« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

86. America: What The F*ck Is Going On?!

2020-11-21 | 🔗

To see the truth, you have to detach yourself from your previous views and beliefs. On today's episode, Andy and the crew talk about what's going on with the election results, how to stay calm in these uncertain times, and how you can seek the truth for yourself.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The pitch I'm going to get in a project spoken to the existing law to fit most cars. The only one eighty per mile was called to feed the guys at the end herself, and this is the show for the realistic about their lives, the faintness and delusions of modern society and holy shit. There's a lot of them right now. Welcome mother fucking reality Today we have a full length shown. I know you're happy about it because get in some of this shit, but before we do, we do have, oh gee for crew here lay, and that means Not only do we have polly My brother, sal, polly polly was up. What's up, we also have J? Does your god born after a disaster, bon hailing john,
Bonbon jovi is our meal, and I can't even thought you'd say your knaves row VON Helen barnhill and wonders along on the impale or I make an art out of being awesome. Oh look at bonn, Jeremy, Bond about that they're all excited is, even though you have even though VON Jeremy bought dies army there. I know one. It was all about substantial. You have a black compact computer that actually exploded as well as our one dared. What oh man, It's easy wired up up, so fired up needs to be run. You guys get so you don't get that I dont get it. Are you up borough brow echoes what?
back. I go after that. Goes like two thousand fifteen it does it does. Do you realize what is it twenty? Twenty one was. Nowhere was it when one was the first them of seo? I thought was to their doing. I wasn't it of the idea bummer? I can't be right. I can't have only known you for five years. He added us right. Look how much ass we can. And then you decide to move away. I now Irena milled ass, kicking in and out everybody I'll get you do. I ll be ass. True, we do have an announcement to make. The bonn is moving back to beyond battle now donkey. What you need to do. You need to fly me like every week. You're right, you're, the talking vaughan's targeted by how he's gotta move back and beyond the show full time we're going do show every day, but now having a shy. Why I now have on. Oh, I think you guys but words into my eyes.
thank you. I've been something else. I think. If you guys want to show every day you should talk to mom about it. I want to hit his dams up. Yeah yeah ought to make you a good deal. If you come back I'll, tell you what the only way the I could be actually truly sort of persuaded to do. That is, if I had some say in the guest that we brought an okay. That would be pretty Well, ours done. That would actually be great because done. You know that I delivered the rock and I'm here delivered iraq. As far I can get the rock yeah yeah I'm trying to think who do you guys think that I would actually like ash we brought, I think those Firstly now now did it were colored like giving the player way, but we are too king about look legit like we're talking about legitimate possibility, doing a show every single day it's what I would like to get to hear now with us running, accompany and not being a you know. This is a. thing for us to do: it's not our main bread butter, but.
If you guys could convince a certain someone to come back we could have a show everyday for you when you know the only one that is the only way they're going to be able to do. That is. If I share my contact information, oh I can oh yeah. How? Yet you know it's amazing. How just now you know, it's amazing is how many people try to find me by writing veto in the I know you know on instagram I get alot of people, its volume I got a lot of people. One who hit me up in the dams in their life, dude, although one worthy been it's always be aware, but iron out, I never stop midas colony there. I'm confused Like vs, you ask people how they search for your name on its now I know what will is out I'll? Have people like finally find me and they'll be like dude, I could find anywhere. What were you doing I was tabling, b, o n or b,
a w n or something I dunno guys. If you are you fucking tell him your nickname. Is everything VON something what the fuck? You think? That's true! I there there's a there's a trick, and I stole this from jason here at hq is in the jason campagna in a silent assassin. That's right the he! He taught me about this website, I called. Let me google that for you, so it's literally that for you dot com! Yes, sir, if you don't, let me, google, that, for you dot com, what you do as you type in a search engine like what you would actually search, so you will put VON from the msc oh er von from relay f in the search. anil and then you, you click, give me the? U R, L and what it does is it sends the link to somebody back to somebody showing them what it would look like if they were to go to. Google actually just type in Google. It spit it out back to their web browsers
it makes them feel. Like. I really appreciate you ask me a fucking question that you could just fucking google and get the answer to make. You feel like an asshole in zaire backed. Why do people do that? Shit like I dollars, because I do not have so many fuck india from people. I know you guys, like our doubts. The show everything. I fucking appreciate you guys lobby gus, fucking, amazing, will ask can be shooting the man like If the Google machine go fucking google that shit, I love so jason taught me this because I had a we. Actually, we were talking about this a little before we got into a you. I I used. I have this quality and I'm trying. I still have it in me. It's just it's hard to get rid of, because you want to help people and you always want to like you know the Cesspool two people, so you become their internal google, so instead I actually searching defined the answer. You position yourself and between you and the Google machine or that's you. me: are you adjacent? Doesn't I used to be that for everyone to easy for one to two? What the fuck is this? I don't know yourself didn't set
It's also jason taught me as I he started: semi dude you gotta use. Let me google that for you, because it makes you feel like the most fucking ultimate asshole right, you're like oh, so what we did is about little billy rubber, ducky scraps of ever come to hq here and you walk around the office and you see little betty rubber ducky. The little betty rubber ducky is designed that if you have a question before you go, ask somebody you need to ask your rubber ducky, and the rubber ducky is a reminder to make sure that you fucking Google, that question before you go: ask anybody else and bother them in interrupt their fucking day. If Google has the answer, as many of the rubber ducky can finance the goddamn Question don't ask anybody else. So that's what does these stocks rideau there? So I got. like a hundred little rubber, darkies and enzo comes in at night and steal them all. I might have working hours creates all extra work for you to write. A little longer doesn't get it. I got forty two little rubber ducky is at its height of my house in his fuckin bed, but so I choose if you a business,
yeah! Well, it asks you buy some rubber ducks. They're. Not we know. Only too have an affiliate would get us an ophelia count swipe up. He was a lot of ever ducks and fight king tell your employees it they need. A google request. before they ask you two questions yeah and if they fucking out in lebanon. be real dude Do we entrust google anymore bad light like bing, it is being landed. You know what s three to four people. That's actually do not, as you say, their use being big yapping inwards, really, In other words, what is it you gotta go out his another one? That spirit there is one rubber. Don't go there's one area of life area of human knowledge that I am actually superior than Google or superior to google sexual positions. I know I know a lot of them. You will know so they do know a lot of lot of weird shit.
yeah. I know, but if this is, I dont consider myself irreplaceable, but the one thing that I do very well that I function on the whole larger Andy facilities is when anti taxes says hey. What was that episode? The mfc seo project where fill in blank? I'm I'm usually the guy yeah I know you do know that recurs, prolonged I'm, I'm I'm I'm sorry! I did that yeah. So you know what's interesting is we are still getting people lots of people watching her listening, not watching, but listening to those old episode? Of course, of course, that's why we stopped because it's a library I knew those can happen- death row we talk! Last night committed like let's be fucking honest now, due to some bottom them dollar. So? What has this thing where he like text me shit, he's holy shit, dude you said is actually happening and I like dude, how many times. Do I have to like my two thousand fifteen right now.
Like it. I like that he's a real question to everybody, listening to everybody, when, what the fuck is going on this and when I say because its form, I am concerned told all of you exactly what's going to happen this year and hear what we are here to fuck we are, to everybody's. Like what do you think? What do you think? What do you think? We think what I think You should listen to me when I thought I told you a first time and. if you go back and listen to my podcast starting in december of last year, I'll be talking about everything that's going on this year ahead of time, but you guys still want to touch the mother fucking stove, so why am I gonna emotionally invests myself in your reaction that now you're like holy shit? This is ass. We true we'll know shit like I wasn't making the shit up your aunt em, I like I had no, sir. No sir Andy Well, I mean celadon, know dude, it's not that it's listen, I don't even care than most
the time I want to be wrong. But the point is that, if you can we we have this ability right now insist anoura what the fuck is going on, but, like it's like ass denial for mass denial like like the news is lying all of it. You know we have all these people out there road allowed talking about president or president elect Joe Biden like he's already been elected president. He nobody has been elected president. That's a fucking face the media says that eurobonds present elect Joe Biden. says, he's president elect. We have to ask ourselves why the media pushing this. So hard on everybody, why is every story to push this narrative. That isn't true tat. Body and you guys who believe it
you're setting ourselves up for massive disappointment it for some reason- and I am not saying that this is going to happen, but less save for some reason does when his legal lawsuits or does convince supreme or or does get voted in by the house- you're gonna be very upset and the rest. you're gonna be very upset. It's because you fell for the lies that they told you, and these people who you know, let's just say that, but that may happen if that does happen those people are gonna, be managed from a man conservatives a matter, people who believe in that, instead of being mad at the most workers who are being mad at the people who told them time these eyes right and its very first rate to sit here and watch from a different perspective? A sort of
I feel like I'm on outside I'm watching this happen and I'm seeing people you know every day there are investing all their emotional energy into this, this these world events, which I understand because it's scary and it's important and the media divided us so hard. That is very scary for both sides right also, I think the other side's vulcan massey all sides thing. The other side is the anti crisis. Both sides. Think then, if the side wins the world he's gonna guess why does not gonna fuck it but either way? But we have to do some point as american and regardless of if I'm a democratic or republican, or a conservative or liberal. Now you crazy far far left people and you crazy far far. While people are talking you, you fuckers, make it hard for everybody, The majority of america, the eighty percent in the middle- we all want the same shit. We want to be free
we don't want only to fuck with our money. We wanted. Left alone. We did we all we own we're not. You know it's these people, on both sides of the far extremes, their turn. Push their shit on everybody else, which is fuck it up. But everybody is just it's very frustrating to watch people because I can see it right, like the data announced Joe Biden, I was getting blown up because you know obviously I've said that I thought rob. Was gonna win the election? people I have for you what it's like to recycle dude? her stay and how this works. you ever one shit yet like and by the way fuck me for me because I fuckin bought. Somebody else should be repressed the new thought Look, I'm not allowed talk issued about this year because you were wrong. What am I as it goes along every working day, sonia out of work, and I don't have just the plan. I
from being wrong right. Older people have proud, be wrong right other people on both sides, so Happy all are going to see the truth, you're coming up- and I am very curious to see how that plays out- you yoke is when when tromp was announced as the loser by everybody, but. the actual law go where their rights, where's your civil unrest now was their screaming and looting and fuck and all the shit another wasn't it wasn't that so it going be interesting to see how people react if in fact, trump wines, because I bet a trillion dollars. Be calm and an end to me I really says a lot really says a lap and now do you want to unify. Are you we also want to unify? Do I do? I want to focus, stand together as america. Of course I do
we're staying with a bunch of fuckers are wont to burn down. was staying with a bunch of all the fuckers they're going to lie about how they are and cheat on how they got there? I'm sorry, I think, for me. That's there's two there's two extremely extremely frustrating pieces, and I know you hit on both of them, but for me that I have no problem losing don't take your ball and go home, not cries, but but I do want to play a fair game and I think unfortunately like for that to even be thought of or considered to be jeopardized in any way shape or form it's one of the most sacred things that we have as american citizens. The right to vote. and if that's jeopardized it's that part that part just to have that insecurity or or possibility that it's out or doubt that it's in it that your vote is not being treated fairly, that that's a shitty feeling, you know and, and you think, about
Would you know cheating is a real possibility? Why is mail in voting in adult male and vote has been around for a long time? You know absentee voting has been around. I mean it's been in play for years and years and years, but when you start to look at all the inefficiencies and the ability to push it through, and then you start thinking well what? If what? If should be, it shouldn't even be a question you know and and a problem that I have personally what was two things, but one of the biggest problems I have is his voter identification. You know- and it's like logically, my goodness. This isn't like frying, because right now trumps, not winning or what I don't listen. I am very confident and who I am and what we're gonna do, and I'm going to protect, provide I have family, no matter what happens, I don't even really give a fuck who wins. President yeah, I dunno it's it's. It's been proven statistically over time and it's relevant, but my point being is like you know, I I look at if I have to
the register when anna and I played football, nobody ever believe we're the same age or nobody ever believe. We are the right age group to my dad was witness it. So I guess we had to do it. Provide a birth certificate had to go. Get these ideas, made a play soccer team around. You know why? Because we kicked out by his ass game, so, like you know ear, you know they had areas rule they had. but you had to have a we're fuckin, ten, eleven twelve I have a soccer id. You remember those little fucking picture cards yet had your birth certificate was big fucking deal cause my dad from forget everything, we'd prep practice ten times go, get a reverse birth certificate. It's where we take our little picture and you had to have that in order to play soccer, you have to have an id to vote like that part. Really fucking pisses me off in the grand scheme of things like. Is it really asking too much to like walk into the polls but his return. She now that's my point. You know when you start to really unpack the possibilities right,
if all will hash it out in court, what why should it be fucking to hash out in court? Here's my fucking iD this is what I fucking is, who I vote for. Let's you know submitted roll dealers. There's no excuse for what's happening with the election. at this point. In time there is no reason that I mean that that we can't get a real time. No, no bullshit vote same day, no worries, of course, and then I think you know, and and you know what- and this is the thing and it comes from both sides and both camps. You know dead people vote, Well, fuck, I just want to know is like. Is it true or not? True, you know what I mean like all these affidavits, true or not. True like I that both sides are hinted at Both sides are guilty in a sense of playing up weighing up the expectations where you can see you can smell bullshit on both sides, but The second the sight of it is. I don't get a whole lot of hate in regards to, but when, like when, I have discussions with people who are, on the other side, the other team, unless I'm I'm right of center, no doubt about it. The left of center people and lots of have a lot of good conversation have a lot of good friends that sit left of center. But,
come on, sale, pay taxes, this motherfucker, I've, zero problem, bans axis I'll. You put me back and twenty nineteen dude. What do you fortunately is don't know. This is the falcon truth. The democratic for contacts plans more fucking, beneficial to people who are in the upper tax. Frankenstein trumps. You don't fucking, get it in order, stand that that's just a stupid, uneducated statement, you're going to pay more of a peep you and I will pay more taxes under the trump plan and will pay under the Biden plan, regardless of what the fuck they say, tax rate? Is I mean I can get a whole heartedly? Tell you that I paid him personally have paid more money in the trunk. Jeanne than I have previously, a lot of that has to do with income, but what percentage of percentage from attacks had vanished standpoint as a company we ve been more ever teachers previous presidencies and we have in trump trump mean. For you know, people like I just he's gone for the rich God I mean if you're in business you under
I stand that they incentivize you to grow, but that growth comes with a price. You know there's dude, it's it's not even that's, not even the problem. The problem is, is that whenever they say the rich guy they're pointing at a look at people like us who are middle class, fucking people who have grown small businesses and middle class middle sized businesses, we're not fucking Jeff bezos is rich phil knight he's rich bill gates, mother fuckers rich. When we talk about the rich, paying their share, we're talking about them. Okay and people understand that when they hear the tax thing of like over four hundred grand they're going to pay sixty two per cent tax, no you're, not because all of those motherfuckers have attorneys that specialize in just tax code and they get you that most advantageous shit and what happens is when they tax people at that higher level
in it, it does have two ends up being something they have to pay guess what happens? Prices go up, products and goods and services go up. Your lifestyle goes up, it all flows down, and so, when you start arguing that argument what the media it does. Is they they paint? The picture of the quorum quote rich american, Let's just say somebody like me: ok, when I'm not the rich american fucking, those guys are the rich americans and those are my father- not pay in the sure. That's I've said that on the show before I've been saying for years and they should be proud to pay their share, a lot of people will say. Will you You fucking like capitalism, but you know, but you know, support, base ulcers Zuckerberg I do I do, but they dont pay their tax as the problem. They pay the same tax rate. I pay then I'll pay the same. You pay in an don't same, you pay now they may be,
more dollars because they pay a smaller percentage, but the problem is that control. So much of that of the money that their percentage even though its more dollars than you are. I would pay it still not We have enough to balance out the fucking insignificant s. Is there's more enrolled in or as deposit hundred percent. When you look at it and then people get the argument cause, I have a a a good friend who works at amazon and she's high up in the corporate she's like. Well, you don't like him, because it's taken advantage of the tax code and he's taken advantage of the capitalistic ability to be able to reinvest in property, so don't pay tax and I'm like. No, I don't like him because that's very much scum when you're trying to avoid any way to pay a tax and when you're, taken that any tax dollars away from small businesses and crushing small businesses and you're not putting back an infrastructure where those small businesses are providing infrastructure in the small cities all across america. It's like you're, crushing that not only from a sales standpoint but within the reinvestment into them,
Municipality, like your fucking you're screwing at the small town. I mean I had the argument with the city of fenton here, but amazon coming to us would not do that. You are going to fucking crush this local economy. That's already got it for us. I mean you know this, but you know for us. We speak about amazon, as I say our arch nemesis sense, but like there's a poetic justice to the moving next door to us, I love it. I fucking love it like for me. It's it is fucking cards cubs were fucking building two stadiums next to other. Let's go play and I do so. There are some listeners They would crush you and put out a pencil. I if you ve ever listened to anything that I talk about, whether it in a meeting or whatever here with the team hours, a man like one of my one of my vision, I'd have to sit across the street for her sit across from Jeff bezos to see like a beach bitch at camp. They won't out. First, First, for now we want our amazon amazon, but we're gonna see
he's, gonna win and for them the moving next door, like I'm, extremely excited about that, but the detriment that they provide to locate, municipalities, municipalities and local governments and local societies. Fucking crushing look, I'm all four companies, women and I am all for companies creating jobs and I'm all for people haven't jobs, and I am all for people haven't good careers. and good, I'm all for all that, but if you're only pain, what is a total of less than one percent of your actual revenue in tax you're, fucking America, you're fucking, everybody out there and that's not ok, that's what my problem is, so it's not a personal thing or this or that its even a thing against capitalism. Capitalism, fuckin works very well when the laws and rules- abided by all, but the problem is they art, and this is what people don't understand and so the narrative that is peddled by media is. Is that
Where do the point now at this point in time, where every fucking thing that new says the mainstream media says whenever they say. If you want to know the truth, its opposite of that that's the truth I would say on ninety percent of the things they say they right now: it's full panic mode therein for patent mode, to destroy conservatives, to destroy any free thinking too straw the trump train or whatever you want to call it drop culture. They are in full parent mode and we have to be very careful to not absorb all of that shit because what's happening is- and I see that some ideas is people. Getting overwhelmed with the negativity to the point where they feel hopeless and they feel depressed and end. They feel you know killing themselves, I get ten four can be. I'm today from people tell me this shit,
and what's happening right now in the world? Is now ok? That's the point: it doesn't matter. If your democratic republic, it or if you love, tromp or hatred, what's happened, right now in our country is in a lot of people of power. Are virgin that power against the people of this country as opposed to working for them. I think the thing that I struggle with, and I think this is what a lot of people struggle with is: how do you guys I don't care really at the end of the day, I don't care who wins election, and I dont honestly myself. Personally, I dont know if there's voting fraud but here's what I know minos. Nobody knows what does that at long last. The problem, nobody volcanoes and everybody- is out there pretending as if they know right. You don't know because the story, the fat, have not been seen yet they have it. The all of the the relevant you have not been explored yet, but this is what I know: one thousand percent,
is that I know that there is no way that trump has ever gotten a fair shake in the media. I know that if the shoe was on the other foot and Joe Biden lost- and he was claiming that there was voter fraud, there would be entirely different narrative? Of course, we would be like all on old on everybody: trump, not reelected, yet we have to check in this vote or fraud to make sure ass. You know I have a serious problem and that's my problem. Is that you know whatever you think of. Try me whatever you think a bit, but the liberal arguments that the left argument to them on is worth at two and six to two thousand sixteen, when russia colluded by the way, if you haven't attention that was proven fucking false, that was announced and played out in court yet either that was proven to be fucking, false
ok and people are going to pay for that. These haven't been tried on it yet or arrested for it. Okay, so all you, people out there that say. Ah what about when russia, china in two thousand sixteen? That was that's a lie. That's it proven lie. I was general flynn and he was proven to be fucking innocent. You know written to be innocent. You know you sidney pal the woman, its anti right now saying that they have voter fraud. Ok, this. Woman is a bulldog she's, now liar she's, very straightforward, and the media is now moving to discredit her ok took a causal last night he was ripper and tuckers a guy who, I think generally tells the truth, and I think that that's what he said was probably true, but I also see it as a credibility play on Tucker karlsson. I see Tucker saying of sydney powers fucking lie do
sure didn't want to talk to us the way he did I have for any. I saw it. I see that as a play gain credibility from people that are sceptical him, because I know that Tucker once fuckin that to be true, just like everybody else, that's the watches his show. So let's take about this, for we jump to conclusions are right and I'm not saying it's fuckin they're not lying like I'm asset like do that What's goin on here is it nobody knows and it seems like the world of instagram has In the end, the internet and youtube they're all make a phone people who are like hanging on eyes like you're fucking dine truck bro, do you not understand how this works like the media? we ve heard it a million times right. The media doesn't called a winner, the media does it called a winner like they sailed out of what they want? Ok, but trumpet about who is not present, elect he's, not he's not pay.
is elect right now, that's a fat! The next fact is, there is no president elect office, little office or the present. Let he's mic, that's something we gave him credibility, so the quest, the logical question for anybody that that wants to know it's actually going on. You would deduct from the other since, while the evidence is that the media is all provided all of it there doc of the present like does not exist. It's been no president elected so the question to ask for anybody, numa hate, my guts. Do you may think, I'm a fucking piece of shit I know some of you do because I hear about it, I don't really give a fuck what you think. Alright, I'm gonna go home you might say just like I do every fucking day, but the point is: is that I'm speaking the truth? Okay, so those are the
max? So the question that I would ask for someone out there who maybe has seen this as like you know, Maybe you ve seen it as trump is getting fact or maybe you see as binding is getting screwed. How do you see this is the media going along with this narrative? Why is Joe Biden so ending on stage declaring himself president elect so quit of three or four after the election, Why is he calling world leaders and and doing all this shit, and why is he on the news talking about how you know he's not a privy to classify briefings, we're motherfucker, you haven't you're, not present, elect yet well, you're not getting in what they're doing is trying to make trot. Looked like a fuckin tyrant whose, like hanging the power we reality all he's doing? is exercising through the falcon process.
There was laid out and has been there or whole entire country, and people like that without processes, They exist for a reason it so that we can have carpet. Like you said so and who the fuck we will for and if we I have confidence in the vote. Then we will have america does nothing. Matters it's all bullshit, and this is how These countries implode on themselves and a lot of you young box out there, who you know this. and to me for motivation, but my have different political views. You you, mother, fucker, need await the fuck up. Does you're being manipulated. You're being why two in europe fucking used and nothing should pursue if more than being fucking used that doesn't mean be mad trump burmese b the motherfuckers who fuckin? Why do you and manipulate you and use you so. Like? I said a minute ago. no matter who wins whether it be trump, whether be binding,
I am going to wake up the next day, and this is what I said the day they announced I'm going to wake up the next day. I'm going to treat people best. I can I'm going to work as far as I can. I'm gonna do what I think is right and I'm gonna be the best american that I can be, regardless of who whose name is is present. Ok, but Those are the facts, and so the questions are you. should be asking yourself right now. If you want to become a way, because really we have here is an awesome opportunity to really see the truth right. Some people are gonna have to admit to themselves fuck man I was buying in some shit that ain't true- and this is the guy- this thing is happening right now and if it comes out that truck was fuckin, tore a piece of shit, it's any fucking. all this shit fuck without like what they're saying to to to to make the democracy eager by creating doubt about if he did, that I'll be the first mother, fucker, say fuck that guy
truth, but we don't know yet and a lot of peace go out there listening right now, you guys, are all pro one side or prolonged side, really what we should be doing is coming together to demand fucking truth, whether europe I'm a republican, whether your left or right, whether whatever the fuck, you believe we should want the truth from the people who govern all country and make them rules for us, because if they can rig an election real. How many other elections were rigged, how many people that office shouldn't be in office? How many people have brought in these crazy ideas that we didn't. You actually want, replace. Very dangerous game here and people you this is an evil. Game comes down to ego.
A lot of you guys want your person to win. I understand, but You have to let go of your ego and will to want something to win in search of the truth, and the truth is there's no president elect rang out the truth, is we don't know what the voter fraud is? The truth is trump could be present. the truth is biting, probably could be present If you listen to, the media seems like that's, what's gonna happen and if that happens, do what I gotta do and so should you guys are right but I want to tell you what happened fuck allowed to real bad half of us all why'd, you real fucking bad, and it's a heart socket sam this morning, who was here. It's a really hard conversation to to to to consider. So you mean to tell me, all the media in all the power petitions and all hollywood in all these people are true,
to trick me. Why do me? Yes, that's what I'm fucking saying and that's a thing to fuckin wrap your brain. Well, what? If you really think about it and you about the amount of money that the chinese government has and you think about how much it takes two by people off which apparently doesn't take more than a couple million dollars for Joe Biden. What's to say that, though not fucking funding everybody's, the people who control? But you know most people in hollywood say the shit. They say they gotta report to people, What those people gotta report to people who lost people report too, who owns studios whose funding the projects, where does that come from cause, you fuckin, not the usa Ok, if you dig into deep and a lot of this shit, so I think You guys in what I would like to see is america's. Come together in an in demanding the truth. Why do there's a lot of good
people out there that are Democrats, there's a lot of it people out there? Little republicans there's a lot of great motherfucker people out there period And were being ripped apart by people who don't give a fuck about us at all and action. That should be cleared. Everybody Andy. I think one of the things that a lot of people struggle with the average american struggles with is that we want to think the best of our country. We think really highly of our history. We think we ve been a great force for good in the world and so it's hard for us to wrap our heads around the fact that there could in fact, be very, very deep, significant levels of corruption and our government, and so when we hear something like hey. This could be a nationwide concerted effort on voter fraud which, by the way, that's what they're flaming right. That's what they're claiming at We just don't want to believe that an and yet- and I get that I totally get it out, because we we believe in our constitution,
we believe in our history and our government, and we don't want to leave like anything like that is possible, but the reality is on some level america's no different different every other country. Every other country is susceptible to corruption. So am I and the reality is this. If you look at the history of our country, I mean we're. You know two hours, two and a half hours from kansas city. There was a hugely corrupt, democratic political machine in Kansas city called the pendergast machine which side note essentially helped harry s, truman get to where he was in life But then, if you look at the history, even in the fifties there was theirs. Guy named estes cafe who was a democratic senator and he made a splash because he actually basically was led the charge to to uncover the yacht actions between the democratic party in the mob at the time. So this three does have a history of voter fraud in certain places usually those are larger, democratically controlled cities. So it's not.
Outside rama. Possibly the thing that bothers me the most about this, the only unfolding developments. I watched the entire hour and a half of giuliani conference press conference, and then it was what was it? What was her name again? The the syndrome sidney sydney them, and then they had the top legal adviser who was awesome by the way super limerick you're young woman all but They literally went through and said. Listen, we know what you guys are going to do you're going to report this, as they have no evidence and giuliani has said very very clearly. He said this number times. He said you don't understand, we do have evidence, we have sixty plus affidavits from eva, from which says who are literally swearing under penalty of perjury that they have witnessed voter fraud barney. and by the legal definition. That is evidence which you're gonna go and tell me
we have. No evidence is so. This is something that everybody should watch that by the way oh yeah, everybody kilowatt, ev, ry, rocking per hour and a half. If you are an american citizen, regardless of whether your proto tromp, provided you at least need to give these people a hearing yes dying. We anyhow we that rural, here's, the other thing that people or like given them heat for- and this is this is what people. to understand and I do what I'm trying to do is make you guys realised that you're being played like you're being triggered into an emotional reaction from for somebody else, doing why they do Now why? Why why is the media telling us all these things that and that most people who say who could critically think can see through right? So why are you doing that are the pushing
that. Why why don't they just say the truth that hey we don't know, we don't know the corruption and we don't know, what's going on worth the wait and see, why don't? Why are they doing that because they want People to get so emotionally invested that if the truth does come out opposite there's a fuckin, huge civil disturbance and guess what people died because there's a seventy three million motherfuckers that think that they just got cheated right. I mean do. Does does. Does a dangerous game is a dangerous. Game that we're playing and the only way that we can beat it is by being smarter than the people who are telling us to be fucking stupid. That's what they're telling us or telling us to be stupid, what Van Hollen! So your point of you know. Hearing them out, the media's spent so much time discrediting
These people are rudy giuliani. They make fun of him. Like he's a fucking clown, this dude is or did this dude is one of the most significant americans alive, sidney powell. Okay, like shit, you guys yelled the, when I say you guys, I mean the democratic left. You guys you fuckin fraud for four years. You fucking attack trump, you fuckin boy, you boy trumps, people you told them? They are pieces of shit? You know how. I know that because y'all motherfuckers think I'm some guy to trump fuckin loyalists when I'm not I'm loyal that mother fucking constitution that flag okay- and I and you. Came at me. You call me At the time about it. Let me give you guys are fucking little news flash here just because you like some data. Are you don't, like an opinion, doesn't It's fucking racist and it does needs a conspiracy theory? Ok because those are the two arguments that are being yelled in screening.
anybody who says anything outside the narrative of you said outside narrative, your fuckin racist abuse? anything else. If you black your uncle tom, ok, if you anything outside any ideas that are outside the media says: you're caspian see theorist and then only response back? is when you get the data, whilst that work would be on tv. What do you not hear the fucking words? I just said, like I just told you but the line you why the fuck would they tell won? T be my work where. What is what the fuck is going on here with people's ability to critically. You can't tell me the people can't look and see. What's going on What's happening? Is people want Sighed, the wine and beer they want their side to win their willing to fucking put the blinders on all the other evidence and hope that, but but do that's us that's a loser strategy, because what
except now just because you don't like someone else very well impact your entire I from here on out. So we have to be smart enough to wait the fuck up and look at the facts and the facts. Are we don't know shit right now? We don't know. Have real evidence. We don't fuck, you know, if how many you know we don't know, we don't know what we do know is that they are making some one here to be a winner? What we do know is that the entire flock and media as united against a certain person, what we do know is all halley was united against certain persons, and what we do know is all corporate Eric as united against a certain person and what are they united against? What what's the argument against and their argument is he's a nazi he's, a fucking racist he's a this, but when you ask them, give you examples of those things give you shit like the shot. Its ville thing right
which actually, if you look into it, is not how we set it under the context of what was said, nor about the b. The mandate when people say always says mexicans or fuckin terrorist. That's how the fuck he said. You said Emma s. Thirteen, why do people willing to even look at the truth ok! This is not pro trot. This is fucking. Factual data are right and so the question I have in the past sure you should be asking is why, if that's not go back, look at the things they sight for the things that they say and if it is out of context, Why are they spreading this message to you? Why what's the purpose- and I think of all people, could just stop and think about that for a minute used, I realise that really you don't know shit. I don't know shit,
what I say almost show guys my fuckin opinion. That's why it's really earth. After mean as fuck. It means eighty four seller and ass fuck I like My focus show you don't have to fucking, listen I will give you my opinion on what I see going on if you're fucking like it, then that's fine, but that's. Why opinion? That's how I see things and I think I'm way, in the real world evidence of me being right is pretty fucking good. That's the truth! right now. Could I be wrong? Absolutely am I wrong, I don't think so, and so fuck you and I'm listening a home and you're a real man right cause People remember I now ask yourself: I ll tell you why all your real name. Who wants you to be mad? What do they want you to do with that madness, see what I'm saying yeah? Why think the the values I vomit at you know the truth,
like you said on, both sides is what you should fight for. You know because, like I dont want to win. I don't want a false when I don't want to false loss when in, and that goes for competitive nature of who I am. But when you start looking at the fundamental aspects of who we are ass, a country we, the people, are supposed to have the power and in if we don't have that power a constitution, doesn't matter and when you can manipulate all of that power and all of the votes and all that the outcomes like our god given rights as americans are not really god, given rights are dictated by people who control the rights who are manipulating the rights I think when you say, if you know the emotional side, mrs and enters debt on this when people want they they want. So, oh badly to win for the wrong reasons I can, and that goes for the right- analyse that that is not strictly just the people who check the box, that is, for the people who check the box like you should be wanting to know who one that's what I want
an unequivocal like just who want no matter what that is, it should be fair and you know what, if, if Joe Biden is the clear cut It settled in court and they figured out as long as they're offered a a fair trial and a fair hearing and a fair shake and hey man fuck good job. You know what I mean like trump you're, that big of a fucking asshole. You actually lost it for yourself like I, I can actually figure that out but what you when I start to see whenever you see all these things, she- and I agree with that, but I know yeah, of course no in, and I think I think the people in the middle, maybe not the eighty percent, because there's you know thirty percent over here and thirty percent over. Here- who emotionally or winners on the right or left like they just want to emotionally fuckin- want that they want their vote to win the centralized you know we're right of centre. There are people who left to send out to consider those people saying that, since like hey, I think you could, if those people lost or those people, one like they wanted, they want a fair shake too, and I, like, unfortunately, we need to be me.
We focused on the fair shake versus the who one or two problems problem is as it. Nobody has any mother fucking grace anymore. but nobody knows how to win with grace, and so If people are not how to lose mother fucker, you all my time, I've lost a lot more network and one a lot more. I used to go on the internet every day and talk about how you guys got my not kicked in rome. I tell you this. I did my do not homeward how'd. You do you mean I may lose. You got me laws. You have two pretty winds. I got no more, not gonna kick in so, but I have fought by god. Forgive my father. We built we build some shit how many times we fuck eludes lot way more than we win, but I gotta say: I've learned a lot more characteristic. Loss has high went in and you know what those times, what I've folk and said you know hey. This is gonna fuck. It happened and well she s, actual everything. I says I have habits, but there are sound rather it is true, is an natural. That's because I'm a good, while you are greatly as it's the truth you are, but the boys.
One thing I told you in fact, in five years I say this is what it is now been actually wrong about. No, but I think that's that goes with it the point I do feel that people hate that, because they think I'm talking shit, I'm not trying to talk shit, trying to let you know that I'm pretty good at seeing shit like this is what I'm good, but what I think I think it's because you ve had the ability to analyze. was yeah you. What I'm saying like when you look at the situation and all the facts that are going on right now and they are facts. You know, there's a lot of fucked up clouding noise that's going on and when that typical, when there's typically cloudy water is cloudy for a reason it's not by accident. I think you know what we through business. I would say: that's what you know the experience speaks is like
and when it's not black and white, there's a whole lotta fucking noise in the stadium, it's kind of like well. Why why this should be a pretty simple process, and this is what like, I find to be extremely incredible right: america still really young in the sense of age of of country. You look at those founding fathers, and I said this before, and those are some smart motherfuckers, and they are you look at that constitution. Those mother fuckers are smart. You know why, because this shit is going on right now has happened before it's happened, hundreds of times, and so they rewrote it out of experience- and this is my point and business like this- is not rocket science man, people look at this is like there's no fucking way and it's like no. No, no that's why that constitution exists is because these mother fuckers have lived through this like they've, been through it, these waters that we're through right now, those guys if they were there were in the hot bubbly see and I had to go through. Battling government had to go through that that had tyrannical control? through controlling of the newspapers in passing, and that's why you know they they go on,
I started writing their own newspapers, an owner journals and passing the own information to make you ve been through this. This is not new, and so I think you know the idea in this just simply the eye here. You can open your eyes or open your brain and thought and just think that it's a possibility. A real possibility like this isn't not like I'm trying to teach you that you know does not exist or not exist. I'm not trying to explain to think in theory or try to, will convince you of a of a biblical sense or or what your religion is like. I'm just saying like look at what has happened in how our country got to where we're at couple of couple of hundred years ago, did they go through that they went through something, very similar to this. Why why? Why did they write their paper? Why? Why do they come up with with the constitution? Why? Because they've been fucked, that's why? And I think, as americans, we should be more concerned with not bending over and taking it in the fucking ass than we
it should be with? Oh, my president, didn't fuck when I don't give a fuck who want me to give a fuck. If I got fucked in the ass that not only that bro, I'm one hundred percent with the will of the people, wherever the fuck away, the people as we made the best of it, a saddle, I'm only out when a red jacket on economic growth lie. I just want to know that's right, that's what we People have the report by a bunch of all the fuckers up the tap who think they can for controls. one of the fucking minions yeah, you mean like a jack dorsey and Zuckerberg when you watch there, did you what you were talking about an hour and a half to watch. You watch that fucking that interview or oh my god, fine, I'll just molecules- and I am- I am embarrassed to save the one guys from Saint louis. You know if you lie- brings back jobs, a fact that guy don't give a fuck me clearly clearly defined that when he was getting interviewed by the bye, bia art
brian, whether when they call that now you mean congressional hearing the congressional they like an innovative and entered a trial of its there's, not a trial abies. They re, hey, fuck. You can't do anything to me, you don't like a what You can't do anything to me was that was the answer that I interpret it anyway, there's no like it. There was no like wrong by the way is there are enough. Oh no american citizens rise up in and get our elected officials to act. We can do something to them, of course, but I mean there no like that yeah there, certainly not winning any people or by the way they're acting I mean I'm in miami like did ever everybody's united on that issue by the left and the right, really the only viable initially right now, which is you know, big tack, and the one thing I agreed with with Elizabeth Warren yeah right. I thought she was a horrific candidate yeah and she and she- and I agree on that issue. She was yeah horrific and I want a single spot. I agree with you yeah.
I don't hate her just because she has different views now, but I agree like she's got some weird shit yeah, but but the point is: is that those guys their young, very successful there very power? for and they dont have real life perspective. Those I don't know what it's like to have told you, no sir, oh you're, fuckin grandma his wedding ring, the powerful can bill we all know what that's like like we all have real sacrifices, they all know it's like too I'll walk down the street of sketch neighbourhood at night, because you know you have to for some reason date there so far detached from what it's like to be a real human in america that they ve lost touch and it's very visible and clear on there in there I their testimonies, ok, and that's are doing them any favours with the american public. Like really did
Zack in and dorsey. You guys me fucker like me, somebody that is a realist in your corner like telling like hey, you guys are fucking aliens and you're not connecting because if they continue to abuse, this power, which that's what they ve done. You realize your abusing an alienating more than half of the country, I believe when all comes out- and that's not gonna be good free, long term, and you know, I see a sort of issues like these do they have a different perspective than most people haven't. I just don't know- and you know and- and I dont know if there like an evil or whatever the fuck. I know that a lot of people say all therefore could evil or their this or that they could be. But I don't fucking know them I'll talk to him. I don't know. Maybe they have good intentions. I think a lot of people on
I have real good intentions. I think a lot of people are there that consider themselves. Democrats are educated people with a big heart, hoo, hoo hoo, believe the shit that their tall and it. Doesnt translate into real, enter into real world function and if you if you don't believe me go to any democratic cities, it's been a long time, democrat democratic run city. Look at it the truth guys I gotta circle back to this cause and the you mentioned giuliani and how giuliani does does have a history he's got a pedigree once again, I encourage everybody to watch the press conference an hour and a half one of the things that you know again all were asking is to give these people hearing What do you know- and one thing I want to say is that when you try to determine whether somebody's told the truth. I was always taught that you asked the question: ok, what do we know about this person's pass and then also,
what do they stand to gain? And what do they seem to lose? A lot these young guys in young girls who listen to this show probably don't understand this that Mary, you're or giuliani. Rudy giuliani at one point, was called america's mer, the reason was called. America's mare is because he affected at a map mind: boggling transformation of new york city. There, sir your city heads had basically fallen into the depths of depravity. The crime was so bad at the police force, but demoralized he came and completely transform the city, the only people that hated giuliani, city of new york or criminals and the corrupt. The guy has a history of being against corruption he's a law and order guy, oh by the way, giuliani, is also the darling of conservatives, giuliani historically he's approach, choice republican he's a moderate he's, not like what people
think of like all he's just a lap dog throne or allowed logs, was actually like me right. He's he's a social liberal, he's that fiscal, conservative, so industry, though I mean he was a Democrat turned independent, turned republican republican by the way that's trump's history too. right with it. By means of the points you too, to validate your point. Like you know, he made a train vision and he took the world shitty a city like morale. Kids, man, like you, wouldn't and you are right not. I was his eyes away. Nor was I look at it right now. That's what the fuck it was like for thirty five years, That's like I'm prostitution draw when we were kids in a fog in ease you when they showed like a ghetto and a movie. Guess where was it? Was new york? ok in new york, and I know a lot of you. Motherfuckers, listen to me, ok, I love. New york is one of my favorite fucking places to go in a fucking world york city. There's nothing like it. Awesome. Energy people are fucked.
Bad ass- and here we are with. The city look alike is nineteen, eighty four and five. Ok, that's a problem for me because I am from saint louis, but I do love new york like a lot of people, do all right what the fuck is gone on there and you guys are allowing these fucking crazy, incompetent mother. Fuckers to ruin a wonderful place shootings are up over a hundred percent crime is up over a hundred per cent you mother, fuckers. Do you not get it yet? Do you get? It I think it is you no. This is what happens when you hold no people accountable. This is what happens when you let people just do what they fucking one when you say be the summer of love, you're, a fucking, more ok, because their this the problem- and this is what this is, what people who have been. it's was trying to say when you,
a big heart and you have good ideals and think everybody they all makes sense. I understand I fucking We can all make sense like we want this. This one, in a world where when he gets along in everybody's, it fair and add a fucking. Do By here's, what you don't get there's evil motherfuckers out there there's people, Who will skin you for a and watch? There's people who Hell you a shoe you for instruments. Fuckin lacks there's people who will fuck with you for street craig. You guys do people don't fucking get it. You don't go Ok, I've been stab in the fucking face. I have with real fucking cry. I fuck it understand. If you don't. And so all of you people out there. They have these bleeding heart for all these fucking criminals need await the fuck up because their criminals, the criminals and I'll fucking, good
people that were mistreated, they're, not good people that we're stuck dawn, they're fucking. Now there's nothing good about walking across the street and shooting someone in the fuckin face further fucking air jordans. Oh well, if he had air jordans too, then he would know then then would do do for fun. I don't understand this is a fucking. This is a real thing now criminals that really fucking know give a fuck about you and we have to control it. That's that's! A functioning society works now and do good talk to on the show we're not to learn a fuckin. Far I have liberals, listen to this fucking show unless they just want an earful, a fucking pain like so who are we talking to we're talking to people who are reasonable? So let's talk to those motherfuckers, let's stop trying to convince
these motherfuckers to see shit our way because they ate, because allowing those people they fucking hate me for breathing. They hate me for breeding because I exist. I see the aims. I see the shit but I'm called. I see the ship. people say about me and I hear it they'll give. what I have to say, I represent what they don't like and the boy, its cause them to have a bull shit life and that's just not fucking. True, ok, I have my life because I grind my fucking dick into the fucking dirt for twenty two fucking years. Ok, I grew up in a house that my dad built with his own fucking hands on again apple, forking, world and saint Louis missouri across from a fucking junkyard. Ok, so Let's talk about fucking or like the both of the situation is this
people don't want to be accountable for their own fuckin actions. People don't want to take personal responsibility any anymore. They want people to give. Well fuck and wife. I know uncle Henry no longer is it. I want Nice life, like any, has now it's I want andy's life and I want you to take it from him. Tell you motherfuckers right now that ain't gonna happen so before he come at me all. You want, but. I'm here. My address is here: it's fuckin, very easy to find me. And it is what it is: I'm telling you, I know a lot of motherfuckers who feel the same. Is me and I'm sick and tired of saying and Beating around the bush to the real problem here, the real fucking problem here is that we have society of soft motherfuckers that water making use about everything, cry about everything and make sad story about everything and compete with theirs
story with all their mother fucking friends about how far hard. They had it as opposed to taken. the lessons from how hard they had it and applying them to building a better life. That's the truth! Ok if you don't fuckin, agree with me that always mother fucking show cause give a fuck anymore, Being abused, I'm tired of being caught fuckin names that I'm not I'm tired of being called than that because you'll, like it fuck you ok,. That's right. That's how I feel about it. We women, accountability, problem is fuckin country. We have a personal responsibility in this country, are injustices, absolutely is We take an injustice, falk know, and that's what fucked up right now in the whole fucking country, everybody oh fuck and victim everybody. I think that it was interesting. You know, and you you peel back. I quite understand their stew. Things like
If you want a snapshot of what america's gonna look like, if we continue to be tolerant in that regard, taller, no accountability, tolerant, of running fucking, wild tolerant of not supporting the police tolerant of not holding these people who are criminals through this standard it, nor should be held to and not giving him you another day in court in a sense of like they should be fucking punished, new york city, just a petri dish for what america will be. That's all it is its poorly. It's a snapshot right. It's a snapshot of saint, hey, listen work. We were running an experiment right now, a man, its democratic policy. Let's just call what the fuck it is it's fuckin idealism that doesnt translate to the real world. It's all ships. how's real good, what doesnt work? let me tell you something you can talk about. focusing on the top of be fucking cool bro, Somebody would just write me a check for a billion fucking that that'd be fucking cool. Someone just gave me a check for, but you know what
I want to check for a billion dollars. You know what. Bays, oh sure, write me a check for a billion dollars, fuckin know, but that's the point. That needs to be a lot more now, but I will tell you this that teller sent no yeah exactly so. The point is, but the point here, is that's exactly the fuckin mentality of this If I were to get on the show every day and say bases, has flock three hundred billion dollars or would have read fucking harmony. I wanna be bays us one day, and then eventually like. I got frustrated, because on that basis, right now, as I well, you know I saw, fair so basis. You write me a check for a billion. That's that's what the fuck you So, like sometimes you know, said, look you it ain't now. What now? What fair, not fucking, fair
this idea of affairs, what handicaps everybody into a fucking, bullshit life, so we are waiting for four can fail to be fought and fair. Somebody's always going to have an easier path. Someone's always going to have a path with less fucking, supposing you that change what it will do so for why so you're a fucking shit on your whole life and shit. Your chance away of Heaven a great life, because someone else had a little bit easier as we do or fucking week. I think that's important too. You know because of a lot. I posted a picture of art the street that we grew up on three for waste I repost some of the fucker couple of times. You know why cause I get tired of people fucking telling me who you don't order the flag. Well, I, but it's important to understand you know like there. reason that you don't hear in this manner. We don't have a sob stories victim in a sense of the word,
what a great fucking life is great lol, I'm so thankful for that shit. Yeah, I see them. It's just the perspective. Difference, I'm so fucking grateful for how the the fuck is though we all that we learn from those experiences, because it helps us now. Yeah helps us now, and so you we have so many people out there that want to fucking just they want to get the attention further south, story and opposed to getting attention for their store, we have overcoming that, but I think that's like I've always treated it like an ace in the hole, a sense senses. It's not nobody really, nobody does it really matter. the other day, like the only what the only reason that that that street mooney lane is right relevant or is relevant to my life is because, when the conversation comes up, I I I I have an ace in the hole whole sense of like hey. I understand I mean like. I only do yeah, but I understand- and I I let you know what I'm sitting here and I I write down a couple of notes like our stepdad, because our parents were divorced
In fact, there are no panel, have one memory of our parents being together. So I do. I only have one there beat the shit out of each other, yet the only thing that I remember one possible. We don't talk about that, though, because I don't want to embarrass everybody dessert There's a lot of shit, that's happened to you and I then I don't fuck and talk about because no one embarrassed the parties involved and and and and youth workers out there. They fuckin judge, not knowing fuckin reels. You don't know the real shit. Just like I don't know you real shit down. I think I think it's wanna say it's totally relevant to the to the whole story, but it is certainly not it shouldn't be highlighted, story yeah. You know, and I know, we've never treated as a highlight of the story. Minutes very like I mean I've posted that picture one time, one time my entire so media career. It's only been at one time. It is not an outburst of it. This is kind of like a relevant grants, with things right looks kind of like hey man like fuck this, where I grew up. You know like nobody, you know,
and I think you know when I do the east sixty right on the for cela brothers at some point in time, like yeah it'll be relevant. You know as long as there's where we grew up, but I think for me to rush to play vic in the longer I like its workers. Nobody cares because we all have. We all have gone too That's it I'm wearing inciting the victim bro, it's fucking. It would be torture. Why? If we ve tried to play that, because the truth is as follows: much harsher. Is there was there was a man? Should the play door vanish to I love it. I went that's what I'm saying traded but like these people who hang onto their fuckin sab story and hang there. victim had on it. Do you mean The fuckers are missing the point: you're missing the mother, fuckin point I I have one I I think you're missing a lot of the sunshine of life too, but I and I'll get to at the internet, our step that had nineteen eighty eight astro van was maroon, had two seats in it, one and my stepdad and mom, and a vcr repair shop, and that video lab video lab elsewhere is called and they report
vcr, and you know what they were honest people and they work their fucking asses off. As it was a it was a you know, it was a great experience to watch them grow up and you know because it might, our dad had to come. these well. That was you know. It was growing at the time and we saw go sweep the warehouse much like enzo and in the kids run around here a row a day like that areas. Yeah it ain't like that you to be clear. If you are answer my dad's warehouse. You would be for cried jacobus yet can hold up a foreigner, fuckin cove and are now in a region, aided china. pull it out of the back of it. So you know, but you drive around in nineteen eighty eight astro van there was room no lights with no seats, we run the cargo or with all with all the vcrs, and he would deliver it to like from store to store from the house, the house or from you know, the department store to depart store where he service the accounts. Like I I look at that. Like you know, we grew up on his fuckin little who's, your ass rock hoosiers white trash in ST louis who's, your ass, rock road? We did. We had a lot of fucking fun. You know we just ride around in the back of a fucking as you know
but we can very easily see hear me life dude version the day when we have organised cars we had that, like we can browse the taboo. We had that then, because, when the power went out in the house, that's where we went and hid yeah for a little fucking, kerosene heater know it's for real, and I I you know we we we had a lot of fun. You know dude right bologna and cheese fuck, scientists who catch her, but I can remember the shit like his fucking here's the thing bro we see here and spin that fuckin store the story anyway. We want cause. There was a lot of bad shit right. You know them I'm not gonna bash anybody. There were some poor decisions made him down in the end. It wasn't a great I'll put it this way. We didn't. well relationship with Emma yeah. That's just the nice way say I learned a lot from him. I wouldn't be, who I am without demands influence, but a medicine.
We talk shit on anybody or do anything like that, because it's not productive and the matter of fact is that all the shit contributed to where the fuck we are now, of course- and I I I I have this just cause- it's it's relevant to me. I remember when mom got a, she got. Ninety nine and my mom got her first. I kind of new used car right was in nineteen. Ninety four. Ninety five, Reggie grandpa, reggie, cherokee or red jeep cherokee, not a yet allows ensure he sport and I was awesome, It was ass, well ass, the chest, but that was a big deal in our house. You know what like it was. big deal. You know I can get a new car. He wasn't new, I think maybe I'd like ten or twelve thousand miles on but yeah. Will you know what
I look at all of those things that I think everybody in this sport know that was a country. It was a country, you got it yeah, and you know it's one of those things that I think you know. We all have a story right, yeah everybody's got it and what what's what's relevant to the situation as we do? Everybody starts at a different starting point. That's a reality! That's not a that's! Not a falsehood! I up thing you know in and honestly I have a great deal of regret. Thinking like where my kids gonna start, because I we started, I know one to ten? You know it and started zero right, but we we certainly did start a fuckin eight. Now you know- and I always think Mcmahon I wanted. Maybe I should move on a fuckin rock rode back, in fact you know what I'm saying cause like I sometimes like. I wonder I wonder I wonder that about kids, like about your kids, specifically like I'm, like fuck dude like they're, seeing their seeing us do all the shit they think they're going to grow up. Thinking, that's like normal know. I am going to a won't. I won't allow it to happen because I know I don't want my story to be their story. It's an important thing
I mean? Obviously you know like these lessons that we're going through right now as humans. You know, like, I think, what I what I personally see, because I you know like at the end of the day man I'm going to do me. I don't give up. I really do when I say I don't give a fuck who's president. I I I don't. It doesn't affect me from a positive or negative light, and how am I, how I'm going to mentally approach life, but what it does do and what the current situation allows me to see is how were raised when they were kids, you know and how they weren't held accountable. Nick little kicky screaming. Take your ball and go home or adults now they're adults now and by the way who when talking about those people for five fucking years, an embassy or project, and what was going to have you want It really gets your mind fucked about how are they gonna go, listen to all the ceo episodes and what I said about what would happen when the when those people came adults but you're watching it and your you're watching how grown ass adults- who am I
and I've never been to war. So this isn't and is kind of like a meat kind of throw in a blanket. But I you know: we've never. Artist like our current society has not been through a war of sense. You know- and I think there's a lot of you know. Unfortunately, no no, no! No there has been. It's just it's it's not. There has not been real hardship in society for a long time, at least a declaration yeah. I think I better way to stay. I dunno cut that up in fucking and hold the hostage in a sense, real work as listen, there's a lot of service men and women who right who sacrificed to live in it. I dont. Hopefully there. was not interpret that way? I boy being is like the real hardships. If you will like are a part of life. We, a hardship, two thousand eight for a couple years now and then however, ten years time, an entire generation, nine, eleven, so the evidence twenty years- and I know it and saint right so like there's, there's no perspective for what the fuck's,
all right now in the problem is that we have a whole generation of people who were raised by flock and video games and is in social media. you are now all the sun derived their value from activism. Right like David ashley value being an activist about something we in reality, they haven't done the homework to understand what they're even being active about right. That's the problem yeah! Well I and I, and I I also think you know the problem is- is like we idolize the wrong people. You know like I look fat. I look at you. Unfortunately, like we grew up, you know, athletes were a very athletes today are are a different breed in the sense where you know athletes went out when we were a kid they were, they were kind of like the standing side of citizens in a sense
like there are heroes, you know they were fuckin, they were americana. You know you think I, like the you know when we were kids and even you know even lacking steroids era, mark maguire and sammy social like these guys were like america has passed. I'm, and they were they were united in in sport and competition in america would get behind him and now Are they care about themselves? Yet You know, so you wouldn't know you want to know why. I think that is like what my. Why do you think that is I dunno? It's not you know why why it is. I I'm I'm fairly sure I know exactly why? What is you mean that why are we have reached a vastly today? Why so slow we ve had a major technological change since that time scale social media, where people I'm a condition to do whatever the fuck they gotta do to get attention and back then those people only got attention when they did it. things back, then they only got attention when they were for the media.
Then we had a media, there wasn't fuckin. Do they were report, the news completely different environment technology wise now, so now what you have is you have athletes being literally paid more because they ve popular, and so they do they do more. Things are social media to build that brand and we, totally different dynamic. So now it's not hey lebron james. You should be good, just a good role model and I must say, he's not. I must say that I'm just throwing their name out there now now, maybe bronze a bad example because he thought he brings on the court so much that it exists. So what you say. That's a bad example. Let's go do like outlawed middle of the road athlete I bacon? the more attention to generate the bigger the contractor? Yet so you have people taking more dress in and do what get work its attention on social meat. Does this being
fucking, genuinely good human, really get attention social or does controversy and attention ramses. This drama get attention right. Does You're not gonna Babby does divisive statements get attention. You say unifying stable, doesn't give attention. That's the sub big problem. The big problem and you guys listening should start waking up to who you support and what their message actually is because a lot of these messages, I dont believe or even genuine messages. These people believe, I believe, they're pandering to people to get them to react, and when we get into a situation where were pandering to people for a certain reaction, then were crossing from you know, reporting to manipulate and that comes down to the individual character. That's that's putting out the content right, so really what's happening is in. What we are seeing is
the rise of the individual eagle over the morally correct thing for everybody has to do. And we're a situation now were We have a million people scream and a million different things and reflect. son you know on previous shows, you know one instagram and facebook switched it from your having occurred. in relation to where you can like people's comments. People switched from. Conversations to saying things just to get attention so that they can welcome, win the argument now see many people are now trying to bring people together. A really don't I see some fake fuckin, you know hey can't be together with us. Now your ass five years, a fuckin, serious abuse and hate. I see that as our unity that fake, yellow sand, there's a tolerance it was a real tolerance of those people with with conservative views. What's wrong, we haven't over these. By the way
Why are you so afraid to say or conservative now say I call moderate, because I do personally believe in pro choice now. I believe it's not the right thing to do, but I think I have the right to tell people not to do it. So that makes me ro choice. So for me, why my wife and this is a very hard thing for people to comprehend. So, if I'm a judge right and the left you, SAM supreme court gudge, do like lotta people were attacking a barrett right in saying how she's gonna repeal rovers his way. Well, here's the thing guys Maybe these p more intelligent enough to separate the personal beliefs from a leather law in the constitution. Ok, I jumped at this is a free country do if, if
De I believe in pro choice like actually believe it when I was younger. Yes, I did but now that I'm older and I understand like a little more a little more about life. I don't think it's the right thing now, people who say more about this? What about that? I believe are circumstances that there should be an option. That's what I believe. That's, why I am pro choice that doesn't mean that I mean you know, go out and fucking, he'll babies and blood flood blah blah blah blah blah that you like do, there's so much extreme shit that there's, there's, there's no reasonable discussion and like conservatives, or to appoint now where they can and even say anything, because their looked at as like some sort of fuckin nazi right, but like do, can we not all separate or personal beliefs from actual constitution and being a free country I mean that's will be.
he is right like I can, I can choose what I do. I could choose what my family does That doesn't mean I to push on you, I mean, and you also make those choices with consequences. That's right hundred percent, so. What's hold about thinking like that? What's hard about, and you know like people live on, fucking, you know all all We should be borne. What should I mean should sure baby be borne? That's that's it from a result in incest or forcible rape or some shit like that, I mean- is that I don't know like. I am not the authority on that. And although I know people get mad say that the, but you know that why I call myself middle of the road because over my boy, please now I dont believe taxpayers pay for it. I don't believe that a conservative a like. I know that you are a hundred percent pro life, one percent. I dont think that your tax
it should go to pay for someone else's abortion, because that creates a moral dilemma for you. That is never talked about. Ok, so it should be private. This is my opinion we privately funded and if it's a situation that has to happen, then that should be dealt with on a personal case. case basis. It is not my position as a human to tell you what the fuck you can't can do in asking that case. I that's just how I feel and you could disagree with it. All you want, but that's where I stand and we we don't have the ability to have a rational conversation about fucking anything anymore. You don't want I'm just because of what I just said. I'm going to get so much fucking hate
won't say it from from people that I love and and fucking and kara. It actually is pretty amazing to think that, because you have a it's, a big thought right in the sense of like for me personally, I feel the same way I don't want to play. God sent my role, not my decision to force that upon somebody else either. I will group, I agree with you yeah, so it's like you know in that sense, like you, don't have to hate me for that yeah. You know what I mean. I think this is an a. This is an adult conversation that can be had where we can agree to disagree without. King hatred coming into sight right now, is it enough nest? Antics can be the same. I agreed on a mean like the presidency could be they say the same. It cannot be the same until everybody has the the interests of the common, good and right now, we have that we have a lot of elite motherfuckers in this europe Hey. This is getting into my fucking opinion. Now for you, fucking people are gonna where's your fuckin study when we're getting it
opinion, which doesn't require fuckin study itself, the opinion is based off of what the fuck wifi lived. Understand that You, you cannot say ah where's the step like. I can understand that the listener. You also have an opinion. You own opinion to the re and that's a god given rise, getting into the fucking opinion of the show for all you motherfuckers that are going to try it. For a long time. Real, oh yeah, no shit! if oh yeah and by the way, it's not my job to cite all the shit for you, this is a fucking show a personality. Show it I'll cite shit that You know one dj's here, put it up! Fuckin screen, you can look at it. j here today, motherfuckers for guess what oh google eight,
feel bad. We google that only I ask your our don't feel bad. Bro CNN doesn't site sources, you don't need to see a source prepared. You now not listen, listen! I! I guess now you're gonna get hey, don't you g h, mother, mother, fucker, the fucking thing series tell him once liver, fucking truth. You need a way to fuck up, that's the truth, so ok and then those fuckin. All these people are concerned. old, by a higher power, and the fuckin motivations money, an argument, Fuckers noah it and you're. If I can say it or a minute, we're all being manipulated, were the fucking farm there, the fucking aunt cheaper, and until we get all the mother, fucking farm we gotta be fuckin free. All you fuckers think we're free, we fuck and free. We ain't ever been free in my entire life, because we ve always been control by people out there. Who may the rules for people down here and there look at it like like it's supposed to be don't look at out like have representing my people
look at it like I'm ruined my mother, fucking people in that perspective has to change change, and I believe it is changing. I believe, a changing now and I believe that politicians that don't fucking get over their own mother, fucking ego, my gather newsome, who it will go to a fucking dinner with twenty other elite bodies who all So we are talking about the rules they made for all of us and they're, not about you motherfuckers replay a dangerous game, a dangerous game because If you go back in history and you look at what but people who dish it like that it isn't good. It isn't good. As I know you don't have, kids has sought ants and the ants keepers grow, Isn't his aunts and the grasshoppers if you've seen the movie and so is that what it is ants in the grass offers the fucking grasshoppers. it's gotta run around and collect the grasshopper's foods and the grasshoppers go. Do it or fuck they want and you're supposed to have the answer supposed to have the food ready by the time the fucking grasshopper.
get back there. I didn't like that. You're watching it. I was a big fan movements, yeah, really a warmer than getting more women loyal among your life, is, I answer. Both live lives like ok, it's a bugs life yak I had said in like bugs bugs life is pretty get that I didn't like it. dance is answer moving them together is a anti. I met a bug sound like an urban lock and shoot me here of bugs life a bugs bugs library, Angie GC, none of bugs bugs. now, just regular, always in the hood wriggling, soon heard otherwise poison heavier than here.
I still need to watch 'em what you do boy. What's the end, mba I need to watch content. I need to watch that dude straight outta. Compton have awesome yeah. I haven't watched it, but I've heard it's good anyway. The ant's service, the grasshoppers, I think in a sense like it's, not the ants in the ant keeper, it's the ants and the grasshoppers and at you when you watch the ants that stand up to the grasshoppers you know they stand up and fight back guess who gets in fuckin line yeah the grasshoppers know- and I I just think it's funny that you the analogy he used actually already been or trade a children's movie in the sense of understanding like hey man like when you get shit on enough and you're tired of servicing their needs, there's a lot more, can answer nor fucking grasshoppers withstand a fuck up piss on him. Grasshoppers walled fuck me: will you on people that they can't fucking open their businesses and they can't fucking go see their their sick dude address with what do we do this morning when we do so?
We spend our fuckin time with a woman who is a friend of ours who cutting was sick and couldn't get into the hospital, or treatment or even diagnosed, and guess what she finally got in the hospital after four months because of was happening? Guess what she's got cancer in the cancer spread to earn time But now I've talked to her this morning and I am very confident she's going to make it through because she's a bad mother fucker, but the point is, is how many people don't and how many people are being truly fucking destroyed. Because, what's going on in a lot of you guys call me crazy and you fuckin ran your mouse. I mean you talk shit on the internet. I told you, I told you what they thought. They were doing, ok and are still doing it until we all decide that we're not going to fucking play that shit y. The ian smith would a perfectly yesterday or day before, whatever on
and when you like, hey round one, we are where we all our food we all got food, and you know what I don't even know maybe full not full when nobody knew kind of what we are we're all taking it. Cautiously man, hey fuck dude at round two. You need to support your neighbor. We need to fucking get back to fucking best right and I think when you look at you know if, if we're going back to the petri dish and we're going to use the ants and grasshoppers and all the stuff- and you just sit back and look and say, hey wanna one it. Why don't want us to is not maybe two. It's not kind to want to want us to hear in a sense where they're playing by different rules than we're playing by awesome naked to fucking. Do it. You know that they get to you know antsy plos. He gets to go, get her hair done, but you can't nancy Pelosi
in setup, a fuckin dinner for fucking fifty people, but you can't have thanksgiving. He started thinking about this and it's like hey, fuck off. That's why in any, then you start thinking like wait a minute. I can't I this this this, if you're under fifty and I'm the stats are, they may not be to the percent correct, but they're fucking, real fucking close if you're under fifty and you contract covered. You have a ninety nine point: nine six per cent chance of living under fifty you're under sixty five, it's ninety eight point. Six, and that's that's acid! That's if you catch it! That's if you catch. If you get it and there's a fucking whole stat line on that too, so so, if you get it, which isn't certain, then it's this and if you want to go, compare stats, go compare that stat to your chances of being murdered, go compare that stat to your chances of being a car accident. Go compare that stat to being struck by.
Rogue imperlite step a fucking anything in fact. Let me let me let me give you will love, you must use fuck alive go into Google right now and Google. What is the odds of death for a plane crash and right when a pop up it'll, say one in fuckin how many million grow the google. So what are the odds death from cancer it'll say one of, however many? What are you of being murdered? One and one hundred and fifty or whenever fuck it is worthy as we dive covert. Don't you think they would have therefore, can stand up there at the front. Now they know do they. One eleven million, what I'm saying I've been the same thing say say what are the odds, dive covered and see if the noble pops up the same it does for any other cause. Death fuckin doesn't there's a reason for it: Am I lion were telling the truth. That's right
an end, but I'm gonna pretty amazing that it knows not know. Then I mean no, I'm not I'm, not I'm not expressing disbelief. I mean I'm controlling the narrow, your mail. I did my homework. No, no. I mean when you are think about it. Does sound amazing totally only amazing to you, because you are fully woke up yet? No, oh, I'm not walk. Now. You know what I mean go back right and so like me, start processing the one and one is that's a whole nother fucking concept loathing It's a label. They fucking give people to make them. you'll, intellectually superior to people who What the funny thing is is also motherfuckers that are most sleep. It's the truth. I am not saying anything else. It's it's usury and security to cover it right, you're gonna, You'll have have a title that everybody wants to be smart. So what's the fucking easiest way to be smart, joined the smart kids club and don't do any homework on five per tonne smart. I find a great deal. Joyously fuck. I stand up our money.
it is high time that it was an eye, but it's more higher. Does that you're gonna end of gray, I'm a fucking if I go blended with these motherfuckers, an arrow, smart ones that are smart too. That's why VON sits at the coffee shop every day, but that's what smart people do? I just drive through, because I'm too fucking lazy and I ain't smart enough to sit inside so I got to drive through them all the little dude. bottom line of this whole fucking scenario is: is that people you are now willing to look at everything or you're, not able to look at everything and what have to realise that in greece this is so hard for people to see what what is actually happening is because it requires them to admit that they were previously wrong about other things and that's a fun so fun to say: hey! I got fuckin lied to herself, but he had to realise it in your fuckin fault either. I do in fact have done
a job zone, and I would actually say I would say one of the most with the last bark ass was to the greatest things that I've learned personally as being essential in telling the truth, but something that that is also plays a huge role in that is. You know, humility and understanding, like hey manners, a lot I learn from being wrong. You know it's like you if you, if you are very learned more from wrong right or always wrong me to always. Like always, I learned I learned way more and I love winning way more in a fucking. You know Joyce was you and adolescents. You and I are different. That's ok, though, but my understanding that, there's so much to learn in a loss, if you're willing to accept the fact that you lost and that's how you look at losing fro perspective. If you look at losing actually made, so the whole question answer we always high about it is, but if you look at from the perspective that you're going to something new and you know that's true. Then
if you can learn to like losing your ST george kissell, this is it. This is out. He is a great cardinal. When I played in a baseball organization, George kissell is one of the he's one of the all time cardinal greats hall of fame baseball player had a he. He would always sit in rookie ball with the kids because he had so much pain. You're talking about a guy wore the cardinal uniform for, like forty seven years minutes, fucking her fifty seven years his lot and he used a there as he would. He had this real distinct voice and he would always be like this. The difference in people is when you fucking, look at him as rocks in water and he's like you take a bucket of water. You take a rock, you drop it in the fuckin water. What happens the rock fuckin sinks? You take the rocky stick it in the fuckin water. What fuckin happens, the rock fuckin sinks when you go up to the plate with
same god, damn approach and you swing at the same shitty fucking pitch you're, the fuckin rock in the water. Don't think about that in the sense of losing right when you grow up with the same fucking approach in a pitcher's going to say well, fuck this guy canada curve ball curve balls. You know you just described that you described half the people that escape from California yeah they fucking California, move to texas, keep on the same shit, fucking. Amazing. That way. All you, texas, mother, fuckers, better, give me a high five for putting this shit out there cause. I want them to stop to nude. Ok, when I come to Texas some of our for the world treatment, let there be? No don't they get there by the real treatment is bigger in texas, everything's baron taxes. Apparently us right, the latter, including the tax incentives. That's why they left, but they don't. I their version of somalia and knows dull motherfuckers, so europa back to it. It's like you know if you can't make it I meant right you're, not willing to make an adjustment you're, the fuckin rock, and not the rock fuckin
johnson them Daniel iraq into motherfucking water, like you're, an idiot, your fucking idiot by the way a lot of people are like. Oh you do you hate the rock now no, I fucking hurt dude still handsome. I focused a lot of rap, though somebody just slipped up and ass, though I mean I used to say men, maybe Macabre has run for governor of texas. He break it. All right around the whole lot ruler. You did fuck me. Medallion minors, enabling us to vote for my mother, fucker I'd want to fuck in one day I desire to smoke, but I would I want to get back to work. Wear tight teach any getting a little better shape, tight t, shirts and a fuck. A roll pack of cigarettes must leave. If I can let the guns hang a dude, I got it. I got that that he drove the seventy shell and if a movie gazing views the same one black one shrugs next following on saying this year will be the kids fuck him put some. You know some hippy shit autumn Outspread rose. Suddenly, a movie rape such a movie
as well as women in order to guide me start smoking weed dude well. Bottom genes are great. Thank you movie. Thank you. Couldn't turn tina so did I can now I dont know if it is it listen if quint turn tino dealer be all out war bug in blood, hard and and gross net inoffensive language way, events of language and elderly inappropriate a million different in April. We all prior love in this, not at the guy. Second, we are modified hit or miss. Do yeah she's, so good, bye so good. Your dislike god do. What did I just watch? Oh so good, hidden, a lot of draw at the end of the movie. Here's the thing you're had the same response at the end of it. his movies you're always going to be like fuck. What what the fuck did? I just watch football. This is bad mother, fucker yeah. It's either great or just kind of like yup, I had to turn. I wonder what else is on no shit here. You know enough.
Could vote yes, move in order like ok, so Are you got? You got po right, re movie You gotta inglorious bastards, great movie and you got. Once upon a time, mexico. The fuck was that dude this far yeah, like that, you know what I don't get it was. I think that was just like hey, let's break this crate, like you, ve seen a movie homer. Not at all in mexico, Google, google, it now there's a fuckin mexico, maybe maybe calcite mouse, no, I am. I am ignorant to the situation she is in. It know you don't even know cheech. I will tell you this Your dad data can read us two fucking teaching, John get you don't you must not taken it. When I took the whole thing was a motherfucker
What did I say? Google falcon hollywood, you googled you're you're, the fucking people were, looking about them and a group of my own answer, my group boundaries or what I say I was united will say, this is no place on Andrew. No use now I've been wrong in this situation is right: yeah, ok that doesn't mean you right yeah you was on here I was there. I was born one. By the day Is teacher no movie well you don't? Even I know to your client, emery, yeah, Cheech marin right to turn a huge, regular I'll turn, he knows in memory, I'm my bad. When I see
here's a lorry less than ever. You know he's starting point of the housing market wrong queen, you didn't do it. I movie soccer carefully. Before can do ok I'll take them, no, but I still right with you mother fucker. I told you to google it and you just google, your own answer, trying to prove yourself right, see, there's a problem you fucking generation don't know. It's generation is because he's a calming. What So how is it? I got one boy I got one for you know bro, you know aids, communism, maybe red tie you always communism, the most people in the countries. I do. I sum organise his homework for everybody, where my dad used to he used to. Let us slash, make us watch born in east l, a we're. What ten yeah levin fuck teacher like six were young spes, yes
so tonight you guys need to get on whatever amazon, prime or net. I don't think that now houses affleck's born in houston for your lap and watch it tonight. It's friday night, it's fucking funny! If you partake in the green, I would highly suggest you do so before you watch when you fart man is away. You got away with it broke those movies. They could even be focused shone like an awesome. well revision. We're talking about redefining you know cause you can't tell any racial jokes anymore at all like if you If anybody you fucking your piece of shit, so instead a set of racial, whereas it it's its cultural humor truffles, your humor for nobody back make make make america culturally human again
well Dave chappelle could do it no shit dear to his that's. Why he's the fucking best? You know you go back and watch any of the old comedy dude eddie murphy, a they made fun of fucking everybody for everything, and it was the greatest thing ever. Why don't we go back? Why don't you mother fuckers, get together and you want to heal america the way he america's we're, fucker, humor, serene rich or poor, back. I was going to say really. Maybe the worst lies the workers rights, as he saw by nine days, deathrays back by today's definition. Liberal definition is richer. Prior, oh yeah would be like lot of cocaine row, the worst bigoted person and now he's download ass. I d go google abroad, James cassettes wahoo. He likes an eternal me. The screen around show me the brown ram asking about fucking richer prior did richard prior right, so there's only need we need. Is he dead or alive? Are you didn't ya jays so I'll priors day,
prize been down. He is like the late now get rabble where ninety five, I must admit that there he got sick row days. I state over school, going on aids or suffer marilyn frill. Possibly ida is happy here. It is a good thing. I actually think he did what he die of rich or poor of what so you're off by his echoes of doubt are also right with the five I yeah, I remember him being on the front cover magazine like looking all emaciated and stuff. Oh shit up here, You know it. I will gather, usually sullen. Ok, how so rich prior to help me. I know so who got it stay chapels, eddie murphy saw our man he's got one of the most his means over and always point in his head. Eddie murphy, marlon
it's great fuckin comedian, sinbad toilet sinew. Since I approached and bell bottoms you that's the massacre me, a lively, gavroche nobel amount of his danger lies with those three, our selves and nice little mix array. I dunno I like sinbad, necessary roughness. I've hired, you know what's funny, so I do this girl from belgium for five six years. When I was in college- and I have said forty- seven acta- the we ok really goes. Where you may, I shut up, I kind of guy. I know we were we going away. She speak much. English. So let us show you how fuckin stupid I am so you know what went to wash cause it's back. We rented movies right. This is back and fuckin back in the day at the wash our first looking like, hang out, the bay wasn't netflix ensure, was watch a movie and hopefully get laid tell us, was the play back, then so, you don't wanna murphy raw yeah, this fucking chick doesn't even speak english lacking in I fucking
now she does. The English, when we started dating, dave or long time. She got good english. But she didn't speak much english. So I rent this fucking movie, where I can't even understand half the fucking shit. That he's saying. I laugh my ass off, I'm looking at her like why you don't think it's funny she's, like really you know, doubt netflix into these be blockbuster booby. I guess loud muster a booby like buster movies. There don't I mean think about that, like date now used to, like you go to dinner and on the way home you it that's like it's fuckin sat. Actually you know because you would get walk into blockbuster. You'd have to walk around. You know get go look than he really sideways value to the experience. Of course you get let down, because albany releases we're out like a man like I wanted to see that I got what I want. Austria was run by people, they weren't arrogant his flock. They could have one that battle, but dinner. I don't do that. Video still yeah I remember they could have they could have built, they could have built inexperienced based around that you don't say
and you're not on where they are universal. Ghana, lawyers and misery link there. I think I'll come back in time is that that was I in a different way. Yet I was you know, because you had like sit down and instead of scroll in anything, you want. This is the problem with the world right now. If you want right now at your disposal, it's at your fingertips cause that's click of a button like a blockbuster man. You had to strategically think like if you wanted to get the new release your guitar log on early. You knew you know you, relax did could think like came and it made the data experience or that you know that the date experience made it more genuine or intimateness sense, where he had likewise, Italy, are you want that one year now, russia, yea. I knew how I promise now it's like the who is her. Some shit on before we like here: u turn on because I want start eating against this. different, remember back in the day before I viziers, were even real common. You actually could read these not just rent the movie.
I rent the vcr to Jabra yeah. It came in a big plastic grocery as they used to be a video section. You could rent the vcr. Remember now, oh fuck, do I forgot about that yourself? My dear bert, gearbox needs to have that video video section. Mn, I always tried to like go see the news, as the porno videos I got, and when I did it was I I I try to walk by real fast, so that my dad wouldn't see me looking they didn't have porno is a dear breaks. They just had like shannon tweed movies. That was what we always told me last year. Ninety eight add of funds. The squiggly screen that there was a big deal. Man gabardine you ve got if you cod booby in a movie always with a cable, Ambrose my dad. I, that activity secondary terms a watch it right down a slide. Now that you didn't do the best poor was when you could put, you had to pause it in the right spot like so that it wasn't in the fuckin what're you like, but I want to explain and because now you like an image that, at any rate, poisoners squiggly. Why didn't even get hurt? You kids did so fucking, no man.
The sheer we're due to do to do The people do was just where I live, Key was like switching the channel back and forth so like if you couldn't, if you couldn't get the squiggle to clear up, it switched the channel away and then back to it should have called VON back yeah yo at it was pretty good on bissell. I I knew how to work the system. I bet you did I bet you did not say proud of it, but I did know how to work it whenever a tale. Whenever tags well, What are we gonna do with rapid apples? Are you you're. You're on the show. I guess I was your coming for the daily shut you down, governo stuff. This is very gave us, and that is very different from men and women, and I see your project I'll, probably now an hour and forty minutes I'll yeah, but I well. I My question is in all this is: how does one keep one sanity.
Through all the raising of that's a good question, man, I'm glad you brought it up, because I welcome it touch on that earlier. When we were talking about, you know how how how disruptive what's going on is to two people write. A lot of people are struggle. right now, a lot of people are not just struggling financially but the struggling fuckin emotional. I know a lot of people who have done really well financially this year, who are a fucking wreck in their brain. Because of all this is chaos at their forcing us to fuckin absorb every day all day Does europe have to remember man that these these external sources that are, of course Seeing you this pain, anxiety and frustration. You have to remember their external sources, so it's very easy to. ah eliminate some of them things in it. It's by setting boundaries right leg-
I'm not going to allow the news to affect my mentality. I'm not gonna, allow the bad stories in the negativity and the frustration of of what I'm being told. I I should have. make me frustrated, you know, and then the other thing is, and people have a hard enough time. With this in mind, in normal times, that's enough you know we make it for this I mean, I think, our basic. I feel a lot less stress, but ah you know it comes down to controlling what you can. Control comes down to taking care of the things that you need to do to be personally healthy and I'm not taught my physically held him tom healthy as a human. and I know you ve got a limit. The distractions you you, you ve got a limit the amount of negative information that you absorb you eat.
One thing I think really helps is is- and this is big- why I'm so big on critical thinking. Looking at the facts of the matter, you know a lot of people in distress right now, because there there Thus, the goal of some of the people that are their running shit is to create a reaction, and you have to keep I remind you have to keep in mind that you know and think about like why why do they want me so wound up? Why do they want this reaction? Why do they want me to be angry? Why are they feeding him use information if you could see if you could see the facts and then and then and then separate yourselves from here's the actual lacks here's, I'm being told, and instead of like playing in it as a participant start to see it from outside.
I like this is what's going on and lose the connection that you're in it and sorta like float above it and watch it. It gives you a different perspective and that's the perspective. I would like people to sort of detect such and watch and observe contribute when you can't and things that you believe in, but at the end of the day, You know of your struggle and right now I guarantee you. I can almost fucking guarantee that you are not controlling your food you're, not control your water you're, not patrolling your work out. You are not doing positive things that contribute to your growth, a lot of things that are covered in seventy five hard and an yeah yeah, that's a plug, but its supply, because his fuck untrue and
and I would suggest anybody who's struggling right now to to attack it head on and maybe try to get discipline about some of these things, because mental discipline is just as important as physical discipline and mental discipline only comes, when you are aware, and the only way to get aware is for you to learn a fax and observe the situation from a different perspective. So, instead of you, you thinking, It's this sad and this side and Well, I'm on this side, because I believe this or I'm on this side, because I believe this and fuck these people and come over here. That's where I'm at that's, where I am I'm watching a lot of a lot of you, regardless of if I say I believe This remark you try to assign me to this group not in any of those groups, more whom I offer my elder- watching all this crazy. Shit and what I do when I come on, the show is try to show my observations
and so maybe you know, a respectable adjustment would be helpful for people who are struggling right now. I think it would be getting control the things that you control and will help a tonne limiting alcohol fuck alcohol right. Alcohol is now your friend right now, too much negativity in the world whose tumor, in fact I almost forgot how power company guess what you shouldn't be drinking right now. That's the truth now! you're, not going to the reasons why, but it's a depressing and it's gonna fetch you in a way that is not conducive to having focus in hand, clarity and having less anxiety, it's gonna factor in a negative way. But we're talking about a level of control here that a lot of people are willing to assert where you could try, a lot more shit than what we think we are. What we claim to be an that comes down, what we said earlier about personal accountability. If you, if you deny the fact that you actually are in control of those things
then you're done your denying your entire opportunity to live, a proactive existence, because what you do is surrendering your entire life over to circumstance versus control and, of course, that's going to be fuckin. Fill you with anxiety. Of course, that's going to make you feel hopeless. Of course that's going to make you like your things are worse than what they ray surrender your entire life, your entire life over to circumstance, because you don't want to address, the negative issues or the things that need to work on as a human you're surrendering. You know really everything over to something else is not new rolling you're, just gonna, be a leaf in the wind. I'd rather be a motherfucker redwood yell at me, So, if you're struggling right now, maybe replay that part a couple of times and try to understand where the perspective change needs to happen, but I know a lot of people
online and the reason I come on the show and try to try to see relay what I see happening is sold in may you're couple you guys to wake up and say fuck fuck that I'm I'm I'm I'm not going to allow myself to be played by this side or that side in this and this you know what I'm saying now now when we talk about oppression and we talk about tyranny and we talk about, walt fuckin people who are way up there telling us how to fucking live, and we can't do this and that nah bro, I'm not down with that. Now don't think you should be either. You know when people are telling If you can't make a fucking living, you can't open your business. You can't fucking to keep your jobs. You can't keep your employees, etc, etc, etc. Fuck, you ok, we're sick of this shit and I'm with that and with standing up for yourself and I'm with standing up for that constitution and the freedom
that it stands for, but my loyalty lies to that. It does alighted fucking donald trump wardrobe on it. Just doesn't, and that gives me peace when their fight you know in just like. I said on that saturday, when they announced Biden, was the fucking President elect when he's not, and a lot of people were mad at me and are required to speak it out. Why don't you this will, first of all guys I've been trying to tell you guys all year what what was going on and a lot of you guys just fucking. You know let it go in one ear and out the other year when I told you to stand up the first time you didn't okay, here we are again you're going to do it again, because if, if you do, How will we want? Shame on you for me twice! Shame on me and that's just how I feel about situation in
Well, there's all kinds of feelings and arguments on different things. You know oh well, you'll feel different when your dad gets covered. All my fucking dad had coven, you know what he did was sick for one fucking day he might as healthy when that takes himself. I ran three miles. A day was sick. Seventy five, so are we to quit the fearmongering and shaming and the oh you're, a bad person bullshit, that's going around all the stuff and start asking ourselves what the fuck are we doing, because a quarantine historically over the history of fucking earth means the sick people stay home. The vulnerable people stay home And the rest, the people move the fuck on knowing the risk, and that was gripe on this whole situation, the whole entire time there should. never been a fucking shut down for sure. Ever been a lock down the sure, never been this fuckin sort of action and its unconstitutional and that will come out.
The case long term, I believe, that's my opinion, but I believe it's gonna well we're going to see a lot of the shit come our next four fucking, eight years where people are held accountable for what they're doing to people right now, it's not right and all of you know it's not right, and you need to put your political Sean's aside and start thinking of yourselves, a mother fucking american starts. In yourselves as what is your responsibility to america because the truth is disobeying. Tyranny is part of being an american. It's part of your obligation to being american. If you think things are tyrannical and you're being oppressed, issue responsibility stand up to it. That is,
What this country's about and a lot of people have a problem with it. They see that as anti american and all enemies, foreign and domestic, and me to remember that that's my opinion. That's my position on it. And so you know it's a lot. Man there's a lot of shit in do I wouldn't have more episodes talk about more of the things that come around, but if my my closing offer you guys are stay calm, search for that. Earth do not allow them to manipulate your emotions, don't allow people to manipulate emotions. If people disagree with you're in a call you names, those people have empathy for those people understand that their perspective. may not be the same as yours, and maybe there It's not an adult enough to accept that we can have different perspectives. I am you are and I know you are too
I say the entire conservative fucking movement seems to be that way too considering there was no fucking riots and no fucking burning, and no this or that. So you know you have to ask yourself what, where, where do you belong? You belong with people who love all america and all its people. Or do you belong with the group who hates half of amerika, and thinks they should even be here, because there's two distinct differences going on right now in the cultures of the two main parties lot dude, I I'm getting tons of dmg from people who are Democrats every fucking day, saying dude. This is bullshit, I'm embarrassed to be a fucking democrat, I'm embarrassed to fucking. Do this, and and and I voted for Biden, but I think I voted wrong too. I'm getting fucking ten of those messages a day right now, that's you- that's ok, your chances to stand up and do the right thing. You have that chance Every single day you had the chance to stand up, and- I would call, should caution
but if I can egos thing, you know what I thought I saw the wrong way about no say I know what I thought guarantee no direction a bad about how you'll want to try to do your fuckin answer that, if a whole entire problem that this country like a Google tell me I'm right, that's confirmation by its most william, nor the fact that is instead of going out looking to see? If your answer is right, why don't you go out and see what the right answer this? Then we can make some fucking progress here. You know so with that being said, I am gonna close. The show I want to say thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for supporting myself. Thank you for supporting the show. Thank you for sharing the show. If you got some good stuff from the show for change your perspective, which I hope it did, and you know, share the show with your friends. If you hated it, then fine, that's cool too,
you know, make sure that you message VON and tell him to move back to ST louis, so we can do a show every day and I know or help us raise money for a bullet. Train bullet train that'd be pretty cool easier if he just moved. They work before the great problem, solvers easier as they want old during a lot. And I realize lot- I was there- I mean hosing thought about it. I think again, it goes back to you know. I there's two things it that are evident, that the airline- you said, the great clothes, but you know back in April or may do statements that I think become extremely. Relevant now and in the data, will prove like the only way to really see what happens when we look at told us at the end and were able to take down the total des, because if they can misconstrue the number along the ride to to trigger anything any result, they want
the data is. Only models are only good as the data you put into them and when you look at the total deaths over the course of twenty twenty vs, twenty nineteen, twenty eighteen, twenty seventeen, the right line very similar rights of that. So the the recession of this is a little bit little bit kind of interesting to me writes we're looking at. Maybe we are being misconstrued in some way, shape or form. That's a proven. I would say that that's a proven fact two is an unequivocal lead, team, red, white and blue. You know we're all in the same boat and we need to make sure that our boat is secure. We need to make sure that we're taking care of the people who are in our boat. We need to make sure that we're taking care of this great country that we've been given the opportunity to have freedom because of the men and women who have laid down their lives to support that constitution, in which our obligation, if you're, not going to grab a rifle and go fight to protect it. We should-
It's protected against our own people. Our own terrorists internally, which are there, are domestic terrorists. It's a it's, a very real thing and I think our obligation should be to protect our constitution and and when you look at you know the team that we're on like it's not about right versus wrong. It's about making sure this boat fucking goes safely and securely down the fuck notion. We can avoid fucking. We can avoid the icebergs in the water right. So that's that's my thought. The only thing I'll say is that the other day you had that concept of the two disciplines, the macro discipline and the micro discipline, and I think that Can be applied to our actions when it comes to exercising influence to, I think the powers that be in the powers that want to manipulate us one is to believe that, no matter what its futile, like his hope they're gonna manipulate us they're, gonna, they're, gonna
have whatever schemes they're they're putting together. You know, excuse perfectly and there's nothing. We can do about it and I I think everybody should understand it. That's false that every little action we we perform just like in discipline, every little good act. We perform compounds converge. And in produce a great result. So I think, rather than people getting overwhelmed about everything, that's going on in the world and feeling like everything's lost in our country, because, while the craziness that's going on just wake up every day, you you're good deeds treat your neighbour with kindness, love your family love, your kids. I do whatever you need to do to just, but you know positive actions out there and trust that those those actions wool will compound good good things will will result If it comes to it, you know in the next round of elections, then we all exercise are our eye. God, given
I devote great if, if it comes to eventually that we have to exercise our second amendment right, to the battle tyranny. Well across those rights. that's, why is there and it will cross aboriginal, we get there, but the devil. Don't give into despair, don't give a don't give in to a feeling like all is lost cause. It's not, and I think, if everybody who is a good, you know, law, abiding god, fearing citizen does their part everything's going to be fine. Yeah and doing your part is ah some something and I want to say- and I think everybody needs leaving and think about this- sometimes doing your part is to stop mining our business. there's a whole lot of people right now that are passively the reason that a lot of people all speak up and don't stand up is because most people mind their business there, like I just want to left alone on my mail business, and I want to do that. The problem is with the guys
is that when you continue to mind your own business and you don't speak up for what's right, you passively accept people that don't you're accepting a system that doesn't want to mind your business and thus you fucking scare, the fuck outta you evil triumphs when good men do nothing that's it! So I would think real long and hard about how many times you see people out line, and you just mind your own business, because you're trying to be polite, as opposed to actually standing for your. What you believe in and that's our biggest problem right now, our biggest problem is we bunch people hers? Fucking loud were attacking people who say anything and for that reason most people don't want to say anything because they want to deal with the heading that comes from it. Well, if you
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.