« Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Secret Rooms, Secret Societies and an Unexpected Guest

2019-10-02 | 🔗

When the guys get together to trace the story of secret societies, they aren't expecting a surprise guest to crash their podcast, revealing first-hand experience with some the most elite, secretive organizations in the United States.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hi there I'm sack wrath and I'm gonna phase on we're real life best friends. We met playing fake life, best friends, Turk and JD on the sitcoms grubs. Twenty years later, we ve decided to re watch the series one have pursued at a time and put our memories into a pod cast. You can listen to it home, we're gonna, get all our special guess. Friends, like sour chalk, John C Mckinley meal Flynn, Judy raise show create a bill. Lords editors, writers and even prop masters would tell us about what inspired the serious and how we became a family. You can listen to the pond cast fake doctors, real friends with Second Donald on the high heart radioactive apple podcast, and wherever you get your Marcus. One night in nineteen sixty one on the side of a dark highway. Betty Barney hill caught lights in the sky, Two years later, the Underwood hypnosis to try and recall what happened:
some took it his facts. Others thought it was a fantasy, but what really happened? That's a timber night in World New Hampshire, join me he'll be ball for the inaugural season of strange arrivals, a co production of Iheart radio in grim and mild from errand monkey. Listen the strange arrivals on Iheart Radio, app on Apple podcast sore or wherever you get your podcast You were opposed to psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now. Or learn this stuff. They don't want you to know a production of. I hope we lose our stuff works.
Welcome back to the show my name is met, my name is no. They call me Ben your joint, as always with our super producer, Paul mission, control, deck and in spirit because our guest super producer, my a coal, is on the ones in two's today give it up for her. Most importantly, you or you you are here, and that makes this stuff. They don't want you to know so, checking for six, forty hatch John Williams, so this week you guys I went to Chuckie Cheese, because my son turned for yesterday as as we're recording this and on that, It's that robot casino was fabulous. So we're recording sir hello, sir what's going on here, hey, we I see this part guest feel like irregularities as adorable on such a fan, wit what're. We I'm lobster I'm I'm John argument a television, sometimes
thought. I realized spectre, legit Eyelids John Hall. That's yet I have about gas as well. Where you decide hasn't, he you were the pc. I don't know what you're talking about noise, pc, only apple ads and you know. I don't know it also. My reza may I have travelled all over the world dire been in the upper echelons of fame and I've been granted a lot of exclusive access to a lot of secret rooms and hidden parties and stuff that are unanimous. No, but I do you didn't write a book about it. Did you yeah? I did actually, I think it's called medallions as with that's not why I'm here, I'm just this travelling through the secret tunnels on my way to signal government event agenda the secret door reindeer India around room here. So I thought second and say hi over there.
Are you talking about the secret societies? Little! That's where you? How, thanks for coming, I always wondered what they doorways warrior legislates to the to the platform for the golden vermicular. The people My status get to use. This is some real deranged billionaires. That is the characters I used to play on the daily show guys. Just me I mean there is a secret door here and I'm on my way to a secret meeting, but ok, it's just me John Hodgman, its at the end of the lines, are blurring so much right. Now, a host of the judge, Hodgen Podcast and author of the new book medallion status, true stories from secret rooms, which a portion in it. This is it. This is a book this mostly about my my my job as a famous minor television personality and what happen after an unlikely, an unusual. It was that I should be on camera at all the stuff. Things that happened to me. While I was there and then what after I lost that job and panic
and started chasing a new kind of status as a diamond medallion member on the delta trying to become diamond medallion in the delta of frequent flyer programme, rarefied air, its you know I don't I don't wanna, I I don't want to give away this story of the book, but I got it I got for. I went diamond. I went Diving John, and I appeared on his dear friend, Chuck Brian's movie podcast earlier today, and I disclosed that I am approaching Silver medallion status and I was too that is a trash status. What are these are some nonsense. Words came out of your head. Just then lead it may sound westwards. I dont that doesn't like anything to me. I don't understand you're talking, apparently, silver is a trash maladies, you're hurting my ears, but you ve got a silver, live off your way up man. So how does that compared to just like a guy? You just travels coach and doesn't have a medallion at all. Well,
What does the medallion look like? There is an imaginary Medina nodded. It is. Damn imaginary prize that came obsessed with one mile tv shows cancelled and I had stopped. Working on the daily show. I wasn't on tv anymore, as a lot of people do in their status starts to slip where whether you are using a television job or your beer Your aging out of your own job or you're, getting older is apparent in your kids. Don't think you're a celebrity anymore or you are a member of the world wide web in class, and you feel that the privilege that duty was being taken away and therefore you vote for a particular president People do irrational things out, dismounted and coming out of people to political material, silver. Medallion talk, Alien, a free people out. I don't matter, I think you hit this universal, this universal Kido into one or more, because I myself, not being a diamond medallion member have my new
the G8 and I would say your name on that. You would know everyone yet alone. Edification, there's little ceremony at what I do notices they actually certainly not diamond medallion member anymore. I got it my lost it, but losing I'm. Oh that point yeah. I know I know, that's the thing, that's what makes so, if you qualify for certain medallion level, be it a gold, be at peace, be a diamond, those are the only ones silver is garbage medallion because it just as a taunt reminds you that you're the the worst kind of medallion Israel, then I mean nothing than to be a silver. Coming to their all imaginary prizes that you earn. If you earn a certain amount of medallic qualifying miles through travel and credit card spending. By the end of the year than your locked in. But if you dont requalify the next year than you drop down and status and its frightening high states again,
so sick addictive videogame. Now you say I interrupted Odo dozy. It's true, though, have moved a Jason in those circles, and they do say your name when you get on the plane rights. What I've got me started, we'd like to welcome a diver like the intercom, how he heads it's a big to do I, but when I had before this tv show that I was on, I was I was the the third best for and in the still tv comedy called married and on effects that ran for reasons was great men like all television I canceled, but when it was cooking, I was fly as being flown across the country over and over and over and over again to work and they are paying for flight and they were contractual obligations. We first class was reckoned up. The m q elms them down five miles. I didn't even know this was happening at anyone. Care until one day, I was boarding the plane to go home in the gate. Agent says as it is He scanned my ticket. Thank you, Mr Osman, or not for me,
gold. Thank you for being gold was so powerful like to an only child to exists. You who require praise in acknowledgment like oxygen liked to be thanked for, for being never mind for being cold, and I thought it was called you not. I am sure we all think we're gold or we hope we are gold, or we worry that. Maybe we're is gold, as we think that we're just stricken people for someone to signal you ve got your God will join, has your gold and then diamond and then gold again status allowed you in any rooms than most people never ever even dare to step or ever be allowed and well you do. You do get you Yet the membership to the sky collapse, the LAO the secret, the secret societies of the air as like, there's not those now there's, not a lotta human sacrifice going on in there. They have some pretty good soups. I've too, I have to say that their thai Chicken soup
pretty good. I had Thai Chicken soup for lunch today from a Delta sky club no from soup cause you're in Atlanta. This is illegal, formulated its good news, it's good, Riverhead tat. She could see the think the problem with the one that you have made a less good than the ones you get the Delta Sky Club is. It was fresh, private, fresh. I wish you the best I'm gonna and discuss my book. The greatest jumble lie that I've ever eaten came out of a crackpot at the Scott, the Delta Sky Club, it's at Louis Armstrong, International airport. In New Orleans, the best best jumble. I you could get because all soups and stews deepen and flavour as they see fit about four hours. They sit at a low temperature for hours and days, adjusted. It just got be so delicious, so delicious those some secrets of the sky club, but I have also
gotten into other secret rooms that I think might be more interesting to you, as I mentioned earlier, is or just a normal thing that someone would drop by book snake one of yields- senior secret societies for dinner of an evening, but apparently not everyone can do it bookends. Nick I'm only familiar with stolen, but I have to leave now goodbye just now. I've got so I went, I went to Yale an accredited for your college in seven Connecticut I. Was not a member of skull and bones for people who don't know very Anyone who listens to show has no about the secret societies of Yale. There are senior societies, Yale is found before. There were frets answer, the young, the young, privileged men of Yale, had to find other. Forms of associations and clubs, so they could group off and basically jack off today.
Before there were France, you had you had, secret societies at Yale, which are these senior secret societies where they and initiate like fifteen thousand and seventeen senior men to go into a windowless clubhouse call the tomb until secret, We each other in Lyon, coffins and hang out or you joint and archipelagos there's so much. It's like the per capita amount of archipelago Haven is greater than anywhere else in the world, but we really troubles means knowns doing anything about it. There is letting it happened. There's a lady of hundreds of archipelagos troops ruddy while running while, through the New Haven Green fascinated by the connective tissue between the two. If there's any secret, capella groups well, they're probably is a little bit overlap between the skull and bones men in the Withan proofs. The premier Rockefeller Group and in the UK Look at all group in the United States in the world, which has, member of the stop weirdly proud of that, but I was fascinated with secret rooms, growing up
in high school and secret societies in the masons and club thirty three before everyone knew about it in all of these rooms. I always wanted to go into these rooms that that you couldn't just walk into unless you are invited or whatever or had a golden vernacular that could take it to a secret pounds, jump in the pot guest. Diamond, medallion, diamond Medea or diamond medallion. For example, is you know these are Contrary signs of status that that don't don't make you a better person but make you feel suddenly like yours, by an institution or whatever it is. It's a sick addiction anyway,.
It seems like it should be easy, but it's not just getting out of bed and getting your day started, trying to accomplish everything you need to do in your day that to do list as a lot easier when you're getting news stories and music to lift your mood and preparing for the day ahead, get connected to the things that make you laugh and make you think or make you want to reach out and share with a friend every morning with us. It's Elvis Doran in the morning show listen to us on cue, one or two or anywhere in the world. On the iron radio app Basing their reason I fly de L was that they had a secret societies gone bones being the most famous one. Its compounds being reputed to be the pipeline two Illuminati Super Status secret rolled government control that
medallion of? Can spear diamonds? Medallion is like Yale scorn bones, that's the top thing. I know. I'm sorry, you just went to the builder group once no skull and bones now it was. I was in an actual secret society. The snake was its lookin snaefell considered. That isn't is an actual one Europe. There there there across the street from the Grove Cemetery New Haven in a giant two and a half story. Limestone greek revival arc actually significant Addison that has zero windows. It looks like a tomb, they're called tombs off. These secret societies at Yale. We're all founded by very wealthy young man. They had their dad's architects, make them these clubhouses there all littered throughout campus you'll be walking along you like there's a very handsome looking and- and Important looking library- oh, why does it have no windows cost
club has four dumb dams. Dumb does club as foreseen for secret weirdos, so let the scene where they all robed up for meanwhile, where the levels going on well I've there's all there is a limit to what I can recall here. I say: wait. A second there's also scrolling key. I just went away the other ones said scrolling Keepers Ellis manual. Scallon Bones book and snake those of those are the begins. I like the ones that satellite Congo's you know, scorn hambone, yet no that's you know there was a cross in key once are there may be across and key now but you want to get the big big ones, all our blank and blanks really. Maybe we should start something like that right. It's twenty nine answered the blanket blanks bags and badgers sure. But our genes, your question only dont, where they don't wear robes, and I know this because when I was a fresh person at Yale. I got invited to a party a book and snake. I was very very excited. This was a
like this is the reason I had come here and here it is first semester. I got so excited Then. I drank a lot before going to the party and then I went into the party I went up to. Top of the stairs and then I fell down the stairs and then I woke up in the house and I know that all that happened, because it was told me that had happened But my only memory is walking up to the door and I, the last thing I remember a while until and so it gnawed at me for my rest of my life. First of all, let me guess advised costume. Don't get drunk and vote on now. You're, not a more a very You had in her myself like don't don't do it so to be fair, he don't know if they were robed up or not because you were unconscious. What was that? What was? But I what but I had blacked out you know I mean working now. There there's an then I fell down. The stairs
and may or may not be sitting on the Supreme Court? Now, who believed that blocking out is not a thing that happens, I think of one the F b I did a whole impression of an investigation they do they did they did the they did the Illuminati investigation rate bit. There was nothing to see here destination. Are you one hundred percent positive? You didn't get initiated that night and that was part of I had no idea. I mean I'd I'd friends who were there? of whom Jonathan Coltan is a musician, and, oh, yes, dear friend, still and with improved by the way The most prestigious collegiate archipelago. Drain. Fringed with a wooden booth unbroken is absolutely awful puff. Now it's me, I mean that's all it's it isn't so far as it all now. Its words guy anyway. I he was there he knew he said he saw me in there. I knew that I had been in there. It's an unnerving thing to have a Marie that you cannot recall man
especially when you are going into the secret society that you wanted to see so badly yeah, and you realize that those secrecy is a pre powerful. They know how to raise a mind like they together they took that memory right out of my head and you might be a legend. Then they might be hanging out near like man, you remember stairs guide where he was wild. I don't I don't know how much they thought about me for years and years and years, you should have on tv, and I thought about me then either I think they started thinking about me once I started like tat. This story in public and I included it in a book and I and I wrote about it online. And I got a call From an email from CO signed man and a woman, both members of looking I want reveal their names will call them Booker and snake you uncle command. They said we are sorry that I'm sorry, this has been hunting you for so long. We all
We have a dinner every Thursday. We often right trusting people to join us do want to have dinner with us, and I was like yeah. I do and I was I was really excited to go back and see see what see what I had seen, but couldn't remember. Having seen and out tell you this much and this and there's more in the book. Other all very nice, no robes. The secrets of the secret society? Are these if you're invited to a secret society at Yale for dinner and you to the dining room, fifty minutes late, all the spam capital will be gone, they serve there was a veal and a fish. The dining room in the basement readily chairs all with an aura burrows in a book inscribed in the back. You get to meet with seventeen right beyond but now men and women, not it's obviously and has been, I think, books particularly has been,
more diverse and the other side, the others, there'll be a chaperone there. An older alarm to make sure that things, don't get out a hand, see secret society ill. Why beer, only smart, and then there are some other, some alarms might come and have dinner with you to some more recent, a lump of a book in snake, slash Yale So there's a guy named James there, who has thing was in his early thirties and he'd. Just told me that he had been named. He works for the city government, he's the transportation are of Newhaven, so I just want to say to any Alex Jones listeners out there. If you were worried that dumb The Illuminati secret societies might be controlling the buzzing and schedules, and certain southern Connecticut towns you're. Absolutely right. Societies are running Are running the trains in southern Connecticut? You know,
here, the lads we would kill for some secret society involvement in areas that are, I actually let the tsar. No, let me tell you when we tell James, I think I his last name somewhere and then and then the the Chaperone will leave because he's got a gun, though the everyone seems little song. I remember one of those. Families, and then the young people say when I hang out some more like pure and you'll, go up to chill room. That looks exactly like a college. Warmer said no windows, and then they'll reach over too little captains just in the corner, and I want a knock on these kids. But can you guess what was in it hard up Hey you're, hiding it from their own member costing the college- and I know I was initiated into a secret secret society within the secret society- S fabulous great
but I'll tell you one other things I follow questions. I was just going to say you ok with disclosing this obviously, I'm doing it sure. Why are you? Are you threaten? Are you threatening and or offering to murder me? No, don't and looking up interpersonal safely? Quite the opposite. They booking snake, invite they ve been invite me into their club, has for years started when I was a freshman in college indebted. I mean they're they're, chill They they m in fact want. You know that, They thought it was. They thought the story was funny. These secret societies don't control the universe. You know what I mean. I don't know. What's goin on let's go and bones, I know a guy who was in Scotland Bones and he was like me to sit around and we have dinner. He was but he was a member of the class that was the first to admit. Women too, too, women to join the next year's class and the alumni got so furious that they were
to make make scandals co, educational, that the alumni members came and changed the locks on the tomb to lock them out of their own clubhouse so there? These are old institutions that are obviously weird crusty monuments to a certain kind of privilege, but as far I could tell inside lookin snake it's just young young, interesting people who have been given this opportunity to play in it Alice. Building for a while and be friends. You only the tune into the park. Gas candidates talk, wanna one with blue Joe brandy and marking Craig Waterman, the pot brothers. That law we are the world's number one part cast for everything cannabis now the podcast Canada talk one or one. We all share a passion for entertaining and educating the cannabis community will be discussing the pros, and the cause of all things cannabis, including new laws and regulations. Listen, the candidates
I wanna one on me: I hurt radio, app apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast. Are. You know, I don't know how serious we want to get with this, but there is. There is something of what exploring that we ve talked about before on the show where We had one election where believe, George, each George W Bush and Angina honorary, who both mental numbers of Scotland and in just that concept. But again, if you break, if you're really break it down, it's like there are two members of the same fraternity running together, but I think the nomenclature, the title of having a day a secret society right creates, that anxiety within me a little Bit Bellevue Republic. Of course I mean if you, if you do, if you dont, have diamond medallion and you're, not in that sky club you're wondering what's going on behind those doors, something something is something freaky is happening: people people
Actually being treated like human beings and their here, I am, I think, that's a very good put up I'll, say something else. That's true Is that? Obviously we, if you to an elite college. Detention like alarm many others already you're, you know forging contacts with people who statistically are, if not like As you probably know, some people were pretty powerful. You know, as you like I became a literary age than of service journalist and now carnival jester. You know, I'm not I know I'm a power. But I definitely no people remain people from college who are now in positions of power Samantha For example, the former The former ambassador, the? U N, not not not normally powerful the named power surnames. She and I work out. Sometimes I didn't know that sure, but you know it
the these institutions do self select entered into groupings. And whether or not and then, if used superficial, act into, Into something like a secret society, you know that there is a kind of soft conspiracy of acquaintanceship and giving people a leg up. If possible, and it happens and networks of any kind. You know, however, whatever kind of trial, they had heard mean that's a big won t exactly but out, but that said that there is a there is a secret retreat that I attended. I will not name that is also described in the book- is a retreat that I was surprise to be invited to host hosted by someone who enjoys surrounding him or herself with interesting celebrities, business leaders gum officials, former government officials, entertainers writer, artists, it's a wonderful time. We all have a good
I'm together, it's all off the record. People are exposed to tee about what happens there. No weaving spiders allowed, where no weaving spiders also wasn't the bohemian club was not the leaning grove. Now that I would tell you ve. I want to go back to ok, so any at all, it's totally benign bright and of an evening. They might invite someone gather everyone together for a performance of a kind and this problem, and was ape professional performing pickpocket, new, incredibly talented, performing pocket while name is amazing person up APOLLO Robins is his name, look him he is so skilled and his is a bit as inviting audience members on stage in picking their pockets and he would right, famous people, entertainers or whatever
and dumb and talk to them Ever breakfast today and you and even see and touch them and all of a sudden he's holding their wristwatch above their head behind them and they didn't know it was gone, but the audience sees it right, and everyone laughs and profound and the famous person laughs, because it's ok to located to be humiliate a little bit in public ranking if you're in secure it doesn't matter right, but there is one government, official who would not play. He would not gap on stage he or she should say they would not get up on stage they would not allow themselves to be pickpocket or to have their wristwatch taken, because they I could not for whatever reason I be speculating what it was they could not tell. Having their status reduced because their between their status and status as the only thing that stood between them in oblivion- basically,
and this person and went on don't come president. This person know this presents a former government official there's no point in trying to figure out who it is that's not the story. The parable angry the parable about about someone who has done some very good things in public life and had made a big mistake in public life and could tolerate even never mind the mention of that big mistake, but even the the faintest slap of the risk of having their their wristwatch literally manipulate off the wrist and public it would be to humiliating and they they. Their money in their shoe, so they wouldn't beast. They wouldn't have their money. There wallet pickpocket, awhile, and you know when people lose their status or perceived or feel a threat to their status. They will do irrational things not the button, the moral of the story. The moral of the story is that this happened to meaning happen, to be held in a masonic It was not a masonic meeting,
the masons, it's beautiful, lodge, and grand meeting room and was one of a nicer brims in this particular town, where you could go to have an event like this in the citizens are at money and they needed to rent it. To this. But nonetheless I sat there realizing so here I am Here's what I fans actors in the world here a business like most famous business man in the world, This is for government official. George, our Martin allowed him to their there there's this famous person and that famous person in this powerful person in this powerful person and we're all here. We are literally all here together. Literally meeting in secret. Literally enema sonic large. This happening right now, watching the art of pickpocket, watching the art of pig pocketing, but You go tell her to Alex Jones, I mean about to exclude any cause, is full of brisket juice or whatever aids. But you know it's
it's the Illuminati is real. The luminaries real, like secret meetings of world leaders, are happening. Masonic lodges we're not discussing how do you know how to manipulate the you know how to make the governments into war to form of one world government or anything like that were basically entertaining ourselves decided here. First folks, Illuminati is real. I thought you need formidably. Don't I thought you need to know the end and oversee issued by a closed doors is more like. Have you tried jumble liar at the guy cloning, because I think it's because they let it sit rifle it's all. In the conversation behind doors, is all people just trying to get jobs off of each other cause they're, afraid there they're afraid their status is slipping too I do have one question just really fast and were you allowed in the time that has occurred. Did you have a cell phone with a camera on it because I'm imagining a room of of you know what
will that caliber in secret doing a thing like that at a retreat? I'm assuming you would put cellphones wearied, have mandatory you put away you're in areas into now. There are no rules about. I mean people were like, don't don't tweet about better than it was Loki? I'm hoping it was fairly Loki cause. I'm telling the story mom not revealing details, I'm afraid they'll be mad at me, but I suspect they won't read my and you weren't you had my yet You wanna go about the I'd like to get behind it again, this was interesting and the book is fascinating as well? Thank you, John. German medallion status, true stories from secret rooms available now, where you. It's available down or pre order, Emily, pre or to right look. I don't know when this is coming out. So it's just talk to the time travellers, time travellers, if you right and this time line before October, nineteenth twenty nineteen. You may pre order my book at bit. At least lash medallion status, be I t dot ally, Slash Medina all one word all
capital letters if you have materialised after October, fifteen twenty nineteen It's not too late, go to a bookstore and by or come see me on my book tormentor knocked October and November, and all the data Are there John Harmon dot com, slash, tour and I'll be in it? enter in November, along with my job John Hodgman Broadcast, In November, to that the variety- so I hope it sees as again who will Do you have a bailiff for that, show Ya Jesse's Does he thought my regular bailiff is gonna, be there so close it I will be. I will be selling books there and I beg because I dont want. I don't punish people who pre order. We then come to the book events, some of the big events you have to buy a book to get in some other. You know they might leave. Home and by another one I don't wanna, I really hope the people priority. The book is, that's the best way to ensure best launched for the book personally for me, but order to reward people who do pre order and then come to the book event? Anyone
comes into the signing line, whether it's a judge on how to ensure regular Medina S book event, and they have to copies of the book. That could be a hard cover and an audio books hard cover in an e book because they provide for whatever reason I have a special guilty programme reward for them Yes, I can't hear you get you you were you. You may notice that, on the cover of the book, there is a picture of two miss corbies of Instagram Linus, the korean chambers, the Corky their very important in the book, they were looking at a pamphlet here for. Well, if there's a whole book coming right now that I've got this far greater. So everyone who comes to a book event and buys a copy of the book gets a name pin feature. In one of those qualities: and by air, and designer of that of the cover is a famous great awesome, dude designer and that that the famous Corti pin. Everyone gets one of those just for showing up undying book. If you two books, because maybe prerecorded one before coming to the event or you bite
books on site or you bought an audio book and I get the print dish and whatever it is yet to books in silent, you get upgraded. You get a double porcupine three or more books or other other over the top our commitments to the cause. Our upgraded discretion airily to Triple Korea, its status for three is one people who since we're on an audio podcast listers need to know that when John said that we The three of us had fairly dramatic, was ahead novelty and what are they their pins pins like you, get from an airplane pilot for going on a plane for being a kid there, nothing but their elite area as an adult. If you ask the pilots for the pins they'll, silk, either to real, really yeah, that's wonderful! You just have ass nicely and clearly not have that much respect for yourself, even if I'm silver
open? Your eyes, silvery, yet approach is also bad about myself. John Hodgman really help it is really. We have adoring disappeared down the tunnel. I think that we will thinks Adele was incredible. I want to see, I think he knows more than these letting on, but he's very nice guy. Stuff, they don't want. You to know is the production of thy heart radios. How stuff works for more?
gas. From my heart radio visit the I hurt, radio Ep Apple podcast or wherever you listen. Your favorite shows tat
Esther deemed I've made. My life by writing sounds like fireworks by Katy Perry Super based by making menage, what's my name by reality, just the name a few and they are having an absolute last sherry. Some of the knowledge that have learned with upcoming some writers on some land on envy see I'm excited to welcome you to a brand new season of song land and some land spike ass. Giving new insight into the magical part of some writing, as Toby has some of the best in the business and also the pioneers and up in colors, be shaping the hits you'll be listening to four years. We have an amazing roster. Tell it this! Isn't I promise you? You don't want to miss one single episode: Miss Sunland Monday nights at ten nice central and join us
you're all Sunland package available every week after the show on the Iheart poorest, wherever you get your podcast, it seems like it should be easy, but is not just getting out of bed and getting your day started. Trying to accomplish everything you need to do in your day that to do list as a lot easier when you're getting news stories and music to lift your mood and preparing for the day ahead, get connected to the things that make you laugh and make you think or make you want to reach out and share with a friend every morning with us. It's Elvis Joanne and ammonia show listen to us on cue, one or two or anywhere in the world on the Iheart Radio, APP.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-22.