« Real Crime Profile

#467: Russell Brand | Part 2


We continue our analysis of the recent investigative reporting by The Times, The Sunday Times and Channel 4 Dispatch regarding allegations of sexual misconduct both in the U.K. and in the U.S. by multi-hyphenate comedian Russell Brand. We discuss each victim who has come forward (thus far). Jim and Laura talk about what they see in his behavior as a groomer not only of the women (and one young girl) involved, but also his manipulations of others which could include their families, his colleagues, and the entertainment community as a whole. 

If you or someone you love needs help in the U.S. reach out to the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization: rainn.org

You can watch the first ten minutes of the Channel 4 Dispatch documentary called Russell Brand In Plain Sight here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ace3S61vyHk

You can also listen to The Times radio coverage of this story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuXb6fzCvtI

The clip used in our episode is sourced from here:


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the hello and welcome to real crime profile of amelie suzanne Betty, I'm a casting director for CBS criminal minds and a board member for hire. Survivors hollywood and with me today is Jim Clemente retarded the profile of former new york city prosecutor and writer producer of criminal law, and I'm laura richards criminal behaviour analyse for many scotland yard founder apology. National stoking advocacy service in haste of my other podcast crime analysed. and today we are continuing our conversation about. a cereal and prolific, individual, who has been in headlines. The lot recent me and we have so much more to say. We thought this might just be one episode, but we really wanted to talk about the time line and paint the picture of what's going on and send to the women in this, Recent, let's jumped back him where we left off thousand seven m his extra
in Jordan, martin claim that he sexually assaulted her during an abusive six month relationships wrote about this in her book that she published in twenty fourteen, she she clay he sexually assaulted hurt the lowry hotel in manchester england, after becoming angry that she had spoken to an ex boyfriend. So there you have a sexual assault as punishment and every, girl and woman noises in these situations and is free trade is a punishment, is to show power over someone when your sexually assaulted, alright till sodomized. In an argument situation and when someone's trying to control your behavior and that's what was doing to try regain control and I'm There were many other women and she was brave enough to speak how she wrote a book, but even that the narrative got reshape didn't net and the sexual assault got taken out of interview. that she did with people. I just wonder how many times that has happened. You know, on the basis of what of protecting him, maybe
a stop is legal, due diligence or or something like that. It is really disturbing that she she basically I'm said what was happening and told everybody who, who here listen, nothing happened and what what this documentary shows is that, even after they clearly were notified. The years later, they come back and say well were looking into what was no, and when it was report, whether it was reported and all that other bullshit. When you know it's very clear that the people who were working with him and who we worked for were very much aware because a lot of stuff he was bragging about live on, radio and and some of the behaviors that he exhibited were were you know right there at the BBC, for example, and then they're gonna later say wow, you know we have very strict rules against any of this kind.
Tough and we're gonna look into it. Fuck you. material, two thousand eight a woman, goes into the bathroom at the bbc. He follows when her in there, exactly a door locked. The door takes out his brand and you know wax it in her face and joe it's assaults her and then goes right back out on air and and makes a joke about it. Show you hear no fear it all that he would be fired for that or that she would go to the police about it. There would be absolutely no consequences. Tells us is an established pattern. Doesn't it It tells us that he's done this many times before, and he knows that there won't be a fear of consequences and the joking about it afterwards again it just further insulates him and protects him, and I think, where this level of calculation and strategy on his behalf, and then
You know he sets in motion he's his act and then he jokes about it, but then other people also enable him further. If this by everyone Joking along, I can't even imagine how that foods for the women who he treated this way and who he abused it just house and be silent, shut up, no one's guy, to believe you because everyone's laugh, Think about it. I want you reward that same year, laura that's the year were he did the big blockbuster move. Forgetting Sarah marshal and he went on to have a tour and book and another movie and another movie I mean every year, he's rewarded and rewarded in so many different ways, nothing. That's interesting him coming to LOS angeles, the timing is interesting because things were coming on top for him in the uk on his agent. I mean how what she no John, no sound like sounds to me like. He knew a lot of what was gary on. So, as we know, is it
people who are around that person not holding them to account but him coming to LOS angeles again is a strategic move. Reinvent yourself. New group of people knew expense, it says become now turn a movie star, and I remember that movie really well, because I remember king in a domestic violence charity at the time now called safe lives and our members, talking about the movie specifically and admit, I thought the movie was very good, but pretty much every Actor, who was on that movie got, has got burned in some way or other for their terrible behaviour, and I think even we, Sarah Marshall or the main actor and Sarah Marshall, who is symbolic even said about his behaviour. Right said: do you know she had to harness him and make it very clear? You keep your head. to yourself. Dannii minogue said that he was a sexual predator. There are lots of women who put it on record, and this is where we
at this blurring, where some might be called a sex past. You know, and as one of the big red flags I don't like that, a phrase it translates over here, but often do you know truly someone would be called sex, passed, all someone's hands, ie and its, if alerting other women, that these persons a problem, but it seen in that way, lisa like you, know cheeky chap, but action it's not it means sexual predator, and we should really be calling these people out for what danny man? I'd try to an almost because I never heard that would in two thousand and eight into the debate we came out She went on record and said that she was very boundary with him and made it very clear. You know you don't touch me donnie monopoly to girls and seven when all the sort of stuff is still is going on as well and I think it was in that time frame that diamond. I spoke out as well, and I know that he'd later Mary katy pair,
it's in two thousand and ten, so not long after that he marries katy perry and that they they're divorced within a year re Yes, yes, why? Oh god what happened there? I mean he probably lump love, bombed her and then you know when she saw what he was really doing and how friggin, manipulative and probably sexually aggressive and violent with her she got out of it. I mean to get married in two thousand and ten and divorced in two thousand and eleven a lot has to happen. You know to have that happen so quickly. Good lord, it must have been a nightmare. I agree and I would love katy perry to go record and say what happened. I know is not always easy, particularly when this serious allegations I thing with what danny manoeuvres that I just checked the day to night two thousand and six that danny meadow came out and she had worked with him on mtv and she said the
he's crazy and evolve predator, and he would not hey no for an answer. He always go a step too far, but the not take no for an answer is what women have repeatedly said about him. He's relentless absolutely. What's that I have is twenty twelve woman, a naughty claims? He raped her in his home, in LOS angeles, she was targeted at his event and she said that he made a bee line for her and she had gone back to his eye I think- and they had had their degree to have sex she had asked him to wear a condom, but afterwards he them entire against the wall and she said He then for sex. He write to her and he had this. Airy look in his eye and this has come up number of times a sort of delays. Look as if the shortcomings of the ice cube as I call it the ice cube,
fact a number of women bearing mind these women don't know each other, that's another very important thing to say: the journalists who spoke to all of them, but they'd. Never they never knew each other. They never spoke to each other, but she talked about they. Some look displays, look and afterwards, on the same day, she went to a rate crisis centre in LOS angeles, and she was given the morning after pill and treatment, the rest he eyes, etc, and there is there all medical locks that this happened and there were texas such is thereafter and she said to him on tax when when a woman says no, she means no and he wrote back. Very sorry not I Very sorry, road very sorry say I dropped. Personal pronoun, which means you're not invested in it. But that again is key
duration. Isn't it absolutely right and the fact that he you know he just decides in this case? Oh I have another friend in the bed bedroom waiting. I want. I want you to have sex with both of us now I dont know what the gender of that friend was. But the fact is that he just ruthless at her and when she refused, he attacked her brutally and that's horrible. While, according to him in two thousand and thirteen the very next year Jim, he has a a comedy special that he puts out. That's called Russell brand messiah complex you know it's just absolutely shameless. So we move, if, if you re a moment, had twenty third see now, if a woman identified as Phoebe told the sunday times that in two thousand and thirteen after meeting brand at an alcoholics anonymous meeting, the two began working together, while at his home he cornered her in a in a bedroom, pinned her down tried to take off her clothes as she begged him to
I was screaming. What are you doing? Stop please you're my friend she said eventual. The brand. Let her go but said she was fired, the woman She never reported the incident because she was scared. It would ruin her career and she alleged that brand threatened to take legal action against her. If she did say some and by the way. This is exactly why I m on the board for higher survivors hollywood. This is the exact retail. issue that goes on of the time whether it somebody is big, Russell brand or you know much different kind of executive. A much different kind of power imbalance that threat of retaliation It will ruin your career and somebody will just soft shun. You is just happening on the daily road, that power imbalance and he knows that fully well He chose on big brother. the runners who were the youngest who the least experience, because they value their job and there in fear and then not going to speak out. But further. You also said that his eyes went black. She rising.
That common and she said that she screamed when she ran and out of the house with her shoes. Other people were therefrom. Eating and they heard her scream once said. Anything no one intervened, but it was later that one man apologize to her and said that he heard her scream and I just really upset. You know my so that people who stood there in his bystander a fact that nobody fell should say: hey. Are you ok or you hear a woman scream You know you go in there and find out. What's going on that didn't happen for had us just a double what they would all be on right, but they were all be fired or you know excommunicated in some way. I don't love. You ve seen the series Barry. Have you seen ass? There's a there's, a there's, a series of scenes. This young actress has a an agent who who it has her hypocrisy, no words his considering her.
As a client becoming her agent and he's setting up with me. You know little additions and things like that, but he hasn't yet signed iran and then, when she finally does get something she said It's all does this mean you're going assigned me on and he said well. This is the point at which I decide whether I'm going to sign you on or fuck you and when she gets so upset he says: are ours just kidding? I was just joking just kidding just kidding c'mon. You should have known that and then and then he cut her off and then tells everyone, he's not representing there and that's the kind of subtle way, not so subtle, but subtle way in the business that these guys get away with it, because women know that if they make
noise about this. Nobody will ever represent them, and so they put up with this and they just get abused and if they agree to the sexual assault- and it is still a sexual saw because they are being coerced into it. If they agree to it, then they feel complicit so they're, not gonna report it and this this offender just get away with it again and again and again. Unfortunately, that is just such a common story and patten. I could tell you lot of times when even my own career, where those things have happened on you a very difficult decision to make, something that is a career and potentially or having to give something away. Now you are a target power imbalance and girls and women have to tell you this. Very difficult line. All the time and Russell brand knows that pretty well in in this situation, his agent,
asked of know much more men. Helen burns was his pda and she said that he would come to the door wearing his tiny little. Why, from pants, and in fact that's another theme, and I'm just thinking about wine staying. You know who would under way there in his robe and in his underwear and there's some of the women said. Oh, I don't even know why I accepted it. It's not for us to accept. It is for us to do exposure and shine a light on it, but a career is career. Limiting, but I'll tell you about co when a man feels that he can just come to the door and is under and she said he was a narcissist. I mean she said he was a sex at eight. I really take issue with that, because I don't think that sex addiction, wine steam did the same, but Helen burgess said- and I think was brave of her to speak out, but she said it was only when he was shine patches of women naked two other men. And then just anyone who wanted to see women who he'd had sex,
if he was just showing these pictures to everyone and anyone and she knew one of the women. It was then that it registered with her that this is wrong, but she wouldn't want this to happen now that happens again. All the time, I've court men doing that and said what the hell are you doing now. I don't want to see your partner, your ex partner, and people show it to me- and I just thing- why is going on that that is hello bar of where we rats and that's why so brand, his being able Do do this for so long. I really think that if this is just being acceptable behaviour and they just if the not chop a tiny bit towards now being seen as unacceptable in this isn't just about, and I've heard a criminal defeat, slower recently talk about rape, victim, saying that o day just get buyers remorse, and I take absolutely issue with that. Most
teams of right. We know that there are very few false allegations. This isn't about not getting what you want is about being exploited and abused. I'm right! actually assorted, anne and dominate, said, and this is out serious crime. I just wanna throw that out there because I've been trafficking recently on twitter, this a rape have buys remorse, which I just thing is on us, and that is another man who said it by the way. My criminal defence lawyer, who both of you know I love it. It just never ceases to amaze me how people were framed things for a clue in or someone that day. not even representing the person she was talking about, but she's repeatedly said, this and I just find it very offensive with brand which walking about very serious allegations that being investigated, while the winter I found that he was actually question by the police comes in twenty fourteen, where police,
at where he was questioned over claims that he assaulted a massage staircase to his hard to come and give him sought on on his birthday an is an oxfordshire, that's the first own interests instance of the comedian being interviewed by a police over assault allegations can I just shut out my for my former massage therapy sisters. That is the word. Feeling in the world. When you show up to try to help someone release, they're back released there. So, as and about your mind, it's like please, please, don't be a pervert. Please don't try to catch me please don't get a hard on when I'm touching you you know, please don't expose yourself to me, let's keep it professional, which is why I always wore scrubs medical scrubs. You know it's just horrible and you're on their turf right, you're on in their home, behind a locked door is just it's it's a horrible feeling, but get this that same year he publishes a children's book. Ladies and gentlemen, the the paper of hamlet, any that strike you as interesting does
it's just as interesting as Jimmy Savile, when all his charity work and just the things that are done to insulate the pied piper. I think it's a very interesting, seem to choose in and children. he clearly knew he had to keep in waiting himself ing and keep moving the needle to have people. Think of him is this kind of cheeky. oh here, I am, would shoot doing children's things now re and he added its again law into the self help awareness health guru, kind of kind of publishing, he's so prolific you all the books it is published, he's written extensively in many many publications pining, unjust, everything under the sun. It's it's just kind of stunning his scatter shouted. Someone said his scatter shot, an approach to influence you ve got back to bed meetings errand to run and chores, to take care of, what's the secret to clearing your to do list
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went to hear. Freeing I'll deny any more that before that I saw in in the u s. He also became a guess star and then a full time character on the series bawler with right, the rock- and this was an interesting character because you know he he was a you know, bohemian guy who's running this sort of ex games kind of company with all these kids running around right, You know he was very you know all his character was slimy and slick and and sneaky you know, and and he becomes he becomes a main character for season. Three. Four and five he's like one of the the top three characters on the show at this point, so
is probably getting paid lots of money in and the series is basically about a miami based a sports agency, and it's very you know miami vice kind of really slick and night life and you know, want her eyes kind of another as others car fast boats. You know these football players and staff who were I live in the high life. These you know exploitive relationships and all this kind of stuff and their agents and their managers and so forth, but he comes in and he brand comes in and he bade
Actually, you know slickly maneuvers them into into a relationship, business relationship and then completely flips on them. You know totally takes advantage of them and ends up basically puking them in a in a really big way and like that character, is so fucking clear that that's what he does to women. I mean he lures the man. He sets up this amazing appearance, you know, gets them all gaga, that grooming, that you were talking about laura and then he flips it on them, and he becomes this shark eyed predator. Who is relentless, as you said, and sexually assaulting women, so it just. I just thought it was a really interesting
character that somebody wrote for him that he played flawlessly, and you know celebrated it. You know celebrated it so anyway, it's just, I think, that's very interesting, Jim, but don't you think that I mean yes, it sounds like his mirroring how he treats women, but what about the macro picture? For me, it just sums up what he's done across his career. Is this person just keeps reinventing from stand up to host to in becoming this act to prevent big holly star now this anti establishment wellness grew in his head answering his arm with everything and I just fill in it. kind of snake type, carriage who's being both slither into all of these things- and I'm really hoodwink or so that's what I feel you know he's Can these ratings and he's doing it with this guy, in this Clinton his eye. As you know, is what he's doing and everyone just force for, even with this whole antaeus.
fishermen, wellness scurry stuff, which is just very andrew, tate, ask He moved off as the big BBC etc oversee. He was pressured into resigning, but then has to reinvent himself. So what better way to do it become anti establishment, sound you know. You really know what you're talking about today he's talking about nato by the way an He creates this youtube channel. In twenty, and he was he was, may he made four million from you chain from succouring in all these people in sir, you did it This is someone who so bright and can teach us so march when all the while gilding the lily and laughing at everyone? Isn't he sounds this character? The eve described its toll the true man and you know, and, as you said earlier, LISA
this whole thing that he's doing now, which is sort of wagging the dog. I mean he is trying to get the head off of himself. So he saying that he is the victim of this massive conspiracy of all. These big media conglomerates they're coming after him because he's the one telling the truth that suggest branding himself and also trying to you know, put up a smokescreen. Don't listen to all those people that is just them trying to attack me because I said so many truths bullshit these are real women. These are real people in your life. In your work, who you took advantage of who you specifically targeted, used other people to get access to and then isolated them. you, know, groom them and then isolated them and then sexually assaulted them. That shit did, you think, has been started playing the long game, Jim and laura. Since the me too movement, he must have known that something was coming down.
Pike for him when he sees all of these other really powerful men go down in their own way. He knows it's coming for him. So when so, what happens? He pivots off of quota quote near the stab mainstream media, and it creates this alternate narrative for himself, because he knows that it's coming and then he will have the perfect cover that they're coming for him. I don't know I keep hearing this, that you know they're trying to take Russell. and down because there are the mainstream media is intimidated by him. I mean please that is just ridiculous, you know, but but he knew it was coming and so now it's kind of the perp is kind of the perfect prophecy because, as you say, laura all these media outlets came together for this investigative reports. We can use that and say see, see I told you they were coming for me. I mean it's just so redeem curious, but a lot of people already know right. Well, he I'm certain that
Reading lunchroom along a while back to get his comment. They came to him and said these people want want your reaction to this stop. What's being said, we want to give you an opportunity, and now so he gets out their ahead of everything and says oh they're, coming for me, we have further factors checking all of this is why it took four years freedom to put this story together, because their fact checking trying to be meticulous, I'm sure they're, asking everybody in his world and their reporting back to him they're coming there. There writing. This, though, is is very interesting and if you want to mention the am the september fifteenth, twenty twenty three, he posts and video pre, denying allegations
They have not landed yet but saying that all of his relationships have been consensual. It's gonna be a coordinated attack on him, he's a self admitted very promiscuous sex attic and all of these, these at a level of what are you trying to say, is hey if I'm promiscuously. If I wanted, then I should be able to get it anywhere and that's where that fails. That argument is bullshit. The women who have come forward are very credible. The fact that they all cross corroborate each other. The fact that this is something that people will have been speaking about four decades. Dec aids that undermines the bullshit that he just tried to put out, and hopefully there won't be a lot of lambs who are just. Following a long and saying Ok, I it's all right, he's being he's just being targeted, it's not it's! Not what he's doing I mean I saw. I mean it was outrageous to some of the bull shit I saw you know people
you see how you doing this. The stairs run. All about he's. Trying to get you to stay freer as a free state from handcuffs Russell brand, I don't fancy your chances. Quite frankly, the yengeese was, you know, and trust is now Angie and we're so much more than just a list. We still cannot deal with top local prose and show you ratings and reviews, but now we also let you compare up from prices on hundreds of projects and focus service instantly. We can even handle the rest of your project from start to finish so remember: Andy's list is now Angie and we're here to get your job done right, get started at angie, dot com, that's angie! I or download the act today.
Can you tell us a little bit about that laura? What what agencies or looking at the amended! Firstly, just to go back to the hands thing I mean it. Everything about these short videos that he pasted it feels very cold, asked me in ireland and I can't shake that feeling the way that he looks his eye so just say staring and crazy he's trying to almost snake charm you into his way of thinking, but getting out the gates ahead of this. He's controlled the narrative, the whole time and he's done successfully so easily he's doing is what works for him and I do think LISA. He seen me too. I believe he knew there's every option unity for someone to speak out at some point, so he tries to silence them in his axe and his committee, and then he uses all these different ways: even if you just look at porn
He has so many podcast, it's just dumb rule- and it's almost like this, you know If this mass manipulation of my andrew tate it just those so similar. He studied. Each of these individual like wine, sting tate and the tea, downs and then he's trying to insulate himself again, and I think that video on September, the fifth and then there was another one on september, the twenty fifth, where you know again. He says one line about it: the people, extraordinary it's been devastating and it's it's been upsetting and he's glad that people are questioning it and then he just goes if some rent about a big, all this she So again, what he sang is this issue It's so minor, I'm not even bothered by it and I'm focusing on these big world issues, because that's who I am on this big group, intellectual, that you can trust him follow and I'm not gonna pay any attention and he did this, again today this whole
the on NATO. Again, I'm this big globally he d or an icon, he's diverting everyone to rumble when offer future because he's not monetize on youtube and I'm really glad you tube, stepped up by the way and said that he breach they're coming two guidelines, because I pushed for a number of years to get andrew, tight, taken down of social media and pushed and pushed him because these men get monetize for saying these things, so they just get reward. did even more than they believe the rain shit, because I got all these people saying all we adore you all your gray and we mustn't let the ante room anti establishment, stuff, you're, saying very important things even eat a mosque jumped in and said you know of course I trying to silence you because your order, independent media, so it can get dressed, by so many people in a path? People saying the same thing, so
That was a little bit that I wanted to say about it because again, I just feel it's so calculating and strategic on his behalf. So well thought through, and new scotland yard have made a statement they are now investigating. Is somebody could, I just superintendent, Andy fur p, who is from the central specialist crime command and in education is open. He is urged victims to come forward. We know this is a very complicated contacts, whose right now in the media in the uk, is a conscious in china of a lot of agencies, and I mean domestic violence charities, sexual violence agency saying sang and showing the less than one percent of allegations result in a charging conviction, so You know again. Sayings people come forward come forward, it's the right message from the place and I am pleased to hear that. But again it is in this context of
cases are not easy and you ve got Russell brand and others saying why did it take them so long to come forward, while why did they not go to the police straight away, I am saying in these few narratives to make it look why there's some hidden agenda which, as we know it, rape and sexual violence, it takes people time to disclose. If you're dating with powerful person, a celebrity, you don't go to the police, because who's gonna believe you, you know until you find out you're one of five or seven My career jim- and I don't know if you found this, but every time I worked to cereal hey cereal, rape, his case creed, slay the individual women didn't want to take it further, but as soon as they found out, they want a number. They then fill their position
there is an empowerment, but there is also a lack of it takes away from its being personal there, and I can't let this happen to some one else. It motivates them to stand up, and so people you have. What right cases who have an experienced abuse won't know these things and I just keep seeing popping up in my media feed or why didn't they disclose it sooner. Why didn't you go to the police as something funny about this? This is a police matter and yes, it is a police matter and it is being vesta gator and it is being taken seriously by news scotland yard, so I hope they got their best detectives on it. I hope the women and girls do feel that they can come forward and there's the haven This as well. That you can go to in is a haven in london where you can talk to someone confidentially should you choose to, and then that might give you the confidence to then speak to the place. But when you were a victim former violence, but particularly sexual. It's not just as easy of war,
didn't they say when it happened. In particular, when you ve got some light Russell brand. Joking about you in his comedy routine reasons, but I was gonna sailor which you mention rosin erwin. Who is the lead rapporteur for the sunday times? In the other reporters say it took four years because they had develop. Trust you you don't just go mean people there. So easy just to go to police the police and sail this, but even with a report Who is you know, gently trying to give you the space to tell your story, it took a very long time and, as you said, the the the more that these victims knew that other victims were disclosing they felt more trust and that they were going to be taken care of and wind up on a comedy central special russell brand. You know. twenty three or whatever. So it's not is not as easy as people think to just go to the police try to explain what happened. It's not easy, now a new, looser, remember LISA, we did upon cost Tom baroness casey's review into them.
and how so crimes against women were treated and for consumers, not just our poor costs, but it is a huge Spain is a in the. U k so again that can silence people this, so many hearts so why somebody doesn't come forward immediately, and you know if you don't have empathy, because for whatever reason I'm mean, I already can't help you. I really worry when I hear people just fall back on these sort of stereotypes and traipse about well. You know were true. She would have come forward because what I can tell you that when victims do come for when it's just half and there is also a question mark whether it really happen so there's a question mark Full stop always about we In particular being bleed when they disclose things, and even more so when there's a celebrity, who has the microphone? Who is able to launch his own campaign to put out the fire is untrue.
Control the narrative and who has power, he's making a lot of money from what he's doing. What he sang right and can threaten legal action and in all the victims, don't have that power or money or access that their that at least brand has yeah good point gin, You know that the deep pockets and he has made an awful lot of money. Is very interesting. Laughing. All just throw into the mix was the on September twenty sake, the attorney general victoria prince issued a warning to the media have not, publishing: any meat is material where there is a risk that it could prejudice any potential, invest the or prosecution- and she said publishing publishing this material could amount to contempt of coal, which I staggering to see weighing into this
and so did shorn. I knew from he's a senior writer of the times and he said out just quote him: anyone one with even the sketches knowledge of how the media works. Surely knows every single word of reporting on board and has been rigorously scrutinise before publication turning general censorious warning has no basis in law should drawer immediately I've, never seen that I can't really good while will, She have a point that you could, because you know, laws are very different over in the uk and you can't just commenting on a case that in motion it means that they should do. while the times in the sunday times emanate who is directed at when their journalists have spent years on this and had done their legal g g diligence. They know, pretty well what they ve been handling and
whether she is talking specifically to them or to other outlets, who might be doing something it just seems knives about about rand, using some things she just cracking or nationals and say: ok, everybody we have it, we ve got it from here. We don't need your help anymore or I don't know if I'm so confused by the outgoing. I doubted, because I don't tend you never heard of a wooden tend to get involved with that. So bizarre, it is, but I mean my red of it was that this connection hide the scenes, prompting her to say something as you know, people are saying well, Russell brand shouldn't be shut down from talking on his own media platform. This is about the independent meat, being shot down. further. I no I just I've, never seen this before, have a warning to partaking when it's the times in the sunday times and channel for dispatches, I mentioned
for almost telling on ourselves in a way because big brother, channel four. ride in the uk, have we use to have the bbc BBC warm BBC too I tv and then channel four and then later five, but it they big brother was for four. Say. The dispatches is all my shining allied on things that were going on when he was there Stop the spin off schaefer big brother, They also would have done their legal due diligence say it yvo involves them, affects them so easily, a very strange statement from the attorney general and I just You know I never make assumptions about anyone or anything, but I do find it very odd that it was it feels like its directed and blood
I snapped times about this case, I'm glad they snapped back. I cannot believe. I hope it wasn't because brand had some influence. You know people in high places like you might imagine, you know, he's met the queen. Maybe he knows the king. I don't know, but that's just outrageous. I mean some connection behind the scene. It just feels like she has jumped. Into this motivated by a questionable, Something else you know and the reporting. I just can't believe that at this level and going through the hundreds of people that they spoke with and checking legal judy, since we know that we probably only seeing about ten percent of the story right all the rest of the stuff probably didn't make. And with the lawyers, because a on the side of caution every time parameter, leave it out and put it in so I think what we're seeing is only a tiny fraction
They ve already discovered this now. This is It's gonna be injury and see how this plays out and we will. We will definitely be continuing to key our eyes and ears open, and we will talk to people as close as we can to these issues and continue to come back and let you are listeners know exactly what's going on and we don't. We don't fall victim. to all the groom. That's going on. We don't fall victim to the set celebrity manipulation. that's going on or the powerful moneyed people manipulation. That's going on so if you want to hear more and if you do no more reach out to us, let us now and we will be back for further, follow up on this case. and I d just want to say that the victims who have come forward are incredibly brave and there is no reason not to believe them and
the other side of the house when thinking about macedonia with misogynistic attitudes. There is a correlation between misogynistic attitude. Male violence and you know, anyone who thinks that message me is funny or red. She won't die, a very bizarre take so many hans need joke about raping women are harming. Women are a risk to us. I can put it in plainly, but I see that correlation. I see that connection. In my cases really we have to start taking it seriously, sexism and misogyny and male violence towards women. So if you have been affected by Brandon in particular than please seek help. If you ve been victims of sexual abuse of domestic violence. There all day who can help you who are trained advocates in the uk we have is of an independent sexual violence advises all round the country, so you can do
the havens which are in london in manchester and their popping up around the country. So please, suffer in silence. I said I would have ended, by saying don't however, this plays out don't offer in silence. There are people who are trained. Who can help you there counselling fur trauma and it doesn't have to be the end of our successful life. It can be the start, You taking action and getting your power back and talking to train people who can help you please do it beautifully beautifully, said so for now. This is real crime profile signing out. If you listening to our show and appreciate the work that Jim and laura do and their expertise. You can do as a big favor. Please had over two apple podcast spotify or wherever you listen to our pod and leave us a five
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.