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#RachTalk 8: I Used To Be A Lizard in a Past Life & Quarantine-a-Versary


You guys. I did it. I went in freezing cold...well...64degree water up to my neck. On this week's #RachTalk I talk about my first visit to Barton Springs here in Austin, TX and how crazy this whole year has been since my business had to go into quarantine. I give you my ultimate Women's History Month Dinner Party guest list AND give you a sneak look at all the things and a special speaker to look forward to at Rise Women's Weekend!

RISE Live Women's Weekend is coming May 14th - 16th, and it's our ONLY CONFERENCE OF 2021! When was the last time you did something just for you? Let this be the experience you give to yourself, and experience a community of women who are all rooting for you! Our live edition features some never-before-seen activations, including breakout sessions, A-list celebrity guests, and next day/week/month playback so you can access content on YOUR schedule! Tickets will never be more affordable than they are right now, so grab yours before the price goes up! -> https://bit.ly/rlww2021


After #RachTalk, please enjoy a snippet of this week's episode of my latest podcast, Your Fave's Faves, featuring Brad Paisley! For real! Listen to the full convo by clicking here -> https://megaphone.link/CAD5967061714

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