« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

Isolation, Transition, Second-Guessing Yourself, and Other Issues, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO46

2016-02-11 | 🔗

How do entrepreneurs deal with loneliness and isolation?  When is the best time to transition from your current job to your dream scenario? What do you do when you second-guess yourself?  In this episode, Andy Frisella answers these and other questions from entrepreneurs.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A guy's: what's up you listen to the IMF, ceo project, Andy, and I am the mother fucker ceo. You know I get emails all the time. What is it mfc? Oh, what is the mfc your project? I don't get it. I look I like to cover this very few times we have a package for you, guys it or new. The ever see. Oh project stands for mother fucking see all right, we're gonna. First we're gonna get real, we're gonna, get we're gonna get raw and I'm not going to powder coat, report, any the information that I sent
way right. The point of the project is for people to get back to dealing with the facts of entrepreneurship of wife, of being good human being and ultimately he'd you all of us how to come the mother fuckin sea of ourselves. Ok and then does mean being up I see you're with a fuckin Hi around her neck, you know in some nerdy fuckin loafers talking about being a bad mother. Fucker walk through life with some authority, swagger and having a good fuckin time, while doing some good. She had to ok, that's what the msc your project is about. It's about bringing back. the hustle that america was built upon. So for those of you ask me what first what it stands for and, second of all, what it means, that's what a fuckin means,
all right, we're gonna get into some q and a today when my caused VON the impaler, Otherwise, known as dj dj god was subdued, did we got some pretty amazing questions and I want to start out with one. I just got less on here. Why don't you mail server? Unwashed is hey Andy. This is from action factory, which I don't know should that we knew what time they're always on on always honour on on my graham always on on snapchat with be it's cool man. Ok, where his question- and he even ended it with the hashtag that he wants to. I guess trend was a hustle born not now, but it's hustle born. I hate. Just so you know, all you want fuckers listener to right now start using the hashtag with emma ceo project, so ever Fucking hashtag that you post, I want you to hashtag tat emma project and hostile porn
support, not hustler, poor, no hustle, poor! That's could be our fuckin hashtag. Ok, I like it well, this is that If you are, is right yeah, you were a pastor and are you guys get a carrot? I'm almost rest. Sexual urges. You have your old, our life. Moving right along. So this is the question: why is Vaughan's beard, game, slacking and then in the follow up? Of course I want to talk about himself now now, of course, no shave november will be here before you know it, and we are all praying for Vaughan's beer game to step up. Hashtag pray for vines beard game. You know how You you know you get a good beard go on when you can't look. I got all these guys are like any you fuck, a beard rocks. How do you like a beard, you know how you get a good beer guys you gonna fuckin, rub piss on your face, Okay, you piss on your hands, rub it on your face right, tell me how that works out. Gotta be human or it can be dog piss and it can be either, but just do it and let me know how it works. Okay, that's that sounds like a really legitimate solutions.
I'm gonna try and to get like seven hundred even bear the actual. Did that. I fucking wrote this. What you mean like the guys that actually sent tyler dick pics after you, after you told them to do it all the best one was, I didn't even say, dick pics, I just said, send them, and then I use the eggplant x, and then they set everybody with sudden picture A real eggplants are fuckin. Awesome. That's great! we love you guys, man, we do, our our people worse, I sarcastic as we are now, is what makes it cool we don't have any of these fuckin uptight huge bags of society listening. So I appreciate pritchett humor and the the the the ability to pay. Along. You know nothing worse than people that you take shit. Wait you fuckin serious, very true. You know that a lot of people get me like that. Right, they're like dude. Why are you always so mad? All your videos are so angry. Mother fucker, I am not angry, I'm intense right. I want to fuck and when I take, serious? It's? Not that I'm mad. You know
In fact, we are what you win Take winning serious but went on. Trying to win, which is rare. I pretty much fuck, all the time you home Tell jokes and I make fun of people in, follow me snapshot, you figure it out. So I picked up. Yesterday. At least this was my perception that yesterday I felt like you were in a really good mood yesterday. That's because I have been because I have been eating clean and then training hard at work it out we have that my transformation starts today. Contest go right, first form, and I've been using united on our own products again using them religiously. I do not feel it fuck in Austria, and and you're know the first person to say that by the way, but it's amazing. You mean that you a good meal yesterday. I just been mood. I am more because I got all the pieces and play like you didn't pieces and play all of whom is high
for anybody. You know, like you know these guys words fuckin, ripped in finnish shape, all the time, usually there there area is in his time. You know insane or the relation Berry the in his time or sub area Their spirituality is out of line something we need, as humans is out of line right right now, Personally, you know, even though I'm still fifty pound. it's from where I want to be which I had to lose seventy, and I am only fifty away so do the fucking matt, I'm killing it already yeah. I I. you know- have all the pieces in play. You know what I'm saying I'm on top of my fitness, I'm on top of my business, I'm on top of my relationship, I'm on top of my you know, spirituality relationships and when you're in that zone, you get all those pieces together, man, it's a powerful made a mind. You know and that's where it's not that I'm in a good mood is that I've got everything fuckin. go on the way you too, and in our feels good
You know I've sent, I actually we started up A new are we a new project that I don't really want to say anything about, because we don't have the finished product put up yet, but we've built, jason and saw an hour are formulated Ben. put together a a product for brain function in cognitive function About four or five years ago, we put this together and it's just it's a product that we may for us that I I don't want even really talk about, but we're actually going start offering it to the public is something that we just for us. We just only did for us is like that. Hills and limitless its yeah? I mean yeah it's it's its energy does not fat burner. a fucking energy can be function focused submarine in awe,
you know if you know anything about the products that we manufacture. First for and we manufactured the fucking best products and if you don't think they're the best and you ever buy a product from us I'll give you one hundred ten percent money back guarantee of you think anybody makes about a product because they fuckin don't write and this product is no different. Is something that we made for us. cells, but we never really thought about selling it and the reality of you know why the impact it's made, its almost. It's almost hearted it's hard to scrap the impact that it makes on me personally when I'm taking it verses. What I'm not taking it so. It's something that we've got coming out. It's going to be called master brain, which is what the name of the product going to be, but we won't have that out for, and I dunno or at least a couple more weeks and when we do I'll talk about it entirely about it. But I mean it's going to be it's going to be some really really good shit. I've been using it for four or five years. Awesome awesome, something that
You know, I believe in and part of what you're saying you know you're in a good mood. That's you know, that's part of the reason why I am back on that product right. So right, that's as you could tell I mean you could tell my attention is been on a different level to re terms of like folks yes. Well, for really helps me, because I'm a fucking million miles an hour dared and to get my attention. Even ten seconds is really fuckin hard to do, because, when you're talking to me, I'm thinking about the ten other things that I need do right now. So it's true folks, yeah helps so. At this point I had I see you learn to deal with the two. I have a uterus, you just be quiet. You know, I've got my fault, you got my focus and in the night then I start talking. No, actually I mean in all seriousness, it's kind of fun to to become a student of you and figure out what works the best for you, which is what I try
I didn't figure it out. I mean most people, don't most people just fucking talk anyway, yeah and see what you. What you figured out is something that that almost nobody else I think of it, has figured out yet. Is that you just don't talk? as you know, one up inattention. Other people will talk about talk anyway in that time, when I'm like linkedin into other information, even though I'm looking at I'm right in the face right and I'm not listening, right and they'll talk, and I don't fucking hear what they say. So here's my take on that and the reason that I came to the conclusion that that was the best thing to do is that, when locked into something you're locked the order, so that everybody there's no point in talking. It could be an earthquake, it could be one or I would even notice the good news about. That. Is that when you do turn your attention to somebody, I know you're locked it yeah right, so so that's great anyway. Let's do some culinary art. You and I said you want to start with a heavier questions of the disaster, I will start start with this one because honestly
got miss a lot okay and that we're question in this. This I think ties in a little bit to something you addressed a pod you go where you talked about depression, but we ve had a lot of people, say man when I'm work my plan- and I'm doing my entrepreneurial thing- You feel real lonely and real isolated like how do you indoor that or what does General comments about that. You know I have this. question on instagram, actually yesterday very very similar question and one if it's not the person asked it but That said something in regard to you know, if you step out, your dreams are stepping out alone and nobody's with you in this and that and that's what people that's what seems like when you first start out like when you first start out in a business idea. It's going to seem like your alone, because you're, surrounded by you know, quote uncle average folks, ok and that's your sword.
so you step out your alone right, but a vision. What happens is as you find a new group That is also entrepreneurial minded and you go with them. So I mean it's, it's perception. It's like it's a transition, you know. So it's not a lonely thing like there's people that honours it I mean I am my circle of friends and some of even competitors that I talked to want to fuck and daily basis. That like do we like, could each other I like hey bro, you haven't a fuck, a terrible marty. I am to man. Although I mean it's, you you find new friends and those friend You know understand what it is that you're going through and that's the way it is just a transition, so to say like article Worship is lonely, no fuckin way man, because, like dude them in here the cool thing. That people don't realise is that the quality of your relationships gets so much better ray. Like do when I, when I was like. because I've always been an entrepreneur, but I'm say like an early phases.
as I hung around like quarter quote like regular Jim we're dudes and there's nothing wrong with regular Joe dudes. I like them. I prefer to hang with those guys, but I don't listen to them when they start talking about their fucking shit that they talk about. When the drug, like oh vulgar, my boss, sucks and blah blah, I don't like it if you want to have a fucking beer with your friend who's, a fuck regular showed you good. I love people like that, but you gotta learn when you fucking turning ears off here I mean absolute, so yeah, the qualities of the relationships are so much better. What you find new group than they were before in terms of like you know the conversation, add the friendships had the bonds that are made because of how much you have a common and like dude you, I see people, a lot of times really shy away from the entrepreneur or life because I think they're going to be alone, while no you're not going to be alone you're, just not gonna, be with the same people. You were with right. You know what I mean
right. I think you know that with the stick with the word quality, because I think any time anybody can commit themselves that excellence, whether it's an honor surrealism or sports whatever one. That's also why, when you're, not procureur like a lot of your good friends, will become athletes right. A lot of my fucking, really good friends. I talk to reader ex athletes or our athletes, because not because there their chasing goal negotiating ago being competitive is being competitive. But I ask the athletic is the same as entrepreneurship? You know, and so you you build those common values and now you're not just sit around look over. What do you know what? Are you gonna go tipp, not right? He rice and when you transition out of the crowd. I think people right that there is that period of time or you're not around a lot of people
because when your average you're part of the crowd and when you're not average, you you start leaving behind. So I think right across over times when you feel all right, that's when you cross over, but what you really it's. I love the word. The use use quality because wait what excellence we are doing. Is you trade in quantity, for equality, ass right, so ass, right so and relationships? Are that much deeper and better look man? You know paid, somebody tell me ill. Homely. Roof as you fuckin have now many and that's where fuckin wanted. europe's ahead right- I don't want fuckin million people around me right adult. First of all, you know I don't. I'm an aggregate gonna fuckin long rampage you, but I'm not the bottom line. Is that that noise is a temporary perception right, you're gonna transition into the fuckin in a new group, you're gonna find new p. connect within those relationships are going to be much better than the ones you now yellow me. Let me is another
Weird analogy: there's a young woman that my my wife and I know, and she's, beautiful and intelligent, and just all these incredible qualities are She can't find a guy to save her life and but he's always saying like well, what's the matter with her and our answer? Is this absolutely nothing. That's the matter with her its exact opposite cheese of such high quality that they're just now deeds on her level, and so I think I think part of the loneliness that people experience. My be a real indication that there the right kind of person, that they're doing something no question: there are they're isolating themselves, rushes they're, saying you're wrong with you, yeah, like dude. You know I read an awesome fucking book on this and are a good friend of our company. Her name is paula. She recommended a book and a to me call relentless by tim, grover and I've talked about it.
My snapshot before, but do that book so awesome for people who are like entrepreneur, for a number of reasons, but the biggest thing I took away from that book was that there's nothing wrong with the way that I can think. But I used to look in the mirror, be pursued everybody literally. What will point you like? We do you're super ambitious, super hungry and super entrepreneurial and wonder fucking? literally conquer shit like that's how I am I'm like a doll trip away entrepreneur killer san, like we talk by Gary. That's what gary's like gary right We rang on him saying there's not theirs. Levels of entrepreneurship, ok, and that I am I'm like fucking aaa. I want to go fuck and destroy earth. Do it my there's not a lot of people, but we that group of people You want to talk about, having a fucking, hard time. Finding people to relate to you know what I mean. So you know most producers can find like other port in court saying entrepreneurs. You know like the kind of do that, like it's all. My
do doing all I talk about. No, I think about, and that book was cool because it may. I realise that I am not alone that matter. I've only met. I've only met other people in my life ever am I to say they are but two other people, my life. did. I can honestly relate to better like me in that manner, to her, fuckin thirty six years of life right, you don't mean nigh sort, well read that book if you're an entrepreneur and use that the is that the sports agent, yeah yeah, he's a trainer he's Michael Jordan and kobe, is, I think, Kobe's a bunch of relentless batteries the fuck will love to get TIM grover on the fucking pocket. Yeah tim grover call us yeah he's got ass, yeah, so we'll we'll slap up a he looks bad to like he looks bad ass, like yeah, like he's like clean cut and like
like a like a good looking endeared yeah, but he has that. Look like I'll fucking kill you yeah. You hopes have to yeah, like he's just lucky scary, that I look at em and I'm like. I don't look at many people and they d, like I look scary but dad do looks like it scared. Do you think He started out looking that way and that helped determine his successor. No thank you. He developed the ocular look. I think if I didn't know what he was about, I wouldn't think that of him. I would just feel like as good looking dude yeah, but he just looks like he, but after reading the book I'm like fuck dude, I don't want. I don't wanna train with that. Guy yeah fucking kill you yeah, I don't really notice of guys and good looking. I mean tyler. I do some secure myself leave out. It's going. I do not myself up on you, I get a native due to go? Look at or not don't bother me. I prefer the males, so so, hopefully, that that not answer the question of isolation, lawless. I think it did the other question that we get a lot and I think it obvious depends on who you are. You know andy's in,
his answer is going to depend on who you are, but this question of transition. You know like people that are in forty hour, jobs that they hate they've got dreams, but they're like how do I is out of this job and into my dream I mean you know that there are different. People are different life situations, but in general is only forty think about our motion. Is that almost everybody who asks it asks it before they started their business? There are like it's like to try, and this goes back to the same thing that I set a million fuckin times, You cannot plan is out. This will not go as planned No matter? How carefully you decide to map out this plan? It will be different than what you think it will be. Ok and every time I get that question, I asked.
People said well how long you been in business. Well, I haven't yet, but I'm trying to figure out how to transition well. The first step will be to start a fucking business, okay, because this is a simple fucking answer, very fucking, simple. What do you want? You could answer this question. What do you think would be the logical time to transition from your real job, actually, I'm asphalt, tyler talent. What would be the logical time of you started a business too transition from your job. to running your own business immediately. You think immediately mediately the hub of a transition. We talk in those talking about transitioning too, where you're not working at all. In your other job in your work, your hundred percent in your new business, as long as you can take care of your bills. There you go. That's it right, that's it! That's it! many businesses. If you fuckin run, you know you, you know I gave him run my own job. Do young people
Is that dude? everybody knows that question right, Did you know they re question here everyone fucking s, answer wins answer. The answer is when you can pay your bills and survive on the who job. Then you fucking, but the old one lose any move forward right. This. This whole question of the transition comes from people who are fucking terrified to eat. Start a business right because it actually works. without really fuck easy, so whoever ass, I question can start a business. but I bet you won't because of the nature of the why she tells me you're too, fucking scared, yeah. Let me throw this out there. I I actually got married a lot later in life. I didn't get married till. I was thirty eight and I got it to all you single people out there any one of those years after college or even before. I could, if I could, if I could, have quit my job and I couldn't make it work, because mean, but the fear is so big neared, the fierce a bit yeah people, their life.
When I'm you can live appear, you can live at friends. How I don't want you can let the union luxury every year. Yet I want to give up the little knowledge that issue gotta songs apartment. You know they gotta six hundred seven lauer month apartment. They got a flock of fifty inch, these green and they got their play station. They all either shit up right and they all give up beers with the fuckin bodies and they want to give up date night They don't want to give up. You know social time and they want to give up go into the cardinals game. They don't you should all right, sir. If you don't want to give them up, that's fine, but don't fuck cry about it. Right, you know what I'm saying because dude for you to get your business going, you're going. have to give some shit up. I'm saying absolutely so. You asking this question about window transition is really fucking simpler and for all you little delicate flowers out there that are listening and things boy you're, being very harsh, I'm being harsh for fucking reason, because maybe entrepreneur,
the ship isn't for you, because that question would take her myself ex question yeah, I love it. Ok So Andy, how do you determine the difference between second guessing yourself, an honest introspection honest. Analysis feels the exact same. Ok, your job ok metallic. How I do this and I learned from my dad- and we too about my dad a lot. I don't have it fuckin heroes in life. I don't I have. I have my dad my dad a fucking great job, raising me in my opinion here, me. A lot of shit in this is he taught me how to make this up. Some give credit to him. You to pretend that you work for you. Ok, you in point of view, I when you make decisions you have to like pretend you are looking at you and up a ceo and this guy
has come to you. You have come to you. I am asked the question should I do this or surety that is an absolutely because it removes all emotion from the decision and you can make the decision clearly. So, like the difference between so so I'm actually saying imagineers, I'm being literal. Imagine yourself you're you and then you have you that comes to you as an employee and he works for you. and he comes uni says for solar. I've got this concert. I've got this concern. Would you tell that person and that's the right answer that way. You take on all the emotion all the fucking like that are. You could tell like what is like paranoid, crazy sec. Seeing stuff and actual being self aware. Norton aim because it feels the same when you try to do without think, like that's how I conquered it You know when I have a hard decision. I turned straight up
I like what I would tell an employee if they came to me with them. I've only heard that one other time in my entire life- and that was somebody who knew a lot about people who struggled with dealing with internal anxiety like overwhelming anxiety and the way they put it. Is you don't let yourself talk to you. You talk to yours That's right, sir: the boss, a year you're the mother, could see of you yeah. So so when you comes when you come, You went when You come to yourself. Damn if ceo of you, the babel of you in that comes you with the one you little issue illicit and go so myself, or am I blah blah. What should I do? What the fuck do you think you should do The answer is obvious: novel fuckin: do it right that's day, answer get it yeah, that's how you do it. and I love I love the objective nature of that too, because if you, if you cast it. that way. It takes all the motion. About taking all shootout gas. So well, That's how you do it
I don't know any other way to do it. I was taught that and it fucking works, yeah. calls for any any decisions by the way. You know what I'm here work, not that fuckin dude my best friends in the world might like to best friends. whole entire world work for me or work rhythmic chris, my business partner, Scott holds who runs. Our warehouse has not best france's we're fuckin thirteen years old. He runs out we should naturally in all four first. What's he gonna be on air and I've got my brother here. You know how the full commercial, Let me just heard a over another situation as we get this. Quite. How do I, with my friends and how do I manage my brother, you measure your fucking brother you're, managing a mother fucker you pay to do a job, get it different thing. You want the doors brothers. You walk in you know you're here we're in this building, no you're, not my brother, you are fully paid, do a job, get it! It's not the same thing and you have to be able to.
wait, those things you know, leaden emotions and relationships of friendships and blah blah blah, although she somebody get it will see. The other guy doesn't get it. You hail tat way. He doesn't give you pull my size. Look man, you're you're, you're, not scott, holding my best friend since I was fourteen years old, you're in charge of our fucking distribution for our company, and if you don't do this right. It hurts everybody in her company blah blah blah blah blah blah blah swimming. Here too it like that. I'm a handle it if it was like anybody else ripe, not give any special. You know patsy, and because we drink fucking beer together and used to smoke weed together in high school. Sorry you're, not getting it get it right. That's how you do it and your real friends in your quality family members will totally respect that no question yeah. If they don't, then then you don't even have to manage them like that cause. That's that's. They worked their asses off cause we're all in it together, right there comes on having the right culture, but what I'm telling I am. I am answering a question that I get a lot
You know what I mean and if you still the right culture in your company, you're not going to have that problem anyway, but you know most people don't know what that means. Yeah, what's the culture of a company? Oh, we have a good culture. What's I mean? Well, you know we like? Have fucking casual throttle? The out by do come on now so I've got an email just As you were talking, it fits right into you. Don't have heroes sincerity, but you you know you dad's your hero, but the doc you While the rock you do act, is the rock I'm quickly working to make the rock a peer yeah? Ok, I, like the rack, that's a great state, I walked around. That's what are you badly day? I come to work every day I wake up in the morning. I am, looking to make the lock a fucking peer, a body You know what I'm love it forget. I'm not gonna try
wait in line for an hour to meet the rack, I'm trying to call them on my cell and be like bro, let's hop on the fucking plane and roll to fucking, vegas you're, saying like dude well get it twisted. I'm not he's not my fucking hero he's going to be our best friend one day, though I'm serious higher, sears serious, I'm laughing, because I know I know your size, Iraq, so he's the coolest cool dude ever man nigh agree, so that this person's question is basically all other things equal being equal and they like to see a kind of like a little window in two. You value in and in what you'd like to learn for people. If you could take an hour or two in this region, a boom headquarters, meeting room, and you could pick three to five people any three to five people on the planet, to just rebels with elbows with and pick their brains and we're talking, Lena business context. Yes, they have to be alive when no, no, no, no, no anything anything. That's gonna benefit you as a person and divide.
you as we don't hang out my drink beer or more like having a business meeting because let's say it's, business meeting here but they're bringing in beer dude sure. I want the rock here. Ok for sure, ok, because I think he's a fucking marguerite on top of all his like his You know his persona. I think the bank, the deuce genius right he's, got a great story started from nothing he's transition from one being super successful one career into another career He's got a lot of great information offer and I think the guy's got a great moral sense about him any in, and I would like to have that opinion Something now are we building like a bulwark, boarded rupture yasser look at it. Look at it that way like these, your life, adviser, yeah, I'll I like to rock I like to write. Okay, I would have my dad there for sure yup. Okay, my dad is my dad. this fuckin shit he's always got
inside. I would have gary be there because Gary is. gary sees things. Other people don't see right, especially when it comes to technology is social media. So that's three pick a woman. Our all you know like that. I think. I think if I had to pick a woman, I would pick Oprah and I think people laugh at that and they make fun of that. But but I think Oprah is a fucking very, very fucking intelligent, deliberate person. I think she understands how Create a culture I think she understands how to make that culture work and make it work for the benefit of herself and the people that she cares about right. You know
Oprah fan by actually think that's an excellent choice, because I think people that can't look past there. disagreements with others, not. Finally, what I do well, I don't like a lot of the ship if she says yeah, like you know, it's like what she says. I think she always sons, good positive messages. I just don't it's too fuckin like feel, feel good and touching feely from you know the answer, my nature and, like you know, she's not for me, but I she's, a genius. So I guess I'll pick her and that great quote of hers that if I, if I knew I would egg. So much money be myself, I would have done the latter. Exactly the great quote right in ireland has a she's mendous life experience. You know you talk about opera man, you know that somebody she was pregnant like thirteen years old yeah What I'm saying is, I think, dude, I'm pretty sure it was the victim she was victim of rape. I think I dunno something crazy, like crazy story, and you know coming up and
like you, I mean do she's got a tremendous story. She had a lot of experience and allow life experience. I would love to have a conversation were right and her production company hands down best documentary on the rock I've ever seen in my entire a meter if she gets it so yeah so so who we got? Ok, yeah, my dad. We got Oprah Oprah, Gary Vee and you've got one person throwing more more richard branson. No, I'm not a big richard branson, like I I want to have him on the show, so you should probably not say that almost saying like I'm, not a fan interest and I'm not a student, as you say, and I am man I guess you know it would. I will try pick six yeah and I would I mean I. I would like to hear like a coach that you'd like to have in the room, a coach yeah. If there's any. If there's any coach that you you know.
Dude, there's so many coaches, that that I think I I have different styles. You know what I'm saying so it'll be hard to pick a coach cause. I liked certain coaches for different reasons, and if I had to pick an all time coach, it would be john wooden, but you know he's passed away right and I would say other than that that that group, that I said you know I think I dunno man. You know I don't. I don't really know that's okay! I can edit this part out. Like you don't have to you, I mean we let people fucking it's it's a legit thing. I'm thinking like, I think I know I think elon musk is a fucking, brilliant dude, but
problem with him is, like, I think, he's so brilliant that I would have a problem relating to him and even though I'm a fucking intelligent person right and you know, I think he takes on a different level clearly than I would, and I don't know like what value I could get from that right right. Ah, so you know I like him, I like what he's done he's he's just crazy, smart, but I have a feeling it might. It would like exceed my ability to like Utilise out information yet well and not to take anything away from him, but I think that truly world Changing intelligent people are people who think on a level that so much higher than everybody else, but they're so intelligent that they can put in ways that everybody understands yeah. Maybe you know, or at least Do I look robins man yeah like do I've always look up to tony robins tony robins? Great, do you know I've had people? I've heard people say all he's he's fake. No, it's a fucking show. Ok, it's a skill. You know,
But he does amazing and you guys inspired trillions of people. You know I I was. I would fucking love to any other people in all, and I have a good relationship gary and clearly my head, but you know any of those other people. You know. I would love to to spend time with you now. I think I think tony robins is highly under rated in his hand in his world influence that he's create at these price. Creating more millionaires than anybody. That's ever existed ever you know, and I think that the I admire the guy for that I would love to have him in my corner, yeah yeah, but other men. you know I I can't really think of I'm sure. I'm missing some obvious choices, but there are so many good people out there. It's just hard to hard to pick yeah tyler how we doing on time. I mean how many minutes.
Fortyish, ok, ok! So last question: Andy you! You are obviously a driven person over the course of your life in your business career. Had there been certain my innovations that have driven you that have come and gone, what are those and do they ever serve a useful purpose like in specific situations and then what have been the motivations that have been consistent that have driven you overtime. That question makes sense here: ok,. First, all your motivating factors are going to change. You know when I started in business, and I talk about this when when I talk live- and you know, my idea was to make millions of dollars and be a fucking baller and have naked chicks on fucking on my yacht and Just be it all that kind of a do with fuck, nice, cars and penal immature? shit that around a day bulgarian, you know or high. He basically embody
I would like for getting us what to do and that you know odin shit happens of money to own shit and do shit was extremely large motivating factor for me. Whenever I was young. You know owner fuckin, lamborghini own, a fuckin, this kind house, one that one this blah blah blah blah blah? That is usually the motivation for people when they started business they wanna fuck him, so they can buy shit right arm. You know as you develop a company and, as you grow more mature remember. I was nineteen years old when I started my company. I think that those motivations are very in line with a nineteen year old kid right. You know, as I grew and as we were and as we grew accompany, you start seeing more human element to the company. You have employees in our first a few than a few more and then a lot and those people have families whose people have kids. Those people have responsibilities and used. You.
you take on a diver responsibility as the outer and it's not about you, know, you haven't shit and me for Motors, it is like somebody, don't give a fuck about their employees and multiple failing right now, but you know, Becomes more of a moral obligation to these people they fucking come Day in and day out, and also for you to take care of them and grow, the company put in a position where they can, you know, survive and thrive, and you know that. You know the original motivation transitions into that motivation. I think, if you have any sort of like you know,. Moral values to algeria so And then what happens? Is that what you and realising is that. I talk about this lot to, but nobody really reflect gets it and I don't expect people to get it because they have been through it. But what happening. Is you
realizing that. doing. The right thing is what makes you the most money and when it comes to develop EU product marketing and all these things are going to business and so high You start off chasing the money and you kind of grow up and you become adult and then you focus on providing value and it starts with providing value for your employees, but then it goes to your customers. How can I provide more value to them and how do I care about them? More and dude? That's what your company will fucking explode and I try to I try to preach much as I can, but man it's hard to get that through to somebody is not making any money right right. You know they're they're they're, not. well, they're, making any money. Second of all, they are their nineteen year old, if the seller re euros and re, so it was hard to get through to them sometimes so just a recognition that there's gonna be an evolution in your motivation. I mean there gonna be consults the disease with there's going to be talked about what the trains
from your group of friends. There's a transition from phases of what you're motivation is, unlike it some of the things will stay like he asked, or she asked where the constance like due to some things, do stay I, like fucking, nice cars like the nineteen year old, any less nice cars, the fuck! It though, six year old, any likes. Nice cars. That's never going to change! I like cars, mouse fuckin, seven years old you here I mean absolutely that's a class it thinks like now. I have cars that I want that are expensive, that I've got a fucking work, my balls off to get so in all it sounds and who are cars with court? Will do it unless your car person you're fucking, get it right in all well, it was four can spend a million dollars on a car when you're, not a car person. You look at cars as a form of transportation. I look at cars. Is fucking, functional art right, you don't get it right. You know what I mean and if you don't get it don't judge it right.
You know right, oh yes, there's things are constantly motivational, you know and like dude, For me now my transition is even even but now you know now might transition is in leads into. Why do this in a way- Doing this, why am I sitting at three o clock any after you're, not a fucking microphone, where I could be doing real work for my company right? I doing that because I want to make a fucking impact and I see a need that needs to be filled and I'm not getting paid to do this. You know I see a problem trying to fix it and what does that equate to I'm trying to fucking matter right? Okay, so your motivations will always evolve, always evolve yeah. You know- and I see people are about, is what fuckin money I don't do. You're you're a fucking, immature entrepreneur. and I m sure I don t like immature, like twelve years old, I mean like you're in the beings.
Just be been entrepreneur. Then you become malaysian become adults like life. You know so when you're an adult entrepreneur, the world's much bigger than it is your than than than you are sometimes very, very true, provided you will guy thanks. So much for your questions will tackle some more q and a at some point in the future, the elderly, with their enable regularly yeah. We know we ve been doing the thursday thunders. I I did you know you know how to get it. I think we can tap of questions because I get the same shit over. If a man like over and over and over and over and over, and I'm like what the fuck man like where'd you watching five minutes ago, you know are listening, you know, so I like doing the q and a yeah, so I did get some feedback. That I think is is good, and that is that we've added several new listeners and is crazy. It is for us to think about this people don't necessarily automatically know where to find us and social media platforms. So why don't you go ahead and share yet guys very active.
On instagram at Andy, for Sela, a very active on, nap chat it, which is at C o dash one very active on periscope, which is that eighty four seller and am anti personnel on facebook to facebook com not as active as animal periscope and instagram on there. And guide, I longer videos get posted there. I dont do youtube so like when I do my long videos, which I have quite a few of them- they get posted on facebook, so it's worth a follow their definite, and I'm von color on everything at the eu g, John K, h earlier and tyler is at. My tyler, something like that inter score tyler and yes, snapchat's on that yeah cool. So we were we're branded with our names and you you have all these different ones that people have to have everyone's atlanta one different one. Oh you do yeah snapchat
various fixing. For me, that's good! That's good guys! Once again, thank you so much fun. A word final word is send me your questions asked are not sorry, andy at the embassy, yoda com. semi your business proposals, some questions, Andy at embassy, yoda, gold, digging guys.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-16.