« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

599. Andy & DJ CTI: Chinese Flags In San Francisco, Facebook Now Allowing 2020 Election Stolen Ads & Chris Wray Gets Caught

2023-11-18 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Chinese flags lined up in San Francisco as Xi Jinping arrives, Facebook and Instagram allowing political ads stating that the 2020 election was stolen, and Rep Clay Higgins confronting FBI Director Chris Wray on FBI operatives working inside the crowds on January 6, 2021.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now, my german from the county, millions in kobe teach buddhist, god of all things, rope can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club. What is your guys is the engine for salah, and this is the show for the realise, say goodbye to the lies, the fitness and illusions of modern society and welcome mother fuckin reality guys. Today we have eddie and dj cruz. well, the fucking internet nuts. We're going to do that's where ctr stands for stands for cruise the internet. This is where we put topics up on the screen. We talk about them. We speculate on. What's true and what's not true, and then we talk about how we, the people, are the solution of the problems going on world other times you to name. We have q and I asked that's: where are you can submit questions and we give you the answers? You can submit your questions. One of a couple differ ways. The first way is causing all those questions and to ask anti at eighty four,
but I got or you can go on youtube on the queuing up cells, which typically post on mondays and drop your call in the comments will pick some from there is well other times a real taught real time. Just five twenty minutes of me giving you some We'll talk, then other jobs, full length, that's where we have an interest in gas come soon studio. We have a conversation, and then we have some define hard versus seventy five hour. Verses were somebody who has completed the seventy five, programme who had throughout you'd show of a life before No longer has a issued show of life, and then they come on the show, and I talk to you about how they did it. fewer unrest in seventy five are, which is the initial phase of live our programme, which is the most popular mental conditioning programme. That's ever been created in the history of mankind, for free and episode to await an audio feed. If you want to go, get it on the audio feed there is a book is well it's on my website. Amy Priscilla, dot com called seventy five. Aren't you can read about there
definitely unnecessary, but if you like to know the ins and outs in the nuts and bolts three in the book is a good idea. So we all want ads on the show you in a notice that in exchange for that, we have this thing called the fee. The fee is very simple because I'm not feel your head with a bunch of ads and I'll, be beholden a bunch of advertisers. Tell me what I can't I can't say, very simply that you help us spread the word them and if the show makes you think for measures, it gives you new perspective. If it out open your eyes, some things we think it's a message that needs to be heard. Please do your partner are the show, you know we get shadow ban, we get traffic ronald, we get the worst parts of the censorship, issue going on in this country and AL two guys sharing the show. People don't hear it so don't be a home finisher. Alright, it's going on brother, one, not much question what came first, the chicken or the egg.
I dunno man. We do that if we knew that answer, it wouldn't be the quiet. You know we wouldn't have heard that question a million times yeah. Well, that is a matter for right, because we ve all seen this right is posed by it. it was shared around may have a couple of months ago. I know we talked about it on on a prior city. I write: where shows? Are you know they do something comes out about Biden and then the hammer trump another indictment. Today, the very next day right are very interesting things. Well, I think what came what comes first, the chicken or the egg, because they did it again. yeah. So so a of you, seeing this, but so there was a wind for trot right. This hell, I'll new york, judge lifts tromp, gag water and silver fraud trial over free speech concerns, as they should right cause amuse completely a constitution
The new york judge, has lifted the gag order imposed on former president donald trump in a somewhat fraud trial stemming from state attorney general that he should james lawsuit against whom and the trump organization citing concerns over free speech, appeals court David Friedman issued a stay on the order. Thursdays was put in place by judge arthur gore and in october, in corners overseeing on trial imposed, the partial gag were blocked all parties for making derogatory statements about his court staff. You know the wednesday for that was you know. Malachi Lee messing around with humour in arms, know the I'm yeah. So so that happens right. So so it gets lifted, that's a great win, so it's a big win for first amendment rights, it's cool, but then the egg came or the trigger. I dunno, which one you know their classified docs thing. That Biden did, which was your equivalent, the same thing as trump debt yeah. He just got off on all those charges
while did they? Did they charge trump with that, though? Yeah? That's where part of the the shit is going on with the Dave smith, a prosecutor for for that case, so he's got like four separate cases going on all at once, and unlike the biggest thing on that case with trump it's like, he was, I mean he was president and he is lawfully able to declassify anything at any time, and I need a special permission or Biden. I mean he's, got stuff everywhere. Yeah I mean I'm not surprised. Are you surprised now not not not surprised? I just think it's funny that, like okay, if there's a a loss on combine here's a loss for tramp tramp gets w where's doubly for by like the issues so obvious the timeline of this stuff me I mean This point dude, I mean, I think everybody understands the corruption that double standards is going on and if they don't their camp lately, brainwash to one side or the other. I mean, if you have any, rational ability to to think no matter what you,
nobody, the candidate. I me clearly cedars double standard, there's a double standard that benefits the Democrats. In the end, the leftist you know, people in literally every area of society right now you know I muster. Can you think of any double standard? That's like going our way now, not saying one. I can't think of one either yeah, but they you know it's, you know it happens in the legal system. It happens in politics, it happens in the media, it happens, crime, yeah and crime. I mean it's, it's ridiculous! There's a there's a far left communist standard that is being held up by Now all of these people and and the corruption is deep, dude, it's it's in the media in politics in the court's its it's everywhere and on. You know the good news is. I think people are starting to see it more than they've seen. You know this entire time I think it was really easy for a lot of people to see you know who incur
wait. I think a lot of people got woke you know and then as progressively as started to unravel spaces. ITALY, when we got to the point where the starting to persecute tromp furry and keep him off the ballot and try to like, ruin this guy. Before election, I think people are starting to see it. Even if you know they lie trump, though their able to see It- and you know it's dangerous because a lot of people see it and do not saying anything related date. They think it's ok, because working in their benefit right now but the reality is, as you know what I worry about setting a precedent for the pendulum too. Come from the other direction next time, Eventually, when we deal with these two extremes right, this extreme laughed and six. Dream right and it goes back and forth. This is actually how genocides happen, and this is how you know wars, but in civil wars and conflicts, and am you know,
it's something that I have been talking about for years in warning. Everybody about by you know me voice. Just isn't big enough to to really make that level of change. You know When we look at people who could have made the change they opted out of making, change you know remain like a lot of these, big time, celebrities that bowed down took me when they were literally at the top of the final in terms of traffic. and getting the word out. You know it's disappoint, did because now in a situation where the pendulum is swinging back and I do believe, I do believe that most people are shifting the overton window back to the right and we're have to see what happens. You know like Ultimately, what what should happen is hopefully We will get a leader that we, like not be so. generalizing in their response. In order me like, I feel, like the people who are breaking the law needs to be here.
the council, and we can't lump an entire groups of people into that right, like this work is danger. Grants and that's what I worry about by look, do there's a difference between Democrats and left us or I Democrats or capitalist. People who are good normal people who have lost Liberal leaning views and like if we went back Twenty years I would be considered democratic, because I don't have a problem with things like gay marriage or just bay the middle of the road social issues, but we will work getting position now where the damage that I'm, a are being lumped him with leftist and democrats are typically capitalist, left us or communist who are programme. Seven, these are the people who were killed, opting society at the highest level and so, like me, people who are making these decisions at a high level too implement all of these things right, those The people need to be held accountable, not entire. An entire police.
Call ideologies side through unless its communist and real real time that's. How I feel communist should not be allowed to exist in america, not big enough. There pendulum swings back it's when you say that you should have video magma, Michael app. Apart from me, I did yeah. That guy talks a lot a dumb shit lot announced. I mean he's like he must live in is I don't like. I always liked him as an afterthought he's a great actor. He was in fucking cop land. I was just watching cop land with so MR sloane you've seen that lindsay eyebrow, it's good, isn't it yeah fuck, it's a good movie dude. I check this video record. Yeah, there's been other things, so there's been other things too there's other times where I'm sure like I do for dickstein donald trump, who I had conversations with. I might vote for that. Motherfucker, oh yeah, I'll break the fucking, oh yeah I'll break your hearts. Let me tell you something things: don't get straightened up in the
a sap and I no smoking joy said the right thing about Israel, but what I m c and mother new york city in public in forty crowds of people rip down you win flags Ripped out is really flags ripped out american flags or veterans day. When the economy is the way the economy is what I'm paying fuckin mortgage rates up to look up, I mean I'm gettin, forget her. Forget it colonoscopy. You'll need to get a column. Ask me, go go, buy a house can feed Tariff rates cope on its core and I know smoking Joe always done some things for the I know What I'm telling you re, not gonna, go buy yourself. A couple check: go check what it's like to buy a car, my house, by growth of money, the fucking care
in this country. The uk us around the world, but I'm too far down the single man dingle until four down the destructive warrior rather hold to pull back. The comments have been made. I said I've had conversations with somewhat if it comes down the pig dick down through the smoke and Joe Biden. I'm sorry, I'm sorry voting for pig dick down trump is on the table. I'm sorry, I'm fucking are still called slab. Dick donald trump predictable, and all that, but we need to give this whole fuckin situation under control agreed. I mean how do we will hold on bro like but you're? The reason is I ass like wait. What is wrong with these people's brains that they cannot understand that there is causing
one is to your vote that affects you, consequences. You're, ok, like when things are good. Everybody wants to talk about all these abstract concepts. It don't effect is a daily life. It's a boy the line issues and below the line issues and all these points, pull. This guy included will talk in all this bullshit about this racism about, you know bill and all these made up fucking rush The collusion all this shit right with ever considering that, like dude, these progressive leftist will destroy the country to the point Were you not doing well anymore, you're If you look in the way that is supposed to look shit is more expensive and now happening is binds coming out on tv, soon now is working its working for who for them who yet there's not a single person that voted for Joe Biden, bro, that's looking at by like when he says by mavericks, is working everybody
you who voted for you. They know that they fucked up like you, have to know. You're saying. Could you seen your own life and I This should be a lesson for every single one of those people. Why do there above the line issues. The bottom line issues are the economy climb. These are things that affect you daily basis, my right, and there below the line issues these things like abortion. These things, like you know, there's a million other ones, but the point is we should value what is going on that our lives potentially and beaver. On those issues and that common sense for we body, accept these fuckin far left people like what I don't want to live a guy like that. Just like this video is a great example of just a lower you person, I think so too. Artillery can't put together the fact that the city Why should we are? It is because of the things that you he was saying and because he, our rhetoric and because of the narrative
people were brought this guy's in about boat, look dude, he look he's getting. You're a big mouth and he's gotta following in people, love to troll, Stu, because literally if we go over the last. Four years of existence where this guy's been ranting like this, he It's long ever he's the entered this of us he's been wrong. Every single flock time, dime on every single issue in autumn san overthrown, yeah, and you ever noticed how these are the loudest people like dude, you fucked up you the rock just look at a camera. So you know what man I don't know. What I think I know I was wrong, I believe the lies they lie to me too. Like tell the truth and settled, trying to hang onto your pride like. I would respect this dude. Would I look in the camera, and we, like you, know why man, I was done and I got taken alone jug because like do, we ve been what this is propaganda. Man like we grow up with an eye here that, what's on the news, is the truth.
and what's been on, the news for the last fifteen years has not been the truth. It's been lies has been made up, things has been social initiatives and all of these things have been put into place for controlling the technology combined with it has crafted A certain segment of society to go to the camp like to the communist level and some across the line, and you know I mean, do you like. you have to be a fucking idiot till I keep voting the same way. You're gonna go it's like people who move from california in and then go wherever there go in and still vote for this. Shit like right now, the fuck. Did you move? Do like really What a show like here's, what I have learned, that is what it is, is that. There is therefore seriously like a whole lot of very low iq people that belief They have a high, I q, because they went through the progressive liberal education system and got awarded a piece of paper. Tat, says you're, so smart right collar degree right.
an and there's just a lot of people who who believe they're super intelligent, because the system that was created to create little work or bees. The good little robots. Oh said: you're little robot come out. They think they're there had their more intelligent than you like bro. All you do is keg stands every. You can grow and not only that you followed rations enough to get awarded a piece of paper yang quest redrawing. You didn't think about anything you didn't critical like thinking sure sizes are discussions, you do what you're told that's what it degrees for do so through done. People think this mars we don't think they're smart. It do not allow man like. I think there's a definitive iq difference. I think there's a lot of People who believe that their very intelligent, because the system has told them their intelligent when in reality there not intelligent intelligence, is the ability to process information and come but your own conclusion about it. That's now these people have been
trying to do these. People have been trained to hear information in Paradise. Just minetta than that they were given a ward for that, and so they believe all that that that piece of shit we're from Harvard says. I'm a genius! Well, I'm sorry but your words and actions show that you are dumb ass. You know what I'm saying like right, lasting others mecca it is interesting to see these things come our way out of the world about the end. What did you see? The snoop dogs? Not smoking, no more. No more? We for I saw you. I saw him say that gummy his is tweet man he's like I'm givin up smoke after much consideration in conversation with my family have decided to give up smoke. Please respect my privacy at this time. Sang. Oh may. I feels like a troll. You fix all feels like a troll. Did he smokes? It feels like a troll like all of it. Yeah I mean go man, you gonna call turkey more for us, nor I. This dude has a fucking like full time role.
A lot of those guys Lou louder louder than big celebrities I got a roller that goes around them. Let us inside just go call turkey. I mean look dude so you got no some shit man. Here's the deal! I support anybody do what they need to do that to get better. If you think that's what you do, yeah, that's great. That doesn't mean Mr Swoboda, who have just been real amongst others. I fucking love it. I love it. I love about Gaza, good to have a large mirror. If you want to see any of these pitches articles links videos go to eighty for salah dot com. You can find them linked there if you're, watching on the tube check down in the description below you can find them linked there as well. So with that being said, man, let's get into our headline, tat. My number one before we in the headlines are due in order ass day life. is coming guys. I know I promise you know that Where we had a little bit about, we had some switch in an hour casual little bit. So I got that coming soon. Also. I know that we,
add the show it's been irregular, but you know I gotta tell ya man This is it my main gave you know like I don't know in front of a magazine, I oppose says yeah browser you now in your pocket and I'm not one of these guys. You just has a microphone sits in front of it to make. You know some shit for the internet like actually new things in real life. I know it's contrary do to of large you're pad castor culture, these days, where you know that actually have a job and actually work. But where do you, entrepreneurs in the everyday. I just wanna. Let you guys know you know every once in a while. That's how it goes here so will be back on schedule. I believe this this next week, yeah yup, a little housekeeping, also embassy your project, getting ready launching too so keep an eye on you after all my email list I'll notify you guys an email for that so yeah, alright
well, let's get into headline of one headline: newborn reach, watch chinese flags line san francisco streets for ji, zhang ping. Oh man, yeah! It's a disturbing image! Loot! It's like it's like that movie red dawn. One of them was trying to not bow one way while the each movie, it was different one. It was rushing when it was China having of the newer one of the shire yeah yeah it was. I mean it was an eerie feeling, nuit les, like watching these videos man. So this is a Breitbart article, a chinese flags parading through the streets of san francisco ahead.
President Joe Biden's meeting with chinese president Xi Zhang paying have been met with backlash as videos circulate on social media. Here's one video, the I thought this was welcome. Hunger, something at first now those hong kong, the buildings will be nicer. That's vat as true that's true. It's a disturbing image, rome who puts this shit together like who,
I want to know who organizes the people in the street brow. I rest my case. cause like I mean, there's always something deeper going on. It's like the bricks, a show up a protest it it's. You know what I'm saying like I, who is organizing that shit at the grass roots level like how'd, I don't know, but I'm really looks like yours about a hundred and fifty people there remained total and selling a lot of people, but here's the reality is that this should be very disturbing images for anybody who is american when we have a world leader who basically threatens us all the fucking, how every other day how gag and we create. We clean up us eighty and remove all the homeless people right away that she will move like dynamically. in San francisco up out of to day, that's insane wrote, but they have no problem, leaving it shitty for all its citizens and taxpayers and people who you know
I have had so many few years. I've had a lot of friends who have had to move out of san francisco because the environment has become so detrimental to their businesses. That they own that they've had to move to places like texas and florida and the fact that they were louder city to be totally destroyed, played by the homelessness in the drugs and crime and then clear, lubber one day for sea shipping and not its own citizens. That's insane! That's insane did you see was his response so that who knew some loose pierre lately, I worry said ah what he said. Well, you know. I know a lot of people are saying that we clean up the city because that the fancy leaders are coming to town, and you know that's the truth, because a true like that! growth and no folks say
they're just cleaning up this place because almost fancy leaders or come into town- that's true, because it's true. That is also true for months and months and months by laughing the people of having to have on recital e, do their land folks say out there just cleaning up this place because almost fancy leaders or come into town- that's true, because it's true how the fuck are you going to is a true from the staff prior to and then we have? We have. People talking about this guy run for president. Do you're in a vote for this fucking guy well he's fucking laughin about our cities be in total shit, holes and clean up for chinese communist leaders. This is fucking insane man. They are more worried about impressing them than they are take care of our own people. Where did those homeless people go? Look brow? These people belong in fucking jail. Okay. This do belongs in jail. All of these.
People are traders all these people have sold out the chinese government they are willing to hand over our country for their own benefit on a silver platter, or to art literal enemy, like That's what we're dealing with you did and this scar doesn't have any business run for anything. This guy's should be run for like, if he's following the underwear or the taos or cooking a slap in the prison like that's what the fuck he should be run in poor and all of these guys, the fact that these who people behind him are laughing when he says that that's not funny do duster? How would it like how many lives have been ruined by the neglect of these leftist leaders just do it. If I was assists in california and I'm watching that like how how pissed off would you like you're, going up and down the streets of your own city. It's a shit, odors people everywhere trash everywhere. There's drug everywhere, there's there's shit and pay? in the streets there's there's home,
psychogenic, there's vet homeless, veterinary epidemics, there's it's it's an economically impassable a place to really build a business from the ground up at this point in time, and this is why everybody's we mourn already to do bro, it's impossible, the way their taxing people there. I mean that the exodus from cows, formula has been the greatest exodus of any state in any time in history and the united its history and their targets, put in the sky for president his track It is literally shit like what are we talking about here and do here's the problem that Michael rapporteur they make they make Gavin newsome the president candidate here, offered him he's a hit margin yeah, I know he'll ignore option pill ignore all the real world data of the state broke. How do we now understands? What are you
down in California? He will do ross. The country Joe by is trying to do Gavin a is done in California, where the buddy buddy, you got man its frustrating. Do you know what It comes from people being quiet. It comes from people. Bang the social weapons that have been put in a society like political correctness, sale majority being afraid of cancer, culture, not using their voice. You get all the time do everywhere I go through. What can I do? What can I do? What can I do? Man you can talk you can use a voice? It matters the right one. Do you think they sensor people? Why do you think they they could Eight, these narratives in these these cultural weapons, like political, correct is to get you to silence yourself. So you don't have been someone with the truth. Why do you think they make things like silent majority. There fraid of your voice, so use it that
the thing that we're missing here like oh, I don't have a big platform data. Learning about to your friends, your family, the people you know like when you go to thanksgiving next week and you know they start spout off about the left? To start spout off about their bullshit bro, you should look. I'm an item shut the fuck up to turkey. Yeah do their ruining the world and you allowing actually you're ruining the world all of you, sitting right now who are not picking up not standing up, not saying things now calling it out when you recognise that something's wrong. You are more of the problem in these people. You are more. the problem than these people, because you're giving these people a pass with your silence, we can no longer give These people a pass, the peep remit, all your friends and family who attacked you and call you names and try intimidate you for the last ten years for having certain political views, those people don't give two fucks
about offending. You are having some sort of confrontation or boiling you. So why do you care so much about buying them back? Why are you afraid to speak up back then they will boy you into the earth. So boy em back that's what we need. You need stand up, speak up and use your voice, real leslie. Unless you want the next time this motherfucker comes the united states, actually be the president you this is ridiculous. Dude, Flying chinese flags up and down street, this guy You come here, he should never see a chinese flat, he should there should be fucking. Fifty thousand mother, fucking troops stand right there in his face to intimidate the fuck out of him to let him know like bro. Will fucking kill you right here? If you smack, if you run your mouth as nice to her yeah like brought. This should be a very uncomfortable place for him to come very uncomfortable. Your role in the rear, yeah would suck in his fucking. Did they pride got him the best prostitute?
california business hotel room like it's insane dear dear ourselves, what you guys think job on this conversation. down. The com is, let us know, hashtag america amerika, so nice, let us note, has the How would you feel if your supper family, whose lost a soldier or or or made sacrifices, or have a history of serving this country and you why. And see our our literature medical enemy in the world, our biggest threaten the world. Get welcome like that. that's the fucking unacceptable ratio. You know I thought about this too, because I saw this picture yesterday. One of I wasn't able to confirm it But I know it is a real thing. You know think about the the you know, the chinese immigrants that you have came here for asylum because of the communism that they've escaped from china right,
It was a decent amount of them yeah and imagine them watching this fucking guy who terrified bro, yeah bro. We got fuck like dude doing that people forget that we got like they have chinese police departments in this country that we forget about that Most people don't know that you know what most people aren't even aware of that, like most of our listeners have forgotten that the fuckin surveillance state that he's putting in cuba right now watch us like. Do we feel about that and we're we're rolling out the red look bro. Here's the here's, the real are gone our media has been compromised. Our present has been compromised, What all this behaviour by laptop shit about its treason? Do it just as well, it is an end in this is This is going to. This is going to become more common to the point where these
Is there going to be running our shit soon anyway? Openly yeah, it's fuckin, fucked up man. You know what guys, let's keep this cruise move him before. He gets a headline number two. Let's cruise the comments this week cruz. The comment comes from china group out. I'm assume, as is in response to the lane Kevin. Oh miss situation recovered. Thank you and everybody says almost fifty six and have missed one day of work in twenty five years and blue collar word, because we win and most men, don't realize not showing up mean someone else has to pick up. Your slack imagined me in a grown man, and I'm like that to a shit yeah yeah. While there is a big difference between someone, who's been the workforce for twenty five years and nineteen twenty year old kid who has never been told the truth about reality, no don't have somebody in the household yet, but the danger is the danger is: is that the people who have been in the workforce for twenty five years are getting older
and that while they understand this cultural, reality of working the younger people doubt and and due to favour a fatal figure, it out, weren't, deep shit and how I see this going. You know these people have been groomed and indoctrinated. I think the plan, I think the plan has been laid out much longer than what anybody realises and I think we've known about what they're going to do with ai and what they're going to do with automation and what they're going to do with technology for many many many many many years and the last the grooming. this younger generation? To be more so I dont want to work believe and work. I don't believe in capitalism. I don't believe in hard work equals results. investing my time. I believe that intentional, because what they're going to do now is they're gonna, say well by the way, everything's automated and there's no jobs. So here's your little government check to live your life and in your your utopia, except that government check. Gonna, be it's gonna, be like every other fail. Communist experiment is ever happen,
government chess can be so fucking little the universe, vacant bait, basically I was gonna, be so little that airbus, no fuckin starve and because there's no capitalistic environment inside the economy. There's nobody who is surely pushing to improve and do better and p with each other, like let's say like for food right, you don't have farmers. We are working to outdo the next farmer next door and do better than that. We don't have an actual competition and we don't have competence. a government runs everything the supplies dry up and people fuckin start This is what happens. There's no there's! No! Sir! No luxury like I feel, like everybody, these young kids. They think like. communism is that EU is going to produce a lifestyle like these instagram fuck and entrepreneurs. Post mortem san, like they're gonna, be rolling around free money the fucking lambeau or whatever, and do
really you're going to have no shoes you're going to have nope nope, not really any food you're not going to have any clothes you're going to fuckin hat, and I have anywhere to live and the moscow say well you're getting a universal basic income be happy with it in all, like then you don't own anything yarborough. Let me happy is very dangerous and an end. You know You can see the effects of it. I mean look how many young people- I could tell you this, when I was in my twenties versus the kids in their twenties, now there's stream difference in the work ethic extreme des extreme extreme. Almost or opposites. When I was in my twenties, we all understood that there was a real competition happening in the world. We understood that if we didn't work hard, we would lose. We undressed, that, if we didn't give our best, we would live a mediocre life at best and probably struggle our whole lives. We understood that very clearly, so we had motivation to invest in work and do things. And now we look at the
kids in or twenties, and what are they talking about? They're talking about you know, living in some sort of utopia, they're talking about going to burning man. They're talking about you, know, get an event exploring the world and living a life like cool, but like here's, the thing when you get to be in your thirties or forties, you're not gonna, have shit and you're, not and be able to create shit and then you're gonna be in this situation of people. actual slavery cause, that's what it is. You're gonna have to work job that you hate, because can't survive and you're in trap cycle, and this is why, like these kids who are in there, you know the age of twenty or under the age of thirty in their twenties. I told hey your twenties, don't matter, go, go, do ever you want, there being told, fall the information, the twenties for the time you lay the foundation for the rest of your life brow like that's real it's not it's not time to fuck off. Now, I'm not saying you're going to have success, but I'm saying this is where you're going to learn your lessons. This is where you're going to build relationships is wearing your set your platform and then
when you get in your thirties. You start to act, We find success and make money and then you get into your forties. You're gonna, see the u s and what means going to be able to look at everybody else. You bought into the you know I'm just gonna crews through life mentality, because those people are gonna be we're gonna like a real like there fort laramie the persons in the forties working at fucking. You, t mobile brow like hating their fucking life in cancun, because they have to because they got to eat, and you know this isn't like trying to talk to Our wonder scare. This is just reality like if you dont work harbour. The result that you produce is gonna, be shit and that mentality has been intentionally erased from the younger generation, in my opinion, so that the government can can move us into a communist globalists. Had governance system in and I think everything that we seem for the last number of years has been the big. Moves to move us in that direction, rather quick, improve young man
guys this was, I think it would be. A real ass fans make sure you keep liking common, make sure you subscribe as well and keep big real ass fans. I swear that being said. Man, let's move to headline number two. This is an interesting one and I don't really understand the the move behind this. Maybe you can shed some light, on this point, but facebook instagram will now allow political as the claim the twenty twenty election was stolen. I don't like, while I mean, if I was I mean? I don't do. I think anybody who has a ability critically thinking This point in time can identify the dust option in the cover up this been going on around this issue. In the january six issue, including you know, where their smoke there's fire? When you can't criticise things- and you can't say, will you kid? I did up until recently, you couldn't even talk about that.
Youtube, especially you couldn't even mention that they will just take your video down yeah, so I mean not now like be advised. This is a cnn article. Okay, so we know how they, I see- and it is, but I see the nautical reads matter- will allow political ads on its platforms to question the outcome of the twenty? Twenty? U S, presidential election, part of a roll back and election related content, moderation, monk, social media platforms over the past year, head of the twenty twenty. Were you s presidential contest? The policy means that matter. The parent company, a facebook in histogram, we'll be able to directly profit from political adds that boost to false claims about the legitimacy of the two in the two thousand election a while? A company will allow political advertisements to claim that past elections, including the two thousand and twenty presidential race, were rigged. It will prohibit those that call into question the legitimacy of an upcoming or ongoing election
like the change, is part of a year old policy update, but has not been widely I reported the wall street journal reported met us ad policy change earlier wednesday, so the past ones yeah, okay, cool, but the future ones know the caravans. There's no possible way. Those can be stolen. Can we talk about them after they happen? look man. I think this is kind of weird because look how this was how this is written right. The policy means that matter the parent company, a facebook in history and will be able to directly profit from political adds that boosts false claims about the legitimacy of the twenty twenty election. Ok, well What this shows to me when I read this is a separation from the mainstream media and social media kind of breaking apart right because cnn, is clearly still saying you know false claims where Mehta
is clearly saying, while we all know it right over? There were therefore yeah so So it's interesting for that chick with Adam's apple, that My notion I hear something: here's something to think about. Two is. If trumps going around in these other candidates are going around talking about the presidential race being rigged in adds. Okay, well, there's a couple things about that one He's gonna have problems raising money like if he's talking about the, elections rigged like, why would you this guy money, if you actions already written and the outcomes decided what I'm saying report. and then also if, if we go around and you know what I believe they are. They are in certain areas for sure.
But if we go around and talk about that, it being the problem that sort of demoralize his people from voting like a lot of a lot of people. I hear that are like do what difference? Does it make vote or not? And that's what happened You know in Venezuela. That's what's happened in these communist revolutions. Over the last, that's what they want you to the exactly and so pardon me thinks this is propaganda. Now there are allowing the propaganda intentionally to demoralized people from voting. Well, like you, don't get what I'm saying like medicine, okay, yeah! Let them talk about it because all that is going to do. demoralize the though people in the centre and the right from actually believing that they should vote, and on top of that, when you have these articles that seen in this, but now saying the recollections completely secure. Now, there's this fog of confusion right am I people are ok now it's definitely fuck a rigorous and it comes in. The opposite is true right, yeah it into the whole monster. Do that's a great but you have all these people these influencers out here saying you know
your vote? Doesn't matter, you know, don't buy into the system. I'm not gonna vote pro europe. Fortunately it like how are we gonna catch them? Cheating? If we can't, if we don't know, The true numbers are right so like, even if you thought, the election was read. You still a duty to go vote for the evidence aspect of how, because we look back at that later, potentially say: ok, actually, this is the real outcome of the election, and if people choose to now vote, you know. We don't have that evidence than they win by default right, so I could go for either side. So it's super important that people, I understand that you, after vote, whether you believe that the election is real or not real or compromise or harm You believe you to choose the best. Candidate, that you think going to create the best life for us here and specifically you here in amerika. That's the that's it
obligation for us going to vote and it's it's weird me how Sutton people who I've thought work quota equal, intelligent are now talking about how if trumps the candidate they're makin a vote, so you you're not going to vote because you know trump. But you agree the world's totally fucked so you're just gonna, allow it to get worse and worse and worse goes back, because you like, because you liked to santas. Are you like vaguer? You like, whoever, like bro, everybody who thinks that vat is the guy two sentences, the guy, if trumpet, being the guy. You have an obligation to vote for that man because otherwise the country's gonna to berne and will be a loss, yeah I mean dude, we're going listen for more years of what's going on now there, be america like that that I'm a hundred recent, confident in that percent confident
they will arrest what they're doing The trunk. they will do to every single person who fuckin vodafone for broke reform. They will ask yourself if you thought like what they did, what vaccine was bad where they started like pushing people out of the workforce. This next for years for anybody speaks out against those people for anybody that voted it in the opposite direction: bro, they're, gonna secure them relentlessly, they're gonna, take everything away from you in for People like me and you and other people who are up with a microphone. They put those p in jail or kill him. That's what they do. and that's where we're at people to recognise what we're actually dealing with here. This is not normal adsum flows of political discourse. There's a communist revolution that we are many years into and we a very little chance of stopping it unless we unite and get really fuckin smart. You know, I think, a lot people are underestimate what actually going on you know they talk about it
oh yeah man sought as bad as you think. What are you talking about is not as bad as I think we have a literal invasion happening at the southern border. We have our fiji coil supplies gone. We have our. military supplies in europe. We have crime at one of the highest rates ever been. We have credit card to false at the highest rate of everything we have mortgage to false close to the highest rate that they ve been a long time we have in a car to meet its on the verge of potentially hyperinflation or total collapse. Ok, we have we have. We have we have. We have we We have all of preparing world war with a military. that's feel like legitimately with fuckin. You know that or who have been held to a standard that is less than what it takes. A final word: yours like we do take too long. thinking that were like Two thousand and one united states right now is
is a fatal idea like thinking we're more divided and realistic when you wanna company, when europe a company and you ve won ok been successful, running a company and in frozen. Don't know- and you know me from this- show that's what I do. I run companies. And I have a number of companies and all those come When he's win and some of them have one at such a large scale that at times the people who work for those Companies have started to believe that we will, continue to win because we're us right having a realistic viewpoint of where we are in in the game and what that does that's eagle right, we think all were better than we actually are, and that causes a situation where you get your ass beat and then have to have a recollection to admit. Were you really are, and so I think a lot people. That's nice, Well for me, as an operator of business like I can recognise on emotionally. Ok we're here.
When we're running at a level ten, I can say: okay, we're running a level ten when we're running a level five and everybody thinks we're running a level ten. I can recognize that as well, and I see a lot of that going on in america. I see what I see in america is that we have kicked up but his ass and been so poor. for us, and so, free and so strong for so long that allow these people believe that we're still like that, when, in reality were in a very vulnerable position and that's an important, they may consider. When we talk about what's going on with the election, because of these people continue to press and present present press impress bro this, It's gonna come to your fuckin front, porch, in a way that you don't want in a way of life the au. Oh this is this: it's a little bit harder right now we're talking about total collapse of the country, we're talking about chaos, we're talking about you potentially having to fight people in your fucking neighbourhood. Like this dangerous shit where we are, and unless people true we wake up, and unless people understand that we are not the shoe, for power that we used to be right now and that we are
a job to do as individuals to become that again. You know we're in trouble You know and that's a responsibility that we all shoulder as individuals. That's why I thought while personal actions been the ultimate rebellion like do do we do we really I think that we have the men. Fight a warlike that do we wear it. We are not in physical shape to do that, mental all the men. I know that are able to fight a war like that are in their late thirties or forties, or twenty eight longer say a man like all the bad motherfuckers that spent the last twenty years, and now these guys are forty, four years old or forty there, forty years old, You know, I mean they're they're, my gloves age. There not fucking they're, not twenty. Five. We word about their own correct and bro. It's a big deal, man. Like we are not the same america that we used to be in, it's important that we as individuals you as an individual, become that person that fits that position that we need like it. Real
mark and means you have to give fit, you have to become successful. You have to put goods, in your brain. You have to carry out to be a good representative of an consider setting work, hard and communities and benefit other people in these are real obligations that we have as individuals looking around a kind of like thinking that someone else is going to do it. it is where we're out right now and that's not gonna happen dude.
It's on you as an individual anybody. Listening to the show it's real shit, man, gosh I've been on this conversation. Let us know what you guys, think hashtag watch this and tell us what you guys think about it. Let's keep move into our third and final headline. This is a little mix of stories because it's all the shit that's been going on. In the background why everybody's been focused over here, it's the shit. That's been going on over here. So, let's get into our third headlines atlanta, three chris ray gets caught representative Higgins release photo of the secret jay, six ghost buses. Now this is an interesting one, so all on wednesday, by the way, so I saw this video they are circulated out of a representative higgins.
did you know that he used to be there? Those is like bro, this video went viral so long ago, but it's a video like this captain from the sheriff's department right and he's, like literally like he's, got the whole fucking sheriff's department stand behind them right members of the community. Is I basically threatening all the criminals in in gangbangers and stuff in the end? it is like we can find you you wanna have a tells me. It's come get me You know what that was him already. No forget idea we'll make sets lighted but a bad ass rub for a long time used or some other really gray work. But this past Wednesday republican representative clay higgins, confronted fbi director chris re on fbi, operatives working
inside the crowds on January six. Twenty twenty one during the house, homeland security committee hearing on domestic threats. Within the: u S, this confrontation took place exactly a year after representative higgins, confronted director wray for F b, I assets working. inside the capital on january? Six, chris re refuse answer the questions. Last year and today during the hearings today, representative Higgins told Chris right. Here's the video is and he was communicating with his fbr handler. While people were entering the u s capitol. Can you confirm that the f b I had that sort of engagement with your own agents embedded within to the crowd on January? Sixth, if you are asking whether the violence at the capitol on January six was part of some operation orchestrated by mp, eyesore
is andorra agents. The answer is emphatically saying: no, no he's saying non violence orchestrated by sources or agents. Are you familiar would? Would you know what a ghost vehicle is director director, f b? I certainly should know what the ghost is a ghost by sos bus. I'm not sure I've used that term, but okay, pretty common and in law board votes. It's a vehicle. That's that's used for Secret parnassus, so it's important to identify when he says. I'm not sure I use that term before he knows exactly what he's todos exactly what the uk so like, if you guys are not like understanding what he just said you just said, was in this is typical left his shit he's trying to control the language. This is what people do when they gaslight either like you know exactly what that motherfucker did? He knows
he did but he's saying on a technicality. Well, I've never called a ghost boss. The right right, like it's important to realize? What do mechanical way it is my father knows exactly what you got your brother all lawyers. I just do it and that's the whole. game. Is this work and has worked what language does for I do like they're, all its highly manipulative and its borders. Abusive psychologically type of language is not pick its future correct. Cracked crack I didn't do that. I actually this right in zagreb when that miss are the same fucking best, a right thing: man, I heard them in law board, but it's a vehicle. That's that's used for secret purposes painted over his two buses in the middle. Here there were the first to arrive at union station on January six, zero. Five hundred. I have all this evidence, I'm showing you jeopardized
MR chairman, whose two buses is completely white point of order soon, as we get into the ghost router sure. Let's stop talking about it run over the target. I understand, but you'll recall that miss jackson, Lee has been allowed to go two minutes before I've been very fair in letting people finish their questioning throughout my tenure as chairman and I'll continue to be fair on that regard, but I will make a note to the members. If you could stay as close within your time as possible, we have a lot of people that want to ask these gentlemen questions so with that the gentleman yields, but your your point, I've been very fair in this mister ivy, with everybody this side of the isle. Just as I don't think, I accuse you being unfair, MR gem you're making it a moment. Ok. Thank you. I now wreck now reckoning they are closest this statement. We're time is explicitly that he's looking at
somebody give that answer. Oh yeah time is expired. I know that that all the members across the aisle haven't been granted time and I object woke my to my question. Being close, this is a very significant hearing, MR chairman, and these bosses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FB I form and stress, as tromp supporters even deplored on talk apple again? What's your name, Is your damage right, Mr Higgins? I now wreck biomass or completely destroy them and there's been others. The came I like there's another video that was also shown of this here. None of you. I saw this one on large scale to mike suvs, green state vehicles dating vehicles, as worded who are given.
Right here right here redeploy the stranger was ordered to their positions. There is no escorting analysis into jason. Is the want of prague to ask Gordon, it's one of those buses are labelled a charter buses. Look at that Here's the boy everything while they re gain broad, damn antique by here, ordered them here you and we had to be wise.
you gotta be evident in likewise argue lodging is you got while she knew she and other stuff there's been no megan. The news and I appeal out of people have been covered as this stuff about this internet merger. Take over by our federal government and so this is a reuters article reads: us government aims to free up more wireless spectrum, So what they're doing is is that they are taking basically trying to push in this administrative arm that will control to g five g. Sixty one outcome: veils, wife, I services right in the name of prioritizing internet for the entire company, our entire country, Susan There is the problem of their national spectrum strategy right
but basically anything that operates over twenty seven hundred megahertz two point: seven g right may thing that that operates over that will have repressing, is what they're calling and we're talkin phones or talkin laptops, we're talking, tvs right, which are anything in it. Vehicles. All these things right for refurbishing. Now, a lot of people a blow. The whistle chairs, Andrews and ladder denounced by fcc mission to take over america broadband services, they release a statement house, energy and comrades committee chair cathy, make moors rogers communications and technology sub committee chair. Bob lotta, released a statement following the federal communications commissions vote to approve digital discrimination. Rules quote the dead little discrimination rules approved by the fcc are just another step towards binds broadband take over. This move puts onerous requirements on donations, bra
baron providers and will lead to government bureaucrats micromanaging. America's internet access- that's tom, The bond administrations in this effort to enact more government controls, which will ultimately lead to higher costs than were services for america, but it's even deeper than that. Even the fcc commissioner himself, this guy brendan car, he puts out a statement he rosy fcc and he puts out this letter says car opposes president Biden plan to give the administrative state effective conch, role of all internet services and infrastructure in the united states, this unlawful power grab chooses central planning over free market capitalism. Any list out
bunch of a bunch of points in his argument here he says I gives the last month Biden gave they have to see its marching orders eu an actual order from the president. Do this right, and so I do that. But then he released this. Let it knew we bring up a bunch of different points. First, point that hands the administrative staff state, effective control of all internet services and infrastructure in the country on the plan sweeps entire industries within the fcc jurisdiction for the first time in the agency's ninety year. History. This has never happened, never happened, and it also allows the fcc to impose unfunded, build mandates on ios ps and a limited monetary fines on every covered entity and it adopts an expanse of the disfavour theory of liability that congress, neither directed not all the rosy fcc to adopt. They don't even have the legal constitutional power to do any of this
you know any any entities, as in the end the empty sea could have adopted, rules are lawfully faithfully implemented. Congresses decision in the infrastructure at the empty sea could have taken concrete steps that would have extended high speed internet services- some more merchants, in fact the f c c sites a few such actions in its draft order. there were raised in the record, including eliminating government imposed barriers and regulatory red tape that have been set. Going down broadband builds, but instead of going that route, the fcc opts for this ideological approach. Instead to me, I think, out of all things. This is probably the most scary thing to me right because I don't think new enormously
and nobody's really talking about this, but the amount of power and control that this would be giving not just the bite administration but like just plainly the governmental care, if it was republicans or Democrats who matter this ain't, the state state control. This is state control yet and access and brought this listen. We've heard this. The state control meteorite like in communist countries, the media's was run by the state. You don't get real news, you get a hundred percent propaganda, and if you go to china, brow- and you tell chinese people that you watched the chinese news, they laugh at you right. There. Understand exactly what it is, the problem, in the united states, as people do not understand what it is yet and so how? I read this and I got some stopped to say about the january sixth thing too but on. This are seeping How I'm reading this As you know, we have this lawsuit that senator Eric schmidt when he was the attorney general missouri in a couple hours.
state attorney general's put together. That is now add supreme court level. That is talking about. The ability for the government to collude and sensor through big tack, and it's also bring some issues in regards to how big tat is actually censoring. I e try, pick algorithms. You know that. That we all hate right like pochette- and you know it doesn't oh for whatever reason, like that's a form of censorship right right. People don't understand that they think it's not me you just run a bad, they just right, it's not that they just Take your shit down, or you know, put a fact check on your post. It's that, I'll, just loud traffic, and nobody will see it that censorship and self and the reason that this has been allowed to happen. You know, there's arguments one. It was allowed to happen intentionally, they didn't regulated intentionally, but two
the technology when it first came around the tech companies like facebook and and and these other social media platforms. Google, on these got so much money so fast and filter it right in the politicians that they created. You know as a favourable section dirty with very little regulation on what they can and can't do, and I hope it getting body ever anticipated, at least on our side, the average citizen that the entire how'd square would be moved to these platforms. So in the beginning, well yeah. That makes sense to the private business. You know they can do what they want, but now that the end higher conversations move the social media these we'll have unlimited ability to censor a Bob narratives, remove deeply form I mean, do they're they're, running aunt. I like it You look at how social media companies run their platform. That is that is constitutional. If it were the government doing it, and so we look at what is happening here. This lawsuits at the federal
supreme court and what I see this is of, but I see this as binding administration figuring out over the next twelve months, because this could go to court any any day. Right and you're rolled upon the survey failsafe, if they rule that the government can do what they didn't twenty twenty or during covered. Ok, these people won't have a massive tool that they were able to use to prop up narrow, or squash narratives or sensor any of these things and saw how I see this fcc thing: is them trying to manoeuvre around that to take control the entire internet, so that they can on their play. However, they want- and that means like if I say the wrong thing, they can just shut my shit down. If I post the wrong, they make a shut. My internet, not natural social media, pay your internet. access altogether incorrect in that's what they do over and in china and that's what they do in other places. Think about this man like, like think about house how evil how sinister how fuckin serene
Well, you would have to be right because we gotta go back a little bit to that court case when it was first being tried out in regular courts. That was the first thing that the administration did. They fought emotionally dismiss it yeah. We know we want to keep doing this. Yes, so think about how evil. Somebody has to be right, I want to know who's idea, whose plan was okay. Well, we can't just control social media, we'll just control the internet. Will he think it is. I who has pleasing rock obama One percent these: when we came out he a hundred percent, do not have a lot of work. Our country was. doing very well considerably. Until until this do came into play, ok and he he he's one the disturbed all the racial tensions he's the one the created all this, this shit and he's running the show right now I mean by this the show. Everybody knows that even people who are Democrats know that Biden's not making decisions
we all know the barack Obama call in the place he talks about. He talks about it openly in interviews, worries, well yeah. I remember one be present again, but if I could sit in my basement in your an earpiece peace? In talking to some? I would you that? No that's what he's doing ok, so we think about this this play and then we think about the jail. Ex play. Okay. So when we talk about coal sure movements that are designed to be weapons are right, and I talk to you guys about political correctness, doesn't make sense like what you mean it's a weapon because they craft a narrative in society where you're not allowed to speak the truth, because it affects people's feeling some person, you don't even the correct. So what that due to us as individuals, it creates a situation where we self sensor and we conditional, cells to not speak the truth. That's the point of political correctness. That's why started twenty years ago, then, when you know we look at what's happening or cancel culture. Ok, cancel culture is
fear based social weapon. That makes you believe that You say the wrong thing: you're going to get attacked you're going to get. I heard your going to lose your income in a lax, people are here are afraid of that. So they don't speak up and they don't say things and what does that? Who does that benefit? doesn't benefit the people censoring themselves or the people being quite them. When we look at the idea of the silent majority, that's an and correct. Then they the moral superiority to being silent. Ok, these are us the social weapons that we ve seen and when we could J six jake Six is just another social weapon that they have created to intimidate. ah patriotic americans, anybody, who does not agree with what they're doing from too instil fear in them that if they go out of protest in the streets, the It will be arrested and sentenced to eighteen. Ten years, like some of these people, they're, on J six, and so, in my opinion, we can,
ray says: are you asking if, like he tells on himself right like what We'll do when you accuse them of shit like think hold on hold on when you ask actions to someone who's clearly guilty? What do they do They usually respond like this. Are you asking that if I did this in this innocent business and that's what his his answer was in right there in the in the interview he said. Are you asking if only ass was like. Do you know what a ghost buses and a motherfucker response and says are you asking if J six with some sort of operation yeah, that's what we're asking and it was his was like it's like do the cook you ass, you ve got it. Could you have a cookie dollars on account of these clubs? These are I crown the fuck? Do that like that's what
we're dealing with your we're dealing with people who are lying. There got peak its future illicit. Yes, he's flat, outlying! Ok in this, what j? Six, one hundred percent, in my opinion, was an operation, a social weapon no different than these other such weapons. We just went through that was designed intimidate people from actually speaking up and having the the courage you speak up and go out stand up so that day, have a free runway to image but all these things that they're doing imaginative people were afraid to protest because of a six, never happening over the last three and a half years. What would have happened? What what happen during ukraine. What would have happened during the vaccine? What would have happened during the further the migration crisis or the fuckin invasions. What should be called right? Ok, what would happen? We have hundreds of thousands of fucking patriotic americans in the streets and Real truth, that's what we
neither have happened again. We have to work can't arrest everybody brow! They can't do this to everybody. That's why they did they try to make a few Zambia scare everybody correct and do it if we, if we continue to count because they run these initiatives and we continue do. Edit, our language, that is, for political correctness, for feelings, the true In reality start to fade away, which is what they want. They want the truth in reality to fade away, so it can be replaced with their truth in their reality. And we're allowing that is american citizens by now exercising our ability, to use our voice and our ability to use our voice in the world. we're closing in on that getting harder and harder and harder to speak up and for us to actually maintain what we had here in america which has the greatest country? That's ever been found for the citizens of the country in the eu, history of earth. Have there been who are you writing this success right, like I'm sure, if you
king of saudi Arabia and you ve got huh, a trillion dollars whatever they got. You probably think system is the best buff for the citizens and that the quorum quote peasants in every other country. Ninety nine percent of every country that ever existed. Ninety nine point: nine percent, the peasant class that's the regular people, that's we, the people, we have more rights and more upside in this country than has ever existed in the history of humanity, and if we don't utilise those rights. Those rights will cease to exist in that's why it's important that you guys matches speak up, but also the example and confront the truth. When you see in real life like when these people come to you and they pull their shit on you you, after you, to do your part and american citizen in look him in the eye and say no going along with that, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going pretend that's the truth. I'm not going to pretend you as a man are actually a woman, I'm not going to pay. your game, I'm not doing it. Ok,
and that's the resistance that we have to have an hard as that is as a compromise is for some of you guys it's. A lot easier than haven't shoop only fuckers It's a help, our easier than starving, it's a whole lot easier than living a winter. We know power like we have to consider the alternative to watch meaning and saw. The resistance that can be put into play. Right now is actually very painless. Compared to what is going to be an end, so it's important that people speak up his the people stand up. And and that's a real real obligation for all of us have absolutely now I tell you guys all the time you know, there's no becoming to save this man like when you look what's going wrong in america, you should look in the mirror. You should. Look in the mirror, say what what am I do how am I living what am I saying how standing up and my standing for the trip being a coward and my giving people pass that that boy me around my standing up to them like we have to get back? We have to get like more kid round, unless dilemma rainy right like
that's what we need in america? We need way more fuck you and way less give them a pass me correct, bro, stop laying down for these hold on. That was good. Why yours? It really used to anymore fuck you and not known, no less fuck me! Yet I, it yeah I do. But what I'm saying is look row. We have to get to a point where we are comfortable. with the attitude that has always made amerika great, which is this fuck off I like you, want to know the attitude makes amerika great go. Look how Dana white handles a shit? Ok, go look kid rock handles his ship me that right now what the fuck we do here in amerika and that's been intimidated and beaten in boy out of the average american man, especially and you, men better find your fucking balls brow and like state not do shit and say no, I'm not fucking do in it and if they, Will you call you name? So what who cares? Who cares the minute they real, it's like any other boy. Did you ever dealt with in your entire life? The
They realise that you're not gonna put up with it. They focused. albania. Ok, it's like the play, round, boy that picks on everybody and yells at every body and screams. Everybody knew nafta, motherfuckers teeth out. One time, bravo for the rest of your life, they remember that lesson. Their entire fucking lies and these people have been pampered and baby and puts a fine, let's be real. These are the. Because people in our society- this is not just it versus capitalism or left versus right This is the halves versus the have nots and when I say hands, I don't mean money I mean like normal brain, a normal life, a normal life into wellness like like you. you're, a regular human being verses like the people. We look at the gas station are like what the fuck right. Really gonna like will give the country away to these weak fat people who were literally couldn't
contribute anything adult contribute anything just because the loud like we can't do that you have to do. We have to get back to fuck off in a week at that, that this whole situation will change immediately because the culture changes and when the culture changes the politics change. We ve got a job on this conversation. Let me know what you guys think down in the comments: tat, governess, harder and- and let us note gas thing, but without being so, there was a third and final heller Let's get to our final segment of the show, as always comes up for dumbest progress will bring article to talk about it. It'll get one of those two options with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads:. tiger woods, son charlie, accomplishes feet, father never has in high school. This is pretty fuckin know those pretty dope so tiger woods, son charlie, just accomplished the feet of the golf course. His legendary father didn't this week.
Woods along with his the benjamin school teammates on the floor to state high school golf championship, woods shot. Seventy eight! Seventy six in the two days of the f h s, a a class, a state championship on Wednesday admission resort in club and how we in the hills, forwarding them. Jim in school, located in palm beach gardens had five total golfers employment, including the fourteen euro, freshmen and woods he finished tied. Twenty sixth wrong, but the benjamin school is no strang a stranger to winning at all. As this was it's fourth state title, Jake valentine a sophomore at a private day, school scored, birdie on the seventeenth hole on day two of the tournament, as well as a putt on the final hole to clinch the title for the benjamin school he shot seventy two: seventy six to lead a squad, victory the elder woods
was among the gallery watching the state title play out. There was a Mcconnell video, too, of the sun holding out a chip just off agreeing the featured a typical woods fists bum, a reaction, as a high school himself words. Never I was never able to collect a high school state title while at western high school in Anaheim California, however state golf championships were not institute, woods was in high school, so there is a caviar and what we got em. He loved it. this is an example of what I was saying about parents working with their kids? Ok, you can't get. I don't care how genetically give to your golfs hard or agates. Really, a very different sort and what's cool. Is that with all the success that tiger woods has had he's the greatest of all time at his sport period. Alright he's taking the time to cause, I do when we talk about reps, we're talking about
time, thousands, hundreds and thousands of ours of time put into something right when we're not. When I look at this, I think it's cool, I mean good job, illegal job guys school, that's amazing but what I really like about? What I think is the real win is the fact that tiger is look Jim, putting in the hours and the reps, with his own son, to bill greatness within his own family, and that's An american thing we're missing right now and you got conseil. Will you hires coaches? Are this or that duty caddy for a sign anything this before him alone. a bird like even if he did huh, I guess what he worked as Ass I'll, be able to do the right, but buddy all the lazy parents like do it's like that, parents that we were talking about the other day for salary who like if they get pissed off, because it's south soule here every day after working goes works with enzo web. Whatever he's working on its part of his day We routine, you know about parents, you. Don't do shit and sit on the couch and watch sport centre and talk about the past. They could
thrown eighty two: had they not been a fat fuck on the badge you know like these people, a profession victims well in their laziest flock, and what I love this is. This is setting an example for what it looks like to be a good father and we can say. Whatever you want about tiger woods, yeah he's had his problems. Yeah he's had his drama out, there would yeah yeah yeah he's got whatever, but here's the reality he's not failing his own fucking son and that's a huge win. That's a fact. So I love this If we have more parents doing this for their own kids, the world, we would have a lot better off in the world. I do in all fairness. I do think a lot of People are realising This is a real obligation. I do. I do feel like a lot of on parents right now who are You know maybe they're s, ear, or ten years into parenthood. There starting to realise like this is a real thing like this is not something that can pass off. few parents, especially real alike. I hear laugh from new parents who are like fuck em. Terrified, am a good
You're gonna actually work to make this better remain. Absolutely you've got I was up on that yeah. It was great charlie. What guys? Eighty that's all we, I guys hey, listen man this for this together, x. You guys have to understand. This is a personal obligation, a personal responsibility that we all shoulder just because people come on the internet like me up and some other people and speak about these things- that's not gonna, get it done. Unless you back fill with your actual words in your actual conversations in real life and followed up with how you live your life and how you live perform in your life and one? talking about perfection, we're talking about legitimate commitment to being the best you can undressed. Given that you're gonna fail? You're gonna have problems, you're, gonna struggle, but still moving forward. This is what creates the sure that we're looking to create, and if you can bow, our that new. Think that, because guys, like myself a rogue inner fuckin, whoever is speaking up and that's going to solve
this problem you're absolutely wrong. This problem is and to be solved in real life with real conversations so when you go to giving this next week and your programme of communist fuckin, blue hair ass cousin stars. fuckin shit, barium, ok These people have no plan boiling you out of your american birthright and, if you don't speak up and protected bro we're losing your kids are gonna be slaves. So it's some think about We all have we all have a responsibility in this mission and its I was sharing messages, maybe share the show or speak it up in your own words, either way. That's what's gonna happen right, so think about that
We don't do this, we will lose all right, don't be a hub for sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know headshot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-19.