RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, there’s so much out there that seems on the surface to be inexplicable. The problem in this country, as a majority of people recognize, I mean, look at this poll here. Look at this. It is a poll from the Pew Research Center. The bottom line: 81% of the people in this country are dissatisfied. Eighty-one percent are dissatisfied. Do you think they’re dissatisfied with Ted Cruz? Do you think they’re dissatisfied with the Tea Party? Do you think they’re dissatisfied with the opposition to Barack Obama? The Republican Party obviously thinks so, but that is tantamount insanity.
“A new poll shows more frustration with Washington over the government shutdown and risk of default, with the number of people satisfied with the state of the country plummeting to the lowest level since the 2008 financial crisis. Only 14 percent of Americans said they were satisfied with the way things are going in the US. … The survey also picked up a strong ‘throw the bums out’ sentiment.”
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