« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

The Only Hole In Your Performance That Can Utterly Destroy Your Success, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO293

2019-03-22 | 🔗

There’s a lot of you guys out there who think you can tolerate a little compromise or deviation in your performance or integrity…what I call “a hole in your bucket”…& still succeed. The reality is, some of the giants of history have been reduced to f*cking ruins because they allowed a hole in their bucket. What was it?…why is it so lethal?…& most important, how do you protect yourself from it? Take a listen & find out.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I guess that eleven suddenly horrifies dogmatize title alone. Without my family wouldn't have food anybody going is a guy's to the absent your project. Eddie! I'm your post- and I am the mother fuckin c e, o guys Does your first time listening, welcome, you're, probably wondering why is this podcast? called mother, fucking c, o podcast. Why cannot just be seo because seals owes or fuckin boring? That's why nobody wants to be a fuckin nerd weren't, a tie with his feet on the desk point a finger loud with some sort, mutual fund or smaller bull shit. Talking about nobody understands. They want to be a fuckin rock star. They won't have confidence
they want to make some money what they want to have some fuckin fun and they want to help people doing it and bring people long for the journey. If that's you, that's what you want. This is the podcast for you right It's not a bunch of affirmations. It's not a bunch of shit that you're gonna be here! brought some spiritual gurus instead and page about fucking feeling good. This is about doing the work knowing how to do the work executing upon properly doing so for a long amount of time and then reaping the rewards right. This is reality its now hoping. So, if you want to act, Julie be successful in life, we have close to three hundred episodes that cover literally everything you could ever passed we imagine about per labelling development and
to pursue our ship and success. Ok, every single thing. So, if you knew you got a lot of homework to do if you're not new, welcome back thanks for you guys support. We continue to dominate the itunes charts because of you, you guys pay the feel any new guys price can what's the fee. Well there's no monetary b, This is not a free show, a right. I do ask a fee and the fee is this you get something out of the show It's tell somebody about it. Please spread the word spread the movement that's what this really is. This is a movement. It's not a regular! pod podcast, where they just interview the same mother, fuckers, twenty seven fuckin times. Okay, this is A movement is a movement of people who are get shit done ass kicker, who want to dominate
ok in every single area of their life, and they are sick of the complacency. They are sick of the excuses. They are sick, of the softness. They are sick of the whining and they don't want any of that bullshit fluff in their life. If that's you welcome to the best thing, there's gonna up. You figure out that you're, not alone, that you will ever discover right. There's lots of people out there like you that why our podcast is at the top of the charts, because people like you, I still think like you and see the world the way that you think resonate with it right. So don't feel alone, because I know what that feels like and it sucks most of these people. I'm not listening a show and believe all this other bull shit, I'm talking bout, referencing, they're, they're gonna, be working for you in the next ten years, so feel good about that guy's today, I have an important message for you I know today is
friday and not thursday Some days, it's gonna be friday. Fire guys just is try to not this out were yesterday get you on thursday. But it didn't happen. So we allow friday fire for you. I have this. The thing that I notice about every single person out there trying to be successful, whether it be somebody in my own company, whether it be an employee or a natural, on or a or leader or even an executive, and my company- and I found most- people out there do this, and if they do that because there's other people out there right now who are telling people to forget about their weaknesses and just go all in on their strengths and iron their stand, that concept, but the truth is if you're gonna run. business and you're, not gonna, be a cop
in the machine? It can have any holes in your fuckin bucket right, and what does that mean right at me is this: if you go all in on your strength, let's say, and your strength is being a view- geographer and you become an amazing videographer, but you can't run a business where the fuck You're gonna have a hard time making a living out of that same. is being a great doctor or being a great lawyer or being a great chiropractor Just because your great those skills doesn't mean that you're going to make a lot of money and be successful, because your lacking all their skills that are founded, shell to your success. ok. So what I want is that you lack right now that use
taking your head in the sand and ignoring that is going to eventually come back and completely fuck you up a right. There can be no holes in the bucket you guys. all filled a bucket with water. Before you know exactly what happens when you try to fill a bucket It's a little hole or a little crack at the bottom of it, and it doesn't have to be a big hole or a big chris, It could be a tiny, little pity pinhole, but every single time, no matter how? how much water you put in the bucket, going to leak out. Ok- and this is what happened- to your success right most so. Do you guys out there are trying to create success you're, trying to build something you're trying to to all these great things that are going to benefit you in the long run and your car.
simply trying to fill your bucket if you own a business. This could be your trying to. Bringing more customers you're trying to bring in more business, but because you have a problem, with your retention or the customer experience or yours always the customers leaking out the bottom of the bucket, so for you, too, actually grow your business. You ve gotta figure Stop that weak, because if you don't stop that leak that that customers will continue to run through and you'll never actually gained traction, but once you plug the whole once you have the whole plugged, now, you're able to accumulate business- and this is our business works, guys and there's a lot of people out there that think they can have a little betty, tiny hole in their performance or their integrity in their buckets, and they still think that they could see see. I see this a lot right now, people who signed up for my programs. Seven.
five heart. If you don't know what seventy five heart is go check out, a cup of pakistan but a whole pakistan it they have an issue with the no compromise and no deviation rule. They don't get it Their email me in there saying could substitute this, for that, can I do for that, can do no mother fucker that's the point. You cannot compromise, you can't deviate that's why the rule is the way it is in these people. Think that take it skipper requirement just once, and it's fine, and this is a mere of a core fundamental issue with their character and why they cannot succeed, they don't get it. They don't understand. Why some important and this Why are they won't not only succeed in the programme, but they will succeed a life okay and you people are there think you can have a hole in your performance in your book it so to speak. You people
tat. You can have a whole your integrity. You know you're doing something. Slightly off your integrity. That is now, right! You know it's not right, and you got still think you're going to be successful. You're fucking wrong, you're dead wrong, because that little crack that little hole is going to be exactly what exposes you it's going to be the it might not be today. It might not be tomorrow, it might not be next week. It might not be three years from now and may not be ten years from now, but the whole There you have is going to ruin you and your ignorance and your willingness to ignore and pretend like doesn't exist, is exactly what you're going to regret when all that shit comes tumbling down your fuckin head, okay, and you can look back through history. and you can see where this just gotten people before you guys all heard of Al Capone, one of the most famous
criminal masterminds of all time. I don't think some one to be admired or model or anything like that, but he is for sure you fucking genius. Okay, this guy was so talented, so well organised that he be a massive empire were you. literally stealing, murdering racketeering or every single climb that you could pass we imagine. This dude was can do in any was doing it right in front of everybody, but could never catch him because he was so good, but you know what they are. eventually got em the feds gaddafi nor they got him on tax evasion of all The horrible shit that AL capone did that they couldn't pin on him the one thing they managed to walk about. Four was tax evasion That was the whole and is bucket and guess what he got to die in prison because of it
as this is so huge think about this, you can have a massive damn. Of steel created took thirty years to build. Ok, it's one strong enough to her. Back literally millions of tonnes of water, and it has a little tiny pinhole on it or a little hairline crack. Guess what you gotta exit immediately. Otherwise, eventually the whole thing is going too far literally thousands of people will be either just play or lose their lives because of one little hole guys know. Holes in the bucket in ninety eighty six, when the challenge your exploded. A lot of you guys don't even know that a shuttle luther exploded on live tv are. You know why it exploded because of all the thousand of how tat parts in the shuttle war. Single, tiny little Betty too I ring malfunction
and it cost seven people their lives. No holes in the bucket. You will make progress when you start refusing to have holes in your bucket We will see a difference immediately when you fuse to have holes in your pocket, and you will, well achieve higher levels of success. When you start refusing to have holes in your book, when you're exercising you don't do for the guy said you do all the fucking sets. We are sticking to a diet. You don't right, six out of seven days, you will learn all fucking, seven, ok, most you, guys are looking for the compromise you're looking. easier while you're looking for the corner to cry- and that is the whole in your bucket We are building a business into a multi million dollar empire. You'll have to offer delivered a ninety seven percent of you
customers and let the three sent slide. No, you have to over delivered a one hundred percent of your customers, because guess why some of those if one three percent might be highly influential and maybe they could seek your business, but the stories they tell and by the way this happens all the fucking time all the time Google Jeff Jarvis from dal Jeff Jarvis downhill, google that shit read all about it and then let me know what you think. One customer matters, let me know if you thought down could have a hole in their bucket no holes in the bucket. So this cast is called the only hole in your performance that can utterly destroy your success and that's a little bit misleading, because you know the only hole that can destroy your progress and success,
and happiness is it's fucking any whole. Any single, tiny, whole whatsoever will fucking ruin you for sure overtime. You might think you be. to hide it. You might think you be able to hire someone to fix it. You, I think you ll, be able to put a little for miracle tape over it like a sullen infomercial, but the truth is, if you don't fix the whole, if you don't improve your skill, if you don't do everything you can, if you let, if you don't stop letting shit slide start cutting corners, stop taking easy. When People need to be led the white way step, pussy out of the hardship to do I that little voice win the fuckin war earn your brain the says tomorrow, I'll start monday it's not that big of a deal you know what gives us
top a break. You know what you are Really hard you deserve this, if your silence that fucking voice. You will lose everything no holes in the bucket now A compromise: no, Sanctions ever so, when you Think of this when you think of what I'm talking about the hole in your pocket. You need to be really really really careful and really really really honest with you, self, because it's really easy to look past this stuff and think it's not a big deal. But the truth is people. oh, who succeed people who win companies who win they don't win by being able to fill their pockets. Full of customers with pull on the bottom, there are no holes. the only people who have holes in their pocket, our people
never hear about, and there is a reason for it. no holes in the bucket; the.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-10.