« Real Time with Bill Maher

Overtime – Episode #622: Frances Haugen, Bari Weiss, Tim Ryan

2023-01-27 | 🔗

Bill Maher and his guests answer viewer questions after the show. (Originally aired 01/27/23)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to an h b, o podcast from the h b, o latency and real time with bill Maher. The girl screamed for an encore around here. we're question. This is free of ranches. Why did congress failed to hold social media companies accountable for their role in the january sixth attack on the capital and is interesting. So I despite I did, I did a huge amount of testimony from january. Sixth, I know you did and I believe none of it was included in like the final write up report like it wasn't one of the attributable things I think part of it was that I the jury system and he felt a need to educate the public on a very broad set of issues, and then I think they had to pick and choose on like how many things are we really going to
people down that road and so smart, which is indeed our committee was more and they didn't do anything over every republicans. But I wouldn't changes everybody's mind about anything, but we like can't blame the committee. They put out a show that good show, and that was a smart I'm sorry, but if they had a lot of fish to fry and that one could, I want to be super clear. Facebook could have had on the safety measures that were available on the day of the election. They could have turned those on on a day sooner than after six pm on January six, because they had them all and none of them on at six pm six pm on january second, and they had them all on by twenty four hours later and they will threw trump off twitter right after january six and this week you got back on he's reform of its historic.
Larry, given the attack on the synagogue and journalists who jerusalem today? Are we looking at a potential intifada in Israel? God? I hope not, but you know, is come ass. I believe already called it a heroic operation and you don't make peace with your friends, obviously, but it's very hard to make peace with your enemy is not actually trying to fight for care tory, but is trying to
fight to eliminate you. I the attack, happened earlier today. You know, as people were praying it happened to be international holocaust remembrance day the day that auschwitz was liberated and it turns out that some eighty years later people still want to hunt jews down there. Yeah I mean anti semitism has been on the rise all around the world are people leaving france because they don't feel comfortable in france places. We didn't think this was possible yeah. I think that people Don'T- and I came on the show after the attack on my synagogue in pittsburgh- and I think, a lot of people and there's no reason they would know this, don't realize that you know for me to walk into a synagogue. Even here in l, a there's there's armed guards at a jewish day, schools
in the gods. It's just a jc sees it's just a normal part of life. As an american jew and that's a very, very strange reality, okay, I should Alec Baldwin be facing involuntary manslaughter charges in the fatal shooting of the extent of talk of her on the set of his film last year. No, I I mean a guy, I mean- I don't know our golden very well at all. He used to do this, show we stop doing it years ago. So when I'm just setting this up, like I have no person, I know, but I'm not form or against them. I like them as an actor- I don't really know em, but unless you think our baldwin purposely shop, this cinematograph, what the fuck are. We talk You know it's a horrible tragedy and then maybe someone to blame whoever with job it was due to bad that gun there, but I dont think it's the actors job, no, the only
Well, there's too there's two additional things, one who I think he was a producer on the film. It's, not the producers. Job will be there to check the gods. I mean you have to be able to delegate some things in life, no one, but the only thing that he's he said that he didn't pull the trigger and the gun can't go. I mean I don't really know enough about this case, but he said he couldn't pull the trigger. But how does a gun go without pulling the trigger inside- is that's one thing that I don't think that's a little odd when he did say that didn't yet what what I don't know he's an actor. You know the I mean I just I just guard them on the going after him, because he is a celebrity like what is the I just think we live in a culture where someone always has to take the blame. Nobody can ever just throw up their hands and go. Oh, my god. This is a terrible tragedy. You know Democrats always
I have to say this could never happen again, no matter how rare or something we have to spend a zillion dollars. So this will never happen again. They want to boogie man and republic. Don't be like world other going after your prompt guns be reasonable about anything. What do you make? Paddle, the way different democratic mayors and governors, lorry lightfoot, ok, that's the mayor of Chicago Eric Adams, that's new york, jared policy. We have Where is the governor you're gathered around right have reacted to the immigration crisis. I see where you're going with this in their home tat. Yes, all those three have of setbacks equally so funny because they theirs You know we're basically saying that the thing that they're not supposed to say, which is that I know we're we're blood,
migrants and were dangerous anywhere sanctuary city, but we can't taken him work work all full of bright. What do you think about the democratic yeah? in its they're kind of caught in a political mess. You, what did you say about the immigration issue when you were running in ohio against Judy event? I said that we need to know who's coming in and out of this country. I don't think that's an unreasonable request run I think, limited to limited degree. We have well, I mean you know, we are america, because we take people from around the world yet sort of our economic engine that we have. So we gotta have an adult conversation about but even in Canada has restricted. No, you cannot be able stream and over. The rapporteur did not know this argument. If you don't think there are people who are terrorists or bad actors coming across, I think there's awaited
Do it in a humanitarian way and then figure out who's coming in and out use the technology that we have now, which is enormous, and we could we could figure out out how you keep the phantom all out of it. Country. You have to try to figure out how to get that should audio, because some one hundred people, if you're here in our pay a fine pay back tat, just pass a background check and welcome to the united states. It's amazing that we know so many issues that you talk, but if people were just not here full toward each other. They didn't grand bargains like that. It's gotta be something in between the rule, rapists and come on come on, and there is no reason why
Normal people are right in saying with what's going on in the country, because these are solvable problems all of them, the obesity, peace, the technology, peace, the race, it's all solvable. Yes, if you talk to each other like that for absolutely apart. A recent study found that less than half forty nine point, seven percent of students at Cambridge university- identify it that's better or sexual lot. it's hysterical because we did it because I've seen the charge and we did a thing where we projected- and I think we said in two thousand and fifty four- we will all be gay where it's going and now apparently came if you're saying hold my apple tini are going to get there way before. This is the first study I've ever seen where, where they're just really open minded, you never know well.
It is one thing that more I mean did the questions is. Is it no longer politically correct to say you're straight it's this I mean. Could we have changed that much were now over, have not had a rejection, Someone asked me the other day. If I identify as queer is I'm gay- and I was like now because everyone, I know that identifies is queer, is just straight and they're calling themselves that to sound better design That said there are you kidding me. Do you know people? I know in heterosexual relationships that identity that self identify as queer? It's it's. What is will say? Okay, I thought queer minka, but if there by like, where, where does that phones continue, I'm just confused.
These two others even own, even since the sixty is when can take him out with his first studies, the most many people- I don't, I am not purely straight or purely gay people selling only if the right, the right person, who knows so like a dunce out with those cambridge, they're doing like more than we're saint I'm by I'm not used to be gay. Erlich efficient done also broke this before ancient rome. You know we're all queer, something like again the did not make the distinction we do between between gay and straight. It was more like cute or not.
Like a very worrying no mark into the garden, had a wide about what you said it very burying yeah. It goes on and burning everything goes out of everything I learned so much about one percent of the people of this year. I was like the learning. I tell me legislative, real, every friday night watch him any more information not on each be oh dot com
Transcript generated on 2023-02-19.