Today's episode is some of the highlights from a webinar - my first webinar! - that I did last night with my friend Trent Shelton. I truly want to be able to serve my community, regardless of whether they have the means to come to Rise Conferences, or explore coaching or any of the things I put out there. Trent did not hesitate to come and do this webinar with me and we wanted to talk about all things 'change'. How to not just survive during great change but how to thrive, and live the best life through unprecedented times. I hope that you enjoy this episode and that it speaks to you, where you're at, right now.
Have you heard about the HOTLINE yet? Call (737) 400-HOCO, and press 1 to leave a question for Rach. Press 2 to share your story about the Hollis Company - it can be about your Start Today Journal, attending a RISE conference, coaching, or anything you want! We can't wait to hear from you ;)
RISE Women’s Conference is about taking full ownership of your life and the woman you want to become. This is not an experience for you to transform into someone else, this is three full days of immersion to remind yourself how special you already are! At RISE we don’t believe there’s one right way to be a woman, we believe in women being as diverse and original as possible. Each and every one of us has incredible talent and skills — our own unique potential to offer the world — but as little girls, we’re taught to conform, be small, fit into someone else’s ideal of what a “good girl” is. RISE is about redefining the best version of yourself and creating a roadmap to help you become her. Get your tickets here!
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