« Revisionist History

Malcolm Goes to Debate School

2023-04-13 | 🔗

What do you do after you've been humiliated at the Munk Debates? You call in the A-Team. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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a cancer. If you were a loved one, has been affected by pancreatic cancer purple stride is the event for you, your participate can and fund raising make all the difference in advancing progress for patients join the movement on Saturday April, twenty ninth in a community near you register for free today at purple, stride, dot, org, that's p! U r p l asked he are I d dot org. German, welcome to the monti debates not long ago a few things some people gathered at boy thomson hall in toronto. The fancy is performing space in the city to hear debate, parliamentary style, opening statements, rebuttals closing, humans, so on all of us to think tonight carefully on our debates motion beer resolved- do not trust. The mainstream media speed.
for the resolution were to prominent journalists my name's mats, eighty I've been a reporter for thirty years and they argue for the resolution You should not trust mainstream media tv was one. people, elon musk turned to when he took over twitter to publish on twitter. The socalled too files with the intent of showing that liberals were meddling with free speech met. Tybee has a massive online following grew up in the press. My father was a reporter. My stepmother was a reporter. My godparents parents, reporters basically are adult, I knew growing up was reporter. So I actually love the news business, but I mourn for it destroyed itself by getting away from its basic function. Which is just to tell us what happened. Tvs partner was the prominent english journalist, doubtless murray. talks for educated, beautiful suit.
A certain international man of mystery sapphire. It's it's a great pleasure to be here was about the outset. I've come a rather long way from the front lines of the ukraine conflict, because I like to see these things with my own eyes to myself and to come to my own conclusions. I came out through moldova. The other day through london then got to toronto, and a friend of mine said: why are you going to toronto? I said an invitation to toronto in late november, who on earth says no, to that only a madman would say no to that. On the other side defending mainstream media was your times columnist, Michel Goldberg, a monk debate veteran. one of america's strongest liberal voices, the big stories of the last five years or so you know from our presidency to cove ID, to the war in ukraine no fee who had just followed the c b c,
new york times the Washington post, the bbc. They will. Something's wrong. But in terms of the big stories, if you paid attention to the mainstream media. You were like to be much, If her and much closer to the truth, then, you followed the kind of contrary and if you followed the people who were saying, don't trust the mainstream media trust, these alternative sources of information, tat YE, be murray, coburg and then, the shells debating partner, the canadian journalist. Yes, I will claim him as one of our own. That's her new yorker staff, writer, podcasting sensation, who doesn't love revisionist history and in it nationally acclaimed, author, ladies and gentlemen, Malcolm cloud, You listening to revision is history. My
I cast about things overlooked and misunderstood. This happened. It is about what happened when Michel Goldberg and I attempted to defend the honour of the means media again its many enemies. the I entered this battle to choose from my home town, where I grew up not far away and they went elegant toronto. About a mile from the theatre, this whole evening was putting a pepin my step, I met with the show that morning at breakfast, at our hotel, I said to her we're gonna win this thing: how could we not? This is canada if anyone is going to trust the mainstream media its canadians, I rode out my opening. comments on the plane. Had a lovely visit with my mom put on my snappy a suit jacket, then strode out stage and warmly shook the moderators hand because
we want to now. Are you open to changing your mind over the course of what you can here in the next ninety minutes, can you be pursued? waited to move from the pro camp into the con camp or vice versa? I should let you know before we get to far along I am not someone who gets nervous. I dont get stage fright I and the son of a man whose personal credo was nothing bad will ever happen, people a moment to do and that's how I felt on the evening of the month to think so. Salmon the room was packed. I felt the surge of love from my countrymen and Michel. was on fire. However, if you followed the mainstream media, you knew that co. Ed was airborne. You that it was more serious than the flu You knew that the vaccines were likely to protecting the people.
Corbett, contrary on the contrary in media, the one who are saying not to trust kind of mainstream sources of opinion were saying. This is not. This is just another. Flew deaths are going to be Thousand the media doesn't want to tell you I mean matter at this several times the media doesn't want to tell you about iver mexican, tybee and Murray, on their heels in the run, to the invasion of ukraine. I think, Matt said that the media is over hyping mess that people are kind of takings, demography from the by the administration that russia actually is probably not going to invade. When I turn to speak the building, but Michel said them, in stream. Media was right about things like covert in ukraine, because it's a profession with standards and rules and a long tradition of searching for the truth the non mainstream media is. they set at institutions that are Outside of that tradition that happen, open and not a closed platform.
You cannot have an open platform and simultaneously at here to a strict set, a professional norms. You can, say anyone become, can become a doctor and then complain when the surgeon takes out your spleen in thinking that it's your call better. Now. Why am I making such a big deal about this? Because trust is not about content? Trust is about process I got my journalistic training at the washington post, one of the great newspapers in the world. Earned about that process about what it means to respect the truth from sir. but the greatest journalists of my generation, this was from the heart. We're nailing this I thought to myself and then I can't sit here and listen to mouth, would Gladwell talking about facts checking and the importance of it not to get to mean Malcolm, I read book david and goliath.
The chapter on northern ireland is more filled with inaccuracies and any other chapter in a nonfiction book I have read it is. written coup. Not very well selling but widely acclaimed book on northern ireland, myself. My book on northern ireland and so anywhere near as much as yours did Malcolm but mine was filled with tax cod, pollen, I've had a dream of walking down or highschool corridor, and we realise suddenly will not work, any pants that was me in that moment. The stage of Roy thomson hall in front of a few thousand people suddenly realizing. This is going well It's so strange hearing you debate malcolm
because you listen to nothing that your opponents say it's quite extraordinary. I've met it before, but never quite so badly as it That's it occurs in you, you can, saying things that neither us have said, and then you tried the foliage, what we say how come I dont you listen to what comes of out of our mouths and trying to learn something from it, as I am with you this evening, but at the moment all I get. Is you dismissing every single story we come up with everyone agreed. Just failure of the mainstream media a friend of mine afterwards, texted me to say why didn't. You tell me, you were up against douglas mary I would have warned you to stay home. A simple The tube search would have shown me that he's a regular at the fabled oxford debating a master of the cut and thrust, but I bet
to actually consider the fact that what we are describing is if you think not as accurate as you would like an expression of a problem that is going on in our societies functioning functioning liberal democracies needs to have trust in the media and the best that you scientists. Be able to come up with so thought tonight is to say we get things wrong quite often, but you should trust us I you can't see it listening as you are mary had the room in the palm of his hand, take the hunter Biden story here
I'm sorry? Of course you don't want. Do you know when to that kind of twitter whose data is it going to read? And of course you don't want to hear it may, of course you wouldn't get. It goes against your ideological presumptions in the month debate. The odds its votes on the resolution once before the debris and then again after the debate is over and the There is a side. Tat causes the most people to change their minds. Remit The resolution that night was the resolved do not trust the mainstream media lets us quickly. Review we are we started out. Tonight's debate was pretty much splits opinion. If I believe it was forty eight in favour. Fifty to oppose. We then ass, to how many could change your mind, So, let's see what happened last. Ninety minutes did either team of these debaters
swing, opinion, one way or another. There we go sixty seven percent in favor of the motion. Thirty three percent oppose it was the biggest swing in opinion in the history of the month debates we got cream went back to my hotel room it down on my bed stared at the ceiling and made mistake of checking social media. How come gave the perfect talk to show exactly why nobody trusts media, Malcolm Gladwell, has failed as an intellectual in this debate, wow you got out you're, so smug and arrogant as you're getting out be better. You ve lost my respect. This was it. Universal for Malcolm Gladwell reputation
I was not half as smart as a body was just watched, milk get his but kept by Doug. We enjoyed it. I had hit rock bottom not long ago, horace, cabot, throat, bottom. The fourth had a moment revelation here, he was turning away at the law. Firm, a throat bottom thrive, bottom fraud button then try bottom horace felt he had lost touch with ordinary people. He felt the need to escape the pamper cocoon of his daily. assistance. So we did what knows rock bottom a done since horse rock bottom, the first he struck out on his hell. That's when it came to me keeping it real dot com. This spoke
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was remind me of an expression from her native jamaica. This is my mom's first solo. Appearance on revision is history by the way, What kind of sun makes his mother wait? Eight years for a cameo I want to go back over the pronunciation of the of the words in in dialect pronounce them and then spell them out for me just so. I can see in my mind, okay, the expression, tech spire t a k. yeah. That's it a it's. A version of take take what is spoiled. Because we do not use the round. Did vowels in jamaica there all right. or the vows. it is said of saying spoil you say, Sir Brian, but their oil english words take spoil make style
those are for english words, but they just pronounced differently its beautifully, economical, exact it's the economy and So the humor witches Is it was her striking polluted sentence in your best jamaican dialect. we don't use it in a sentence. Can use it as a commentary on situation Here is how one walking along a dress it does not fit with watches common, they being used and she says why my dear you, watch and see everybody will be wearing address like this soon may at ted. spoil make style
This was her moral instruction to me in typically elliptical, just global fashion, take lemons and make lemonade tick spoil and makes style. So what did I do. I went straight to the top. I got in touch with the local legend of new york debating kay em deep. Land a d founder of the brooklyn debate league. I told depot the very public undressing I suffered in the stage of Roy thompson hall and depot said you need to come to brooklyn, and so I did all the way to the crown heights neighbourhood used to be the old hebrew hospital, narrow, hallway cats. Everyone eating big both past franklin avenue, shuttle lumbering along on background.
You can't do that turn about dick over put together a dream team of three to analyze. My performance the sun cuss Robbie Johnson conyers Anticlimax F Jonathan is built like a lion back big james harden beard works as a respiratory therapist. When he's not reading books and teaching debate son is thirty, something extrovert charismatic in the john gresham version of his life. He would be a trial lawyer who had been a ten billion dollar verdict from the jury. Mississippi deco is was studied philosophy, gale, piracy, tell italian in background and somewhere along the line. to judaism and went to rabbinical school. I sat down dick s kitchen table each of the three
pages of densely written notes in front of them they had prepared Jonathan was to my left. I started with him Can you speak too? There was the time on different from the debates here. You see with students. So that's a very good question. So how answers in two ways the tall that had to have. The debate was very similar to some of the students than I do work with, and that's what I teach them not to do that. I have the thickest skin in the world. Now I want to just pile on and oh they piled on. Tucson was next and think what I want to explore is the sort of disconnect between the things that you thought should have mattered to the audience and what actually turned out to matter to the audience, then deca
your strategy. Why do you think you want like if you talk to sue? Let your often on that debate like? Why? Do you think you one? I thought ass and he was the eyes began with arrogance than I thought Imagine how anyone could legitimately argue that may see me. It was worse than the oh boy. Let's start there If I assume that most people run my side before it began, then why was I even debating debating, persuasion based on the idea that there are people, listen who don't agree with you and your job. Is to change their mind. not a conversation. It's not say what you think. I say what I think: it's a contest adjudicated by it party, and the winner is the person who has the best job of climbing the head of that their party because, ultimately,
when condition of debate is the judge. Circling your name. The sun was the first to respond, ultimately, is figuring out what's important that person and how do I show them that this that I am advocating for since under a value system that they hold I think that's what's important about debate and We want an episode, is an intellectual exercise and empathy empathy. I just failed the first test of debating I put myself inside the heads. Of those in the audience who didn't trust the mainstream media and then try and bring them around. Second related point, if you watch the whole ninety minute debate on youtube, which, for the of god. I duly hope you do not. You will notice. That Mr Mary and I did not get along at a few points. I called him doug to which he took great offence and called me milk.
well mouth, I'm going to try it It is more seriously than you did in your endless creation of strong men, which just is ceaseless this evening after the debate was over murray tweeted It tweeted word of his victory. Fourteen times he's that kind of guy. But my ices at the broken debate league were not happy about my antipathy towards mister. If reading the mind of the judge requires empathy and how is pursuing some personal vendetta going to help matters how'd you engage in a delicate out of persuasion, If you're getting all emotional, I tried to explain, I didn't know Douglas Murray much at all, so I did a little research I was very intrinsic douglas marry without meeting not intending to do, Him, but he is someone he is one of those
most people writing these people who objects to thee. of non white people who move to ended in the last fifty years. I'm actually not exaggerating here. Let me read you from a speech. Ravens gave it is late in the day, but Europe still has time. Turn around the demographic time bomb which will soon see a number of our largest cities fall to muslim majorities. It has to All immigration into europe from some countries must stop the case of a further genocide such as that in the balkans, saying do, I would be given on a strictly temporary basis, should also be enacted retrospectively. Those are currently in europe. Having fled tyrannies should be persuaded back to the countries which they fled from once. The charities that were the cause of their flight had been. that last sentence from areas where throws me
it's from certain places should be persuaded back to the countries from which they fled, because the whole thing He does with an unending Sullivan's pike s, greek, talks about his dismay that many There are many cities in england now where whites are in the minority, now. My mother happens to be one of those people with a black woman who emigrated to india. Nineteen sixty three when I checked it, so she she's top discussion and it is here. talking about so he's talking about my muff rights. This is like that he was its street. For me, it's like that duties does that do did is Well, you know people used to shout the n word at my mom when she walked down the street in england in nineteen. Fifty, whatever and, in my mind, of imagining he's one of those people right. So that's what
happening when I was getting round up. I was like I walked in thinking he's a piece of shit. That's real is now you can't do that if you do that last before you even started. This is why, in high school debate, you have to prepare both sides before and you find out whether you are for or against the resolution on the day. The debate they don't want you to be yourself and again, You know deep ochre, attested is more. Anybody declares had stood into Is it the point is on the verge of being appointed then have to go and speak about open borders. Immigration and dont know what side of the fifth avenue battle that is tough for I t fifteen year old too after they give a speech, had to go cry because they miss their dad or mom, and they don't know if ice is coming or I can't do this. I can't do that when I get it, I have been there at times where I felt racism occurring on people told me, you can't use your personal story. That's not fear this
I don't understand what is to be possible. Talk about that. So it happens. We have the common understanding. Debates are not personal we have to talk about these topics, because we can have dialogue? We can have respect What was lost so I'm going to challenge you're, not going to say if they can control their or if they can understand that we can have real conversations. So can you our culture, tells us to be authentic and put our feelings. First, but if you're trying to win a debate, your focus needs to be on your opponents. feelings how their mind works. Lesson number one, don't be yourself Dead in looking, secondly, all my advisers at the brooklyn debate leading were baffled. By a crucial moment, early in the debate at this moment in time
and nobody is saying that non mainstream media don't have frailties. Of course they do the simple proposal in front of tonight is whether or not you can trust the mainstream media that, you don't need anything else. You don't need any other in patient from elsewhere, you can just you can just ten or c b c m evening, and you know you ve got your stuff. You pick up the new york times in a post in the morning, and you know that there's no spin on the story is absolutely accurate. Reporting. The debate concerns hassan loved the settled what mary was saying. If you have even the slightest doubt about the perfection of the mainstream media, then you have to vote for his side and no institution can meet that standard. It's like unless all prescription drugs are guaranteed to act perfectly every time without of so complications, you can't trust, prescription drugs, its nuts. They talked this topic,
dont trust, mainstream media and made the same, The question of the debate be: are there political biases in mainstream media. as long as that's the question that the audience, asking themselves to make the winner you lose. What my side should have said was wait a minute. The way you guys are defining the resolution makes no sense someone said that. Then I'd be free to offer a simple alternative, something like a scenario where a nonsense, mainstream new source. And a mainstream new source rightly disagree with each other. you have no way of discerning whose right based on what we have available to us who You gave the benefit of the doubt.
I think that leans a lot more your way, but we didn't say that we sat there and let our opponents stack the deck against us. Why deco had a hunch? Did you read any notes while you're punished? For speaking? What were you doing? Well, that was, I was scribbling furiously. I was the only one he was, but I were saying what you were thinking both but, realize it inhibited my ability to listen to them, so I was so busy. I was conceive of what I would, however, respond in the moment. So while I was doing that, I was missing but the net. The next thing that they were saying to me depot also picked up on what to my most embarrassing moment. In the whole debate, the walter cronkite thing I cronkite was, as I'm sure you know, the legendary cbs news anchor and war I'm corresponded who, for decades stood for
It was dignified and trustworthy in american journalist. My tybee brought him up in his opening statement. Once the commercial strategy, the news business was to go for the whole audience a tv is broadcast was aired at dinner time and it was designed to be watched by the entire family, from your crazy. Rightly, on coal to these sulking, lefty teenager in the corner a systematic flaws, but making enough you talk to everybody had benefits for one thing, Inspire trust. Gallup poll twice twice showed Walter Cronkite to be the most. Trusted person in all of amerika. It would never happen revenues reader today, With the arrival of the internet, some Oh, it's found that, instead of going after the whole audience, it made more financial sense to pick one demographic,
dominated. How do you do that? That's easy! You speaking audience and feed it news. You know the like. Instead of starting with a story and following the facts, you start what pleases your audience and work backward to the story. back when we had cronkite the system worked. I heard that and I thought give me an effing break so when it was my turn, I responded I was greatly amused by the affection materially has for the age of water Cronkite, which you seem to hold up as a kind of golden moment. In that moment, the main Immediate was perpetrated entirely by white men from elite schools why you would have had such affection and say that's the gold standard and we,
trust. The mainstream media, precisely at the moment when the mainstream media is least representative, is really puzzling the meat doubtless Murray chimed in, of course, malcolm You didn't little nasty job there by trying to pretend that Matt tb is desperate for the air of white men in broadcasting takes certain hooks per to make that claim tybee any then defended himself. and yes, as I said in my speech the system underwater Cronkite had its flaws, but it did have its advantages as well. The making the effort to talk to everybody. garter, more trust in the public. There is a reason why people trusted news. People more twenty years you're forty years ago than they do now once again, I got irritated this time with that phrase, making the effort to talk to
everyone I'm. I just wanted to make a short list of the people who were not open to. I journalists in the nineteen, fifty and sixties, maybe they would add some life. I miss some black people are women. Poor people day, people people its mildly left wing views. I mean words fail me when somebody in when presented with a critique of his right, Where do you think position on water? Cronkite comes I can says. Oh no theirs! more to my great love of this man. So I'm on my high horse waiting my work flag state
enough for inclusion, but wait first back to lesson. One don't be myself: it's not smart, but that's not even the worst of it. Do you remember the context in which Matt brought that comment up in his opening, it was he was, was need talking about how that was. It example. The way it was back then, was well worthy of our trust in is not likely to remember why What he was saying in his opening was not. I am lifting up the nineteen. fifties as the golden standard of media and walter. Probably yes, and so it came out of his mouth, but that's not what he was saying. What he was saying was look to the nineteen fifties. Look to the past when you had one The little family gathered around the tvs watching one show that show had to talk to all of the people in that room to the parents, to the kids to the grandparents. Even
They had different interests, different political ideologies, whatever that one show how to talk to a girl. A audience. It could not have any in the same way that it does today, because today it's talking to a whole families, it's not even talking to a whole neighborhood or housel. We all have our individual echo chambers that we mean really hard to write when he got up about water Cronkite and about the nineteen fifties was just a detail. I see depots point was that the people in the audience, the joke is surely understood by tybee was saying, but I didn't the main point was totally ignored. The really important point for the ass often cause their whole argument. Was you can't trust mainstream media, because their agendas, because there
I am trying to give you the truth, they're trying to give you the spin and the story and cater to a they. They call it demographic hunting. I think right that they're catering to a specific demographic, the Cronkite bit was a provocation, waved in front of Malcolm Gladwell, That send him charging off in the wrong direction. Tractor thorn in there, but that I'm totally distracted and went down this oh brad at home and miss the bigger picture Did I do anything? Well, no, not really really for what douglas Mary said. It so strange hearing you debate, malcolm because You listen to nothing that your opponents say turns out. He was right
and that was when decode told me. I had to come to brooklyn again for listening lessons. This year, more than sixty four thousand americans will hear the news that they ve been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but with pan can there is hope, cancan works every day to attack pancreatic cancer on all fronts, then, best in research to bring early detection methods and new treatments to life. Pang can provide free, personalized support to patients and their families for more than two decades. They ve grown a nation wide movement, but they can't do it without you joined them since of others who have been affected by pancreatic cancer on Saturday April. Twenty ninth at pan can purple stride purple stride. the ultimate walk to end pancreatic cancer and your participation and fund raising make all the difference in fighting the disease them.
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be unable to listen the multiple skill, a debate should have right, stand up you know to retain of you agree on is out of you. Disagree on ass. I m all amount from Jonathan kick things off with a warm up exercise open form, a mini debate on the question of the dance, what's more employ to a debate, debater being a good listener or a good talk, agree is always over. Disagree is always over there, being able to listen, I'm so sorry be unable to listen. Is the most important skill in the beta could have Being able to listen as the most important skill at the moment, really the way people we retire
in this place, you wouldn't be able to gain gained and obtain as much information as we can to put down a voter, because the is the only about using information to get the information, but most of all, I'm saying is also about obtaining something and understanding it in order to use information to fight it. I do like you said. I just feel like you can be good listener, wherever they take is when you have company and you basically and, like you know your stuff, but you also said you have to listen to your opponent. Let us also a very important skill to listen, Your point is, if you don't listen to it and you just Johnston down, you might say, wrong thing right down the wrong things. The watch your opponents say so I'm saying that listen is more important because, as my other t may said, Jane, she also referred how they re there contentions or their sub points very fast and if you can't catch them,
point then you're, not gonna, know what you gotta right, or would you gotta focus on traffic. all the other all act, rip out. It's done be nice to write in order to you need in order to listen. But it is true that that true, but but listening is a prerequisite to writing, because you could write a whole bunch of nonsense. But what? If you don't have to write accurate information? You didn't listen to the right number to listen to the racist mystics. But if you really have to do anything at all danger of us very much Madame ignoring any better, listen, listen, the hard part began. What is this thing? This wasn't the sun was standing at the front of the room. He told us he would stimulate debate through my our job keep track of every argument he may the debate world. This is called flowing. The son said he would try and make it easier on us, so we're going to do a game with playing cards where I am going to
say the name of a card in a deck of courts. and you are going to flow it like it's. A speech, you're gonna, make a column so you have the sheet of paper and we have no books for you. You're gonna want five columns and in this first column top the bottom. You are going to write the Our adds that I'm going to say out loud we're gonna want to listen carefully because I'm not going to repeat anything The test is to see whether you are going to be able to write it all down without missing it. Now, if you think this sounds like a silly exercise, I encourage you to pause his podcast get a pen and paper and try for yourself ready. hello, my name is this: on an eye. Speaking on the affirmative today. My first argument is the three of hearts, and we know that's true because of the four of diamonds can forget about the jack
of space. You know a lot of people tell me ten of diamonds, but what those people don't realize is first off ace of hearts. Secondly, the six of club and finally, that nine of spades. That's it! That's the speech so use have these written down look great now! we're going to do the negative speech which, by Helen on the negative, and I disagree with everything that guy said. He says three of hearts more, like the seven of diamonds, people like to talk about jack of spades, but what they don't realize is king of hearts. Ten of diamonds is up. If you don't remember that the ace of spades is there and as far as the ace of hearts goes more like the two of hearts
finally, they brought up the nine of space nine of spades. seriously because have you never heard of the queen of club? That's my speech and I'm maybe unnecessarily addressing here. How did I do? I was terrible I could keep up for the first minute or so then I fell behind. I miss things. Son gets up and talks about playing cards, and I can't keep I've got some, how it was this art, oh yeah, police this our daily work. This is really are, You guys are doing amazing. I see it all over your face. This is fust. I used to be an expert. I didn't even know he said half the time, I'm doing this for a long time or right. This is what happened to me joined a monk debate was, I was taking notes, but I didn't know how to take notes.
So, when Murray twisted the terms of the debate, I just missed it I went to be made that reference to walter Cronkite. I heard Cronkite, but I missed the context, I'm making excuses for myself. Of course, I am what debate tells us is it? Oh you're, to listen is not a failure of will or motivation character. That's what we assume when there's somebody johnny communication. If someone doesn't listen, we assume they don't want to, we hear the elegant screaming on the internet, and we see it as evidence of some great flaw in our society, but maybe some of the time the poorest. New doesn't listen, acts that way because they dont know how to lose them practised. They don't know where to start listening is a skill like playing the piano or learning to cook I ask this on. How long would it take me to listen the way he does to learn how to flow? I think,
you really focus on at a school europe. I think to be really trouble with it probably like to school and that's half of your college competitive career. That's half of your high school competitive career. A long time, but imagine if we did it we all went to debate school, those lessons were able to say to ourselves in the middle a heated argument, this isn't about me learned how to avoid walter, cronkite sized rabbit holes understood the debating is not the art of talking it's the art of listening, oh and maybe the most important lesson of all. Do you know what they teach you to do that We can debate league after the debate is over after one side has lost and the other has won the culture to tell each other compliment. Why we love it
I have no problem with that I've got out and all around the room, the debaters shouted out happily to each other time you just have to add some attitude that wouldn't work believe is a strong word to use, which gave me some leeway in some argument. Coming in, like you know, like chat with your friends is going to create. You know Nea, like when you have let their attitude nea makes me want to create who saw them. I like that his name is mad and jug. My marked bake antagonists. I appreciate you for forcing me to take while the spoiled and give it new life No one s question, so I I approached you this because, as I said, I had to disastrous experience with the monk debate and
I wanted to use this opportunity to learn to be a better debater. Do you think this is because of me that I would Am I a ex boil make style kind of person in your mind, You are such a highly successful person that one would not associated with you. Maybe occasions, and meet you needed to do that by systematic. The fact that you have made your point I said: that's just a mother speaking you. You will not admit to any frailty on the part of your sons no, no, no, not that I am not aware of the vessel off large, but the fact that you have above it this remarkable way urge justifies my my faith in you and by confidence in you. Ah that's what led by maternal reassurance.
the vicious histories produced by bandit ass, half free leaving gets too pierre apparel and Jacob Psmith fact checking by keshaf Williams and tele eminent. We are It is by Julia barton and Peter county. No scoring by luis kara mastering by cerebral guerre, an engineering binding alarms twitter taunting by need lawrence and even guess, do just enrichment bent holiday, Emily VON and David jaw. Thanks to the unity preparatory charter school in brooklyn, debate league If you curious about the league and the fantastic, Coaches behind it keep an eye, four Johnson Conyers is forthcoming. Memoir. I wasn't supposed to be here this september John. And has incredible story to tell most of all special thanks to my mom try scrapper
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Transcript generated on 2023-04-14.