« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

502. Andy & DJ CTI: Illinois Senator Defends Teens Rioting, Elon: Twitter Had Access To Users' DMs & China's Secret NYC Police Station

2023-04-19 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Illinois State Senator defending Chicago teens' rioting calling it a mass protest, Elon Musk informing Tucker Carlson that the U.S. Government had access to Twitter users' direct messages, and the two Chinese-American citizens who were arrested due to allegedly running a secret police station in NYC.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box from the county museum in kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope, can't kang doesn't know his headshot case club. What is that guys? It's handy for selling this is to show the really say goodbye to the lies, the fitness and delusions about our society and welcome mother fucking reality guys. Today we have eddie do jack grows the mother fucking then, and there s we're gonna do as will see the eyes danced for by the way that means crews, the internet. We actually and a whole lot of time researching this. This segment of the show we came up with it. I think. While we were naked, locker room, one of us will get well, well, you got up for everybody. Tell us the calmer who really do I suffer. media. I arrive. We have shows within the show cd. Crusader. This is our current events. What
go around the world news segment of the programme we put three headlines up on the screen, we talk about. What's going on, we speculate on what's true, what's not true, and then we talk about what we can do as individuals to help correct some crazy stuff going on in the world other times. You too, and you're going to your culinary and that's where you get to submit. I answer him on the show most of these questions about personal development, success, building a business entrepreneurship, how to kick ass in life and business, but they can be about anything okay. You could submit those questions one of two ways. The first way is guys email, those hutchinson into ask Andy it andy for southern africa and the segway eyes that now there were on you to go on the cuban episode and drop your question. The comments section on the queuing up, a half episodes and we'll pick some from there is well other times. We have real talk, we'll talk just five or twenty minutes of real talk that, I think needs to be said,
and then other times we have full length. Full length is similar to what you have. I been seeing on everybody else's podcast forever, where you have a bunch of people in room and they talk, and sometimes they talk over each other and they have a conversation. It is what it is. So that's the show, that's how we do it so the shows within the show we have this thing that we have on the show called the fee when we say pay the fee. What that means is spread Joe k. What you'll find out about the show is, I don't run on the show. I don't take money from people who pay me to say things that I don't actually use or believe in and very often Taking my beliefs, I don't wanna, be leverage in any any single away, plenty of money, my old businesses, so I ask that get value out of the show. If it teach you something, if you get a different perspective, if you learn something, if it's funny, if it's not a waste of your time, we do
the job. Please share the show, that's how we grow the show the show has remained at the top of the charts for close to a decade based upon you guys just paying the fee man. So it's good old fashioned value exchange. If we do good, do us a solid? If we don't do good, don't share it. That's all we asked, so that's what we mean when we say pay the fee. I saw what's going on in here man a lot. Well I mean you know enough yeah enough yeah, I was thinking man. I was trying to think of more taglines. It's like no. These shows are for the hose. You know what I'm saying, or you mean like, don't be a whoa share. The show share the show yeah. I was. yeah. So you have not some original ideas aware how brainstorm yeah that's a fresh off the downs regional. I've already got deaf around here. I don't know they wore guys in Assisi. I ve got a lot on the plate
stock. This out and remember, if you want to see any of these pitches articles links videos go to Andy for salah dot com, you can find them there. We also linked them in the description on youtube below and with that being said, man that, let's let's, let's start cruz a man who can cruise with headline number one. I don't have one reads: illinois state, senator of defence, chicago teens, rioting, looting. It's a mass protest, most dive into this man, Illinois state senator defended the chicago teen take over that unfolded saturday night and left multiple boys not claiming it was simply a quote: a mass protest against poverty and segregation, Robert peters, who represents parts of chicago, responded to the chaotic seen that saw hundreds of local youth smashing car window,
was jumping on surrounding vehicles and firing guns in the streets. Rather than condemn the chaos that left tourists running in fear, peters suggested. It was just a quote: mass protesters, his official tweet says quote since I'm a glutton for punishment and I'm sure I'm going to get the most unhinged crime weirdo replies. But I would look at the behavior of young people as a political act and state it's a mass protest against poverty and segregation rest in peace to my mentions, because he knows it's going to get fucking destroyed on this. He knows that hundreds of police officers were called to the scene,
resting nine adults and six juveniles and connection to the right. According to fox thirty, two, a man was taken to the hospital after being beaten by a group of teenagers after they jumped on and smashed his windshield, while her he and his wife saddened side. Double ass reported a six year old boy being shot in the arm and two teenage boys. I just sixteen seventeen also shot in the crowd, according to fox thirty to chicago. Let's see where the newly elected mayor had to say this headline reads: left to chicago mayor, elect after teenagers viler rampage do city, dont, demonize them so after teenagers went on a violent rampage downtown chicago Saturday night which to be more shot left
chicago mayor, elect Brandon Johnson said sunday that people should end quote demonize the teenagers over a hundred teenagers participate in a violent activity which include a torch in cars, engaging in a massive fight and trying to breach police barricades. here was his official statement. Says quote: in no way do I condone the destructive activity we saw in the loop and lake front this weekend. It is unacceptable that has no place in a city. However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities. Continue, saying quote: our city must work together to create spaces for youth, to gather safely and responsibly under adult guidance and supervision, to ensure that every part of our city remains welcome for both residence and visitors. This is one aspect of my copy.
Hence of approach to improve public safety and make chicago livable for everyone, and I'm sure everybody have seen the video. There was a woman that was attacked by a group of teenagers that video videos been circulating. I have it here forest quickly on this point out all of the fuckin people to beat this woman who were a certain raise her and then the woman was another race and had this video happened. The other way around me without the whole fuckin universe coming down on fuckin everybody,
hmm, that's a fact. That's not. I mean we. We all know that. That's a fact. Here's the video, the sickening yeah, the capturing the bs says: yeah. We get active, oh you're, cool guys. Why don't you fucking teenagers grab a woman is trying to get into a fucking door. He beat the shit out of or you're really fucking tough, what's tolerate. That lets tolerate that's more like it makes more sense It is for these fuckin young people who have been starved of opportunity guy. Let's talk about why they ve been star, the rapporteur, who start first of all, when you teach kids, their entire life, that they can't get anywhere because their black they're going to fuck can be pissed off when they become adults. That's the intention of teaching! In that that's what I was talking about.
So by the time the fuckin twenty years old, when they ve been taught they have no chance of fuckin world, they give fuckin pissed Ok, okay, act, fuckin, crazy, nat down, they do fucked up shit because they don't really Four can see any point to anything. Removing no hope when the reuse, child and then fucking, forcing through through the system. And all the while you have white Democrats coming into their neighborhoods every fucking for two and four years, saying: hey we're going to fix it. we're going to you the opportunities that you need. We're gonna, get you the opportunities that you deserve. All the while going back to. I shouldn t see me king laws and miserable operating the funds for those cities To actually make the situation worse and harder right, we have situations in California right now we're inside four, they thought removed algebra from the mathematical
grit, are ok and then they they they act confused when there, youth are now doing math on a fifth grade level and all the quorum quote: white rich people, higher private tutors, their kids continue to get smarter. That's a democrat fuckin position. all right. So until the black community wakes the fuck up and realises that the people they continue to vote for are actually just intentionally making problems were in those communities, nothing is going to change now, never going to change. This is what happens when you take away people's hope for their entire fuck in life. And then you make excuses for why they do it all. Those kids should be in fucking jail that Alison hay the belts there were worth about broke. All He has worked in jail ass weapons as whooping. You got your ass. What does get yeah? I got my as what we are doing.
I'd like to leave my fuckers now mad, but I mean, but, like you even look at that man, it's like you know where here's the reality. Let's talk about some of the facts right, like you. Look at a place like chicago, where I guarantee you less than thirty percent of the homes have two parents in them: right now, just nine times out of ten is a wise out because they were removed by democrats when decades ago, guys, why do they do that? the incentive eyes no means analyze. The hundred this, the inner city, black households, call what it is: ok to Actually have more children with less fathers per So they can make more money, they survived it? No, I mean this guy brain and Johnson was just elected. Less than thirty percent of voters turned out you don't answer as not even a fact effective vote in the voting him in is not voting at all. You know get exactly what you didn't will do. Well, you know why, when you say shit like well, then I just a vote, that's what happens reside. Why do people are so afraid
I have to admit that they were misled and told the wrong things about who? What party to stand with and by the way, republicans ain't much better, but I can promise you they're better than these motherfuckers or at least at the current time, right well and endured. You know we see this on on. In you know the pages you and I follow to kind of keep up on the on the news and stuff and, like you see it in the black community, bro like most of the black communities, waking up to realize that, like they, they they've been fucking victimized by the people that they've selected to represent them. Ok and do that's fucked up, but until the whole community gets with it and start being so stubborn insane, everything's, fuckin, racist and everybody's, racist and all white people are racist, bro! You people are for shit, that's not the truth. The truth is you've been. For the fuckin wrong party for forty fucking years and look you're fucking neighborhoods until we get small, and say, okay and by the way, this coast people that are in the city until you
smart and start fuckin advocating for these people because they americans. These are fucking. Americans years ago, an american and say hey. These people deserve some fuckin respect in their city and these people, who could they continue doing? are ruining it and we get more people to stand up and actually pointed up because they're not afraid of call racist or whatever the fuck you called these days. Called it all for congress. Fuck. You want my point. Is this. Black communities, inner city communities are victimized by the people that they vote for. That is fucking period, and that's it okay. So if you want different, if you want more opportunities, stop vote for his mother fuckers that make a living off. If you having no opportunities, if you want more Education start voting for people who the education way or who fuckin misappropriate the funds. And don't spend school systems. Are I like dude. This is obvious shit it's been happening for years and years and years and years and years and fuck every damn it
well one city in a foreign country right, identical brought like do you got it just so fuckin for history its. I do you guys really mad about soda, don't be mad at the people. The promised are going to come in every two years and fix your shit that never fix it stopped the amount of red white people trying to fucking getting their hotel. A remedy is the shit out of them if that does show reverse bro everybody be crying victim shit. Why people are only people in a fucking country that you could do anything to no one fuckin says shit saving about. No, it's a shit. out of either ass, you wrote, I mean, do look, look look at a white to black crime statistics, verses of black and white crime statistics that it's fucking, data cannot argue with it one. The thing is I mean I can hear here is. Who is the point that we were at a point, a very crucial point right now in society,
where we need unity more than anything and all that continue to get pushes the segregation, and so I'd like We have thus avoids open now rise above that its open. They want your brain, You do look on the internet right now. Let's discuss look at them I don't have racism that is literally right in front of your face from both sides like but like dude. There are, there are look dude they've created it. No, we need to fucking stop calling each other fucking names sad falcon, being races, stop saying everybody else's racist are realising do we're all fuckin americans man. Only inaccurate my kids. They are not allowed to grow up his foot off. Just because I point out the obvious things like the crime data, or this doesn't mean I'm for I'm just say what it is like bro. We should be worrying about what's going on here If you don't live in those areas, you're insane and like do that's a big problem, but the bigger problem is: is
Motherfuckers live in those areas. Don't care about those areas, that's the biggest problem. They continue to fuck him for the same motherfuckers that come in every fuckin two years, and ruin your society. Oh we're going to fix the schools. Then they take the money for the schools. Oh we're going to fix that we're going to fix the community. They take the money from the how many of these motherfuckers do. You see get invited eventually do you live just think? Well, yeah is not the things like see it right here in our own city, you I mean everyone by saint Louis could be a fucking, amazing, beautiful city. There's a lot of great people here, black and white, ok and most people are fucking gray. Here, but because the fucking, crazy mother, workers are not held accountable? We have disorder a society which is only creating more and more more racial tension which Eventually, it's is gonna, explodes what the fuck they want, and so we
Should all be a lot smarter than to fall for these things, so we have to be well, you have to be. Does us nowhere, but what you guys think in the comments we would he gus about the chicago burnt out of the double standard. I gotta be real I, though, remember out: that's how I know it's a point, but I'll be real data. If thou fuckin a group of why people yank it on a black person, fuck beat the shit out of him, we'd have a convey day, a silence. We don't fuck and black squares. We'd have fucking You know all this shit right, and it would be this huge fuckin thing. When it happens to a white person. Knowest fucking cares fuck. You ok, man like do we in europe, It doesn't get called out because people are afraid of me call racist, that's not racist. That's an observation that didn't make up Crime data broke the crime dated made up the crime data my dude until we ladies races like work where why are we such policies that we care fuck and say what is actually happening?
Are you really that afraid of being called a fucking name? You may like a man is a man and a woman is what do we do that with the around, were fucking about ass fuck, find out where bro bullshit were a bunch fuck pussies. We want instead to fuck untruth We want to say that a man is a fuckin man and woman is a woman. We won't even look at data and say this is the way it fuck. It is there's the data we river we can address the real shit. So, like you think the word like some kind of dude america's, we are fucking inches away from me, guard the rest of the world not like this and by the way, the rest the world on see black white, yellow red gay straight. they see americans and they fucking hate americans, because of the way that our government represented americans over the course of the last hundred years across the fucking world. So maybe we should understand that if we don't wait the fuck up and stop all this ratio bullshit and fallen for this fucking
engine and get aligned. Actually help the communities that need fucking help real shit, we're whose country. And I mean you're gonna, be speak a book chinese bro, you know, do writer. and this is the same as for fucking orange chicken, just as much as the next person. I don't let semantic chinese know what I'm saying: listen to People realise how close at its very, very close. You got China, you're, fucking, you have thousands of military aid chinese immigrants coming across the fuckin border. I now unchecked thousands around eighty thomas thousands are you got that? Oh you have focused chinese spy balloons which are actually fucking. Very, isn't some blue with a fucking cameron. These things are controllable. They have, The working hours flight path- and you have a president who is taken- millions and millions of millions and millions of millions and millions of dollars from china. allegedly, ok, who is it
Who is sitting in our fucking whitehouse, allowing them access to everything, including coming right over our mother fucking border and we're here argued about fucking. and why should you got a fucking weight to fuck up through That's real guys. I was her. My number one is move right. Allow headline number two: let's talk more about this corrupt government. Eighty, to reach. Elon musk tales. Tucker karlsson. U s. Government had access to twitter users direct messages. I saw this and the crazy idea is a crazy, So this now mother telling you what we talked about. We talk, told us this fuckin fifteen years ago. Do right, you guys call him a traitor julian assange. Fuckin told us the shit
They made a homo because called Snowden you fucking watch it's a great talks. It is because it shows people the capabilities of what is actually happening. Like I do how many times my set your camera, your fucking television, camera your phone any of your electronic device, switched on any any time at will by our government and spied upon under the fuckin patriot act and now their passing the restrictive regulations even worse, that's funny, because apple so apple, just had a big eyes tat. You got secrets, brow, you're, gonna secrets in lawsuits, but its front because apple just did a software bade. Apparently they had like our security region, The the whole main theme about it was like. Oh you know, hackers can now gain control of your app. You guys, like no hackers can gain control of your phone and every day you could do they could do so. Do these updates or they can't do it, I'm like wait. You mean do that Update, so only you can do it that far,
This is great, really ignorance of people astounds me like. I saw a quote the other day and I forgot what loss for it was, but it was like you, I'm just paraphrasing, you may not be interested in politics, but the takes or interest in you and that's the point like you you guys who sit there and say that political or I'm at this hour. Friends say that shit bro, that's cowardly shit, that's wilful ignorance is going to cost us. His country I dunno. I try to stay away from that pool. I was talking to one of my buddies and actually a cousin of mine, and I we were talking about your what's going on in the world whose I fuck do, I don't know, like everything seems normal like yet should pay attention seems normal. like how much our work like? Do you grocery store the gas station and yes, bro? But people think that second noble thing they think just like they think silent majority is noble. Just like they think political correctness is noble, just like they think you know not offending people is a noble thing. Even if it's the truth, these p,
I think the not getting involved in what's going on in our country, is some sort of like I'm a higher I'm higher than you yeah. You know, I'm I'm I'm more refined than you know. Bro you're the reason we're fuck in fighting this battle and it's fucking, your fault. it's so irritating to me bro, because dude, if everybody would just wake the fuck up, like I said in the last segment acknowledged the fuckin facts, the data of what's glass, a dude. now, you might say, races what theirs fucking data right, like we will be able to fix these problems, but I could tell you how we can fix him. We can't fix them by by denying the fact that they exist. A man s own. So this is the border county region twitter see
Oh you. I must recently claimed, in an interview with fox news, hostaqua carson, that the? U S, government had access to the private messages of all twitter users. Now here's a quick video from from the interview data greater, which various cover issues his had effectually, have full access to areas that was going on twitter light. I was not aware that with that include people stems I yes, so the heel reports, the twitter, see yo yo, almost shockingly asserted that the? U S, government has quote full access to users: private met, direct messages on the social media platform. During a recent in depth. Interview with fox news hosts some across the multi billion are business. Man talked about his grave concerns regarding the potential risk of artificial intelligence, or I
and it's impact on the future of humanity while expressing his shock at learning or the extent of government surveillance. I must we talked about this, but here's another interesting. So I tried to look around and see the the countering arguments right as always do, and nobody was really touching that topic as far as the government oversight and except for one news agency and that that that can be a washington post the airline soccer, crosson and elon musk team up on misleading fox viewers. You know he gives good kids good, so he's going to talk about the the the dm conversation okay, this- and this is this guy's, philip bump, which sounds terrible to begin with, but he says, let's begin with carlson's assumption.
About the security of twitter, the ems they're, probably were people who engaged in discussions or redeem that they understood to be private but believe to be secure, complaining those two things in a way that they shouldn't have perhaps some were world leaders or reporters, both of whom should know better. But this is not a failing of twitter as such, it's a failing of those who made the assumption Well, you know you. You know you are wrong to assume that we will get a look at your software like the government. It's ok for the governments of the kind, I mean, like that's, fall for not reading that seventy seven pages of terms and conditions, yeah, listen, you says information
that tramples over the internet is generally observable. Online retailers and secure communication platforms use encryption. Digital opts for education. If you will to keep particular things from being observed, the most secure form of this encryption is into hand when my message to you is encrypted. Oh my device and unencrypted by you on yours, regardless of how, but when you get it to you, even if it sitting on twitters or anyone else's server waiting for you to pick it up now, ray what it says, but as of now, that's not how twitter messages work. Governments do legitimately dislike in saying encrypt like bro, you complete like these
for us. Man has got a fucking, bitch, fucking fbi, cia falcon, attach government fuckin snitch us we're, ok, look brow! We have the right to assume a few things in this country. One is that the news is telling us to fuckin facts. Ok, to is that any communication that we have is not spied upon by our federal government that mean our cell phone, I means, are fuckin taxed and these are dm, even though it's a private company like all these bulkheads liked to say. Ok, we have the assumption of that. We should at least are right, but they don't allow it and they d day they skirt the rules of the law, because we live in fake freedom. We don't live in real freedom. We already live in a surveillance state, all you motherfuckers that keeps saying. They're gonna put this syndrome I see be able to control everything bro. How many mother fucker just got their bank accounts deleted because they fucking.
go out. The narrative I know, but I know a bunch one, just conway right. They already fuckin track. Emory goats model and found it was everything you say we jack off the hook, important basis. You're fuckin jack office. Right like They know all your shit, I'm just tell you I keep a real say, call fucking. This call real is fuck If I can see all your shit alright, how do you think they leverage all these people? How do you think all of a sudden they get these people who are speaking a certain tune to all the sudden flip their fucking tune? How do you think they said They call this what they call it on the inside. We call on the mountain what that means. Is we polio side? we show you the shit, we say shut the fuck up, and this is how- control, everybody or say this, and this original really and that's what they do all of a sudden. It it's an a cloud hack or it's a fucking data breach, and then you
somebody's, embarrassing shit is out there on the internet. These people are fuckin, sick, it's fun. Dump. We already live in this fucking nineteen, eighty four, this toby in world that everybody thinks coming no we're already there. We all live this. Now a free society bro they were not free. It's a we live. In a country that has the banner of freedom, the exterior and we walk in any freedom at all, and then they tell you that all the shipping freedom is freedom, but we actually this- no free society pays upwards, a hat over half the money that they earned the governor of the issues, and so, if you were to be like the press like how would you handle that wouldn't be elected president? I would take the presidency because I would never get enough. The only way that I would ever get to be president is, if we actually just took over shit saddam hussein
okay, so you're in the oval office- how? How do you? How? How would you like legitimately? How do you handle this cause? There guys have the patriot act, the right for national security. You know to prevent you, know terrorism and counterterrorism, and all that is good stuff right. I mean how exactly is at a legitimate thing that we should be concerned about. Like I mean, what's I warn you draw the line right like I have you, how do you do that obviously we remove all of this? Although management surveillance raised this is our limit? Is unnecessary? Dude, I think that's a jacket, that's an in depth discussion. You know, I think. there, since the internet came she beheld. They live long enough to see this thing come and see what is done. You guys that are under thirty years old you to fuck you're talking about, alright. I lived my first twenty seven plus years in the fucking world without the internet, and I've lived my second twenty plus years with the internet, and let me tell you which one was better: it was the one without by a lot
you fucking clause. People were nicer, they were present at the moment, a real friendship. She did. She were real friends in real life. In spent seven hours a day on a fuckin phone. You running around landfill when all your shit trying to pretend you're somebody that you're, not you were just you and create a very authentic living experience. and then, when it came around people at first they were like fuck. This is cool. I can search things. I can learn things and that was a great think, as there are places to the internet, however, once social media came around and they figured out this game of vacation of people's attention where they actually get people addicted into it, we started to create all these crazy psychological problems, and society were now. People are legitimate like sociopath ec narcissist high people attention star, fucking people who don't care about fucking anything but like shit, comments and views are right. So now people treat people like shit on the internet for fucking clout. Now peoples
ignorant things on the internet? They never fucking, say someone space, no one. Never say to someone's face a fucking teeth, knocked out, ok and by the way back, then that's what happened When you respect someone they punch you in the fucking mouth and then you're like fuck. I shouldn't have said that. Then you go drink, a bullet, that's right! That's right! Yeah back! Then it was natural life You know we weren't up to that. You know we had made it all the way to stella yeah. You know but dude like the can thing is- is like we had this society. In this way of communicating that there were Never any real rules made about right. Everybody kept saying: oh, it's private company, do what they want. What private come he owns and has a monopoly or two or three old and have a monopoly on the public square of communication in the world. Are there needs to be fuckin rules and one of the rules is. We shall reasonable expectation of privacy idea. We should not be their company like they do all the implied
Why were you guys think about this? All of you guys and that the aims you said, I think, of a little fuck fuck over a fuckin mehta Rinaldi shit. Ok, cause us we're happy. rights of these people are sitting there they're laughing at you, yet too by the way, like all the pathetic shit that you type people in the dumb sheridan there, maybe funnier. Ok, We got these little nerds over here If one of our shit there should be private because our never been any rules established about the internet because the fucker mates much money immediately that they were. It was that the kings of the other fuckin programmes you know the zuckerberg of the world were able to fuckin makes so much when so fast. They were able to fuckin by these things off to create such which were the wounded rules no operating on their own fuckin, a court right? They don't have. Answer anybody because they islamic sense? They came in it happened so fast or so much money may that this that these people were able to fund so much money back into the gun, but that no rules, reverently established
That's why we're here? These people should be allowed to censor fucking anything, shouldn't be allowed to put a warning label fucking anything. It should be up to the fucking user to have the discretion and that an under dating of what's real in, what's not by contacts and observation, that's called basic level intelligence and the reason we don't have basic level human intelligence anymore? It's because people have become dependent on this ship where's the common sense. There is no it says, because there's no real world anymore re emma because it's not reinforced in school. It's force in the workplace, most workplaces, unum santos, I get a beggar, may sense broke, but there have to be real rules.
Ambush around social media and the internet too, in regards to what these companies can and cannot access the the fucking. What was the? What was that that company called Lifelock a fucking had a project called lifelock? Alright, that that was intended. to spy on fuckin american citizens get them my dear. If you wanted to spy on someone, what better method would you be than to trick them into filming their whole life, the whole life, all you information that dude updated pigeon. the sea which looked out over the years dowd your friend like all your circle. Salt, so live log ends in the vote. The next day, the very fucking next day in two thousand for facebook, falconers founded. Is it? Do you think? That's a coin. It's like honestly, not if you go on the internet, ill say all that shit, a conspiracy theory all,
said my facebook. So let's, let's break this down right. Gotta get my ears in here I get for information flow right. My ears on in here I don't get full information flow mason. I look. see. I has a fuckin program called lifelong that allows you to look at every single person. If someone was was the date right. There doesn't work on february, third, two thousand for lifelong learning of february, for guess what happens. Two thousand for o mark Zuckerberg comes up with fuckin facebook. And I'm a conspiracy theory for fuck and drawing the conclusion that that this is a fuck up. Why we're all government by owners and everything we fucking do or say, which also goes to the point that the belgian government will not regulate itself. The people very There you have a government will never regulate itself. It makes sense to what
not regulate and vulgar votes, but because it's the fuckin government under your fuckin head. Do you know what you might be a trophy for that Why do we not make sense to me emotions anybody with a functioning fuckin browborough like. Why would you make rules to stab the actions that'll. The whole reason you made to fucking programme to start with you knew it so like dude? Here's is due on national tv and because its fox happy all fucking, listen I'll fuckin. Fox years are now the lodger fox relatively watch, another type, of course has the highest rate of fuckin. Show in history, television, ok or lotta people watching it I so you could say fuck a fox news. All you want what people are watching you are the watchman, because our law the fuck and media. It's the least amount of bullshit right now.
This dude on here, who I dont, know fuck. I dont know what who's affiliated with what Well, you got this dude on here, whose does some incredible shit. Space acts tesla pay pal fucking, whilst wherever else right, whose genes motherfuckers genius smart. We hear dummy, ok, he's telling you that the government had Access to twitter completely, that's what he's telling you you saying they had access to twitter access to the dams, yet action. Two banning and unbending people. They had access to our. Ensuring people. This the god he's tony this now leaving accounts The lily deleting house not he's telling you this now that's what the twitter files are told. You ok I heard a fuckin word about meadow platforms. Now. What do you think the platform that was formed
after the CIA fuckin lifelong programme ended. What do you think they do now browsers yearbook? Voters behind the challenges. I guess there's a guy boy, fuck man does so would you guys think is made of the cia? Is you I'll tell him the truth? Let us know in the comments. Let us know how any hey hamburger I love a man. Let's finish up my report, we want more her long to get there. We have a number three. This is a good one. I have another three reads: china's occur. These he'll exposed and take down of secret new york city police station retired forced our general bring it back up. Yeah. So let's dig into this the arrest of two chinese american citizens who allegedly
running, a secret police station in new york city exposes china's biggest weakness. According to one retired forced our general quote, it does reveal sort of an achilles heel. In my view of china, and that is how sensitive they ought to adverse opinion and how quickly they respond to a fox news, senior strategic and analyse retired general jack, keen set on mornings with maria. Look at how elaborate this is. We are many many oceans away from china, but yet they got an operation right in new york city to control adverse opinion against the regime he contain, quote: we're not talking about beijing in Shanghai, we're talking about new york city, the fbi, federal prosecutors announced monday. The arrest of two new york residents, whose
sat up and ran an undisclosed chinese government police station in manhattan's, chinatown neighborhood Liu Yang Wang and changing peeing, who are reportedly us citizens have each been charged with conspiring or conspiring to act as agents of china's government. According to the? U S, attorney's office they're, depriving him an award for it. Yeah I mean I'd. Imagine dude! I would not be surprised if Biden came out and pardon these, The foreigners I mean at this point in the fucking game: five quote: he says here's what we know happened inside the secret police station in lower manhattan. At the very least, the station was providing some government services like helping chinese citizens renew their chinese driver's license or us attorney. Brian Pease said
Monday quote, but so do even that the law requires that individuals like the defendants, who act as agents of a foreign government, give prior notice to the attorney general before setting up shop in new york city. That didn't happen quote we're troubling, however, is evidence allegedly showing that on at least one occasion h, These national police officials directed one of the defendants to help locate a pro democracy activists of chinese descent living in california. In other words, pierce added quote, the chinese national police appear to have been using the station to track a? U s resident on: u s soil, to big deal with article ten. You says the fact that china reacts quote so strongly to adverse opinion. No king or use proves
the? U s. Adversary is trying to protect its greatest vulnerability, while the thing that they fear, more than anything, are their own people. Keen said quote: they fear their own people more than they fear the united states and our adversaries for sure, and this sort of reveals how much that fear really is, and, like you alluded to earlier chinese bible, the millions of dollars in donations. I am payments allegedly from china and dude there was like at now. This can be a wrong number, but I thought I heard when I read this. There was like fourteen other spy balloons that went unreported yes and months before yeah correct absolutely, and only that, like we said they were, China was able to capture real time data. This is all from pentagon report real time, data right and it was also like it didn't just use the jet stream to fly over. It was able to maneuver
circle around these military installations and capture data in real time and send them right back to beijing. That's all from the pentagon. That's not speculation! That fact yeah and then remember they. Let it fish! The whole journey across the nicest listen man, now that number might be wrong. I can't remember correctly, but I thought it was fourteen previous balloons that, when, across before before the un the one got shot down. The only reason that the one became a news stories cause a guy montana fuckin saw it and start a reporting in a local affiliate. There took it on his news, good for them and that select dude if they had done that they wouldn't
said anything about this last one and they sure as fuck, wouldn't shy. Now. What does that tell you dude? What does that tell you about the leaders of our country and who they are aligned with yeah, but the it's so crazy and then how they try to control? The narrative here is a cnn article and headline reads: arrest over alleged secret police station deepen showdown between washington and beijing. Now it's interesting right, but listen. I want you guys to listen carefully, how he tries to defend and I'm sure he didn't write this article, I'm sure it was given to him just put your name on it, but he says quote: this is not unsurprising: activity by foreign intelligence agency on foreign, soil, Washington's penchant for engaging democracy activists.
the towel. Terry countries has, for instance, long been seen as meddling by repressive governments and the f b. I has outpost in many foreign embassies. The bureau's work, however, involves fighting organized crime, combating terrorism and drug trafficking and forging links with local police and law enforcement. It isn't designed to monitor us, expats and police their political activity. So it's okay, because we do it. China can do it because we do. It is now wrong that we knew it now. This is why the fuckin rest of the world hates the united states, along with you, know China's out their building infrastructure to all these countries are building all roads to africa and all the mai and their building there making these countries battle. You know we do
we bomb or should I go dominating the forgotten stone age? And you wonder why china is gaining favor of the united states. We ve been led by fucking criminals for a long fucking time and they have taken the greatness of the american people and spoiled it with the way they represented us around the world. We are not those kind of people we have been lie too. We have been told faked narratives for fifty fucking years in this country, about what our government does overseas. Okay, so is not wrong about that, but that doesn't make their shit right here. There should be no chinese police stations in the united states. There should be no fuckin tracking of u s, citizens of chinese to set and the united states. The united states is designed to be a beacon
I hope and freedom for all people of all cultures from all places in the world. If they come here legally, not filing across the border. Thousands at a time of military age, chinese males, that's weird. I saw that video yeah. I know what videos I'm up. People people think this is all you know. Next, kids, coming across the border bro, these are not mexicans. The countries are dumping, the fuckin prison populations into the fucking migrant stream in their coming here. Ok, these are not all just good people wanting to be frank broke. This is in tension, destruction of our fucking country and for five billion dollars. We sent ukraine over a hundred billion dollars for five billion dollars. We could solve the problem, but you can get kemal Joe to comment and admit that it's a problem you can't even get more work is too
I can say that it's a problem you can get. You can't get our administration even acknowledged that it's emergency, but then you hear from the actual border patrol agents and they're like do we're going to fucking asses kicked, which is a big problem. Okay, now you dude. We are under attack from our own fucking compromise government? That's my opinion, and here we are already china's little bitch like the debt whoa we're going to be china's bitch. No man we're already china's bitch we're already china's bitch, because you guys are too fuck afraid to say things that are true, you're, afraid to call things what they are: you're afraid to point out: data instincts and say it because some liberal fuckin wine mom on the internet said oh you're, a fucking bigot will fuck. You bet you're drunk all day, I'm going to fuck when you say you're saying like dude, we have to our fucking balls back. We have two fuckin say the truth. We have to stand up what the observations are and what the data shows until we do.
I'm going to to lose our country and you motherfuckers. They stay quiet about this. You guys you have kids you're. Your desk sentencing your own kids with your own pocket science, compliance real talk. These kids are gonna, grow, in a situation that is, nothing reason Well, the what you grew up in or your parents grew up in. That's the truth, because you're too fucking afraid to speak up man, you guys, should we have a chinese police station, ser nos, let us know, while yet but dancers, now
If you say yes fuck you mean you can say yes, you're, just exposing your own ignorance, yeah, yeah, well, they'll they'll probably get a fucking metal from Biden, but yeah look bro. We have to get over this fucking. We have to get all. We have to understand that we are victims, our population, all of it white black native american. Wherever else you come from, whoever you like to fuck, okay, gay straight whatever all these things, we are americans, we are fucking americans and to have the attitude of will with them on their work with them or foot? Then they did this for foot. Then they that that's what they want, that fucking shit is having to chicago. You know what they want. They want more white people to say: hey fuck, those black people. They want to create division, we
have to be smarter than the fuckin narrative, their feeding us. We have to be smarter than than what we're being told because do just like we ve always heard divide and conquer. We are divided right now and the next part conquer and we have a fucking most powerful country in the world. Spying on us military males. Well, I want everybody about this for fucking years how many times I said on the show road. get over this division other We don't see us like that, but don't fuck it take us over how many years I've been saying. I do beers years. If people are like honest fuckin, that's twenty years away, but even if its twenty years away, one in our language should be ok with it right. like your very short sighted, your kid you got to you, newborn kid or five. You appear to be twenty five
I believe that world for your fucking kids, because you're a pussy know that I'll still be living in the fucking road and twenty five people, don't even think of they think till fucking friday night yeah bracket fixing smartphone country. It would take fuckin, drastic action and a lot of people would hate it. But if you give it two or three years, the shit will be back on track. It would be no fuckin political bull shit like trumps doing ratings. On my fuckin brow. Going now do business, I would say mother, fucking, word and we'd have better place. That's it I go home and I ellie. I choose my beard. I changed my fucking name and I'd be ours spotlight for the rest of the time. my brother is not hard to fix- is easy shit to fix. It just takes some almost fucking balls, and it takes people with balls enough to support the shit you can't do. We can not like, so courageous and are so. This you won't even acknowledge actual data.
You all. You say this is what that is we things happen that are clearly obvious. You look the other way because of how uncomfortable you feel the same. That is psychological programming, their social programming. They want you to feel that way. So you don't say it times. I hear bro. I was I can assure the show browbeat like pry obregon trouble at work when I won't let leo eyebrow Okay, so you could draw a work or your kids grow up, fuckin, literal slaves or or just get killed. We thank you see, I'm saying don't. We gotta find our fucking courage in this country and it starts with speaking the truth and sharing the truth and standing for the truth and when motherfuckers don't say hey, I don't give a fuck what you think, but it's also the reason why most people can't fucking get ahead life because it can't enough for themselves. The came, in fact take say: hey. I want this. Like most people are so far to be saying alive. They want and they think it's gonna.
Julie happen like broke were ripe for congo because that was headline number three, it's time for a final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up for dummies focus where we show a article. We talk about it and then we get one of those two options and so, with that being said, a thumbs up or dumb as fuck article rate dodgers, reassign farmer, outfielder andrew tolls to give him health coverage of dunno. If this is a relatively new- and I think it's a pretty cool- so the dodgers, the elevators reassigned farmer, our outfielder andrew tolls and march, even though the thirty year old hasn't played in emma since twenty eighteen, in fact, los Angeles assigned tolstoy contract every year since the twenty nineteen season to guarantee him acts. the health insurance for the twenty twenty three season. He won't be paid by the team, but will be considered
a member of the organization? This is the fifth consecutive season. The franchise has stepped up to provide assistance for charters or official statement that says dodgers resign and your tolls- and it says a toll was wont play for the dodgers, but the deal he signed last month gives them access to the team's health, insurance and mental health services, which include treatment for his condition so tolls. I did not report to spring training and twenty nineteen while dealing with a quote personal issue. He was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. A year later, toles was arrested and charged with trespassing after he was found sleeping behind a fedex building at key west international airport. He was taken to a mental health facility after the incident. In total, tolls has played just ninety
six games as a member of the dodgers across three seasons from twenty sixteen to twenty eighteen, he slashed two, eighty six, three thirty three and four, fifty nine with eight home runs and thirty five rb eyes, and that's that's that's the story, the la show, and what do we got on this Andy? I mean at the edge and it's noble thing how you should take care of your p Now I say, like I think, that's the way businesses should operate all businesses. I think, if you have some one who was a valuable part of your car of your organization who you know, may not be there anymore, but they follow hard times. I think, if you have the resources to good, then try to help those people know I try to live by that as much as possible. It's good to see other organizations doing that, and you know it sad for that guy, like you know, those are.
This is really meant well, right, like this is a real, and this is now over whelm right. This is not. This is not legitimate. Nasa's is not the fucking internet. Mental health right, like the victor, put that professional victimhood of my life is so hard when you're like me the early twenties that from one thousand dollars yeah the a ten dollar coffee here holy shit man? It's sad, dude yeah. I thought this was awesome. I had no idea like, like I had I'd, never heard about the store. I'm not I mean I liked baseball, I'm not a big. Only are these numbers even
I know that a decent allows decent numbers now, yeah baseball god. No, no, that's good! Yeah he's doing! He was doing good. Yeah like he was contributing like he probably had a pretty promising career, I mean brody hit three hundred major leagues. That's a fuckin massive deal, that's hall of fame. You hit three hundred and the major leagues, consistently you're you're you're, getting hundreds of millions of dollars in the contract. Oh shit, yeah, no shit! Well! Yeah! I think I'd do I think, is an awesome story and it's not getting publicized. I think as much as it should be. I think that's. That's really really kudos to the fucking. yeah. So what we given it gas thumbs up on this matter, we are behind me, do look! It goes into what I was saying: we gotta take care of each other. We gotta be there for each other. You know we're gonna help each other when things wrong and like we gotta stop pretending that things are wrong when they are wrong. So we can identify clear issues that I brought. Mental health has become such a fucking common thing. The people talk about that
like it's hard, even recognize real mental health. You know you want to know a real needs. Are you think you have a mental health issues? Bro go fuck and go admit yourself in your mental health facility. For one day, you'll come back I'll, be unlike fuck. I'm I'm! I'm ok, promise you that As you know, we have we have and by the way, that's another social movement that is fuckin, been intentionally wrought in society and be cool like this. Aids. Every sad story be told over this. Closing on the internet, getting at and she likes shares views. Ah, for you know the saddest story possible and like what people don't understand is that these perfectly healthy people who are just having a hard day guess what motherfucker we all have hard days as life in a big city. That's out of phuket works. Ok, but we have. We have therapy now, which is a four hundred billion dollar fucking industry telling people they're all mentally fucked up and then by the way, there are a lot more mentally fucked up people too, because of this shit, that we
We do every single day, multiple hours a day, which is why I'm been on the phone to shit against it. You know it's just wrote the longer. This goes, the less hope I have for fixing it. That's just the truth like it its take. It's going to take such drastic action to fix it on both individual and macro scale. the like. I don't know I mean I don't know how I can see how it's going to happen, because we don't have enough people doing their individual part right everybody's past. In the blame in passing the responsibility that they should own for their own actions in their own results in life onto some other circumstance. I'm not here because of this. I am not here because of this person. I have this problem because of this row. Everybody's got problems, that's real life like until we start to work firm and overcome them. We don't really learning we don't learning thing in life, yet Larry
thing by just haven't everything easy right, but we ve got untold now than ever it's hard as some sort of you no attack on us personally or makes us an actual victim. And we have a whole generation of people that quite honestly, just aren't equipped to operate in the real world, because the first time they have a bad day or a bad week or bad month which, by the way, even the happiest most successful, most ville people have it's this story that they tell them. The cells are mentally, hurt a mentally damaged on this, and that and what happens is they build this fuckin framework that they end up living in by labeling themselves as mentally compromised or mentally ill or mental health issues, and we live in this box, and we think we had this and then that limits us for the rest of our lives and you can never break the fuck back out of it. You know you, you rarely hear people talking about therapy and saying I graduated from therapy right right
as the three euros, and how did it my bro, happiness and fulfilment is inside job. We have to be realistic about the circumstances of living in this world. You are going to have bad fucking days, you're going to have bad things happen to you, you're going to have bad weeks, you're going to have bad months, and sometimes you're, even gonna have bad years, but at the end of the day we are always in control of most of the things that affect most of our lives we're in control of what information we put in our brain. Where control who we associate with or control of the type of people that we spend our time around in terms of energy. They provide work control of what we eat, where control of what how we move, where control of that what we drink. Where control of the information that we read we're control a whole bunch of shit, then we'll fucking allow us
to generally be successful. Okay, but nobody wants to address any of those things because all of those things take a lot of effort. It takes a lot of effort to not just go with the flow. It takes a lot of effort to not just be a victim. It takes a lot of effort to stand up and take control of your own life after you've gone through the shit for the last three or four years, but it's possible and it's not just possible probable, if you just acknowledged the shit that you could actually control and execute on those things. So this whole idea, you know I'm a victim bro, I'm, a real victim stabbed in the fucking face bro my face was the size of mother fucking grapefruit for fucking a year. Okay, I got I got made fun of I talk shit to I got fucking called our face. Like a fuckin people, ignore me like broke. That's real trammel nets should don't go away like I go to a restaurant. Now I had to sit with my back. Where do I sit with your back towards the door, no away from the door facing the door? Actually, I sit with my where I could see everyone. I sit with my back against the
I can wall when I'm gone. You wonder why I have problems with crowds. That's why, because when I got stabbed was from fucking behind so like bro, that's trauma that shit all affect me from now. Until the day I die- and I still tell you this when the best things are happening because taught me so much about myself. So I do we choose one hour, to do that word. Choosing if we are victims or not if you're sitting there say we're. Not me not me. I got this in this new role. There are people than about a thousand times worse than of creed. The exact same wife, you desire, you're, just choosing not to fucking opt in to the work required. Do it You'll, never convince me otherwise We're going to have hard days we're going to have hard weeks we're going to have hard months. That's the fuckin way. It is that's where we get better, so I love it guys. Eddie dollar got yeah. Don't forget his ascribed guys. You're watching Youtube
wash on youtube, yet my went check check it out. Lotta of people. Now many people have come come over from the audio platforms, but the ones setting like it because they could see my animation and characterises. Why talk so anyway that's the sleeping on a number of others, but still count. It means in kobe teach Buddhist gotta, a rope kang, doesn't know shock case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.