, after the inside none of the Modern Co Intel Pro Guy two over somebody. There's may have heard of decide.
You know who is also a threat to? Erica as it stands today. Lack leaders Why people in general, because as we can tell Hoover at this time, is a and of the racist ideology prevalent in the union IT states. At least that seems to be from the members that have been addressed. By you're being very fair man, I'm trying to be fair, you very fair, I'm sorry, clearly improve civil rights, our young hake, high mercury, no, hopefully get it. I am joking. I am joking, but yeah, I think, you're being fair with the treatment of Hoover, because all we know is indeed stuff left over in the documents that Far as we know, we're authored by him. Right yeah? He was obviously afraid because again he was head of the FBI at this time and he was obviously
reed of in what he called an uprising by clean overthrow the status quo of the time right he picked. The revolution yes and asked I mean Sixty three, he starts. Saying: Martin Luther young Junior is the primary focus or the primary the potential leader of a violent revel or a vile revolution, which is which strange when you think about it, because one of the huge differentiating factors between Martin Luther King and other similar leaders like Malcolm X, was Martin Luther King Jr clearly advocated. Non violent revolution, YO, similar to Gandhi, similar to other organisations seeking a quality around the world
the eye memos. It actually states that Martin Luther King Jr would be the Supreme leader of this of the black nationalist movement, if not for what they called his liberal leanings, his and violence right, leaning. They specifically called his white liberal, something right. The area I think we have quote moi LE were checking their out. Let's, go ahead and say off the top a little bit of a disclaimer current. Pros illegal, activities during this time were, doctor in secret, were conducted without government oversight outside of it the eye and were incredibly racist. With this sort of veneer of concern social as social upstanding, but it's just the same way that you would hear people use other emissions,
sadly not the modern day disguise huge risks, tendencies. So we are gonna be I can about some very ugly things in? U S history, to say the least. So I I'm just gonna give you. This is a partial quote from the the memo about the the counter elegance programme, and this is referring to black nationalist hate Group- says what they called the black nationalist he groups, and this is of the goals in one of these memos and he's going to read this to you. Please forgive me like thank you for that. Kaweah then, but here we go. This is goal number two To prevent the rise of a Messiah who could unifying electrify the militant black nationals, movement, Malcolm X, might have been Messiah call when he The martyr of the movement today, Martin Luther King, locally car, Michael and Eliza Mohammed all aspire to this position.
It could be a very real contender for this position should he abandoned his suppose. It obedience to white liberal doctrine in an inner Then it just says nonviolence in quotation marks, but yeah it's it's it's strange. We think about this, because this sounds like it is some. They could be written by. I hate group like a white power group today, however, this the stuff that comes out of the Fbi at this time is, sadly, in line with a lot of other official government documentation and position. So when they see that are these radical black hake groups or whatever what what their focus things like the student nonviolent coordinating Committee, Vienna still car Michael Southern Christian leadership Conference, which they said some bruisers right.
They actually started programme in seventies, nineteen sixty seven and the F B. I call it current pro dash black hate, so it focused and the christian leadership conference. The nonviolent coordinating Committee more Luther himself and the office twenty. Three different FBI offices round the states were instructed to disrupt misdirect discredit or otherwise, neutralize the activities of black nationalist hate type organizations and the biggest thing. Is you stop the growth right yet because there was a growing movement at the time anyway. Saying you chop the head off it Rowena Type, who they didn't They didn't literally put down in words anything about causing violence against these against any these. They only we're talking about undermining, leadership re more of a nip it in the bud. Yes, nip in the bud. The thing and at the same This is interesting at this
time they were work two to partner with other gum. Agencies in the case of. Wide scale, civil unrest. I mean riots that eat up a city and stuff, but one of the one of the sub text of the secret current whole problem, relations that I find so fascinating is that a lot of kicked into gear when Martin Luther king. Why began speaking about social inequality and financial inequality. So, the large speech that made him the maid doktor King number, one on Hoover's? no our family friendly shows that I'll call her, Let's have a death goodbye. Your list of people The threat is one of the
ex breach the set this up was came from. His nineteen sixty three March on Washington, jobs, freedom, and that sounds so dangerous? Doesn't it well me, I guess it would be to the status quo time what the The other thing was the poor peoples campaign, which was the idea to occupy Washington DC an idea that might sound familiar to some are listeners who might have been involved in occupy movement, so All of this goes on in their other players that we're gonna meet to, of course, the nation of Islam, the Black Panther Party and the the nation of Islam in the Black Panther Party are definite? much more on much likely to consider violence as a means to an end and
spending on the members or the sections of which you go to for some of these groups. The nation. This long does have. Clearly racist elements- and you know I don't comfortable making a blanket statement about the black Panther Party, because I do believe that there is a difference between saying no can be a black nationalist and not be racist person are. I think that is. Think we might get some hate mail for that, but I can defend that statement and too fair at the same time, current open. Putting resources into monitoring white hate group, specifically the coup Klux clan, to fall over what was it about? Fifteen percent of yeah yeah the vast majority of funding was going toward monitoring black, what they call black Hake groups. And as we find later, when the church committee from the a Senate investigated Cohen toll pro- they found that co until
in some ways- began because the yeah. I was felt their efforts, felt stymied and they they felt like they were to and by the Supreme Court going hey, you can't go out and beat the crap out of people because they don't. You know They don't agree with the current set up of the government, but interesting story. The public good never known about calling tell pro It would have stayed conspiracy theory were it not for one particular moment, history, one particular crime. Yes, it was a you there's a crime and we're gonna learn about that right after we get back from a quick word from our sponsor up. Thank you. Listening in you know like every every show we adds? We just hope you would,
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actually really interesting. Small group of activists calling them so the Citizens Commission to investigate the FBI. They decided there in Philadelphia. And there is a small FBI office that is lightly guarded and They believe that there is information being held at the FBI of illegal activities. Essentially, and these are just kind of regular citizens, like you, said, Ben right career criminal, or no not criminals at all terrorists. These are much more likely to be students, academics and such and there's one phd in there and well. They decided on the night of, fight of the century and quotes the nineteen seventy one bout between Mohammed Ali and drove Frazier. They thought will, however, but he's gonna be listening on the radio's or preoccupied on their televisions. This is agreed.
To go and do some nefarious stuff, the various to an extent, are they broke into the small office? One guy was a locked pick by the way, and they took I just at tat files, Nay proceeded to disseminate those files to various publishers and journalists, and that's how we found out about it. Just because a small group of people decided, you know what we're gonna go in there and see what the heck they're up to and let's be clean, We are not we're we're, not aid, to say that this is something people should ever do themselves, because it was me your crime, still there absolutely committed and we would not have uncovered the great deal of other crimes perpetrated by the government. Had these people not committed a crime themselves in the aftermath of this, are the public goes bananas
yeah- and this saw once upon a time conspiracy, theory spread around by member. These various groups, including Anti war, advocates Let's not forget that the F also focusing on people who were against the war in Vietnam, for example, and so this comes Why, in what? What is it? Seventy one point, two million and from this We see congressional investigations and these investigations conclude that the tactics employed by the F I and the programmes that they were running are no ifs and or buts illegal, so legal yeah just do so against the law, but also the Church Committee's report on this, with some interesting instances of other other brief
of privacy often request the President so, let's just walked through the president's role, quick allergies, who I am ready for a day. If you add, if what are your favorite president's from nineteen o, eight or earlier ready to know they're not perfect, married so rich, Thou prison. Roosevelt one, the FBI, to keep them Of citizens who are sending telegrams, the White House against his national Defence Policy Truman got insider information? Roosevelt staffing these staff, AIDS, and how he would arrange meetings with them? Eisenhower got reports on. Any contacts like friends when officials do they hung out with when they hung at washing her while we
you a lot of these. You can understand if the abilities, their someone's gonna use it. The cat Kennedy Wire TAT, a bunch of people including some law firms and. The? U S and his brother Robert F Kennedy. All Listen through an FBI wiretap on Doktor king. I know president, Johnson Lyndon Johnson, who did all kind a ridiculous as well also had FBI check up on his opponents in the action and, of course, President Nixon at all water, wiretapping adventures that we could probably cover in a different podcast, and he himself found himself no attack to a recording on the phone several times yeah. I guess it allow the lesson, maybe kind of not having become the tat,
you live by the tat, you shall die by the tap. I dont know that doesn't make sense here now. That's just a bad quotation. What's with this, what what this means is that the programme was exposed in these kind of things, only thrive and darkness and obscurity HIV. Only you, the only we ever gonna find out about it. If someone decides to use, go either conscience and make it out, I mean really its debts, brings us back the whistleblowers again in the importance of kind of thing and also the danger to the organizations like the FBI of Whistle blowers. Any say, and why they are so terrified of people like Edward Snowden and I ask you before it: let's take a sidebar book ever we finish the Kohen toe part or get. What I think is the most exciting part of this pipe cast after ask you. Do you think that people
people who, as you said, follow their conscious working for the government or any government and disclosed these secrets. Do you think that they should a new to the laws, reviled in that agreement, it it's very it should be. It's such a tough area because you, Gotta be beholden to law. Law has to stand no matter what, if we live in a just society, but if, but if a group a group that you're working for his breaking the law in your We are aware of it, but nobody else is aware of it and you come out. I think I think Should be some kind of immunity there? Ok, here's like, if you are whistle way, private organisation that is breaking the law. Let's say like what that some we find out that some fast food company is sturdy, hygiene laws, putting illegal added it in you,
the whistle you're, probably going fired. Why would you want to go can there and there are protections for you in in organizations, rules, affiliate government organizations which you sign the oaths of secrecy or the Indies, and all that other stuff, which means non disclosure agreement. Then I believe that people should if you're, if you're following a conscience, you should be fully prepared for them modifications or consequences of the actions that you agreed to like it's a process that you agree to originally and we could have some, maybe some or listeners right in and say. Well there did you don't know what you're agreeing to its a pig in a poke cause you don't know what you're keep in secret and I've decided by the the idea of the idea of get immunity for Anyone who follows their conscious that the problem with that is,
people's conscious or moral decisions, don't always fall the same compass, surely all very in and also if that was true, then there will be so he whistleblowers because come on in capitalism is based on the exploitation of of something I mean answer your if everyone was following their conscience- yeah nothing whatever get done would be no industry. It was a very interesting because you- and I have you- and I have had this conversation often outside of worker. We're off the air of one of the questions that we ask each other is: are we approaching a future? Wherein secrets will be impossible? And I think that's it? That's a powerful. I should but is also question for another day and buddy It brings us. Yes, you, the last part of this YAP episode, which is as we approach this future, where secrets
exist anymore and we're getting closer and closer to that edge, K, Pakistan data Pinchot Smith, hosted a red tabletop package and I want to introduce you to two of the most important women in my life, my mom Adrian baffled, nor she's really also. I never wanted you to be in that situation like that they will at all. Everything is fine. A book, and now we have my dartle willow, Camille reigned Smith, I'm gonna be my ancestors and just do what I need to do. We brought these three generations to the red table to talk about family relationships, social issues in a whole bunch more we're all going through something so put all your headphones and join me. Data Pinket Smith, gamete.
And Willow for your favorite episodes on the re table talk tied cast a table is like glowing like estimate swarm. Thank you. I appreciate it. Listen to the red Tabletop podcast, presented by Facebook Watch and Westbrook Audio on that I hard radio, apple pie, cats or where were you get your pike ass? What the hell happened? this common tell programme. Does it still exists and ordered it just morph. Did it change little bit into something else. What do you think then? Personally, I think that it never really stopped. There's apps We know reason nor compelling consequence large enough to prevent people from genuine to use this ability in fact
as the leaks by both during the sergeant Edward Snowden show the technology. Has increased and the intent also become more focused, more clarified. Idea of national security, whether or not you or I or anyone thinks it's valid or and thing. The point is that idea, has enough support there that it says to some. Some friends so I think Not only do things like corn tell pro continue, and there is proof that you Do these things do continue, maybe not in a huge unified wavered scan. Monitoring infiltration clearly continues this everything is for me. It's exciting and frightening is how how far along has technology pushed the aims you know
dear the days of having to physically go to. Telephone line physically. Wiring to listen to someone days along going yeah, that is that it thing that we didn't really talk about too much is the the methods used these comments earlier the information I mean the swing way back by just as some context for what, about here. You would you if you wanted to say, listen into somebody's conversation they were having in a hotel room. Let's say in a motel somewhere the you would have to get the room next to or Jason to the of the person you're trying to monitor, put a microphone hence the wall or somehow plant a microphone in that room before they rent the room out, or I mean there's of it. It was a very difficult or you'd have to catch him on a phone conversation They get actual evidence the yet theirs
there's a guy named Brien Lick, who wrote a book called war at home and in war home click talks about food or umbrella methods. The f b I would use during Cohen, tell and one of them courses infiltration, so You know you're. I know I always use the vague in Co. Authors example see you're here to vague and cooperate geyser, oh angry that its difficulties. Ro Heirloom Protein is right because of all the pesticides used in large agricultural concern. An income, some guy, you know Falcon and he came from Portland or something and he's super cool. You know he's gonna turn he's been working for the FBI, the entire time Welkin not Falcon. Then there is the one infiltration, no one psychological warfare. I would also count this as propaganda, so this would be missed
formation likes it giving the letter head of whatever room here, upset with and then sending out big publication. Like I always always enjoy. Reading a new story, weather he's coming from an anonymous source for official who ass not to be named of the coming her department, because that that kind of It always makes me think that someone the soft go ahead? The soft green light to the next would be legal harassment, This war we're talking about what we said on people getting audited every year on the die without necessarily being shady or false, harass wrong wrong imprisonment. And another one, of course, well dangerous, would be illegal force, which would you, kind of a vague terms, but that means stuff. Like part green with local law enforcement,
you do break raid on the house. No war in search is one of the big ones. Now. Does asian really, that's yak it all off all three of those everything, except for I think the propaganda stuff goes back. Intimidation, maybe propaganda as well cycle The goal of warfare also includes directly addressing people said hurry murky realm it is in creation is an issue we have to start back. We have to set for a second here I ask you the question, and then we also to make a statement after their. So here's the question that do you think coincide. Or something like it continues you're, hiding, obviously think anyone use the news lately, just the technology of the Tec
she makes so easy now. Why wouldn't you, like you said earlier? If, if you have access to a technology that makes with the president's you have the ability to get our money this word. I know this kind of a bad word. I but gather information so easy to do it now the. Why? Wouldn't you so yeah? It's if we look at these, capabilities, the sort of her life the Rings Nell a ring of power, sparing very difficult to throw that ability away and for some people to impossible? But that's that's a pretty crappy comparison, of course One thing I would say, or maybe it's not too much of a bad comparison cause you can be invisible. You can, as you said, gather information, But how do I get a more Morgan back on board with it, but the
this thing now is whether or not its whether or not the infiltration techniques are being used in the way of trying to think of groups that are being you know, their doors are being pushed in by a local police. Are some. There are groups you I've made, would make claims about stuff like this. I do we have to be. Careful with this too, because it is no secret that often often with both sides. These equations can tell wildly different stories. You know there are examples of people who said that the ah m the aching been confiscated, all of the raw milk that all farm was creating. Comes out that there was an outbreak of the disease and it wasn't just this farm was everything certain raw area or something like that? I mercy
that there's right or wrong, but I am saying there are two ways about it and then I feel It would be remiss for us to make this this statement. I don't do it my soapbox, oh yeah. If we did not marry area, we would be remiss. Thank you. Good save saw me at my audio, so box here probably hear me stepping up on it, and here we go We are not saying that governments are inherently evil, we're not telling anybody that your big brother, gonna common and just steel things to make it. I think, convenient like just your left shoes or something, but what we are saying is that it is clearly proven that Co Intel Pro there s, really the Kohen toper pop proper, actually did occur. Improbable, we have continued, had it not for someone committing a crime. This is,
very heavy moral question. You and it's comes back up again in the modern day with Edward Snowden, I read an interesting conspiracy. Theory recently met that said, Edward Snowden, his russian operative, and that he was deep cover which doesn't make too much sense given his age, but I've been reading aloud of Edward Snowden conspiracy theories. I heard one that said they was workin. Russia and that the secrets he's or incomplete or not really true at all and its russian propaganda. Will our our government certainly hasn't done a great job of dispelling no They have not that's true any other when I read was that was that he had Edward Snowden, had a green light from Washington and from
angli to go public with this, to try and start descend to ignore, I don't know, I don't know world war three will come along and now there wasn't any evidence, Ellie divide but euro right in Let us know what you think. I it so crazy, because in the world's again these murky worlds of just spying in an secret information who that do you trust, then do. I trust they. Who can you trust pray alone. Trust, no one sorry to undervalue Knoll honestly. Well, look I'll tell you about nowhere live a little sidebar he's, always listening his eyes gathers headphones. I swear you can hear every word
I say I saw before he opened. I think the only thing if you're, if you're interested in deem the Citizens Commission to investigate the FBI and that whole story, please check out the bird blurry coal in the discovery of J Edgar Hoover secret FBI book written Betty Metzger and its fascinating. I've put a little clip in our episode about go until proved. Wind. Think you're on democracy. Now it's a fascinating book. It's really good red check it out. If your interested, oh aunt, lest you think that we are being derived source of misinformation and maybe you're saying now, man come on. Tell pro that's crazy talk, you can go to the FBI. Dot Gov website directly check out the thing I have called the vault where they admit what gradual investigation found in Co Intel Pro who I was
mental exercise, a phrase that carefully wasn't. It is interesting that their, I guess we'll admit to what this one congressional committee said, was true an eel and probably that's probably the way have to do it, and, as always, for we in the pot cast. We always wanted to go straight to the learned more with with you that you will always have a source for us to learn more from, and thank you for by the way, and then we ll to read, listen we got to get a couple today. So first we then get some ghost stories. Memory, some really good one. Yes, so so is thinking we could go to a gun related thing and they won't do one go story. Ok, so Tiffany, W rights to us that believe. Tiffany is just from the internet. Shouldn't say where she's from
activity says hi guys, I'm writing a request to show about nine eleven and been warden. I used to be so a cousin of mine, recently posted the facebook. This, I feel bad for me Lardner government through nine eleven autumn. He denied it. But if you did that to America, when you brag about it, don't believe me watch loose change. Nine eleven, which His loose change is a thing that you I hear about alive and one of the first things ever saw in the conspiracy room. I sitting he continues. It was such an inflammatory posed to get quite defensive when the folks eyes friendless tried to debate this with them. I will to know more about this topic. I know its controversial and it's a touchy subject, but it might be good dear to educate books about the topic and the theory surrounding it, I'm in a few words that you take a look at. Father, listeners or interesting hearing or theirs do. You want is to talk about related to been line and nine eleven. Let us
our last female, the wonder, is related to go some looking at it now realises probably a little too long to read on the show right now. Maybe I can get married. What man is a great yeah was gray eyes. It comes from a friend of ours named Nick. Nick wrote in to tell us about paranormal experience yet on set Saturday and disseminating tooth and a nigh which remains worse day of his life we hope you listening when you know that we were big fans of this story, and you may be we should save this, for when we do another entirely listener. Male episode dummy great, which is red the entire story yeah we I may make a day of it, yeah that's! Let's do it was, but then Our aid to everybody's can have the hold on from Nix ghost story, but we ve been receiving some other great ghost stories and we would like to read some of them on the air in the future. So if you have a seat,
for please write to us and let us know you can find some facebook, you can find us whether you can find us on. Oh what way big news. We have our very own website now, if W W W dots, If they don't want you to know dot com, yet all we have a website is crazy? If you guys want to support what we're doing here. The best way to do that is to go to our website. You can watch all of our videos there. You can listen. All of these part cast episodes ease, Lee clickable. We have blogs, arming odds, and we also want to know If we should start a forum, we ve been looking into it. We don't want to start it unless you are into an in something that you would be interested in. Doing are being able You talk with the other listeners in this community directly in another body. There, yes, in the future, that forum can really serve as our future ever kind of
the machine that creates or future episodes, or we have people discussing certain topics, and then I am, I think it's gonna be huge. If you guys are interests, every every good episode we do is not originally harsh idea. Gus Roma. Let's hear it comes from someone like you, in the audience. So let us know what the next big idea is. Let us know we should cover. Let us know what you think about Cohen, tell about ghost and what we should say or look. To at least about Osama Bin Laden? Are you can email strictly directly? Our address is conspiracy, discovery, dot, com, AU and don't forget you order. Euro coin telephone by and non down the street and waving runs around these no pie in the sky. Cast you have little, you continued in terms of service incomes will go and tell her.
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this meant here bringing your favorite where tabletop episodes supply cast? I want to introduce you to the most important women in my life, my mom gamete, she's, really old school. I never wanted you to be in that situation like that they will at all, and then we have. My daughter will then be my ancestors and just do what I need to do. Listen to the red tape will talk hard cash presented by Facebook, watched him, Westbrook Audio on a hard radio at Apple pie, cats or where you get your pack ass, embarrassing. They Thurston and I feel like we're. Having a moment when officer Derek Shovin killed, George Floyd something in America broke, I'm going to try to explain from the Colbert connection to what deepened the police actually meet when Donald Trump encourages cops, not to chop people. You know something just listen to we're. Having a moment when the iron radio asked Apple Parkers and wherever you get your pocket.
Transcript generated on 2020-06-26.