« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

485. Part 2 - The Process Of Building An Empire Ft. Alex Hormozi

2023-03-10 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by author, investor, and entrepreneur Alex Hormozi. They discuss how Alex started his entrepreneurial journey by opening gyms in California, how to find opportunities especially when you're at the lowest parts in building a business, and the role that personal development and action play in success.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The number for the county, millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't both doesn't know headshot case club are guys walking back departure. I want to give a tactical tip yeah so when I join these networking groups and stuff early on like that gym owner group, things like that This is how you can employ that, like in the real world. What I did was I reached out to every single person that was in the network and what I did was I pretended they were a client of mine and I had certain skills like for me at the time when I was starting out the only thing I knew how to do was write sales, scripts pills, house processes, so I offered every single person to go review all of their shell scripts via their shells processes, and I did it like it was an actual project that I got paid for it. So I'd hop on the phone.
And I would have pages of notes. Howard rewrite everything and they were like. Woe do like a virus, can give me a call to like did it what you want and say this is too much do this is too much because what happens is You stack something you get an. I owe you which is incredibly valuable and its one sided like you now gave them something in it can come in handy later down the road and for me those are the things that I cashed in when I didn't know how to run facebook ads or like. I learned something from that guy, but later on, I needed a way deeper understanding than the one we can workshop bad and I hopped on with it. Person and I have with plenty others who have never given me anything back calmer that's ok because when I did need something I did have somebody in my phone because I was like oh I did that thing. I wonder if I could hit. I wonder if they'd help me out with Zhang, and so what happens? Is you basically plug in to everyone else's network and skills by giving first now some of them. In return the favour, but your net
If everything is, if they dont return, the favour one, that's fine to their knock everything bad disabled. Now, obviously, this piece of shit for shut out, but in an end- and it is- It is okay if they never get back right like because do you ve got because, like most not birth, we say we want to make an impact and help people like. Well, that's what that looks like if you give something to someone and they don't give anything back, they means you just gave to someone asset rate. The congratulations that if you talk about personal brand, wouldn't that be the brain that you'd want to build. Anyways, yes, and so I I got into this other networking group and they invented an award for me, which was a member of the year. They never did it, but they were like dude. We just want everyone to do what you did, which is like I hopped on every single person, and I took every single call and I treated- and this is the big point in years like you, don't go on and show up at the call and then start thinking about their problem. You do work before the call like it's amazing how much we do this,
the swedish yesterday it was it was, you can become incredibly smear, become infinitely more smart by just twenty minutes, proper preparation for the call or some like this is truth. You'd, be amazed. How much Yeah, it's exactly it's exactly like how much more intelligent you can see him with twenty minutes of yeah dude. That was cool. It's. It is you've bit because you've done it right. I had a call with somebody in like a lot of you guys, probably asking I get this question all the time but like how do I network with people who are above me? Yes, writes a hard question. Joe number one. Is you don't ask them? What value can provide yucas now you're asking me to do homework, to figure out what you can do for me. That's me doing work which I can just keep living. My life what you do is you do the hard work of figuring out? What can you provide to me that you have and then instead of offering it you do it and then give it to me I'm not telling you to do that. For me, I'm telling you this is how I did it the how works, and so, if you have some ways ahead of you, do whatever your niche skill, if you're fucking carpenter,
I build the most amazing table of all time and send it to somebody, and you know what they're going dude they're going to get it and be like this is too much. I can't believe somebody did this and then what happens over a sound familiar does? Doesn't it ties here your explaining how he got here? That's the gate out. I like half the editors I have they're like hey. I went through all of your old clips that are on youtube. I clip twenty of these short reels. This is what I did and they sent them all. To my you know my creative director and he was like. Oh this kid's good, now mind you if you're not good, that's also good feedback, and I will tell you this that guy and most people would give you at least the time to tell you what you could do better, because anyone will help someone who starts helping themselves. Anyone will help someone who takes initiative and if you over, deliver and I'll tell you this. is more talk about that little room that private room, the players recognise one another and so like when I see the young guy coming up the guys with the blue check mark and the role acts and the ethnic this isn't gonna fly
posing and for the land, but they rented for the day right If, for whatever subdued out a few years ago, yeah, and by the way they were never rented yeah yeah, but, like those people, only impress people who don't know what players look like that like. We all know that that guy is not a player, because the guys who are players at their age and twenties in there and then maybe thirties, whatever like right at that stage like they're, hungry, they're, they're, savages and they're in the grind. and they're, doing the work of giving first to as many people as they can over delivering. Knowing that that goodwill will compound and like it just like that that single yo has served me so well, because that's how I ve been able to get into rooms that I didn't deserve to be it was by sing like ok. What am I good at that? Can help the sky out with what there's you ve broken down, masterfully by the way to make a practical, but I also
We believe that there is an energy aspect in this dude. I believe, because, like I live like that, we'll talk. I live. I live that way. are you live that way to some of the things I can't explain them like some of the good ship has come back to me. I'm just like this has to be for me consistently just doing. As mrs the word of mouth thing that I think is like wild like I I continue. to be inspired by how much word of mouth actually matters like it just every year. I feel like it sets a new record in my mind for how important as because people right now like I see this all the time you like it's all about influence, and whatever it like, ensure like the tactics of ads and other stuff, like that's great, but. the only thing that is still viral. His word of mouth, like em I think is linear in terms of the relationship like if you spend a dollar and ads you get ex back. If you do a cold reach out, you get expec. Did you a hundred? U triplet you a thousand, it's a thousand to thousand like whatever that relationship is that ratio? It's fixed, word
mouth is the only one that is exponential in nature- want us to do so for forty eight, and so, if you want, I have an enduring business. You have to have the monster of word of mouth working for you rather than against you, who's, building a reputation rather than eating it from underneath your feet, and I think that, like that stuff that you were talking about earlier. Were you like you're doing this goodwill is coming back to me. I just That is like the invisible hand of the word of mouth. That just like I mean you ve. They happen. A hundred yards of shore, which is like you go meets only like dude, body saw, you wouldn't airport, and you like stopped and answered his she's in whatever and invite you to be fair. If, like somewhere- and I can't it's the thing that There's me the absence of a sometimes have to be playmates here brad, I hate it. I ate their feelings how do you do? I feel like like dude at one time and actually became really your friends with this guy, because the exact scenario do add a guy His name was roman still, friends them good fuckin do came to me a speaking event, and I was like I he's like hey man, you got time and I didn't and I'm like nah. I can't I can't and I
and there he was like he had been gone through all this crazy, like really bad stuff. And then I did, it was bothering me fucking bad did learn what I thought the whole time I was speaking the whole time afterwards. I'm like I find I do. I am now weirdly enough I was at another event and I've fuckin ran into the guy. And I was able to apologise and said I did like You know what did I actually really may be mad. I like it. I like row. I get it feel bad about it? You know, but that she bothers me to brother, and I think that for the audience I think that the bigger ticklish sure the tactics that were german erlich useful, but I think the biggest thing is like the perspective of theirs. That person that third Andy enough that it kept kept him up at night, and I think that if you, if you can develop whatever. That is, were it's a splinter because its those thousand splinters they become the bundle that become.
Very a very strong sick that you can wielders wheeled against young and legs. For me, like I think, by the products we right in the same way were the only way to build an enduring companies, either tat too, to sell stuff that people never stop buying from you or to build a company. Were people never stop selling for you? Those are the only two ways to build it business, such as continues to thrive over and over again and if you're. One of these guys, who is unlike I get the gigs actually came from drug response, sort of like understanding how the arbitrage like ads and was restarted. Zebra I started when I was eighteen regs, you right. That's right and fucking classified ads for a credit booklet that I wrote right: repair, booklet yeah. I was writing classified ads to put in fucking newspaper here we have the internet, but the porsche Is this as you scale you're cause, I'm gonna get a little bit higher level business, but hopefully you guys will ride with me and get it so
as you scale, advertising spend you go to colder and colder audiences, meaning those people who have less trust and their honestly less of a fit. Then the warmest like if I've. If I was like I'm not only market, a vague in parallel in women were moms over whatever and I'd apart a product that was just for them and probably to do ok, but if, on a market of a nation, there's just a less of a fit with my product in so what happens? Is your cost to acquire? Customer goes up because add costs will only go one way for the rest of time. They will go up and your conversion on future audiences that are quarter will only go one way which is down so how'd. You compact tooth, things that are inevitably going against you. You have to have one. That is non linear nature that fights that fight, which is word of mouth. because that when that one customer comes in and tells five people it allows you to continue to scale, because you have decreased cos acquisition get a little bit like Nora. You got stuff yeah you're like it's the the way that it gets big. If what you want, if you on a girl, something big than having the strong word of mouth base, which is why, like you, can get into transactional sales
sure if you know how to market, you notice that you can become a millionaire like you can absolutely that you'd probably go to Decca molina, just by like the learning how to sell shit. I'm using shit in a true poop word like heroes, yet terrible stuff. That does it doesn't matter right, but if you want to achieve a certain level of scale, my recommendation is to continue to do the thing at a scale way below your friends until you figure out a way to get everybody who buy stuff from you to tell a friend like if this is a mental exercise like putting people like our are portfolios. Yes, there I said: ok the marketing gods have decided that you are no longer allowed to market anything and they eliminate all of your customers, except for one and every single customer from this point going, for it has to come from that one customer. How do you treat them customer in what happens, is you start thinking like well shit out from going to the cinema? It's like. Well, then, do the that stuff and then what you'll see is that the result? You guys
from the remaining the remaining efforts of your advertising will compound. Rather than continue to go linearly in the wrong direction. They compound in the right direction, and so like this has been something that second meat. who long to learn and I'm trying to ram this right now, because I because the biggest mistake that I made with prestige, just my southern coming glad wrapped around was that I treated the supplement business. She really transaction? I did everything that I'm telling you that not to do. I did it. That's why I'm telling you that it didn't work is that by the way that's the norm for the southern Israel right harbour said society, we're doing something abnormal that's normal, if another normal example of like hey. If everyone else is doing it, it's probably not the best idea, but anyways I, and so I I basically built the whole brand off of friends. Actual sales in teaching had a hard core close is that was skill I had so. I was like okay, I'm gonna hit it with my sales hammer cause it's like yeah everything looks like a sales, everyone you're good at sales, and so I taught all the scripts all the processes
how to set up the lobbies how to how to get assumed closes and how to get people on subscriptions all that stuff right. But the thing is, is that I like it, actually happening the first room, so this is a plug for you. A close friend of mine was the first form athlete right and I was like dude sale proceeds laps. It wasn't because I was gonna, get it it's like yeah I was like dude saw myself and and and and the commission that I was paying was significantly higher and I was like, I'll, give you the special homey like I just I thought. I'd like We're going to dinner, let's be on the same team, all the time yep and the thing is, is that he continued to he and hall and to this day he still sells for four, and I was like. I don't get it because I knew cause. I did have this really super doctor like make all the products and like make them except like that part. I felt very strong about, and I knew my commissions were higher and just like the products are very good and the you get paid more and I just like I couldn't compute, which meant that I had a distortion of reality. I saw
world in a way that it wasn't in that hurt my business so when you're taking these lenses off and like any squeegee in your eyeballs, as you can see things more clearly, the thing that I missed was actually the soft stuff. It was the brand stuff. Actually, my my creative director sent me a podcast, my eighth podcast of all time I'll, tell you the title, stop branding, because I felt so often and about the fact that I was like you, don't need a brand as a need to run ass. You do coat and cultural corner. Jesse you're the guy you're talking to other dude, I'm talking to say hey use those skills to build a brand yeah yeah dude and I didn't get it and the fruit like and what's happened is it's like brick by brick. My belief in this verse was like okay and and the direct response. Tough and not knowing the hand to hand, are equally important, but the long I've been doing this and you ve been doing a longer than me, the more I'm dislike it just Brenda for everything, because, if the brands right, everything else follows and
reason that he didn't come over. To quote my team was because I had no bread or add a negative or whether we would say like I didn't have a brain that was a strong is far from. He didn't want to associate his bread with my brain got it, and that was the thing that I, that I I just missed. I didn't get it there and so as soon as I learn that lesson and it took me selling the company's indigo stuff like really reflect like we could have done better like thats. Why we build acts, do not communist like I've, so you think we're getting customers right! There's like eight ways. You can do it you can. You can reach out your friends and family individually. You can reach out to strangers individually, you can post content or you can run payday Those are the four things that one person can do leveraging other people, you get referrals, so you get customers tell people you get affiliates, so you get other people who have business sister for their customers to you. You can hire agencies to go, get your customers or you can hire employees to do the first four night. Those are the only ways that, like you, can get new new customers and I had built a business off of every one of them, except for
of content itself with access is not com. I'm gonna, build it off context. I don't know how to do it somewhat to figure it out, and it was only through building concept that I understand that it was all about brand and wood Where does that when you do start building a brand or a personal brand, you realize if you do in my pen, if you do the quote right way, which is just give and you give and you give and give and then you take a breath and you give in Given you give and give and you're like wait, should I nope you keep giving and giving and there's a there's, a popular sag or the gary has just like a give give gifts he said, I judge, I write it yeah, that's where that abject everett hook right. I think that that's actually the perfect ratio for a mature platform. So if you actually look at television, the add to give ratio just the content, the actual shows its voice have missed. thirteen minutes, it's jab excite her recorded look at facebook, which is a mature platform. It's three news news feed like from your friends and family whenever and then add so there
is the ratio for when you're maintaining your current level, but if you look at the platform that are trying to grow what is too talked or when they were growing with didn't, have any yet they just whose was Is all give right and so the the new one at least how I understand for that strategy for trying to build a brand is give give give until they ask which. That you just keep giving and no one's asking you to keep fucking giving out and, in my opinion, well that's my whole strategy up as a purse, all the players we're just like so As you see these as in the direct response, rather like the secret one per cent, don't want you to know its horse it there is no secret, but there are things that the ninety nine percent refuse to believe. Do boon, big facts. On that's fucking, old and so like, and I say this because it because it I went like you,
I thought so much pain for such a long time, because I just didn't understand the way the world works, especially is related to business and select. If you can build the bread when you actually do it. As of now, we have been doing it like you realize that you were wrong before, like I can tell you. where, as day, you know that this is the right way to do it and its slower and you each it for a year or two years or three. years of EU building it and what you're doing is your finding your voice? You figure out your values and you're learning how to actually ducas. If every person who comes to you only came from just consuming value from you had a time, the type of that customers different how bought in they are, they sure your values, and so it actually build this base. That becomes a pillar that you just that just keeps expanding I have and it becomes so little, it's too little for you to notice until it becomes too big for you to ignore ride like that's how compounding works. If you You know you invest in the esa ninety five hundred hundred dollars a month it tiny and an officer. There's probably you know what's crazy do is you know I
I dont run ads on the show, not in my own shit, you know, and when we all people as to why they come by our products. It's one of the highest for compiling things, What I'm saying like listen to the show that I don't ever talk about first form. I don't ever talk about the other things I do except in passing, but I give my shit away for free I, like you, do you and I share that opinion- give your best shit away for free. I fucking do You know where the secrets tat give way, all the secrets like mars, more tactical stuff that I can't really talk like like when you start saying like did, higher level there. You know there's level a level up here. and like I'm not going, how have podcast about that. I'm talking to this many peter. What? Ah, you that's how I live man. It really is people at. Why? Don't you I don't you take adds one should do this one or should do that, because I do that's like I know that if I come on in and share with you guys and help you guys, you guys help me back and I think it's cool. I think it's a it's not.
its human nature, there's actually science behind the restaurant algeria, one of the interesting things that was a big belief. Rigour for me was, I was actually really against me. In content for a long time, and it was because actually saw the content as temporary big. Unlike long term stuff it sounds like. Why would I make a short video, that's going to disappear in the news, feed and never get seen again like it just felt like a complete waste of time. but what I realized was that the media is not the compounding asset, the audio is the compounding us and it. So you feed the content to the thing that comes, hands over the long run, and that was like it sounds so stupid that like a earth so simple, whatever painfully obvious, I didn't it so that was why, for years I never made cause I was like. Why would I make content? Because it's going to disappear? It's like, but the audience does it, and there are the people who tell two people or four people etc, and then that becomes the base and, like I'm I'm sharing this right now because, like it took me too long to figure it out, do that. I think it's everything and I talked to a lot of business owners to
I who have an existing business right. They have see here here. Here's the thing. This is what I'm I'm thankful for. My own journey is that I did start before the internet was around. I did start for social media was even a thing and that lesson that you talked about, where you say, ok, we have one person that was literally how I did it like an am exaggerating. I was literally like the first day of fucking business. Are one person. Second ass. I saw zero, DE I saw another person ever some by twenty three dollars to me: eight fuckin months to have a day of two hundred dollars recently had a body who started his own business. You did. A thousand dollars is first day he's. Is that good, unlike draw, forget it like, but did before the internet that
the real thing. That was the really how you did it like. That's how you do it, and so I try to communicate consistently and have over the you know the greater europe wide scale, or course of my content over the years to make. We understand that concept in the how how amazing are opportune. He is now with technology. If you can grasp that concept, You can translate it to to this yeah dude you're fucking on it and like these people they get they they get so greedy with the idea of I can gain one hundred customers or five hundred customers Thousand customers of upholsterer sale or this or that motherfucker you missing the boat you only need one and you should everything. You know that one as if it's the only one and if you do that across the spectrum you're in tat. Now you have a machine that is compounding excellence.
Story about you, a legend word amount Well, however, the fuck you want to call it that is going to grow your business and dude. So many of these people that have these smaller businesses they're, like fuck, that sounds like a lot of work: bro, lol, blah blah dude, you you're, seeing your You, you see fifty people a day. You know you can do with fifty people a day if you actually pouring it like it's in. and I've lived it. So I know I remember that I went from one customer to costume ten years in your business we still days where we would have stores that wouldn't see anybody, you don't sound like, but once we figured this out like truly figure this out. Everything for can change everything. We went in the worst economy, up until twenty twenty than had ever existed between two thousand and two thousand twelve, and It's all simple concept of what we're talking about geared it's it's giving first, it's creating experience for people that is
sharing. Ah, you know loading value, overvalue, overvalue, overvalue, to the point where they feel obligated to use you right which is what you're saying when they ask right when they say do you like, when you look at How can I swore he added? I pay run my card for five grid, like that's that dude. I have so many people to hit me. I appreciate the fact that all you guys are like what could I do? What can I do just support my shit? it's all. I ask of you, you ve, if you're gonna get shape user shit, you know whatever, whenever business so like to support the people to give in on. I think it's I don't know man, it's free, What do you figure that out and israel simple and actually gets, on two because it's fun he'll get ya wanna dude. If it feels fucking rate, one of my favorite things about business, not the big business. Now the money dude. It's not like what you
What would you have enough money? It's like there's a there's, a there's, diminishing returns. as to how to more. For me, I was when I could go to a restaurant and not look at the bill, thereby set out a rapid as yet relief Ebay, serious hunters wrote this this moment. My I explained some. so so you guys are listening. You know this is true. I said this one hundred times my my my point to where it became diminishing returns like people think it's like car collection right, I'm a huge colleague. I have a great collection. That's just my heart wheels ro, like that's just me as a kid living out. Why you now know not how yeah, it's cool, I felt like it. If you don't get it, that's why you don't get it so, my boy friends in the world's great for networking. You meet some of these people that you would never meet. Otherwise lots applause it is very little minuses its course. Fucked roll up as bad as shit right But the point is that when you start to like consider,
much joy. You get back for making more money for media dude was very simple. It was being able to go to dinner with they're just be mean. You are rather be this whole room or rather be this whole company didn't fuckin matter. We go to dinner, you go around a fuck, you want, and I don't have to look at the bill to paint that's after that, like to me, it made no difference like it doesn't. I can do that did it was now asked. that was diminishing returns, I mean didn't, make a difference: yeah fuck, it makes a difference. I can fly private like that, school, that's a time machine. I know you enjoy that too. But and their southern be celebrating like do like a stand on my living room in two hours later be in manhattan. You can't fucking without the means to do it like it's it's an incredible thing. You ve experienced a quite a bit this is not a commercial stuff.
yeah. I bet yeah, it's a it is tough cause. This is the disparity between the two. Is it's yeah? It's worth it's worth the effort, get better results that way cause it's worth it, but yeah, no shit, dude! The funny thing is is like it it's after that man. It becomes more like what do you really enjoy doing? You know what I mean like. Then it becomes a little bit more about the passion part of it like when you. When you have the means, then you can be a little bit more luxurious with your decision making about passions. Yeah you get some cushion on mistakes. Yeah for sure want a hard close, the audience on something yeah. So, we're talking about giving making sure that the product is exceptional like his weep, so that those are those are fucking cop, that's those are automatics. You have to do their work They were saying your eyes like their certain prerequisites that have to be met. Like your product has the be can get. It has to be what you say. It is at hand
the while people when they open up this mother fuckin for form energy can, which I'm not about to do and add four. But if I was sick and would probably look something like this, right, but the point is when they after she'd open a drink, and it has be fun good for shit. It doesn't matter how nice you are, and I'm gonna sell you on why it's probably not because somebody were like well yeah. My thing is that good, if it were that good we talking about it, then you, you, wouldn't have an issue getting customer. Now, that's my point because, like I said, I should not like ice to hear these speeches, these talks be way ahead of me, as I gave myself get my stuffs great, I see more customers. While there was always the the the thought process but like every guy who's, like the best lawyers, they don't need to market. actually they have a waiting list and it's impossible to get in their best investment advisors. They have a waiting list is possible to get into them you're, very, very, very good. You dont have a lack of customers. Try them said the next customers is on your desk. Is the work in front of you, and so like
I love that because it's like where the next customers he's like it's doing the work, that's in front of you and they will always come, but the hard closer. have on this with with product is, if you actually, so we look at buying businesses, that's what we do right, and so we have unless the value of a business all the time in so you want something that compounds are because If you're trying to create wealth every come, everything comes out to impose outputs, which is what you put into a system and how much you get out and so the wealthier you get you put less in and you get more out and the ones in all of us have is time, and so it's really like how much more do you get back for your time? And so, if you say, if you have to sell it's a fifty customers every single month, then, as soon as you're selling, that many customers, if you have a soup, transactional relationship. But if you do the same on a marketing in every month you sell fifty, it means that tomorrow or next month the day you stop marketing, you company dies It is not a very valuable businessmen in so if, if you sell fifty and the next month, you sell fifty with the same marketing effort, but the other
fifty come back. You now have a hundred. If you sell the sea and the thing is that the marketing effort can be linear nature, meaning you do the same level of marketing, but every man you, get more and more customers, because you treated the first ones right if you aren't growing and you're doing the same level of market, it means a products, not good enough. trying to tell you on this, because I know along with so many times. I listen to these things, be like no, my products good enough. The real Is that you're, just not as good as you think you are? margaret tells you, the market, tells you it's what you set a minute ago Ninety nine percent of people, what you said they won't believe they ve choose, not to believe that a market fucking tells you do and if you, if do, you have a business and you do have customers right now and you have the the fucking blessed sing, of having people that are interested in your mediocre company right now. You should vote
I understand that the way to really compound that is to improve product and then import of the fuckin stories, does tell about you by all. Whelming them with goodwill and and as the resources around what it is that they're trying to solve. I got criticized by others. The nameless I get because I spent thirty five hundred hours, my editor until his hours first plus my ours for the book that that's that's coming out here and they're, like what's the name of that hundred million. Our leads I'm in a few months, which is ninety nine cents. So If there's, there's might get rich quick player- and I saw this with the first book- was I spent a year- writing that one too, and it was it's me and it made no sense. This is like a gym launch. I prestige labs, I'd Allen. We had the d in a deals on the light. Like I didn't believe it, you don't make money on books, so I just throw it out. There but what happened was you can spend a year.
Writing an exceptional book and I'm talking like six hours every day is the first six hours monday when I'm freshest, etc. Reworking only one hundred and sixty pages, which is the first book right and my launch for the book, was a post when I had ten thousand followers, which is not a lot of fault I just was like hey. I read this book Leila told me: I should post it cause. I was actually gonna make it an internal like document like this is how we think about making offers for all the the companies and and she's. Like note like potion was like fights, I polished it and from that day on we have no ads, we have no anything to like promote the book specifically, and it sells more each next month than it did the month before every month, and it's now been twenty months. I think, since hundred and one offers came out, and at night cells, twenty five to twenty eight thousand copies every month, word of mouth a book, I wrote
Well, seventy five hard, but it's exactly that, and so you can actually fuck. It helps people guess what they're going to buy it in. So you can either spend a year or two years building an exceptional product service experience software, whatever you wanna thing right and then let your customers market it for the rest of your life, or you can spend a month's building a mediocre product or service and then spend the rest of your life trying to get people to buy it dude. I did this shit like before for life will understand before first form. There was other shit. I sold right. It just wasn't good yeah. It just wasn't good at it. You know people weren't going to buy it twice. You know, and I think that's a big mistake. Most people make in it's the inputs, the outputs, because everyone sees this year for the book that europe the right they see the year. They see all the time to put in seventy five hard right now, like that, doesn't make any sense, but you think about how long life is new, the rest of time. People are.
spreading that the input to output of how much work it to spread the message and wider than you ever be able to do it if it was just you and your own daughter, you get the highest level from thinking about it. From that perspective, if you bet a month on it. It was mediocre. You would have to pump it on every single pockets. In its still wouldn't sell as many copies you'd have to do it until you die and so like, if you're thinking about having high leverage or high return on your time it makes, more sense to then more time making the thing you have actually exceptional, keep doing it until people keep coming and then the scale will happen like it's an input. It's like it's a math equation, How much of this to you, because, like I have my opinion on this, but like How much of this do you feel, like? Ah, struggling businesses like like this one idea that we're talking about right here to me. In my personal opinion, bro this would fix. Ninety seven percent maidens, but the vast vast that up upper
Five percent of businesses can be fixed by just this thing. We're talking about in the converse of that how many businesses that have exceptional the only thing that would drown a business that has an exceptional product as they been mispriced, is the only thing like yeah their cost like they kept the economics of the business, don't work yeah. That would mean a thing. Oh angel. You know how easy it is to fix that it changed the fucking price tag as always that it takes two seconds right. So if you want to have the like guarantee, the inch like you want success insurance. Like what do I have to pay in order to make sure that I am always covered its make the thing exceptional and that's it. the thing is, it will undeniably fucking great. Is that most brutal? we're seeing how much actual effort it takes to make something exceptional? Like I, you know, I look at some of the old presentations that I would make for my company and I'm like embarrassed. Not the thing is, I remember thinking when I looked at it. I was like this is accepted at the time that was,
are the best you could do yeah yeah, and the thing is, is that at the end of the day, the markets, the one who makes that decision, not you so I might have an eye thing. Is I probably was listing, etc that fuckin disconnect patterns row cause. You think you think it's the best that you did, that its in great but in reality the markets as knives, not as good as everybody else's shit. I heard some motive. real shit. Man do this. You got its. I never thought about so we just start talking about it like you like, that's gonna, ask that you can fucking offer you. As you say it is the best idea, is its yorba. Yes van fuck, that's some powerful shit. I heard this guy say this and I too, like it's. It's been like in graham. I had so much so that whenever I dont want to do something, this is the actual fraser comes here.
it is that he says he said two songs that I love one was that he's like boys are confident. Men are certain. I just wanted to share that cause. I just love that saying the other thing is he's like it's not about doing your best, it's about doing what's required and whenever I have a hard thing, like my I can make more videos for content would have I'd want to do this, podcast whatever it is, like literally my immediate thought, that's like my subconscious is like I will do, which required the attic. That's always. My initial thoughts are right now. If the thing is as good as you think it is right. People are committed. I think you made a you might have given it your best, but you didn't do what was required. I'm dude I'm sitting here, thinking cause I am going through this phase right now. That's very helpful to me personally
thank you for saying that, because I'm going through this phase right now, where I'm very financially comfortable like forever, it is what it is and, unlike some of the shit that is required, it's not really required right, yeah fuck, that's some powerful shit cause. Now, I'm like fuck that is kind of required is not required because of you. Motherfuckers require cause. Other motherfuckers fuckers depend on you to arrest the internal comm yeah so like cause. I do. My purpose is not me for a purpose is not me, it's these dudes, these people out here it's
yeah. It's these people listening yeah right. It's it's fucking man, that's some good shit, you're, smart, dude, yeah, yeah bro! I bet let's talk about this. I mean I love talking about business cause. It's like. I think. If you can see, if you can see the business world clearly, then it applies to every other aspect of life because I like I think entrepreneurship is the single greatest pass for personal development, because it's the fastest feed We would like there are very few other situations where you don't have like the more now lapse. You re going, you that's wrong, say you go out and talk to your friends about your good idea thereof. Tell you what good now large the shit now we'll find out if it's really good to get their credit card yet because yeah, that's right, that's right, dude and and and the feedback dude. That's so good cause like it's so true like it's. It's such a you learned so much about yourself. You learn so much about people in the real the reality behind people
We believe that you're paying customers are some of the most honest people that will give you. The real shit like Sometimes I just ask ran customers like what they think about like how long do or what it this is that because, unlike I will this person feel strongly enough that their willing to trade me my shit for their shit, like the minute, I dont. Do it they're not gonna. Do that anymore? That's a hard thing for people are really process to make. Is that you, like you, said the market? Will fuckin punch you right in the face? They will tell you the thing that you say two years on giving your absolute best they will how you, in one day, that it sucks and then you have to deal with it, It is therefore arguing with the market like it's not like. Ah, you gotta ask where people fuck that shit up they give fuckin so frustrated with the reality that they refused to look, I instead, if you were just look at it and say: ok well. This is what it says. I'm gonna make manage
I suppose I'm going to go again, which is the whole game of business. The whole game of businesses develop shit, put I'll find out what's wrong? Ok, that's wrong! Fix it cut. It out again find out It's wrong again. Do the defeat. You get defeated a thousand fucking times before you get that fuckin. First victory is just the way it is and you might get on top of a victory. I'm not talking about a man about forty six million dollars in talking about you sold one day that guy that one time I'm talking about a victory, I'm not about a fucking win in the war it's just up. It's just wait. It's the way. Fuckin is due and like people think it's glamorous, they think it's like all these wins, and all this shit and like bro it. It really isn't. It's you, gotta be built for the fucking game and the game is get your balls kicked in every fucking day and then figure out how to Im kicked in a little less the next day and then maybe like moved. It left a little bit, so it doesn't get both You don't say I like you
I figured out all the little tricks like why not get the fucking kick right, so this is really interesting from a from a topical perspective cause one of the things that's benefited me as an investor now cause it's a pact with my full time. Job is that you start to see businesses assets and you become your identity becomes divorced from, and so like I'm looking at businesses in black? If I imagine I buy a business now, I want a hundred per cent of it. If something happens, I'm not not heard about it. the problem is that when you're starting out your identity is wrapped into the business, and so when you get feedback, you call it failure, and so then you think I'm a failure, and so it just to the transit of property from my high school. Whatever figures like a personal with this is your think. Yes, my thing, I spent all my my limited skill set All my effort by raising the now yeah see it doesn't matter doesn't matter that your skill set your
skill set is limited. It just is that's what it is: you're you're, not there. Yet brow like this is part of the process. You're gonna. the skills are going to pay your bills. Brow that's the reality, and if we develop but skillset by being willing to be open to hearing the critical feedback. How do you ever get better, and this is why most people don't get better? Most people don't get better because they can't hear the truth if you redefine the work you're doing. This is just something that's been helpful for me. If you redefined the work you're doing as the job title that it falls under because in the beginning, when you're a small business owner, you are all the jobs right, you wear all the hats and that's a that's a figurative term, but like hear me out here. If you are not getting customers in the door, it might just mean, like you, like, oh my marketing director sucks. That's me yeah really like but might do by customer success. Guy's, amazing, it's awesome, and so, if you can start thinking in terms like- and I know this is like I'm trying to go big business, small business but like if you start thinking
in terms of like departments within your business. Even though you are the head of all of the departments, then you can start. Disassociated this. What's going to happen is, if you are successful, issue keep losing stuff. If you keep doing stuff, you will gain enough success that you will actually have somebody who's, gonna, feel that role for you and then all of a sudden. If they, feel you wouldn't be as but heard about it right, but it still your business. even when you get into the ceo hat right. Eventually, we hire she used in other countries area like you're, just the owner, like it oh fuck up and you own sock of apple you're, not like. Oh my god, I suck it's. I don't know that products or that messaging suck story, wasn't there whenever it is, and so, if you can, if you can start drawing the line and saying these are the functions of a business and I'm not good at this function. The person who does this job is not good at this, but maybe I need somebody who is good at their function, but then what happens is in my opinion. For me, at least its given me some buffer between them failure and me is brown, I do the same shit. I do a little differently this or how I do this is when it's done
to this day. I just when I have to do when I I. I pretend that I work for anti for cell pretend that when I show up here are wherever I go, I work for this dude andy over there. Various right there's an obvious. I do their work, but I do and so when, when I guess back on the business, I'm ok! What am I gonna fix? I don't take it like. Oh, this is tap on me, because I work for that right. It's not that you just let yeah. That's it like, I'm just going to say: hey we're, fixing this broken yeah. It's it's a weird, it's a weird thing, but I do that too, and especially, wouldn't have to make hard decisions. Like we have to make hard decision, and most of the time the hard decisions revolve around personality or because you care about people and ever fuck, it's it's, I have to answer to this person. The you know what I'm saying and that person is not me, even though it is action. You're already a total like it's such a weird thing that hits yeah dude, that
that's how I describe it. I describe it and you guys have heard me talk about this on the show I come in. I thought can hang my my I have no bob, you know being Andy. it. I hang that on the wall- and I put on my work uniform that I work for Andy to write and like around and make decisions that that I think he would want to make rail it's so fuckin. We that you do the same shit. Did I think of you, if you, if you look at people who doing whatever you want to do. I think that the things you have to do to get there are surprisingly similar yeah, so people have different names for them and if you see listen to different podcasts or whatever it is like wherever sources, information or look for the common out. is because, at the end of the day, all of that just came down to for both of us this associating the work from the identity and being out of step into yet any of the person who is required to do the job whenever that job is and to your point about personnel, at one of the things that I struggled with really early on with My tolerance for meat.
Awkward. He was very extremely. I very I taught me mediocrity. When I started out because what happens is like, like you can write this it you can this in your journal, like the best talent, has yet to come. You don't even know the town that is in the future of the people were going to work for you and you have to. Have to be the leader that's worthy of that person because right now, you're one hire away from your entire business being transformed like. If you look at like as we we can see this across a portfolio, we can see huge influx in inflection points in a business up or down based on. Key hires sweep the key higher in huge inflection point, There is very rarely a massive inflexible that happens without a key personnel, changed higher or fire or promote, and so the thing is is that tolerance, and this is again from the players like in that little where we're we're given that opened. The motor of the players room, if like how those people think is like it's all about. I have met some of the people it is, your tolerance in your expectations of their performance, and you think you have high standards until you ve met,
player who's ten times bigger than you are like. Oh, my god, I didn't know that level of performance was possible cause. I remember my first, my first fifty thousand all your employees cause all my trainers for, like thirty or twenty right here and I was like whoa- was I this is the shit this one talking about, and then I had my first. Seventy thousand all your employers are all right. Now we're talk and there were four hundred thousand and then two hundred fifty thousand a year. My first million all your boy and I was like each time it up. I can't wait. am I the first ten million dollar your employer or even don't even know, they're out there and we're going to find them? And you, stephen schwarzman is worth thirty six billion who started blackstone. He says the biggest regret ever had was letting Larry fink go there think one's black, rock right and met wood and He let him go even though he caught him in eleven out of ten in terms of his skill set in so like the only way, and if, if Steve, Steve's wordsmith, I'm just paraphrasing enemies way richard, I am if he had been the leader that he is today
hey when Larry thinking to renegotiate that contract, he would have been the person that Larry think we have continued to work for direct and so like. That's where the whole becoming aspect, because, like very quickly, like your amount of time that you can do with your hands, is kept up like as long as you have some level of work ethic and you work all the hours they like this, not that many hours so that you have to work through the people and that's what influence in the sales gonna heroic full circle. On this bolivia. If you have that skill, The world unlocks you, because, whatever problem you have, there is a person who can fuckin solve There is a lesson there to broker employs like out you're talking about like Europe I think a lot of employees believe that at this stage, I believe this old shit that their parents taught him have you. stick around long enough Finally, you move through and you get arrays you do this among fucker, let me tell you the whole thing, it's real simple words, some fuckin skills, real, simple and then go whenever, where we is, whenever it is, you do how much money you're getting paid it's about, giving first so
you can in your own time I'm giving you the falcon exact hack, like all you motherfuckers, think, there's a hack. This the only hack, ok, this it skill, pay. The fucking bills are, if you make it fuckin grand a year and you want to make a hundred grand a year. You have to become skilled not for value to make the call pretty or whoever it is you workforce. I thought that dues worth a hundred grandma, let him fuckin, go in your job as an employee is to drive forward fucking value they. You can literally extort your fucking boss. You can walk into the office, you can say: hey, mother, fucker, I'm leaving or you gotta pay me and that's the fucking game, like that's the game, and if you can figure out like you, like, I said, you're, making thirty grand right now and you're like thought. Dude, I'm gettin underpaid above a blot you're, not on your pay, your fuckin out and repaid. your pay exactly what the fuckin value that your offered is. Now, if you think I should Seventy gratitude, thickish be seven hundred grand. Then you a word skills levels
seven hundred thousand our employ and then after you learn the skills you ve got to prove that actually produce in a real world environment, then you go when you say I can pay me this I'll fuckin works, okay, so people, especially young motherfuckers, have a wrong idea about how the fuck this works. You are are going to sit there. You will write. You will write your life away. You were not sit there and go from thirty eight fifty five to seventy five to one hundred and fifty two you're fuckin dream life being here or there or anywhere that existing dude and ass, the fuckin mentality that I think it comes from parents who try to instil a or values into these kids, not because big, but they can't because they don't understand they donor stem cells, but they never fucking, didn't write subtle go, stay oil just keep shown up, you do know, that's that's good
good enough. What's good enough is I want to be here. What does a skill set of this person appear? Have? What is that surround yourself with people and learning and fuck. Do we got fuckin youtube? Do you can fuck you look up how to change the owl rings on a fuckin, washing machine or you can spend it to look you know: bull shit, fuckin peep. All this disguised destroyed is his lamborghini europe's off or you can watch really fucking wealthy people teach you how to fuckin have skills and then then you could take those skills and you can go to your place. business and you can display of skills and be a fucking superstar like those you, your choices like we watch the bullshit Why should that actually helps its freedom or so much we gave on the fucking internet for. Somebody like me who started when no internet, no social. This is like a point of like super frustration, because, unlike what the fuck is wrong with you guys, I what
The fuck is wrong with the with the generation from thirty two fuckin twenty right now, you mother, workers have all this free game in your fuckin face off working day long and you want to watch some one drop of fuckin wrecking ball on a fuckin lamborghini. what the fuck is wrong with you, anyone complain that you know paid enough and you under pay, and this is I'm underpinning you're not only paid where the fuck that's the market. No, the skilled, brazil there, that's it. There remains a ban on the skill and saw dude. It's echoes the ninety nine percent? You don't want to see the reality. Could you dont want to fuck and admit that is the truth, but the quicker than you could amid the truth, the faster or you can view it. As you want to be in that The reality of success like dude. It's very simple assist you have to accept what it is, and so many people want to look at round and they want to say. Oh you know they don't like me, cause I'm this or they don't want to do this cause, I'm that are these fuckers. They blah blah, blah and bro. This is a
One thing on the internet I scenes on the internet all over the fuckin place. Now people people jumped from thing the thing The other thing over here this thing this habit can you weren't any skills, doing real talk. How can you learn you can't you know we have to have this understanding that to get pay, I've gotta have the skills and it seems like people. have gotten away from, like even understanding that basic base in reality. Do basic reality. Are you good or are you great? Are you great? or are you undeniable, because I can tell you the only motherfuckers that get rich are the undeniable? That's it and you can get rich inside of a company or outside of a company. But it's that it's not good is is not the standard rate. Isn't even stand. No mother fucker their own companies say: hey you know what that guy's great I'm gonna fuck and pay them a million bucks. Do this? Does we're going to do. You're gonna fuck
and pay you a little bit more for being a little bit more then everybody else, but when you're undeniable, that's, when you get to name your fucking price, that's when you get to say now: dude cuz, you guys need this, and if, if you don't have this cost this much and that's what it is like to me, it's very fucking clear and it's so rare that people can even understand this concept come up with something nazi. just. Let us talk to that demographic of twenty to thirty writer, because I feel like one could argue that part of that issue in what we just gotta talking about is formation overload. It's too much information out there So, like do you guys have any tips or advice for that demographic right is like plenty of wealthy people out there were the gurus coaches it. But Is it information overload? How do you siphoned through that like who? Should they be listening to? How do you? How do you have those people? If you don't know you don't know what you don't know. Rights over the years have some tips on that
Where do you want to start a lesson? I mean and they were going to say I don't think it's. I don't think it's information overload. I think it's implementation under load. People success, shouting shit Emma could soon consume consume, consume consume. Never execute is like. So this is an interesting one that that might be worth. with the audience. I remember reading many many many self help books when I was like in my path before I quit my job, and I realized that after like the tenth book, I was like my life's the same, and so it shifted. The way I saw things I actually never consumed of sales training until I'd after it already built a massive scale. I gotta go yet we should get some train besides. Just me cause. I was for other people and the like but I was so like confident that thing and so on, if you want to learn a skill roy allow me to say so, in my view is how little country- and I dont think- should read books. I think you should do it and then read
because if you read a book on sales, you ve never done a sale, you have no context from which actually understand the information it just gonna float around your brain, but what have they want? It like a man, think of it like ornaments on a christmas tree, and there is a riot before you start right. You Do you have the more education you have to have a point of reference? Yes is actually because otherwise,. kit. Hang the knowledge on india, so you just reading all these chap. Like have now poorly affair at a fair, take so eye, because every school I've like, I think, one of things undervalued is one one tutoring. So when I saw I've, I've done a lot of good things for for learning like scheme. but one of what I wanted to learn how to do a national retargeting for vespa gases years ago. This is me I still running them? We learned this, and so I got in the form of an agency owner and he was like. I don't sell my time and I was like it's america everybody's all the time and he was like fine for seven fifty an hour alex and this is, I did not have a lot of money at this point. So I showed up one hour once a week and I was like deal is I have to use the mouse, I have to click and I'm gonna do it be
Explain what you're thinking why you'd make the adjustments? It only took me eight sessions with the guy to learn how to do the thick ass me. Six read that You made me millions, and so it's like, if I do, the thing you'll have ref point of reference to hang the thing on, and I I make this point because- and I am a little bit extreme on it, because everyone always has another reason to feel like they need to be more prepared and they think that getting re more information or watching more videos is going to make them more prepared. But you will learn more in your first one hundred cold calls. Then you will from every single bookie aurette. I lie Like what you're saying dude, I think that's an important point. I actually agree with it. People price surprised at that, then I would agree with that, because I talk about reading so much because I've learned a shit ton from reading huge advocate really needs to be clear, but that That you pointed out that I have communicated is that I was also doing while I was reading and that's a huge deal about just how long I see I took that for granted, because I've been doing this thing since I was nineteen right, so I've
He's been new you're in the game right there and ever so that that's a port, important important point of of of context. For something I know realized like a lot of people, do kind of sit there and they're not doing at all and there just consuming assume consuming concerning consuming go and consume at the same time and you'll get exponentially better. There was a ted talk on this, but it takes a that's a fucking, great point. Yeah. I love it. Yeah there was a ted talk and the guy talked about how to learn most to become proficient in most skills. It takes twenty hours, so you will learn the guitar. It's like the eighty two like you'll, learn eighty percent of what you need to learn the guitar in the first twenty hours, the last to be clear though the mastery comes from the next,
funny, but for everyone who's intimidated by it. It takes twenty hours to learn to get proficient. When I wanted to learn to build a landing page like a website, I put it off for four years like she, I would I hired. I t guys I got so frustrated one day I was like what a fucking learn. How to do this, and so I sat down on a sunday took me four hours to build a hedge and you spend for years, fuckin with not doing them, and so it's like I've been. The thing is, is like we don't even fear feeling we feel we fear feeling stupid least for me. I just like. I don't feel like a fuck or looking sleeper yeah. Look at exactly. I appeal in religion and so like it. For me, just knowing that that stat then am I, twenty years away from learning something that made it way, not dislike amorphous like homelike gonna, learn to because I can t, hours I can look at a. We can be like yours or five. Our trunks alternate yeah are begun proficient there and with youtube? There are literally step by step detours. You didn't have to pay. Nowadays
I just googled ottery dark ababa bike. I didn't have that, so I had to hire a guy to do it, but like we could you could google it just do it and so There are two points I want to make one you're making the employer thing to go like yeah, but you stay in poverty until you learn the lessons of party S. Teach you the first lesson poverty is my fault? Is it like it's my fault that I'm here The second point that I wanted to make was with regard to employees levelling up, we talked how are you gonna network with people above you you do, all the work before the meeting you do it as though it were paid project that someone had hired you to do. If you start doing the job that you want, while also doing the job that you're paid for your it. It will be inevitable that you will get that job because you're already doing it, and so, if you front the work, if, if, if, if somebody,
seems like do. I think we should get snapped out of your sexual energetic in this up and, as I do already cut up the next thirty days where the stuff already did. This thing already did it, two things of at one. I can virtually guarantee that he be like. If you can run it, run it either, he will give you a ride like you, because of the increasing responsibility are given the paper shore but the small ones. Have you be like? No, I'm just here for the brand like you can you can deny like you're smart you'll deny the short term pay bob and you'll get in the long term goodwill, because he will recognize you as a player and I'm telling you this is what the people in the room like they see each other like he's away the like no yeah like this, do it. This is how you move up and ass. I love the way an undeniable because, like One of the other rules of poverty is that no one wants you to be rich.
and no one's going to give you the riches nor yeah like known, wants you to be rich, like you have to want to be rich and you have to make it. I mean this is Steve. Martin thing, it's like you have to be so good that the category that's it and and when someone category then everyone then acquiescence they just comply there. Like he's got you have to gain leverage over other people, because of how much better you are at the thing and then, when you have the leverage you can do whatever you want dude it's by the way I want to clarify Oh my fuck employees. These guys get it here. We we we promote from within it's it's a it's a these guys get it, and so I bought it Like I'm talking about what I observed in general- and you know what you said- you'd like its poverty, its there's very few people on earth and contrary to the social fuckin environment that we live in- and this is this- is the dose of reality- the lottery well don't like to hear her very few people that aren't exactly where they deserved a fucking me very fucking. Few very fucking feel very few.
except if you look on the internet, everybody deserves to be better everybody dismounted deserves to be raised and brown. You deserve what the fuck you got in, because what you ve done, has produced what you have now. If you want something else, you're going to have to do the things that produce the other thing, and then that will become what you deserve and so stop thinking of it that you deserve anything is a reality, is there's nobody out. There are things you deserve, fucking anything sub, you that's a big problem in the culture. Do we can't fuckin, say here and say: oh I deserve I deserve. I deserve look around you do look at the car you dry live your bank account look at a person you're with look at where you live. Look out of this shit, that's where you fuckin deserve, because that's the actions, that's the result of the actions that you ve taken to produce this and the great thing is. We live in this three dimensional, whilst
more than three dimensional actually talking about it. As the other observed talk about hope, that's a whole different thing. We live in this mode, die dimensional world. That is a blank canvas for us to create in and so like. When you sit there- and you say I deserved better but you're angry about what you have now. You ve created a situation where you are not even capable of producing any better, because you think you're getting fought on what you actually deserve, which isn't even the truth. The truth is its inputs and fucking outputs. It's one plus one equals motherfucking too, and there is nothing that can change that there is not an opinion. There's not a temperature. Interim there's not a social movement fucking hashtag there's nothing that can fucking change that and if you want a different result than human, technology is my decision in my fall as to why I'm here and you can blame you're fuckin parents of your young
your, you could be twenty years old listeners is why didn't have but listen bro, you may not have had much opportunity yet but take what I'm saying now and apply it because it may not apply to you at twenty years. or because maybe you are the circumstances of other unhealthy environment. Maybe you were born into a shit situation. There's lots of people that were a whole lot of people, in fact, most p Ok, but the reality in which separates people from staying there and people who escape. That is that defining the identity as someone who's being screwed saying I deserve better. You don't deserve better. You can create better, but you don't deserve and by the way what you created you still I deserve it. You're just producing a result from the actions that you take your plan to fuck and see and you go. I water it. Some she's gonna grow. It's that simple.
And that's how we have to look at reality because that's actually how it works. There's very few people out there. They have been born into such a shitty situation or have such should you. Consensus that they cannot move forward. As I say in america, maybe other places a hearing, united states, we We have a scenario where we have a culture that feels entitled to literally every luxury on the fucking planet for breathing. that is not how works at all. If you live your life like that, if you're going to continue to go down, path of life, thinking that, because you're born your special and you because you breathe you deserve to have all these things that these other people have you're gonna, be diesel, and you're gonna be better and you're gonna be frustrating guess what you think. I have shit ever, that's how it works. So you know it's hard for me, because I stood as from the beginning, like one out. This was
something I had to learn. This was something I understood in the beginning, when I was nineteen years old and I was broke his flock, and I spent my foot can only twelve thousand dollars that I had to start suddenly. Superstores, which turned into fuckin all kinds differ shit over the course of time. I did not expect anybody to fucking do anything for me. I expected that ok, I expect you to be rich in fucking a year cause. I was a stupid kid. Okay, but after that year went by and I wasn't rich in fact, I still hadn't gotten paid. Here's how I looked at it I said. Well, I got a year into this. I don't wanna throw away that year. Alright, so I do another year. In another year student get fucking paid. all I looked at the same one or two years in this. I know a little bit still in japan, I got paid us my third year, ok. Well, I got three years. It has started to pay now throw that away. So I just kept fuckin going. And that's how I ended up here and like when I say we're gonna do
eggs in you guys think I'm full of shit. I already know it's gonna happen because I know I works. I know the game. I know this is fucking chess, not checkers. I know how to play fucking chest very, just very fuckin. Well, at this point You know how I learned to play chess bro Why get my ass kicked by all the fuckers who play chess better than me alright and we go and we keep going we going going and like now. I consider like, like yes, there's days, of course, where I'm like dude fuck this I wanna do this shit, but you know what I say: bro you've got twenty four years in this. Why the fuck? Would you throw that away? You learned all this shit. You got all this opportunity now you have an opportunity to build something: economy, you build a successful company. Now you could build something iconic. Who has that opportunity? Never many, not very many people ever get. so like I just continue to roll it over over over over, but to say I deserve it because, been doing it for twenty four years. Absurd statement, it's fucking absurdity
deserve shit. I deserve exactly what producers from the inputs I put in s foot and my due to the whole world, like of you guys, could understand this right now and operate this way for rest of your life you. Successful, filling fucking life, but this of deserving, because you breathe or earning because you put your time in those are those are those do not compete in reality sources, yet they are its I'm in- does not equal result, skills, equal result and applied skills. Equal result, not it's not even skills equal result, applied skills. Equal result, I'm super pumped. They said all the stuff about deserving cause. It's it's probably my least favorite word
language right and I think one thing and another. You clarified the boy at the end there it's like I've been doing. This would like as albert like they say like you deserve as I did it, and then I will you earned. It am. I know like I did these activities and this is the outcome, and I wish to tell that to people because I was like. I don't think I deserved a success because, like an that's like up mental limitation in terms of like I've, got sabotaging thoughts or limiting beliefs, it's like now, like I dont, think It does. I don't think anyone deserves success, but what you can do is you can still do the stuff that gets it yeah. It's like you, don't serve the super hot girl that you want, as a beacon still do the stuff that gets her yeah right either way. When you eliminate the idea of deserving, it actually creates more gratitude for it. Yeah, okay, so like when you win when you win don't deserve the success and you realize you don't deserve it and you realize that it's a result of the of what you do here right now all of a sudden you're like ok. Well, I did this created this. I definitely observe it, but I am very glad it's here. It's easy to be grateful.
I want to talk about, blame and power. Let's do it so I said first, the first lesson: a poverty tour. It's my fault right now. I'm sure that there's there's some people spending their tops right now, oh yeah, That idea- and I want to I own a lean into this for a second because you may have suffered racial inequality- you may have suffered joy. Inequality. You may have been born in bangladesh. You may have bore me like you. We can you baby. Had your uncle rape, you every single day as a child, that's fucked up! I am not denying it, but why Are you place? The blame is where the power goes, and so I had to realization when I was nineteen years old, I was a very angry cat and I blamed my parents, for who I was where I was etc, and I resented both of my parents at that time. My life pretty hardcore. Did not like them, and I had this realization that I was blue aiming them for my life and then what that meant was translated glass hit my own ego and this as like. The gnat means that they're, the ones who have
power over me. These people that I dont at the time that I dont like I'm giving them the power over me not being successful in so wherever you point, the finger of blame is where the power goes until eventually it points at your chest. That's on the first day of your like real life begins because you're, like you, know what all these things happen. I had all of these things that were unequal or unfair. Would everyone to call it the terrible uncle thing: horrible, comma? I'm still here, you're still there you're still here and first ranch, bernajoux usage. You got right, and so, if you can accept that it is your fault, it's enough. The way of saying is your responsibility. because like if you blame the parent, you blame the uncle. You blame your race and I know I'm gonna get a lot of heat on that cause. I'm because I'm not here guys were acknowledged it. But the thing is: is that like? If you blame that, then it means that that's where you put the power there, and so it's like.
That a hundred per cent ignore it. Hunter percent may be true, comma. So what so one hour you have not, yet you have not now what we all acknowledge it now, what it's as simple as it gets dude and like what are you going to spend your whole fucking life, telling that fucking sad story that the honest we all, your friends and family were fucking anyway, like they really are talking about my shoulder me a fucked up for fucking two years now, eighteen months, and it is a legitimate I am a shoulder completely risk reconstructed. I fucking lost my tire. Physique I've been working, my fucking ass off then I had thing after thing after thing happened to me in a row and it's a fucking terrible shit story, but you know what I'm not three hundred and fifty pounds like I fucking used to be I'm a pretty good fucking shape, and I consider that a massive test pets past. What am I going to do now?
AL for the rest of the time maggots. So am I going to quit training and I'm going to quit, lifting when I must say phone shoulder like what are you going to do like that's, some weak, ass shit, dude, like that's, why I haven't even talked about it on my fucking stories like cause, I'm, like god, I'm fuckin tired. I thought, if I say it like and do the truth of the matter is to Alex is like you guys listening, do you have these excuse and yeah. The Mountgomerye big, big, it's gonna can take some time to climb, but there's people who have like not only like people there's not like one or two people, theirs fuckin. Thousands, probably millions of people were faced. This exact adversity, if not worse, had become more is that you are looking to become so big fucking do. That after going through all the same exact shit even worse shit. What the fuck are we talking about them It is possible that means is actually a very real thing. What one
We can do another, can do it's a real fucking bang and the disadvantage is that you have right now, if you think about yourself as the hero of your own story right, what creates the strength of the hero, the obstacle, the monster, the bigger the monster, the bigger the hero right, and so I remember in the early days when I was, I was really going through it, and I used to tell myself this is going be part of the story I would tell, and so, like the the many disadvantages that you have become advantages to the story that you have because sure, if you allow them to go, white guy, born to well off dad. You don't owe me he's a doctor. You know who that was my life, and I had so here's story. I will never be able to tell I'll, never be able to that I was a black man born in africa who made it. the guy who got he was to be no
then I had been raped and some in kicking. I can never tell that story, but there is a guy who can and so like. If you have those disadvantages to you, you become you can become the humour of that story and you become a bigger hero than I am or anti could be because of the things that you are, that you had the opportunity to overcome and so like that becomes a part of the store that you can tell and those because the motions that you say and also pave the path for everybody, hind you who doesn't think it's possible, that's the key. The key is that last part, why not work, to be the example of the person who overcomes the shit so that other people who were in your scenario will see you as a guide through the fucking forest of how to get from where you are too, where you want to be like broke, what's more noble than I do I just I don't think I I think there is much more noble them like by creating a wife that guides other people out of their fucking shit into the light they want to live through
story, not your made up shit, not the falcon fake, I'm standing in front of my flock in her card in this my story, bull, shit, I'm talking to at real fucking story, your real shit, they ve steward here in Saint louis blackmail, you know that basic routers grew of group black black. and grew up what? Probably the richest dude in this innocent easy, I mean, I would say in the midwest for do grew up and up and fuck nor saint louis in ferguson, one of the fucking shadiest parts of the entire. You all know ferguson. You heard of it work as we ve had fuckin riots. You look great area actually great people in that area, but it has been known be a very rough area historically, and it was a rough area for that man. Don't in this dude has come through now eyes he's a little builder now, but he he's bill worldwide technologies, he's overcome all as a shit, and this dude has, with his life experience
painted a real fucking path for other black men, come from those neighborhoods to believe that they can actually do similar things what is more noble than what the fuck is. Noble than that. These also paid at the same time like phuket like a loaded, say I know the wealthiest using my lot lot yeah, but I mean you'd, like you're you're obstacles in your overcoming is the nobility like. There is no nobility of victimhood there's attention and victimhood there's fuck, shares and victimhood. There's fuckin fake comments in big when there's only online. The sunrise sounded like when you start telling that sad story on instagram dear and you get those likes and those comments. Those are the lax and calmest of that. You actually want in fact most those people proudly wish you shut the fuck up? I mean real, because I know I do when I see you wanna fuck,
bitch honour over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over the same fuckin shit. over and over and over and over and over again I am like shut the fuck up. Do what you do about it like an end, maybe I'm just the one telling you that, like everybody else thinks it you know you guys roller all and he says what stick and I'm telling you right now, but as with the five people think- and I think we like one a hang out and you want to fuck verlag, forget him now a person or persons of drag they such energy right out of me like do too no nobility ability- and there is no ability staying victim, there's no, mobility and an me telling a story of how I that stabbed fucking. Twenty years ago, which actually is coming up twenty years this year, the jogging about how ruin my life for twenty five years, I could have chosen and said- ah did you know this- do fuckin stab me in this should happen, and I can say I fucked up. My life gave me ptsd gaming content
caution syndrome which you're fucking data that white lesions all my fuckin brain because of it and live with that shit. My whole life? Ok, I don't forget hell s story, never by every single person would be justified in like fuck, that's impact of shit right, but what the fuck else, what to do a I'd, be the person I'd, be the old man now who don't have shit, who does have fuckin anything who's not out here. You know how We know some, you guys have been inspired by me. doing a shit, because I I believe I was fourteen states that spot yesterday spot dude, it's a bad fucking spot There is no nobility and it only nobility cup and there's no nobility fuckin pacifying it either the bill. Becomes in overcoming the nobility comes in creating such it's. What you said success is the only revenge. Is that the ultimate revenge is too only fuckin revenge that the path that you're on the you're trying to create you getting to the point where its undeniable,
well that you have achieved that too, where every single human being has ever fuck with you whatsoever that that that thought There's no way it's going to happen, there's no way they're gonna do that which, by the way, I've been told all of it my whole fucking life. we have to say mother, fucking, word anymore, but to say anything about the talk shit. I don't say, hey why what I do, or this is day one wait till you see me malfunctions no, they know ok, because they know, and because that stories undeniable other people that I come from the same fucking hood. I came from over here in south ST louis. Those people look at that and they say fuck dude. If that dude did it, I fucking knew it and that's the whole point. That's the whole point of the jury. We're on do because stories are passed down. generationally they're, not it's not just about us. It's not just about what's going on today is not just about your instagram. Following about what fucking wiper you actually living and what message does that life send
how does it actually affect the people coming behind you because did to me I'm a little bit older than than you and look at all and probably a lot of you guys listening like that's all I really think about any more like I don't think about like what can I get? What can I do when I think about, like I fuck dude? How can I make this so great that people fucking are inspired by it, not not in a literal way, but in a massive way? How can it change people's lives by just in that story and like dude, you guys all every single human being listening to this right now. Has that opportunity bro, you have a blank canvas. You have a blank canvas in front of your fucking. Face that you get to with and allow you mother fuckers, ruining it because you're sitting there saying I deserve better. Well, then do better. It's as simple. You can spend the same energy justifying your victimhood is justifying your success to man. You're right, you're, right about that or any other. She said now:
a wider we're goin on three hours like a record for us any closing thoughts man. I really appreciate you make the time to come. Albion shouted was like I was to sex and illegal. little kid. I was like fourteen days yeah, but I was reciprocating those tanks cause. I was just excited. In fact, I told DJ that today I said dude I am excited the show with Alex, because I truly believe bro and out of all the people. I've come across that you have one of the best entrepreneur brains going out there, and I know that I I mean, as shit like. It is very obvious, like it's from an operator to an operator right like like there's guys that that have put out content like yeah. That's true, that's good stuff, like that's good,
then there's guys in there's people to put our content that most people are like what the fuck does that mean in a yo can only really understand it if you're actually operate and now you're one of those guys man. I appreciate everything you do and all the content you put out in think it's. What you ve done is fuckin amazing in its cost factor like be your friend and like just here all this shit nude because, like it's very It's very parallel to my journey, a very, very, very parallel. It's fucking coolly Well, I'm incredibly honour to be here. I was looking forward to it a ton. I mean you're you're, an inspiration in terms of what you have built like you will build the iconic coming because you won't stop, I don't know you don't else right and I think you know for the audience. on a long enough time horizon. If you gain the repetitions, you can't tell em to redefine successful quick. So if think about any worthwhile endeavour there. Actually not finite games there, infinite games, and so on.
when a game, so Simon Sinek popularized this a little bit, but he I'll just recap: it real, quick, fun and games where you have known players agreed upon rules and agreed upon way of winning An infinite game is a game where there are known and unknown players. There are no rules and the only point of the games to keep the game going, and so where people fail is that they apply a finite contract to an infinite game. So, like U s lost in vietnam, because vietnam was just trying to stay alive. I was all they are trying to They were turned away, they weren't going to stop dreaming stay alive exactly as we try to have a finite outcome to an infinite game. That's why we lost, and so people try like most games worth playing. You can't win. You can only play so marriage, for example, you're not gonna, win marriage. You, the point of marriage, is to keep the marriage going. At health. You don't win health point of view. healthy being in shape, is to stay in shape and you don't win at business. The point is to stay in business and to stay in the game.
to keep playing, and I think when I read that the sudden. I realise that by being in the arena, I was a success, and so I was able to enjoy the fact that by that definition, success I was winning, and so I think, if we are able to- and anyone who is listening- is able to remove the expectation of some finite outcome. That's going to happen because I promise you all of us here in this room of achieve some go. just move the goalposts right, there's more to game. You play yourself, just like you when you're on the cardio machine and you're like ok. Thirty minutes is three tens and you're like okay, it's five sixers or you know you play the game, but the thing is is like with with all of the games that are worth playing. They. The fact that you can play them is what makes them worth the effort, and so I think that if you, if you can redefine that, then it means you can't lose and if you have a fear of failure making your games infinite games guarantees victory, allow that dude it's fucking. True too, I spent the first eighteen years
is being business, not realising that I could have enjoy that entire process because, because, unlike that respected the urgent said, I could have ensured that entire process, because I'm still gonna get there, and if there is something else and roquelaire so old person said It's what you don't realize when you're young is that it's always the good old days yeah that, like for some reason, they're like hit me cause I was like. I think you know I talk about the time when I was sleeping on the gym floor, and at that point I was like this is not feel like the good old days when I was a little more successful, man. I remember when I sleep on the floor when I had like six years of life, lost it all again and then going through the shit that happened that you heard you know the beginning, his pockets like us, like man. This is horrible? I can't breathe. but then, like I look back on that, I'm like man, those are the good old days like I was forging me at that time, and so it's trying to put on my hat of saying like right now, I'm in the good old days of future me,
it. S been like a really helpful frame in terms of thinking like how to enjoy it. But a bit more and the other way I've tried to think through. This would give you a couple of things It brought me a lot, but I'm up I struggle with gratitude. I'm not I'm not good at it and so I've had to come with these things, and so I have to focus on it too. Yeah yeah, one of them, was whatever, we're doing right now. Many times might be the last time you do it like I admire sleep over I eleven years old or something with a friend if I'd known that that was the last sleep over I was ever gonna have probably appreciated were, but there's a lot of last that we do before we die. We think that low dialect, that's it like the last time, I might go to europe and a backpack might be in your twenty's yeah, like I'm, never gonna backpack in, like I accepted as it's never gonna happen. I've just had appointment like I'm not going to happen, and so I was like wow. I miss that like that is never going to happen and if you're in there whenever you're phases there's these things. That will be your last and if you can appreciate them for that, they just taste a little bit sweeter
the last spring. The tell me out, as I called the grandfather frame, but try this out one time either like if you're driving her we're working out right now, a man Jane you are your eighty five year old self, like you're, really old, and that you woke up today in your body as it currently is it's a weird- it's like it's, it's kind of trippy to think about it, but like if you're, eighty five years old and I'm actually here, like I zoomed into the smaller You'D- that's not it also babbling. so young yeah, because I remember cause I'm eighty five and I know what you look like and you're. Eighty five like to admit my knees, don't hurt! You know what I mean my my my shoulder right now. Look at Laila. I remember wonder where this young knight man we were just get. You know we were just building acquisition of howards in our first or second year like this is so cool like and all of a sudden. My morning, coffee becomes this reliving of a moment that I have an eighty five years old and it has been something that's like I try practices thinks you think they're like muscles. Like you to know, I'm keep remembering this frames and so like. I think that if you can practice.
Those while you're in the game and in the arena it makes it a little sweeter, even the very painful losses. While I love that dude, that's that's an awesome perspective. I am never even thought about like that. I struggle with that shit too. I think when you're ambitious bro it's hard to, if you struggle gratitude, yeah it's hard to be satisfied when you want morton or brother. Thank you so much for sharing. I think today it's awesome to have you on the show, I'd love to have you back some time for sure, and I know we'll do that and guys. precision guys tune in alex work and they follow Where you do most of your stuff, the deepest stuff is the podcast, so the game, and that just type in my name, alshon moseyed the game. Wherever you listen, that's one for you to channel its I'm pretty active on the arm. So that's a lot lot o. My lot, like my longest stuff, is youtube in pike s. But if you just want like check out some of the short stuff, to graham twitter, I'm super active on twitter and personally I tweet all the time. Does I think I'm fine,
seen I'm right words, so you have your on twitter with, nor were words or fancy, but yeah, I'm among most major powers, So if you like the longer deeper stuff, youtube and pike S or the place to go, and I have a thumb, the hundred our offers book, which right now, I think, has twelve thousand five stars fauna. nonsense, macedonia and sets. So that's not an aim, as I keep sixty six over this, not my like average on their bellicose later it up, it's up a lot of people make more money with airbus we're guys have your unfamiliar with Alex. You are now a little bit more familiar and I believe one hundred percent that you'll find value and in the things that he does broken Thank you so much for making the trip out, ah guys. that's the show. I appreciate you guys. I love you guys. Please pay the feed this one. I know that you daphne I value on this if you did you're full of shit, so please
if he was sure this out there and I'll see you guys next time sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.