« RHLSTP with Richard Herring

Retro RHLSTP 63- Alex Horne

2023-10-09 | 🔗

RETRO RHLSTP #63 - Alex Horne - Rich offers to fill a school library with books, before introducing the multi-talented genius behind Taskmaster and much more, Alex Horne.

Find out what it’s like to sit bare-arsed on a cake, the secrets of Tim Key’s kindle, the respective amounts the pair spent on their last hair cuts and whether the first rule of Taskmaster is you can’t go on Taskmaster if you ask to be on Taskmaster.

Plus who will win the battle of the Christmas books: Taskmaster https://www.amazon.co.uk/Taskmaster-E...


Emergency Questions https://www.gofasterstripe.com/eq (the answer is Taskmaster), defeating a tea-pot coveting old woman on Countdown and some stuff that’s going to get the people of Chesham whooping (if they can get internet access).


Check out our website http://rhlstp.co.uk

See details of the RHLSTP tour dates http://richardherring.com/gigs

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello. My final brims welcome to the royalists were feed. Its full of podcasting, goodness guarantee to provide three of your five a day. That's podcast! Please listen to three of my podcasts a day. If you can do tell your friends that listen and is powered by a cast plus, now there are hottest of overtook continues thanks almost every comes. I why it has been a blast. You ve put us time to go out. I think they are of fantastic quality, even say it like You can see the minutes we got out. There is quite a bit. I'm from the ones that are coming up. I have to tell you my fine threatens and if you would like to see us in the coming few days, were in london on the night of october. We Steve, Pemberton inside number, nine and legal gentlemen star and loose saunders from dancing on ice and much much more the next saturday. Forty where he leads, with a milder teeth and
in, they re there's. Hardly anything has left once I do, but quickly leads back to the red theater on the sixteenth of october four simon, be from ghosts to create padding turner than he really want. A film is fantastic, fantastic man, and there is therefore to be announced. We haven't yet secured the second guest, it's very exciting it'll, be some good, though I never know the shot after that without an bloom and lee mac registering comstock royalist upper. If you want to find out all about this, coming guess more bookings come again all the time I do, I sit back, relax, don't forget. My book come admirable back is out to pay back on the eighteenth, let's hit by relax. I've enjoyed now from relax, we're hollister per whichever one you ve chosen, fritz. There's no sign of identity theft slowing down, and why should I,
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My friends are welcome to another retro rambler stupor. You know you're about by now introducing you tat brilliant josephine. You today is reminding you, Britain all chosen out this to get places if you want to share the podcast with you're converts. We need new people, there are too many podcast, they trusted to edge me out, but we remain firm like a week. that refuses to die. That's been here for sixteen years. If you include all of the pockets I'm very anyway. This retold broadcasters, with brilliant alex we're trying to get him back on cost. So much has happened since this time, but we raise limit busy, and since this interview, of course I have appeared on taskmaster can remember how I did not that important to me.
So there we interesting to listen back to this one from the before times in every sense and find out how desperate was to appear on his stupid, brilliant show. Anyway said not relax and enjoy this lovely podcast with the beautiful alex one hand if you enjoy. Why not come and see one live, which turned out comes round the supper. I got another one in.
Aid is gentlemen, walked into the mass disquieting. Please welcome a man. You had a noise, they did with his friends. Skull is play soccer. Rigid, welcome to reach kindness to square because I was hanging around with shampoo today, you may remember the early. Nineteen nineties girl group Oh, I'm in trouble come along and that's my bubble, Who are? They were nice,
and they still are, they call IRAN must have liked them miss them they. So it is that it will begin Japan or think women and women. We put that right. You need to know about yeah. That's what you're, not one of the ladys from shameful that we amazing it would be nice if you wish. Here? I am shampoo millions? I'll have a chat with it was, it was your name, and what do you do for a living? your school library, when you said that, like I should know if I asked you before possible scope, librarian is good, and there are lots of kids still come into the library and just look up route, Well, wait until I finish the just look up rude words in the dictionary here as I of them, and yet it's good to highlight them. We never had highlight is in our day. The jura got mixed unless, unless we get every
in Japan, passing on knowledge to children, frustrating what because they, the bikers they write books, airborne allay their boring donna copy of emergency question is to put in the sack I've got it I've got a lot of copies of the outermost questions books. Are we in our lab? Seventy more? Like probably five thousand copies of that you like to just fill the library with a comical. Yet what you need is always just been to books of of questions ass to be funny. so we welcome. We welcome to the show so. What did we find? A really big stone in it doesn't like? Is that big pick it up I saw rewarding that's the kind of joke is
the other day and that's when you find out if you're dedicated some clear on this, his fingernails it is hard work. We that is the heart ass, a man telling the land, but I've got a proper job man. So well, say they want. How I am becoming into this item is open to be moving stones or any more about it without next guess. So Please welcome a man, I hope is back from the toilet he's. Probably energy is ice, best known as the right. games that time forgot cricket on horseback and other forgotten salts. That's why we're here, I'm to be honest, I'm gonna talk to him about cricket on horseback for an hour.
So I hope you strapped it lies in Ghana. Magnates Alex makes you gonna, whose let me just give you one. Why, when I, when I was little address, could you let me say that and then I'll go and put my always harsher? We can say: yes, it don't worry. Does that mean I bribed less. It chose to stand for much of the much of the content way, but I've got a hit that colombia both legs tolerated, hello. How are you are more I'll? Get it why not try the right? The writer on that yet? Do you know what I was? What do the thing you introduced me? I just got up there. I am db were right. The names is in sabrina the teenage witch who's. Jonathan ain't, no he's very different to me as well. He added
good stories and they yeah. Mr Osborne goes those in the toilet. Pick your mind. Diarrhea. No, that was, a documentary about playing cricket on horseback and there were no writers whither. Unless one is, the writer was arrested in the eu, if you're writing as you're saying Now, that's all point of saying you, don't you not right, you don't need a ride like other member there's. No one writing. This is You're gonna be classified as the writer of this very much. What what other sports apart from korea I mean we all know battery garage. So we all know about cricket on horseback. Yes, which is people playing cricket on horse, happened once in the nineteenth century, so we recreated that okay I hit a six months after Donnelly's. Ok, yeah blow fell commentators with hardly get
other sports, we did as a common cycle blow fell, who actually not changing on bodies that it was was the was named. That's why informing you is that ok, That's why Henry blofeld, though, is the cricket commentator. That's very good. What other sports were there in in this sports that I forgotten, because if they're forgotten, how did you know bam? no that's not if, if things can be forgotten and still other people know about them, okay, yeah, so that they will launch was that there are likely some people have forgotten about the apple. Remember: we've talked the people, remember about them and they filled his in. Yes, We would never go talk, let anything again because no one yet so they will not. Largely for sports are largely forgot logic, but not entirely. I think forgotten was used metaphorically. The type of sports are one on play anymore. It's now
I myself, my dear watson, based as it is still look a bit of we did so because the quarantine which is johnston, but when I got one of our horses, no otherwise gotta continent, but come on just two point: five people at once before coming I've different conrad. Obviously, five also have five or six five people did would nowhere thing was come in, for all young people would definitely die. We think that I'm not just that. Every now and again I can read the second I want to say, you sure you want to check if somebody jacket anyone know the lovely a in moment
in taskmaster. My point ass, most those areas, crazy idea contained it was five. without horse. It are you listening to me. Anything was mainly sports didn't have also in them with holes in them, and support that have was without was, is that nice show is not show that was commission regulation. The war was became a football with a hundred people against eleven people cascades. and you can say, I love that that was really good for them on youtube. You can look this up. I think the event is played against ten one hundred chinese children recently that awesome, he's element is unnecessary in the data, but they were whether they like it or not, and the event as news even
It's not man, didn't lady, that's so that there was a member. This does not help me and I would invite you to bring yet you are in russia. This makes like a personal generally aware from nervous, it's very nice like a lot so. we're in a christmas put war we're in the christmas, but walker I'll mention your book, which I went out and bought one. Actually, I went out to try and buy it. I went toward stones piccadilly, I thought they'll have it. That, then, is that good or bad for italian, when I tell you and I've thought wh smiths to double smith, in mainly in china, cross made an amateur they only at about four five books, and I think the next You will have it. Otherwise, the story. We have read king? Who is one of our camera operators of chico foiled? Didn't have it
either is selling really well that's the worry. That is a worry, and I want to do I mean I think, is worst than Piccadilly and to be honest, waterstone's there's a lot of competition online. Pull your fucking finger out. Have that I was. I wanted to buy two copies of the book, I would add that I would have brought you I'd like to elected, get them for free. The sun. If, if that doesn't happen, I'd like to buy the ira is the task bar with taskmaster, but the first very much. This is the case, verses emerge. The question is now very much your one. I think it's twelve pounds swell pounds always late How did you learn that big only words is yours go, it was the biggest argue. if you say that the same height, but yours is slightly wider, which my if you ve got thin book shelves, but this one might stick out your bookshelf. That's what I'm saying and is four thousand words approximately
And ah yours isn't that many arctic lu nautical I mean Jimmy always come out if we can reach your cows going to count one pages worth and then multiply it time yeah count out loud. If you want the just want someone trying to work out, how many baked beans make up the second version of the caravan This is very similar. Hundred and twenty words page, because there's lots of blank space, yeah and there's a three hundred son. I think there's let you got the between that, both just a loaded, stupid guff, but in the book that you can read out you make. Thank you richard at the cafe. It is, phenomenon. Taskmaster is an incredibly enjoyable television programme. You're not expect me to be complementary. No, I was again
look surprised like you haven't. Like yourself well phenomenon is wrong. Is too strong a word of thanks I think I think, is that it's quite a game changer thing because I've talked to us but a lot which it has been your main rival in quiz show creation and height as you both torment but he's taller and love is well. You know this that we, my wife nothing. There are no isolation stories, but that's the idea of the same people coming back to this in the same show when he tried to pitch that begun that people want to watch the show with the same people that come back every week, yeah the big game jane? Yet, let's just sit come really that's how we pay should be ambitious in the long term. We don't want a panel show where the same people each week and we said well, you can't you can't do that, because people get to know the characters. So that's our argument for the
and to carry on about exactly what else has Nobody is that what has been a lot of things that come out after subsequently that I think a similar ish? Yes, one of them that you're the button, which is your involved in this, it's cool. It's cool to watch them yeah. That's not my idea. People think it is sometimes, but it's not yeah. That's the much tossed monster with normal people with households and now he's gone much. It's lasted much longer than I thought it would, and it's nice that it's a relatively recent idea. What two thousand and fifteen, if you did the actual first, is that right it was an item or two thousand and ten. As a tell it's only been around for three years, two thousand and fifteen, like about ten series of it already
it's seven yeah, but that's because it's on Davis suppose as in if, if they've got some in the works, they could at supporting it and putting on all the time, and I think that they're feeling was for something to land. It's going to hit you a lot. They wanted just beyond all the times of exists. I suppose yeah how would you get your crazy ideas for rotten among those crazy? I'm crazy ideas, secure question. Why did you annually, where I got last year for one series which makes me sound, I think it makes me sound, makes me think I sound cool but actually makes me sound. Like an awful person, I had a. I had a a hot tub for two weeks, my wife rented a hot tub for my birthday for two weeks, and I sat in the hot tub for two weeks and came up with ideas because there's no, you can't have
computers or laptops should have the same thing. You're going to have a computer at all, laptops isn't going to read the truth having a hot tub so and so you just sat there forced to sit or pen and paper now. Yes, I don't really recording what you come up with now. Ok, with one idea: fillets of no that was, I tend to go to places like that hot jobs or the hawks in the woods where you have no distractions that was the message a genuine today in Australia. Really I was just a them off the goodies As my answer that question is some babies, but wasn't is lovely cause, it's sort of simplistic in lots of what he's? Is neither rice a lot like our stock, and here I was the highest tower of some boxes last the show had something for their eyes, but speaking creates really great. If you ve got funny
well doing, and I think I've seen you saying somewhere if, if people that, if you tell them what they were doing before him, there will be a terrible show, but again tv tends to work on the presumption. Well, let's should we give well. The questions we had to get over. The line was to swipe the channels that they didn't have to have a script and that enough to know what was going to happen, and that I mean I think all I do is write half a joke. I write a man walked into a bar and then I get these better comedians to come in and to the punchline. So all I come up with is here's your materials where they said there is a risk that this is the same as emerged questions they looked like it's just the man
Looking around the room saying a thing and then writing a question of evolving that thing or look on the internet saying a thing and then writing the question about the thing in it. Very much is not that much about a question experts sitting down and thinking a question, expert questions that will make people talk about stuff and I think that they do have tasks that you get filmed and don't use to some of them not going to ask the question you asked first then asked tat question because otherwise I ass before that you asked me Where did you get your crazy? I tell you ask me how basic the idea that the questions of space, the tasks quite basic might be wasn't the question it was in observation. It was observation because I think that, like your question book is what it's called it's more like yes, let's not give each other any more publicity. Some of the question
in the question book are very basic. Some of them are very clever. I think- and I say with a task. Some of them have right by saying, like don't blink and some of them, I think originally clever, but the ones that are funniest tend to be the most basic ones. So it's disappointing, but yeah I put a lot of thought and some of them, but the more effort we go into setting up the task, the late least well late, the less well, they work that's also of law. If we put, if we, if there's too much going into the setup, then the punchline isn't as good show and your second question. Yes, to whether you always film. Do you have a fair ones? You don't show we always filled the stuff that we should act as a basic out. Some some shows no is really important. For the view. I think, for the viewers point of view. It is a hundred exactly area could otherwise either you're describing it lighter or they'll never know it happened at all. You ve got a film it. You have got a film
and that's another thing that we have to get out. I would have gone in and said to the tv pupil. I dont think we If I told you shot. People hear me out so people each week, the age we don't tell them what can happen. if we get that right of capital and everyone's blank sheet, she's here the struggle for a long time before getting what shape I was having for more do you ever film something That's not! Why do we always found something always moment. I thought I made that clear. So again we always dissent. We we as an early decision what we call a drink, sir. He said
it was more him immediately. He said: we've got to film this stuff because, if the cause of a lot, because of the medium that it's on a lot, a lot of the book is not films, you'll notice, maybe that's. Why escape yeah? That's not fair matt typed, a lot of these type, the yeah, but you're, always right. You always have to. Down the stuff in the nose, you know you do. We need to always at some point make short first time then printed. The judge through the but have you ever have to filming something, let's not show that we might as well. Not filmed not rich said. Yes, no, it's a ninety apes and the stuff. We don't shut, It's very labour intensive, so we ve always been filling for twenty. Bulgaria is now. No, I think not
not say we probably in a series of ten episodes, we do about there's about forty tasks in that show this thirty five to forty tasks, and we put we feel about forty five there's your factual, I'm certain gave it. I've got to hear that you like it, I did do they get task, would be A man lives near a big field is quite full of staffs and then the contestants each have to try and clear that I mean give them a different field, but they're all the same size don't have to, and they will get as many stones that you have to check the vocal, the same milestones that wouldn't work and then they'd have to clear the stones out. It would probably take about five, is yeah. Why did you start with there's? No way it doesn't matter the lesson that I wouldn't as an example of not a good okay, because it takes too long, It takes too would events detailing. I think you can get variety of methods. Probably now you'd start we had one like that which resembles similar in a way which
was that we gave them each an enormous role of bubble, wrap your pop the bubbles at first basic taskmaster stuff. They put the bubbles, the first possible and the little twist with your time starts when you pop your first bubble, you have as long as you want to planet and are sort of hoping people would take a couple of weeks, and I come back with an incinerator one week and say I'm ready, but they all started by somebody got a steep mini cricket steam roller, okay and somebody has got a van, and I can't remember what the other people got knives bubble, wraps amazing and they all started and ended up just having to jump on them for twenty five minutes. Even a steamroller doesn't pop all the bubbles just pushes the air around them. So it'd be like your field. You just end up seeing five comedians picking up stones lighter than I'd like that sean pitching that show so you're saying you don't want that. So I can take that. You can tell you that I can do that field.
The future cannot be totally honest. Yeah I didn't fully listen to. That we want us to early yet, but I knew you were referring to it, but I didn't I was. I didn't know what to do with what you with the story, though he did well, he got through. I really can't say you have to come back, because I've got lots of questions about taskmaster. I like you, I would allow people have said that you would like not only the people who make the decisions of the trouble is open when you picking the caso basic comes down to who I wanted to That's the remember that when someone is too good, that's thing I wouldn't work. Wouldn't let me just deal this stuff burthen deep refer the people of mess around the wrong or the people who try the hardest to do it right. I don't like you need a mixture of both through somebody else
I think I'll be back, The you were when you ve been hearing this. The whole land group of people who have a creative thinking, edinburgh, haven't seen all of your ngos lapsing scenario and but you and TIM Cahill, you are very good friends with and not watson, either your friends with the area, I'm quite ambitious projects in edinburgh, yet would you do quiet? You know I think guys. Do I neighbours loop loads of you, spreading around you run run around yes, but quite consistently. One realizes ivy did taskmaster in that longer twenty him. I think you email me and asked me if I would take part and that didn't so far deuce dinner and steep Mary turned down the beatles I swear I am, and then you would you,
show how to avoid two chips in the year. Two thousand is that correct, I think so, I don't know it was teatime. I think it's two thousand, because I wasn't in it for that year and I don't recall that there's no reason why you should recall it was in the old gilded balloon before I got burned down. We've got to one star. We only got one review and has a one star review right, who's, a three handed me and tom belgian, yes, yeah, nice, very funny, man, yeah and he's he's doing great things, and then a girl called Emma conway who's. Now works for james coordinate production company america very high up, so yeah yeah? We can so that wine, but I was feeling well between three as a third of a star each year. How long should talk about it for it was only legally were interesting, it was so it was awful, but we're for me the best month, my life is, I got together with my future wife. During the month one night we each had every flavour of the colony brazen. going on stage? I think so.
I had a lot of fun relatives, a gay when they were they, the girls with light you another bit of skills with light as a robber girls and now there there were more mobile goes another yes, yes, I think it was if it was a fun time get there were girls. He walked round the peasants courtyard handing out free cigarettes yeah, I smoke rifted loads of cigarettes, and which whole was forty one- the period that yes, I didn't open. Just one five student, and it was right that show that was set in its bring the wooden reveal it to the end and with a year go out in a submarine, though time, but there was no relevance. I wouldn't go the nine from a book of it. We nicknamed as a book of titles of books with the funniest titles economic sense. Here,
the sentence name. What I think the names got funny how to watch the ship yeah. We didn't even come up with that, except what would we cause? There's a lot of shows what would have been your, which is your favorite of those? Many shows you what well did that thing? When you read it all your own shows again. How was that sorry to not ask you a question. It was. You know. That's allowed, and it was good. Actually I was it was so did twelve. When I did a lot, though the eleven shows are done and then at the end of the Nisha was happy now at the end, which was the first happy now, which I didn't really have time to write because learning they underline here still surprise then came back quite well it the right forum. from the beginning. What do we want to do? It because I wasn't doing at him for the first time the ages and I found a thought, be interesting to do something in london. The near my housewives, living at a time and other would be a bit of a challenge, and I also felt the who I was.
Better stand up, seven safer could go back and do, though, shows better here. That's. Why would you do if us We must now show death. So the first thing we did was put my favorite two thousand and three called making fish laugh. it was really good, but now I look back now. I was used as a company and not say I'm much better now, but I think you'd have a much better take on it. So now, even as I stuck to the script, every single night word for word and there wasn't much mucking around and it was worth ten k again who I underused criminally you'd, put him forefront and rp our assistance, and so that was my favorite show because it's your neutral one actually worked yeah, but I do sort of think. Oh I'd, love to I've got no recordings of where I'm going to script. So it's just it's just what I was I was lucky because there was when I did them. I'd I'd, I'd that way, cause I'd. I'd, read it talking Austin Christ on a bike anyway, which I'd had audio bootleg audio copies of was all I had a bootleg main mean. Someone
what he said recorded than some women at and then put them on the internet or send them to me she's only one else knew what boot like one. Do you know what a man just told me I always wondered what was I was musical bootleg. I guess it comes from boot like alcohol, which is co, bootleg alcohol, because the current level, Regarding the us make it a bit with the language like slaves, but like when no one I can be making it now and you while he's just no one knows I that's illegal alcohol. I've gotten there and why would you include leg in works. The leg is making now on. The point is whether maybe it's the first getting hard to find some credit without the leg, with what the voice I've there without a foot, is the like, but without the lack of food is just that the flushed
an event I love TIM Kaine. I think we might have talked maybe to remark about TIM k and I love the fact that when you met him at university and he auditioned for all the comedy shows isn't at the university yesterday I first met him. I first met him. I watched him in an audition. I was auditioning him for the part of a pirate in treasure, island or pantomime, which I written, which again was very bad. And he just lit it up. He was wearing a I'm an ice hockey. You can think of canada ice hockey, shirt. Okay, really remember it cause he wore it for four or five years, and and and it's very funny instantly yeah and he said he was at sidney sussex. We should have called the genres that so I knew that he wasn't because of a very small college. It is but his brother been there a few years before but yeah he success story for years and I have no need to cause. You can be in footlights without being at Cambridge yeah, but it's the kind of thing that people don't think of really
think now you think you have to do and that such a good I'd it took out just or distant proposed up and not have I mean I will destroy this up and I wasn't university and I didn't bother doing any work by was meant to be doing some work year and we want turkey not to those talk about him Okay, yeah the socket. Thirdly, fine, I think those very funny listen here we could they want. Ten on tim, I'd love, that's left it there, but I loved the fact that you knew it would need unita you but covered from basely when that was good the coming for him to know that there are no authorities, it was weird fingers covering from against other students who didn't get the role, maybe but there's no, you know it's not like John the army, just do it, because these days, you can just going to do. Do you think if you just walked in to like an office and said I'm
No, no, I think I have a very different scenario could do worse. Other guys was the abyss. He's gone there's no way that we do not know no, no, so that I found it blocks rail passengers on the train last year, hosting I had only- and I thought I knew where it had all his work, details and stuff, and I thought I could use that at this at his fire cause. It was the rail cars and I didn't like him, but I could use that as an idea. I didn't take over his life and my idea that you do not just dumb. I found out where he was by finding him on twitter and then I posted it back to him good good. I think you the funny guy. I just thank him because he seen everything all took us end up talking about him yet
Will you won't come on this one? So this is. This is the only way I can I get to the heart. Only one thing that he's my got it with my son's godfather yeah and he generously gave him a kindle for christmas. Tree is free. the immunizing, when you buy a kindle, it's linked to your own amazon account that every book I could call him tony israel name is Tom. I try trying to use his real name every little everybody buys ten tasteful. We bought the thirteen lebanese nick, it's books yesterday, the great britain is called mr tv quai D d case. Second, candle lit up and the studies bore office where the actual it, is good to know.
at the home. Section, of course, is is another one people I went mad and I, Nevertheless, it does not start the same years taskmaster in edinburgh. If we do not it started. Knife is instinct feels like maybe like that's been around long where's that hasn't That was the same. Why would you like me jack a blog it easy subject? That knows exactly so. I do not like that. one section of my elders, I'm we went on, they all came out the same yeah laughs and I think that's up. Did you find that when you had a child that you became more fertile professionally cause, he didn't care anymore about for you No now exhausting and very difficult to do anything
you a means, you have to be very focused on when you are working here. I find you. You use every hour, more valley, blake, the ngos. Many I was I wish I could go back to attack the time when I didn't have anything in my life, no partner, you can and tat actually berta well, I was what was thereby, because I still have to go and see the kids. I guess emma that might have to endure my wife, and I feel we have also, if I kill the kids, I probably would want to see the aren't she likes me locally and I think she might a bit she might get over it. I'll ask what you are going to be against on re lippy voted. If only I could do if the guest somehow, but if that's what you play the play them with you, so you did like it was a two hour tv show for Dave, the palladium yeah. That was
what a wonderful thing for us and our so the one section is up music and comedy show I suppose so that fine missions of man and tell them joe and Ben, where my oldest friends, all my friends, that we were born the same year in the same town and our moms have friends and we're all the middle brothers of three brothers. We went to private school together so that particular gig drove the trumpet it had a baby to his first son to daughter to it the first of the two days before the recording rights and all imams who noticed that come to everything and the palladium was in a full nobody interests, lakers recordings,
long after the start. It was full and it was a very special night, so yeah and now that I've got kids, I've got three boys and I've got two brothers and you chasing, I imagine if they were on stage for their little friends in the palladium and yes, as you get so it was yeah. It was nuts, it was literally nuts. You think they do like horn horn, section babies like the muppet babies when we go back and reimagined that the three of you doing the horn section as kids well he's two of my children play the saxophone okay and I hate the saxophone very frustrating, but they do a thing. Last christmas, where I recorded one of them played the saxophone and put it on the screen we'll play along with it I get nothing from new orleans offered stationary, but don't I've got no time tournay bearing down
but nor do I this is this. What they want action is built on is that I don't have any talent musically at all, and they all do- and I don't have any town committee clay, although frustrating they take their. So I like them off and they strike me. Why is it that we don't get three treaties? The radio show that noun. yeah, but I will move into the podcast world. Yes, one also have you we talk about your pay, patchin patron, in which the top loud I was explained to you that the topic well he's worth having to go. Is one dollar a month five dollars month, ten dollars a month or thousands cause. I'm an iowan yeah if you've got the option to last month, yeah yeah, if you go to a thousand dollars a month, is, is too much for one person to pay yeah. But if one person does it imagine if a thousand people to yet my million could, a month and that carries on if there was ten thousand doing it? That would be doing itself They'll be ten million pounds a month there again. If there was a hundred.
How many, how many people of things out of that level? They hear them over the five hundred people have a thousand it's around to fund our podcast, because it's all independent we do in march the sex oftenest basement. the so, is self funded, and it is very nice because you have more access to the people listening access to the room, but you're not more of a relationship, and if you give us five dollars We will sing about you. Will you will come into a song and if you give us ten dollars a month will be along the song and a thousand dollars a month, it's a sign. Yes, like, why were you guess, on every month, China is waiting to see for that moment happen now. One yeah what would you not put our as an option well worth? As does my life? Would you get more than a song? I think the fact that the air- but it looks like it but like unless you have something on every other animals by this fund. Among I'm, not looking fellow lacking I'm not gonna my ambled knifing about it. I'm not kidding
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all right, I'm gonna ask you some questions from my extensive research of your life. Nor can it have. You have been confused with doktor Alex horne, lead child and adolescent consultant psychiatrist at the nightingale hospital. if the are they? Oh, yes, one of those. If you have, I would like to find out more about it. So, no, but yet there is a famous alex horne, the manager, the former managing director of the FJ, and we both got sent for a long time. Emails to the wrong alex horns and we're similar age and and it that got friends in common and that they ve plenty of headlines in the paper saying horn bank, if a hadn't horn rejects wembley climbs. So that's the answer to this different question. You ever still valid been mistaken for alex horn of female run from macclesfield, whose in currently in the under seventeen run britain and eighty
thousand two hundred on the national ladder last event was there me is in and you ve written always denounced, backed precisely in two minutes for two seconds. Point: zero, lonely for point: zero, I? U related, I related we can easily relate to that. We know again, but there was this desert that there is a famous alex, would sign monsters before how many more thousands and thousands of women that's, because Alex can be a girl's name. I always wanted to marry a girl called Alex. When I was an adolescent, I thought that'd be very sweet to like even more no to it Oh. If women, nor did he ever signed with even more everybody man, I don't know what we ve been waiting for. Amerika you were born in petworth? Have you ever been right now can be. My writing. Chichester is that we are according to
to Wikipedia is mainly why use years near tat, they probably meant the coelho and ask that question fits well. Ask it. Have you been to petworth cottage museum cities and tat was that you probably would have bumbershoot. I probably I probably have been right where we live corner there you ingestion. you know I haven't made sure it looks good cause. It's only open. I think two mornings a week remedies and pile of chesham I've been there. Eleven years is wonderful place with a lot filming. Can you name? Five other shows that filmed ingestion, We can be the same emerged from the champ threat. and some of the some of the fake fair because as in wembley
jason, one, the giant killers of the year award two years ago. They beat Bristol city, I think, or a city, I think the city and in round two anyway. Apart from that, there was a man down. His film was filmed a little was aspect hunted down with the film that, with Andie macdowell life and the professionals, filmed there. Is this true yeah? This is remembering I might be wrong. There's quite a lot of things film. That history is who is your favorite notable resident from Chesham, apart from yourself russell grant? the ground Russell grant. Does he wasn t physical training on tennis court opposite worries to live already goes for it, have you ever seen. Guy zeiner he plays had never not rejected by the hair. Gruber
in terms of gay son lives in chechnya,. Have you ever seen night evident no no he's there- is that the united nations, No, I visit his grave activities, gray, how's your tv and foam reception. Can you receive channel five this book. paypal ingestion, we're gonna, fuckin knots. There is not playing in london. The list international guy sign up below from reception added richard herring know what is bad and good. So what's the value of the valley, some places good, just yeah, we used to live at the bottom of the valley. Now we have a map of the valley, because it's good yeah good, but not no good firms have better tv but worth from reception, and vice versa in the bottom, which would you prefer to have would prefer to have
the phone reception of good tv reception. This is a great, is a great, but it is a good question emerged. Why it's funny! You asked me that, because Does two s side already asked questions. One summit watch tv and sometimes I use the funds. Yet it would be nice to have both put here since the current gap. He's, one of which, in this case I do think I'm going to I'm going going to plump for the firm reception. Ok, so someone on twitter was also. I can call people okay, sorry, I didn't. I thought it was just a pause. but that is the end of the centre,
I gave you a good phone reception. You could always ring someone else who had good tv reception, get them to describe it either get describe or listen to the tv through their phone yeah. But if you had good tv reception, you couldn't ring someone up now you can communicate through the tv Someone was asked you to return. I like this moment and why would like to know more about is well in taskmaster with leaves a top up with, is as well to liza tar buck. to demonstrate a love, Gregg Davis, big davis, taskmaster, made use, say on a cake. How was the? How was the experience
Thank you. So it wasn't just sitting on a cake recipe. It was a transit of oh yeah yeah and then take your pants off yeah and they go into a shed certain a cake. The attack had to be covered in them confectioners cream. He was so, along those lines, specific names, as you did. I think it is called something else. Forthcoming, G8 summit, And- and it is a recognised sexual fetish, cities attacks have been sent, many an image and Durbin contracted by two clubs different worlds. So my normal world injection relatively so I sat on it slowly. She want temperature to be warmer than it actually was? It was more, were shocked than it should have been. No is really nice, but it was it was. It was lucky a week just because other, how do you can
legally in. I was in the bath our tried that because it was so. I like the way the way you sat it. I just got on the show where nobody was I open. In any event that, basically I love it when I've never done anything before nothing, nothing had gone in before. I think genuine enough. You got him first time stuff? But it's a good start. If anything's going to go with a nice nice and some of the options yeah, I'm saying I think it's still nothing since has gone in when I thought about it. The much gone in much going on over there and the objects. The object, though, like we don't like inanimate things, animate things of god. the idea of any whole thing's hole.
I think it into it? If you read my book, you would think that a lot of things have been up there, because that's mainly what the probably every I'd, almost one in one question, is about suddenly being inserted into your anus about things not been in then have been in yeah, if the fingers of the then the whole section have not been up there, was that it was shouting that other was proposed region if the amos, because that will ruin your podcast. If that becomes the new euphemism, for the prove it for the anus. Have you been in the horn section or you throw a dreadful satirical patient? A newspaper called the back door trumpet, which is an old euphemism, for that? Okay, I'm just trying to think
and the else has been up there. It should come to mind quicker now. You have lived a long time in a lot of things have happened to me. A lot of strange things have happened to me in that time and. Do people keep like every go suggesting tasks you could do in taskmaster? Well, it's quite interesting yeah, that's because they're more and more people suggesting things and I've always resisted it. As you do in your book, quite forcibly, saying your questions and answer my questions, and I do. I have always thought no one could come up with a task because that's my job, I think quite protect- and also, I think it is quite a niche world and is quite nuanced world, because it's sort of it's quite offbeat, but it's not wacky and it's it's it's going to be a bit off kilter, but not bonkers and people have tended to send things in which are too, and just
well quite right, yeah, but recently there have been some good ones. I dunno what to do with them after I've done or whether it's okay to put them in the show cause it feels like you might be using them, because I don't think we can pay them other than the one payment, but it feels odd to suddenly make it a crime. What sos show, but a really good idea is so I know what to do with her thump mali. At night, the one spooking me it apart from children, read a good emergency questions and children any good at combat, probably not ever going to come up with solutions to task. I want my kids. I do. I do test them on berries Darren and gary tony as as well before now and there's a good example in this series to one of the tasks is: don't blink last pleasantly winds and set it to bury who said And he said well I'll just do this and he shut his eyes shut his eyes, then open them and that's the perfect solution. The essays kids and no one. No adult saw that and just but I was instant just last week. Someone came up
the brilliant that ruins my human centipede question that I won't ask you because I know you're a very polite man. It's a very unpleasant question, but the person in front of you should have a cost me back and then, if that's not the problem, is it ruined the question you can never ask again, so I will let the child go to like about. This is why I like what I like the crappy jobs. well. That was not what I like about task the taskmaster, but with one of the things I learned one of the things I like about it. I love all of it and having bought it of having had it bought for me at about forty five minutes before the show began a thirteen pounds. Thirteen pounds is never going to send them with that price range. Nope free is free so how's your laptop rabbit. The permitted in some of them are about ripping the book is also one of
what richer, and so the book has meant. But there was a lot of. There was some of the small amount of clamor. If you can have a smaller climate foot for tasks, people wanted me to set them tasks scout groups, Crimson had nights in the armies of alarm. You ve got tat and so on at the time replying, I tried to reply to everyone, which is a vanity, and, I said, tos so then said to in this era. It's there all the two hundred times for people to do, but a lot of them are for people to do by themselves and and compete the other task to say fans are a task. People are offensive to us and yeah
tusk fans. So you can do the tasks and compete against other people around the country or the world once a month only to reveal who's doing the best around the world, which is what the original taskmaster was in edinburgh that once a month round, with recap how people were doing so, those things where you can rip stuff out the book they've got to repair a picture of me and give it to me. It says time right, there's a picnic next on fourteenth september, two thousand and nineteen and the coordinates when the book they're gonna get at that time again, but- and I need to mention this- I I am the longer chewed is minus and then a rhythm number, but it looks like a dash and if you go to the poverty, run the negative attitude I won't be there so yeah. That's that's going to cause a lot of long term tasks and I've got a pair of books and things. I send the most unusual thing to this pillbox yeah, so yeah
The current directive is good, but I sum is: there's something thrilling about being being told to rip up. I mean good vehicles, then they have to buy another book yeah you should with first actually I read this book about fun of that, but one of the tasks, the thing is, make the biggest tower of this book, but you can't be within one hundred meters of of a bookshop, so you've got to somehow buy one hundred books. I did but yeah there's lots of things which have others, one which has swapped this book for the greatest thing to try to spread the book around with. Yes, it was quite interactive book is original book. Not directive. Is this book having grown having green is a nice color, but luckily colorblind person, where we have to tell our two books? there is, though there is only one of us not just to the mother. Would the title I think I'll around people can read. I think. Are you going to read from your book got hold the conversation
Thirdly, was another: the enjoying either I Ask your most question when, when I just ask them I'm going to go from the end of the book, where I honestly think you'd have to tell me what you're going to do they're, not as good as what was. Asking you what they have, this gonna ask you three questions. So what was the last thing? You know it was the last thing you lamented: okay, I'm not going to answer your question that this is the first of three both announcing lament event in the amended, and that means wailing with women's yapping give. We were particularly sad about her question were my have it yet. My dog for people to there was a firstly first should be first, never been sat looking after the genuinely, nor have I,
and I think if you don't want shallow ok, you know in europe put porthos last week that stuff about whether intellectual should all be drunk yes, and that, if I think your guest rich said, if you reject We should be upset, I'm richard Houston. Oh sorry, yeah Jonathan, I think Jonathan. Your guests said that if you're intellectual, you should be upset- and that made me upset that that meant that I'm not intellectual, because I'm generally very happy and very rarely sad, because I think it's fine, isn't it. most things- I know its, not rising, everyone put I am generally I'm pretty happy so I the last thing I lamented I kept of sc last year meant I meant things on a casual basis timeline. I lament coming on this podcast. To be a example of you almost saying,
do, but I think you I was thinking you you're, implying that you are lamenting, make No, no no said may coming on the buckets may I was actually be. I was doing an impression you right. I've got very apt refresh. Have no, I don't limit this to. I think element. I don't think I've ever lamented okay, so I'm going to lemon you're allowed to know lament what was the last thing you laminated It is a good question Lastly, eliminated wars, picardy and I left it in the prince. This is obvious, it must be under eighteen of the eta thinkers fifteen and I left it says I'm not for while only looks a quarter of a century with three of them we now know.
I would applaud that, but yeah eliminated a fake id and then I think I'd left it in the printer and photocopier in the meters, public library, and I panicked so much. I was going to get arrested because somebody else to that end. They re story. Well, I think we want the next question the laws on view lamented lemonade, Three. The love for my laminated ornamented with it is public library. That's not true. I was just glad it got there questions that I have to say so is that when you, when approaching a thousand and one three three, the price of one yes, why did it because the two hundred times yes, five times-
Often, however, only small lonely, those it quite small- well yeah, I say I think most of these good brought it put it, how you work with your books. This got sent I read it worked hard and the angel my words and people, a tv book is written by someone else. the struggle with them and trying to make it possible, and as soon as it was sent to me, I opened one to ask the not on what at work at nasa in a car and if the driver can't do it because it has to be health and safety things at once. One person is out the task. Basically, just if I was so disappointed you could do on a coach or menopause okay, I think master. I think whenever you have a machine proof me to become a have read it through you open up, and it didn't happen directly with this book, but nearly always ever got programmer. When I opened up and the first thing I said
is a mistake, it's very frustrated the only one in there, the one I tweet, I tweeted one of the ones who made today or yesterday- and I realized it- was an accident or deliberately make them ambiguous, sometimes that people couldn't take the cars insurance interested to see how someone takes a question. But I'd said what was the who is the worst person who you felt sad had died, which, by my one is jeffrey Dahmer, which I made you take, is who's the worst person consuming. I mean yeah, but some people take that as who worst person for you who's died, so they were going to going Amy winehouse's going oh fuck. She was alive when she was away. There's no subway. you ve baby, that's the level that you cut off point. Let's If you want to clarify why they were yeah. Well, I sort of realized after two or three people have done what happened. Cause two or three people went the wrong way and since the one that was required
yeah so after you've picked up their morning, stuff yeah, you can say that, but I thought it was clear so that you, so you do notice those mistakes quickly, but in I wrote a book about birdwatching, as I wished didn't tell in the end, but I read it: my my my father is a purple chip and I spent a year with him, but what you were try to understand. Why does it as a hobby anyway? The main point of this is there was a misprint in the book instead of the word with it said, weakest gerald drunks w. I see you s, t j m. Why ask tee r o n g t h, instead of with you get to the bottom, put it on my phone report. Otherwise, as a witness jeremy, strong sarah, with I apologise, but there it is,
What do you imagine these rate is going? misspelling. Yet another costs Jervis drunk the asylum. and sometimes I would do us search and replace What I see what there was there and also show Jeremy strong who I've since read too much your knees and children's author, I think cost must mean customer or something lifted my with, is in the first edition to that doesn't have a lot of money on the book. I did a book to a village holes and then the publicity to it they missed spelt the word site. They sit on books will be signed.
Why the author, but they put singed. So I thought I found the page with witness Jeremy strong invented, oh god, good good, good. he's alive, and several of my fight like why won't just rivalries I'll, just as I have just taken where we were trained to cattle, should offer the watchword of. What's going off on my way of revenue. My maid brought with it with apple watches. You smell tat adds. That is that you did so what's that like the last that, while the catches on another level of small yours fuels, otherwise smiled. I once you're my guest, and I don't want you to your it might waft over. When of the strange milk lights. I wonder why the smell or touch her lip. I'm sorry for him,
so tat most went to america's well. Yes, I was that with reggie wants is the yet so I spent six weeks there last year with the director and demonstrate
wonderful man and we lived in a little apartment? We may toss western america with bridgewater, as you said, and it was a wonderful. It was brick. It was a brilliant experience and I was very pleased with the program, but I don't think it's worked in a way. It's worked here. I think, for various reasons and for a short they made it twenty two minutes instead of here's an hour, but without versus forty five, there is half now with boots. Twenty two goes very quickly, so there's not the time for it to breathe. My favorite bits in this country is when there's arguments and it spills over about a lot in this chap when things go away that you're not expecting. Yes, that didn't happen in america, one that just did the task and the audience whooped for a couple of minutes, so that a most of the program, but but I really that the contestant for grey and they did get on board with It- and I understood the the tone of it but
it didn't quite catch fire. So I'm not sure if it's gonna happen again, but I think there's also there's a I mean, I'm not saying there wasn't a regiment is an amazing synergy between you and greg. I think it does really work as a double act. I agree, but I think it was there from the beginning. We didn't know each other before and I always wanted him to do it because I do think he's got natural. I mean obviously presence and that role is perfect for him, I never wanted to do that myself, because I haven't got the right temperament and I think that you could have that if we carry on doing it so It's ninety four, twenty boot. You know we went and without a pilot you just go straight in because they already exists. So if it never happens again It's a wonderful yeah, I think to say I did it totally shows cause people kicked lots of people go over to america and yeah the work I've done and often for quite a long time, and especially writing a sitcom or something that can be over there for six months, but your wife is,
Six weeks, yes, if we for the long term, I really had no no desire to work in america at all, except you know really fun. So your idea over there- oh, yes, I would you know if it had been a success that might be a problem in my life because I, like living in session in Geneva, the phone receptions right at the bottom, but if you go to the top of the values, but as you know I mean I know Russell gran ma am No guy sign a very little, not every penny, and yet so now. I think it is, and it is an experience,
I mean, obviously I think most things aren't the craig's quite mean to you in the show, you think can be nice, rarely so slightly mildly bullish. He he has my mother in law, an yes sorry, TIM Kaine. I don't think she's going to listen. Let's take the risk. Why do we have a thing where she's irish and I was pretend to forget her name we both please it's funny old, irish and even its management and that's it. I saw it and unlike gregg, because she thinks he demeans me on telling the right. It's not good for for me or my children's view of me, but I like it, I think it is very nice. I may because he's been on this for a greatly may becoming on later in the evening series of appeared. so it waits waste the last two thousand.
You want me to bring that people who work with each other. Last week I had you'd like to give you jest about him night. Now I wouldn't say I'm sick for to us the question on to get us most as god, if you're, not sure how to say, because because I do, he calls me little alex horne and I and so on, and he is you've seen him produce big castel and so people presume on very little that I didn't really care. Like it. People have you mean you're, smolny, maple presume, I'm small. What can you do? Presumes you'll see that people presume I'm quite tall than they meet me over. I wasting your has come along well, it sometimes is a bit like the what happens if I go to a hairdressers and then it gets shortly. So it's obviously so if you leave it for a bit, it gets yeah it does tend to. If lengthen, would you let me know next time you know when you're going to go to the hairdresser? Malcolm admit you just before, yes, you have left
to be very lobby, nothing probably you know like in the two thousand and ten. How long ago was it was Leah nine, but I imagine before that it was probably shorter. It was what is born he was barely and it was barely anything madigan. Then it grew and then might I think my mum probably cut it. The first time mummy yeah- and I remember going to a hairdressers when I was a little older than that so as carried on and then I wouldn't go to the hairdressing to get longer we'd get long, then a guy who spent long. So I, addresses and the customer are all sure to get the same thing with the. If I don't go when I go for awhile it'll be a lot longer than before, and then almost assumes you go in there where's between going and coming out
I guess, a whole lot shorter and last time I went to the hairdressers in chesham. I go to a turkish place. There's a power cut during it and they carried on by I couldn't take the children work haven't casually, they just couldn't or they just operate the two, but could they just state the cash? I wouldn't go my chain Go back later, given that it and thought we met hatters is one of the people you meant to tip for some reason, I'm quite generous in the hairdresser's year, not dentist enough to Nobody gonna into ten how much arithmetic our turkish partners in retrocession twelve pants.
That's not a compliment. The sixteen sixteen and I give twenty and then walk out to cause massive tit for pants yeah. I mean he's a quarter of the cost of the hecker. I would be exact but I and I feel quite good in what you say next time. Less thanks to tipp extra experts, oh yeah like next. I'm gonna give you fifteen guess how much and watches yours I reckon. Think hundred freely with actually I went to
in guys in hitchin, and I had didn't give me a lift different levels. You can go for in the toni and guy you can have like that. Right went like ukraine as a toy I say there does. He think it gives you five greatest stood by these figures are not just starting in time. You guys. I also experience to tell you guys is somewhat different, wash your hair rather than as they do in it. They start message in your head. I mean I might be the all the young women who work at honey guy. They someone a little piece of it's mine, we re away to communicate. My love removes the need his skull as only been allowed to touch trying. So you some kind of basic morse code to. Let him know that I want him an online without organizer, probably what I think is outside of that they don't fancy mean that made today by its own, your guy, how much this has not. Yet
as for the cleaner. Having no further just do not just have a governess sties and go for the very studies. I went for the sea, nea stylist top best. Acta is name. was tony organ is foolish. If it were the first five pounds on a five panted, sixty pounds run, man, I gotta lotta hair youtube eleven percent eu georgia. Twenty five Why I fear when is the senior stylists and he shouldn't be tipping them at all. That's like he's already got lamborghini and stuff at the outlet all these years. Here. I can found its extra time. Does yours burn you raise an end of it it doesn't knight design doesn't yet cause. I imagine some people to have that where they set fire to a little thing and put it next year. He and I always try not to flinch, because I think they'll make them
Acme more, I rarely hurts I've never had that happen. I was discussing backstage during the brian blessed thing with Chris Evans, not that one, the director that what I quite like to do during interviews on rehearsal for that no one notices, but maybe they have, but I I will at my ear head during I'm done it today, so it must be going well. So I just have a little boy we go for little so I'm doing view wandering Mystery solved, it is a bit like in friends and bought russen rachel get together once that has been revealed which ones for going to be difficult. Size, one about some there, some friends in it and a monkey friends in the market, and I think, a monkey then allow members monkey not remember monkey out
We already have references, whether our people, they voted, now, this immodest monkey I'm out to try to an impression of employees. in the end the pakistan that I want to leave on racial in I did so. I got the impression that on key issues I guess kung fu thing. Okay, it was set in in China. I think in china in china, I won't I'm not going to do it because, because you know no to all, rich. Did I only six member states, monk, ah ha phase. Don't do that step. Ten cosplay turn. I turn to you. I said I didn't want time he,
new, louder supporters. Fifty two oh my sites. Fuck, you, you remoteness with vietnam, racism, The. So I've had a lovely time chatting with you. It's a I'm just going to see. If I can get much we'll see when my next train is, can I say, can I see women as well as twenty twenty? at ten, I'm not going to make. We can do a bit more yeah mine goes with three minutes to the hour. Yeah, but I'll be waiting there, but we've got to get up, there could take an uber long way. How much does it cost to get a new birth to chesham Chesham, the local school at chisholm member of the river chess looking there and the air the musical jets.
are there not amusement what rights they river there's none of these projects? and at fridays, because ninety one times that seems to be a lot is a lot. Isn't it yeah? I didn't think you'd be that much If that's what you said, it's a lot, yeah yeah laughs. He says that is one of the things on a day like today, which is monday so that we choose they weren't they all. Those are the two data on Monday. Fifty five feel like a hacker, I guess I only have ever take one on a monday, so that's why I thought it was. That was not night. One was expensive and fifty five so very reasonable the still a lot lower than it to get. You get two hundred and fifty quid for being on this thief. Yeah, so you could just tell you yeah. We don't pay anyone on the horn section. We just hope people are going to give us one hundred pounds.
I do, I could just tell them different things. Like fifty five. Am I get five ubers you could you could tip for one hundred and ninety? Ninety five haircuts, yeah, oh some picked up the money where, through a toilet, neither cash in hand. At least I don't have to pay tax or my urgent, better or really scared. Cash is great for the Yeah really gets. because you end up with more money. Yeah. No one knows no one, there's no way that anyone can like prevail as long as the record yeah, for you are very good at table football. You cannot have your table football to which I gave to
the kids recently at thirty two years old, I had it when I was eight and his brain yeah yeah still still working working. Will I be going to get the ball rolling monkey when most people don't get about its britain? Did you play yeah yeah yeah, now twice a day. Is you know, yeah badminton? Ah this high school yeah. Well, it gets easier. It gets easier, boy you private easier and then much harder as you get your ear, the much broader agenda when you're dead, impossible, yes, but have not so when your baby is very difficult to resolve, difficult, sixties out again, but better. Sixteen inefficiently I would have thought going through the thirty two. Maybe back, then, when you were sixteen yeah cause. It's not that I have to be that strongly. It's the kind of sport that you play when you've forgotten your sports, proper sports kit. Okay, you met the pope.
didn't know that that is trick. Yeah I was a weed pipe was, I can't remember it was the one but remember he met the pope, which one What is confusing with a hat, they all the signs of two thousand and six and I pray rat singer. I think postwar single or When ratzinger thing is the good thing happened with ratzinger. Why did you think he had to step down? What did you think was going on there? Then? I maybe wasn't a very good pope us if you're a catholic. There is quite a big if, if you're, not by me and you, when you get married, you've got a year when you don't have to go to a papal audience on a Wednesday
I and I didn't. I married a catholic larry because I was doing a show all about latin, and this isn't the only reason I married her. I saw a way in so I married this catholic lady and and actually her uncle is a bishop. Is a wonderful man, the bishop of Derry and he managed to make sure that we got basic good seats of the papal audience and and the paper the pope came over and shook. The paper came over and shook hands and I was filming it as well, and I said I spoke some latin him cause he's the only person in the world that speaks latvia, so, I said, sounds like papa, which means hello, pope yeah laughs. And the most Russia should, for just a little bit too long, has held on three elements. So he'd. Remember me: if I met the pope big, if I would say: tim, okay, okay, agriculture, haughty, non labyrinth, because you would today today Karen
an old guy. Oh yeah, we go, we can we get yeah, hooray hooray. Does it yeah? july. Hotei non laurent today are not working that the farmers today are not working in the holiday the farms holiday, I would say to, and what do you reckon I would say okay, yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yea, and we can only download borland. I bought to play a farmer in africa and the latin lesson at school, the most that do it and then I consider it less than anybody can remember. If I met the power to give I fit sack greece, gonna topsy turvy about poker and pass on property right. If I met the german pope right, I'd, say: ferns outbreak reagan show em back
hunt I'll take their now I can do. I won the first love fence, a happy rat reagan. Motion it was a happy rat who now I want to raise one of these umbrella reagan shares that back and talk The fact of the forecasts are these spaces. I met the icelandic pope pretty soon. Look, it is just a latin one: old latin pope, yeah yeah. I think you ve been is the piper high five european shook hands Your life again It was you know what I genuinely I've, no interest in the area and are no religious, but I was gonna move to make him. It was making a supposed acquaintance. If you, even if you not monarchist you, probably things pray go to meet the queen, so I was
and despite despite many things it was. It was an amazing occasion mainly because there were thousands of people there, mainly in their bridal case. So there was just there was probably five thousand brides and property from one thousand bridegroom's. But then we ran through the streets of rome and my wife wearing her wedding dress and we got pizza and people will shout ciao bella at her in the street. It was amazing was it was already get a chance, ciao bella you, you think chow chow bell below the italians would know that there is no current word near and he's really fit sorry the land, stuff is this: interested in learning anything about another language, because now the remoteness of gun, the brexit he has now megan. Why are you speaking a foreign language? We here in england speak english. I just feel like we've lost them. Does I like it? When that happens? A reminder, I don't mind,
I prefer it because it also you hinted they were going to end about twenty minutes and I urge literally trapped in no way out was looking through your book. I just have a look to see if there's a cause a lot of other stuff, no sense of urgency over there he d died having jane take us to the end of a very seemed to episodes of this serious I, for I have them. I knew I was an event. I know some people I know is, I felt james. A custom was going to be and still could be greatest. Taskmaster in living here. You who do you feel, as that has been the best contested
it has been thirty five, I genuinely think of all of them fondly and Romesh. You know to start funny so angry at him. I want to watch him kate and I could I could list or thirty five any ass, a guitar. I mean these essentially pointless. I think for you, the guy would be the game would be a will, come up and put his head. You think we'll get a point this, answer age estimates. I think I'm not leaving, I think it would be Phil Wang
Oh I don't know just where. If you asked a hundred years two hundred people to name it right, but a task must contestant. I think five of them would come up with an answer and would say filled. so I would be the one they want to forget, because what is where you know it's a pretty girl. Why? Like about Phil Wang, you know one of the things I feel what I like about that. One main thing I like about him is every time he doesn't think. If he does on purpose, he does. It's like anyone is we does it wrongly like what he's closing the door? You goes the handle on the other side, every time Yes, yes, like you've, come through a door and then when he goes back, he tries to close it from the other side. He's got to be deliberate is the funniest, say I say the similarities to fill and poultry and that you don't know where the sort of comedy act ends.
as sherman begins. Yes, it could all be an act or none of it. Yes, I think you are either James, that has the dna to be a very good condition of yours. He's watched every second of it he's watched more than I they then you have yet so we unease wanted to some very good things but another or bring seventy it were the same as james. Anyone biggest show that we need some bad. Some good but there will be nice, we haven't had any one on it, he's not nice. Yet richard the is it true? If you asked to be on, tasks must be, can never be on tasks must know. I think For some reason, you started that room. It's egos offered to a state where you can also be honest. You have to ask Now it is not true at all I mean We love it when people ask as it makes it always examine other interested street.
Yeah it'll be a weird rule that I who haven't you had the present company accepted by that bloke, who you, who would be your ideal person to have, I think, jackie, cavalryman, grinage don't you have been, I think we should carry on private any minute there I saw, but no more than that, I haven't told you about your many queer appearances. Because you are literally properly encamped them right, I'm to share. This is why I wanted to show all the shit when I was a a at a civilian on count, any proper person. I you have to audition to be on canon, but it's not audition. You have to to a test and it's literally the opposite of an audition because no interest in any sort of personality. They just want you to be good at the game. Good enough and I failed it the first time you earn enough to take it
Three times examined. I got through the second time, true, if you asked about it like a bride to go on a similar. I chose to show about words when I try to invent a word and get a new word in the dictionary, and my word was hunk so needs a word already had one meaning I wanted to get into the slang word, meaning catch its I'm going home to me. So I we get onto countdown and I won the first game, but I was looking for my word, my letters to come up and but I managed to win the first game. I beat this an old lady which is good. It's not behind the second, which is awful because men she never got the table and in the third guys dad I'll, probably yo, yo yo. and oh, no. You get very long gone. And within it with an unfulfilled ambition, and in the third round, but her kids would just have grown that people out. Oh, she didn't have kids.
she may well have had kids to was lovely heavily. She thought about give you the teapot I get a ticket to my mum, but in therapy the letters for h, one n k came up and I saw a better word, but I said I've got four letter. Word honk, meaning money. Environment gives her final series. Cdms owners will tend to perceive the actual potential yet that that counts. So that was my proof that it got an addiction yeah. Did you lose as a result? saying no, I lost my fourth. I was very good at it and it's one of my proudest things, but I'm bad at it. Now I wrote you can sort of swat opponents like any sport. You just do it enough. You get good at it, then known as obsessed with it yeah yeah yeah. I got a contract, I was trying to shelter, Jonathan ames cause. He mentioned scrabble backstage and I couldn't remember my best scrabble move. He was quite as across teachable, so he remembered it now, but I just remembered it now: yeah too late, Jonathan ames, critical thinking guy. Yes,
at two hundred and twenty two points when I was answering my question, you just thinking what was my you know, I just suddenly it just suddenly pop back in because when you drift to the usa Just gets a year. Sometimes I'm thinking about the next thing at all the previous Sometimes I think, there's think about maybe two views. I can tell you that people, have had only around Alex. No problem is that you weren't subway mastermind statement question. You came second with twenty five points. Well, I threw that, because, in its own o Brien more one against minority was a frightening capacity. I really get on funding. I think, twenty nine of some even twenty nine is a lawyer, honourably player and went with thirty five five times
oh, my, will really sorry son, can't you see, I'm fucking close worse than speaks for every caveats. ex expert vienna she is, am I really have to ask, do em. You cannot tell me with a status, not only I wanted to university challenge christmas, but have not done the universe challenge. I wouldn't do it cause it's too hot. I think that if you only got twenty five on saturday most of my potato, I, like the questions, are a lot harder on university jobs. Even the celebrity here, I'm not even gonna respond. I'm gonna! Listen to this. I don't want to do it. They all daily, they loved me. The game show people they look because I'm was gonna shit they all.
and he gave me. We have been on a tipping point. The twitter comedians freshman that a celebrity celebrity tipping point. She arts, the comedians rather than celebrity. Okay, do not comment on that. So it's on. I don't have a story about it and when I wasn't on one MIKE started, cutting out as george the satellites. A lazy wants to go home, I'm leavin. Have you ever not been on tipping point? I haven't I've? Never I've always not becoming a boy's nothin on it. So I ask you spoke, I ve been on it. I met Ben shepherd once and buckingham palace, but apart from that I saw em Ben come back in the toilet. The same work in the same occasion. Joining him. I've been sitting next day. I was sitting next to sat next to Greg Davis and at dinner at buckingham palace, looking pellets in it. I said:
the camp David Buckingham palace determined to join in that. Do you met bench, app nigh? What goes on somebody on sunday for the first time. go in presents, goes and shots on sunday. Then, on my way, I'm anywhere is tipping. Point work also presents goes on sunday on sunday, just gonna go it's but they were ideological deal, my father they'll they will crush mont, yes or no you're attentive today is no deal. What has been lovely having you on I've been trying to talk so soon yeah. I think we could go on and got new emerged, the question of it
Suddenly I got a couple when you talk to fail task. The silent ass may mean them this laboratories, the people they are contesting the privileges and bringing on taskmaster naming the taskmaster that could we want any, namely taskmaster and his assistant creative potential. I know thank you for having me thanks. So much coming out. Good luck in the race to the top that you obviously are going to lose because my listeners are gonna, buy the book via the emergency questions rather than taskmaster hey chair, if you think much customs is best if you think taskmasters more and more them. If you, if you read both books all the way through each week, I think that's bad currently think. Ninety ninety nine in the amazon china's way of it before I went on
I'm three thousand my books? Now you three thousand and less or somewhere, three thousand four thousand dishes loom right: ok, but I'm hoping war stones, Piccadilly will start my book. just send me up and down the fucking stairs. If I go into trump. I think I want your book to sell more. I think you two need David, just like the psychologically I'm going to take. I'm going to take that book to america and get reggie wants to read it. Yeah. Have you added bonus? No hippie ground will be good. Doesn't he live in america and some of the time yeah? Sometimes it comes over the alaska I lived in america, I live in an live in So what do you know in ways? enzo nine, this is further stand on those that exist on its further stop charing cross, but tonight
an uber that I'm glad to give you that lifestyle, that's gonna lifestyle. If you work out of school kids and then don't doing. and become a comedian and all they always elaborately. They don't alone, and it should work out whether just go I'm gonna go. I was hoping we stopping use made the book us long. I can. I ask him a question if you shut up Maybe I e begun now you could be going I'm drunk on you, but suggestion is how we will check genuine everybody wanted just transgression. Anyone in generic a and opens a moment, an open. You turn me away. Does gonna live there? I live there anyway.
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I thought then sky Hate. Thanks so much for listening to the podcast to listen to more, do tell your friends have enjoyed this. Do come and see us live. If you can richard herring dot, com, slash well as the bar, but keep enjoying us In your ears, I'm coming in your is: whenever you want me to with your consent, and every little helps that's what I've said. That's my excuse.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-11.