« Serial Killers

“The Butcher of Hanover” Pt. 2 - Fritz Haarmann


Sent to his first mental institution at the age of 17, Fritz Haarmann had a troubled childhood full of trauma. He went on to murder close to 30 people between 1918 and 1924. His massive killing spree left a lasting legacy on both his hometown and the entire country of Germany. 


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Due to the graphic nature of this killers crimes listener discretion is advised. This episode include discussions of murder and assault that some people may find offensive. We advise extra, caution for children under thirteen the final train roles away from a dim torchlight station. It leads me and a single traveller, a young boy was forced to wait until the next day to depart as the boy Paris to huddle behind a low wall to sleep, a man approaches he introduces himself as a policeman and takes pity on the traveller. He offers a place to stay for the night, the boys eager to get out of the cold He follows the man to a dingy one room apartment them
cooks, the traveller meal and makes pleasant conversation. The boy eats heartily and grows drowsy. He thanks to man and starts to make his bed on the floor As soon as his back has turned the man lunges, he paints a victim to the floor and jerks the boys had upward exposing his bare net. The man, bears his razor sharp teeth. Then, like a wolf, he bite straight through the boys, throat, silencing him, for the Wolf man. This was just the getting tomorrow night, he will return to the dark, damp train station, ready to hunt again hi, I'm Gregg Paulson, and this is serious, pillars on the park ass network. Every Monday we dive into the minds and madness of serial killers. Today we
continue our deep dive into the life of Fritz Harmon. The notorious werewolf vampire an butcher of hand over Germany, I'm here with my co host Vanessa Richardson high everyone at par cast we're heedful. For you are listeners, you allow us to do what we love. Let us know how we're doing reach out on Facebook and Instagram at park asked and twitter at PAR cast. Work, and, if you enjoy today's episode, the best way to help us is to leave a five star review where every listening it really help us. We also now have merge had to park ass, dotcom, slash, mirth, for more information. Fritz Harmon was born in eighteen, seventy nine and hand over Germany. He had a troubled childhood. His father abused him for the feminine tendencies he exhibited as a boy and
had trouble, keeping up intellectually in school Harmon dealt with his repressed rage. For his father by assaulting dozens of teenage boys, he was repeatedly imprisoned and so illogically evaluated. Psychologists gave him four wildly different diagnoses during his life from me The old anxiety to epilepsy, to schizophrenia, one doktor, simply called him Curiously, deranged either way Herman was sent to a mental institution at the age of seventeen after it keeping the institution. His sexual violence escalated until he committed his first lost murder. Last week we examined fritz garments, youth and the series of events that led him to first to confirm to murder, victims, Fredo Rota, who killed a nineteen eighteen and Fritz Franca, who we killed in nineteen twenty three this week will probe further into the horrific killing
sprit of Fritz Harmon and analyze. His lasting legacy on both his home and the entire country of Germany march of nineteen twenty three forty four year old Fritz, Herman was euphoric. He was living in hometown of hand over Germany in a run down apartment. His twenty two years on again off again lover and accomplice less than a month prior. He had come it is second murder by brutally biting through the throat of a teenager named Fritz Franca, Harmon didn't feel it trace of guilt over the murder of franca. In fact, he never felt guilt for any of his actions. Instead, he just fight them by claiming that he never intended to kill his victims, but was overcome by a violent controllable urge in the midst of the sexual assault, this type of
A vacation is fairly common and serial killers, their unable to feel empathy for their victims and in dead focus. Only on their own feelings and struggles Vanessa, going to take over on the psychology here. Please note that It is not a licence psychologist your psychiatrist, but she has lot of research, for this show thanks Gregg Harmony, discuss sure of his violent urges fits with that of a psychopathic erotic bona fide or lust murderer, done your J Malloy author of this psychopathic mind origin the dynamics and treatment rights quote psychopathic serial killer. Cars are emotionally disconnected from their actions, their ability, to dissociate themselves emotionally from their actions and denial of responsibility, effectively neutral is any guilt and quote her
knew he would kill again, but was afraid of being caught. He took great pains to cover his tracks, dismembering Frank, his body and dumping it in the river Luckily, for him, he also worked as a police, informant, so police hardly ever knocked at the door without warning him. Law enforcement in Hanover was stretched, then, even if the police had focus their efforts on tracking down missing young boys, its doubtful. They would have suspected Harmon in nineteen twenty three alone, six hundred teenage boys were report. Missing in the city, harmony the only one preying on the young vulgar bull boys regularly ran away in search of work or were abducted and sold to shady organizations such as foreign Legion, which was known to purchase young. And to serve in the french army after away clean for the second time. New confidence, fuel, torments, blood, lust
So when he met a seventeen year old Wilhelm Shelter at Hanover Station in eighteen, twenty three four weeks after killing Fritz Franca, he couldn't help but approach the boy. By now, Harmon had a practice routine for finding suitable, vague he often patrolled Hanover Station, under the guise of a police officer searching for voting, both boys, Malta, I was a young writer who had just run away from home, and this made him an easy target for Harmon Harmon had impersonated a police officer and pretended to lend us sympathetic ear to the boys troubles he offered Shilts places day into war meal. She also eagerly accepted the offers and followed Harmon too department, the room was small but spotless. After nearly getting not for the murder of Frank I just weeks prior Harmon had scrubbed every inch. In fact, he had been scrubbing the play with harsh chemicals so often that other tenants in the house had come leaned to the landlord, a widow
named Elizabeth Angle, but harm had long ago explained angle that he was very particular about as cleaning habits and she saw no reason to bother attendant for keeping us room tidy. Besides, Harmon was charming angle liked him. His charm also allowed him to urge young boys like shoulda into his bed, given his play. And friendly manner. Harmon was always able to get close to his victims without making them uncomfortable in these nations harmony, especially like to ask, is victims about their families. This line of questioning seemed reasonable, coming from a police officer but harm its true goal was anything but noble, he needed to know if anyone would come looking for the boy according to Harmon, he didn't always feel of violent, urge to kill the boys, he brought back to his apartment, in some cases, harm kept young men around his errand boys for several days. He gave them
small jobs or meals until they stopped coming around other times. He raped the boys, but did not kill them, but unfortunately for shoulda his answers. Aid, Harmon, confident that no one would question his disappearance, Harmon pulsed. He grabbed chilled said by the throat and held him down. He raped him and in the midst of the attack sunk, his teeth into shelters, Adam sample. She also remains were never found. Harmon claimed he dumped peace, of the body in the liner river, as he did with most victims. Harm and had now begun to see the killings as part of his daily life, like his trade second hand, clothing in fact, in exchange for rent reduced and he gave his landlady most of shelters. Clothes
Harmon, was now so experienced in killing that he was profiting off of it during this time harmony. Twenty two year old Lover, HANS grants lived within intermittently if Crohn's was with him on nights that harm and searched for victims. He sure ahead of time that grants stayed away from the apartment grants had. Other lover is anyway, with them a night's that Harmon was busy. Despite this party claimed groans, knew about the murders and didn't mind them here. Didn't want a witness them. Likewise, Harmon preferred to do deeds alone, and so strange living arrangement with grants was born after the murder of shelves, so Harmon grew insatiable in the following eight weeks, killed at least two other young boys rolling hook and HANS on, and felt. He was confident that its crimes would not be discovered thanks to his close relationship with the police, Doktor Scott, a bond
a criminology. Professor explains why a serial killer might escalate the pace of their crimes. To such a degree, he writes quote serial killer there's get better and better at the business of murder, with experience as they continue operate and avoid capture serial killers become increase, Lee emboldened and may come to believe They will never be apprehended. End quote. And found a young man known as hook at Hanover station. The boy was running away from home to join the Marines, but unfortunately, Harmon had other plans. The two left, the station together and hook was never seen again. His last words were to his friend. All in all. We give my parents my love, I'm going away hooks parents mainly report and pleaded for help, but police brush them off. The missing persons
it was never touched harmony. Next victim was a young factory worker named HANS Sun and felt Harmon met the boy Round Hanover Station and courted him giving him gifts and taking him out four meals before he disappeared. Sudden felled told his younger sister. I have a boyfriend and I'm his bride one night After an intense argument with his parents, sullen felled left his house, and never returned it's likely. He fled to harmonise apartment straight into a trap. Soon after he killed, sought unfilled harmony. Tempted to prey on yet another very young run away. But this boy was weary of harm from the start and less pliant. Then most her fritz as other victims, Harmon injured. Himself as a police officer and, after a lengthy conversation, convinced the boy to go back to his apartment. By threatening him with a rest for loitering after getting them to be applied.
Meant harming launched at the boy almost immediately. He held the boy down in trying to bite into his throat, but the boy thrashed wildly and managed to flee the apartment. Harmon didn't dare chase him down a public street. He spent days terrified that the boy would go to police. Luckily, for Harmon the boy was never found and is not known to have reported the crime. This highlights the book ability of the boys Harmon preyed on he attack. Runaways and others he could take advantage of because they have little recourse to fight back. It was a way of dominating his victims. June nineteen, twenty three Harmon had killed three boy in his ground floor apartment in a matter of months, his neighbors we're getting suspect of the odd hours he kept and the young boys that regularly entered and left his apartment they arose. Disturbed by HANS Grants is constant presence who they felt was sullen and sinister
His neighbors formed varying theories about Harmon, strange comings and goings. One tenant thought he sold due to the foreign legion, but now Of them imagined the true nature of his activities, harmony late hours word. There only causes for concern, while he had long traded clothing and other stolen property. More recently, Harmon had also begun to sell low grade contraband meet, the meat was always into small bits and boneless. It was processed using a meek, writer and sold as ments Germany struggled with poverty and high for inflation following world war. One so cheap source of protein was at first seen as a godsend, harmony fellow tenants did notice that he rarely arrived home with packages of meat yet often left with them
and harmony. Landlady became ill from eating sausages, Harmon claimed where sheep intestines. On other occasions, Harmon told customers the meat was pork. A store owner who worked across the street from Harmon, became suspicious and asked where Harmon procured the meat Harmon claimed he bought it cheap from a butcher named TK Oil based in the recycling and district of Hanover the owner had previous We heard Harmon State Carl Opera It and run and work on still another occasion, Harmon claimed he traded with Carl in Hanover Market Hall. The store owner persisted and asked Harmon more probing questions. That's! When Harmon pointed right dimly to a passing woman, he claimed the woman was a friend and he needed to talk to her. Then he walked away past the women without saying a word. He never returned to the outer store, but the owner, wasn't done. He secretly followed harm and one night.
Harmon was lugging a large sacked the liner river, the store owner couldn't make out its contents, but he watched as Harmon dumped it in the river in the dead of night The following day the owner went to the police officers were of a story but performed a quick search of harm, its apartment. They found nothing and Harmon, had avoided arrest once again, but feeling the heat of his neighbors suspicions. Forty four year old, Harmon decided to move this time too, attic apartment along with HANS grounds in June of nineteen twenty three. While the move. Do any suspicious neighbours off his trail. It did lit to delay his killing spree that, it would seem, was laying getting started. We'll see how hormones blood last grows in a minute. I it's Gregor Vanessa and we have some good
news for all of our incredible cults listeners as it. Thank you for your Wavering dedication and support. We re released, eighty, three episodes of serial killers from our back catalogue and are already in your feed and available to listen to right now. Do you have a favor from these episodes. I really like our exploration of Harold Shipman, otherwise known as doktor death. I also loved our deep dive into the life and crimes of killer clown. John Wayne Gacy. What are your favorites? I liked her episodes on David commits also known ass son of SAM I was also really intrigue by ad camper, a disturbing Syria murderer with near genius level intellect whether Europe, living, some of your favorite episodes or hearing about these chilling murderers. For the first time these eighty ray. Episodes are available right now, plausible. Still, releasing new episodes of serial killers every Monday get caught.
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And fed him a meal before killing him sinking his teeth into Ehrenberg Throat, criminologist Eric Hake States in the book serial killers and their victims that serial killers, especially Those who are sexually motivated, like Harmon, can get addicted to sexually satisfying behaviour. Harmon took a big risk by attacking his neighbors Mild, but much like any aspect would at times find it impossible to control himself by no harm was referring to his murder method as his love bite. What had started as in it occasional urge now dominated his life, There have been years between his first and second known victims, but now and began killing at least once a month. He lived in constant anticipation of his next victim. Every passing young boy was a target to misdirect police.
Snitch Dennis Fellow thieves and fed information about criminals to his contact. Detective Mueller, sometimes groans contributed to fritz alibis. The longer harm and help the police the more. They believed that he was a good man caught and bad circumstances. Harmon felt invincible. According to the crime classification manual published by the FBI. Serial killers can become overconfident as a result of evading capture for their first few murders. This overconfidence can even cause a previously meticulous killer, who plans cry arms carefully to become impulsive and disorganized in the two months following his murder of Ehrenberg Harmon picked up three youths from Hanover Station Heinrichs Truce, Paul brought a chef ski and Richard Grave were all promised housing, and
work charmed by Harmon. In wanting to escape turbulent home lives, they followed him back to his apartment, Herman, raped and murdered all three boys and kept their possessions, including a violin case, a coat and a hand tailored Two months later in October of nineteen, twenty three Harmon stopped Wilhelm earner, while the boy it was on his way to work. Harmon pretend to be a police officer named detective Honneur Brok and arrest Ordinar on charges of travelling with forged documents, but instead taking him to the station Harmon, for the boy into his apartment where he killed him alone Oh man witnessed the arrest and told earners parents about it. They went to the police station where they were told. There was no detective Hunter Brok and they were it away never to see their son again. Two weeks later, thirteen
you're old, Heinz Brink men was on his way to visit his brother in the german army. He arrived at over station late and Harmon offered the boy a place to stay for the night then killed him throughout nineteen. Twenty three HANS Grand stayed with Fritz Harmon Grants claimed he. Nothing about the boys murdered during that time, which totalled twelve victims before November, but he Harmon were together concept, in November of nineteen, twenty three grand Harmon were seen at hand over station. The pair chatted with us Seventeen year old Apprentice Carpenter named Adolf Hannah Pell. They took him to a nearby cafe the next day harm, said he arrived home, defined, HANS grants and his friend Hugo with Kuski standing overhung lapels dead body grants had laid the corpse in harmony bed grants didn't explained what had happened but said to Harmon one of you,
where's. He asked Harmon to dispose of the body as if the victim was harm, and so it would seem Ms though Fritz Harmon was not the only murderer living in the attic apartment. The early nineteenth twenties were difficult years for Germany. The country suffered the after effects of world WAR One and was increasingly impoverished. The city of Hanover struggled with homelessness, black market smuggling and violent crime. After hundreds of Russia, hence particularly young boys. When missing in nineteen, twenty three rumours began to collate. There was a werewolf praying on young men, the rumours weren't just fantasy, and just nineteen too
Jeffrey gave way to nineteen twenty four. The werewolf only claimed more victims on January fifth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty four Fritz Haarmann. Now forty five killed his first victim of the year had his 15th total a seventeen year old name words speaker by this time. Harmon had begun to lose track of his victims names, but he remembered the clothes they wore, which he always kept as trophies in the inn. Cyclopaedia of murder and violent crime. Researcher Nicole MOT notes quote trophy represents power over that individual. When the offender keeps this kind of souvenir, it serves as a way to preserve the memory of the victim and quote. The desire for power over an individual, seen in keeping trophies echoes the desire for power that motivated Harmon to sexually assault, defenceless young boys. It was thanks to one true
see that Harmon always recalled his next victim Fritz Riddick Harmon, killed wedding because HANS Crohn's, like the man suit and harm and wanted to gift it two grounds. Harmony. Addiction was intensifying unmade. Any six. Nineteen twenty four the same day he killed Witzig Harmon all claimed a second victim, his second fit and was also his youngest ten year old Friedrich hobbling was skipping school when he encountered Harmon in the streets of hand over his remains, later found in the river. Meanwhile, the evidence of Hanover were growing more terrified. Local newspapers ran lines about the masses of missing children and pressure on law enforcement mounted in May. Nineteen. Twenty four to children hanging by the liner River found a human skull. The skull was, turned into police who determined it belonged to a male between the ages of eighteen and twenty four the skull
so bore evidence of knife wounds, but incredibly police didn't take it seriously. Defined was at first attributed to some grave robbers who had recently been chased out of a cemetery near by some office, we thought it could be. A prank by some students had gotten in medical school where there are just been an outbreak of typhoid. Two weeks later two boys playing in a field found a sack filled with fragments of human bonds, still police were focused on other matters and did little to address the situation altogether. Harm is known to have murdered thirteen boys over the course of nineteen twenty four, bringing as total count to twenty four victims on June fourteenth harm it abducted seventeen year old, Eric De Vries after the boy had gone for it daily swim and the Ohio River. Recent sister reported that she had seen Harmon watching breeze as he swam a few days beforehand on the day, Harmon murdered Reese
he Lord the boy to his apartment by promising him cigarettes after he convinced freeze too late back onto his bed. He strangled and bit into the boy harm disposed of reason. The entrance to Heron Housing, gardens a large form garden, near hangovers palace. It took him for trips to completely dispose of the dismembered body, Meanwhile, the lack of police response to the disappearing boys Frustrated Hanover Residence in June of nineteen, twenty four more than a hundred people scoured, banks of the liner river searching for evidence that would convince the police to act. They found hundreds of human bone fragments which had been violently cut. Or broken and angrily handed them over to police. At last convinced the bones were connected to violent crimes. The police dragged the liner and found an additional five hundred human bone. Fragments
Many the fragments were determined to belong to young males. Initially, police had you leads, they looked for known, models in the area, harmony, had long lived near the liner river and had a history, sexual assault and child molestation, as officers poured over case files. They know it that Harmon also had direct connections to a number of missing persons cases from the last two years, but some office is especially harmony. Please, contact detective Mueller were slow to suspect Harmon. They couldn't Leave such an amiable and as they sought People man could have pulled off crimes like these undetected. Nevertheless, least, decided to tell him Harmon New, most of the local officers from his work as a police, informant two young policemen were brought in from Berlin. In the summer of nineteen twenty four, the Berliners Posed is homeless, vagrants around Hanover Station and eventually
spotted Harmon there late at night. In the company of a fifteen year old boy, the boy was Karl from a runaway Harmon had taken in a few days prior from on high and began arguing at the station Harmon grabbed from by the wrist and took him to some local police officers. Patrolling the station in uniform he accused from of travelling on forged identification papers. The uniform officers arrested from and harm and left station alone. It seemed that efforts to catch harm in the act had failed for the night, but it's from was taken to the station. He had a lot to say from told off sir, if he had been staying with Harmon for four days. Harmony actually offered framework, but once they were in the apartment, he instead abused and raped prom
repeatedly on the morning of his arrest, Fromme claimed Harmon held a knife to his throat and asked: are you afraid to die from started? Crying Harmon walked the thread back and pretended it was joke, but from that moment on, he wouldn't let fry em out of sight. This reproved enough for police to act. They arise it harm in the next morning, at long last the werewolf had been unmasked will follow the downfall of Fritz Harmon moment no back to the store in the summer of nineteen, twenty four Fritz Harmon had been taken into police custody suspicion of having committed a string of murders, star in nineteen eighteen in the entire negation, room Harmon was blustery and more dismissive than usually was during police questioning. He had been in terror, stated many times before and was now
easily intimidated police We did a thorough search of harm. Its apartment and found the bed and floor had been extensively soaked in blood, though Harmon had cleaned. The surface is thoroughly traces of blood that its soaked into his floors and mattress was with careful inspection. Harmon brushed it off by saying the blood was a result of his contraband meat trade with the mystery butcher. Coral police knew better and was held in jail for a week where he was interrogated and deprived of sleep and food. Meanwhile, police found his collection of trophies and publicly displayed them out police station relatives of missing persons travelled to the station to view the items and many identified the clothing as belonging to their missing loved ones, but when conferred with the mounting evidence against him. Harmon remained composed. He explained that he came upon the cat thing through his black market trading. Then
On June, twenty ninth nineteen, twenty four police the suit that had belonged to Fritz Wake, the one that harm had given to Crohn's. It was a huge break in the case. Unbeknownst to Harmon police had found skull forensically identified as belonging to wit egg the month previous police could now prove that Harmon had clothing belonging to a murderer victim. In addition, a friend of Witzig saw Harmon talking with Witzig a few days before his disappearance, but Harmon didn't budge until his landlady turned over wigs overcoat. The landlady told please she had with Mr Herman, destroying identifying markers on the jacket before he gave it to her in lieu of rent money apparent grants. Wasn't the only one to get wigs possessions Harmon broke down. He confessed to raping, murdering and dismembering a multitude of young men. Harmon spent
Jabez lengthy confession, supplying cobbled together excuses and explanations for his motives. He stressed repeatedly that he had not meant to kill anyone, but in the heat of rapid sexual passion ass, he called it had been unable to control them Harmon was careful to only name victims at police had already linked to him, which warrant many. The only evidence police could find where the clothes in harmony apartment Only a quarter of the nearly four hundred articles of clothing found were connected to missing persons, because the identification process required relatives and friends to physically come to the police station. It's possible some victims were never identified, especially considering harmony, predilection for abducting travellers from other cities. At one point during his confession: harmony said there are some victims you dont know about, but it's not those you think and when asked
The total number of people he had killed. Harmon said somewhere between fifty and seventy, but he also claimed couldn't we members and killings, and it's not uncommon for serial killers to inflate the numbers of their victims, doktor, Catherine Rams, land rights that the most significant reason some serial killers lie about victim count is sick lady enjoyment, they taken deception, Harmon, for example, loved tricking, comes into following him to his apartment and was proud of his ability to fool. Authorities during his confession. He took obvious glee in pointing out to police that is, crimes have been committed right under their noses special agent, Mary Ellen O Toole, a behavioral analysed for the FBI brings up another reason. Killers may lie about victim count notoriety. She writes quote many of these people, have an egotistical need to control and manipulate, and some
to be better than the other guy, and quote whether or not this contributed garments claims about his victims. He did become notorious it's possible. This is why he confessed to so many killings, despite police, having concrete evidence linking him to only a few Herman, also confess HANS. Grants knew about the murders and had assisted or encourage TIM on several occasions grants was stood as an accessory unto. My eighth about a month after Harmon, six weeks after his confession, Harmon was examined by a psychologist at guarding in medical school Harmon had been sent to a mental institution when he was seventeen and the prospect of being sent back terrified him Thanks to his admissions of guilt, the psychologist judged Harmon Sane enough to stand trial Angelo Nineteen twenty four at the age of forty five fritz harm was charged with the murders of twenty seven young men and Boys Detroit
it was a media sensation and made international headlines the letter, ten daily news. A small Michigan newspaper ran the headline trial of Fritz Harmon huh. Sale. Slayer has stirred all Germany NEWS coverage. Also responsible for harmony enduring nicknames, including the werewolf of Hanover and the vampire of Hanover Davis to public frenzy surrounding the case that extra policemen had to be employed to push through the crowds of sitting ends and journalists around the courthouse harmony. Enjoyed the attention immensely. The trial was originally open to the public, but after two days of frenzied Hanover residents fighting to get courtroom seats, the trial was closed. One of the most publicized aspects of a case was harmony meet business customers who purchased his me
He testified as to its questionable contents. Harmon strenuously denied he had ever sold or consumed meat from his victims, but it didn't curb public suspicion. Harmon plug guilty to fourteen of the twenty seven murders he claimed he could not recalled definitively weather. He had murdered their remaining thirteen when presented with photos of these victims. During the proceedings he became dismissive and hardly glanced at them. He weighed hands at the photos and said things like. I don't remember. You can go ahead and charge me. I don't mind. Herman appeared, relax during the trial and smoked cigars incessantly. He lodged only one complaint that there were too many women in the courtroom. He suggested they be removed, although that went ignored despite his nonchalance or perhaps because of it, Harmon made a positive impression on. Jury and the journalists who were fascinated by his. Casual aloof manner on a few occasions
and even elicited laughter from the room when a medical experts yawned during his testimony and harm and asked, are you all right to go on. Professor later he interrupted the prosecution by shouting that they were all liars for their part, the prosecutes. She was not amused. They presented the hundreds of bone fragments recovered from the liner river harmony, bloody mattress and the bucket he used to store human remains. When it came to the accusations about his illicit meat, trade, medical testimony, supported Harmon doctors confirm the meat found in harmony apartment at the time of his arrest was not human still police, never located Karl the enigmatic source of the meat. Now the rumours persist, we still don't know for sure whether Harmon, eight or sold human meet, while Harmon was Kay, did about some aspects of his crimes. It's also clear here.
What need to be seen as someone who acted in the heat of passion and wasn't malicious? He took care to culture. This idea, in the minds of the media and those present at the trial, he didn't committing murders that were clearly premeditated and talk mournfully of his efforts to control his urge to kill. He also tried to portray health is helpful to the homeless runaways in Hanover, by focusing, on the few times, she gave money or day jobs to his errand boys. He didn't mention He often raped or abused those same boys. He insisted he never tourists victims throats out entirely during the murders to avoid being charged with listen. The trial ended after only two weeks. Harmon was convicted of twenty. Four
the twenty seven murders he was charged with this included all the murders to which harm and plead guilty or agreed that he had probably committed it excluded three murders that Harmon denied perpetrating either because he blamed HANS grants for them or because they contradicted his crimes of passion, narrative, harmony, willingness to admit to so many of his murderers lend credibility to the few he denied either way they no bearing on his sentencing. He would be executed for murder either way, but they recruit to the case of HANS grants, who is being too at the same time as Harmon while harm Relax, demeanor won over some onlookers groans can. Off as erratic during his trial. He VM Lee denied involvement in harmony, killings and shit, little emotion other than anxiety. During the proceedings both Harmon, an grounds were sentenced to death by beheading Harmon com.
We received the verdict, but grants became hysterical. He collapsed after returning to a cell four months after the trial on April fifteenth nineteen, twenty five Fritz Harmon was set to be executed. He walked up to the guillotine, with a brave face his last words were quote. I am give t gentlemen, but hard though it may be. I want to die as a man. I repent, but I do not fear death and quote after Harmon, was executed. His brain was I suspected traces of meningitis were found in sections of the removed. Grain. Meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord according to Doktor De Van de Beak, when left, treated meningitis, can cause inflammation of the brain itself and lead to brain damage. This could provide a glimmer of insight into harmony, deviant behaviour
and could even explain some of his symptoms, like the blackouts he experienced during his military days in the same article by doktor, divan beak, he writes that swelling of the brain caused by meningitis can lead to decreasing levels of consciousness in harmony case if he did happen joyous and presented unusually. It would explain why Doctors were unable to come up with a diagnosis at the time. According to the sun. Yours for disease control, viral meningitis usually resolves without treatment, But any lasting damage caused to the brain would have remained. This makes it possible that the seeds of harmony, horrendous crimes were planted during his first stint in the army. Unfortunately, we don't know more as harmonies brain was not preserved and discarded. Shortly thereafter, his head was captain formaldehyde at the guy
in medical school from nineteen twenty five until two thousand fourteen, when it was at last cremated, but even after the guillotine fell, the story of Fritz Harmon did not end the night. Before his execution, Harmon wrote a letter. Retracting statements he made about grounds is involvement in the murders. With this new evidence groans. Now, twenty five got second trial, the following year and nineteen twenty six he was charged with. In a bedding Harmon for the two murders he was implicated in during his previous trial. Groans was convicted. Once again, he was spared the death penalty and served twelve years in prison until one thousand nine hundred and thirty nine. Unfortunately by then the Nazi Party was in power and transferred bronze to visit ochsenhausen concentration camp where he endured for
labour in appalling conditions. He returned to hand over after World WAR two where he lived until his death and nineteen seventy five aged. Seventy four. Herman's trial in death also had consequences for Germany itself. Newspapers at the time referred to harmonise a gay man rather than a pedophile. It led to a new way that homophobia in Germany in the early nineteenth thirties, which fed off growing public hatred in the words of Arthur Richard Plant, quote it split the movement irregular, Lee fed every prejudice against homosexuality and provide a new fodder for conservative adversaries of legal sex reform, end quote fritz harm
and was one of the most terrifying and prolific serial killers of the twentieth century. His legacy played a part in shaping Germany and the atrocity of his crimes shocked the world. The horror of the werewolf of Hanover might never be forgotten. Thanks again for turning into serial killers will be Monday with a new episode. You can find more episodes of serial killers as well all of par casts other podcast on Apple podcast, Spotify Stature, Google play Cast box tune in or your favorite podcast rectory. Several of you have asked how to help the shell and, if you enjoy the show, the best way to help us is to leave a five star review and don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at par, cast and twitter at PAR Cast network
we'll see you next time have a killer, weak serial killer was created by MAX Cutler is the production of Cutler media and is part of the park hast network it is produced by MAX and wrong, Le sound designed by Kenny Hobbs with production assistance by Roy on Shapiro and Paul Mahler. Additional production assistance by car, imagine and Maggie admire Syria Killers is written by Terrell, wells and stars. Gregg Paulson and Vanessa Richardson. Remember there eighty three episodes of serial killers from the summer of two thousand seventeen through early two thousand nineteen that are available to you right now. Parkhurst actually released over seven hundred episodes from the back catalogue of sixteen different shows, including cults, haunted places. Fiend criminals and many more and you can listen to
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Transcript generated on 2019-12-12.