« Stuff They Don't Want You To Know

Listener Mail: July 23rd

2020-07-23 | 🔗

What's the deal with those secret train stations rumored to exist beneath various cities? Could the upcoming US election be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic? Do gas manufacturers intentionally mix in additives to limit the shelf life of petrol? Join Ben, Matt and Noel as they explore these questions and more in the first installment of Stuff They Don't Want You To Know's new listener mail segment.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Did you know? Guy goes now offering an extra fifteen percent credit on car and motorcycle policies. That's fifteen percent! On top of what Geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for your baby to? Let you sleep in we sleep here. Another half our king, sweetheart and you'll change. Your self too, there's never been a better time to switch to Geiger save an extra fifteen percent. When you switch by October, seventh limitations applied as a guy codec offer details, hi. This is the iranian and MIKE remember, and we are very excited to announce that we are finally doing about this and the name is Scientology, fair game, everybody, Scientology fairly and
Thank you to all of you because we treated out like should we do a parkers wherever the overwhelming s, amazing response, listen to Scientology, fair game. On the I heard, radio, app apple podcast or where a real isn't a bug, s room let those psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn this stuff. They don't want you to know a production of. I hope hello welcome back to the show my name is met. My name is no. They call me bed where joint, as always with our super producer, Paul mission, control, deck and, most importantly, you are you you are here, and that makes this stuff they don't.
You to know, as we said previously on an earlier episode club, our new. Vision of strange news. We have expanded stuff? They don't want you to know. That's right, money, through Fridays we are going to have a new episode of some sort, Maybe a golden older of another sort hitting your podcast airwaves, and so this is the First adoration of what Everything goes smoothly will become a weekly list. Your mail episode is often said that use specific. You are the most important part of this entire enterprise, that is, that is true and that something we feel strongly about ever since the Youtube. He's? So now we are putting our money where our proverbial conspiracy mouths are, and we are going to hear from you- is out about the size
Yes, that's correct end. These these messages are going to come from all over the place. Some we're just gonna be a social meat, a comment. Maybe one of you made me be another of you has called in to the voicemail system and left one of those so you'll hear yourself on this episode, maybe wrote an email that can get in here to really any communication you're having with us may in one of these episodes polluting our am I going Raven where, whatever you gap smoke signal we're here for it, we want to hear from you. We said at the end of every episode and now yet to Ben's point. We are gonna use this as a way of creating more discussions, and we always, I think, all of us to enjoy these episodes, and I, for one am really is to make it more regular thing. Yes, and it is high importance now that when you do communicate with us, let us know if you're cool, thus using it on the air, specifically invoice, males and females. Just let us know if you're cool it and will will make it happen, and if you don't want to see
Your name or must be anonymous. Let us know about that too. So who would like to go? First I've got one here, I've got a message from Dave. Here's Dave hey man. Are you do enough? My name is Dave now from our wash washing machine Virginia in my neighborhood I'll take him. We need above Founded National Geographic magazine for love were able to go in Billy, I'm letters that other I thought you would find this interesting article as if USA, grand central iron decide this guy says read with interest your article, particularly the reference as total at the sheet, with male platform beneath the law of the story of my group Father, Lou, Flee Friedman, own frames, sat outside the original man shop at the world wars My mother and her sister stayed at the hotel periodically during
it a nineteen, forty five I'll tell starting My mother did the secret platform. Where He was one of a handful of people who wins. General Eisenhower's return to the EU. Following World war. Two. I just got that interesting, even on an interesting to did. You will have us alone, but the ethical railway platform. I was unaware that maybe you're more about him all right well, I feel really give callback. I love you gotta show, and I they are two billion over me. Oh, yes, so day Let us know about a secret real platform, there's underneath the Waldorf Astoria, specifically in New York, that's the Manhattan, creation there
go ahead and start on this. One guys know we can talk about it. Then I think you guess may know about this alone. No Ben, you do for sure just from our previous workings together, but let us get into this so the Waldorf story, as we know it today sits between forty ninth and fish its streets in between Park and Lexington avenues there in Manhattan. This midtown and They didn't always live there. Previously, it was over in a different place where things Fifth Avenue and thirty Threerd street. It was a mansion and by this guy. But you may recognizes last name William Waldorf Astor of the Asters, and you may notice that the Waldorf Historiae doesnt live there anymore. Now the home of the empire state building, just kind of cool background there that we are looking into Dave.
The the place where the Waldorf restore lives now over there. Between forty, nine and fifty eight It's been there since nineteen thirty one, A long time this this hotel has lived in Midtown Manhattan and it is true. It's not some! You know here: the story there lived in their national geographic, it's true, there is a secret real line, or at least a highly under used rail line that exists beneath that hotel and it was used. Well for a lot of reasons, mostly to get vips in and out of the hotel without being seen, but it was used for a long time. To ship F, Glenn Dollar Roosevelt in and out of the hotel, so that they could keep. I guess hidden his ailments and to basically is a pr way?
to let him drive a car onto a real. Take that real into the hotel. Have it go into an elevator, go up in the hotel. And then drive out of the parking area essentially onto the street. Fascinating concept right. I wonder if you could had heard anything else about this Walter. Story, a secret realign or the history of net track. Sixty one right Matt! You helped us to this article on Gotham mess that reference a article from the New York Times from September of nineteen. Twenty nine. That sort of sets up the whole thing in this really great quote: guests with private real cars may have them rooted directly. The hotel, instead of defence of Agnes Station order, grand central terminal and they leave their cars at a special elevator which will take them directly to their sweets or to the lobby. The arrangement is made possible because of the fact that the New York Central tracks pass directly beneath the bloc which has been obtained by the hotel, Waldorf Historiae Corporation
the New York, central railroad on sixty three year, lease hold the least being in Allie only for the air rights on the site, which is always interesting. The idea of is like you know that plays into the height of buildings and being held like own part of the sky our bore me now- subterranean lowly I've- I wondered been if you guys had encountered this when you're looking at kind of thee. Hidden areas or underground areas? In a couple of years so we ve done in the best yeah, that's correct manner, while ago, Mary Band of videographer at the time explored facades and fake buildings of New York City? These grit trains by the way are not just not just in New York thing. It makes sense to have them they're in urban centres in cities throughout the world. Some are
call Linda days of Youtube when you and I ventured to Washington D C, we got very close to arraign a tour of a closed down secret rail line there in the nations capital these underground or secret. Who did rail lines, make a lot of sense from a security perspective, and the thing is that now in twenty twenty. Lot of the historical ones are below There are no longer secret there, no longer classify, because there are new technologies or new methods of transporting people, goods, nuclear weapons. What have you. However, I would say that the deep your k has free it is pretty good evidence that they have secret rail lines. Of course, the. Of course Russia has.
Secret rail lines as euro in some ways a legacy from the very paranoid days of the Cold war and the? U S s r. What we were doing are who do in our exploration of fake buildings or facades of New York City, which I believe you can still view on you too, oh one, one incredibly interesting thing: there was that there were buildings fake buildings that word disguising secret railway entrances and exits. So this means that, even if there is you were publicly known metro, you re in your neck of the global woods. It is we're going to have very likely
some kind of hidden way in or out, not necessarily for affairs reasons, but more so for safety reasons, and this one the logistics of its really fascinating, because and Ben this something you covered on car stuff back in the day after drove in armour plated Pierce Arrow car, just one you don't hear about anymore cause, they imagine they will make them, but everything had to be made so big to accommodate literally driving that car parts of the train onto the platform and into that special elevator and then it would be. You know, lifted up an exit through the the garage of of the building and there is even ass. It mission where they would lift his limo and have to back it out into the grandpa.
All room of the Waldorf Historiae and in out some of the stuff we actually have confirmed from secret service logbooks that have been declassified as well, so really really interesting, stuff and d Here is something that the National Geographic article may not have told you for a long time it was possible to take a tour of this hidden railway. There were some complications, of course it's it's. So understandably detour these things at times. I believe you had to have a membership with the Transit museum just to be able to take it. For I ended and you could see they think I dont know how this is affected by it. With their probably not doing it right now, but you could see a list of dates and specific times, but its very much
so I touring the federal meant is not they don't take walk. It's you after you have to be sorted out. In the in the inner circle of transit museum fans? But you can go to w w dot web dot, empty aid, dot info and find find more there or just put secret rail tour. Stingier lugal search engine of choice was like fifty bucks, I think, to become a member. I believe the tour itself is fifty bucks. You just have to be a member first, oh that's right. Yet another makes perfect sense and I wonder if there's membership Dusar any of that are like you said it's like not like any one can stir walk up and become one that's interesting stuff, yet no make for every one of you guys are Racine. There's a documentary called dark days, that's about
Graffiti culture in New York, like during the nineties, early nineties, what you thousands and a lot of folks that, like literally, would set up squats an abandoned, subway tunnels, so there's so much cool mystery surrounding, like the subterranean networks of like a city as as old as as New York, and you now win. If anyone's many diamond New York, you know what a standstill as is when there are. They try to do maintenance on those on those lines, because the stuff is just so old, so there's so much coup history there- and this is a really great example of them. So again Dave for calling in. We hope that was awful in interesting. We're gonna take a quick breakin here. From our sponsor, but will be right back. Did you know I go now offering an extra fifteen percent credit on car motorcycle policies. That's fifteen percent, on top of what Geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for your baby? To? Let you sleep in
sleep here, another half hour, think sweetheart and you'll change. Your self too, there's never been a better time to switch to Geiger save an extra fifteen percent. When you switch by October seventh limitations applied as a guy codec offer details the algorithm has said that he was a match for this much and he said to them. Do you guys think all black people look alike that looks Like me, what happens to our civil liberties when an algorithm is used by law enforcement to make an arrest in american and asian people were up to a hundred times is likely to be misled. Notified with visual were mission check out. The latest episode of first contact to hear me: Boris, evil and easier. You, President Susan Herman, discuss how, if we're not careful technology, can put our civil liberties at stake, listen and subscribe to first contact with lorries Siegel on. I heard you up on appetite gas or wherever you get your part
asked and we're back who's next year. Next, we had a voice mail from then sent to check it out. I was this was Vincent star. I just got done listening dear part to update on the ground of Irish that you just released and that certainly alike, to consider, especially as part of the way case scenarios, you discuss than the coming true the one thing that I'm going be keeping an eye on how the sounds of powers gonna be shifting globally, but Nationally and our own nation, especially with you guys, were saying about the election that gets push backward and the Tramp administration, taken care of entire pandemic from likely start to finish, and I are on to see if they are willing to pass one of the more socialists, the so called socialist policy, but it's gonna be needed in order to combat things like
the rising unemployment and he and saying The overwhelming of the medical industry that we're gonna definitely see, but I would be interested to see her federal government can maintain the power throughout this is: are they to be stepping up and making? more and more of their own policies and furthering themselves from the federal government after the federal government is incapable of stepping up to the plate. Another thing is, I know, Ben often talks about how the population will be the new government. I am eager to see us you know: lower income states like mine, my Kansas. If we won't have industry stepping in where the state Rural governments lack and if they want star soaking up some of the power, because I won't answer this virus is gonna, be a precipitous events for change, fell, only time will tell what direction that changes in stay said well. Yeah in this definitely lies,
layers in that, and that call and allowed to unpack and- and I very much remember that conversation those very early on in the pandemic. Think that was our second update episode yeah. The idea of you now using this situation politically, and we ve certainly see that happening in more ways than one, but in the most extreme example of that would be to postpone- or God forbid, dare we say, cancel action plan, and I think that's an interesting question is something that we serve talked about like in the realm of thought experiment. I did endlessly this this voicemail. Do, a little research and happened upon our our old pals it how stuff works in an article.
Can the twenty twenty US presidential election be postponed and as as you guys may know it, it turns out it's very, very difficult to do that. It's never been postponed in the history of elections in this country, and it would require the date is fixed by law and can only be changed by making a new law, and so it would require agreement across the aisle to do that and his as difficult time as we see lawmakers having passing any law. I have a hard time believing that could happen, but under the twentieth amendment the incumbent President's Co. Presidents term ends at noon. On January, twenty affairs, no provision of law permitting a present to stay in office after this date, even in the event of a national emergency short of the ratification of a new constitutional amendments. What are you
Think what about what about martial law? What about some kind of cool? I mean that martial law, a coup I have to imagine, would be in extreme stretch you Know- and I dont want to be in a doomsday mindset about any of that stuff. I I very much believe, at least since that conversation we had breast a little while ago that we'll be an election. It will just be, I think, fraught with controversy just because, the nature of so many votes having to come in through the mail and not through you know the ballot system that we have become accustomed to just as we have already seen in this country with the primaries couple of strange things occurring most of it, I'm hoping is
he'll error within a new system being adopted. But you know you can't completely discount the nefarious. Actions of you know people who have an agenda or someone who has an agenda. I de I guess that's my way of attempting to be measured about it rather than you know, fearful of of something like that, I don't let's approach this, as I thought experiments withstood decision tree of. If then so as as you point out, nor it is, it is herculean task to postpone not just the presidential election bright eyes. You know like a like the rolling election for the House of Representatives, which occurs every two years we have seen. We have seen run ass, we have seen delays in specific elections right, but never never a presidential one. If it
There is not an election that does it mean that president legally stays empower member, the president is if the election is postponed than their term is still towards the end of January, and that means that Congress, which typically has a cartoon Ashley low approval rating. I've got a great list. I should send around about things that have a higher approval, radiant Congress, I think, recovered at one time in the past maybe was neighbours I different show, but it's it's hilarious at all. Prize, you and it's pretty accurate, but anyhow we don't. If there's not election, then the press, its the lines on January, twentieth and the House and the Senate have to count
divide and conquer. So the house has to somehow pick the new president and the Senate has to somehow pick the VP, which is an interesting switch right, but the house is kind of considered to be closed, tat a closer grasp on these Ike iced or the desires of the population, but but here's the problem. There is the problem that entire. If then depending on why an election might be postponed if there is, for instance, some sort of violent coup or sums, word of fundamental change to the status quo. Is bureau this an allegation that surfaces literally every time there is a different president right. A bill Clinton is gonna, cancel the election or They probably people, probably even thought Jimmy Carter- would do it. Personally, I don't think you
saying anything about his politics, but he just seems a little too, and I know Nice he'll be a four year; genteel, that's a good were so. We have to remember that if that happens, if there was a violent chain government a revolution, a coup descent. In the chaos than that mean that the laws that apply to presidential elections don't matter anymore, their rules for a different game. But, like you know in its worst case scenario, would if he had a situation where, like military, leadership, was so loyal to a particular president that they would continue listening only to him. Are they wooden, except that sea change. They wouldn't accept that like I know its, not how the system is designed, but people are people and who Was a man, no generals or intently now, for all intents and purposes meant to be,
What a political! I guess that's not their job to have opinions about which way to go. There was to be able to take orders from the commander in chief, but what, if, you know we see this in other countries where there are military coups. You know where a loyalist group in a loyal to a particular dictator or a particular very influential figure, is able to peace able to that person is able to wield control over those individuals, maybe it's only faction of the military and then it's a divided military at that point and it becomes some kind of in fighting. I am being very in dire here about miss interested, if that's even something within the realm of possibility or if I've just watched. You know air force One too many times recently. I mean these are. These are great points. I think I think that's an astute thing to point out, because it's true
Military coups do happen right, there's an interesting there either. There's an interesting potential special case here so yeah most millet these are theoretically going to be loyal to their governing documents, other than a charismatic figure or a contrary. One exception would be the military of China. The military of China works for the the Communist Party in ITALY, it seemed like a small distinction, but it makes a big difference. The problem of the? U S. In the case of this kind of Harry intervention is one of the dirty GEO political secrets about the military intervening in government, off the rails and other countries is that a western intel genes agency often backs the military coup and stand in the past has been us. So what happens?
what happens when that kind of I can even or that kind of process occurs in the country that you we in charge of that happening in other countries is an interesting question. And we know that there is a there are very strict laws governing. The military's relationship to domestic politics, There therefore reason, but again in the case of a coup, that
we're talking about laws that applied with different gave me. Imagine if we're all playing piping, I'm just gonna say: put pipe Cosette, miss the hell out of plain pipeline magic for all playing pipe pipe and then all of a sudden halfway through the euro toward the end of it. The rules completely change and we find ourselves in a deep end of a pool and we're supposed to swim lapse. We can hold the clubs, but it does not matter if we have them and no one cares where the balls go. It's a terrible analogy, but I think it's important and these things become. You rightly very emotionally, fraught for people, write and end the idea here, all of em military intervention is, I don't know what it's just differently military will intervene in various countries, as you said, no there'll be crews
by an opposition politician or a particularly ambitious, western backed general. That happens a lot in this in the past, but yeah, No we're supposed to have a response to have any political, secular military, but, as I think so noted earlier, the military's composed of people and people are the opposite of a political, I would just say no and Vincent I'd. Do not see something like that occurring There is like Ben, is describing outside influences from power player within the worlds. Within the world governments- and I you know- I way- is something like that- does go down. We then just have to be extremely
You have to go about the reasoning behind postponement or you know whatever. Whatever action is taken to keep the current party in power, though I can't, I don't see it happening, I I do think we're gonna go through a changing of hands. Power. As this second wave, there were seeing right now the pandemic as we're, seeing it really still effect all of us and having a major economic impact. So why don't you see power Grab or a coup, or something like that? I do see a very intense changing of power. Changing hands of power going on amidst all that stuff, and I just feel it does still its. We anxiety thinking about calling into question the results, like you were saying, saying who is somehow fixed or that there that the results are not legitimate or something like that route. Sure, right, I think that happens to an extent every re, every election, but
there. I can imagine that this one will be highly contentious. No matter what happens yeah I mean that's. That's another point against the eye of a violent currer postponement. Is this? The appearance of legitimacy is Four thousand Lee crucial to stability, no I'm saying the appearance of legitimacy kind of like the pursuit of happy We are very careful in the. U S: govern with how you got a right to the pursuit, not the actual thing right behind you ever you. You want to for the appearance of legitimacy, even if there is some sort of shit. Again going on? So let's say you don't Vincent: let's see that you're running for president and less Europe. Ready president- and you know there is an election coming. He don't know which way
gonna go. You certainly don't want to lose because people are in general into that kind of stuff? But you don't want to wit. You generally will not want to win. If it will appear to be nakedly corrupt. You want to be able to, at the very least convinced a large portion of the population that the process works, because you know that this country, in a lot of other countries- but this this country in particular, is fascinating, because we put a lot of faith in process some of the same kind of faith that empires of old, put into religions and gods we put into the idea of rituals and assigning
two things and having Euro as much as possible a clear cut path of, if thence, but but yet again and not to be missed if there is something by if there is a once the phrase, a black swan event, or something like that. If, if that occurs, then again, the rules in the process he's. No longer matter well. Well,. I don't have it's going. I don't think he's gonna happen. What are you guys think it's gonna happen? I'll try have the election our fingers crossed by oil. I, like we said from the start, it's an interesting thing to discuss and we're trying to freak anybody out, but certainly worth considering history and considering you know, the possibilities were definitely living in that as the old
Bessy said interesting times and before we move on to the point about elections, this will come up in a future episode of lesser male, probably next week. I want to thank everybody wrote in about the nineteen eighty eight rigged mexican election, and I especially want to thank those of Our fellow listeners, who said we get you're saying about voting being a right to complain, but watch out because its often misused as a nefarious tactic. So with me explore that more in depth in a future episode, but we'll be back with more listener. Male after a brief word from our sponsor.
I am really a remedy and I am joined by my window and we are very excited to announce that we are continuing our journey with new pike. Ass close, I intelligent fair game. What is fair guide their games, a term and Scientology the that is used to describe what was used to describe the taking care of that's the euphemistic term, ok, threats and enemies of Scientology. What it really is is a series of writings and policies. Directives by EL run, habit that lay out how you go about destroying someone who is an enemy of Scientology, listen to Scientology, fair game on the irish radio, app apple pot cast or wherever you listen to progress,
I'm Devon, leering and I'm Carolina Barlow and we're here to tell you to dumping, break up with your boyfriend, and we want you to listen to our pine cast true romance every week where we talk about our love, lives and the love lives of others. Please join our axes, who we know will also be listening like Kyle Kyle are you there has life now you look good, though me God, please I haven't even gotten a haircut like free Ok, please help us pay for Carolinas psychiatrist bills by listening on the eye. Her radio, app Apple pie cast a realist into podcast And we're back we're moving on we We have one last correspondence today. It is also a voice mail. It comes to us visa.
Prissy how high this is crazy. I wanna hear listeners endlessly for a couple years for love. Your show I really have to say and, alas, since you guys have gone into covered mode willingness synchronous, ass, she D W, why she came with all of you together and offers a way for us to think you're found to do it with her. Whatever order you That is a small thing. It reminds me then we can all be room anyway. What do you think I was wondering if you guys could look into what is this concept of gas guy
said. The boy began with the relevant as if I felt like less than half of what it normally com the buying air travel ban. For I learned later natural reason, at least they put something in Gaza and make it go bad. You can't join the true indeed everything about, because our own creasy, This is a fascinating voicemail, because my spider since tells me that when you called us you who are you? We called around the same time that we were
courting an episode about the true cost of gasolene. This is what car Young would call an example of super consciousness or maybe wanna be a little less metaphysical about it, an exam all of us, I guessed right gases on, people's minds, but but the question here is something that we talked about briefly our episode on building a go back. What you shit, what you should or shouldn't put in Putney, go bag. Is it worth it to carry gas. Without falling into the rabbit. All of whether or not you shall gas and go back, it is important to point out that gas does have additives in it. Obviously, and gas does have a shelf life. It can vary for a number of reasons. Gas can go back depending on the heat, the oxygen humidity in
general. Generally speaking, pure gas, like top notch gas is We have to define what we mean when we say goes bad. What we really mean is that, as a result of oxidize asian and evaporation, it will lose its pep. Think of the way a soda goes flat. If it's open to law to pay and humidity in the environment The problem here is that we in gas goes flat. It loses its combust stability. So one thing, though, is pretty popular or has been popular for wild West. It would be ethanol.
Clean blends, those ever shelf life about two to three months, the rail of the court and pull pure gas we mentioned will start to degrade from three to six months. But you can add things into gas specially. If, like you have a car that you put away for the summer put away for the winter, you can add stuff to gas that will, not you give us some sort of planned obsolescence, but will instead allow that gas to remain to keep its combustible nature between one two three years under like really good conditions, I don't know my question, for you guys heard this email was, would be the motivation for a gas killing additive for just sell more gas yeah I get presumably in possible, but the question there is like right now
If you say my stockpiling gas, it would not be in the best interest of gas camp. I wouldn't it though you're still paying for it. I guess the plucked the prices fluctuate, you know, maybe same is buying stock when it sent a low. You know they want you to be subject to all the same ups and downs of the the market. I guess I don't. I don't I'm just spit boy here. I know what you think to me: it's almost like it. If you think about it, almost like a subscription service Depending on the vehicles you drive and the gas powered, you know machine Now that you have wherever you live Euro, essentially subscribing to a certain amount of gas every month, really because of the travellers,
do everything right, and so, if you imagine the you know the projections that company acts, that's a producer of gas or government. Why that has a certain amount of gas and subsidize a certain amount of gas? You can look at an individual person. Essentially has that subscriber and we know we're gonna- you have this much use in this much injected this much money injected into the system every month by you right and if he front loading Maybe it throws off projections. That's just me spit boat, you you say subscription, and I am that's really interesting, because I just and up for a new natural gas. You no account for my house and by locking myself in for a year, I was able to get a lower rate locked in as opposed we variable ray a lower rate. Why, is there no such subscription model for Gasolene for your car? Why can't I subscribe at a loss?
Ghana, certain rate price point by paying monthly or paying for a whole year. What does not exist that did exist for for some time in a vote for a little while, a couple of forms. Regionally it just never took off. It never took off nationally right now you can see services like, let's see, there's filled with F l, L D know ye see, you know it's cool and your name on e, when you use filled, they can have that when a goodness that is good at earlier, but I love you Yoshi, which these this This will come to you and no gas up your car also wash it known, probably take care of us. Smaller maintenance task, like changing your oil, some like that blight.
The idea, I think, of people buying a fuel subscription was sort of like investing in futures. The EU cannot remember the exact the exact. Circumstances in which this occurred, but it happened in the: U S where people were able to purchase gas in advance from some supplier during a time when people are very worried about spike in prices and then later they always be able to buy up two x amount of gas. However much they are paid for at that price was just like what describing all the idea of getting a fixed rate, but you know, easy answer to why that doesn't happen is probably because the people in charge of the current industry like things the way they are. It's always profit, motive right,
you you risk losing money if you do a fixed rate as as a supplier but which I think is fascinating about this question too. We we haven't found any proof of aghast killing additive. That would be widespread. Yet we know there's stuff, they dies, mess up your tank mess up your car right, putting sugar and they cast anchor, for instance, is the old saw. But but question to me at least seems more like a question and planned obsolescence, which is very real and has been very real since the days of the Phoebus cartel when a bunch of people say
it make more money if we sell light bulbs that are as good as the ones we make now and that's happening. I don't, I don't think it's too far off I would I mean, I don't know is happens with smartphones right. Those are built to be outdated in what would you say two years three two years, but yet then early cop to that right, isn't that sort of like something that we all know and experience by apple won't come right out and say we do that right, since the nature the Tec. Man just gets better and better dude. Then he puts we're all that old hardware. What's up man, it's just gonna break faster break faster now, just joking, it's obviously herds. Obviously went to get you to buy new phone cause, it's important to you by new phone. It's important that you buy more gas, I mean
did. You guys imagine a world where I've got. Let's just say: I've got ten barrels of gas. In my back yard. Did I've. That's gonna live forever, a gasoline. It doesnt matter that it's giving off. You know urge breaking down essentially at all times I've got. And barrels of gas in the apocalypse happens guys I'm set. I can treat any for anything with all that ass. At the very least, you can power all your crazy. You know leg demolition, derby vehicles for the thunder down. You know here for shook her around. On alone,
even talking about here, but if I, if eyes and individual, was able to store enough gas safely that wasn't degrading. I could a sensible sell that gasoline as those any other product in a secondary market. Right I mean I'm a sensible could doesn't mean it would be illegal, it doesn't mean I would even make out much money off of it, but it does mean that if you were to add something to the gas that would guarantee it degrades overseer amount of time. I can imagine that kind of
hope that maybe you prevent the secondary markets and fluctuations they could occur within there. I can imagine that is a motive, but I don't think so. Unlike been set, we ve never seen any evidence of something added to the gas. This actually goes hand in hand with the episode we just did not know long ago about this hidden costs of gas. You now that the big picture cost of gas- and there is something that was in there about the idea of spillage you now and they how much evaporates off he now and then Yet the factor that, in things this is interesting, though the house of cards is fascinating and, as we know I mean it's obviously only reason we're still on it is because certain brains have a lot of power, want us to still be on it, and not a people that make the decisions and government are friends with those people and they want those people to be enriched, and now it's interesting and theirs is one last new here to learn more about fuel additives,
I commend the article on house of words. Do fuel additives really do anything? by a fantastic Otto journalist, Charise Sharif, three wits, who has knowledge of these sorts of things, I'd or from the old car stuff days. The the weird thing is to your question: Creasy Is there a fuel additive that can harm vehicle well a lot of fuel additives, there are sold in your local lotto part store are kind of snake oil. They enable at worst be not harm your engine, but they don't seem to Hell. In the ways that they seem like placebos, at least some of them other than fuel stabilizers. Be it's it's strange because there There are some tangential or, I would say, small benefits, but often people buy.
A fuel additive? Big caused thank you though, it'll don't make my car run better. For longer, and it mainly just makes you feel good. You feel like you taken, carry your car we'll. Speaking of feeling, good thanks so much to Chrissy, Dave and Vincent for calling us leaving these messages. Speaking with us in bringing these really interesting, Things to everyone's attention, really We thank you. We thank you and, if you're listening out there and you want to join in the next one of these make sure you head on over too, with our phone number and hey, what do you say increases honour when we try and an do T data we Whitey K in the number and everything together just as an ex women will show her why we dont do it any more what do you think does our I'm into her? here we go in three different locations:
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hi. This is the iranian MIKE Render and we are very excited to announce that we are finally doing about this and the name is Scientology. Fair game. Everybody, Scientology fairly and thank you to all of you because we treated out like should we do a pocket wherever they overwintering S. Amazing response! Listen to Scientology fair game. On the I heard, a radio, app apple podcast or where a real isn't a bug s
Transcript generated on 2020-07-26.