« Reveal

Split down the middle

2017-01-28 | 🔗

At a time when Donald Trump is assuming leadership of a divided nation, Reveal heads to Jacksonville, Florida, one of the most divided cities in America.

We look at policing, immigration, education and other issues through the eyes of people with very different perspectives and find out that residents here are not on the same page.

Head over to revealnews.org for more of our reporting.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, it is your favorite host in all of pod custom. Now for the rest of the year, I'm gonna be asking you to join us by becoming a member of reveal reveal is all about going deep, pulling on threads telling stories that matter for more than three years now reveal has been fighting a lawsuit. That's been jeopardizing our very existence of restore, we about an organization called planet aid. Our story raises serious questions about whether international aid was actually reaching the people. It was intended to help and what's more, our story was truthful and we stand by it. We believe it is our duty to fight attacks like this, but fighting a lawsuit comes at a huge costs. Are legal fees alone totalled more than seven million dollars? Luckily, we have pro bono legal support to help our in house counsel, but it still takes significant resources, resources that should be used to do more public service journalists. This kind of investigative
it takes time and it cost money. If you believe in the work, we do. The absolute best way to support us is by becoming a member of reveal to do it just text. The word reveal two hundred and forty seven, four thousand seven hundred and forty seven standard data rates apply and you can text stop or cancel at any time also all new members who donate at least five dollars a month. We get our facts, t shirt again just text. The word reveal two hundred and forty seven, four thousand seven hundred and forty seven and all you who already support our work. I want offer a deep, sincere thanks. We can't do this work without being willing afforded twenty twenty. We have big things plan, so, let's go to some good work together.
From the centre for investigative reporting. It p r ex this is reveal a mallet presidential follow through on some of his most divisive campaign promises during his first, we can office through a series of executive orders. The result of potential constitutional crisis and protests across the country to San Francisco
Philadelphia enemies, twenty other, since they will react into jobs border which temporarily bans all refugees measuring west. It also means people from seven muslim majority countries. This is not a day and I guarantee that the families are grateful to each and every one of you is weaker. Customs and border protection officers started detaining deporting travellers, even though they had valid visas and, in some cases, green cards that lead democratic government, tumbled of Pennsylvania. To say this at a film If your protest, these are legal immigrants. These are people who have gone through all the hurdles and they have chosen to come and live with us here in Pennsylvania, eight of them. You are welcome.
On Sunday, the troop administration, said green card holding would no longer be start from entering the country, and federal judges in several states ordered the gun. To stop removing refugees and other travellers with valid visas, but its unclear whether immigration officials were following those
Level, people wondering if their friends and families would be led into the country. We heard that he is on the plane, so he got on the planned fine last communication and we had was that they are closing the doors of this plan out, turn off my supper and we are just waiting for to hear from him. We reached Ralph bash him. He was a commission of customs and border protection under George W Bush. He told us that all the confusion could have been avoided if trumps plan had been properly vetted, they just taken Sally two hours to processors, western carpet, homeland security and the partners justice. All this chaos. An avoidable- and I could have gotten the present exactly what they wanted. Quite frankly, reality do disorders are out there. S actually prolong this process of getting to where the administration wants to be
today and over the coming months, we're gonna try. Cultural policies affect people on the ground through the land of my hometown Jacksonville floor on Election day, Jacksonville was also split right down the middle The promises that were made for his first hundred days will play out right here. Take immigration, for example. There are large groups of immigrants here, some of them undocumented the flora. Coastal school of law offers them legal help and representation. Erika career directs the programme,
our funds have been ringing after her can we ve had more request for services. I think the request for services have slaked tripled in the past three weeks. One thing there s about is the food actual for childhood arrivals or dhaka. President Obama used in executive order to create Dhaka. Two thousand twelve is essentially a permit for undocumented people who enter the country s children to legally work and continue school for couple years. It isn't a bath citizenship, but it is a stopgap president. Trump has promised to revoke it. That's one reason about a dozen families turned out for this. Patient law clinic last month, we have in the past tested events. Ten people, it is particularly undocumented people are very afraid to come out and come to events there, cautious because of an agreement, Jacksonville side with: U S, immigration and customs enforcement or ice in two thousand and eight.
It gives local law enforcement agencies, the authority of federal immigration officials so running with the police, could git you detained or even deported if you're immigration status is in limbo, Jacksonville partnership with ice is one of only two Florida, my students who are immigrants I now have came to class, crying they're afraid for themselves from their families and their Fraid of mass deportations. In our with had students tell us stories of hate speech they ve experienced and Jacksonville. Just in the past couple of months, Erika funds cases to take loaded. These clinics,
Able groups and churches also refer people who might need her help. That's ass. She found a twenty nine year. Old men were calling Michael, I plague attire, and now I like long walks on the beach Michael's trying to kid with us, but you can tell his nervous is afraid of being deported, which is why we agreed not to use his real name. Michael, was adopted from Mexico in whose five months old heiresses is parents assumed MIKE, would automatically become an american citizen because they were Americans, but it doesn't work that way and Michael never got his citizenship. He hasn't been back to Mexico senses adoption and he doesn't speak Spanish. Does your basic? Yes now thank you and
term. Let us rather Michael assumed he was a: U S, citizen until he turned fifteen and started pestering his mom about getting a driver's license. Florida won't, let undocumented immigrants get them, so he has to be careful dry. Without a license could lend him in jail. If the cops pull him over Michael's worried about being deported under President only totally honest and I'm gonna say wire than other is also election, I it was a low angry angry that's a result our incorrect I felt they lower hope had died from forty. Why me Michael's very much a Jacksonville guy Highschool graduate churchgoers hard worker What's to start a family, but because he's not here legally Michael lives with his self employed parents in works off the books for cash,
I want to marry my fiance. You know the legal way, and I want to go to school. Music is from one of those passions. Let's go for that. I want to travel to Sweden, nor, like everyone else, does well to drive and go places and Marilla had to the back of your shoulder their where you go. There's not much free legal help for immigrants and Jacksonville, and it took Michael a while to find out about Dhaka, I'm trying to be really how far right how, but at the same time it is scary and as a right now I don't know I'm just that when I see one
on and earlier worse chance really there not everyone agrees that Michael should be able to stay lay great is an engineer who represented Northeast Florida for eight years and state legislature was point raised here, Jack He didn't run for re election last year because of time limits and actually my family its operation through mark on the other side is a generation nerve. Floridians Lake is a pro manufacturing pro trade Republican who want stricter controls on who can live in this country. He wants to make sure but the immigrants are helping the american economy, the technical barriers,
who's here, securing the borders and not necessarily creating a path for citizenship in lesser some sort of up quid pro quo. What what is this something some by walking across our borders should not necessarily be entitled systems lake says he sympathetic to people like Michael, but he's concern. The policies like Doc are too lenient. Last February Lake introduced a bill in the state house that would grant the governor military power to prevent restricted persons, immigrants and refugees from entering Florida. The bill died on the floor, but Lake says it's in line with what many Florina want tighter border controls a questionnaire dealing with it in such a way that it benefits, fear commie, it doesn't break. It continues to provide opportunities for people who are here and animal lake Indoors, Donald Trump.
During the campaign, any hopes the new president will follow through with some of his hardline promises on immigration. The dock applicant Michael and his lawyer, Erika are optimistic too, because Trump has suggested he may softened his stance on bowing undocumented young people to stay in the country as long as they do have criminal records.
Try living in my life and not mainly oil and symbols. You suffer in alike, were now on and if all with discussed it in the situation and for people like me, I think that he should provide a way for us to become we all citizens, because right now, I don't feel free play on trout. The new president says he wants to eliminate every unconstitutional executive order. His predecessor made within his first hunter days, and that includes dark and it's not certain what the consequences will be for young immigrants, Verde Qualified or from Michael who still not sure whether his application will be approved. One of them. Two things about all this for Michael, is this summer.
People in his extended family don't know its status and they voted for dialogue Let's get back to trumps executive order on immigration on Sunday Trump said: the ban is not about religion, it's about keeping our country safe, but all of the countries targeted on majority Muslim and the President now says when he lives to ban or refugees. He wants to prioritize Christians. All of this has some Muslims living in the. U S worried about what will come next Producer Anna Hamilton visited one muslim family in Jacksonville, I'm at the home of Verona, Abdul Jawad and her husband ass. If, when I arrive angry by a ramp, anxious to your old
Seen here is like that of any parents with a toddler. Toys are scattered across the floor and cartoons play in the background. Little yeah means Current obsession, though, is my audio gear and really exist. And above all, the stuff you have. She loves gadgets yeah, but an apple the Abdul Jabbar needs- are three of the more than eight thousand Muslims living in Jacksonville Run, So she knows some Muslims who normally vote Republican switched sides in this election. Why did you do an election? Did you watch you action? Yes, and more? Just I think we're speechless for awhile a mean. My husband just couldn't talk for a little bit. We had died chests what we just fine and then we went to leap, and I remember accidents,
they opened he. He said he saw me sitting up on the bed and and those like, I'm I'm scared Renault was born in Yakima Washington to look at her. You might not be able to tell she's Muslim she attends MA, regularly, but she doesn't where he job the traditional veil, worn by some muslim women. She the day job at Merrill, Lynch, an volunteers with refugees in an interface group in her after hours wearing just like anybody else. My kids I was Disney and now we are full time. You know we work were mommy and daddy and we have the same lifestyle that everybody else does and the only difference. It's the way. We pray that so difference between me anyhow, but Verona. The feeling that she is an american enough is only growing stronger in thousand fifteen hate crimes against Muslims, reached the highest level since two thousand one, since the election
The council on American Islamic Relations has reported an increase in complaints to its offices. My fears we gonna constantly for all these incident under the rug and act like it's nothing happening. And the minority groups are going to continue to believe in November. Just days before the election Rana gave a talk. To a Jacksonville audience about raising a muslim daughter in America in it she's well paste, clear, calm and hopeful. At that time, most poles predicted Hillary Clinton. Vesting Donald Trump has your ideas about. Raise your daughter changed since the election. Absolutely not. It is very, very important to stick with it that the culture
their religion, but I cannot be afraid because if, if I do that, then obviously the other side once wrote about the chief, near Excelsior, runner and ass if inviting into their dining room for coffee and desert ass a proxy I mean her high chair with a slice of pie, and as runner ossified I eat, which, out about little things, like might and Jacksonville traffic in California and big things to run a tells me that It was in college and two thousand one one. Nine eleven happened is this was exterior.
Being in America, other Muslim or a book, is here now. I think this carrier now because then it was just words, a lot of words or run us as trumps rhetoric about Muslims only proves how much work lies ahead for her and America's Muslim community in the next four years. It'll take more of this opening her door to curious dangers to help correct the stigma. Let's do it was from producer Anna Hamilton. If President chocolate cream muslim registry how hard would be well, we looked at that here reveal and found that most of the information is already out there. In fact, it's for sale for under twenty thousand dollars to read more about that good reveal news dot. Org
is reveal from the centre for investigative reporting and p r exe. From the set of were investigated, reporting and p r eggs, this is reveal I'm Allison, where my hometown of Jacksonville floor this week to see how president trumps plans for his first hundred days in office are affecting. People is one of the most them I'd have places in America, one area where he has promised to make some big changes. Policing under Obama. The Justice Department will teeny investigated police departments that it set of abuse, power and discriminated against African Americans don't use campaign job made it clear in his new share frontier.
The law and order candidate Trump says he wants to increase police funds. In after years of tension around police shootings, he was to end what he calls the dangerous anti police atmosphere. So what would it mean on the ground in Jacksonville defined out producer me waters and I had to a neighborhood that still reeling from a recent police shooting so rare right now we're in Springfield its neighbourhood. This gotta makes people who really struggling to get by an and people who are, you know pretty well off a century ago, Springfield was the wealthiest neighborhood in the city nineteen sixty brought white flight and then in the eighties things went seriously downhill. Like a lot of urban areas. Then there was crime, drugs and AIDS, but the thing about For that you see from just like riding through is how
beautiful the housing stock is so around two thousand and five six, the neighbour really started to become gentrified. We spend a lot of money to fix these houses, because a beautiful houses, and so the population began to shift. I've, been here to have my ten year anniversary this far just thinking about that today, those fast Michel to pony lives in a century old, two story house whose good it before she moved in now it sports porches on both force, just like the original, but this is still a neighborhood very much in transition, something Michel's reminded of every time she locked the door. My number set the alarm
that's a habit now ever since one day a couple years ago, it was one of those things where I wasn't paying attention and someone took advantage of that and I was mugged in my front yard. Soon after she became president of the Springfield innovation and Revitalization Council Michel's a Republican. She didn't vote for Trump, but like him, she supports the police and she has a close relationship with the sheriff. Partlet. I would hope that funding will be available for these officers to have what they need to be safe and do their jobs. A few blocks. Michel Cells- I mean it would be called me so Beagle return ass. He feels really about the police. He was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but basically he's from Springfield. Beagle, and I go way back and he was twelve years- old. I worked at a community center here and be goes one of my star. Menteith he's twenty five now and has become an activist in the community. We don't trust the police wrong. Here
not a lot of was the state in this case we have a problem with police officer here. Rising rent means either live here anymore, but he still works in the area. Are jobs teach kids gardening? This is where his heart is, but Springfield can be a tough neighborhood because been shot twice here, just Michel. He won't give up on this place around here. You know what I try to find its own never lose focus on whatever, which are you could get just get it? You know because if you would call the police, if there's an emergency, but this fear there too, you know, since I was by fifteen years old. The police does presence here are the most disrespectful murmured officer. One incident Phoenix Avenue the case that my friend and colleague Monygham time ago me my friend process greener, not just look at em like man. There's got to stop this got to stop
no, that relationship between the police in a community here things seem really tents, but the relationship between the police and the community could be getting worse when Karnak a reporter at the floor two times in our partner on the story just broke some big news. In the last ten years, a hundred and twenty four people have been shot by Jacksonville Sheriff's office deputies are what they call. Officers are sergeant, Sir Swat teams, undercover
narcotics. What were counting all them even off duty officers, out of the hundred and twenty four, how many of those shootings were of African Americans. Ninety six, ninety six, that's over seventy five percent, but only thirty percent of Jacksonville is black out of those shootings been found. Only two Jacksonville officers have been fired, three others resigned and that a single officer was ever convicted of a crime, prosecuted or even arrested, one of those shootings was on May twenty. Second, two thousand sixteen right here Spring ship Jacksonville shares. Sir Tyler Landerville, shot and killed, Vanilla Bean Jr Land of it was white being was black and he was unarmed. He had no gun and it's still an open case. It was pretty early in the evening and they were kids playing in the park just like they are now.
You know, maybe you were grows where you really yeah yeah Miriam, we're friends We know who this bigger brothers stuff, like that so you know, when I happened, may really really got us really came on with us, we're standing at the corner of night and liberty, beagle stops in points to one of the kids from part walking by boy up front, he witness the shooting, ousting array of ninety gate. Lee Davis points Cross street. You sound young because he is twelve years old. His account pretty much lines up with what the police they happen. Lee was playing in the park his little sister when he heard Cyrus, he ran to find out what was wrong and saw a red Camaro, speeding right towards the spot, where stand
the car was coming down. The police came round the corner and hit the car slammed into a police cruiser Lee says the police officer got out of his car and holstered his gun and pointed it at the driver. Who is stumbling out In addition, Renault got the car, they start a walk, a DNS, an officer shot five more time and day to grow. The police report counts just five. In all. At that point, we knew not to stick around a mother, always trawlers. If you hear crash, I ve got away safely, but for now being did not. He died in the hospital the next day,
We must also be given commands to me. The suspect it was enough, for this is Chief Chris Butler, describing the incident at a press conference later that night suspected not obey the commands he got out of the car and something happened. Of the author to Austria's weapon and issues, the suspect We don't know what that something was that caused the officer to shoot, because this is the only thing the Jacksonville Sheriff has said about what happened that day. They did open an investigation right after the shooting state and federal agencies also started their own investigations, but been Frazier has frustrated with the progress he's. A community activists who runs a website called the black viewpoint and he has his own Indians about what happened. We say: it was for judge
and in the very least where most it was executed at the hands of a police officer of an unarmed young black men. Eight months after the shooting its radio silence, the community simply wanted to know what happened, but neither J, so the Jacksonville Sheriff's office, nor the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, not a state attorney's office, as ever told us since made twenty second twenty. Sixteen just what they'll admin we think we deserve more than that is typical of the gesture. We think that I've been a history of their not being very transparent. It's not just Jacksonville Alot of Americans have been disappointed with investigations into police shootings. President trumps talking about more authority for police, which worries people who think officers need to be held more accountable with Trump as the new backdrop
police departments like Jacksonville's. Don't have a lot of incentive to change bent on Ark the report at the Florida Times Union has been going back and forth with the sheriff's office. For months now he says they haven't been open about the investigation assess or the results Sheriff MIKE Williams, the top dog. There never agree to an interview with me on this and his spokespeople made it clear that that, you mean he would never do an interview with me. I just meant he would never do an interview with me about police shootings. The Jacksonville shares Office did offer been an interview not with a share of, but with the undue share of Pat Ivy Ivy did admit they could be more transparent about how exactly these instigations work. Maybe we haven't done the best job of explaining that process. There is
very, very, very fine process, but the public still doesn't know what that process is. Jacksonville investigates its own officers behind closed doors, while other cities, often out sources, investigations to prevent a conflict of interests, and about that investigation we found Jacksonville believe never interviewed the twelve year old who witnessed the shooting, Lee Davis or handful of other eyewitnesses. We talk to. It are reporting yet ivy, says he's proud of how these investigations are handled. I think that we have done a good job and I know we're good and one more thing: there's a special piece of legislation that does even more to protect police officers. Vive LA force loves her spell frights, that's bank honoured at times. Union again he says the officers bill of Rights gives police like Mandeville an advantage doing internal investigations when the department is trying to figure out if he should have fired his gun and explicitly creates
space, in which the officer who shot civilian, doesn't have to say anything until they have access to tons and tons of pretty much all the evidence that is going to be used against them Chuck Canterbury loves the law enforcement officers, bill of rights, he's the national president of the fatigue of order of police, which represents police unions. He liked to see go national them. Of course we, if we were successful in passing it, we would ask the President signed it before he was sworn in president. Upset. He will leave that kind of legislation to the states, but empowering law enforcement that still his vow. So what is the African american community Jacksonville supposed to think Ass Canterbury. The last ten years there have been a hundred and twenty four shootings from police officers. Police are well shootings. Ninety four african American, It just seems to me that, like in ten years that there has
in one mistake, mistakes or prevent mistakes on grants happens every day. My friend, the officer, perceived that that individual, based on his experience, was gonna, raise that weapon. The author does not have to wait to fill that weapon is raised against them if they have or take your ball reasons to believe that that suspect was about the caused them to be in jeopardy. You don't. I recognise that it's really hard job, the people get into situations and you ve got left five seconds to react in so things happened. But I also think that when you talking about you know in ten years a hundred twenty, so much shootings, somebody has made mistakes here. I don't think that you can actually say that that is by no means a huge number shootings in the city. The size of Jackson do what the crime rate the Jackson,
they'll have under President Obama. The Justice Department opened a review of how the Jacksonville Sheriff's office handled being case. But it wasn't resolved. What will have been under the Trump administration, many general nominee. Jeff sessions was pretty clear. Doing is confirmation hearing he criticised how the Justice Department would step in and investigate police departments after high profile shootings. I think there is concern that good police officers in and good partner, which can be saved, bother Barbara Justice when you just have individuals within a department of done wrong and those individuals NATO be prosecuted. Back in Jacksonville. Some people are still waiting to hear. Why now being was shot. Vigo still wants accountability from the police and
Sir Tyler Land of Ill, is still working for the Jacksonville Sheriff's office in administrative role, but because seem another cup involved in shootings back your own streets. I many cities offices, keep repeating the same crime and pay speck in the same area, how would you feel if I'd known a murder that murder somebody place back in the same community? What's gonna happen again, its legal, Marta somebody else, no no, no, no, no kind of ability, and now he just come back and Zambia to repeat the same bank and what what are we? Where are we to do? You know aunt? We we feel hopeless, shelter, Puni, the President of the Springfield Preservation and Revitalization Council has a completely different take with the Trump administration she's, hoping that the police will have the resources they need. She sees police as a way to protect the community.
Our intent is we moved here because we like the diversity and we want to keep it that way, and but how do we do it? Where everyone still in a healthy, happy, safe environment and everyone has an opportunity to really excel we're. Gonna keep up with Michel and be go to see how trumps presidency affects them both keep your le loup. You can see more the Florida Times Union investigation on their website, Jacksonville dot com, they ve gathered information on each one of those one hundred and twenty four believe shootings. When we come back a look at education under President Trump, and why one gay coupled decided to rush to the altar. This is reveal. The centre for investigative reporting and p r eggs
from the centre for investigative reporting in p r eggs. This is reveal. I'm Alison today. We are looking ahead to president trumps. First hundred days in office is made several promises. Some affecting education, trumps pig for education Secretary is Billionaire investor Betsy divorce. She face some of the toughest criticism after a confirmation hearing, mainly because you didn't seem d, basic education policy. When asked about a nineteen. Seventy five federal law that ensures kids with special needs education. She said it was up to the states to follow that law or not New Hampshire, Senator Maggie Hassan, followed up. I want to go back to the individual disabilities in education act. That's a federal civil rights law. So do you stand by your statement? A few minutes go that it should be up to the states whether to following the law must be found, federal law, must followed, were federal dollars are in in play, so
You unaware what I just asked you about the idea that it was a federal law. I may have confused it. Even before the hearing public school advocates, weren't happy with the verse because of her support for school choice, including charter schools and vouchers, charters are part of the public school system, but the run by private groups, vouchers provide pair with money to send kids to private or religious schools, both of them take money away from traditional public schools. Trompe said he would pay for voucher programme for low income families by sending twenty billion dollars to the states in the form of blood, runs charter schools popular here Florida. There are six hundred and fifty other thirty in. I can build reporter Lindsey Kill bride of double J City. A partner today show visited one of those schools recently, I went to women Academy of the arts. It's an elementary school with a focus on
you're one performing arts we have buildings were I'm a seven year old Knight Asia grants second great class. How do you like school? Why do you like it so much? This caused a team meaning game man. Are you ready in Asia, lives and Eureka. Guarding it's a section. Eight federally subsidize apartment complex its directly across from the school about a third of the schools. Three hundred plus students live there. I mean up with her mom Tracy Grant after Parliament, most kids, they go over to way. Man is convenient. You can get up and walk the kids right across the street Tracy's. The president of your Rica's Tenant Association, she's, been living for more than six years now, and it hasn't been easy with Tracy's help.
Little. Over a year ago, a city inspection found more than a third of the complex as apartments had code violations, including gas leaks and mould, and then there's the crime forest that I was here. They wish and I mean literally a first made on me out, walking pass between two different apartment buildings. I heard them like who am I to girls, and we were on the floor and then it was consistent after that, and then you know, as I also us all gotcha
this parsing gosh- I am I really. This is not the least thou. I want my kids to be around at that point. I think. Ok, I gotta do something with all those problems. The women Academy seems to be one of the bright spots in the community. Tracy says it feels like something: you'd have to pay for, like a private school, more attention, smaller class sizes, more attention, rigour, I that they have thirty case most of the teachers there. They personally know most of the kids on pasture Margaret
The founder of Women Academy of the arch trashcan, we won the oldest Charles, goes here and do our accounting, Pastor Griffin started the school seventeen years ago, he's an african american pastor who runs a church next door. He is also a Republican who recently lost a bed for a state how seat. We saw a lot of students, alot of parents who could not afford a private school education, but we felt that they need to have the same kind of choices margins of any other family women. Students did well enough on state testing last year to earn a be from the States Department of Education before that. The schoolmates sees indeed reference, as it wasn't easy to get the schools great up, partly because he believes charters are at a disadvantage. He hopes that changes having more
access to financial resources and technology make sure that our teachers are half same access to professional development and just really evening the playing field. He says right now: it's especially hard for a charter scope, succeed in low income areas because of the school doesn't do well when it opens families who can leave do peers, who knew her options for their children were not going to be a high performing students, even in that particular school they will withdraw their child after you have one when it's cool is is kids at also loses money, pastor, Griffin, If President trumps administration can help change some of those rules, then maybe or charter school operators will be encouraged to open an become successful and law come neighborhoods. If I come back to you in a year, what do you expect if anything will have changed as far as terrorists, the operations law wise. While we would, you predict what our animals
hard to say, I would hope that we will have a more charter friendly anymore choice friendly environment, not only at the federal level, but also at the state and local level Griffin says he's hoping for a better relationship with the public school barred. The superintendent nickel AV says he is an against charter schools. This competition always gets down to argue for or against and is just more complicated than that. In fact, Viti says some charter schools, have pushed traditional public schools to be more innovative and he says schools like women that are run by a non profit and offer options to parents and low income neighborhoods. That's what charter should be doing, but for profit companies come into districts all the time in open up charters and a fluent areas. Feeding is less all of that he says they don't necessarily outperform the rest of the district. As e district, we are
it is as a bee district that, with or without charter schools. If charter schools and Jacksonville were given an aggregate grade, they would see as an cat, so that alone tells you that performance is not equal. He wants to make sure that oversight of tartar school stays in place, especially after trot named his pack for education. Secretary Betsy Divorce is anti regulation. Instead of government oversight, she's in favour of letting the marketplace decide. The theory as if a school is doing well parents bolts and their kids there, and it will fail. Not all parents by that argument, horror are the holder's Carter he's seventeen, whose applying apologies lunch with a scowl. Today's allow Julie, delegate has three kids her youngest Carter. Is a senior she's been a pity president and rights and blogs and local papers
favor of traditional public schools. She says the narrative that charters offer better or more innovative programming is a hollow promise. Competition and automatically ensure higher quality. What the market place is turning to bring right now in the form of voucher schools is, is some religious schools teaching, human beings and dinosaurs were hanging out at the same time. Flared up already has a voucher system corporations get attacks. If they don't need money to a programme that lets low income. Kids choose a private school. Sixty nine percent of Florida students who used estate private school voucher last year chose a religious school the largest teachers union and the state has been challenging it for years. Saying those dollar should go to public schools. All that make strolling nervous. Bout trumps, twenty billion dollar federal school voucher plan. First of all, It is not one of his experimental counties where case scenario. Is that we're on the verge of pretty much? Does
And telling public education tromp doesn't specify where his twenty billion dollars for school choice will come from the New York Times. Speculates Trump could dip into the fifteen billion dollars a federal title. One funding that serves the nations for students. If that were to happen, it would even take money away from charters like women Academy, as first superintendent Viti. He says he hopes trumpet get rid of some of that red tape and education but he's worried but losing federal dollars under the new administration he thinks There is more to education. Reform than school choice. It can be part of the puzzle can be one strategy of many, but if every conversation. If all this solutions go back to choice, urine, ever going to add scale? Improve public education for this country
thanks to Lindsey, kill bride of W Jason Tee for that story. So we talk today about the policies that President Trump may change in his first one hundred days. But there is one thing: the trumps says he will not change the right for same sex. Couples to Mary here is on sixty it's just days after he was elected, was already settled, is lie, settled and the Supreme Court and it has done or even if you appoint a judge that standard started you have. These cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They ve been settled, and I think I'm fine with it, but this
The eligibility rights and just gay marriage since election day, people across the country had been worried that things could change under the Trump administration and then on the day Trump took office. All mention of the algae community disappeared from the White House. Website. Trump has surrounded himself with conservatives like his vice president. My pants pants has said that gay marriage could lead to societal collapse in Jacksonville. The Trump administration has stoked fears in hopes, because this is a very divided. City. L, Djibouti rights and discrimination are still hotly debated. If I could ask everyone in the audience to please take your seat and quiet down the city council meeting haven't just a few weeks ago for people in Jackson. Will it was data view because for the past five years, these same meetings just keep happenings, but a sad comment on society at large.
This council in particular that the most important item on the agenda of the new year is proposing to grant special privileges to deviant group wants the last lie in the pledge of Illusion Liberty and justice for all. This is a debate about a chain subjects of those human rights ordinance or each euro. Pretty much every american city has one it's the law that protects people from discrimination because a race, color creed, gender, disability, a whole list of characteristics, is a movement here to expand Jack's of those hr row to include sexual orientation and gender identity This is what the city cannot agree on from a public health and safety. This is a rest, your community, given that the proven high std aid suicide rates and the mental health of this popular, my part
I got married and Jacksonville be on a home in Jacksonville. We are employed in Genk Seville and we would love, spend the rest of our lives here. We love Florida. Every other major city of Florida already includes Ill Gb T people in their human rights ordinances. Jacksonville is the last hold out people on both sides. The issue have a strong perception of what might happen with gay rights under Trump we're gonna start with the conservative christian side. Marshall wood is a retired form, a pilot and businessmen. I meet him used to work. A company called Malone. Air chalk, gorgeous airplane has about a twenty five hundred mile range or Nautical mile range flies cross country at forty five thousand feet about three quarters. The speed of sound in absolute luxury, wonderful, airplane odorless
Jack so little? There is very powerful man. Hearing Jacksonville Marshal was a pilot here and help run. This charter plain servers youth. That each euro is more hindrance to small business Absolutely no so because I spoke with the Klein's from Oregon the clients, that family who ran a bakery and refuse to pay takes for gay weddings. A couple years ago they became the post of family for christian business owners who say they have a right to refuse service to gay people, thereby We closed last fall and in it is morally reprehensible, in my view, that Americans, who have a small business can be literally crucified by an tomorrow amendment four, which There is no need to marshal bills like the age.
Threatened the religious freedom of Christians. He believes business owners should have the right to not higher gay person if it goes against their faith, but not all business owners. Hearing Jacksonville agree with civic leaders and the Chamber of Commerce are pushing for the eight hour o expansion to pass. They say the city needs it to stay competitive Marshall Woods. Other objection is to gay people in general to what he considers their effect on american society and its hierarchical, why men invent sports who's. The best you know women have quilting bees because nurturing and loving they are the civilised bye by gods plant. But when you destroy that dynamic of the husband wife relationship with an artificial construct. Destroy the Carter, Marshall has a lot of extreme right wing views that are more in line with nineteen fifty seven than two thousand seventeen his idea,
is about gay marriage, destroying american culture. Sound a lot like vice president might Pince Trump, however, was a little harder for Marshall to get used to at least at first. I dont think he's nationally bad guy. I think he suddenly to male behaviour is changed a lot of skirt and he's built a lotta casinos. I don't think you're good thing, but at the same time we did produce jobs. He does understand how business works, so he came around when it comes down to it. The most important values for Marshall are, as he puts it, faith, family and free enterprise. He expects Trump will uphold them the eligibility community here, fears that may happen at their expense across town at zero Jacksonville I meet Ranch, Reeve and Daniel, asked they both actors and teachers. You dare folded
run and Daniel bodies of mine and I've done several productions in this theatre. This long time couple had an entirely different reaction to trumps election. His Daniels take on Trump, I hope and pray that he doesn't do the thing tat you be tv rights, I don't think he will be able to, and I hope that he doesn't, but I know the people that his rounding himself with our people that are very again set and that something, but I have to keep my eye on at something where it's like. I feel like a can't turn my back for too long. Ransom Jacksonville feels, like a small town, bless your hard southern town, where the same people who were friendly to his face vote. It against adding gay people to the cities, age or sometimes that's very warm and welcoming an inviting and other times it's very ostracizing hen and that's the complex part is Jacksonville simultaneously welcoming new with open arms and sometimes giving you the backing and at the same time,
seeing the age oral expansion didn't voted down, so many times has been rough and then on election day run and Daniel watched as their candidate. Hillary Clinton lost used in and I went to bed at night going. This looks hopeless and when I woke up in the morning and saw that, yes, it was visuals happening, and I just felt something that was almost unexplainable inside of me. That said, wake up understand what going on and do your part. Do your part Gibran. He was washing a dish in the sink, and I said I think we should go down to the courthouse today. I think we should go get our marriage license. I think it's something that's real port that we do for ourselves, and he said: okay
The ceremony It was emotional and fast afterwards, Daniel posted a photo to the pro Hilary Facebook Group pad suit nation, which has almost four million members, and I just said: hey we decide to get married today in our knowing when knowing what happened and some people were posting that data hopes that they were obviously about losing the election, and there were forty thousand people that responded to wishing us while and congratulating us and telling us about how we made them smile on a day where they didn't feel like smiling about anything, and that in particular meant so much to us and fill us with so much joy that we could bring joy to other people just by
choosing, love and living our life and that's what we're going to continue to do? No matter what we're always gonna, do that and will continue to explore, would trumps America will mean for both his supporters and the opposition. We're gonna be checking back in to see how his policies affect the people we talk to today and others like them around the country statehood. Today shows edited by showed the world Deb George lost our Chaskey and talk utilities are producers were Amy Walter's, Anna Hamilton and Catherine? Was he asked big thanks to our partners, W Jason
for help. Producing and reporting today show especially just couple Umbrel and Karen faded into been Karnak at the floor two times union where you can follow. His investigation of the Jackson will share soft thanks to eighty gang car, ski and also W H why wine Philadelphia for production support on today show our sound design team is the wonder, twins my man, J Breezy, Mr Jim breaks and clear see nobody dared hope this week from Catherine Raimondo Studios Christa Sharper Amy Piles are editor in chief Suzanne Reapers, our executive editor and our executive producer is given solving our theme. Music is by come around, might support, real is provided by the Raven David Logan Foundation, the Fort Foundation, John D in Kathmandu, Macarthur Foundation. John S and James Elles might foundation, and the ethics and excellence in journalism foundation reveal is a co production of the centre for investigative reporting and p r eggs. I'm Alison and remember, there is always more to the story.
where. These are last few shows of the year, and let me tell you in twenty twenty we are bringing the fire launching some of our most ambitious projects we ve ever done. I can wait for you to hear them reveal, is all about going deep, pulling on threads telling stories that matter and this kind of investigative journalism. Well, it takes time and it costs money. These are the final weeks. For end of the year membership campaign? We depend on listeners like you to help make this work possible to support us just text. The word reveal two hundred and forty seven, four thousand seven hundred and forty seven state of data rates apply and you can take stop or cancel at any time again. Just texted
I'll do for seven, four, seven, four, seven, let's go! Do some good work together.
Transcript generated on 2019-12-21.