Today I decided to share a keynote that I did about Productivity...right now. How do we be productive coming out of the pandemic season and into the equal parts gift and distraction of the world slowly opening back up? I hope that you find some good insights in this episode, and even if you come away disagreeing with everything I said - great! I just want you to think about how you want to show up when it comes to all things productivity.
Your Fave's Faves is available now! I love to creating a little room for joy and that's why I called up as many celebrities as I could and asked them, "what are your five favorite things, ANY category. You're not going to believe what they told me. Actors, musicians, athletes, influencers, gamers, y'all! They're all here and they've all got five things to share. Subscribe now! ->
Check out our latest limited series podcast, Talking Body with Amy Porterfield! Amy has experienced massive success in both her business and personal life, but behind every accomplishment lingered a nagging suspicion that she wasn’t living up to some invisible standard of how she should look. Now she’s on a mission to discover exactly where that little voice inside her head came from, and - together with some new friends and fresh perspectives - how she can vanquish it once and for all. New episodes premiere every Monday. Click here to subscribe ->
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