« Something You Should Know

SYSK Choice: Great Advice on How to Succeed from a Self-Made Billionaire


How do you cure a cough? Well, there is one idea that has been floating around that some people swear works – even though it appears to be impossible. This episode begins with this weird cure. https://startsat60.com/health/mythbusting-does-vicks-on-the-feet-really-stop-coughing

Being an entrepreneur appeals to a lot of people – more today than ever before. More and more people today are taking the entrepreneurial route rather than working 9-5. While it sounds exciting, it is risky. So how do you find success when so many fail with their ideas? Jay Samit has some very insightful and encouraging advice you should hear. Jay is a billionaire entrepreneur and author of the book Disrupt You! (https://amzn.to/2BucWao). When you are done listening you will be inspired! 

When you get stressed out because people cut you off on the highway or take too long in line at the airport – there is a way to relieve yourself of getting all stressed out about it. And it doesn’t take more than a simple shift in how you think. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/147819-we-judge-ourselves-by-our-intentions-and-others-by-their

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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nine percent off the next two months, hello, Fred, america's number one meal kit something. You should now fascinating and tell the world's top experts and practical advice. You can use your life today, something you should make her brother S. Hi and welcome to another weekend edition of something you should know an unusual addition in the sense that we only have one guest. Today we normally have We have only today, and I think you will find him particularly fascinating. I want to start today talking about the inevitable winter cold or, more specifically, the winter cough I'm sure you know one of the worst things about getting a cold is that sometimes, as the cold starts to disappear, you get that cough lingers and lingers and it won't go away and it keeps you up at night and it's horrible wilson
years ago, people started talking about away to eliminate that cause to cure it started with an email that was being circulated from the and a research council and its that the way you cure a persistent cough is to rub. Vic's vapor rub general. Sleep on the bottom of your feet and then put on a thick, pair of socks and then go to bed so somehow this email started circulating several years ago and there are people who, to this day, swear. really works, to help get rid of a persistent cough vic April rub on the bottom of your feet with us pair of socks and then you go to bed However, there are some real problems with this whole thing, of all, there's no such thing as the candidate research council, which is the supposed source of this cure for the common cough. There is also no evidence that anyone can find that this
actually works and at first glance anyway. It would seem a bit odd that put something on the bottom of your feet. Will cure a cough mean the whole thing. three behind vic's vapor rub is that it helps relief, colds him so when you and hale it, but if he couldn't be for their away from your knows that bottom of your feet for that to work still, people say this thing works, and I guess there isn't any harm and trying exe. for the mess it must make in though socks- and that is something You should know, There are a lot of entrepreneurs in the world, I'm one, maybe your one or maybe you just. have an idea that you hope one day will become successful entrepreneurial idea achieve Success, though, that that's the hard part, but maybe you and make their journey a little easier. When you listen to my first guest j zammit
There are a lot of successful entrepreneurs. Only a few get to put the title billion air in front of their name and J salmon is one of them J is a leading technology innovator who has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for start ups. He is sold businesses to fortune five hundred companies he's taken other companies public wired I described him as having the coolest job in the industry jason It is also the author of the book, disrupt you and so Jason's. You have this rather impact save resume. Let's, let's start with your story, I'm a logical or who went out into the world and woke up one day and realize dozens of my friends have become billionaires, Annie. from that we were special. It's that we looked at business friendly and disrupt. You is teaching people how to really seize opportunity and have the type like they want, and when people
look at those kinds of people you billionaire types. You know we think in there's some magic secret sauce, your brain is wired dear friend, or you got lucky or gee. I wish I thought of or or in a million things papa people's minds but and are there. Things valid, not really we now all walking around the mobile phone, we one click away from six billion people. You only have to be wiper. Nanosecond, suddenly make huge fortunes. The self made billion errand. Its twenties is not the exception to the rule, and this isn't just about technology. This is about really how you can use everything in the world today and connect with people sob other people's problems and the bigger problems you solve the more successful you are. I guess I guess having a hard time, understanding how that thought process works, though, how do you start thinking, like somebody
who solves people's problems. And then how do you take that solution, assuming you think of it and turn it into dollars? So I'll give you a simple thing that I teach in disrupt? You write down three problems, but you see new life today. Do that for a month and at the end of the month, you'll have ninety business in the beginning a month, it's easy. While I was sitting in traffic that became ways. You know a billion dollar piece of software. You don't have to be engineer. You don't have to have those pieces. The peace you have to have is drive and persistence. Everything else can be hired many people have been an airport in a quite cancelled. Disruptor looks around as well. All the people need plain. What if I leave, you now want to make the flight, so everybody tickets in that, which are branson. A music exec launched an airline. He was stuck in port,
we one and to get the virginal. It's that simple, just look at problems and saw them every obstacle was an opportunity in disguise yeah, which again gets back to that idea that jeez? I wish my brain work that way, but it doesn't. I dont know what happens when I like flight gets cancelled. Is it you know, b I get all pissed off her. I just you know, took my tail between my legs and go homer. You know my rain doesn't work that way how we work. Weighing from early childhood that you're good at this you're bad at that and in disrupt you, I really try to teach you how to train your boy. and actually on you could we wire your brain. It sounds crazy, but they ve done twins He then I won't bore you with it here, but I was born dyslexic it I was told I
less than I was told. I was handicap yard, turns out dyslexic solve problems differently enough. Why so? Many of the most famous entrepreneurs in the world turned out that there were dyslexic. They solve problems in a different manner, so it's really about figuring out what makes you unique in the world the best at what you're doing and you're the only person that has your vantage point to some problem that you then consult you talked about persistence and I think everybody is heard how important persistent says you have to keep pushing idea forward, even though you are going to run into a lot of nose. But in reality that can be real we hard that kind of resistance where people say you know that that won't work. That's not the you know that I don't think that's a good idea. It's very hard They positive and and keep that mobile. Tim going when you keep hearing no, no, no, absolutely
Why do you want to listen to people that gave up on their dreams? Tell you to do the same right. I always ethical one, simple question, are you living the like? You want or just paying bills until you die, we only get one shot, and so it's really about what you want to do so yet you're industry changed in others, the people in the music industry in the book publishing industry treaty printing, what's up One hundred and twenty manufacture, three hundred twenty million manufacturing jobs autonomous vehicles. So unless you figure out how to disrupt yourself, you'll be disrupted one way or the other the choices. Do you turn this into a great opportunity? where'd. You sit there and say: woe is me, I'm speaking with billionaire j sammut and he is author of the book, disrupt you if you're apparent better. Subject of technology has come up in conversation with your kids, U s. Cellular knows how important your kids relationship with technology is, and they ve made it their mission to help them
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powers ten percent of all e commerce in the? U s powering millions of entrepreneurs in a hundred and seventy countries sign up a one dollar a month trial period at shop, a fine dotcom, slash why asked K all lowercase go to show fi dotcom, slash s why s k to take your best to the next level shot. Fi dotcom, slash s why s k so jail I think it's easy sometimes to look back and point at all this great entrepreneurial success and tell those great stories there's richard france and he stuck at an airport. So he comes up with this idea to start his own airline and wow. Isn't that incredible? But he could have come
with an idea for an airline and it could have bombed badly and he could have lost all his money? Well, here's the thing most entrepreneurs, not the most successful people, have failed bill gates and Paul Allen. The first company went under their second company was microsoft. Henry ford failed three times with bankruptcy before he launched ford motor at fifty four colonel sanders didn't launches kentucky fried chicken till he was in his sixties, so The key is to understand that everyone fails. Failing is fine, you learn from failing failure is giving up, and if you give up, you never know how push you aren't you? Your goal, but how do people who are really good at this decide, whether or not in others versus telling them that your idea really does suck or it italy is worth persisting great question.
If there's a member on your team, that will never lie to you. That has no ego and that's called data. You look at what happens so there were three guys ten years ago
it said: oh my god, we're going to revolutionize online dating instead of it being a still picture, we're going to let people upload videos, so you can see that it's current what they sound like get more of a personality, sure fire idea. It was called tune in hook up. I talk about it in the book. They put it out there and guess what nobody wanted to date. Any of these people a complete failure, but they notice from the data that people were referring their friends to look at these videos. They found the videos interesting and the people kind of interesting, so they changed the name of the company to youtube and became billionaires. Look at the data, most every business tibbetts! It's not here's! The business plan carved in stone. I will be the next podcast or I will do this. Look at adam corolla, Adam call on tv has not had success. Adam corolla podcasting has found an audience and a boys and is one of the most prestigious podcasters out there. The balance in the difference today is the cost of launching a business. Whether it's a book, whether it's a
struck whether a piece of software is a tenth of what was a decade ago. Marketing is cheaper. You can plug into the same cloud but amazon uses. So you really can launch a global business just on you're, you're willpower and how many people have said can see? Somebody else do that and go gee. I that idea three years ago, but I never did anything with it. I hear that all the time I had the same idea, but the website is I am humbled every day in writing, disrupt your meeting people, teenagers that are binding cures for cancer. I mean amazing things out there to make us each say. What did I this barrier this week compared to the potential, but you could. The fact, though, is that most people are in that club. You a member of that they never get there. Try as they might and some don't try, but of those people of the the
J, SAM, it's in the richer brands and that what is what you guys have in common that you see that the people who never join your club go now. Well, I thought of a public school teacher. I grew up in philadelphia. I didn't know anybody or any of this, and I you know, never knew what a millionaire was: okay, um, what people that have made it have is one thing in common: they didn't stop. They didn't give up when they saw an obstacle, they learned from it and they pressed on and that's really what differentiate. So when you look at the I so much innovation comes out the united states. We do not have the best educational system in the world, but we do not have a fear of failure grew up with either watching lucy required or homer simpson or or the honeymooners. You know you have to get rich, quick idea, you try, it fails and light goes on, and it's that idea that this country was built on others.
No fear and no shame in trying. So you're not gonna be successful every time, but you only need to be successful. To really see how it can change your life in those around you and in the book. Everybody wants to change the world, but most people are well. It starts with changing themselves, and so book goes into birds how to change or self than how to apply that to changing business and binding opportunity, and for those that want to go beyond the dollars and them how to take the same skills and change and deal with the world issues I'm a change government institutions, ngos, education, it really amazing envy the inspiring stories from dozens and dozens of people from all walks of life proved that it is attainable, is. another level here, where we have the the billionaire types who just hit it out of the park. You two been facebook and all that and then the people who dull but
Are there a lot of people somewhere in the middle who do pretty well, but they don't quite get the headlines cause there? They don't have billionaire in front of their name. There are tons of uncertain here. that are making a great living but, more importantly, having a fantastic life, because really the purpose in life is to find a life of purpose, and so, if you can cover what you're good at what you enjoy. You will be successful. I gave a commensurate speech had thought on youtube. the friends in college and I'm amazed at what they all went on to cheat because they didn't give up and that's all that it comes down to, and it is really not some thing that others can achieve that. You know great people have greatness thrust upon them. It is really a simple process that needs to be explained, and it's not taught in schools and that's why Rescue is really to teach people how to seize the opportunity to transform their life. My guest, Podcast today is J summit and he is all
the book, disrupt you. when the kids being home and hosting everything in our house gets used up in summer within cigar. I can save money by stocking up on all my favorite summer, brands, time like getting everything delivered in as fast as an hour- and I see myself as thankful of dirty dishes by stocking up on paper plates for the annual summer cook up save more on summer essentials spend more time enjoying summer. Add some are to car download the apt to get free delivery on your first. Three orders offer valid for a limited time. Minimum ten dollars border additional terms apply so Joe. Let's talk but the process, what is the process to do what you're talking about so here's the basic metaphor process. I teach people how to pack. Disruptor suitcase When you go on a vacation, you're going to go to hawaii, you don't bring a refrigerator, you don't bring your skis, you don't bring a parka
You just take what you need and leave all the other stuff behind. You have to look at your career as the same type of adventure. If you know where you'd like to be five years from now, you can start working backwards and think of what you need to pack, and you may have things that you need to get. If you want to be a surgeon, you know one of the steps is going to be medical school right. If you want to open a restaurant, what he wanted to, and and there's some great stories about, people that really break down the value chain and it's about figuring out where you fit in very simple example: you just want to get a different job. Today there are out there with them. The big companies used to sort you recognize your reza may will be seen from less than twenty seconds. Words are you have on your rather me? Did you just pull him out of you, had an item. Where did you look and see what are the words to get people hired? I have a chart in disrupt you.
shows you be winning words that get you through that that filter, so its army yourself with information, practical information that will make your dream attainable. How do you deal with the what what your recommendation and I've gone through this, where you know is several years ago I saw that radio was was dying. Fortunately, and you know that's been my whole career and and so I started looking at other things and trying them and failing and that's ok, can I can suck it up, but there does come a point where you start to think you just get gunfire youth. The next thing you just use- it. Where's your download. It's it's hard to get back up. Every time get knocked down and at some point you think Christ is really really hard and it's more of a mental thing in a business thing bit the challenge of dealing with setbacks and and and failures.
Going it alone in that voice in your head. You know everybody was so easy to tell you. You shouldn't, have right and that's one of the reasons why I tweet at J sammut motivational by staunch printers, and I have a huge following of over one hundred thousand people, because just like a shower, you need motivation every day and it is tough. No one saying that it is easy that you just sit back and magically the world changes. but it is not impossible or outside of anyone's grasp and there are entrepreneurs all over the world. There are people from the most humble circumstances that have changed their life by just solving the simples problem. I'll give you one of my favorite examples. A a a woman in Florida had a sales job required her to wear pantyhose, it's hot. It's humid, you wear open toe shoes. You look ridiculous. She tried cutting the toes off. She tried everything she finally figured out something that worked and went to every hosiery maker and they laugh at her. She went into a bookstore and bought patents for dummies, wrote her own patent,
in the name of her company is spanx and she's a billionaire. Today she just solved a problem that she hadn't realized. She was solving it for others. Entrepreneurs are just problem solvers, you have problems in your life. If your life has a ton of problems, you have a wealth of opportunity. Sometimes people who have the problem don't necessarily see they have a problem. So educating your market is really one of the challenges of any business. How do you choir customers- and we talk about disrupt you, some of the ways to use social media in today's towards the very cheaply bare by one of my my key premises is you need to find your apostles just like Jesus? You need to find? ten or twelve people in your target audience. They will tell you yes, it's helps no to stop it and respond to them. Don't go to friends and families is a good idea. They encourage too many bad ideas and the
secret. Is everyone tells you to nourish your idea? This is the worst advice as an entrepreneur. Your job is to kill your idea to find every reason why it sucks and should die, because if you can do that before, that money and wasted time you have more time and money to build a successful business, and when you come up with that zombie idea that can't be killed then start pouring money on it I want to talk more about this idea of educating your market? Educating your customer because its cause the advice that, if you're going to come up with an idea for a product or service that it should already have a market that, if you have to explain to people and convince people that needed and they haven't needed it up till now that that that's that's a big fight to fight and they you're, better to come up with an idea or that but he has a market waiting for it and that point
think I was coaching a young company yesterday invented a new type of selfie stick and I was trying to find him. Everybody sees them out there, but they don't see how it applies to and do marketing around all day. family memory. You have where's dad where's dad if your pictures a dad, because dad with the guy taken the camera pictures holding the camera So if you switch around and you say, solve a problem, then people go wow. I do have that problem. I want my dad and my memories. We need to take a selfie stick on our family vacation. It's really about that. I tell the story and disrupt you about a friend of mine who saw the people were no longer tying up. Their dog in the backyard dogs were living in the health field, member of the family, and you would serve
better food to a family member than you would to a barnyard animal. So he invented premium dog food and his wholesale price of his dog food was higher. I mean his retail price was higher than the wholesale price of the competition, so everybody laughed at him for years until he sold items for several billion dollars to be the largest acquisition, procter and gamble ever made it's one insight and you will find that incite by studying your world, you don't have to be dark. Brown and habits for we formed blocks capacitor in your head really about analyzing what
different in the world and what you can now solve, and I talk about and disrupt you all the patents, all the engineering, all the billions spent on research that just sits at universities free for you to go, get because no entrepreneur looked at it and found a different way to solve a problem. I'll give you one short story and I'll try to do it on the radio So here s an example of of millions and millions of dollars, a research that was available for free war, war to japanese have south east asia. There's no rubber, you can't make boat. You can't make tyres, the allies needed all the great labs. All the great universes are trying to make synthetic rubber and they came up with something with the same because the scots same everything, except it couldn't hold a shape and it was invented by ge labs and they sent it to all these universities and nothing to war and millions were spent on. It was a waste except people like holding it.
stretching and playing with it, and there was a an entrepreneur who went to toy fair and weaken before he took a bunch of this group and had punter student put in plastic. And he went on to sell three hundred million silly parties. It's that simple. The duff buster within your house was designed to pick up dust from the moon. okay, nasa, has a website letting anybody come and take these patents and turn them into products. So you don't have to invent things. You don't have to be the scientist. You don't have to be a banker. You just have to be persistent wow, I didn't know that you can go. Take nasa's patents yeah, they have a whole website and they don't want a piece of it.
You'll, see the terms. In the end, there is a new, a new organization where many universities are putting a patents that you can use and they'll get some peace, but they're not asking for a broader, not stopping you. There are encouraging you and I shall, in the book, tons of products are out there. The people just went and saw a solution that nobody, often many companies, will let you licence or brands even richer branson. Does that there have been over three hundred bert If the companies he didn't start them all. Somebody started a comic book company and said: hey: can we name it virgin comics? We will give you a piece well that saves you time you getting into the market. Okay, I think that's great anyone. I when I grew up the pretty much the idea. Was you go to school you go to college, you get a job and you know it My dad's generation was the you know: gold watch generation, one hundred percent, and you know what happened. You fell into
maturation, sort of thing, but security web ambition go, get the secure job right It's the illusion of security that rub ambition of the fortune. Five hundred companies, only fifty seven are still on the fortune. Five hundred. So if you one product gold watch, the company that the last long enough for you to get it so, whether by choice or circumstance, every career gets disrupted. So unless you figure out tools for lifelong learning to continue to innovate and continue to be part of a changing world. Your left behind, You know, after listening to you, talk it it's kind of hard to imagine wanting to be anything but an entrepreneur. You make it sound, you make it very appealing, jason, but it has been my guest. The billionaire and he is author of the book disrupt you. You'll find the linked to his book in the show notes, thanks, J thanks for coming on. Thank you so much He for helping me get the word out and much much obliged
and finally, today on something you should know, I'm gonna save you a boat load of sir, this holiday season, and all you have to do is remember this quote. We judge there's by their actions. While we judge ourselves by our intentions, we judge others by their actions. While we judge ourselves by our, intentions now. The perfect example of this is: when somebody cut you off when you're driving on the highway. There is a tendency to just automatically assume that that person is a total jerk? yet when we cut people off inadvertently on the road we think of ourselves. Ass, jerks, we're just good people who made a mistake cut ourselves kinds of slack, because we know we're good people, error in judgment is not a reflection of your character, but while the traffic exam,
illustrates this perfectly- it happens in all areas of life and work- love, friendship strangers, we encounter the fact is most People are not jerks, they didn't mean to cut you off on the highway, they didn't realize their music was too loud and they really are sorry that they're taking so long at the airport check encounter but they're, really the problem and they need to sort it out when you understand this when you understand that quote that we judge others by their actions- and we judge ourselves by our intentions- it takes big load off and That is something you should know, but we also have a website where you can get all the episodes as well as get pictures of the guests and their book covers and links to everything it's all on website something you should know dot net. I might corrupt thanks for listening today to something you should know,
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.