« Serial Killers

“The Lambeth Poisoner” Thomas Neill Cream


In the late 1800s, Dr. Thomas Neill Cream was the go-to doctor for Chicago's Red Light District. The women, who grew to trust, admire, and even fall in love with Dr. Cream, would soon become victims of his quiet-but-deadly poisonings. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode is brought to you by square space was square space. You won't make just any website you'll make your website scarcely allows you to personalize everything so that your site is as unique as you are from choosing accustomed domain to schedule, a blog post or setting up an online store. You can tell your website to fit your individual needs when you're ready to launch had to square space, dot com, slash gimlet for a free trial and use the offer code gimlet to save ten percent off your first purchase of a website or domain due to the graphic made, of this killers crimes listener discretion, as advised. This episode includes disk tons of murder and assault that some people may find offensive. We advise extreme caution for children under thirteen a warm wind, blew across London's River Thames rust
The hair of two young women Alice and Emma both straighten their dress. And smiled brightly, hoping to secure a client for the evening soon they were approached by a tall stately man well dressed, but whether by time, he introduced himself as a doctor named Fred and asked to buy them both for the evening. The women eagerly invited him back to their homestead, where they shared a few beers. Some can salmon and, of course, their bed after the deed was done, Fred offered them to small white pills to help clear up venereal disease. The women gladly accepted the gift and said good bye to Fred hoping the wealthy doctor would return it. Soon but only moments after his departure dreams erupted through the halls of the homestead. The screen
came from not one but two different bed, comes Alice stumbled into the hallway bombing a mild and clutching her nightgown. She said Your toward Emma, who was still in a room calling out for Alice seconds later. They both began to violently convulse. Soon it was impossible for either to move at all Emma two hours wondering how they could have been foolish enough to take pills from a stranger Emma could only choke out here, is not a stranger. He is a doctor. A few hours later. None of it seemed matter. By that time, both women were dead and
I am Gregg pulsing. This is serial killers. A park has to regional. Every day we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers. Today works during the life of the Torreon murderer, Doktor, Thomas Neil Cream also known as the Lambeth poisoner. I'm here, with my coat Vanessa, Richardson high everyone you can find episodes of serial killers and all other par cast originals for free on Spotify or wherever you listen to pod, casts to stream serial killers for free on Spotify, just open the app and type Syria killers in the search bar at Parkhurst were grateful. For you are listeners you will. I was to do what we love. Let us know we're doing reach out on Facebook and Instagram at par, cast and twitter at Park S network, and if you enjoy today's episode, the best way to help us is to leave a five star review wherever you're listening. It really does help. This is a one.
Part episode covering Thomas Neil Cream. He was hand, surgeon who murdered at least five people across three countries between one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven and one thousand eight hundred and ninety two today we'll cover is fifteen years free and see how he was eventually caught Thomas Neil cream was a child of the victorian era born on May twenty, seventh eighteen fifty he was the old to of Mary and William Creams, eight children. The creams were originally from Scotland, but moved the family to Canada in eighteen. Fifty four, when Thomas was just about anything. Vanessa is going to take over the psychology here well in school and was the apple of his father's? I other families who attended school, but the creams felt that Thomas was spoiled and undisciplined his father, constant
regarded him with expensive clothes and new toys for no reason, Mr Cream, also indulged his sons, bad behaviour. Instead of punishing the boy he tried to buy cream off with expensive gifts. It didn't take long for cream to learn how to manipulate his parents and get away with just about anything Vanessa is going to take over the psychology here and throughout the episode. Please note That is not a licence psychologist your psychiatrist, but she has done a lot of research for the show. Thanks Gregg, it's possible that William Cream style of submissive parenting inflated his sons, narcissistic tendencies in a two thousand fifteen study performed by Eddie Brummel men, an expert and developmental psycho pathology, five hundred sixty five kids between the ages of seven to twelve, along with their parents, put this.
Mary to the test. They found that parents who overvalued their child cause the children to feel superior to others expecting special treatment, as well as exemption from bad behaviour, as the years went on, Williams, parenting only grew worse. A talented shipbuilder, William, was promoted in Canada and has work became more demanding. The new obligations meant that he had less time to spend, with his precious son to placate cream we more elaborate gifts and completely stopped problematic him at all cream grew into a bit of a wild child, doing whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. Without regard for the rules, it's not clear exactly how often cream misbehaved, but many of his peers referred to him as a delinquent. Yet no matter how far cream cost over the line. He was spared punishment, while all of Williams, other children were required.
Spend their days working in the shipyard with their father cream was given a free pass. Will you out his teenage son had more sophisticated interests like the study of medicine, thanks to Williams, comfortable salary, his son was able to follow through on his dreams of becoming a doctor in September of eighteen. Seventy two twenty two year old cream left home to study at Mcgill University in Montreal. It was here that Green became more independent than ever before. He started to wear flashy I and jewelry grow mustache. And devoted most of his time to seducing women creams I'm buoyant nature made him the subject of gossip around Miguel. Many felt that his antics were empty calls for attention for his part cream enjoyment. Tension he revelled in gossip. Even at most it was negative and yet cream, never let his extracurricular
activities. Get in the way of his studies at the university cream took on a profound interest in the chemical chloroform. He found it so fascinating that he decided to make it the focus of his senior thesis on March thirty, first eighteen, seventy six twenty five year old cream, probably received as medical too. From a girl. Ironically, the commencement speech given to creams graduating class was titles. The evils of malpractice in the medical profession The month after graduation cream met Flora, Elizabeth Brooks the daughter of a wealthy hotel owner and, self. Recently, graduated from high school flora was mediately enraptured by the confident, sophisticated doktor cream swept up in a passionate whirlwind. Flora genuinely believed they had fallen madly in love
soon. She was pressing cream about marriage, but she had other goals in mind he'd already made plans to continue his studies in London at Saint Thomas Medical School in the fall, which is why He was incensed when flora set him down one evening to break him. The news She was pregnant with his child creams, mind started to race a ringing so in between his ears, he had a reputation to uphold. He had plans for a future that didn't include, flora or a newborn child. There was only one solution. Flora would need an abortion. Flora was terror, sighed she initially refused which enraged cream. In his view, she should do thing he demanded of her after brow, beating flora cream. Finally,
convinced her that she would bring shame to her family if they knew became pregnant out of wedlock. Not only we're abortions, dangerous and illegal in Canada during this time, but they were also punishable by death There was no way they could go to an outside doctor for help cream would have to do it himself. Despite Having never done one before cream was allegedly convinced he could perform the abortion just as well as any other doctor. In the middle of the night cream, reportedly snuck pregnant flora into his home and performed his first abortion after her he'll refusal to do what he asked any law of sympathy. He once felt for her was no longer there to him. She was now just a lab rat, a subject. Nothing more at First Floris procedure appeared to have been successful, but a few days later,
She fell ill with a fever. When she was visited by the family doctor, he concluded that flora had contracted and infection due to the abortion. The cat was out of the bag floors. Father was, I rate. Mister Brooks gathered mob, and set off to find Thomas Neil Cream toast guns and knives, they found the twenty five year old at his apartment bags, packed and ready to leave for London. Mister, Brooks threatened, creams, life and forced him to return with the mob two floors home and Waterloo. The next day on September, Eleventh eighteen, seventy six cream married flora at gunpoint. The couple then spent their first and final night together as newlyweds the next morning. Flora awoke to find that cream was gone in his place was a note promising to write soon
the time Flora found it. He was already on route to the United Kingdom, just as he planned in London Cream attended Saint Thomas Medical School. There he received an education from some of the best medical professionals. The field have to offer cream is particularly inspired by his chemistry, Professor Doktor Albert James Bernay is maize had recently been called as an expert witness in a murder referred to in the papers, as the Vauxhall Strychnine case I was Barlow. Railway worker was accused of killing his wife with a rat poisoning product known as battles, vermin killer. Her cause of death was initially rule does epilepsy, but after suspecting her husband's involvement, her body was exude.
And an autopsy was performed. Doctors founded unusual amount of strychnine, her body, a key ingredient in the vermin killer and Barlow was hanged for the crime cream took great interest in Barlow case, especially in his use of strict and he uncovered in article from the british medical journal that grapes over the lack of investigation done by police. At the time, the peace suggested that many murder cases were being closed prematurely, because murder by poisoning was widely overlooked. Cream continued his research into the subject of strychnine. By day by night he went off flirting with women dancing at music halls and sleeping with sex workers. In the meantime, Flora was still sank. The infection she had contracted during her abortion had now evolved into a deadly case of Bronx this cream wrote to her claiming to be destroyed over her condition he also
There are some small white pills that he claimed would alleviate her pain after she started. Taking the pills, flora symptom suddenly took a turn for the worse purposes. In Doktor Feelin asked floor of sheep in taking any medication other than what he prescribed. She admitted to taking the pills that were being mailed by her husband, doktor field. Sensing that something was amiss insisted that she stopped taking pills flora temporarily bounced back from her worse symptoms, but unfortunately, It was already the beginning of the end. In August of eighteen, seventy seven cream received a letter from Floris Family his young bride had passed away in the night. The cause of death was officially ruled as bronchitis, although some sources claims she might have died from consumption other. Known as tuberculosis asked for Doktor Feelin. He felt so
Thing more nefarious was going on. Well, he couldn't prove that doctor creams pills were actually the cause of Flores death, because he never saw them. He quote strongly suspected him of foul play. Luckily, for dream. He was more than three thousand miles away, and now he was a single man. World was his iced and his clandestine career poisoning had only just begun coming up. Thomas Neil cream grows bolder and is finally punished for it. This episode is brought to you by square space with square space. You can create a beautiful website for just about anything and events of what folio, an on line, store or a block The other day, a few producers here, gimlet got together to read from their blogs and some of their posts when all the way back to high school. I started a blog.
I guess I was like a sophomore. It's called you call this A blog title question mark a very, very self aware. Honestly, I can think of a title, and I thought I was clever. Ok, so the first post is titled, so yeah hi, I kind of felt like starting a blog. So here it is, don't really know what to write about, but I spent a lot of time designing its. I felt I should probably post something: that's it that's about that that's the end of the year, whether any tags now just posted by MAX Gibson at ten fifty seven p m or daily. Now
square space, you don't need to spend time designing, which leaves more time for blogging square space offers templates that allow you to change the look and feel of your site with just a few clicks sign up for a free trial at square space, dot, com, slash gimlet and when you're ready to launch is the opera code gimlet to save ten percent off your first purchase of a website or domain. We take a moment to say thank you to all of our listeners because of you serial killers just reached its third but by night, of serial killers is impossible without your support so took him right this incredible anniversary and your loyalty cereal this will now be airing twice a week. That's right! In addition, to the regular Monday release of serial killers. You, so get a brand new episode every Thursday. So if your calendar and get ready to hear us twice a week every Monday and Thursday and thanks again for support Ding serial killers
now, back to the story, in eighteen. Seventy six when he five year old, Thomas Neil Cream likely performed his first abortion on his girlfriend Flora Brooks months later, Flora died about her doktor ruled at first to be a case of bronchitis, but after further consideration, doktor feeling grew Skype. Flora may have in fact been poisoned by cream. Unfortunately, he was annoyed, to begin an investigation into cream who was thousands. Miles away studying medicine in London by eighteen. Seventy eight cream was a qualified doktor. Despite the suspicions that he'd poison flora, Creed had no qualms about returning home to Canada to practice medicine upon his
rival Flores parents tried to get him investigate for murder, but since they didn't have a sample of the pills cream sent to their daughter, they couldn't prove she'd, been poisoned once again cream slithered his way out of trouble. Now, when he thought the abortion he performed on flora. He was filled with a twisted sense of satisfaction, so much so that he decided he would make a career out of it in eighteen. Seventy nine cream opened his first medical practice in London Ontario by day met with patients as an ordinary physician, but by night he seized the opportunity to make an extra book by performing illegal abortions,
creams, charm and approachability now became his best marketing tool word soon spread and in no time the doktor had a booming medical practice. According to forensic scientists, Doktor Robert M Kaplan, charming doctors hold power over patients who are unlikely to question their authority disconnection create a god complex for the doktor. They then get their pleasure or thrill by asserting their power to end or cause suffering for their patient, Peters, Merrick, a former FBI criminal profile or places these doctors in two different categories: the hero killer doctor, who might take necessary medical risks to save the patient in grand fashion, but there's all so the mercy killer doctor who convinces themselves that, because they care about a patient, they must put them out of their misery. And it's not an accident that creams patient
were primarily female damsels in distress that fuelled his God complex, in the summer of eighteen, seventy nine doktor cream met a new patient to prey upon a young chambermaid aimed Kate gardener. She was attractive, adventurous, young and naive cream. Allegedly can text Kate. That love affair should remain a secret and tryst continued for months. Their relationship with similar to his with flora in more ways than one. In August of that year, Kate came to him with a confession. She was pregnant, shot like before cream was frantic. He took Cates confession as a threat. He wouldn't but a woman ruin his reputation and put his freedom
at risk a second time cream demanded that Kate having abortion but like flora. She refused decided to take matters into his own hands a week later, Kate disappeared, but not for long, soon after she went missing. A young couple was overwhelmed by our revolting odor, as they strolled through an alleyway descent, couldn't be ignored, I it to a small shed where they found the lifeless body of a young woman. The alleyway was the entrance to Doktor Creams office and the body on two none other than the pregnant Kate Garden. Creams products
Many to the crime scene required that he be called in for questioning the doktor did his best to feign innocence. He acted offended that he was being considered a suspect in the case at all. He admitted to knowing Kate, but only as one of his patients nothing more. He claimed that she'd recently come to him looking for an abortion and that he'd refuse to help, but the police knew it was lying at anonymous. Witness had told them about Kate and Creams secret Affair authority suspected cream was the father of Kate child cream denied the accusations. He insisted that the child below to a wealthy businessmen in the area that had been residing at Cates hotel. He tried to manoeuvre the police into believing she'd taken her own life out of despair once again, his lies were easily disproved. Cates face was covered with abrasions. It appeared as those she'd been caught in a struggle
clawing at her face in a desperate attempt to breathe doktor near then. The medical examiner assigned to the case concluded that Kate had died of his fixation after being smothered with chloroform. It would have been impossible for Kate to cover her face with a chloroform soaked cloth long enough to commit suicide. I'd. Unfortunately, in spite of their suspicions, the police could not provide enough evidence to indict cream for the murder of cake gardener. It was all circumstantial instead, her case was rule. Does a murder by persons unknown cream, dodged another legal bullet, but he didn't entirely Esq accountability. The news spread like wildfire and soon the local community turned against cream. He lost all of his clients and was forced to shut down as practice to escape his soiled reputation. Cream moved again this time heat
His work to the U S where he resettled in Chicago Illinois, Twenty nine year old cream arrived in Chicago towards the end of eighteen. Seventy nine! This time he strategically positioned his office near the four hundred block of West Madison Street also known as the city's red light district cream and acted same business plan he'd, followed in Ontario his names. Slowly began to spread, and soon he was to go to abortionist for Chicago's working women. Business started doing so well that he hired the help of a black midwife named Hattie MAC but with creams. Increasing wealth came new vices rumour circle, but he was addicted to drugs like cocaine and morphine even high as a kite cream would have continued to perform dangerous procedures. On voting but women. One of his patience was allegedly the young sex worker Mary Ann Faulkner. In me, August of eighteen, eighty Hattie MAC arrived
creams office to find a deceased Marianne still on its operating table. She had died of blood loss from what appeared to be a violently parched operation. Had he later reported that the frantic cream asked for her help covering up the crime he wanted had eaten, Tim burn the place to the ground when she refused the doktor left the body at the scene and return home to get high the police came looking cream. The following afternoon. He soon found himself back in court this time having to fight against one very brave witness, Patty MAC the evidence was stacked against cream, but his fast talking cigar, puffing attorney Alfred s truth. Pin the crime on the midwife he claimed that had he had performed falconers abortion herself. After all, An accomplished. Surgeon like cream would never have performed such a hacker.
But poor Marianne Faulkner truth went on to convey see all white all male jury that men like themselves needed too God for one another, they needed to protect themselves from shrewd and vindictive women. The jury bought the testimony and had a MAC was conveyed. Of the crime instead Once again, cream was let off the hook only three months after factors death, he committed his next crime. This time his victim was a sex worker named Ellen stack stack had come to the doktor in confidence, hoping he could secretly provider, with some form of oral contraceptive cream was happy to help the doktor got to work, creating its own cocktail of chemicals for the woman's birth control.
The key ingredient strychnine, the same poisonous chemical that had fascinated him in medical school. What Ellen likely experienced after taking Miss strychnine tells was in any clickable feeling of terror, followed by muscular stiffness, twitching and then convulsion, throughout her entire body, completely aware of the fact that she was dying, her brain would have fully registered the pain between one and three hours. Later she was dead, cream is also charged with Ellen staff. Truth, just magic and successfully convinced the jury that creams prescription had been drawn up by a pharmacist cream likely just gotten away with his fourth murder. His head was now bigger than ever before. He felt invincible with a rage
Drug habit to fund cream began concocting. His own medications that he claimed would cure those with epilepsy. He ran advertised myths and local papers and received quite a few bites. One of those heads and to be from a railway workers name. Daniel start start scent is beautiful, wife, Julia to cream off his weekly to retreat. Pills like so many others. Julia fell for doktor creams charms. The two began, a sordid love affair that lasted for several once before. Mr Start, caught wind of their fling would start to me the Julia and the relationship she broke. The news to the doktor cream hated being told what to do that. We keep placed an extra ingredient in starts epilepsy pills Days later, he was dead. The coroner chalked his cause of death up to epilepsy and close the case.
But cream couldn't help, but get involved. True to form he tried. Pin the blame on someone else for no apparent reason: cream Telegraph, the corner with the Tipp. He believed the farmers said. Buckin Rayner may have put too much strychnine and starts pills. The deceased star was taken in for mortem examination they found that starts body did indeed have evidence of strychnine enough. Kill him three times over. But how could cream have possibly known Chris Had blown is cover instead of the pharmacist said. Buckin Rayner he was charged with starts murder
primary witness called to the bench was none other than Julia start. She claimed that cream had seduced her and that he even made jokes about killing her husband. This time cream couldn't escape punishment. The jury found him guilty of the doktor was sentenced to life in prison. It looked like his career as a doctor, a womanizer and a murderer was over, but cream wouldn't rest until Julia Start was dead, Thomas Mule cream is released on good behaviour and the Lambeth poisoner becomes infamous now back to the story. On November First eighteen, eighty one Thirty one year old, Doktor Thomas Neil Cream was convicted of murder. After killing five people, crew
was finally sentenced to life. In prison for poisoning his lovers, husband, Daniel start with a heavy dose of strychnine Prison certainly wasn't kind to cream. His drug habit worsen during his time there it caused his skin to wither his eyes to yellow and his hair too thin. Cream, apparently stewed over the women who had betrayed his trust, soiled his reputation and taken away his freedom. He blamed his mistress Julia start for testifying against him he was also resentful toward two of his victims, Kate and Flora Cream felt that all these women put his reputation at risk. In his mind, they forced his hand to him. It was Karen Flores own fault. They were dead, as many have pointed out, including Angus Mclaren and his book. A prescription
for murder. Cream was overcome by extreme massage any according to doktor. Bear it brokered director of the brokered lab from Ty Sensory Research in Miami Misology is a bit more complex than the standard definition of hatred towards women. She claims that massage any is actually a hatred towards women who don't follow the standards and beliefs of how a woman should act or behave according to the subject when a particular female doesn't conform, Their standards misogynist become deeply hateful. This is why many messages deny their issue by claiming they love their sister wife, her mother, but that simply because these women do fulfil the standards that the subject expects. Mclaren applies this to cream in his book and claims his crimes were wedded to a generalised, massage any. In a time when women were making a well publicize
bid for greater autonomy. Gender boundaries were shifting during the victorian era, women, making new, albeit still mostly underground, attempts to control their fertility and were attempting to gain some sense of fine and and social independence cream. Lured in and most often pray pod women who sought this kind of independence. Perhaps talking them, to abortions. To begin with was away for cream to regain the control he felt women were stealing from him, but once again was convicted. Control was arrested away from him once again as creams dude prison cell. For years he became obsessed with only one thing: revenge That desire drove him to do everything he could to get an early release ten years after his sentencing form
one year old cream was declared a fit and proper subject for executive clemency. At last, he, was free, creamy merged guns, blazing ready to seek vengeance Julia start immediate, after getting out cream, reportedly hired a private detective to track Julia down, but you're searching for many months. Nothing came up, cream was for to move on and raged that his revenge had gone. Unfulfilled, angry and bitter cream sought to escape is ruined Rep station once again in eighteen. Ninety one he headed back to his old, stopping crowned the London Borough of Lambeth.
days after settling back in London Cream opened a medical practice directly across the street from Saint Thomas Medical Hospital. He posed as one of their resident doctors under the new title, Thomas Neil M D, Also during this time that rumours of a murderer named Jack, the Ripper spread throughout London proper this unidentified Killer had been terrorizing the White Chapel area since eighteen, eighty eight and it was thought to be the first of its kind, much like cream. His victims were also women, most of them sex workers local to the area. Those investigating the ripper case believes that he might have had some sort of medical background since the killer seem to be so whose surgically precise spot jerk and cream made their kills in very different ways: Jack lured, victims into dark streets, I first offering to pay for sex. Then he slipped their throats and left their mute,
waited bodies out in the open, like I'm, a cop display of performance, art, creams, Kells were less of a spectacle, but still the two shared the same type of victims and the same violent misogynistic tendencies, tendencies which encourage cream to continue preying on young women. He was allegedly thrilled by Jack the ripper crimes seem to waste no time seeking to match the killer. In October of eighteen Ninety one, a nineteen year old sex worker named Ellen Nellie Don birth, came to see Doktor Neil cream charm the woman into accompanying him for a drink later that afternoon, in the Wellington Pub just around the corner Hours later Ellen, seemingly intoxicated stump the head of the bar alone, a friend spotted her and escorted her the rest of the way home Ellen began convulsing shortly thereafter and her condition
deteriorated over the next few hours. The woman manage to form her landlady that she had accepted a drink from a doctor, a drink with a dusting of white powder Sadly, the woman died before medics could reach Saint Thomas Hospital. An autopsy proved that the woman had one very toxic chemical in our system. Creams weapon of choice, strychnine, but as usual cream. Was and satisfied with getting away with murder. He lived to tempt fate. So a few days later, he wrote to the deputy coroner claiming that he could provide evidence that would lead to the conviction of Ellen's killer in exchange for three hundred thousand pounds the equivalent to around fifty million american dollars today. Naturally, the coroner balked at the offer and turned the letters
and as a or Brian, over to the police, less than week later cream struck again his victim. This time was twenty. Seven year old, Matilda clover clover was forced to work on the streets to support her to you, old Son Matilda arranged to meet up with a regular client of hers, known only as Fred after this actual encounter Fred prescribed for some pills that he claimed could help prevent venereal disease at around. Three, a M Matilda housemaids, woke to violent screams emitting from her bedroom They rushed in defined the woman convulsing covered environment and forming at the mouth, the doktor rule, but told us death as the result of an alcohol overdose. She was not given an autopsy, and your orphan son was then put up for adoption, but Fred likely Doktor Neil Cream had ended. The woman with his signature, dose of strychnine cream, struck again
the following spring. When he met with a sex workers named Lou Harvey, he invited the woman to share a nice glass of wine before attending a show at the Oxford music call later that evening. He also told Lou that he had brought with him some pills that could help bring color to her fair complexion ass. They walked along the embankment to the music Hall Cream insisted that you take the pills right then, yet. Unlike his other victims, Lou was sceptical of cream she'd heard the stories of Jack the ripper and found the doctors behaviour suspicious. She knew better than to take a set of unfamiliar pills from a complete stranger. Instead, Lou pretended to ingest pills while secretly hiding them. Her palm cream then mentioned he'd forgotten to check out a patient back at the hospital he promised to meet.
Back at the music hall around eleven p M and escort her home after his abrupt departure, Lou tossed the pills into the river Thames Lou waited but cream never rejoined her. That night he was satisfied. That the woman would be dead by the time he returned. Unfortunately, for Cream Lou was still alive But cream was none the wiser riding high on the thrill of his seventh kill and he had no plans to stop there just weeks later on April, Eleventh eighteen, ninety two, the forty two year old cream tried to up his game. He introduced himself as Fred. To the twenty one year old, Alice Marsh and eighteen year old, Emma shrivel, who will work in the corners of Stamford Street made them both and offer that they couldn't refuse, he wanted them both at the same time,
the women took cream back to their home to seal the deal as he done with Lou Cream opened his briefcase and offer the women the little white pill. At two thirty, a M Fred was gone and screw the of agony, began to emanate throughout the halls the women knew they'd been poisoned and their landlady immediately sent for the police. They were ushered Saint Thomas Hospital, but both died along the way cream had killed two women in a city. Night police were now certain. There was a new murderer on the loose a full investigation into the Lambeth poisoner, began and cream just couldn't help but push his luck. In fact, he public bragged that he knew marsh and shrivel victims of the Lambeth poisoner night at a social club cream was introduced to New York City. Detective John Haines, who was in town, apply
to Scotland Yard, but to discuss the sensational Murders of Lambeth poisoner at length, each providing their own theories on what happened over time cream began to share details of a case that had not yet been released to the public, like the fact that Matilda Clover had actually died of strychnine poison, not ours. All cream, also rambled about one victim that Haines had never heard of before a woman named Lou Harvey cream even took pains to the spot where he believed the murderer had given Lou the pills, the embankment along the Thames Haines asked where she died. He casually mentioned the Oxford Theatre panes was so disturbed by the conversation he related to it Spectre stationed at Scotland Yard. The police tailing cream. One inspector requested his record,
from Chicago and found that cream had been previously indicted for murder. The Lambeth poisoner. Had been found out. cream was arrested in June of eighteen. Ninety two and a story made front page news. He was eventually charged with premium hated homicide, yet the deaths of I went on worth Emma Shrivel, Alice Marsh and Matilda Clover, as well as the attempted murder on Lou Harvey factors booed and jeered at the murderer, as he traveled in handcuffs between Holloway prison and the court roman tooting, but the Cobb Grin never left his face. He loved every minute of the attention Perhaps cream believed that he would get away with these crimes to ass. He did so
any times before, but when the court called to question their key witness cream, smirk, suddenly faded, Lou Harvey took the stand and cream looked ass. If he had seen a ghost she recounted for the court, the stroll she took with cream along the Thames Embankment and the little white pills he tried to force her to take on a Tobin Twenty first, the jury deliberated for all of ten minutes. For returning a verdict. Doktor Thomas Neil Cream was guilty on all counts: Justice, Hawkins wasted time coming up with this punishment cream was hanged his crimes less than one month later, on November, fifteenth eighteen. Ninety two: a crowd congregated up side newgate prison to see the Lambeth poisoner meet his fate when cream was
a spice executioner, James Billing too, if he had any final words billing tunnel Julie, reported that the man indeed had three. I am Jack. Though its tempting to conflict Amen, jack the Ripper his final words were likely just a final attempt to gain notoriety for his crimes. Cream couldn't have been jack, seeing as the ripper murders began. In eighteen. Eighty eight a time when cream incarcerated in Illinois. So, while the Jew we still out on the true identity of Jack, the ripper weaken still put to rest the case of the infamous Lambeth poisoner, Doktor Thomas Neil crew
thanks again for turning into serial killers, we'll be back Monday. With a new episode. You can find more episode, serial killers and all other Parkhurst originals for free on Spotify. Not only does I already have all of your favorite music, but now Spotify, making it easy for do enjoy all of your favorite park. Originals like serial killers for free from your phone desktop or smart speaker to stream serial killers on Spotify, opening up in type serial killers in the search bar. Several of you have asked how to help the shell and, if you enjoy the show. The best way to help is to leave a five star review and don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at par, cast and twitter at park ass network we'll see you next time have a killer. We serial killers was created by MAX Cutler and is a parking studios. Original executive producers include MAX and Wrong Cutler Sound
designed by Brian Gollop, with production assistance by IRAN, Shapiro Carly, Madden and Travis Clark. This episode of serial killers was written by lorry, got leave with writing assistance by Abigail Cannon and stars. Gregg Colson and Vanessa Richardson.
Transcript generated on 2020-02-16.