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CLASSIC: Are frogs really changing gender?

2023-08-15 | 🔗

You might have heard this one before -- for years, various fringe researchers and commentators have argued that the government or some other shadowy entity is purposefully changing the gender of amphibians (specifically, frogs) throughout the United States. So what's the truth behind the headline? Join Ben, Matt and Noel as they separate the hilarious fiction from the disturbing facts of the case.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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two psychic powers and government conspiracies history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now, learn to stop. They don't want you to know hello and welcome back to the show my name is met. Tine name is no. They call We then we are joined with our super produce reports, deck and, most importantly, we were here you or you that makes this stuff. They don't want you to know folks today, I vote start. The show, with a very short clip that some long time listeners may recognize. One of my favorite clips prepare yourself for the next twelve seconds the flags, the male frogs, think they're females. Now not when I say that about a fraga, not bashing, the gay frog, but the kennel
got in the water in the excerpt you just heard you to burn radio host Alex Jones is saying that chemicals found in water are turning frogs in his words gay yeah, it's its refreshing and maybe a little surprising to hear jones took these great pains just to let you HU. The listener know that he has nothing against gay frogs orgy humans to that matter, and you can listen to the entire there Call it a presentation on this matter of you, you tube their clips. All over the place. Some official have Alex jones channel clips. You can find as well as clips other people have put on. There and this idea was popularized by jones years ago. Some of you, have written into us asking what the deal is about his over the years and reason. It stays in the public. Mind is because, since this idea,
his popularized by Alex Jones. It became where of a meme and the crux of the argument that jones makes does not stop at frogs. We just wanted to play which is why the play one of the thesis clips here. Yet he gets into the gay bomb itself that we have discussed before in the show, which was a real plan and was more like a sexual assault bomb in the nuts and bolts of how they thought it would work. But he sees the frogs is one of the first signs that the government, whether act in concert with other forces or just unilaterally, is attempting to increase levels homosexuality or the ratio of homosexuality in the human population through a widespread dispersal of chemicals, particularly in the water sure. Why not? My wooden government be doing them
just you know, there are top of everything else. So did they ve got so much free time? You know it's just really. They just have to worry about the fourth of July in tax day. That's it! So for a lot of people, this is wait what question, and today we are hoping to discover whether If there is any truth to what might seem initially an insane story straight out of tin, foil, tin, tin, foil, TIM templeton. Is that like the who? Who will yes? It's the you know, I think the the four of us are going to have to have to learn more about tinfoil, tin yeah. I think so. Maybe will visit one day, for now, let's get right into the person Alex Jones. get a little backstory early person Alex John, yes, as we know, can be used to describe and more of things, especially when you get into corporations or
media personalities. There are all kinds of things here so Alex Jones A friend of the show you are most likely aware of this man he's creator of the website info wars and he's been the host. this long running, radio show called the Alex joan show and over the years he is discussed just a whole huh Almost all of the rumours fringe theories that have ever existed. Yeah he's also been holding a number of controversies. From accusing the? U s. Government of perpetrating oklahoma city bombing. The september eleventh attacks in the: u S, taking the moon landings of more and he describes himself as a paleo conservative, a libertarian and alive if his stories to the general, audience would seem to come from a more right wing perspective. He has
called it a conspiracy theorist by outfits like these southern poverty law centre, new york magazine- and he didn't seem to totally embrace this, but he did take it as a source of pride. His response was euro. I'm proud to be considered a thought criminal in the fight against big brother, I loved Freeze thought criminal yeah, taken that george orwell vibe yearning. Whether these are my iron got a hard blow. The face. so in my hearing, in a strange way he's got I don't know just that that thing you're doing right here. The impersonation theirs certain. I don't know now respectability, but it's a cachet or something that is very attractive of this. Like this.
and standing up in the world of liars telling the truth is going to take an act of defiance and that you know I'm mad as hell. I couldn't take it anymore. Do you guys remember the first time you ever saw Alex Jones? It's it's sort of like easy to forget, he was in that richard link ladder movie waking life yet was all of Like you know, rota scope. Can a dreamy look to it and he's like? A ranting red faced crazy guy in the back of a cab. I want to say you're taking a rider right. Nor does it matter. I loved waking life, and that was not. The first I saw it was for me that I asked I think that was before he was really really entrenched. Unlike the public in the mainstream, I think he was maybe more local. I write like you, is an austere, probably and link letters and asked him: they'll kill you so he was. He was old. Super popular radio show host in austin, and Remember seeing waking life for circumstances. I won't get in
two on the air I was, I was confused. You know us into it, but I was thinking too. I recognise that guy there who is the sounds, familiar Are you? Are you sure that's not a certain comedian maned bill, hicks? and that's a story for other day so throughout, Ninety nine, these in the two thousands jones, spandex his work and polished his voice or shall we say whittled its yes focusing on more than he embraced the internet through sites prison, planet, the aforementioned info, wars, pray planet is the more. I say I would say that the edgier little more out there is, and he went to protest for political causes. He believed in here ran for local office and the weight in his political pendant and more of the list of his views, as Matt said, is extensive. He has been doing this.
for a long time, and you know what I mean to say since you brought up waking life, I really liked his segment What I'm saying it was also before he was such a divisive figure, and I have a feeling: Link letter probably saw him more as an interesting sort of almost like almost more like a Joe rogue, any type where he's maybe a little problematic in his views, but he's just kind of espousing some like existential crisis these that we all you know are faced with the account count. He provides a counterpoint to a lot of mainstream views yeah sure which is an important in any discourse raid overtime, yeah doubly really went when hard, right now we can see looking back through his catalogue of statements, writings and performances, We can see larger, recurring themes, the primary thing four alex Jones. Is this idea of overarching government control, the goal being a new world order and
a new world order. The quicken dirty version is the governments and large companies industry. these may be dynastic please, like the rothschilds or something or work in concert in secret to manufacture. Now make disasters to make constant survey It wants normal and in Alex joneses opinion, most importantly, to perpetrate false flag attacks or inside jobs and create a culture of fear so that they can exploit every one. Who's on the outside of the inner circle and Alex Jones. That includes everything from nine eleven and eleven attacks to like the sandy hook, school shooting all, supposedly with the intent of turning public in in a way that is helpful to the nefarious aims of said and new world order beneficiaries in just two try and be feared, Alex Jones. He does take it back to things like the pearl harbor attacks saying that
something like that causes the public too more pro war should then you know he wanted he tries to connect, make those. Can I is that we tried to do on. The show is well it's just. It becomes a completely different flavour when alcyone starts going down, the radicals well so that's part of it ray. We knew at basis that governments do leverage public fear, Concern cry quite well, and we knew that governments have release the. U s. Government has partnered with pure firms in the past to incur read you a fear of marijuana, for instance, based on. violently racist, add campaign radio and you can check out earlier episode about that. I believe we have one. I can't remember, there's definitely agree video on it
for reasons we won't go into on a family. Show me my memories, not a million percent. Yet for reasons meet me testing that government marijuana like I was once a year year, including I am. I cannot because- and I would be these supposed to say so- Now we know a little bit about how we get started, who easy in two thousand and seventeen, his ex wife sought custody of their children, either joint custody or sole custody, because she saw jones's behavior as unstable. They divorced in two thousand and fifteen, and particularly she pointed out. She was disturbed, by what she saw him threatening congressmen. Adam shift.
jones lawyer claimed that Alex Jones was quote playing a character and described him as a quote performance, art zoo- and this goes into the question of authenticity, jones for his part denied this, and he called his show that is the most of them all hard core real mccoy finger and then a power that is based on is it jones or is it motto? Man randy's have allowed the macho man that rhetoric so so, and this whole ordeal This trial gained enough national attention that even stephen Colbert went on his his new show and had a whole segment on this. He played a clip with our stones. Pike doing a full on Alex joan missiles, ear to ear. Ok, mississippi, to go! It's nice little cut up
guys know who he is know Alex Jones is a horse. The donald trump is a big fan and jones right now isn't a legal battle with his ex wife, who says he's too unstable to have custody of their children and to prove it. She's been showing the court video Those like this george washington with diary, are running out of his pants on top that oars marginal check ass margin not to give up. I got ass, yet that's where we come from where we live, hunchback strong role ass. I will never my god, you and the human spirit. roger animals, but joneses lawyers are defending was very unique defence. There are saying that when he says stuff like that, they set the challenge is just playing a character, and here we kind of the Alex Jones sort of turning a corner, from his bona fide hard core line too well, you know
even colbert, can go home to his kitty? Doesn't take it home a character sort of a blind eye to employ characters. Mr valiant yeah, exactly specifically stephen cold air from the Stevens Alberto right but he also even referring to like he's that he was was Emily, referring external they're, making fun of him and playing a character So this even more meadow and weird yeah he's these issues. Being a guy playing me cannot take that home to his kid. So therefore I can chew it. Or to the Glen back impression that John stewart would do number of years right. These people play larger versions of themselves, played satirical versions of people who play larger versions in themselves. The Earl boroughs continues and in over the years this character or this man who wear it whatever it is. It has caused
he has caused a lot of outcry. I'm ok with it! whatever Alex Jones is sure, Alex Jones, the the weather he chooses to identify, yes has has caused A lot of outcry and we're going to get into that right after a quick word from our sponsor hey. This is jason alexander for visible wireless. They lay associate may with a few important phrases like yadda, yadda, yadda, meaning the details. I don't know some people might think to just go was over that. But not me when I saw a wireless company recently say they didn't have any of that yada yada stuff didn't have any details. I had a feeling something was off because there's always details and they matter, and you deserve to know what you're signing up for yadda yadda Why I'm in a pot gas there for a different wireless company visible on the way, well planned, get one line of wireless on verizon's five g network for twenty five dollars a month every month. That's it there's! No activation fees, no need for a family plan
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Trojan rose now available in non latex. It's designed to enhance body heat transfer between partners, trojan bearskin roz available at major retailers nationwide. So don't delay by a pack today to experience raw by trojan bear skin raw america's thinnest latex condom among leading brands trojan bear skin raw. Let's go Yes, as you can already see, Jones has ruffled more than a few feathers and will give you a few of his controversial views and or statements to be fair. He they have changed his position on some of these by the time you hear this recording, I don't think so, but maybe penny, what new information comes out? A couple of easy did. He has backtracked some
while it's true or come up with a more nuanced view. Absolutely in the first one that you might be aware of because it also made national headlines or were Alex Jones's views on school shootings and specifically the topic of crisis actors. And their involvement within these school shootings, particularly in the case of sandy hook. He was criticised for claiming that no one actually died during the sandy event and among other shootings as well, claiming additionally that were eye witnesses and survivors were actually these paid professionals called crisis actors and his argument hinge on the idea that you could see the same people at different tragedies. typically shootings, but also maybe bombings stuff like that, and then this lead to was very controversial about this- is that this lead to some people?
believed this harassing parrots of children who had shot near so dirty dirty business He also believes the weather weapons exist and he is not wrong that it is possible to perform acts of weather manipulation, like the chinese government. Did the two thousand eight beijing olympics, but that's more to prevent bad other or encourage whether that would be beneficial for crops? Are agriculture, strategic clouds eating right, and we know that the? U S, government deal experiment with weathers, but of war in the vietnam conflict, but he stated that governments can manufacture or geo engineer, hurricanes. Specifically a lot of the time Alex Jones gets in trouble because he states these things as though they are fact less though, There is absolutely no with it without even having absolute proof saying. No. This is how it is. He also do this
he'll take something with a grain of truth and drive it in the ground and in and do a lot of assumptions around that grain of truth to the point where you lose the plot in time in that thing? That might actually be true becomes the basis for something that is utterly absurd. In my opinion, I'll, go on record saint, I'm fine. With interview in Alex Jones there's some things. I want to see his opinion on. I engineering hurricanes. still is interesting. We the video oddness awhile back and the idea of men factory natural disasters is not as I suppose you might think, because things like fracking, purposeful human action can trigger earthquakes.
so it is possible to manufacture earthquakes. I I don't think he I I. I don't think he has any solid proof of purposely manufacturing hurricanes, because, honestly, how the hell would you steer them with a hurricane motor sure. Maybe maybe he owns a hurricane rudder of hands rudder motor he's also. entire vaccination in some respects and that's been really controversial form. He has repeatedly stated his belief in something called white genocide which are almost want to seen a different. Why genocide? The idea that Groups of people are working to increase violence against those identified as white, typically in the eu, north america, but also western europe, while also do seen their population and he does
get criticism from the mainstreaming its criticism from the fringe community. You say: oh, I know what you are Alex jones you're, an agent of disinformation. You work for the same people you claim to oppose, which in this case, friends would mean that Alex Jones is turning frogs bureau now boy yeah. But you know that I think is one of those. more valid points in a lot of the other things, because when you have someone espousing somewhat noble ideas, while at the same time saying that the hurricane draft absolutely happening or vaccinations are absolutely causing autism, or do these things absolutely occurring when you can, when you can have someone who, is treated as somewhat credible on when, in one respect within also just sing the craziest,
On the other hand, it becomes dangerous for both sides, but aren't all not to fall into relativism, but are all people like that their Jes out on you too. Yes, but they are shoes has a lot of people that listen to true one criticism that is come under fire for- and this is something this too big lily. Honest there's something I have said before. He is come under criticism, not just for me for a large range of branded products marketed through show in the website info wars, and these are things like proper materials, dietary supplements, survival gear, they bulletproof, vest and so on. You'll see a john oliver last week tonight, clip on this and on some of the dubious claims that have been made about the dietary supplements, my friend, Are you sure this is if
you're doing a show about an eminent economic collapse, right, the fall of the dollar or something and then use tag way into convincing people to buy gold from you, makes what you said earlier. It lessens the impacting oh, I'm I've seen it automatically wrong, but it doesn't. It doesn't feel ass. for that reminds me of that Jim baker stuff? We know he's this televangelist to prosperity. Physiologist too, old thing is built her hand, selling these doomsday prep materials and like survive our food and these disgusting buckets In the meantime, mashed potatoes in corn a year once that much cream corn anyway he's it's it's true. It's true at similar, jones has also will at least jones has an implied. The people are going to hell if they don't, if they dont get prepping materials
I mean to hear jones were already living in Hell, yeah yeah. Bring us up to one of the video clips that we are looking out for this. It's this response by Alex Jones to the whole gay frogs thing. And at the end of it or, let's say three quarters of the way through it shifts over too, hu a water crisis video or feels like they're, just shifting topics to water crisis, video sure, but then you realize the Entirety of the rest of the video is an ad for something that they are selling on him. Wars about water purification, so that I mean that stuff, because I are saying, and it doesn't again, it doesn't automatically mean whatever your hearing his bs, but it is easy to make make a question what does there are ulterior motives?
the motive is to sell the water purification device. Will here's an example? We do advertisements on the show great, but it's not products that were direct selling to you that directly benefit us that are directly tie. Do the topics we are discussing. Well, no had that blue apron at the cannibal as medicine. As long as I was traffic that bring like that too, but that was completely coincide to do so yet also argue that any episode of ours ties in directly with a touchy out for sure you guys are super into touches. I'm glad you enjoyed it since we're talking about silly stuff. I just wanted to point out. One thing I think the most overlooked conspiracy theory about Alex Jones is that he has a secret acid house, dj whoa yeah, there is an article and spin that a screen shots from a video of his wherein the background. You see, like all of these, judge drum machines like t Aurelio aids, tb, three or threes, and all of these
like you know, really high and electronic music equipment that, unlike you, stevie, dj decks and monitor speakers and mixers analysis on the background, then in apparently fairly there's a screenshot him commenting on some. The tragic musician can do in a jam and an electronic space jam and in saying something like that of three o three. In the background up out jones yeah I'll, ask him about manager, many layers I'll, ask you and he has earned the trust of a large audience. Despite the controversy he's had met the mainstream appearances is representative of fringe theory and in view we an opponent of gun, control, while he may be controversial or divisive, there's no two ways about his story eyes, indisputable, you, one of success, whether as a secret bill, hicks and acid house dj a radio host. in politics. He's dabbled with that trumps, affirm, Yeah trumps event, tribes of event.
He has a a very emotionally charged rick, count of how one of his associates turned him into a trump supporter which you can see. You can see all this stuff. we are talking about on youtube with all this in mind, too mats earlier Point knows earlier point: it's it's easy to see how somebody might dismiss him out of hand, and he might be for many people. A point well, then, no matter what he says. You will think that its are the worst kind of badger bile that You ve never encountered online and and the idea of turning frogs gay with being part of a larger conspiracy to turn people gay for some reason, sounds like some.
He would read in the onion it does, but what, if there's at least a grain of truth to it, we're going to sift through those grains right after a quick word from blue apron, or you know somebody else by gold, hey. This is jason alexander for visible wireless, or you may associate me with a few important phrases like yada, yada, yada, meaning the details, I don't know. Some people might think that just gloss over that, but not me when I saw a wireless company recently say they didn't have any of that yadda yadda stuff didn't have any details of feeling something was off because there's no way details and they matter, and you deserve to know what you're signing up for yadda yadda that's why I'm in a pot gas there for a different wireless company visible on the isabel plan, get one line of wireless on verizon's five g network for twenty five dollars a month every month. That's it there's no activation fees, no need for a family plan,
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I naturally is a home renovation worth it, and will you or retirement years really be golden, no matter where you are in life. If you have questions about how to make the most of your wealth tune into adamant, financial engines every day wealth, a podcast created to help you make smarter, more informed decisions about money issues hosted by far actual journalist and best selling new york times author jean chaskey, in featuring different wealth planners each week, they'll share their stories and their expertise on a wide variety of financial topics. You'll get practical advice that help simplify the often complex and confusing world personal finance, everyday wealth avail, Well, wherever you get your podcasts folks, as the weather, turns people are cosy up to the fireplaces or get a little more intimate, and that's where trojan comes into play oh yeah, cosy indeed and trojan bear skin raw lets. You feel closer to your partner than ever before.
And trojan ra's now available in non latex. It's designed to enhance body heat transfer between partners trojan bear skin raw is available at major retailers nationwide. So don't delay buy a pack today to experience raw trojan bear skin raw america's thinnest latex condom among leading brands trojan bear skin raw. Let's go here's where it gets crazy. First were joking about fine. I mean do it if you want, but don't we're not seriously, don't go out of your way to do it on our account right right, at least. Don't sell your gold at one of those we buy gold places. That is a bad idea, but that song is so catchy and look he's got so much. Gold still do so Alex Jones is, in this case either misleading or being misled to some degree, but there is disturbed.
sand to this story because part of it is true. There was a two thousand and study by tie room, be haze at the university of California berkeley wherein they found that a com pesticide known as accuracy in eighty or you see I and ii can genetically male frogs into female frogs. And furthermore, the really crazy thing is that once they were changed these frauds became capable of reproducing successfully so they weren't. Turning quote gay. They were being truly genetically modified right, and he is, and his team raised forty male african, claude frogs and water, containing atrazine and they did it. You ve cradled grave morrows sexual maturity and the levels were about what frogs experience in the environments where this stuff was used to arouse corn production, so on other run off right, exactly all the rough, but
was still below the levels at the epa consider safe for drinking water. That is crazy. And the other thing is that this was the first time word or look hard look at atrazine had been taken previously can found that advertising can cause sexual abnormalities and frogs such as turning some frogs into hermaphrodite sleep having both sexual organs. I see right simultaneously, The control group consisted, of course, of forty other male frogs in that was an interesting free, otherwise exactly identical to what that would have been encountered at the the experiment, all the frogs and they control group are still male still still deeds in presenting the frogs in the group with accuracy in the water were quote it's language, completely feminist moon Their june's said that they should still be mail, but they have
male anatomy, including ovaries, and they could make and reproduce would males why? Yes, confusing right so in both frogs and human. Sex is genetic sue in people generically speaking, females would have two x chromosomes. Males would have one x one why for frogs sex. Chromosomes are labelled as z or w. You know just to keep things interest. and the female frogs will have dissimilar. His own z and w, while males will have matching ones. Zizi and there's this other plot was Although the feminist frogs can reproduce, the only real use male offspring and that further complicates the sex ratio, while so ten percent, the exposure turn sees frogs
into reproducing females, but a hundred per cent of the eyes of the young that they produce arms. And then another ten percent of doing the same water pipes governs yeah, so accuracy they mention corn, it's a week killer, its mainly used for corn crops and the mechanism that occurs here is that it affects the gender and frogs by. I mimicking a biological compound and increasing estrogen production, so there's solid proof of its gender changing effect on friday poppies. In these effects could apply to other amphibians, too, Amphibians overall, though, unfortunately, are in a state of serious decline globally, with this effect of accuracy, essentially being another nail in that particular coffin.
This also has implications for other, not amphibious species, including possibly humans rights. True story, Address. Eat has been found to normal induce breast cancer in rats, but to have similar disruptive effect. Son hormone levels in humans, wow so affecting mammals, rodents possible humans. That's that in turn, yeah yeah no word on Wurtemberg yet you put the you, can find the study in full in the journal proceedings of the national academy of sciences published in twenty and there's another go to the story as well. Some species. I've already naturally and spontaneously change gender, the west african common red frog, and This occurs when the population doesn't have enough breeding males a chemical trigger, activates, a gene, and just imagine this happening folks, I wanna make you uncomfortable, have been imagined. This happened to you.
a group of people that you hung out with your boss, are you somehow decided- that the ratio is skewed and then this chemical trigger heads and your sex organs disintegrate and you develop new ones. That's what happens to these frogs! That is bonkers. I could not deal you know, I would be very upset. Yeah we're just not honour. I couldn't deal with that. I have a hard time. Getting a new haircut I wonder if it has anything to do with their regenerative properties that some of these visas, I would say, enjoy enjoy sure yeah cause. I know there are there other animals that have something similar to this right, where the sex can change yeah yeah. We can name several. You know murray eels races
You got a clown fish. Do this, even though the lobbies Mugabe's my dad had some guy obvious before value. What are they like? Theirs, these little fish- ok, I don't know if that's true, my dad had a bunch of fish over the years. I don't know These are actually want. It sounded like something I remember him saying, but you speak of them so fondly yeah. True, me. It makes me think of what was that all Hannah barbaric cartoon. With the underwater fish people that had the snarks snorts later the goal yeah yeah yeah- I only ever had like I had a japanese fighting fish and- and you know, if you put two of them together- darling. You build a mere up to me like a crazy idea to fight, oh knock. I was completely wrong. Goodies hobbes, whatever they are, my dad never had one of those did you just text him. I just said I don't like the answers. I have no idea what that is, and okay, great or maybe he's just denying it. That's probably what it is. So I
they mention clown fish clown fish are interesting, because a lot of times the way these genders, which is occurring, nature, are very specific. So it's not just a free for all what day or month, we feel like being what finger other thing sue in clown fish. There's this hierarchy and there's always a female fish who is like the queen, clown matriarch here, the matriarch at the clouds that sounds somehow infinitely more respectful, but when she dies them, dominant male changes, sex and becomes the matriarch of of the clouds, and then the cycle starts again. But the frogs in this study. The africa Claude frogs are not meant to do this now that was the name of carbons. Frog stuffed animals, claude frog, oh really, symbols like I'm assuming its yellow, you D, like a cloud,
claude, but just little aside, their printing Reason may be made, maybe matt stone in tray parker we're trying to warn everyone late, they bear them been pretty pressure about certain things and then show from over the years? That's true! Luckily, I humans- frogs, don't spend our lives laid around and water. Let me most of us now assume that isn't business however, the levels of atrazine the frogs were exposed to again are still below the safety threshold for the epa, and at this point we did. find any proof, any proof full stop that this was part of an overall plan to quote increase homosexuality in, human population and honestly, it's difficult to What would the motivation be? Would it be to decrease population or something over a long long time, because the populations already decreasing and it has
nothing to do with atrazine in the water near. I can see that as something maybe, but probably not any. Wouldn't what are you about this, or that the first thing I just want to note here, while humans, don't spend all day long soaking up the advertising in run off water. The way amphibians these these frogs do We do in just a whole heck of a lot of water. We have two: that's how we survive and you in this country we rely on usually public services to clean the water that we drink. So In a way, you were putting a whole lot of faith in you know some state and local governments. In our case, local governments to clean the water we drink, which may be. directed by run off of chemicals like atrazine in It makes me wonder. Well
really are we getting in us, because we ve talked about flint before sure talked about in places where there are serious issues with the cleanliness and chemicals venus of water. I don't yet. Is, there is another question here. Remember life straws was nuts about these four, while nope these portable water filters that you can use to drink from credibly dirty uncontaminated sources, water, they don't they don't help against radiation. Were, I think, some heavy metals but other as far as waterborne diseases and micro organisms and pretty effective in they save lives, but I dont know if they prevent something like atrazine. Can I, a prison planet branded life's draw. You know what I beg of you write a lifestyle. Direct and the price is right: you can get them branded, however, he wished
one a prison planet. No, I was wondering if this is the kind of thing that that Alex Jones would sell. Oh yeah survival guarantee its a good piece of equipment to establish their survival. dear, but generally use in in impoverished areas of the world. Yet let in india probably do them now I have to now. I have to know. No, I have to know prison planet has info wars does so life's trust, really yeah nice YAP, the aggressor lifestyles I just just go back to the topic on hand. We are talking about depopulation before I d real, this here been opened. we are talking about how that's already happening vote. A number of reasons. One of those is just this increased inequality and among populations. Yet people can't afford the same quality of life by and large that their predecessors could
in the united states, for instance, since a lot of what Alex Jones My guess is on. Is u s based, I feel like it makes sense to focus on the? U s is, well, obviously has an implied every country, but yet, cost of housing. The cost of transportation food alone, rule alone, fuel yeah, just trying to stay alive is, is difficult in owen. There's the other part. This concept that Alex shown started with that he just claimed that it was turning the friggin frogs gay that We're happened once its debts not what this was ever about that was a phrase that he used. That is, quite frankly, homophobic. An utter misnomer? I mean they spontaneously changing gender. That's even that even the implication that in some way makes you turn gay. It's the most base kind of
save characterisation of that my could imagine yet I guess it's a way to be alarmed stir scare the population was saying earlier. Choose I held jump on linking. Obviously there is some truth to the way this chemical effects, the annette we have frogs- and this is really interesting, stuff and there's real research there, but he took that grain of truth and just covered in garbutt, we I imagine he. If you do, alive radio, show when he's reading the thought, pops in his mind- and he just says it and that's what he said and then that's what it became now maybe he as a research team to freeze the cop that way for him or something or I don't know how much control he has over what he says. Well, you know I've seen a lot of these videos and I've watched him a lot over the years and generally. What I see at least, is him having printed out copies of story,
that have run in either prison, planet or info wars or in another publication. How he literally has the copy printed out from whatever's verbatim on the page and he'd kind of scans eatery. He knows he's got some things you talk about, and then he just talks about it, so extemporaneous! Yes, that's why I'm thinking during the free and frogs gay phrase came out when he actually was reading. The article is just That then thought he had me, as probably his words in his words alone can straight from his his brain place. Who then do so? If he is just speaking off the cuff, then I'm the the function seems to scare certain parts of the population. Yes, I banking on homer we are, as you mentioned earlier, but the primary issue seems to be the decline of wildlife and the dangerous state of the environment. Yeah, the chemicals we're pumping into it, oh man, and so we did
fine troubling indications that in this case there is a tiny snapshot of a much larger phenomenon. The monitoring pollution in the water. The agencies that are charged to do that or the industries that are charged to self monitor, are doing what they are supposed to do or they're not doing it as well was their supposed to do, at least in its also this. This learning journey. That were only does this chemical. actually have any harm. Well, we don't really know until five ten times. fifty years later, it's full of it and that's a thing about e p, a regulations. You know everything, we've read about their intervention here say: oh it's within limits for humans, you know so there are these caveats here you now and when you get new pesticides and new chemicals, like you, said man takes time to understand the full implications of what they doing, and you might know, and immediate immigration or that its toxic or not
I bad for you, but you don't know down the road. What it's going to do. You know like there's no way it's. I dunno that that stuff does scare me, especially when we see those guidelines being loosened right more mortar, and for you do as parents I would be interested like. Do you ever run into concerns about that sort of stuff. daily yeah the mean even living in atlanta, for example, with the smug warnings. However, there are days when my kid that that allow you better let him play outside because of an orange smuggler tulia, it's a thing minutes If we're not clamping down on the service is gonna. Get worse, there was water main brake on one of the large corridors here. I called buford highway, wave of which I live and we could not drink
water or use water. We were afraid to use water technically, you can boil it boil advisory yeah and you can take a shower and as long as you don't get in your mouth, but if you've got a two and a half year old is very difficult to prevent them from getting any water into them because they put everything in their mouth they do, and but that kind of thing has occurred several times since we've had him and it's just one of those others, those other things that you just has to live on. Your shoulder and you have to think about the agreement, of every day because you always struck me as someone who needs or stuff to worry about yeah death, but is also one of those things where they're so little You can do other than just being mindful of edit being diligent it. It can feel very bad die falling in very laying out from freeze out. If you think about it too much. Firstly, when it comes to the uk,
right right and in the question of theirs, is great concept and then terrifying concept called the tragedy of the commons. Will talk about this before every body benefits from something that's just around like water, for instance, who is supposed to take care of that This also goes to make free public restrooms. Everybody will use them if they need to, but who is supposed to clean them ever since those aqueducts we ve been having to deal with this right, so this case may not be so much an instance of a shadowy cabal with this weird complicated scheme to gender bend every one as it is a case of industrial powers, bending laws instead of genders to suit a profit margin or to push legislation through the as now said lucy in some of the regulations on pollution, but the fact remains at using light. Many other chemicals that we will all encounter on a date.
he basis depending on where we live, has dangerous and disturbing effects on the world around us. No doubt about that, we ended on a downer. We did. It happens, yeah to a minimum Those are your stephen colbert making fun of alex to lighted it up. That'll yeah, I gotta tell you break fighters Ben franklin, local bow syndrome, exploring all over the kite in the middle of a rainstorm that stop him, no Ok, I just anyone else we were ok, that's how he invented the moist tower. There we go yet feeling better yeah, yeah good call. We hope You enjoyed today's episode and we we were. I hear your thoughts on
anything that this touched on in fraud. This this idea of switching gender? you can hear a little bit more about that plan for gay bomb and our earlier episodes, and I think we're also very interested to hear what you think about Alex Joe yes and what you think about waking life I'm so glad you brought that up. I love them, send your waking life reviews in you can find at the end. This classic episode. If you have any thoughts or questions about this episode, you can get into contact with us. a number of different ways, one of the best, just to give us a call or numbers one. Eight, three, three std w. I t k if you dont, want to do that. You can send us a old fashioned email. We are concerned she had, I hope, radio dot com, stuff They don't want. You to know is the production of iheart radio for more podcast from my heart radio,
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-05.