« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

Recalibrate, Part 2: Greatness, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO113

2016-12-13 | 🔗

What is greatness? How is a successful person different from someone who is great? Why doesn't the average person pursue greatness? What does it take to be considered great? How do you cultivate greatness in your life? In part 2 of the Recalibrate series, Andy Frisella gets more philosophical and unpacks his thoughts on a topic that is profoundly important to anyone who wants to live the best possible life.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The what is god you listen to the mf ceo project, I'm Andy, I'm your host and I am the mother fucking c e o I like to add a little different random every time, maybe not whole different intro, but maybe just like a little bit diff. If you like a spoken word poet, yeah man, it's almost like it's almost like I'm trying to create a new artistic way to say it without changing it too much yeah like it yeah. So, what's up dude big episode, yeah big episode. post book release post book released by the way you guys so much for everybody who bought a copy or to or ten of the book. Obviously, you know the main mission of the book is to get it
they're in start making changed. If you wash the facebook live video last week. You understand that, but It would be nice to make. Certain less like new york as best seller, amazon, bestseller, etc, etc, etc. because he's gonna help push the other content that we're gonna have come out, and or falls on you guys in guys. I can tell you right now we're overwhelmed with the generosity and this support behind what had you guys are so good to us. in terms of being up part of this movement in a man, it's it's it's It's almost surreal like hell, yeah how awesome and power before it's gone. You know, when we first started this thing it wasn't like there was no expectations May we started the podcast because we were doing a book interview for actual
adult based book that we're going to release here in the next few months. Right- and I guess I just spoiled that, but anyway, it's okay, That is how the idea for the msc o project started, and you know our goal and a lot of people who watch me on instagram, because I post the motivational statuses in a motivational, and you know, videos etc They think that the embassy o project is all about motivation, and I would argue that motivation, secondary and motivation might come from the way. I speak or the energy I put out or the enthusiasm that you guys here come through, but The idea of motivating someone honestly is not the point of what we're trying to do what we're trying to do is to be a vessel for change work. fine to erase the last one Thirty years of trial, air parenting, trial and error schooling and get back to the fund.
mental values that this country and greatness success. Personal fulfilment were found you know what it's not about? You know yelling at you. Do the fucking work all the time it's about thinking a certain way. In looking at yourself admitting to yourself. You think this way and then learning how to think a different way, and that's that's the goal you know, and that is why we came out with the books that we did. First, you know could it came out with our the books that we ve written. You know there are more focused around business and practical aspects and yo, yes, motivation and we could have done that and you know got all the talk shows and done the whole Oh you know author thing you know what to say like everybody's out there doing all this shit about. You know brain. I'll, be in an author which is cool, you know, but that's not what this is about for us. It is about. Actually the long
game. You know we're practising what we preach and we're trying to put out tools that can be used for people to help change the way people are thinking for the next twenty or thirty years, and that starts with the youth it starts. When a little? It starts before We have our peril. Telling us that we can do things or our teacher to tell that's, what we can and cannot do or getting a trophy for seventeen place or being told we're great were actually not we're trying to help people avoid some of the mistakes that have been made for the last twenty years, and that starts from scratch. You can't just always jump in a fix people's problems in that's what this is about, so you know people I've gotten a lotta emails like why? Don't you put out a real book well first of all, it is real book. Just because it's not the book. You expected I mean it's not a real boy. Second of all, if you think about it in terms of
actual tools and what our mission is it is. It makes the most possible sense and that are we came out with you know the idea of a children's serious to start with those those emails questioning them that those paneling comparison that they are? and I'm getting tons and tons of other emails. Though I got an email, I thought it was a great subject line is it said now I know andy is, is credible. Basically, they said you know like they were one hundred percent you're that you were. You know in it to help people right that you weren't. In addition, you know making on him worry I'll cycling, but this guy's point was eighty had to be has to be in it for the long haul and for a real cultural change, because this point was like when you think about it. You know you're this
if your fire breathing, you know you get a certain certain persona to you and he's like the fact that you would write a children's book, which is so completely. I you know just throws people for a loop says that you're not in it for just I forget how he put it, but you know what I'm saying like you're gonna just approved disappear well you're right do but you're willing to say no, I'm also a children's author if it means that we're going to change the world. That sounds funny, but the truth of it is is that you know we are here to change this. Isn't you know I've made a ton of money life, I'm very successful, monetarily, dry do. I want to be more successful absolutely, but I also I know that none of that means anything if I can't help other people figure out how they can also do the things they want to do and that doesn't matter if it's finance up relationships, fitness whatever man, it's all about. You know fulfilling that potential that we all have, and
It's been interesting, you know the feedback has been ninety nine point, nine percent positive and, I would even say the hunter percent positive with the only actual negative, as are the people dont quite understand or wasn't what they were hoping rehersal, which you know we ve got to come, and so don't worry about that. But you know before I get too far into what we're gonna talk about today, guys you know this is a growing pad cast in so every week that we come on, we have new listeners and for you guys who are new- and you know welcome this- is not your typical podcast. We don't, just interview people and talk about how other people did it all the time we're gonna actually get practical and show you and teach you how to actually do certain things think certain ways and execute on the principles that will make you successful in any goal that you decide
to chase and then on thursdays. When we come up, it's called thursday thunder and it will be motivation based. Those are usually the videos that we see on on instagram come from thursday thunders because people get round up about it, they dig it and it applies to everybody. And for that reason that's why post those because it gives people's interest, but you know we're very practical and in the idea of the podcast. Is that you guys to start thinking of yourselves as an entrepreneur would think of their bit. It's ok, you are the ceo of you. You are the entrepreneurs view and being manure is a lot different and being a business owner, ok being not pure someone who creates
and who designs and who forges a different path based off of past other people have taken so they innovate date. They create new things, they are, they evolve and that's what we're doing is human that's what you have to do if you are going to be successful, because at the end of the day, if you can happy someone else the best you could be a watered down version of someone else, that's why aren't plural thinking so valuable to your own persona, because you don't want to Another somebody else. You want to be the best you and that's what we talk about for the most part, so what did you not to open? You don't have to own a business, you don't have to you, know be a ceo. You'll have to be really anything. These principles apply to any area of your life. So what we're doing right now
We are at the end of two thousand sixteen, and I know for a fact that most of you, because statistics say so, did not accomplish what you wanted to accomplish this year, ok, most of you set the beginning of the year, and you didn't do shit right, usually by three or four or five days in you pushed out and went back to your old habits. And now here you are listening to another success pack cast hoping that I'm gonna give you some sort of tippit or magical. or information, that's going to magically transform you in this person that you want to be break it to you guys, but I can't fucking do that nobody else can either the only person a kid Oh, your results is you and the only person is going to control your progress as you and the only person, that's gonna catch oh your decision to move forward. Is you now it that being said, it's my job, to give you the tools to move forward, and so
what we're doing here at the end of the year as we are re calibrating people to be ready to attack two thousand seventeen right now, not all january first when you're fucking hung over on january. Second, because your hung over on the first and not on january. Third, because well january, second was the first day of that you weren't home and overseas. Did some other shit get it. This is what you guys all fucking do everytime. What we want to do is we want you to get thinking about it now we want you to start break the habits. Now we want, you start working on the things now we're still four or five weeks away from that time of the year, and if you could start now when that time comes gimme that much easier to really put the pedal down and be more through your life full force? If you it's the last week's podcast, that's we day we did recalibrate, we taught by general principles. Success today. We're gonna talk about greatness, so this is, two of recalibrate and it's gonna be
me, Yvonne, basically written on some some points about how to be great right at what you do right. I mean that the question of pops into my mind, immediately, is just success in greatness. There very related concepts zone in my, in my mind, is hard, sometimes to distinguish between the two. So what do you think is really the difference between success and greatness. Well, I mean is doubly tough question to answer theirs. Twenty similarities between the two, it's it's very similar to how people perceive humble and modest. You know they look and see, principles that that apply in both of whom they don't actually define either one, and then they get confused between two. So what is the difference between success and greatness? oh. I guess it would be the difference between doing one thing well and doing everything. Well, ok, and that means are you executing
One area of your life at full capacity and in other areas of your life suck or are you getting at all? Are you reaching your full potential in all of these areas? For instance, there's a lot of successful athletes out there who are yo terrible people, but great people tend to achieve success in every area of their lives, and I would say that the difference would you say that some that that would be like the difference between like mohammed Ali was a truly great person, because every aspect of his life there was the level of accidents excellence, but I want to pick on anybody, but there either. We all know about the athlete hoo hoo off the field. Socks is that way you talk about your legs. Would mohammed b b also those take mohammed Ali, wasn't always the ideal person either it was always which it was always is a work in progress. You know and that's what people have to understand nobody's bore great in all areas. It's always a work in progress, and ah I mean
he's an excellent example because dude he has gone down his. I guess he is that he was off the great at what he did. You know which would boxing, but he was all a great at all these other things too, and it comes down to his entire legacy is one of being great and that's a big. Efforts. You know, I know a lot of people were very successful, financially too fuckin suck and everything else right, their terrible people, their drunks, they use drugs. You know, they're, not good. Your family. You know, etc, etc, etc, but the people who are truly great the people who truly pact society. Stand that all of these areas are equally as important. You know, including the financial area which lie people will try to say all not as.
Orton of all you know, if I can do, is try to do a lot of go no fuckin money, it's hard to do right. I saw you, I think I think you know. Another thing you know is the difference between doing and being you know, a person could do something and be successful at it. a truly truly truly great person has done so many different things in their life successfully that success and excellence and achievement dominate their entire being. Ok, they you know they become the embodiment of success, and I think that's what we're talking about. We talk about someone like mohammed Ali or we talk about. You tell us what about somebody current like the rack right. The rap is for, by all accounts, a great dude he's a nice guy he's ease charitable he's good to his family he successful. You know, that's greatness, you want. I mean it's not do that. I could very easily just by
dude, whose movies and making a sixty five million dollars a year for his movies and not your fault about anything else and he would be fine right. Do you agree with the statement that success is something you do and greatness is something you are? Is that a stable, as are you making you and I'm just drawn out? I there's a good one: man, ok yeah. I agree with that. That's why asked for was a quote. You know, I think I think, I'm sure I heard it somewhere, but I'll climate? If I don't know, I think good treatment, That's very accurate! You know, you know, lots of people claim do great too in they usually claimed regret, because they, they made some money. You remain or they found some fame, and that's just not the definition, and I dont think that fulfilment Let's talk about the fulfilment of each thing too. I dont think that you know you're gonna, you know you
It'd be successful, be very unfulfilled, but I don't think that you can become great and not feel the fulfillment back. You see what I'm saying yeah I we definitely need to explore that counts yeah, but I think before we jump into that, I I wanna know mean you hooked up to a lie. Detector here. Do you honestly think greatness is for everyone, I think everyone has the potential to be great, but I don't do you really believe that for sure, but you know I'm talking now, look I'm talking to people with you now the average skills. Ok, there's people who are born with iq of sixty. You know there are people who are born with disabilities The you know what I'm saying like dude, the guys you know cause we're gonna get fucking emails about it. Oh, what about somebody? Who's was born. You know stupid your name like that
people that are born stupid and if you're sending me emails, you're, probably fucking one of them, but you know. I do think that everybody has the ability. You know everybody has a potential for sure, but they don't fulfill it. You know and that's the thing you know they look at people look at other people who have become great, ok or successful and whatever area there looking and they tell us selves, the story you know in urban areas with the story is the story. Is this a guy? Has this? You know that I was born this way that guy was young he's better looking enemies. Fascism is stronger than me. He's better circumstances. Me blah blah blah blah bah blah they tell them so the story as to why that guy has it, why they don't, and so they can just go back to their normal life, and I have to you worry about that. If they actually worked and did the shit. This is on the person day. They might actually live the kind of life this other person lit and people do that
I lazy they don't like change. They don't like switching up their lives, they don't like making. You know. they don't like making adjustments they d like being where they are, and if that's you, that's cool, if you like being where you are only me Don't lie no makeup stories, and so most people are not happy where they are whether they emit it or not. You know, but, but if you are happy, do fucking only do of this. I love that I love this have with this. You know, and if you have something you know that you will change like hey, I would like to make some money or I would like to spend more time doing this fuckin. Do it but don't lie to yourself. Don't don't tell yourself, I cant do acts because I dont have acts right, because we can all tell ourselves that about anything.
all of us have people who are smarter, better, looking more talented, naturally, better circumstances, financially gifted more educated, faster, stronger. But I mean at the end of the day it's us accepting that While that may be true, we could still be pretty fuckin good whatever it is. We want to do if we just do the work you know so I can tell you one has the potential but not yet and choose yes, is exactly and most people to choose to not pursue. Well, let's ass, a! Let me why don't they? Why why I mean if you fail unthinkable, like who doesn't want to be great, but really there a lot of people who choose not to worldwide, don't people why just touch on a man, people like to be comfortable, they don't like to make change. They don't like sacrifice things. They don't like to take a step back to take two steps,
our, they don't do that in their also in denial that they actually have a choice to be a hundred percent yeah yeah do two hundred percent. That's that's! The point is they there looking at life as something that dictates today an, is something that they dictate rain and that's just not the case. your you ask any unsuccessful person in life and they will tell you that they will tell you something like this, and you have experience with this because you've been in the church right. You know, it's god's will or it's this it's. You know it's it's the bad bad luck or it's it's this in our- have been unfortunate, you'll, never hear successful. People say that shit right name, I say, God's will, but there also to say I had to work hard. It wasn't luck, you know I do. Yet punched in face a bunch of times by life, rose up to tibet,
add all that challenge. You know people choose to differ mentality, no and it's bad enough when you're passive, but it's pretty bad when you're blaming god. Forgive us if any less think about this. Ok, let's lex! think about this. In literal terms, because you can ask the same, I always I do this. Do you ask people will, do you believe the guy's, your father and I ll say We are here, he's my saviour, my father he's a control everything I said so So if he's your father, you think the guy wants you to suffer in fields. Adding go through all these hardships are, as you won't. You actually learn please rise up and overcome these. What do you think will make your father more proud and people just look at you, like you know, like you're, being a dick right right, but it's the truth right. You know, if you you know like for your for your daughters, we want for them. Do you want them to fuckin, feel sorry for themselves and then, and then you know when
These are all about. You want, would be fucking, tough in brain overcome that shit right it's what god wants what's interesting is I got in hot water with some of my relatives because they said to me when we baptized lila they're like oh, I I bet you're gonna, you pray that nothing bad ever happens to them. I said no, I don't pray that at all. I pray that, if something bad happens to them, they overcome it right. I don't. I don't pray that nothing bad ever happens to my daughters, no that's, but first want us at the world. It's our reality a reality, and it's not that there's no practical benefit to that you know, if you have bad should have do that's that's it. That's that's a difference! That's how people turbojet shit when happens. Successful people look at it. As what can I learned from this or how can overcome this and how's it going to help me in the future, and people who are fucking, unsuccessful? They look at it, as god hate me is what he wants for me. That's what they look at in this post.
right? You know if this is you you're full of shit and story? You know absolutely and ensure a pastor. I mean when people used to come to you and you are practising being a pastor. I would say this I mean we're, you know like dude, while I'm in two things I always tell people is back when I was pastor was that if, if they think that you know it's god's, will god controls everything? Therefore I don't have to do anything. I mean they they're, not reading the bible, because it means the way that yeah I mean the the way that the the ancient israelites thought about it was it's because god watches over everything and and and in you know, I dunno how you Think of you know you it's! You don't want to think of it like it like a clockmaker, really what you talk about editing stuff now, an editor to edit, so no edits. Okay, as you say, is that it's not it's not like a robot. Ok, god does.
Watch over the world like a robot heat? Yes, seizing control of everything, but the ancient hebrew said is because god is in control of everything that I act that I have. I have responsibility. Do things and to be part of making things happen in the world. It is not the abbot people think it's the opposite that it, because there is a god. I can just not do anything for. I know he's calling you to action and then it and then, as far as the suffering thing like, I don't know where anybody gets the idea. They look to protect us from softer we're all going to suffer but sufferings in your life. Does she teach you shit right exactly at the at the very to teach you that you don't like suffering rank, you know what I mean exactly like do when I was when I was in high school. You know my dad used to make me go work instruction from I'd for his cousin and I did concrete work in basically when I say concrete work, I mean carrion fuckin, concrete forms back and forth back and forth back and forth.
and dude. I'm gonna tell you right now. If you've never done that, you should go. Do it because it'll teach you one thing that it sucks right and you don't want to fucking, do it for your whole life period, I am indeed on so thankful for being made to go. Do that because it literally like putting my head like no matter what I was gonna fuckin had that life right, no matter what it took your enemy and people don't go through not suffering early. On too, I understand that they have to. You know how what they have to do it bill the life they want. You don't owe me right, like a protected from the suffering from their parents from their school from that's like the trophy thing in right now, little johnny never feel bad. We don't want you. I feel bad when you are stewed bullshit you're supposed to be a fucking bad right, you're supposed to be pissed off you're supposed to cry you're supposed to get mad
but you know you're supposed to do next you're supposed to go out and do the fucking work so that you don't fucking, get your ass beat again right and that's where everybody fucks up you know we're supposed to have suffering worse, poster feel bad. We're supposed to have bad should happen so that it can teach us how to overcome those things right and it when you attacked everybody from those things and when you make it so that nobody ever loses or nobody airfields bad or nobody ever in or get frustrated or nobody ever has a boy in their life. What are you teaching them? Your teeth, that the world is gonna, be super nice place, and then you put him out in the world and we put while the world they get fuckin stamped on over and over and over again and then, where they end up doing going crazy, like shoot up a score or something cause. They don't know that. That's how the world's most to be or that kill themselves when they go through depression. Do we teach people that that they don't have to overcome shit. They never learn how to overcome shit here. Liability for four for anybody right and I
I really feel I can say this. I used to have people all the time say. Oh, so you tell me that if your daughter, our gets cancer you're supposed to be thankful for that, no you're not supposed to be thankful for the suffering. Your spouse be thankful in the suffering, in other words, your thankful for what the suffering can produce so like if you with, with, for instance, with the u carrying Those heavy things front. You dont say all man. I love that you say I love what it taught me yeah, it's a vessel for teaching, exacting else. It's amazing how many people don't get that while they get it there, it is trying to like turkey up in your work. Because they are not a matter exactly so. I do want to talk about cause. I I you ve talked about this before it now you you touch on a little bit ago, but people don't want to make the sacrifice to be great because ultimately,. They don't think it's worth it. So I know you- and I know you well enough to know that you're not gonna say will I'm great, but there are. There are clearly aspects of your life. They have the quality of greatness.
I don't know I want you to draw from your own experience and just share something that will encourage people that guy's trust me. It's worth. The sacrifice. Greatness wants is workable versus alpha. It's hard for people. To understand that, it's worth it when they have never experienced anything close to that you know they ve never grown up and household that that you know or seen a family member or known somebody who was great something you don't mean, and most people that's gonna grow up. They grow up a very average home, we're very average per parents with very average network and the idea of being great. Will be successful. If anything is this very, Tell story, that's told you know Like all man, you know there are. one guy back in the day HU, I kind of new, his first cousins girlfriend sisters, brothers boyfriend was my friend and you know what he's rich
that's right, that's like the the the closest thing they get to. So how can you back somebody who s completely show Third from experiencing that to understand that their capable of that or that its possible, even you know, that's the fur, question, and that's where I always like to recommend that book. The third circle very because that book is very, very, very effective at getting people to become self aware as to why they think the way they do insult for most people. Can I answer some real question regarding books many many many of you have asked us to get a list of Andy's favorite books. I am working on that. We just have a lot of things going on right now, guys so just be patient and the the thing is is that you know people it's hard to get people to
see that when they've never even touched it. You know what I mean so like if you're this person and you're listening right now and you've never experienced that it's a very important for you to try to circulate and expand your experiences. Design to be around those sorts of things, That's why you hear the saying you are the five some of the average of the sum of five people that you hang around the most there's a lot of truth to that is it? Is it one hundred percent? True? No, it's not one hundred per cent true, but there is truth to it, and so, if you're one of these people who never been around success or greatness in any way. First of all by the book, the surf third circle theory and then work to try to become in okay. It's not! You don't have to be their best friend, but you surround yourself with successful people, people that are successful. That's one good thing about the car scene. That people don't realize is that you know when you go. two in a lot of people, they don't understand cars. But when you drive a fuckin member clean, you go to a car, show and there's thirty other fucking people driving
hi in cars or fifty other people to high end cars. Your network expands pretty pretty strongly in the direction of success, not exactly it's in it, but I mean that's something that had that I've met more successful people through that and have their business, and I do more business with people because of that, like that I pray made more money because of owning the cars I own, then the cost I mean ten times more than the cost of actually only those cars with
point is, is you have to start circulating in those circles, and you have to figure out how to do that and that's going to take some some creative thinking, especially if you have nothing to offer. So what I would think is: how can I fucking help these people? What can I do for them? How can I bring them value you know and in any way possible, and you have to start expanding your your your outlook and so that your standards and your expectations and and your your understanding of what's possible can grow because of that never grows. There's nothing I can do about expanding. You know you're you're, not going to believe that you could ever be great. You know what I mean, and so it's really hard to get people to understand, something's worth it. If they don't understand it's possible, so I think understanding as possible, as is the first thing that need to work on that understanding is worth it. I mean dude. You know how is an hour.
Yeah no idea where the fuck I want like I go wherever I want. I drive whatever I want. I live where I want a vacation when I want, I do whatever the fuck. I want. What's what's not worth it about that, and I mean anything I want you know we just We have a fuckin hundred and thirty thousand dollars to a local charity. You know I give back what I want. I don't have to worry about literally anything when it comes to like. Can I afford this or can I do that? Or can I mean dude, it's pretty nice. Pretty nice build your fuck. You want yeah, you know what I mean yeah like without limitation. I mean there's really nothing that I can't do and that's I I don't I mean, what's not worth it about that, you know what I mean yeah. No, I like what's that worth like. What's what's total freedom worth, you know what I mean I mean how could even describe that? I mean I've. Do I've been in this this'll be eighteen years? Come up?
You know I've been living this way for the last eight years. You know what I mean. So I worked my fucking dick off for ten years. Did you ever fuck? I want the rest of my life. I mean, what's not worth it about that like. If you can't understand that, then you probably should work a fucking mcdonalds right forever. You said freedom, I like that word. I would add to it and say it's it's freedom. You, though he described it was to do what you want, but you have a freedom now to make as much of an impact on the world as you want yeah. That's my passion, yeah, you know I'm saying and I have if you don't like it takes a lot of money. You crazy right. I've invested hundreds the thousands of dollars to be able to do that, but I enjoy it. I don't make money, you know
I mean we're making a little money now with the book, but I mean it's nothing compared to what I've invested to try to make an impact right. You know- and I mean the top, but it's what I like to do you know, so I mean what what what about that isn't worth whatever right. You know like people say It's not worth the time I missed, or it's not this rat, but they're are also going to be the same guy in ten years. From now that can't afford to put their kid through. You know the high school they want to go to or the college they want to go to or take a vacation or you know, afford the healthcare they want or that procedure they want or this or that or whatever fucking anything,
and yeah. So I don't understand what what's worth it about your time, that you're doing now that you won't give that up to have what you could have in ten years. The problem is: it's not that it's not worth it. It's just that it's not worth giving up their instant gratification for something that they believe may not ever happen because they've never experienced it, which is why the point of tea and yourself self what's possible is important. But I will say this: if you're happy, where you are don't go down, the fuckin rather hole, because there's a lot of happiness in ignorance, you don't mean there is unlike if you're somebody who doesn't really realise what possible and your life's pretty cool- and you know you're, pretty happy with what you are doing. You fuckin worry about it, because, due to tell you right now I want you ground, the fucking rabbit hole there come back and what I mean by that is, like your constantly hungry your constantly and emotive, getting better constantly improving,
and now I'm living in a world where I'm competing in my mind against people like fucking bill gates and warren buffet, which is a battle that I probably never when you know what I mean. So you know ultimately, there's going to be some sort of regret when it comes down to cause. I set such high goals for myself, so I mean, like you know I will say: there's a catch. Twenty two: there you know once you go down that fucking rabbit hole, you're, not coming back right and that's young people, people will say that shit, but I know its not that I'm not please not that I'm not excited, but am I tell you right now the game, What excites me sent the money? You know when I'm playing a game that I probably can never get to level I want to get to, which is why I laugh when people say oh, like we have local competition here that thinks I'm like sitting back at my desk with my fucking feet up and it's like dude, mother fucker. You have no fucking idea how competitive I am. You know what I mean like I'll. Fucking eat your fucking children like MIKE tyson
for real. You know what I mean like. I know exactly what you mean yeah and people will say: oh there, that that's not morally right, I don't care cause. I fuckin do what it takes to win, because I wanna fuckin win and people don't have that drive because they never understand. What's possible once you really understand what possible you can't satiate, that hunger impassable? it's not just understanding its also experiencing. I know that we we haven't attain greatness per se. But we're always pursuing greatness with the imf, ceo project- and I remember the first time a while ago that we hit a million dollars in a month- and I remember, is being like Well, that feels incredible yeah, it's just another way of two million yeah yeah I mean, and it just it just feels in credit. Well and the idea of that experience of doing something that nobody else has done is addictive yeah. You know, while people don't people dude successful people, don't talk about the shit because cause unsuccessful people
I use this as ammo I unsuccessful people will save points, are more successful and be like you have all the money in the world, but you're not happy, and this social person. When will never admit that they'll never say you're right, I'm not happy because they don't want to be wrong because they want to win right right. But the point of what I'm trying to say is that when you are at a level of of high competition. High success you wanna fuck, can be the best you know. Being successful is not what other people do successful, which is why they never reach success. You almost look at success as like, haven't some money in a bag be able to go to mexico and sit on the beach during a fucking corona and postponing instagram. He wants to him like that. Six drive a fuckin, mercedes and women.
Six hundred thousand dollar house like that's, not what successful people think about successful people think about winning. They don't think about the money. They don't think about the fucking mexican vacation, like I don't fucking care about vacation I'll fucking go on vacations cause. I don't care about him, you don't care about care about fucking winning, I care about being the best. I care about impacting people to the point where it changed their entire existence. It's a competitive, drive and hunger that cannot be fulfilled in any way and point one. ten of the one percent will ever feel that way, it's the highest level of competition and if you truly go down in and try to understand, what's possible and how you can do things in the power, especially of the mind and what you can manifest with action and you really understand what is possible there. It's just a whole nother fucking game. You know what I mean at I absolutely and like people like it's not forever
she's, not you know, that's why I say like a dude, if you're happy, where you are in your pretty happy in you, you know, don't fucking go their rank as each up. You know. I'm of I'm a I'm a rare example. You know guy, like Gary Vee rare example where we have like we have family like his wife, my wife that will fucking deal with the crazy motherfuckers like us you know what I'm saying like dude Emily knows, like I'm all fucking business. You know what I mean like she appreciates that and she works with me on that. Like dude, I would put our bet there's like very, very few women that will put up with the shit that I do not because I do bad shit, but because I'm never. present- you know- and people don't fucking- think about that. You know they see the cars. They see the lifestyle they you travel. They see this that that that that then they want that shit but dude. What they don't understand is what it fucking takes in reality,
so I would recommend that if you are pretty happy with where you are don't go chasing these big fucking dreams mirror I'm saying, because it will fucking ruin your life because you probably can't handle it, and you probably don't have the support structure around you to handle it. Not with that being said, there's some awesome shit that comes with it. You know the ability to impact millions of people, the ability to do whatever the fuck. You want the ability to change the fucking world, that's pretty fucking awesome, you know what I mean but isn't for everybody right. You know now. I know people listening right now, they're like while does that mean I can't be successful, know you could be very successful and still be. You know you I know guys who make millions of dollars a year that are still not at that level of thinking and not at that level of of of chasing greatness. You see what I'm saying to the point where it's it can be destructive. If you don't not handlers for surround yourself with the right people,
You know you can make billions of dollars a year. Not being that way, I'm just saying be careful what you chase, because something's you'll never fucking catch, you, don't you don't say I follow you yeah. So obviously you ve identified as a competitive streak as an element of greatness greatness, obviously is equality that encompasses a lot of other qualities. So you I did a fine competitive, greatness, extremely competitive attitude. What are some of the other qualities that you think go into greatness? First of all, I would say one of the number one things that go into greatness is the the work ethic, ok, and the attention to detail. I think that the difference between great and the difference between successful is comes down to attention to detail comes down to your willingness to be aware.
And willingness to change and and control the smallest details that are in your control, and you know. I also think that you know the idea of of of humility is a huge deal. You know most people don't understand what humility is humility and by my definition, is your understanding that you're no a better or no greater than any other human you're just different, and that means that you have to be willing to understand- and this is in situation. This is the most applicable way to put this is that you have to understand that you don't fucking, know everything and you have to know what you don't know and you have to be okay with what I don't know because the minute you think you know everything is a minute. You stop learning the minute. You stop learning the minute you start becoming competitive. The many stopped becoming repetitive is admit that you get destroyed by your competition. So you know, and and how many people do we see becomes
successful. You know and then lose it all, because they start thinking that they're fucking great or they start thinking that, because they've been successful at one thing they can do I have other things. You know you don't see me doing a lot. A lot of people like invest in this invest in that invest in this dude. I don't fucking, invest in shit that hasn't had to do with what I have to do so don't fucking ask you know why I do what I know, and I know what I dont know and if I don't know you shit, I'm not investing in it period, but every other dude. Millions dollars or fuck em, be MR investor. Even if they don't know nothing in that's how you lose you also. Humility is a big deal. You have to be willing to learn how to be willing to understand.
And and stay in your lane in terms of what you know and then know what you don't know so that you can learn new things and you know and and the ability, like I said, on the details. This would this would of tie back into the details but being focused on winning the day and focused on the short term, but committed to long term. Okay in that means, you know being attentive of what you do on a day by day by day, by day basis, knowing that all those days compact, oh and compound to produce the long term result they are. After you know, most people are way. You know, and this would tie in to appoint to being patient most people are way too impatient. You know they were. at the results in a month, but if they just you know stuck with the same thing that they did for a month for a year, the results would be a hundred full with the even expected. You know that
That's an issue with society today, instead gratification, you know everything's now and for that reason you're. Nobody wants it to wait in. Unfortunately, you know just like when you're making a cake, you can't fuck and speed up the process. As you know, if you turn the oven up to eight hundred degrees, a set of four hundred guess what happens? Cake gets burnt because you're trying to produce the cake quicker, and you know it doesn't work that way. You have to be patient. You have to understand that there's going to be a time factor involved and you cannot spend it, you cannot work. You can't out Do you know you cannot think it is just a matter of something that's going to be there, and you have to accept that. That's part of the process so you're, focusing on everything that you can do today, everything you can
do tomorrow on a day by day basis, knowing that that that's the step by step by step plan is going to produce the results that you're after long term and being committed to that. But. theo outside of that are really gets it in others. I don't want to it. It's just those are four or five categories that take tremendous amount of personal development to to fine tune. Your talking, I was thinking about an earlier podcast that we did a long time ago, called be part of the two per cent where we were just talking about how, when everybody looks around, they always think. Oh there's, all this competition. There's all this there's all these other people that are striving for
witness, and I think your point in that episode was not really like when you really when you really think about it. There's a lot of people would fucking talk about. They talk about it, but the people that actually do it, and you are saying that that's good news- that if you just push through due to an issue with my business partner chris, we were talking about it over the phone. While I do when I do cardio, I always call them on the phone. We talk for like forty five minutes cause that way we can like have our little meetings over the phone yeah and we got on the subject of like the amazing amount of opportunity. There is for young people these days because they have been raised for instant gratification. They have been raised to believe that they aren't capable. They have been raised to believe that they don't have to work. That hard,
I have been raised to think that they are going to win with very little work and that creates tremendous opportunity for a young person that wants to work that understands what it's going to take that hustles that wants to win, and that does everything they can to win because the while all everybody thinks they are going to be successful. There's only you know one out of every one hundred that are actually going to do the work and they're the perceived competition as much. Where the actual competition, I think- and that goes for any age group, especially man, if you're between the ages, you know of your under the age of light, when you five right now, fuck their peer tremendous opportunity, just just by becoming a fucking hard worker and a student of success. You know what I mean: it's just a totally different group, and you know a lot of people will say: oh fuckin,
you're just picking on these young people, while no I'm not. You know what I'm saying, I'm not picking on him and I'm stating what is reflective of somebody somebody's opinion who deals with literally hundreds of young people. I've had hundreds of people between the ages of eighteen and twenty five worked for me. I'd fucking have had that for the last sixteen years. I know the differences between today's youth and what they were ten years ago cause I work with those people. It's just different. You know, and if you're somebody who's motivated to be successful when you're in that age, there's never been a greater opportunity, not only for that, but think about the technology that is involved. Now now you have internet, you have ways to market very cheaply or for free you've got
ways to build your personal brand stand out. I mean it's just a tremendous you know, and and if you're that part man, I would give anything to go back and be twenty years old right now. I would give everything up to go back and be twenty years old right now is in one second, because the opportunities are just there unreal the ability both success. It accelerated where took me like ten years to make any real progress in all these people can do it in three four five years because of the technology differences system. It's amazing right. You know so, but once amazing people think that three for five years is a long time. We have evidence, he just gotta, calibrate your think. I think that changes as you get older. You know I think, when you're older, you know you realize that ten years isn't that long,
when you're twenty years old and you think at ten years, you're like fuck, that's half my life right. You know what I mean right, but when I figure ten years in I'm thirty seven, I think when I was twenty seven. I remember that like it was yesterday I mean literally so it just. You know you can't really implant that perspective in somebody's brain right right, but but yeah man, you know it's just it's just you know the basic things humility work ethic, you know being competitive being. focused on winning the day and being patient. I know those. Those are the qualities that are going to equate to greatness and you have to pick you know and focus on honing those qualities. As you go, I mean the one I struggle with is patience. You know what I'm saying. I want everything now to like when I want. I want results today, but you know it can be a good thing, because it creates sense of urgency right absolutely and I mean
on that on that topic of patients and had applies really to everything guys. This is exactly why Andy chose to write a book for kids, because changing somebody's life. I mean it happens every now and then that you know somebody who's late twenties only thirty is early forties. They have a powerful experience of their life and you know the whole direction of their life. Changes the reality is, is most lives are shaped over time, starting when they're young, and that's that's. Why that's why you decided to write a a book for little kids and that this is just the first in the series of books, because we want to shape people over the whole course of their life and just the the impact that's going to have on on our world on our on our own country can be amazing. Yeah I mean that's the goal man
you'll change to change the way. People think that's right. So so I guys, if you haven't connected with us through social media Andy, is at Andy for cela for pretty much everything, except for a snack or not snapchat snapchat, which is mfc e, o dutch, zero. No sorry, mfc e o dash one tyler is at I tyler m a I underscore t Y l e r on instagram and I'm at von kohler for pretty much everything via. U g, h, n k, a which ellie r Any final words granted an if you're trying to be great the biggest thing, is to focus on being great on daily basis in all this is over willingly huge topic. You know it's the ets, it the scope. It is your entire life. So if you want to be great, stubborn, being great on a daily basis, I mean: did you have a great day and your learn, how to have a great day go back and listen to all the win. The day talk ass, that we just did a few episodes to go a teach you practically how to.
Organize an and understand. What's gonna create a productive and great day on a daily basis,. it's really a step by step. You know a b c d, how to become great, if you if you commit to that on a daily basis. Eventually, things are going to play out the way you want them. They just are there's no other way for that result to happen. So if you're, you know you're thinking, oh man, I want to be great. I want to be a great human, you have to practice being a great human and you have to break it down and it has to become part of who you are by becoming habits in a way you create habits is by doing them on a daily basis. So go put that you know when the day and the powerless in a play and start there and and- and you know, it'll evolve as you go yeah. I still see people doing the fucking powerless the wrong way and tag me in it. Like writing shit like dude. How fucking clear can I be about this? This is not a goal. List is actual as an actionable step by step daily,
it's like I have somebody tagging the powerless. The other day said my powerless for this week. There's not a weak fucking, powerless, mother fucker, it's a fucking day by day thing. You know they port. They put in their oh go Jim three times a week for health, The everyday is no that's wrong goal. Listen! The fuckin podcast. You adjusting how you do it is taking away the effectiveness of how works you. I had a discussion on the whole company fuckin sunday. You think you fuck, you know But you've never done it and never been there never accomplish anything but you're going to invent your own fucking way of doing it. It makes a lot of fucking sense is probably why you're struggling in life right now. So go back. Listen to working podcast. Do the way I say see why works, but we're making up your fuckin, powerless piss me off right guys if you are back.
It needs the em if ceo project or you ve, just had your head in the sand- and you don't know what we're talking about with regard to Andy's children, children's, but good, amazon, dot, com and just type in Andy for cell. or you could typing, Otis and charlie's. I know it's charlie, the bulldogs fantasy, Take fruit stand and you spelled charlie with a e Y, and you will find out what the hype is all about anything else to add to the for the rest of the no podcast with this. It's really nice editing cause I'm a no. It doesn't the area you just need to get better. I know I do need better our guys. Pressure you listening go by some modified and books be ouch. The
Transcript generated on 2023-10-15.