« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

546. Andy & DJ CTI: Kerry's Private Jet Mocked, WH Cocaine Investigation Closed & California Dems Blocks Child Trafficking As Serious Felony

2023-07-14 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss John Kerry erupting as his private jet use is mocked in a House hearing, the Secret Service closing its White House cocaine investigation as the Biden admin is accused of covering it up, and California Democrats block a bill to make child trafficking a serious felony.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box from the stove counter, millions in kobe teach buddhist god of all things, rope kang, doesn't know headshot case club. Why is that guys instead of retelling? This is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies that vagueness and delusions about our society and welcoming mother fuckin reality guys. Today we have any dj, bros, the mother, fucking internet, we're going to do where to get right into it. I don't even feel like doing the intro. We all know what it is we've got shows within the show we gotta fee. You I pay. Otherwise you are. How so don't be? sure the show hashtag, no hosanna yeah. I was going to forget, for I wanted to open up your finish. We talk about personal, Let me also say that this is a record interim by your fat. Man found a bit now may make it out of my way.
When we talk about personal words, lines being the ultimate rebellion, the super important one those things encompassing in that is fitness right. We talk about equality. have you see I'm sure everybody spoken seen it? I know you seen it, but there has been updated. Have you seen this article, the came off memphis and when they did about me, without naming my name or my seventy five, our programme and then I'd act like it wasn't about me ass. I seen it and they I figured out finally that everytime they do. They name me or seventy five hard that it blows it the fuck up boot. So now they just left me out well for those of you guys, don't know, MSNBC put out this article, and this was when there are tweets the year, they they treated out persons. Article says the far right obsession with fitness is going: digital, ok, but it backfired in their face because this is a fox news. The interview
It's headline here of this article man down one hundred and thirteen pounds, tells MSNBC not to politicize getting healthy after column ties fitness to far right. A fucking awesome article read awesome art We thought we could Dobbin dive into a little. Dizziness is fucking great fucking, great secondary, so the argo said a man who lost a hundred and thirteen pounds over the past year called out MSNBC for a column, tying white, supremacist and Adolf hitler to physical fitness. Why not have a little bit I was her eyes is. Is this quote? Please If fitness was about excited sources, It's quote. Please leave fitness and getting healthy out of the polarization we see in every aspect of american life, dave, Dana sturdy once or fox news
I cannot stress enough how not interested I am in someone's personal politics at Jim makes sense to me. He said quote. My hope is that we can set aside the click bay articles like this and focus on mental health and physical health and move forward. He continued. MSNBC colonists. Anthea miller, aegis, wrote in her peace quote pandemic. Fitness trends have gone extreme literally that researchers discovered, quote fascists fitness groups those groups online that are rather lies in young men with neo nazi in white supremacist, extremist ideologies. Said young men are first, lord end quote with help health tips and strategies for positive Physical changes then are later invited to closed group chats and exposed to far right content.
the column. Now this column was written back in two thousand and twelve to stop here. They have no problem promoting far less content everywhere we fucking look okay, let's, let's just state that right, you don't think, there's nothing wrong with that. Just saying Why me, like I mean what is far allows. You must say that that was the death. Is everything that isn't far less exacting? That's definition. There working off the books now, they're trying to make it seem like they're talking about white supply. Merci fuck me on He is a man. You know plan and all this shit language logging together, lingered, whereas it out in our joint work,
there's also the article was written way back in twenty twenty two, but fox news writer says, got renewed attention this week after MSNBC tweeted a link to it, and thus the one that we just showed here earlier and quote the far right's obsession with fitness is going digital I saw Dana Dana said it was disheartening to see msnbc dragging exercise which has provided positivity in his life. It's a think as incredibly counter productive as american politics, but I wouldn't want to turn off any segment of the population from joining the germ from working on their health because they might not want to be associated with the all right. I don't want to be associated with all right, either damosel boat, but that's not what I get from work thing out, Dana started his fitness journey in june of two thousand and twenty two after he stepped on the scale and saw an error message because he exceeded the maximum four hundred lb limit and do it a year later he's down
hundred and thirteen pounds in his gained a following on twitter from his daily motivation, opposed about progress. I quote: I specifically don't talk about politics, I don't talk about the culture war, my journey, unicef quote, I don't do that specifically because my hope in what I see in the real world, ninety nine percent of the time is that exercise. Fitness weight, loss and health is for everybody except those on the far left. We're out of it, although miller, aegis, acknowledge their fitness is mostly a hobby that is enjoying equal and rewarding for brain health and overall well being she said, is intersection with extreme ism vote. leads into a shared obsession with the men. a body training masculinity test, our own strength and competition. Yes about. I need size.
so rapid that burma, others ribroaster. I got a surprise progress purchaser. The data said he believes these are popular buzzwords. The media uses to get clicks, quote they I understand what will get people on both sides rob up and they use that he said Emily users also wrote. Their fitness inviolate, hyper masculinity have always been central to the far right linked physical fitness, a hitler she said quote in my Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu. Believing they can help him create an army of millions are thrown Dana Why are you here now to ban, or why did you get thrown up in there yeah and here's the weird thing, though, as a jewish man, Dave Dana said he doesn't approve. Shit, likening anything to nazi mentality. Oh, I don't think it's relevant or useful. To make that comparison. He told fox news, and even if you're going to make it, I think it false flat of what they were trying to do.
Very very interesting. So here's dave Dana here's his progress pictures are you doing I just thought it was fucking greater, and what do you got on? This was wrong that the work they're working, is that a real guy goes rogue yeah. He walks around like that, because that's like a real, that's like a brand new picture of all that is real, holy shit yeah. Alright. What do I got aboriginal? What do you think this is like? It gives us a glitch since, unlike what a normal person living in america, how they feel nothing will be. How do the shit you dude? and we had this pandemic that killed a lot of overweight people. Let's be all right and swimming years ago, probably was scared shitless when I left states let's state, some clarifying observations, number one.
we ve talked about on the show many of times why they want you to believe that big is beautiful and that four hundred pounds is healthy and The reason that is because they know that, if you are of that mindset, going to consume their food, which is full of chemicals, its fake food. you're going to consume it as a mega. Consumer you're also learn consumer data which they feed you on the phone which measure assuming the propaganda. They also know that if you get to be that size you're going to be sick and you're going to require their medication and if you're, that big and you're that propagated and you're that sick and you require their medication- You'Re- probably not much of a threat to them. So that's what we're talking about here- and this is why, when we say personal excellence is the ultimate rebellion, it makes that's why they villain eyes this kind of stuff and people, me and my programme live hard, which you can get a free by the way, not a plug
I never saw do away her eye of change of fucking wife. Suddenly, Italy far left people, don't believe if it's ok at all, because to believe a fitness, you have to believe in a core fundamental belief that when you put work and you get a result which is contrary to their entire perspective on reality, They believe that everything should be equal and they believe that when someone else has something that they deserve part of that in order to make the whole right So the fundamental like misunderstanding of reality by these people, We're on the far left makes them that Jim goers or fitness people anyway just something they don't believe in this Why, when you see these people with, you know that had the typical look at me, I'm not trying to be a deck, but must be real. No bone shrugged themselves. They all have the same right. They got fucking starving, listen, it's one or two looks it's either,
supervision and I look very unhealthy on very thin and I've got you know blue hair, pink, hair, yellow hair got some for southern weird, the screens attention or I'm a huge disgusting blob of person who's on the internet, screaming my ideologies at whose never accomplish fucking shit in their entire life, because they don't believe in accomplishment. They believe an entitlement right so here's some here's the bottom line on all this shit. These people represent a very tiny minority of this country, and they have been propped up through technology for over a decade to believe that they are setting the standard main asset, the fuckin standard and do you know why hitler stressed physical fitness so much, you know why is he actually believe that his citizens should be excellent examples of germany? They believed that if we were stronger citizens and we would actually be more capable of being more productive. You better society, and you know what that's actually fucking true
whether anybody wants to call it fuck and inaccurate or whatever they want to say to this or that that's actually true, okay, so You know the shoes absurd. I keep write articles about me because guys, I love it because, like when you write those art, pulls. My ship goes up so Don't be so shy next time. Just call me by my fucking before really cool Therefore, you do like basle props, its dave data man looking maze of london look we're going to love about much happier isla. I was about to point it out. Bro like, like you see the pitcher before Unlike the other smile, you know, you probably told people he was happy pilot or everything. That's fine, but his is after a year you see genuine happiness, tat and do when he did when he loses His next hundred, which he's gonna, and because it's already killing it and he gets to be- you know, jacked and buff, and all this she's going to feel even better and then they're going to.
a fucking and on your nose. I now see this. What happens? You will get attacked by these people who probably used to be called on, and it will push him further today, side, because that's how it works. You have a lot of common sense people who were who or years ago you what is it it would certainly not really identify what you're saying do I shall identify with the right, because represent. What I stand for and you guys you're fuckin assholes. So these people are such boys and been used, the boy right, because there has been no repercussions, ten years on social media. They ran the fuckin show. If you don't say one thing, if you say one thing, I don't agree with your ruin here. You know and even empowered is very small per cent. Age with favourable algorithms. I bought usage yell favourable preference on their on their traffic. All these things to make them believe that they hold the power and it's very easy to believe that you hold
power when they suppress everybody else and cancel everybody else and fuck everybody else's lives and so on, we're dealing with is a hangover of the far left, believing they still control them. There of which they fuckin do not. And if you don't believe me, look It's happening the bud guy in that area I got a lot to say about that too, but the reality is p or buying the shit anymore they're not buying the shit they're not going. If you own accompanying you force, you're fucked political ideologies down on people they're going to reject it and I believe that's going to be any point medical ideologies other than the core funding I know ideologies that america supposed to stand for which is that we're all here, this is all our place, we're all cool, treat people. Nice do good things, work hard stand up, speak up, be proud and treat other good in that those things you know America may ah primary,
I dropped those or that that's the culture that is going to win in business for the next fucking twenty years. Okay, so any of you big con, this review seals and all are you guys this in the show? If you fuckin go, This should just understand you're, going to fuck and destroy your way through. A ship will show who does this each year Let's go into her mind. Remember if you want to see any of these pictures, articles links videos, you got it If it's all about com, you find a mere or you gotta. In the youtube description below, and I find them linked there as well. As with that being said, let's get into our first headline of the day headline number one. go on rules for the not for me, A lot of one reads care. Erupts after his private jet use, is marked in house hearing denies ever owning one. This is great. Ah, this is great. This is great special president. You are a boy for climate, John Kerry, lashed out at house law.
I just during committee hearing on thursday over the criticisms of his use of a private jet that is emitted, hundreds of metric tons of carbon, even as he battles climate change. Harry who did not deny travelling on a private jet, was responding to republican representative, coy males who told carry that he hoped quote it wasn't too problematic for your operational team in your private jet to get here so this is this is a visibility of John cherries response and again I mean, let's just watch the video. I just don't agree with your facts. Which began with the presentation of one of the most outrageously persistent lies that I hear, which is private jet. We don't. I own, a private jet. I don't own a private jet. I personally have never owned a private jet and obviously it's pretty stupid to talk about coming in a private jet from the state department up here
Just the honestly, if that's where you want to go, go there! That's where we won yeah yeah that's exactly where we want to go we're going to actually why we're like real, quick, like all on. I got a question cause I'm a little confused. round, not smart guy right, but. If you don't own private jet, does it autumn? actually not omit the gases would be. You have to own a private jet to ride one now I think you have to, but no, I think what he's saying is that if you don't own the, It's ok because it's actually emissions for it's, not you emitting because You know, and I think there is some sort of magical thing that we peasants don't understand, which is basically a few fly on a private jet, but you, but you don't own the jet. It doesn't actually put on any but sure it's a mission. This makes sense.
It's it's crazy, because this hemorrhage John Kerry family providential settled shortly after accusations of climate policy. Well, go all were This is a first on fox news article. This was actually this go back out. Just came out actually, february, twenty twenty three miles, dig it up for reference, but like listen to what these motherfuckers did. This shit is, it's crazy. They think were stupid. Listen! I don't blame him sometimes, because I'm in what you have to consider, the people believe their shit right, like they're laughing at the people to vote for them Please, mother felt right. We're dealing with those same people were like guys what the
how can you not see what's going on and they know that they don't see what's going on because they ve been in washington for seventy five fucking years. So they understand that those people they don't think they're stupid. They know that they're stupid didn't mean democratic demeans like gum ass, yet these more accurate work. What does the army then he'd labourer, like listen, to this shit, ok, so you're out of your yellow, Claudia division. So so jar carries family quietly sold their private jet To a new york based hedge fund following intense criticism of the plains carbon footprint in light of carries, word fighting global warming, so the carries family private jet, which was a gulf stream gene.
or s p. Yet at all one there's a shitty united. What is even worse is not efficient. Those are like those are like twenty thirty years old fabric now that s peeping chief ask me what the crazy thing is. They saw it in your right. They are worse on mission, so the problem worse on emissions, not very efficient, mr carry, but they saw it so it's out. So this gulf stream flags were our sea. Would they fucking call it the flying? Squirrel is now it's when you take your ball sack and you stretch it the fuck outside it's a flying squirrel. You guys never did that shudder. Oh yeah, What did I just made that up stretch it wretched area like flying squirrel duties as oda. But now I heard flags worth what you know yeah. It was a most dude.
This is like urban dictionary. Aside telling you that's what they're fucking means out on me. Is this urban dictionary it does what it means to make up Mayor ordered his shirts. A flags were yeah, what's it say, stretching your scrotum and balls? over a person's face. Mary, the buggy george, you that's what it metro or are you going to stand down? These? Are you listening to this model? Is this? I do not look amiss. There's nobody master whatever that means these guys are all pedophiles anyway, we're fucking, surprise, allegedly yeah, allegedly the miles allegedly when done properly. This will cover the person's mouth completely good ethel
Those were the power to create a good such in may sure, your hauser warm before proceeding sears art to this, not only did did not only did I know that it was a thing. It's like a real thing, like flies world clubs, retaining broke pay you right. how many times do I miss you're right you're right? I don't feel so good to hear her, so I'm ebro. That's so now wednesday, I'm telling you so they had a fucking, they put it. They were put into a company. That's real nice real near like nobody's. Even talking about the fox national were fine. Squirrels are that's crazy, bro! so so they sought it right, but it gets better. And then he admitted it in his back and financial disclosure that him and his wife. They own a stake
a company worth more than a million dollars so they sold it. Now it's listed, as aviation violation of the sea into this company. Small firm based of wada bury oxford airport in connecticut, but it gets begets lowood crazier than that guess what they did after that, after they saw the plane. They blocked it out They were glad so they re file was collar. L abd lad. which is a limiting aircraft data displayed. So you can't live it up an app scale, fuck and look about. I saw the problem with the mavericks to fly on guarantee allegedly, allegedly yeah, so I mean like it's just so crazy. As its crises are never my video for because it gets check, and this representative, any big, see he that's weeded out when this came out.
Me too dark says he doesn't own one, but he sure does use one. Because reports came out. The ports came out that last year that the carry family jet, the gulf stream g for s p, it made a total of forty eight trips lasting more than sixty hours and emitted, an estimated seven hundred fifteen thousand pounds for three hundred and twenty five.
Metric tons of carbon just since president Biden was sworn in office and they sold it once all the she came out now I want to show you the exchange real quick. This was the final exchange between John Kerry and the other. At a secretary at an exchange with MR mills, you just testified under oath that you never owned a private jet at MR chairman, I'd like to enter into the record an article here from February fifteenth of tooth out twenty twenty three that the John Kerry family, private jet was sold shortly after accusations of climate hypocrisy MR sector. You stand by that testimony. I did you not owned or I person hamley, I your family, you ass, my wife on the plan, and so we want appealing not in a number of years I have flown
this article is not, then, in nine have surgery so yeah, my wife, only their more added value is here's them alive. It will work against brand. This isn't some kind of partisan gotcha when we are asking americans to make serious sacrifices as we transition for the common good and your family and or yourself or flying around on private jets. That smacks of hypocrisy. It actually hurts your cause, Mister secretary, but I'll I'll move on. I want to know where they implored me the the right at least to set the record straight here. I do not fly on a private jet. I do I do not fly. I fly commercially. Having all of my responsibilities taken, this position is just limit, for I have flown five times in the last two and a half years.
on mill air, which you also fly on and where some of you travel fly on five times. Otherwise, all of my trips are commercial of your own on a private jet in a personal or official capacity since you've taken this position, possibly once I I don't. I think I just don't I'm trying to think I hate you need to take. The broader point of how this appears the american plano as were asking them. You were not ass. No numerical we're, not asking americans not fly. You know you're you're, trying to create an unequal. There were no As long as you die by a doctor or at you, which is hold on you can't do it mate, is that it they're okay, they don't care about being hypocrites, they don't care if they fly on private jets and you get told to not have a gas stove and you get
you know, an app on your phone that registers your carbon emissions that doesn't allow you to drive or you get you know, find because of your carbon output, which is the shit they do over in china right, which is what the trend do here. They don't care because in their minds there above you your peasant and they are not a peasant. I don't care about hypocrisy, they don't care if they do things are in direct conflict with the message they preach and that's the biggest fundamental misunderstanding. That's happening on the ground level in the united states rating. You guys think that these people care they do not. And they do not see you as part of their country. They see the united states, as of country and we are a nuisance that infest their country and you guys think that's a hard radical viewpoint to take telling you. That is how they see,
They come every four years in every two years and they beg for you to vote for these people. We should never vote for an establishment politician ever again in the history of this country, whether they are a public or democratic anything else. Someone who has made a career being a politician should never ever ever be voted for by any america. Ever we start with this motherfucker and everybody else. Ok, this guy's a thousand fucking neutral? Ok, but, looking at this guy, I guarantee you this guy pisses is fucking patent enough. If Israel conflict with able bodied mail that is hyper masculine fitness expert right right, after this guy we're getting so fucking killed? Ok, we have the week. Has all this most what people leading this country instead of the most able the most intelligent,
once that actually have some sort of fraction of care about the belief of what america should be in the people than inhabitant at these people do not care browner represent, they do not care and so to think anything else is a mistake. You dude it's like going into the college, right and back in the old days, and you think you know what I really don't want to hurt. The sky. so he probably don't want to hurt me either. So I'm going to walk up to him and I'm going to stick my head, my fucking chop, your arm off bro, like you, we are getting killed because of our own idealistic expectations, which are not true These people have no empathy for us. We do not care about us. We do not care about you all, but No him too, they don't care. you're better than ass? They rule over us and that's that no different than what happened in human history. For the last fucking twelve thousand years, you get people in power with absolute power.
Europe's absolutely yet people in power they get there. They get comfortable they start see themselves as different and that's what we're dealing with work dealing with a media class and output class at the highest level. When I talk about me, which are not people who are hundred billion aims, which are not people who control the biggest countries, the big companies in the world, we are politicians, corporate and media interest class at look at us like we would look at cockroaches, infesting or home. That's what we have and for you to give them any benefit of the doubt. so as there are some sort of quality human being or that they have some sort of empathy for you or me, or any of us would be a bad assessments, bad strategy dude. sticking your arm out and glad you ring and going to cut it off and that's what's been happening. They ve been using our own good hearts against us for a long time we all have to come together and realize who the Sure enemy is, it is not your neighbour is not someone who s
different pigment than you in their skin, it's fucking them repeat the people who think that they can preach to you about climate, disrupt your whole life about climate, bankrupt you over climate limit, your freedoms over climate, but they can still live the old way they can still do whatever the fuck they want. I can tell you this. I find them. Garbage anywhere. If I go, I love it, but you don't really know what I am preaching as usual. I think everybody should get on one their first fucking amazing bro. How cool is it like any other way. Now, right now, it's perfect like it is what it is very nice. So it is, This does not solve social. Let us know in the comments hashtag flying squirrels. Would you guys like to flout, find my private jet with them a company like squire, magna private yeah, fuck a paint, a flags were on the spot. Inside of it One day I'm going to be running for president and I'm going to have a bit. ass plain, like trot only instead of trap. It's gonna have I swear
What I would do it will have a fucking square with a cable Hu, we flying through the air accident whites were up in only like you guys, listen to this episode right now, we'll get we'll ever get it. We'll laugh our asses off. Mr president, why do you have a oh man? That's rocky the flying squirrel does. Let us know what you think. le knob were to fail to reach no I'll come in here
secret service closes white house. Cocaine investigation by the administration is accused of cover up over failure to catch suspect who left drugs in west wing locker. Despite security cameras recording twenty four seven, you know, and by it I don't buy it. I don't I I think, they're blaming on secret service. I I think they're being forced to do that without saying too much. I know that's what's going on, The I know you know I do know. I know that was given to this as well, so the secret service is closing the investigation into the white house. Cocaine discovery because of a quote lack of evidence. in a stunning move just eleven days after the drugs were abandoned in a west wing, locker furious
looking of called the shuddering of the probe ridiculous and accused the binding administration of a cover up with agents unable to find a suspect, despite poring, over surveillance footage for more than a week g o p representative ten bourget said agents quote just decided is just some weaken, visitor and chopped up the entire investigation as well. Another cover up by the Bye whitehouse its bogus that seriously congress matter That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life. His comments came after the secret service briefed members of congress eleven days after the cocaine discovery. Forced evacuation, and it has met situation at the white house. Here is gnp representative timber shuts video everybody can merchant just left the most ridiculous. was meeting about time, secret service of cocaine, was found in the in the white house, so it turns out I don't know who did it? The investor
nations gonna be over the end of the week. Not going to find out who did who did it and that basically, yet another cover up. You know it's the most secure, building in the entire world. You can't go in there. They have facial identification, they had yet either security number, nobody, even the press. Nobody goes in their without them now, and this is a bad look on the secret service in a horrible look on this white house. More cover ups continue. Amaze, budapest, I'm, so oppressed enough is enough, but apparently the list of suspects was narrowed down. Two five hundred people are Democrats said jog testing. All the potential culprits would violate their civil liberties insisted. The girl came, was found in the area used by guess, not members of the Biden family, with mercury specific on that or those with security clear well, I would say that it was with national drugs in here. Mama pants, does not even a white house, you I'm in
I a private jet exactly I I don't own a private jet of a rifle that does not mark okay, Muslins by socialist secular, the secret service has been poring over surveillance, footage from camus stationed all over the white house, but still hasn't managed to find the culprit. While president Joe Biden has avoided the latest whitehouse candle by escaping to europe for meetings, foreign leaders, trump heresy beat director and long term fbi agent mark morgan, so daily mail about com last week that the case is straightforward and could be solved in a matter of thirty minutes. Now, let's, let's put the sagoths quick so first when the news first broadly said that UK it was found in the library which is now open to public tours right. But then, after a few days for hours later they change, and actually it was found in the west wing lobby. Another place that is open to public tours
The west wing lobby is the reception room for visitors of the president vice president in my house staff, but becomes a find out that, from this classified brief they had? It was actually found in this third location, which is the west wing executive interests. Entrance, which is used by vice president senior staff officials envisaged. to the west wing a very sick, your location shoemaker, not just one that nor any normal day, american Patrick water, arms were forced, labor was issued from the: u s: s ass, which no state secret service. It was released today on the days recording file following the briefing that gave a detailed run down of what the agency did to investigate the matter, but a concluded by saying it gets close. The investigation without finding who brought the cocaine into the white house says at this time the secret services investigation is closed.
due to a lack of physical evidence, cnn jumped on it, of course, This is also at the same time that FBI direct, raise gettin blasted for covering up binding ministration he's been goin back and forth with representative gates. Am Jordan there's a lot of stuff going on here and what economists well it's my personal belief that this was never meant to be solved and that this is actually part of the demoralization of the image that we have for our country, the white house, the sake replace the white house, an important place to our culture in our country and is representative of america at the purest form, and what I think is that this was actually put in there discovered and then created.
A massive buzz in order demoralized people's image of this country. That's personally, were I things going. I think they know exactly who did it? I think they know exactly. Why was done and I think there boy the secret service to make the secret service look in company which is another way demoralize what we think of her country. Ok. So a lot of this has to do with demoralization. In my opinion, and the ruling of the press,
tejas view and opinion that americans may have of their government, and that's my take- and I don't know okay, so they got a foot twenty four hour surveillance footage. This is no different. The january six worst that shit. Oh, they released a little bit of it from the news, but not all of it, where's the rest of it. They released what they wanted, you to see, yeah and dude. This is this is this is absurd, and people should be fucking pissed about it and that's what I think I I you know I am I'm so tired
I've, seen this country embarrassed and made to look like buffoons and intentionally destroyed in the eyes and the hearts of their own american citizens. I'm sick of this shit, I'm fucking sick of it, and you know when I look at these people's faces, I I start to get like legitimately physically angry. That's the point where I'm at so No, I'm tired! These people walking around you're, making the rules for us and then- by by any of them. I'm tired, I'm doing totally insane shit unhappy held accountable by taking money from foreign governments in the making policy decisions around them. I'm tired of the weak politicians in Washington dc that pretend like they're doing something when they art? Ok, half of these people that reality, people on on these congressional hearings are in on it too, it's all an act! Ok, these people are there is screaming at you know,
carrying screaming at you know whoever they have their embarrassing them and then they do nothing about it. It's up feared you it's all fake, and these people go behind. Those doors and they fuckin go to dinner and they smoke cigars and they play golf for having got you Are you there and then? Yes, exactly like her and people have a heart, How understanding that's exactly what goes on? Ok, these people fuck enough friends behind the scenes get along and we're all take their all getting paid, and that's the gate. Best game attorneys play that's a game policy. since play and it's all theatre, it's all fake, it's all bullshit and what's happening here- is the intent well demoralization and the reduction of the press age and we all hold the white house and the united states of america to be its the ruining the image in our hearts and minds of something that we once loved and once believed in russia.
dies as chairman on this conversation? Hashtag, not my parents. In the comments and get it these people who have done this stuff. They deserve the harshest punishment possible, but it is not so much on much cocaine I'm talking about the ruining of this fucking good year for sure he's, gonna, here's the thing that is gonna take some fucking. It's gonna take many years too. regain the image of this country and what it's supposed to be like. That's not going to happen overnight. We can get back control, get everybody held accountable happen, a lot quicker if these people are held accountable publicly. Now, no, it's russia, but I know some of the products they should at this point dj. This is on the shoulders of these people better than up there in washington who are who are elected by us republican or Democrat, to represent us and represent this country. There is a lot of fucking cowardice happening in Washington dc right now. Okay, like we're gonna,
two fuckin sacrifice: some stuff they get our country back and allowing you know these people to get away with their shit. over and over and over and over again that saying anything you complicit at this point because they're gonna destroy our country completely of people, dont get some fucking balls and speak to fuck up and tell the truth and unfortunately, were not there yet when there we got a few people that are doing it, but we don't have enough doing it. What I'm talking about the people up there I'm about the real american patriots and have happened, do luckily inhabit. The washington DC ecosystem and there's not very many, but Vice would be to figure out who the fuck they are and to take some action on getting the word out about what's actually going on, and I stopped just doing what the fuck you told, because compliance is what's created this home ass right. The whole reason we're here in this point in time is because of the masts can be all traced back to the mass had people said.
I would have the mass that none of the other shit would have been able to happen, but very they got a temperature. Barnes ryan's, that's correct and they stopped in the I remember a couple of guys saying that when hamon, you know whatever happened to them or are they were mad, they were, they were going to die the other day yeah. Well, they are. I don't even exist on. Oh, let me ask you this so for for the person listening to this, the show right now. What's what is their role in this call for accountability? I one of the things that that people listening to the shall write alchemy doing. I hope they need to be calling and emailing harassing their local elected representatives for accountability. I need you need me
Your call on their foes, the unmasked, just send emails. Everybody needs to be pushing because what's happening as these people can actually see the temperature of us from their right, so they're, not they're not they live in an echo chamber up their bro everybody. friends, it's a whole culture. They all play all together. Like I said, then I'll go to dinner together. They all they are all exist together and there's an echo chamber up there, that is come. That is miles. Hundreds of miles out of touch of what people actually want and what people were They want accountability. They want to know that they can trust the justice system to actually hold people accountable, do when there is a two tier justice system that part of the demoralization as well. When people started understand, like these people can get away with things, but you can't they accept it and what Actually accepting is their role as peasant class. By doing that makes sense.
Ok. So when you, when you accept that my and Hillary Clinton and this class, people, black obama and all these people can do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it. When you accept that what you're actually accepting as your role as a peasant, and that they are your superior and so accountability must be had if were actually going to keep this nation pure and we're going to keep it to the point and enter the premise of what it was supposed to be. Were all men are created equal tree legally and people going up to see that that's reality. It's going to have to be accountability, It's going to have to be public, it's going to have to be had or people will never trust this country ever gonna never believed in again, and the reason these people continue more and more and more aggressive is because they are
I understand that, that's what waits for them if they don't when they understand this, is this? Is life or death for them? So that's why they continue to push know they're going to push harder yup. We said this years ago we said one or two things is going to happen. They're going to pull back or they're going to push harder and they've chosen to push harder and Yeah now you had the media attacking a film about traffic in children. Why would the media attack a film about trafficking children? Why would that? Why would I do? That is worse than that? What why would they want Would they celebrate round men dressing up as women and shaking her private parts in arms. Little kids faces. Why? Why why why. Why are they creating names for pedophilia like trying to like create pet,
there's. Nobody in this country that can deny that had a failure is now being pushed to be accepted. Not only here in the united states, but around the world are right. We have the elected officials in spain that we covered a number of months back screaming and debate that young people, meaning children, are allowed to have them? to choose who they want to have sex with this woman was screaming at the top of her lungs. In spanish, we play the clip on the show talking about how children can consent. Ok, why, why I just want you to really think about? Why would this be, Why would they try to normalize? That's? Why would they attack anybody who's talking about human trafficking, and let's also mention the fact that human trafficking, in reality actually looks a lot different than what that movie shows. You guys want to think that
like you, know, a bunch of guys doing a raid on some. You know jungle place where there's cubic kids slaves, are we don't understand. Is that america The united states is the biggest hub of human trafficking on the planet and so here. You walk down the street everyday, you go to the mall and you go around a play and you see victims of this everywhere. You go you just, don't realize it because its hidden in plain sight and solve it in plain sight, and we have this situation with Jeffrey Epstein, no accountability delay Maxwell, no accountability. Everybody knows what was happening on that island, and then we have. You know all of these little bread, crumbs of trailing towards. You know then make in pedophilia. Seem like it's no big deal. Why would they be doing my Opinion is the reason there doing. That is because they understand that it's going to come out in the wash and when they buy the time
It comes out the wash they hoped to have normalized it so that they are not held accountable by because Veronica for accountability. Now, that's right! So what can people do? People? and start talking using their voice. They could stand up do we talk about every single show, which has become a personal, The excellent human being raise your standards, that's the cultural answer, raising the standard of living at a higher standard, coming fit becoming intelligent coming financially able employee, from their matrix? That's part of the solution. That's cultural sphere, but there actually is a real solution on top of that must be had, and that includes accountability, because without accountability, how can we ever trust the institutions of this country and how? I'll, never trust them without accountability to the media, for the lies that they told and the the millions of people, the date ruin their lives, whether it be people dying on a ventilator or
denied I ever met in, which is now proven, recommended covered therapy, which they literally de platform, people for without accountability for this and what they did. How can we ever trust any of these people get so believe be calling for accountability and they need to be pushing, and on these, on, the other elected visuals from their state as hard as they possibly can. All the time and then only be using their voices all the time. You cannot be afraid of this. We are afraid of look what's happening with the sound of freedom. Are I got the next hold on our people? fraid of it? No, because now they see that everybody else's with it to you, everybody else has been with it, the entire time guys All these years happen all these years, you ve been youth The tide is changed. The tide does not change. The curtain has been lifted. Ok, the bought traffic. The sense
ship the favourable algorithms hollywood. Fortune? One hundred Critical matrix has been discovered, everybody she's what's going on, so it was always outweigh it. Wasn't the thai change? They will always promoting these things. To make us Might there were the popular thinks they had everybody in hollywood promoting crazy shit. How did they get everybody. In hollywood, you promote this crazy shit. You think everybody Hollywood just happens to be one of these people they own these people. These people are chosen for their comments. since they go along, they get the rewards. They become rich the famous, but they just gotta do this. Will things right we're dealing with work do this country belongs to the fucking people. This country is not long do these people does not belong to a a small group of ultra rich. elite people that are willing to do.
Things say anything to have to fucking. Take from us do we'll take what how much more the content from us: I'm afraid you got you don't say it: how much more we gonna let him take. They take your peace, they take your health, They take your fires. Is you take your time. where else, what else we can alone take? And if you fix the problem you children have deal with this problem, so he's really fucking do a I gotcha about what you stand for what you believe to be right. I can't I can't talk. I it because you know people my job, mfa, people, your job. You have a chance to make a difference. your words and actions right now? This point history have a chance to change fucking american history for real.
You gotta do is be a little bit. Courageous, that's courageous, ass! Rightly man Thus, let us know where you are and move onto our third and final headline atlanta, but three you brought it up a little bit touched on a little bit We cover the last each year about the sound of freedom movie. It's over. Fifty million dollars run out the box office, I'm an that's all great. You also mentioned the politician in spain when what we got some should happen in our own borders right, but there is a little twist on this thought that was important to bring up the show. So I have armies. California, democrats block fail to make child trafficking a serious felony. Why? Why would they do their work?
Would they do that really because an alarm, because I dont want to be convicted of a serious felony? Obviously I agree. Ok, what move that, let's move this that reason off the table. Let's say you and I are tinfoil hat conspiracy wagner's theirs. There are. Obviously there not trafficking children back there. I must take that They got shut off the table. Obviously there not pedophiles. Ok, what were conspiracy to. forget everything. I've ever said, you've ever said or thought much remove those What's your move, those things from the table? Why would they do this? You want their answer yeah. Where are they They said because it is to prevent overcrowding in prisons. After the just you mean the prisons that they just empty during covered right right, that's that's interest,
And so so, we've now adopted a mindset in this country where. we'd. Rather, let people who harm children and violent criminals beyond the street then violate their human rights by keeping them in prison. That's where we move to yours, what's really going on there. Guilty of the ship. A lot of them are in this culture. They want violence in the streets, they want crime in the streets, they want disorder in the streets. They want chaos in the streets because, just like they say out of chaos border and they're burning everything to the ground. They are. the moralising every viewpoint about this country that we ve ever loved than ever thought favourably about They are creating a scenario where there are going to have so much chaos on the streets and so much casting the world up to and including pedophilia too, where people will fucking gladly accept
any sort of order at all, as long as just cleans up the crazy shit, even if its communism, Jim said I mean, could got guys? Think of it? This way, right like crime is so bad outside you? Don't wanna go nowhere. No one's gonna, worry, also save goin anywhere. You got your pettishly also murderers running into the streets, ramping, you're, gonna just stay at home and when you're at home you're going to consume more of their fucking propaganda. You have no real way of interacting with the fuckin real world. No real temperature check you're not going nowhere that they want They want. You scared, because the moment, given that that that state of fear you there's they own, you yeah and To me, this whole thing is crazy, but I guess it. There is a little twist on the story, but I ll also I take it. You take on it. So the public safety committee, which has a democratic majority, declined to advance in under groves bill.
is as be fourteen on tuesday and some members express concerns. Andy about the effectiveness of the three strikes rule and longer. Sentences from on Andy can have longer sentences. right. The committee, which has eight members, voted down the proposal with to a members voting in favour and six democrats, abstaining, no votes to me us the same as voting which, whichever which now here's the twist for you, ok, no votes against. I did when these people play this parson shit yeah, don't those people belong right in there with the pedophiles okay, this is our fucking kids, brow. Well, that's a failure. By ignoring the senator, I have a picture of her here. She bar grandkids up during the vote, where she vote
Which way she was she's, the republican that introduced it as she's, actually, the most conservative republican in the state of it for california, but here's the twist okay, she has to go to battle every single fucking minute of her white food serving in calif. We're the rough also used to Islam in extra got the the source correct. This is from the san francisco chronicle. Ok, they wrote his audible. Headline reads: a child sex trafficking bill is roiling in the california capital, so they go into it and they start An unusual move governor Haven't newsome and leaders in the state assembly worked with a conservative lawmaker to revive a bill to increase criminal consequences for child sex trafficking. After progressive Democrats shot the measured and many new, some rarely publicly announced as he wants to intervene in the legislatures work and legit?
of leaders, rarely publicly question the committee's votes of their fellow democrats, its especially unusual in this instance, given that the bill in question was authored by one of the legislators, most conservative members of the move coms as newsome- and the state leaders are under increasing pressure to not be seeing the soft on crime while the states violent property crime rates are at a relative lows compared to recent decades. Californians concerns about crime are rising according to polling by the public policy institute of California, their relative lows, because they're not getting reported exactly exactly. Yeah, I'm glad you called that, I'm so currently, child sex trafficking is already a felony in california. That carries a princess prison sentence of five to twelve years or fifteen to life of the crime, involves forced to seat a caution or violence, so I thought
That was an interesting twist, so gavin newsome china is now I do you think you did. I must say that I want to argue that maskew, our buddha could, I think, that this is an example that he he saw. They were showing too much of the fucking cop and he's like hold on that's going to bring way too much. Fucking hate the not ready for that can be. We can be knocking down bills like that. I think I think what this was was a move to kind of ease the public temperature, because it ain't got kids, that's the line for the majority of people. Look at the sky. Madame. Do you think he's a total, dumb ass? No, I don't think so. He nah, I wouldn't give them that. Have you seen him talk now for debate, be extremely witty. Okay, he's very witty! I hate his debate style because all he does a shout people down.
Liberals do because they can't make actual points. This guy's, not a dumb fuck. He realizes that the child thing is a fucking know, go for his run to be pressed. That's what I think and he's correct. Yes, however, look at your state look what's happening within these people who are voting to keep her. punishment for crimes against your children. They, you elected to represent you. Who use your tax dollars to do whatever the fuck they want. Okay, these people are complete violation of their oath to serve and do what's in our interests as the american citizens and any politician any politician that votes.
either abstained from voting or votes in favour of a law, but somehow or tax pedophiles or people who do crimes to children deserves to be held accountable with those people. That's real shit. That's a hard line that every single american, no matter what you think, no matter what you think of politics, no matter what side. You identify with no matter what you should agree with. There has to be the line yeah, I'm fuckin, tired, I'm tired of these key bore warriors on the internet and these fuckin crazy mother. it was all over the internet. You don't even know who the fuck are you. ro. The suicide rate for transgender people is like fuckin near fifty percent. Ok, we have de transistors it's not because I can't cut off their dick yeah. It's not because they're not happy, that's correct! Now it like you, you cutting off
penis giving them a vagina that they have to fucking. Like stretch of water bonus hole when mom so you'll be out the fact that call it ok bonus ok, you cutting this off or or or or the sewing, shot, a females vagina and making them a penis, ok, whatever fuck, you call it now be serious. That's that that's that keeping them from killing themselves. It's probably actually. When the data comes out later, it probably increases the chances dramatically now they will never. Let us see this data bride, but if you did the studies right now, because this has been going on long enough, you will see that the Actual suicide rate of trans people is higher host surgery and precision. And then my best, not because a transit, that's why? But now
I don't know the data, and even if I saw the data right now, I would have to very partially scrutinise where the data came from, because how politicized everything is. But my that's, my gut I think it's. We see all these de transistors coming out now who were saint holy fuck, and we have these people voting for this shit to happen. Ok, we have a major problem in this country and its not minor its major With with people who want to sexual eyes, children were people who want to you know normalize pedophilia were people who want to sympathize with violent crime. Ok, we'll big problem here and uneasy. we addressed in only way it's ever going to get addresses of. Oliver stand the fuck up and say no mother, fuckin more is not happening. So that's where I'm at you're free to join me. But I will tell you this. I would none of this stuff. You ate I like, I said, oh, I shall answer for this one point time. Whereas good. What I said what I believed in me
I a coward or did I actually have courage, and you know what I live by that, and you can think what I really want to me. You can call me we're fucked name, you want to call me, you can fuck and say what I really want you can yell at me on the year. I give a shit how care because at the end of my life, I'm gonna have to fuck and say you know what I either stood for. What I thought was right: or I was a coward and not willing to be a fuckin power. The shit is wrong: And you all know what's wrong and your silence is starting to become true complicity, You're enabling it now that means you're part of the problem. That means No matter how big you apologize, how You say, you're, sorry, how much you sure to spoke up. There is actually kids right now, they're getting their lives ruined because of your fucking silence as an individual, so think about that and take long and hard about, because this is fucking thing, up? I never thought we live in it and I never thought
see a day and age where pedophilia could even be talked about as potentially fucking norm. I never thought that we would get to that point. I never thought that we would get to appoint. Were young kids, would be encouraged with one there be session to me light there genitals or you see- what's happened in countries right now to while why were advancing the lightening of sentences and new normalization here. What what's happening in other countries are doing opposite castration. I'm like like and is not just one country like these. Are multiple kind, because this is a global movement, makes sense to me? This is going on in every country. People, don't standards, not just america, brow and other countries? you're standing up to this shit. We hear is americans. We do want to be called names we want to be seen as intolerant the time. For tolerance is fucking over. I don't have you noticed it's over. Ok, we ve picked over that point
of tolerance. Now we moved into a point where you either comply with their agenda or you're a big or you're a racist or you belong on the domestic terrorism list, you're a bad person. you're all right, because you don't want to mutilate his generals Are you want I'm reading about blowjobs when their kindergarten? Are you don't want grown man dressed as women shaken their balls and from their face are you are you What do you want to say a politically correct term like minor, attractive people instead of pedophiles my brother using americans they first while they can do Should we be tolerant, they're using that conditioning to push their agenda through and salt the time for how it is fucking over we'll talk. The guys join our conversation and the comments. Let us know where you got stand on this, but without beings,
That was our third volume on the sound for the final signal. The show is always comes up with dumbest fought guises, We bring a headline up, bring the article up go through it, talk about it. It'll get one of those two options as well. That being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads Video shows mother in cambodia saving child just seconds before home ceiling collapse. This is while now I know we'll find easy. We always find these I get your secrets I mean I can't give the magical weibo I got I get respect. I find them though yeah they're out there, I'm not one of those people that tries to dig for the magic questions like I got friends who have no filter on the questions they asked me like they'll. Ask me fucking, I don't come from that. Oh brad, I'm gonna like like is something new in the world were like now? The Asturias like before you do some years here? Is this like something new or people feeling
I don't know all of your information about your life in every way, shape and form even people, your friends with that social lighthearted eyebrow, but like how much money you make? How much you no problem at all? were fold, no others say, like p personal shit, yeah like like that shit like like when I grew up with an asked that shit about each other, and we can talk about it was better to because it was like this mysterious I'll get it. You just wanted it yourself, not row but like nowadays, it's like so what's your relationship a whole? Why more? What money did you make or home life? This shit has become popular and social media for clicks and shares in its way in society like there's no boundaries anymore. No, I must fucker. I want life. I don't want to be your life. If I wanted to be your life out, invite you to be part of my life, I'm not sure you all my shirt, because that's my shit right, you're insane. I get these people to come out.
A social network, what this we're, not that we want this while she showed us while show that cause. I don't fucking want to its real simple, like I come from a different era. I know I'm young handsome fucking young, looking brilliant. Look, I'm twenty five! But I'll come from your answer. I want my life rope and I want to state will to america with that, like you know now we're classifying people based on all these little things. These data points in these questions, in Ah you all this information about people's personal lives. You don't, like you said a minute ago: back in the day, was the one that it was like. Do this guy course guanaco? Now it's like what came Do you get to sit at you know, and my brother look, I stated the biggest motherfucking table and I, like it you're. What like now think it's cool. I like people for people. I think we should go back to that
I must add some fuckin rules and some matters is class. Do there was better too, because I was always like this move like mysterious, like around other people, because it now that information made a better, I wouldn't able to judge where I should act like oh man, you know about eighty cents, good shit. I ain't gonna. Ask him, though you know what I'm saying but like a created like times it's just better man dude at the end, you know I mean I wonder what keith does when he gets home with his cats. Ask, but I do want us. I would. I wonder I wonder what keys cast would tastily me out. That's it. I could do it, it's just so we're alien they're, not gonna, shoot me we're gonna thumbs up as evidence of this is. This is crazy. So the fox news article reading your man
video captured a mother in Cambodia, saving her child just seconds before her home ceiling lapsed. The incident happened in the capital city of phnom penh on July. Third, after shoe shopkeeper shopkeeper, a who operates a business out of that same building a finished up. The work for the day according to vile, pressed the yo begins, which re holding a baby and standing alongside three young children in the room, a sound, this heard enshrined two of the children start running away, while screaming shrank still clutching the baby then runs back and pulls a child. Who was left behind in the baby. Walker to safety here is video.
The. holy shit is right down. I'd, say this: they would it's only survive and like a horror, movie bro, did you see how fucking fast they got it they booked it bro. That's crazy! Is that what is that is that house, you know also. Is it their sharp? It's like a home shop, combo, you're, gonna, say it's like the drop ceiling, just came, detached and fell down. A probably would have killed any of the layout of their color, the man.
real talk. I don't think anybody would, killed in that situation. Cassettes just like super, like drops healing bullshit boy, a private fell great Zella she had time to analyze the situation, but I mean that that that's Somebody's going to know for sure yeah for sure, so the ceiling that was above her in the children are thinking crash into the ground. We saw that so called He would have died of the roof fell on. It was just my ign to run away. When I saw the following three was quoted by lower press saying: or something maybe looked back and saw him, their charges ran over and grabbed up. Now the news agency said builders who later repaired the building blame the ceiling collapse on poor construction and recent heavy rains that weaken the structure. Vote. There was no waterproofing in the original plans for the house. All of the rain has made the ceiling weaker. It is because of poor construction when the builders showed viral press
quote people should be aware of this when they buy homes as one day, it could fall down just like what happened here. Yeah, I don't know about that, but I mean it is. It makes sense like if they had a leak, there's no waterproofing on the roof. They got late drop ceiling got like a sponge. Heavy shit fell down. I don't think this. I kill anybody does my part, I think it's a great story. She acted now. You should act. I think the moped probably saved him you have to say, I don't go alone after her here. You know in the low do without tell the truth. He does you off like a great story, but None of them. Are you get what you don't jump early was fifth nor the order was built right. You got it. Take all these ls against me forever knows how to use it what europe is about.
However, what I mean you know. First of all, that bad as that's all over your home, the show sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in a kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-04.