« Real Time with Bill Maher

Ep. #631: Ben Mckenzie, Rep. Katie Porter, Piers Morgan

2023-04-15 | 🔗

Bill’s guests are Ben Mckenzie, Rep. Katie Porter, and Piers Morgan. (Originally aired 04/14/23) 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to an h b, o podcast from the h b, o latency and real time with bill. Maher darker
You are such a dangerous, interesting, interesting, weaken the news. A big mystery will solve this week. You know someone a couple of months ago was leaking measured, very sensitive national security information on the internet. Well, this
Ladies and gentlemen, we got em the fbi arrest. they twenty one year old The air national guardsmen in massachusetts. Who is doing this and I had so many questions. I want to know why a twenty one year old had access to our most secret now security stuff when the one most of them need to google how to write a check the way it gets more genji than this, the he was living with his mom, and where did he post this sensitive stuff? online chat room for video gamers, so we know one thing about the motivation it wasn't to impress girls
clearly shown the picture this good. This is who did look at this my generation is the problem, the that's him the intel and so the jason bourne. Yesterday, what do? What? Like someone used? The d aging sculptor on mayor, the dalai lama sucks tongues that are all the kid got carded at the super mario brothers, the last emperor pleased and not guilty by reason of anxiety, the kids today and here's
this part of the story. The personal identified this leaker This twenty wanderer liquor was younger. Eighteen edge boy which makes sense, because all the people on the chat room were teenage boys. Twenty one you're, always known as the oh gee, I was trying to impress them the only name. The group there were in this little clubhouse the shaker central thug, shaker central. Also, let me the name of his ass when he goes to prison, and I love this wrinkle on this story. Marjorie tell a green is siding with the link with the king. She said he he said he's white male and christian
so they can't doing bad. You didn't ask yourself: who is the real enemy you marjorie you? Is it so hard to wrap your head about what on in the minds of these self styled patriots, They love america so much they actually fucking hate. It It sure is going to put a new china grocery store of gold trader hose and then it's off funny how hard, but the stuff that was revealed with this link is supercilious. We find out that this look bad that america has been spying on our own allies, which might be good because one of our allies, egypt, sort of their prey Didn't we found out from this is wants to send artillery to russia, probably artillery we paid for we,
there's an informer that we have at the highest level in the russian military so expected should be able to be falling out of windows in moscow. I love this. We found out that ran ran wants to start. space mission, they want to land on the moon. Gathers the moon rocks, bring him back and throw them in israel again. This is superfluous. We this thing revealed that ukraine, that war is not going as they told us all that. Well, they said ukraine very low and ammunition, and we were going to send the more but kid, used at all to shoot it but light that's. So we gotta talk about this. This is a big knows this week, a fairly bud light included, and gender woman in their advertising campaign. This was
ok with nation the country's stars are very of said kid rock a shooting added, Travis trent. He took it out of its rider when he's on torrejon rich. He took it out of his bar in Nashville somebody s. explain to these dumb. Ass is the point of being rich and famous, as you don't have to drink, bud light grey hairs, petty harder, but first here's an actor writer and director whose forthcoming book easy money, cryptocurrency, casino capitalism and the golden age of fraud comes out in July and isabel for pre order. Now Ben Mackenzie excited to have you here, knowing that you wrote this book, because I've been a frequent critique of,
if you've seen this, I'm sure boy when I've been at a dinner party, sometimes with some of these I know they're, big crypto, guys and boy. Do I get the side eye? Oh my god. I'm sure you get it even worse is crazy, yeah. So, but here's the thing I was not subtle, these guys there they don't say anything outright, but I can tell they just get that dirty. Look at a trip me on the way to the bathroom, so I thought we're few months ago we were under, was when the ethic of t x, thing, crashed and crypto, which way Don't I thought all this is the end of it. Thank god we one now irene it's the markets. running six, a runaway success story right: it's up like eighty percent versus the nadia nasdaq, which is twenty percent. It what's going on. Apparently, it's not going away. Well,
in economic narrative right, it's a story or a or a a collection of different stories, and so it'll last as long as people believe in it, but as as we know it storytellers just cause it's the story doesn't mean it's true. So people will continue to do it. I mean what's interesting about the market. of course, as you see without tax, this stuff is really run through oversight over she oversees shall corporation. So you know you can put your money in its beginning. It out part that's the hard so you can look at the numbers on the screen and I can tell you you know whatever it is, but unless you're using a? U s? U s based exchange, I would be very careful when you in youtube can't just take it out, like you do from a bank These exchanges shut down all the time by nance the biggest exchange my colleague Jacob on our roads. About, and that's what after acts with that's the sand. Blenkiron freed one, the guy after tax was right. I had gone in the bahamas, yet the exchange, so interesting, crypto started but we could get rid of banking right, but isn't enough at least
exchanges really what a bank is, if some place your parking or, Crypto money went link money. They were. my so that it can be, I want the money thing. Is that drive me crazy, they're, not currencies, they are not currencies. Words have meaning. You know this. Currencies in economics to do three things: there are medium of exchange. You can buy shit with them. They are a unit of account. You can run your books with them and they're a store of value. Their value stays relatively consistent over time. Crypto currencies cannot do any of the three well, and they have no hope of ever doing so for reasons outlined in the book. So what are they? Their investments, you put real money, I too am you're trying to make real money out of them. That's an investment constitutes a security we ve had securities federal curious laws in this country since the nineteen thirty, because in the nineteen twenty is, we didn't and there was a massive bull rush right, a crash nineteen, twenty nine that led to the oppression and we realized oh shit. We need some laws about this. You
visiting as long as it is. I know I know, but as long as there's long is that you have to use this exchange, is a bank wouldn't be to have the kind of banking flawed as they are that we have that when there was probably unlike in two thousand and eight org nineteen. Thirty. Two, yes, should hit. The fan. not completely right. You didn't people were protected. We have a government behind it, because I heard one of the big arguments I hear from the group of people as well. Real money isn't really. There is only that they have the thirty one trillion dollars or wherever we supposedly have right sitting in the bank. We have. We just take it on faith. If we asked for that money, it's there, but it s not really all there waiting to anticipate. I figured it out. The other figured it out money, this trust. we made money up. It's not real. money evolves over time. Different civilisations use different rings to to
What what what is money money is? It is basically elaborate system of bio use right. I gave you this peace paper that has rhine markings on any right and you can that and then you can buy whatever you need right. So crypto They want to create a trust, trustless money will, if money is trust. Your speaking nonsense is like saying you want to create a government, less government or a the june list's religion, the words searching for our anarchy and cult? These are not currencies, they are securities. It drives me absolutely crazy, so what crypto did? Ironically, it was birthed in the wake of the financial crisis right, the bitcoin white paper come out and not to a reputation. re created. Private crisis and then collapsed They did all the same thing. It was shadow banking. It was introduced alex derivatives other stuff, but since it I'm going away and people were putting more and more money into it. Does it have the capacity
today to bring down the economy some day the way wheat, the economy was not brought down in two thousand and eight because we did have governments and banks which they bypassing breadth, crypto, that's the whole point does need to bypass which procurements, its unclear. Why anyone, but a criminal would want to do this. The criminals criminals and gamblers its gambling. I mean economic They speaking these are zero sum games. You may notice something about cryptic currencies, they don't do anything, there's. No their wares securities right. Usually, a security is like a share of stock. Well, there's no product, there's no good, there's, Service, so zero sum games are strictly competitive. for someone to win, someone else has to lose it's like playing poker in vegas It sit around a table. You might want to hand, I might win a hand, but we didn't create value. We didn't put capital to productive use right.
And by the way, the casino every hand. There's there's the rake there taken a cut every time Sophie. long enough in vegas you're losing, but that's all keep the lights on the cassini. Would you describe it as a pansies gain gas deposits game, but two schemes always do collapse. Yes, and this will do it understand the argument that it hasn't collapsed, but the numbers crept or not: real, a million people lost access to their accounts and, after one point two million american lost access. They can get their money because cause she was running up. I did this to you because you stole it also illegally. If you lose your ear, pin were basically re? Just fuck rage. and they say there's nothing you can do it do. I owe you do why? Oh, are you you're on research? kind of why they use exchanges right, because this way somebody else's responsible. So you don't they around. Like
yeah I mean it's all just lie after laughter lie. I mean you know The exchanges are much most of them, especially the overseas ones, and when you get in trouble here in amerika, are like bucket shops bucket bookshops existed until the twenties, their fake exchanges. They take your real money and then they don't make the trades and sam allegedly is a certain segment for you to have fdx, allegedly, you know he he he kind of admitted to this and like a twitter spaces around, I know you didn't actually even by a boy, if you think I don't understand this, I really don't understand and have to choose a wonderful what pictures and I'm of some of people don't know what an empties are like. There's something those were ok. This is
Something I've seen this a million times yeah. What is that called Debord eight board ape yeah. What tell me what that is, pretend pretend I'm sixty seven years old. The goddess is great and protect, and I just don't understand this from get go and explain it. I think that you do I really don't well does. If you're selling a picture, I feel like you're selling, a picture that I could also just find online. You could right click and save it. It's a j peg right, showing what am I not getting? Nothing it's holdings and hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars? Well, yes, yes and except there's, what's called wash trading and crypto and in especially negative tease, wash training is fake, treating you basically, set up as many accounts, as you want
it's student on of the blockchain upstairs what accounts you? You control. So if we take a dollar from one hand on a good put at the other end. I just keep doing that over and over and over again, and you think this thing is worth money. but then, as soon as you actually give them the money, Try resetting your board ape it's not the buying the reseller with the hard part. if you want to do imprint, this is going to get you late or something. Oh god, now that what okay, then I say that I really don't understand the motivation. It's not because your you know art is not art and it's not for the money. It must be some sort of bragging rights. Like look I own this, but why I just say that and show a picture aboard a what's that got you really has it also as exactly Also really funny is that technically speaking they're, not even the art, art loosely defined itself,
it's actually the receipt for the art. So what you bought is a receipt for a link to a j peg bored. Finally, is the thing that really pisses me off about this is ended. This was front page of the new york times this week. The amount of energy that this stuff takes, which just really, pisses me off about the generation that thinks its first of all, so environmentally superior. My gender patient ruin the world, but there perfectly happy they want regulation of every other thing over the top, but this thing have a wild west that each other picture of this is this is just one town in texas, the but these buildings are they all housing computers, the amount of energy that takes that's what that's I don't understand this party either that you have to mine bitcoins. These super
computers? I explained I write so I went there. I went to that. I grew up in austin Texas. Okay, that's an hour and a half's getting mad man hope things get things got weird there. I talk about it in the book. I went to this anytime rock del taxes I hadn't been there. It's only an hour and a half from austin, its tiny it they took over and alcoa aluminum smelting plant that had shuddered in the eighties, and so that's, like you, said, warehouse after warehouse, computers and what are they doing? What is this mining? Their guests? at random letters and right over and over and over again and into twenty one bitcoin another crypto currencies used the energy equivalent of argentina. The entire country right two and two to mine gas at
zero, some bullshit like it, I dont know how to express how utterly useless- and I can express how man I am at the younger generations for embracing this
I think, you're environmentalist, so you think you just want to get rich like everybody else. Thank you for coming out. Mckenzie, let's meet our panel of the chairs, the california congresswoman originally announced she'll be running for Dianne, Feinstein, senate seat or notebook. I swear, politics is messier than my minivan is out now. Katie porter is back, but as the here's, the new york post, columnist and host of piers morgan, uncensored on talk tv and streaming on fox nation, piers morgan has the dunno. If you've had time to process the story about the twenty one year old who sold her, national secrets out online, but I just want
Ask one very basic question, because I'm reading about this world just learning about this, but these are serious things that are going to get out there. People are probably going to die from this, so it's not like it's nothing. and I'm mad. Who do I blame. Second question: do you I think we all should be mad. I think we should be able to count on our secrets being safe, but I think this is a reminder that intelligence is only as good as the people who are running it. We spend a lot of money in congress, a taxpayer dollars trying to invest in the intelligence gathering and in building these kinds of systems and relationships. But ultimately there is the person or people at the end of the day, making the decisions- and I think, in this case that person did. Sadly, I think, irreparable damage Is that more systemic than that? Why
twenty one year old. I read, he would know most of the secrets came out, from the pentagon joints of staff, so the twenty one year old. On an email chain with the joint chiefs escape to sort is completely insane. Thank this guy. Bearing in mind he comes after edward snowden, chelsea mining, is it not the first time the eu is agencies have been almost rodya this twenty one. His name was jack, the ripper. That was the name again in the online chat jack. The Ripper, whose name is jack, but he caught himself. The drip I actually dripping sacred has always hardy classified stuff really classified, like you just said: Annie posts it from on some months and months on online group named a gay porn. Meme
as I wrote. This a is a reference to a gay porn, video featuring a young black man, twerking yeah, I mean they were all of this. This is incredible. What do we make of that boy? Make it to the new york times to bang on his door before the fbr? No, I mean the gay black man twerking the roof of a teenage boy through the night bill. Whatever gets you through the night, let's understand the technology he was using. I mean he was using discord, which is a system of servers and you have your own server, so it was then he was putting this. He wouldn't you didn't put it in the pentagon newsletter and somebody missed it. He was dripping to use his own moniker secrets within. A smaller group discord server, and so I think one of the lessons for me is this: drives home, something we seen again. again and again is which would be nice if people in congress understood technology will be nice
If our government officials didn't talk about tik, tok, tik tok would be nice. If we also, I have three teenagers. I am well aware of discord and what has just happened? I stopped me: maybe we should get a discord server and they were like. No, I think that we need a weapon receive where they came from. What was being shared in a private group producer was, the ability of the fbi to spy on irreversibly, don't think the f b. I should be spied on private. She anything, but they should be made aware of a guy called jack, the Ripper, whose leaking really big secrets. I mean intelligence agencies. It seems to me that they have to jobs the intelligent and keeps That's it I'm level they have failed and is systemic. I think today that one point three million people in america habit.
says to high level secrets. That seems to me a staggering de large number, and why is it? We only ever get leaks from the american agencies, but the chinese is never. The russians is never the british who have very good record on secret. It's just a guy! Is u s? Intelligence agency hurting you that, maybe, if you like a secret, and your chinese. We just do you know you know, there's no coverage of you. What we didn't learn about learn about your. We can say that in other countries in which there are three regimes that which they come in the dark in the night and kill you, if you give your if you like a talker, it's just core group ourselves to right. I don't think that's a comparable in terms of the number of people of secrets. We have a huge military industrial complex as anyone concerned in the story about the aspect. of the level of maturity of american hughes. That's what bothers me I mean he's twenty one he's,
within the military, their national guard. Right I mean it is the military and the money patient, for this is to impress other teenage boys he's its flax, but that is the time that has been the motivation of teenage boys time memorial, but not to tell you two who working age boys, how it goes, but teenage boys component of moral tribal k s either teenage girls or teenage boys. Ok. First of all, I was not trying to entrust press teenage boys twenty one. You write about girls and I fell, but not poor, and I wasn't in the military. Ok, something for the likes. You know that disease that happened to america. kid us to do something for the likes? I just think our kids are not mature,
that constantly seeking affirmation. This is because of things like instagram. It's like you, because you post something and people validate you, but then they use national security, see what we can be a bit. Don't know the level of a bad judgment right, but the real scam you nobody wants to do old bullshit immature! That's! Why you're here
add a twenty one, not all over the world different mature! That's why we don't let your use, rake and you're are twenty one. That's why some of us don't think that twenty year olds or nineteen year olds ought to be able to go, get a r fifteen that can go fight. I think there are or can be in the army. Well, I think that's a discussion we should have, because I think I know about your vote. You should be able to have a certain level of maturity, they're deciding whether you should be in congress or not. Well, I, and by the way, I myself witness votes and I'm proud of it, but What is new, you win the votes of the immature, the image for her for immaturity is not necessarily an age thing. You can be
mature. Well, you just enjoy real time. Don't you are like our arguments? Socks because we're old which asylum say that I'm getting some worrying about the web. Only fifty eight just for the record for shouldn't. We critique each other on the content of our ideas, not on those identity of you couldn't possibly have complete is that their young men, if I said that about women, are something that wouldn't be right, and you will complaint is that this person is europe. It is an important one and if my complaint used our young or immature right compared to other countries and other times in history, we re it's very immature people, because we coddle them the sense of entitlement. They don't have to learn anything in school. Will I've had three sons who have gone through teenage years and got to twenty one and past and they're all in their late twenties now None of them had access to this kind of highly classified material and the rich
scandal of the story. Isn't this young kid is clearly got a lot of issues he had this extraordinary access to really matter international secrets of that is just cannot understand how you can the situation with someone like this that age with that immaturity with all these issues is clearly got hasn't got of the abyss. I need to do what he did, while speaking of kids being awful abortions, a big issue these days and there's a drug called the myth, myth app for stone, misoprostol and boy. I didn't realize how important drawing was fifty three percent of illegal abortions in europe were done with this medication and twenty twenty. So this is the abortion pill. so a federal judge in texas, frank, northern district of texas matthew cause mark rule. I dont understand how this works. One single judge can rule, and he did a few weeks
the girl right that we can have this drug okay. Now another federal judge overruled that it's gonna go to the supreme court. Is that correct, but it looks by an and in them time in wisconsin supreme court raised janet protests I, which I hope on the pronouncing that right one by eleven percent she's the democrat there- and this was He said an election that took completely on this issue. The people of this continent People all over america do not want this draconian abortion system put into place. so she was the person who is pro choice, and she one- and this is sort of an alarm bell for the republican party as it should be because they are now party that is? Not pro democracy and not pro choice and america is pro democracy and it is for a choice and dissenters. Just signed a bill.
they approved a bill that would ban most abortions after six weeks. women don't even know their pregnant you have to have the abortion before you know, you're pregnant in florida. Good luck with that. So what you make of the politics here, for them. Publicans, moving on what I think is really fascinating to see. What's going on internally that based clearly what they're all trying to do is when the republican nomination, but there report that came out last. Today's donald trump has recognised the above. Action may actually be a massive vote. Loser in a general election, so they're all under pressure from the christian right to say right, go harder and harder. Why dissenters is doing what is it in florida. He wants to be the republican nominee popular now, but he even with the republicans. I understand that, but he thinks he can get through to the nomination that way. So they all battle. to go, lower and lower and harder and harder more and more draconian, but I don't think they can. Possibly. In a general election with that kind of plutonium view of
Fortunately, country were sixty three or four percent of the population support I to abortion, but how do they back added this? If they were, they tried to have this happened for fifty years? This was their big call to arms that we're going to do this, and then they got the car. It's just going to get worse, there's gonna be a lot of ugly stories, because this already women who cannot get this mrs, they need I'm not even though my regular abortions are busy about health matters, or doctors who were just because the laws changing and they don't want to go to jail, they're, threatening that in some states that it is not going to touch they're just gonna, and, of course, is also was a cultural issue when it is roe. Wade was legal. genetic, an economic issue An economic issue always
but we ve, because it's better legal need better able to talk about more. Did we understand more about the economic issue, but that we fundamentally, this is a freedom issue. It is. Very joy for and tremendous responsibility to have a child, and it should be up to every single person to make A decision for his or herself with a guy leader, and you know I don't think the people Erica want rhonda scientists up for china's, so to speak, like David thing on this particular issue, this particular pill with a pristine. Is that causes. Apparently five deaths per million uses a penicillin causes Twenty deaths per million users, but there Another drug which causes
in times as many deaths am I forgetting my grid with me here, don't say pot. None of us can do, but one thing they could do in revenge, the fda they could at she this drug, which is why our group, which is ten times more than we, can imagine if they did, that would probably have a direct negative impact on the sex lives of judge it's over sixty about very interesting our rights there is a new social media star I learned about this week and her name: Dylan mulvaney, she's, a transgender social media star, and I find this very confusing, as is already a dermot, macaroni and aid. mcdermott with was the mulvaney intermix anyway,
is the one who got the kid rock so excited, apparently because she's ten million followers there. I think on tik, tok and so bud light was like hey. You know what I bet you. If we there she is, So if we send her a case about light with a picture on it, that's ten, people are going to see our ed well, like I said, this did not go over well with machination sell. This was kid. Ex reaction to this. but but Can you wanted to talk by the majority by the way that's happened when I travel the country or leastwise war. When the elections are going about, half of the Republican adds that I see shoot. it's some shit? You don't like
is to shoot in or I'm in a truck and drop me like these things. You like vote me the anyways. So then they dug up this jack Daniels had an aunt a couple of I dunno. This is like two years ago. I think this is two thousand two hundred teams up with rupaul's drag race, alum, just small town, big ride. Can you know this data again reaching out everybody and of course this guy did this fuck We woke company was out his jack Daniels. I mean yeah anyway. I hate to tell these people, but it's gonna get worse. Because this is a lot. Companies that are reaching out and adjusted save usin agitator kid rock. We
We got some of the new ads that are coming out from some of other companies. You might might want to take a chill pill. Would you like to see some going to get worse? The southern comfort like it in the bottle? You'll love it in the can the ford motor company F one fifty built trends, tough, the capital one. What's in your man purse, the gym danny quick grids, just like your birthing person used to make the wal mart always low prices on puberty blockers, the other brands wonderbread we apologize for our whiteness is the skittles you'll taste the rainbow and you'll like it. The marlboro reds come to where the flavor is. The a lot of people are saying, and I would agree with why the overreaction to this I mean so what? If trans people who drink bud light too,
there are certainly a lot of bigots out there. Just people who Remember that gemma and half guy in Oklahoma is slower. Gods go up there? That was his answer: the global warming to show the people who that's their answer to things like this god still up there. I can't I can't reach them, but Is there something else to this story, because apparently this really did have a big backlash on sales of bud light? Apparently, a lot of america feels like they ve at an agenda, shut down their throats on this issue that they feel as real world consequences for them and their children do they have a point I don't think so. This is advertising. If you don't like the advertisement, if it doesn't appeal to you, don't buy the product to what I mean on the general issue. There do they have any gripe about the idea that when it comes to trans issues, there seems to be no room for debate. I mean trend, people seemed just to one
to have you, you have to accept lock, stock and barrel. everything they say, or else you are They get an: u r shouted down, Yet it is new a lot of this stuff and we are going in the opposite direction, for example of scandinavian countries in the uk, which are pulled back on a lot of transition transitioning? So it's not like. We are. To the left of everybody think it is more complicated issue and I think the issue around dilemma, mulvaney is, until very recently, like a year ago, don't move anyone's identifying as a gay man then decided to identify, I think, is non binary and is now define as a woman and talks These adds about. I need to womanhood and about being a girl and so on I didn't really care about the bad light at tat moment, but one might want to market themselves. I that The consequence is good or bad at the moment. It is not very good, entirely commercial decision to them where he got more complex
The thing was on the nike: they came at the same time also feed dela, think mulvaney, who was in women's sportswear, including sports bra. Despite not having any breasts. She said no surgery and a lot of I think- and I understand they got, I think pretty exercised and defended by way. That dinner mulvaney goes about selling herself on Tik tok himself up their self is wrong. We're not can respect by, but she dilemma of any in my view, when I watch these territories is often mocking, I'm a soldier view. How a woman behaves would be amused move only talking about in trying on press is spending too much money, undresses crying telling me a fine, even if they are on a lot of women about this person is mocking, is whilst making cells. Now the poster girl for womanhood
remains, for all intents and purposes, a biological mail and income at the same time as the whole debate around spoke We saw this week Reilly gains the swimmer being attacked, literally physically attacked, but trying to start the women's right so is not just a simple Somebody saying hey, are now a woman, and I'm gonna make millions of dollars Could he myself, but these big brain, which which didn't nobody is it is born became a lot of women alike. Hang on a second, what is actually happening to us in this process, is free to express herself and to live for gender identity. There's no one right way too. be a woman or to drink but light for that matter or apparently even to shoot at it? I I think the issue that this all get tangled up in that its really important to put on the table is
the right is. Waging these kinds of cultural rights culture. Wars trends, people are being murdered, so its people deserve the right too jobs, to have housing, to get health care to walk the treats freely. No one and I are, they are being a tap and nobody is questioning friends rise to learn this inequality, one. I would question and by the way, I'm not on the right but what I would question- and I think the legitimately is what trans rights to fairness and equality begin erode or even destroy as we're seeing in women's sport, for example, the rights of women to fairness and equality. is that what are the number is on? How many people, trans people are being murdered compared to people and other group? They are disproportionately likely to be murdered and assaulted and harmed
and so there are one of the groups that suffers highest crime rates and they are not protected by discrimination. You have people actually egging on acts of violence, toward them towards trends. People. So I think Again, going back to the idea of freedom that we started with here is still an old amy wants to dress up my colleague lightly or kid rock. For that matter, I don't care, but I don't think this is mostly about dylan mulvaney. I think you guys a rough on attention here. It's not about that. That's what, with my point, I think this tat. The reason why this had such a backlash with the bug like drinking crowd is it didn't you something else it tapped into I've. Seen videos meal Security is, I would add, tapped into our stories about That's not mile insecurity. It's always it's always identity politics. Why can't we? Just let me give you an example of what happened in scotland reason because it costs the first minister, scotland, a job here trailblazing, woman in british politics, that position a number of years and is extra in case of a male rapist. as a male rate to women and men.
trial suddenly put his hand up and said. I then a woman and, as a result, was sent to a female prison. The woman's prison, There was such an outcry, the leads, minister nicholas came about a huge pressure and incredibly double down and defended borders. and women understandably, would not so much what he's doing pudding actively male rapists into women's prisons, just because limitless cell. Identity now means this is what the person can do and its that when women talk about infringements into their safety and fairness and equality, it's that talking about every time a woman stands up for women's rights at the moment, whether is take a rolling, a wily gains or whatever it may be, they get shame they get vilified, they get. How did they get death? Threats is completely disgusting. to be a promote fan? Is the trans people many
whom I think really suffer in this debate, because a lot of this is so planetary on both sides, but you ve also got to protect women's rights. nobody should fear being raped in prison, whether that deepest was put in a male prison or a female prison, so that the goal here is to make sure people are safe in custody, and that's really focus about debate. So where you a lot where you allow limitless self identity, you allow people to abuse the system and that's exactly What's now been happening and we see it in sport Lee It's almost six foot forage form a bible she called male swimmer, who competed unsuccessfully against men. There, transition to be a woman says I'm a woman and destroys what may win It's a n, I believe, still has a painter, I'm still subpoenas
that's the bottom line and it helps when you swim. We'll dynamically physiology physiology definitely have women in a book we see now uses eight or in the locker room. It is kind of a ridiculous ridiculous. It look ridiculous and and the fact that we can debate this thing. I mean that just seem so dogmatic about it that even bring it up, and You know if somebody says and I've seen like I was going to bench a minute ago: I've seen videos of teachers, saying I tell my kids. There is no such thing as a boy or a girl. I can stan? Why someone out there? Who is a trump support? who says you know you're, always attacking donald trump, because he gets rid of norms and he does and it's awful nor is about government and democracy really fundamental stuff, but this is like norms about life itself? When you start talking
There's no such thing as boys and girls to a lot of people. like, I need a bud light. I think I have to say journey from Britain. Nobody ever really needs a butterfly. I mean I am aware of the run run for this, but is basically is a year in and year out, a proper there by the london I'll give you a pint of, hamper harvey's and you'll love. It will make the peers display any. We should be able to have a civil discussion. These things, I think you know something both have trans people in their lives that they know when they love and they are concerned about their safety and their well being other people, it's a newer, unfamiliar topic and we should be able to have a civil debate. Nobody colluding? Riley gains? We disagree with strong. We should be supporting citizenry we're out of intra eyes. I think that it the up to sporting bodies. To me
the decisions about who when she wrong. I think that you what she is done is try to turn this. We talked about people deal becoming using things to get likes and get clicks are somewhat she's doing. Lemon our target, no trotwood brook brought against personally, but all I've seen a do. We stand up for women's rights to fairness and equality. She had she completed intensely its farmers and it was obviously unfair, It's almost one, one of the races and, incidentally, challenges by fifty seconds against a bunch of biological females who simply couldn't keep up. That cannot be right don't be firm. Sporting bodies should be dealing with and by the way, rightly, speaking up for herself, and that is
prerogative, and I respect your free speech and she's begging. You look pretty much every female athletes measure that was not a point of title: nine title: nine in the early seventies becoming that was it major event in feminism that we finally have this law. That says colleges right and I think high schools do but deftly colleges, women, women, sports have to be given equal to men sports so that women, I don't get you know, and this led to the double nba and lots of other stuff. This seems to be the opposite of that. It seems to be so many instances. I think we're weakness is the opposite of what I grew up as liberal liberalism was, let's give the women an equal shot. I mean this with a male in the in the swimming with the women I don't get. It is crazy and meanwhile, trans people who genuinely want to compete in athletics and swimming or whatever it may be hey, they're, the ones who are suffering they need to be found a way to compete fairly and fleeing. What's your answer them, I think. There's one
who else is I think they either compete against their biological sex, as many of them did before all you create an entirely new category Mary. This have to do is continue to allow more more transact leads to start death, waiting women's records in some cases irrevocably is just not fat. Ok, I gotta
there are thank you very much, but it's time for you asked its I'll Jackie miller, the ohio school bus driver who stopped robust and unleashed a viral tirade on the kids had been disrespecting here for years, telling them I'm sick of all this shit and life. What's gonna be self or up your goddamn asked is gonna dangle out your goddamn knows that one that's a good way to lose issue until you have my vote for president you're, the guy in the cure, who has to has to find a new look, let's face it. there's a young man's again, twenties where you look mysterious and vulnerable, but at sixty three
It looks like my aunt mildred, the mural, now that it's come out that the dalai lama, as a young boy, to suck his tongue, we have to find out if he meant his whole tongue or just the tip the because we know from every tip jar in every coffee. Shop tips are good karma. The neural. These japanese gay activists have to try and look a little more gay
There are signs his pride, but their attitudes as staff meeting at h and are blocked. Their slogan is we're here, we're queer here's your tax return for the fiscal year neural. I can accept that there is no such thing as god or fade in the universe is governed by random chance. But you can't tell me it's an accident that rupert murdoch is going through a break up the same week as taylor. Swift, what part of you belong with me? Don't you too crazy kids understand she sings bad blood. He has no blood. She s, champagne problems. He always has to pay the she knew he was trouble when he walked in and he can't remember what he came in the room for the baby, just say: yes, ok and finally, neural there's a price to pay for forgetting history, which
actually is a very old rule. Those forget the past are condemned to repeat it, I know, millennials and genji were raised to believe that anything that happen before they came along isn't worth knowing, but in the case of people the state of new york versus donald trump. It just might be because this whole going after the president for fucking around thing. I've seen it we'll be before it was called. El bill. america did not like it. The first time is it back in the nineties. President bill Clinton had a fling with a white house intern named monica lewinsky and the republicans exposed him dirty, filthy disgusting sex, Stuart and when
we're done with him. He had an approval rating of seventy three percent. This, despite everywhere public on every tv station for two years saying what do we tell the children and those children are today's millennials who work interposed, don't know anything about it and don't care. So I guess you didn't tell them anything: parents good job, they have the republicans. Now d care at all when kid asked mommy, what's up with donald trump and the lady who start in tat signal Yes, that is real and, as I watch the circus around our latest horny ex president, who loves fast food and hung out with Jeffrey Epstein, it seems it is worth asking the Democrats having gone through this yourselves. What don't you get about?
sex scandals, don't work on president, because no matter what the underlying legal reasons are that underpin sex scandal to the average person is just always going to be about sex. Nothing can compete. Law is boring, it's the count, the additional equivalent of golf I remember what people were talking about during the Clinton scandal in it wasn't the finer points of perjury law. It was about how one of is blowing this happened during a phone call with congressional leaders and came in the saying how they did it. On a stern. thing. You did with the cigar, store their alert if you're too young to know don't ask same thing.
Its trump. Today, Joe six pack is not going to take the time to wrap his head around how the statute of limitations applies to a misdemeanor of falsifying business records if it involves a violation of state election law in a second crime involving a federal campaign conditional on the residential status of the defence. My head hurts just saying it there's a reason. Every news outlets in the country recently ran the headline. How strong the case against trump. their way of saying, don't get your hopes up? Yes, trump, okt, stormy daniels at a charity golf event, while his wife was home with their new born kind of thing we all assumed trump was doing,
What's your next bombshell that his hair is a comb over the shocking port? Wasn't the sex? It was that he was involved in a legitimate charity. And to at least half the country it looks like you tried to get them on russia and you tried to get them on ukraine, and you tried to get him on classified documents and you didn't so now you went to the old, reliable, congratulations. You found out powerful men have been achilles heel, their balls It was the same thing with Clinton back in ninety eight, with the positions reversed and our control land deal called white water became something something Paula Jones became. Why is the president testifying about what the definition of sex is? Oh,
because sexes fun and it, work. So don't come on my dress and tell me it's raining the back, then republicans were always telling us how much they hated just aided having to investigate Clinton's sex life. Put their hands were tied by the rule of law. Yes The rule of law is a sad day for america, but for the sake of the constitution and the honor did gettysburg, my conscience leaves me notes, unlike monica most people found all that a little hard to swallow. Of course, Clinton situation in terms have important differences. Clinton was in office in trump is not trumps kay
hinges on an nba, and Clinton's was more about dna. One involved a naive young anjou who had genuine feelings, the other and older. to say the least actually experienced bottle. blonde with big tits. But there are also important similarities. Monica was in in turn and stormy, wanted to be an apprentice Neither neither wife could stand to hold their husbands, hand and both if claim they lied to protect the person they really loved and Clinton's case Hilary and in terms him one of that most vitally steps. These two cases deport is this republicans, when, after Clinton on sex, they didn't have anything else
Come through his life like a school nurse looking for headlights and all they ever could come up with was the blow job, but democratic, I have to do this trump commit real crimes. he commenced them on made. We have struck injustice, pressure and state election officials to fix an election on tape. I only need eleven thousand dollars. I need eleven thousand bucks. Give me a break. He asks other countries to interfere in our elections publicly right. if you listening for russia, if China, if someone else offers you information upon it, should they accept that there should be called the f b. I think you might want to listen. He signed with our enemies He just said: it's not russia. I will say this. I don't see any reason why it would be.
He refuses to concede elections and thereby incites insurrection. Look understand how cathartic bordering on ecstatic, it is to see donald trump get hold from his retirement home to stand trial with is made head gloom by lawyers like the slum lord from queens that he is. It just feels right. But now, when the real indictments come down for the really serious offences we'll have shot our war on stormy Daniels. we'll be so use. We'll be so used to seeing trampled into court. It'll be no big whoop. Just how we got used to watching them, get impeached and that's a real shame, because.
with saving my good drugs for georgia, alright I'll be at the national harbor in dc on the twenty second march february. Twenty third at my club, random podcast, is celebrating for twenty all year long on youtube or wherever you get your podcasts. I want to thank representative katie border piers, morgan and then mckenzie go watch our side on CNN tonight at eleven thirty or catch it saturday morning on youtube. Thank you for telling us the summer, every friday night or watching anything beyond for more information log onto each b, o dot, com
Transcript generated on 2023-04-18.